HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140829 Ver 1_Application_20140804Coi•ps Siibmittal Covei• Sheet Please provide the following info: 1. Project Name: SR 1338A — White Oak Road 2. Name of Property Owuer/Applicaut:_North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT� 3. Name of Consultant/Agent: 'AgeM im�horization needs to 6e attached. 4. Related/Previous Action ID uumber(s):_SAW-2008-1805; DWO Project No. 080916 Site Address: N/ 5. Subdivision Name: 6. City: _Ma i� e Va 7. Connty: Ha�,�voc 8. Lat: 35.6541 N Long: -82.0005 W (Decimal Degrees Pleose) 9. Quadrangle Name: Cove Creek Gap 10. Water�va}�: Rocky Brancli (DWR Class: C) 11. Waterslied: _French Broad River (I-ICU: 060101061 12. Requested Action: X Natiouwide Permit # ] 4 Ueneral Periuit # Jurisdictional Determination Request Pre-Application Request The following information will be caupleted by Corps office: AID: Prepare Pile Polder Assign uumber iu ORM Begiu Date Authorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature of Activity/ Project Pm�pose: Site/Waters Name: Keyw�ords: PnT McCaoav Govea�oe � e��Mo� ��� �v� �� �c �:i STATE OF NORTII CAROLWA DEPARI`MENT OF TRANSPORTATION AUgUSf 1, ZOI4 Ms. Lori Beckwith, NCDOT Regulatoiy Project Man�ger U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Patton Avemie, Room 208 Asheville, NC 28801-2714 A�'rl lonY J. TnTn Secatr.�ar Siibject: Nationwide 14 Permit Application SR 1338A — White Oak Road Hay���ood County State Project No. 1dC.044101 (DWR Miuor Pci•mit F'ce: $240.00) Dear Ms. Beck�vitl�: Tl�e North Carolina Dep�rtment of Transportation (NCD01') is proposing to widen, grade, aud pave the reuiaii�ing segment of tlie suUject road fi•om the end of esisting pavement to the intersection of SR 1396 and SR 1346. "1'his propos�l entails widening and pav�ng the remaiuing grlvel section to a stand�rd 18-foot roadway to meet curreut NCDOT secondary road standards. P'nnds have been allocated for tliis project and NCDOT would like to perform these activities duriug the 2014-15 construetion seasou. A Natimiwide 14 Permit (Action ID No. SAW-2008-1805) and a 401 WQC (DWQ Project No. 080916) were issned for tl�is project in July ai�d Jwie 2008, respectively�, but mily a portimi of tl�e work ���as cmupleted becnuse �n easement for a section of the road through Natioual Parlc Service (NPS) propern- liad not been obtaine�i. As �er�nitted, a culvert in an unn�med h•ibutai�- to tl�c Pigeon River (Permit Site 1) was eitmided, but the culvert iu Rocic�� Brauch m� the NPS property (Permit Site 2) was not. The 404 permit and 401 WQC espi�•ed iu Jul,y 2010. Iu Tebru�iy 2010, an �nvironment�l Assessment (�A) �v�s completecl by tl�e NPS and an accompau,ying FON5I �vns issued in Mn,y 2010. NCDOT was granted nn easement frmn the NPS and c�n complete Hie re�uainiug road iuiprovements. I am e�iclosiug a copy of the May 2010 FONSI (ls� p�ge) frav tlie NPS, a completed Rapanos Jurisdictional Deteruiin�tion form, a marked viciiiiry map, a USGS topographie uiap, aerial pliotograph, pipe installation details, and photographs of tlie existing culvert opening. We ai•e proposing to esteud tl�e culvej•t at Site 2 iu Rocicy Br�uch to allow cmupletion of the road improvement worlc tl�an begau iu 2009. The culvert will be iustalled slightly belo�v die eaisting streambed elevation wliere bedrock is not eucouiltered to minimize impacts to aquatic habitat and to allow the existiiig stream gradient to remain as unchauged as physically possible. Courtecn�h Division Otiicc Telephone: (823) 586-2141 2�3 VVebster Road, Sylva, Nurlh C�u'olinu 28779 P'as: (328) �56-4043 SR 1338 —1Iay�vood County Page 2 August 1, 2014 The North Carolina Natural Heritage Program databTSe was checked for records of threatened aud endangered species. There are 49 species listed for Hay�vood County tl�at liave federal status. Nii1e species, Caroliva northern Ilyiug squirrel (G/nucom��s sr�brrnus colorntus), gray bat (dlynlis gri,sescens), Indiana bat (11�1��otis .c�odrdis), Appalachian elktoe (Alnsnridontt� rm�enelim�n), spruce-fir moss spider (�llicrolrextn�a montii�ngn), small whorled pogonia (Isoh•in medeoloi�les), spreading avens (Geion rnrlintmn), rock gnome lichen (G�nm�oc%rntn linenre), and eastern cougar (Pmna calcolor coi�giinr), are listed as either tlueatened or endangered. The eastern cougar is Icnown only froni l�istorical records. The northern long-eared bTt (il�Iptosis septenlrionalis) may be listed in the near future. Small whorled pagonia rypically occurs in opeu, di7�, deciduous ��voods with acid soil, thongh habitats can inclnde slopes aloug streams and mesic forest in associ�tion witl� wl�ite pine and rhododendron. Tl�e nearest record for tl�is plaut iu Hay���ood Coimt}� is almost 10 miles fi�om tlie project �re�. Rip�ri�n habit�t ue�r the culvert consists of dense uude�srory vegetation that would preclude small �vhorled pagonia. Suitable habitat for this plant also appe�rs lacking elsewhere along the roadway Gvhere the widening will occur. Tl�e Carolina northern flying squirrel, tl�e rock guome lichen, spruco-fir moss spider and spreading avens are species that are foiuid in liaUitats at relativel}� high elevatioiis. "1'he rock gnome lichen does occur at lower elevation in some deep gorges with high humidity, iisiially on vertical rock formatious. However, the elevatiou at tl�e site is approsiuiately 2,500 feet �ud lacks vertical rock faces. The project area is not characteristic of t�e Carolina nortliern flying squirrel, rock gnome lichen, spruce-fir moss spider or spreading avens. Thc gray bat requires cavc l�abitat year roiind and caves are not present neTr the road. Rocky Braueh is approximately 2 feet in width and does not have sufficient flow to support die Appalachian elktoe or other nmssels. The population of Appalachian elktoe in the Pigeon River is over 18 miles upstream of the conflue�ice of Rocky Branch witli the Pigeon River. Althongh the Indiaua bat is listed in the database, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Seil�ice does not consider Haywood Connt}� to be aii "Indiana bat cou�it}�". Trees that will be i•emoved are not suitable for bat roosting; ho�vever, as mandated by die NPS, tree removal will be conducted beriveen October 15 aud April 15 (winter clearing) to prevent incidental iulpacts to roosting bats In addition, the US Fisl� and Wildlife Seivice (USFWS) are considering the listing of the northern long-eared bat in the falVwinter of 2014. Northern long-eared bats are kuown to use trees with sloughing bark for sununer roosts. Therefore, as prescribed by the USFWS, any tree removal «�ill be couducted beriveen October IS aud April I S(winter clearing) to prevent iucidental impacts to roosting bats. There could be iiidirect effects dae to removal of potential i•oost trees, but tlie loss of sach a small number of h�ees in a priuiarily forested laudscape sholild be iusiguificant. The 2010 EA/PONSI ca�cluded that the wideniug project would likely �iot affect auy listed aquatic or terrestrial species. �valuation of available records and our observations of habitats near t�e road support tl��t conclusion. We recommend a determinTtion of "no effecY' on listed SR 1338 — H�y��vood Coaury Page 3 August 1, 2014 species �a�ith the eaception of a"m�,y affect, not likel,y to adversely affect" for the Iudiana bat and Northern Long-eareci bat due to the avoidance of tree clearing din ing tlie tree roosting seasons. The project area has been dislurbecl by tlie eYisting roadway and nearb}� residenlial development. As specified in tlie 2010 EA/FONSi, there will be no impacts to liistoric architecture or ardiaeologic�lresources. Best manageinent }nactices �>>ill bc used to minimize aud control sedimentation aud erosion on tlie project. The construction foreman will revie�v all erosion coutrol meTSiires and insare they are funetioniug properly. The devices �vill be replaced immediTtel}� with better devices if they are not fimctioning as intended. Water �vill be diverted around the work site to minimize erosion and sedimentation associateci with the ctilvert installation. Impacts to Waters of tiie Uuited St�tes Rocky Branch (DWR Class C) is slio�vn on the USGS topograpl�ic map as a perenuial strea�n. It has a defined cha�uiel tliat l�cks vegetation �vith � bed composed of sancl, silt, aud gravel. Rocky Branch ilows iuto tlie Pigeon River QS mile downstream of the cuh�ert Tl�e Pigeon Rivei• meets the detiuition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For these reasous, ��ve believe Rocky BrTUCh meets the definition of Relativcly Perinaneut Water and is under the jnrisdiction of tlie U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. In order to construct the project in accordance �vith our curreut seca�dary road standat•ds, it �vill be necessaiy to impact ��vaters of the United States iu the Frencl� Broad River Basui (HUC 06010106). Specifically, NCDOT is requestu�g to e�teud/replace one metal culvert in Rocky Branch. Listed below is a summary of the proposed impacts. Site No. ���sti�ig Conditiou Piroposed Couditiou Net Statim� Im �acts c:.,. i. co�nc ��� ��+>�nno �c+., io++�neo � + �n ���� ,�n--Inslalledin?.00) 3& �i2� �ro ...............n:�.,.{zCr'^vn'���cr:sron c:t� 9i$H3�% xcu�.pa�xca7-r�rnc �� �e4 Inslnlle<I in 2009 Site 2; 40' x 36" CMP 50'� 42" CMY 10' Sta. 74+19 Site 2A Free Flowiug Sta. 74+19 Channel Impetvious Dike and Flo�v Diversion ] 00' lbtal Peruiai�eut Sh�eam Lnpact — Culvcrt 10' Total Temporai,ry Streant Iuipact for I�upe�vioiis Dilce and Flow Diversiou ]00' Permits Requested NCDOT is hereby requesting authorization uncler Section 404 of the Clean Water Act to proceed �viUi the constructiai project outliued above. By copy of this letter, I am aski�ig Ms. Marla Cliambers, Western NCDOT Review Coordinator for the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commissiou, to conuueut directly to you concerning tlie 404 Natiouwide Permit request. SR 1335 — Hay�vood County Pagc 4 August l, 2014 Also, by copy of this letter, I am t•equesting anthorization uuder Section 401 of tl�e CleTn Watcr Act fi•om the North Carolina Dep�rtment of Enviromnent and Nahiral Resources (DENR), Division of Water Resoiu•ces (DWR). in addition, I am reqtiestiug tl�at Ms. Cl�ambers aiid Mr. Ben DeWit, �I, Roadside Enviromuental Field Oper�tions Engiueer (NCDOT) comment directly to me concerning this permit request. If you have any questions or need additional iuformatiai, please contact me at (828) 586-2141. Your earlicst review aud consideration of this request will be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / �//-i/�✓J�� �z ���i Mark S. Davis Division ]4 Eiiviroiunental Siipervisor Enclosures cc: Ms. Amy Chapma�i, Division of Water Resoui•ces — DENR, Raleigl� Mr. Kevin Barnett, Division of Water Resources — DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Mays, Biologist, U.S. Pish aud Wildlife Service, Aslieville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCD01' Revie�v Coordivator, NCWRC, AlUemarle Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Environmental Field Oper�tions ];ngineer, NCDOT Mr. Jonathan Woodard, PE, DisU�ict 2 Engineer, NCDOT, Whittier o`('/�/1�^� ■W1 ,1A,■/T F�\9J\�1c O V\�-�� ���-�� ' Y v Office Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Constrnction Notificatiou PC Form A. A � lic�nt Iufo�•m�tion 1. Processing 1 a. Type(s) of approval sought from lhe Corps: � Section 404 Pennit ❑ Seclion 10 Permit 1b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number: NW 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1 c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by lhe Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from lhe DWQ (check all that apply): � 401 Water Quality Certi(ication — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Aulhorization 1 e. Is lhis nolificalion solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For the record only for Corps Pennit: because written approval is not required? Certification: ❑ Yes �No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes �No of impacts? If so, altach the acceptance lefter from mitigafion bank or in-lieu fee program. 1 g. Is the project located in any of NC's twenly coastal counties. If yes, answer 1 h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is lhe project located within a NC DCM Area of [nvironmental Concern (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: SR 1338A — While Oak Road 2b. County: Haywood 2c. Nearest municipalily / town: Maggie Valley 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or State 14C.044101 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Deparlment of Transportalion 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Party (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. Cily, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markciavisCcDncdot.qov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicant is: ❑ Agent ❑ Other, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Street address: N/A 4e. City, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. Ayent/Consultant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Slreet address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identi(ication no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Site 2 Latitude: 35.6541 N Longilude: -83.0005 W (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Surface Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (stream, river, etc.) to Rocky Branch proposed project: 2b. Water Quality Classification of nearest receiving water: Rocky Branch (DWR Class: C) 2c. River basin: French Broad (HUC 06010106) Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 3. Project Description 3a. Describe the existing condilions on lhe site and lhe general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The project is on a narrow gravel road lhat is surrounded by closed canopy deciduous foresL The project site is located adjacent to a single family residence and driveway and forested park areas. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 3c. Lisl the total estimated linear feet of all exisling streams (intenniltent and perenniaq on the property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of lhe proposed project: This project will improve a gravel road section by allowing widening and paving to an 18 foot roadway to meet current NCDOT secondary road standards. 3e. Describe lhe overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: The water in the sUeam will be diverted and the exisling culvert replaced and extended by 10 linear feet to provide suffcient width to widen the shoulders on both sides of the road. Trackhoes, dump trucks, bulldozers, graders, paving equipment, water pumps, diversion pipe and various hand tools will be used to accoinplish ihe work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or slream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for this properly / � Yes � No ❑ Unknown project (including all prior phases) in the past? Comments: N/A 4b. If lhe Corps made the jurisdictional delenninalion, what type � preliminary ❑ Final of determinalion was made? 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list lhe dates of lhe Corps jurisdictional determinalions or State determinalions and atlach documentalion. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certifications been requested or obtained for � Yes ❑ No ❑ Unknown this project (including all prior phases) in the past? 5b. If yes, explain in cietail according to "help fle" inslructions. This application is requested to reaulhorize impacts at Site 2 under Action ID No. SAW-2008-1805; DWQ Project No. 080916, which expired in July 2010. The work at Site 1 was completed in 2009; however, the road was not completed due to lhe fact that the remainder of the roadway was located on National Park Service (NPS) property. NCDOT had to obtain an easement from lhe National Park Service in order to complete the road. An EA/FONSI was completed by the NPS in 2010 and the easement was granted to NCDOT. 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Suinmary 1 a. Which sections were coinpleted below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - tributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construction 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 2. Wetland Impacts If there are wetland impacts proposed on the site, then complete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Welland impact Type of jurisdiction number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanenl (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem orar T W1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Yes ❑ Corps N/A ❑ No ❑ DWQ W2 � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P � T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Tot�l �vetl�ud impacts N/A 2h. Comments: 3. Stream Impacts If ihere are perennial or intermitlent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on the site, then complete this queslion for all stream sites impacted. 3 a. 3b. 3c. 3 d. 3 e. 3f. 3g. Stream irnpact Type of impact Stream name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream lenglh Permanent (P) or intennittent DWQ — non-404, width (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? olher) (feet) feet) S2 � P❑ T Culvert Extension Rocky Branch � PER � Corps 2 10 ❑ INT � DWQ S2A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion Rocky Branch � PER � Corps 2 100 ❑ INT � DWQ � P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ � P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ ❑ P ❑ T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ � P � T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ � P � T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ � P � T ❑ PER ❑ Corps ❑ INT ❑ DWQ 3h. Totel Permnnent Stremm �nd Tributary Impacts - Culvert 10' Totnl Tempm•a�y Sh�enm Imp�ets fm• Impervious Dilce and Flow Diversion 100' 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, iributaries, sounds, the Allantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open waler impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody rype Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem orar T 01 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4G Totnl open �r�ntcr impacts N/A 4g. Comments: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If ond or lake conslruction ro osed, then com lete lhe chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Slream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number ofpond Flooded Filled Excavated Floocied Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SC Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N!A 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permil ID no: 5i. Expected pond surface area (acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of construction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for DWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, lhen individually list all buffer impacts below. If an im acls re uire miti ation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Project is in which protected basin? ❑ Catawba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 impact Pennanent (P) or for Stream name miligaiion (square feet) (square feet) Tem orar T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A O Nos N/A N/A B2 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 63 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Tot�l buffcr impncts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The culvert will be extended the minimum length necessary lo provide adequate shoulder width to meet current NCDOT secondary road slandards. 1 b. Specifically describe measures taken to avoid or minimize lhe proposed impacts through construction techniyues. Water will be diverted around lhe culvert during installation and appropriate BMP's will be installed to provide erosion and sedimentation control during construction. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for ❑ Yes � No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 2b. If yes, mitigatiou is require<I by (check nll Ih�t apply): ❑ DWQ ❑ Corps ❑ Mitigalion bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this � payment to in-lieu fee program project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Mitigalion 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credits Purchased (altach receipt and letter) Type N/A Quantiry N/A 3c. Comments: N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10. 2008 Version 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. ❑ Yes 4b. Stream mitigalion requested: N/A linear feet 4c. If using stream mitigalion, stream temperalure: ❑ warm ❑ cool �cold 4d. Buffer miligation requesled (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland miligation requested: N/A acres 4f. Non-riparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland miligation requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: 5. Complete if Usiny a Permit[ee Responsible Mitigation Plan 5a. If using a permitlee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of lhe proposed miligation plan. N/A 6. Buffer Mitic�ation (State Regulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer fhat requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigation? 6b. If yes, then identify the square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculale the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Lone Reason for impact Total impact Mulfiplier Required mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer mitigation required: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of mitigation is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, pennittee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Fonn — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Manayement and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1 a. Does fhe project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers idenlified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse (low plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: N!A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Stormwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is lhe overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Slormwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Management Plan, explain why: N/A 2d. If lhis project DOES require a Stormwater Management Plan, then provide a brief, narralive descriplion of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of the Stormwater Management Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local government's jurisdiction is lhis project? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater managernent programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Olher: 3c. Has lhe approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of lhe following state-implemented stormwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan wilh proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does the Stormwaler Managemenl Plan meet lhe appropriale requiremenls? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submitfal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Inforrnation 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) 1 a. Does lhe project involve an expendilure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � Yes ❑ No use of public (federal/state) land? 1b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environmental document pursuant to the requirements of the Nalional or State ❑ Yes � No (Norlh Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1 c. If you answered "yes" lo lhe above, has the document review been finalized by lhe State Clearing House? (If so, altach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes � No Comments: The 2010 EA/ FONSI was prepared by the National Park Service (NPS) in order for the Service to grant and easement to NCDOT to complete the last segment of the roadway, which crossed NPS property. 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is the site in violation of DWQ Welland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Welland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 .0200)? 2b. Is this an after-the-facl permit applicalion? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above questions, provide an explanation of lhe violation(s): N/A 3. Cumulative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated fulure impacts) result in � Yes � No additional developmenl, which could impact nearby downstream water qualily? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quantitative cumulative impac[ analysis in accordance with the most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This is a narrow gravel road with light traffic. The project is limited to the widening and paving of the existing roadway to meet current NCDOT secondary roaQ standards and improve safety for lhe traveling public. These improvements are not likely to impact development patlerns in this isolaled area. 4. Sewage Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail the ultiinate lreatment methods and disposilion (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from lhe proposed project, or available capacily of the subject facility. N!A Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 5. Endanc�ered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area wilh federally protected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Act � Yes � No impacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Office you have contacted. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use to determine whelher your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habilat? The completion of the 2010 EA/FONSI prepared by the Nalional Park Service in order for the Service to grant an easemenl to NCDOT for lhe completion of SR 1338. The North Carolina Natural Heritage Database was also used. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designaled as essential (ish habital? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What dala sources did you use to determine whether your sile would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A-There are no marine or estuarine communities wilhin the Blue Ridge Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal governmenls have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designalion or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would impact historic or archeological resources? The project is along an existing roadway that has been disturbed in the past by construction and maintenance. The 2010 EA/FONSI prepared by the Nalional Park Service did not identify any historical or archeological resources in the project area. Therefore, the project will have no effect on hisloric architeclure and archaeological resources (see attached). 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will lhis project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No 8b. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requirements: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain determination? NC Floodplain Mapping Program Mark S. Davis, % � � Divisiou 14 �nvironniental Siipeivisor �" l�'�✓ �� � � � Applicant/AgenYs Printed Name ApplicanUAgenYs Signature Date (AgenCs signature is valid only if an aulhorization letter from the ap licant is rovided. Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version sr_1338_site#1.dgn 09/12I2007 06:50:14 AM ,s,�e�.t, ' yaywoa✓eo. �SfA. 1Y y/`I [Jlt,�eOAr� �. ,�w.sr, , •yd'x aa' c.� PzoP - so'a 'GZ" cKP �Ke� - //O 7,r3M ,E/ey = ioo.o,(N�a 3s: . � E.t�eNC� �u�cT-l�- �D �x�ST, G2, -G.D 7 �/zop 6K. _ s. � ,o atD ,,,,,, �S/z /�38,q �� \ .,, �dso�,y�e� � . \i„� e ' V .�`' =1 N C -Q O N � °U � Y 'C (6 � � � Z N =' >. L C � � `. O 0o U M -Q M � � O � 3 (n T (6 _ a c m J '� N N � a a z c � v� rn d J � � � N � � O 0 � � -a �o m m o U �� Y � (6 � Z � >, �aC-" � > � � `. O �U M -p M p � O � T � � Z v m � Ci �' N �^ � O N � D z Y" ; _�� � � � cULL LL v � � � J U M � N � 0 � N 0 0 '`� s � �� ^ .. � . . � ' �{y� 'D� n"T'.. R"�, w 4' � ,.]: ✓ �z . �.!`' o .� �. .. �i� ,�'�. . , ��.. - �• i' ` � r ` � � � � -) .� � r �. �. ' � "� �`z 't}�► x' x . = • v �. �-' ,� ' � ��.. �•.�.It . ��,.'>: �.:.,�.:" .-� �`� � 4C'�, . (�� 0 �.' � .! � :, � -. '. 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Z � 7,, :.: a �3 L;vc ' (l- . )�i+.s� - I j�r�l4 �� H � � c �,, �� � �� �dnf� �/ � o /� �M,� - J.�U' / �f/��,[�� ,.� ���o� _ ���� 1��1 ,5.��✓" a��U� - /iiUS z �� � ����%� �'���� � �r/. o�� ��� � �v � � � I� i� -�-S 0 ' �- % /� � ,� I /. 55+00 � �� �y 65+00 .�°�� � � � � n. I .- _ d � � I-�----.5 � 65+00 � d � �� r � I .� �� 6 �3 � � U � �� . .. -�---5 � .- � '- I I 3 \ � � � � I�5 �a+oo lc� �pyN� r�ARi�/ i z z . �'`�� 2� � � yr��s✓; ii�, .✓ � ' z��8� ���ao . — — ,���,�� rs � Q i EK.� S�e ve,✓51 Z�! /9/o S /zoosr✓�I� � ,�o9EK s , ��.�..����s 7 �r5� � — � � I � o-� � � �� , � : .. �3. _ ' I� 75+00 - �n� �to�-{ `�oyl� � . �1 le�,.w,o �5 3'Z`� �jL'iNK .D�NNV l7R J . W�yNESV',�1�, cic. Z��£:� i �s _ 7�+%/) � �� 1 11 \ eC EX;st ,� I-r—S _ 75+40 -- �- �f� e:�— C _�y _s.��3�� �'i3�fG� . - �;�o �?,1�,�,s�'� �,Z � � � /1�� fo:tiz � /���c -s�'r✓rce� G(2Z� �n0�� /'/D�scf ��✓��/ ��//F4L��� � /p% /�/� /�ezd9soz/%r=/s /C�oad / G�%/i�.�l,r�� %i✓ �3���1� /7 % I3 � / r ; ; � ,� s � /B � �ok'� �/ �a ' � �aP %I % ,� � 0 ,—�- �7o+�Z — - i 'UE'� i'ti- �� e`�` � /�� �S � I ,�a,.�� .S z , %D '�"/,�,1� i I � 70+C0 n � I- FINDING OF NO SIGNIPICANT IMPACT TOR NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION'S WHITE OAK ROA.D WIDENING -ENVIRONM�NTAL ASSESSMENT- GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK Gatlinburg, Tennessee The Prefened Alternative does not constitute an action that normally requires preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) in accordance with the regulations issued by the Council on Environmental Quality. The Preferred Altemative will not have a significant effect on the human environment. Environmental impacts that could occur are negligible or minor in intensity. 'I'here are no significant impacts ou public health, public safety, threatened or endangered species, sites or districts listed in or eligible for listing in tUe National Register of Historic Places, or other uiuque characteristics of the region. No highly uncertain or controversial impacts, unique or unknown risks, significant cumulative effects, or elements of precedence were identified. Implementation of the action will not violate any Federal, State, or local environmental protection law. Based on the foregoing, it has Ueen determiued that an EIS is not required for this project and tlms will not be prepared. � �le A. Great Smoky Mountains National Park S «�10 Date Approved: 'S�y' J �' � David Vela Date ' Regional D rector, National Park Seivice, Southeast Regon APPROVCD JURISDICTIO�AI, D�TERI171NATION f OR\�1 U.S. Army Corps of Giginccrs This form should be completed by follo�ving Ihe instructions prorided in Sec�ion N of the 7D Fonn Instmclionnl Guidebook. SECTIOY I: BACKGROUND INrOR\IATION A. REPORT CO�IPLE'f10N UATE i'OR APPROVBD JURISDICTIOYAL DETCR\IINATION (JD): B. DISTRICT O�RICE, RILE NADIC, AVD NUD�IfiCR: C. PROdECT LOCA"fION AND QACICGROUND INCOR�IATION: SR 1338A- \\'hiteonk Rond S�a�e: NC Counry/parislilborough: Hny�vood City: n�inggie Vnlley Cen�er coordinates ol si�c QaVlong in dcgrcc Aecimnl fonnat): Ltil. 3�.(�41° N, Long. -R3.0005° R'. Unireisnl"fransrerse �4ercalor: Namc of ncnms[ �vntcrbadp: Rockp I3rnnch Namc of ncarest Traditional Navigablc AVnter (�NVA') lnto �ahich �he nquntic resource Flo�rs: Pigeon River Nmne ol �vate�shed or Hydrologic Uni( Code (HUC): 060101060200�0 � Chcck if map/dingmm of revic�v nrea nnd/or po�enlial jurisdic�iunnl areas is/are available upun request. ❑ Check if other sites (e.g., offsile mitigalion sites, disposal sites, ete...) are associated �vilh this ac�ion and nrc reeorded on a differzn� ID form. D. RCVICR' P�RP'OR�IGD POR SITC EVALUATIO� (CH�CI<ALL'fHA'f APPLY): � Ottice (Desk) Detennination. Da�c: blay 30, 2008 � Field De�ennination. Daie(s): July I6, 2014 SECTION II: SU�I\[ARl' Or RINDINCS A. RIIA SPCTION t0 DCTER�IINATIO� Of JURISUICTION. There Pielz Lisf "unrignble irn�ers o% dre US." �vi�hin Rivers nnd Harbors Act (RHA) jurisdic�ion (as detined bp 33 C�R part 329) in �he rZYie�V 8r2V1 [l2et/IliPe(l� ❑AVaterss subjecl Lo tlie ebb m�d llo�e of Ihe tidc. ❑\Vaters are presenlly used, or have bcen used in the pnst, or may be susceptible for use to h�nnsport interstate or foreign commerec. 8lplain: R. C\VA SI'sCTION J04 DCTGR�IIYATION O� JURISUICTION. Thcre Are `Sro�ers oJ'Nre U.S." �vilhin Clcan lVnter Act (C\VA) I���"isdiction (ns defined by 33 CFI2 pnrt 32R) in Ihe revie�v area [Re9rriredJ 1. R'aters of the U.S, n. Indicnte presence of wnters of U.S. in reriew nren (checic nll thnt npply): � ❑ TNNs, including ierritorial seas ❑ \Vetlands adacem to TN\Vs � Reln�ively permnnen� �vaten' (I2N\Vs) �hat Ilou� directly or indirectly into TNWs ❑ Von-2PlVs that tlo��� direc�ly or indircctly in�o TIQNs ❑ 1Vetlmids �irectly ahuliing RPNs that Flo�v dircc�ly or indircctly into TNVVs ❑ AVellands adjacent �o bm no� dirce�ly nbutting RPAVs Ihnt Flow direc�ly or indirectlr into "fNVVs ❑ \Vctlnnds adjaccnt �o non-RPAVs �hnt tlow direclly or iodirectly into TN Ws ❑ linpoundincn�s of jurisdic�ional �vaters ❑ Isola�ed (intcrstn�e or intrns(nte) welers, including isolaled �ve�lands b. Identify (eslimnfe) size of wntcrs of tl�e US. in �he reriew nren: Non-�retland �vaters: 200 linenr feet 2�vidlh (fl) and/or acres. \Vetlands: acres. c. Limits (boundnries) ofj�n�isdiction hased on: Pick List Ele��ation of es�nblished OHVVn4 (il'kno��°n): . 2. Non-regulnted �rntershvetl�nds (checi< if npplicnble):' ❑ Potentinllyjurisdic�ionnl �vnters and/or weUands �vere nssessed �vitliin the review area and detenuined lo be notjurisdictional. F�pinin: ' I3oses checked belo�r shnll be suppo�ted by completing Ihe npproprin�e sec�ions in Sec�ion IlI beloa•. ' Ibr purposes of lhis form, an AP\1' is deFineA as a tribulary �h;ll is' not a TNIV and Ihat lypically Ilo�cs pear-round or has cominuous Ilow at lensl "seasonnlly„ (e.g., ry�picnlly 3 moN6s). ' Suppotling documzn�a�ion is prtscnfzd in Sec�ion III.P. SECTION III: C1VA ANALYSIS A. TN\Vs AND R�ETLANDS ADJACENT TO TN�1's The ngencies �sill nssert jm�isdiction over TNVVs �nd wetlnnds adjncenl to TNVA's. If the a9untic resow'ee is n Tn�V, complete Seetion III.A.I nnd Section III.D.I. only; if the nqimtic resource is n wetinnd ndjncent to a TNVV, complele Sections IILA.1 and 2 nnd Section III.D.I.; otl�crwise, see Secfion III.B belo�v. 1. TN�V Idcnti f}�'I'n \V: Summarize ru�ionale supporting determination: 2. �Vetlnnd ndjncenf to TN�V Sunminrize rationale supporting conclusion thai �vetland is "adj�cenf': B. CHARACTCRISTICS OC' TRIBUTAffi' (TkIAT IS NOT A TMV) AND ITS ADJACG�T �VE7'LANDS (IP ANY): This section summnrizes information regarding charneteristics of the h�ibutmy nnd its adjacent weHands, if nny, mid if helps determine whether or not the sfnndm�ds for jurisdiction estnblished under 2apsnoshnve been met. The ngencies �vill nsscrt jm�isdiction over non-nnvigable iribidnries of TNVVs �rhere the tributaries nre "relntively permnnent wnters" (RP�Vs), i.e. fribufnries thnt h�picall�� ilow yenr-romid or imve contimmus flow nt lenst sensonnlly (e.g., typically 3 montiis). A�retlnnd thnt directly nbuts nn RP�V is nlso jurisdietia�nL ICthe nquntic resom�ce is not a'1'NVA', but hns yenr-romid (perennial) ilow, skip to Section III.D.2. If lhe nquntic resource is a�vetland directly nbutting n h�ibutary �vi[h perenninl Ilow, skip to Sectian III.D.4. A weNnnd thal is nAjncent to but tl�at does not directly rbut an RP�V requires n significnnt nezus evnluation. Corps dish�icts nnd liPA regions e�ill include in the recm�d niry nvnilnble informntion thnt documents the ezistenre of n significnnt nexus behveen n relatirely permmient h'ibutnry that is not perenninl (nnd its adjncen[ wetlands if:my) and n trnAitionnl nm�ignble water, e�•en thougL � significant necus finding is not required ns m m�tter of la�r. If the wnterbod�' is not nn RP�Y, or a wetland directly nbutting nn RP��', a SD �ri�l requirc ndditionnl dnta to determine if the wnterbody has a significnnf nezus with n TN�V. If the tributory hss adjaeent wetlnnds, the significent nezus evnluation must consider the tributm�y in combinntion �vith nll of its adjncent �vetlnnds. Tl�is significant ne�us evnluation tl�nt combines, for annlylicnl purposes, the tributnry nnd all of its ndjncent wetlnnds is used �rheH�er the review nren identified in the JD request is the h�ibutnry, or its ndjncent �ve�lands, or both. I( tl�e JD covers a tributnry �rith ndjacent wetlands, complete Section III.6.1 for the tributnry, Section III.B.2 fm� nny onsite wetlnnds, nnd Section I II.6.3 for all wetlnnds ndjncent to tlint tributnry, both onsite nnd o(fsite. The deferminntion whether a significnnt neaus exists is determined in Section IILC below. � 1. Chnrncteristics of non-TN�Vs ihnt Oow directly m� indirectly into TNV1' (i) Genernl Aren Conditions: R'atceshed size: Piek List Drainagz nrea: Pick List Aver.�ge annual raintall: inches Averagc annunl sno���fnll: inchcs (ii) Physical Chnrncteristics: (a) Itelationship �vith TN�\': ❑ Tributary flo�vs directly inro'IT\V. ❑'fributary [lo�rs through Pick List tribWaries bcforc entcring'IlT1V. Project �vaters arc Piek List river miles froin "ITl\V. Project �vnters nre Pick List river miles from RPAV. Project �vaters are Picle Lisf neri�l (straighl) miles &om 7NN. Project �vaters are Pick List nerial (straighQ miles tiom RP�\'. Project �vaters cross or serve us state boundnrics. Explain: Iden�ify Flo�r route to TN�Y`: Tributnry stream order, if kno�vn: ' Note Ih�t Ihe Ins�mctional Guidcbook conmins nAdi�ional infomin�ion czgarding s�cales, dilcl�es, e�tuhcs, vid ccosional fzntures generally and in tlic acid \VCSI. ` Flow routc can be described by iJantifying. e.�.. tribu�ary a, which Iloa�s �hroueh �he revie�c area, to Ilo�r inlo Iri6utary b, which Ihen Flo�cs intu TN\V. (b) Gcnernl'I'ribu�nry Clmractaristics (chcck �II thnt nuoh�l: 'Pributary is: ❑ Natural ❑ Artiticinl (inan-mnde). Explein: ❑ binnipulated (man-altered). Explain: Tributary properties �vilh respect lo top of bank (cstima�c): Average �vidth: feel Avcrnge dep(h: fee� Arerage side slopes: Pick Lisf. Primnn� tributaq� substra�c composilion (check nll that apply): ❑ Sil�s ❑ Sands ❑ Concrete ❑ Cobblcs ❑ Gravel ❑ D4uck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegcta[ion. Typr/%covice ❑ Othee E�pinin: . 'I'ributap� conditio��/stabilih� [e.g., highly eroding. sloughing banks]. E�plain: Presence ol'rwt/riRle/pool comple�es. Explain: . Tributaq� geometry: Picic Lisf Tributnp� grndient (approsiroate average slopc): % (c) Plo�c: 'Pributap� provides for: Pick Lisl Cs�imate avcrngz number of Ilo�v even�s in rcvicw ann/ycnr. Pick List Describe Ilow regime: . O�her infonnalion on dur�tion and rolume: . Surfncc Flo�v is: Pick List. Charac�cris[ics: Subsurfacc [lo�v: Pick List Esplain lindings: ❑ Dyc (or other) tes-t pedbrmed: . Tribulary has (chcck all that applp): ❑ 13ed nnd banks ❑ OHNM6 (chcck all iiidicators tlixt apply): ❑ clear, nn[ural line impressed on tlie bank ❑ ❑ chnnges in ihe chaeaeter of soil ❑ ❑ sheh�ing ❑ ❑�•egetation mafted down, bent, or absen[ ❑ ❑ leaf li�ter disturbed or �vashcA away ❑ ❑ sediment deposi[ion ❑ ❑ wn[cr s(aining ❑ ❑ other (IisQ: ❑ Discontinuous OHIVnd.' Explain: . the presonec of li�ter and debris deshuction of terrestrial veQe�a�ion �he presencz of �cracA line scdimcnt sorting scour multiple obren�ed or predicled llo�r erents nbn�pt changc in plant communip� If factors other than the OH\\'bl �verc uszd to determine lalernl exlent of CNAjurisdiction (check all Ihat apply): ❑ 1-ligh Tide Line indicn�ed by: ❑ Menn liigh Water Mark indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore objects ❑ sun�ey to arnilnble dalum; ❑ fine shell or debris dzposits (toreshorc) ❑ physical markings: ❑ physical mnrkings/chnracteristics ❑ vege�tllion lines/changes in vege�a�ion �ypes. ❑ lidal gauges ❑ other Qist): (iii) Chemical Characterislics: Charneterize tributnq� (e.g, �vater color is cienr, Aiscolored, oily film: �ciller quality; general ���atershed charac�eristies, c[c.). Esplain: Iden(ity specific pollutnnts, if kno�en: . `A na�ural or man-�uadc discon(inuilp in tl�e OH\Vn1 does' nol ntccssarily scrcr I���isdiclion (e.e., where tl�e stream temporarily flo�rs underground, or �ehcre �he OHR'\4 has been removed by development o� n��iculfuml prnctices). \1'herz tl�ere is a break in t6e OHWM Ihat is unreluteU to ihe watecbody's tlow ee�ime (e.e., flo�c over a rock outerup or Ihmugh n culveh), Ihe ngencies �vill look (or indicolors ol flo�v above and belo�r tlic becnA. 'Ibid. (iv) Biological Chnrncteristies. Chnnnel suppor[s (check nll thnt apply): ❑ Riparinn wrridoe Chnracteris�ics (type, r�verage width): . ❑ VVellnnd (ringe. Chnracteris�ics: . ❑ Flabi�a� 1'or: ❑ Federally Listcd species. Explain findings: . ❑ PislJspa���n nreas. F.xplain tindings: . ❑ Other environmzntally-sensi�ivc specics. Explain fndings: ❑ Aquatic/wildlife diveriry. Explain findings: . 2. Charneteristics of wetlnnds ndjncent to non-TNN thnt Oow directly or indirectly into TNVA' (i) Pl�ysicnl Chnrnctcristics: (a) General Wetland Chnracteristics: Propchics: VVetland size: acres VVetland q�pe. E�plain: . VVetland qualily. 8xplain: . Project �vetlands cross or sen�e ns slate boundaries. Espl�in: (b) General Clow Relationship �cith Non-TNN: Flow is: Pick Lisf. Explain: . Sudacc tlo��° is: Pick List Chnrnctcristics: Subsurl'ace �low: Pick List. B�plein tindings: ❑ Dyc (or other) teri performed: . (c) \Vetlend Adi��cencv Determination wi�h Non=1�NlY: ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Not direcUy abutting ❑ Discrete �cetland hydrologie connection. Explain: ❑ Ecologic�l connection. F,�plain: . ❑ Sepnrnted by berni/barriec Bxpinin: . (d) Pro�imiri (Rclntionshipl to "1 NR' Projcet �vetlnnds �re Pick List river milcs &om TNVV. Prolect a�aters arz Piek List ncrinl (strnight) miles Gom TNR�. Plow is from: Pick Lisf. Es�imntz approsimale location of «°ctlnnd ns wilhin the Pick List Iloodplain. (ii) Chemicnl Chnrnctcristics: Charnctcrize �vetland system (e.g., �rater color is clear, bro�vn, oil fihn on surFace; �viller quality; general �vatershed characteristics; etc.). Cxpinin: . Iden�ify specifc pollutan�s, if known: . (iii) Biologicnl Chnracteristics. AA'etlnnd supports (dieck nll Hiat npply): ❑ Riparian butfer. Charneteristics (q�pe, average �vidth): . ❑ Vegela�ion type/perecnt covec E�plain: . ❑ Habilnt for: ❑ Federally Listed species. Hspinin tindings: . ❑ Fisli/spmvn arcas. H�pinin �indings: . ❑ Otlter environmcn�ally-sensitive specizs. E�plain tindings: ❑ Aqua�ichvildlife diversity. E�plain tindings: . 3. Charneteristics of nll wetlnnds ndjacent to the tributm}� (if nny) All wetland(s) being considered in ihe cumulative analysis: Piek Lisl Approxima�ely ( ) acres in tolal are being eonsidered in �he eumulntive analysis. C'or cach �vc�lnnd, specify Ihe I'ollowing: Dirtclly abuts? (Y/IQ) Size (in ncres) Dircetiv abWS? (YMl Size (in acres) Summnrize ovenll biological, chcmical and physical fimctions being performed: . C. SIGNIPICANT NCXUS DCTCR\tINATION A signifcnnt ne�us analysis will nssess the ilow chnracteristics and fimctions of ihe tributnrp itself mid Ihe functions perfm�med by nny wetlands ndjneent lo the tributm�y to determine if ihey significnntly n(fect U�e chemical, physicnl, and biologicnl integrity of n TN�V. Ibr each of the following situntions, a siguifcant ne�us exists if tlie tributmy, in wmbin�tion with nll of its adjncenf wetlands, hos more thnn n speculntive or insubstantinl effect on the clicmicnl, physicnl and/or biologicnl infegrity of n TN�1'. Considerntions when evnlunting significnnt necus include, but are not limited to ihe vohuue, durntion, and frequency of tLe ilow of �rnter in thc h�ibutnry nnd its prosimity to n TMV, and the fw�etim�s perfm�med by ihe h�ibutnry and nll its ndjncent wetlnnds. If is not npproprinte to determine significant ne�us bnsed solely on nny specific lhreshold of distnncc (c.g. behveen n h�ibuter�� an� its ndjacent wetlnnd or bet�reen a tributnry nnd the TN�P). Similnrly, the fnet an adjacent weUand lies within or outside of n Iloodpinin is not solely determinative of significnnt ne�us. Drnw connections behveen the (entures docmnented and the e(fects on the TN��', ns identified in the Rnpmms Guidnnce and discussed in Hie Insh�uctionnl Guidebool<. Factors to consider include, for esninple: • Does �he tributnq�, in combina�ion �vith its adjncent ��°etl�nds (if nny), have the capaciiy to carry pollutants or tlood wnters to "INNs, or lo reduce the anwunt o(pollutants or �ood �vnter, reuching a TTIV? . Does Ihe tributary, in eombinntion �cilh its adjacen� �cetlnnds (if nnr), provide h�bitat and lifecpcle support funetions for fish and other species, such as feedin� nesting spaa�ning, or renring young Por species thal tve present in ihe T'NN? • Does ihe tributaq�, in combinntion �vilh ils n�jacent �vetlands (if nny), hnvc �he capncitv (o transfer nutrien�s and organic carbon that suppor� downstrcnm food���ebs? . • Does the tribult�q�, in wmbination with its acljacenl ���eilands (il'any), have other relationships to Ihe physicnl, chemical, or biological inlegri[y ot the'IT\V? Note: the above list oP considerntions is not inclusive nnd other fimctions obscrved m� I<noo�n to oecur should be doeumented 6elo��: 1. Significnnt nesus findings Por non-RPAV that has no ndjncent wetlnnds nnd Ilows directly m� indirectly into TMVs. Hxplain findings of presenee or nbsenee of significent nesus bclo���, based on the tributary itself, then go to Section III.D: . 2. Significnnt nesus rndings for non-RI'�V nnd its ndjncent wetlnnds, ���here tlie non-RI'�V Oo�vs directly or indirectly into '1'NWs. Bxplain finAings of presence or absenee of signifiennt news belo�c, based on thz tributaq� in combiimtion �vi�h all ot i�s a�jacent �cellnnds, then go to Senion IILD: . 3. Significant ne�us findings fm� wetlnnds ndjacent lo nn RP�V but ihnt do not direc8y nbut ti�e ItP\\'. Esplain lindings of presence or nbsence of signifcant nesus belo�r, based on the tributary in combination �rith all ol its adjacent �retlands, then go to Section III.D: . D. DETCRDI INATIONS OF JURISDICTIONAL �I\DINGS. THE SUDJECT �YATERSAV6TLANDS AR6 (CHECK ALL THAT APPLI'): l. TN�Vs and Adjncent 1Vetlnnds. Check all thal apply and provide size zstimn[es in revie�v nrea: ❑ TNR's: linear fze� �+'id�h (ti), Or, acres. ❑ R'e�lands ncijncent �o "fN\Vs: acres. 2, RPR's thnt Ilow directly or indirectly into TN\Vs. � TribWarics of "IN\Vs �vhere tribularies typicallv [lo�s yenrvromid �re I�����dictional. Provide data nnd cationale indicnting �hn[ Iributary is perenninC'I liis stream is named and sho�vn on the USGS topogrnphic map as perennial m�d has a dctincd channel �vithout vegetation in the channel. Na�cr has been present on each site visi�. ❑'fributaries of TN\Y �vhcrc tributnries have continuous Ilo�v °seasonally" (e.g., q�pically three monlhs each yenr) are jurisdictional. Dntn supporting this conclusion is provided nt Sec�ion III.B. Provida ralionale indicating that tributaq� flo�cs sensonal ly: . Provide cstimntes for lurisdictional �a�ters in Ihe revie�v area (check nll thn[ npply): � Tributary ���uters: 200 linear fec� 2 widtli (ft). ❑ Othcr non-��°etlend �vaters: acres. Identify type(s) ol u�aters: . 3. Nmi-RI'�\'se Huit flo�r directly m� indirecfly into TN1Vs. ❑VValerbody that is not a TN W or an RPAV, but flows direcUy or indirectly inlo a TNVV, and it hns a significanl ne�us �vith a "IN�1' is jurisdictional. Dn�a suppor�ing this conclusion is provided at Section IILC. Provide estimates forjurisdictional �vaters �rithin the review area (check all Ih�t apply): ❑ Tributnq� �vaters: lincar fcet �vidth (ti). ❑ O�her non-aetland waters acres. Idenlify t}'pe(s) ol watcrs: . 4. \Vetlnndsdirectly nbufting an RP�1'thnt ilo�r directly or indirectly into "PMVs. ❑ Wetlands directly nbut RVV1' and thus are jurisdictional as adjacent �vetlands. ❑\\'c�Innds dirtctly ubutling an RP\V �vhzre tributaries typically flo�v yearvround. Provide data and ra�ionnlc indicxling that tributaq� is perennial in Scction III.D2, above. Provide rationale� indicntine Ihnt ���etlnnd is dirzctly �but�ing nn RP\V: . ❑ Nctlnnds directly ahutting an RPN where iribularies q�picnlly flo�c "sensonally." Provi�e data indicating thnt Iribu�nm is sensonal in Section ILI.B and rntionale in Section III.D2, above. Provide raiionale indic�ting �h�t �vetlnnd is directly abutting an RP\V: . Provide aerenee eslimates forjurisdictionnl wellands in the re��ic�v nren: ncres. 5. AVetinnds ndjncent to but imt directly nbutting an RPVP thnt Oo�v directl,y or indirecHy into TN�Vs. ❑ Wetlnnds thet do not directly abut ao RPAV, but �vhen considered in combina�ion �vi�h the trib���nq� to whieh �hey am a�ilacent nnd �� ith similarly situnted n�l<«enl �re�lnnds, hnre a significant nexus �vith a TNVV nre I��risidictional. Da�a supporting tliis conclusion is provided at Section IILC. Provide acczageestimn[es torjurisdictional �rell�nds in the revie�c area: acres. 6. �1'eHnnds ndjncent to non-RP\Vs ihnl Oow directly or indirecHy into TNR's. ❑ Wetlands ndjneenl to such ���aters, and have �vhen considered in combinn[ion �vith �he Iribwary to ���hieh Ihey nre �djncen[ nnd wilh similflrlr situated adjaecnt �vetlands, ha��o a signifiennt nesus �cilh a TNN arejurisdictionnl. Dnta supporting this conclusion is provided nt Section III.C. Proride estinmtes for lurisdictional �vetlands in Oie revic�v nrcn: acres. 7. Impow�dments ofjurisdictim�al wnters.' As a general rule. Ihe impoundmcnt of n I����sdictional iribut�ry remnins lurisdictional. ❑ Deinons-trnte that i�upoundinen[ �vos crea�ed from "�valers of �he U.S.;' or ❑ Demonstrate tha[ wa[er meels the criterin for one of tlie cutegories presented abo��e ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrnte Ihnt water is isolnted wi�h n nesus to commerec (sec 8 belo�v). C. ISOLAT�D �INTf RSTA'fE OR INTRA-STATE� WATERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED R'ETLANDS, THC USC, DEGRADATION OR D�STRUCTION O� �VHICH COULD A��ECT IN'PERSTATE CODINCRC6, INCLUDING ANY SUCH �VATERS (CHCCI( ALL THA'I' APPL]'):10 ❑�vhieh nre or could be used by interstntz or foreign trarelers for rzcrzational or olher purposes. ❑ from which fish or shcllfish arz or coulcl be taken �nd sold in in�erstate or foreign commcme. ❑�shich are oc eould be used for industrial purposes by industries in intarsta�e eommerce. ❑ Interstnte isolated waters. Explain: . ❑ O�hcr fnctors. Esplain: . aSee Foohmtz H 3. °'1'o complete Ihc mialysis refer to �he key in Seclion lI1D.6 of �he Inswctional Guidc600k. 10 19�iar �o nsserling m� declining CR'A juris�iclion bnseJ solcly on Ihis calegary, Corps Uistricts �rill rlcra�c Ihe ac�ion lo Carps and EPA IIQ fm� recicn� consisienl �vi�h fhe proeess descrihed in Ihe Cm�p.c/F;PA dleiuornmGun Regnrding CIIiI Ae( J��risdirliou Fallmriu� Rnpnnns. Pro�•idc cstimatcs forjurisdictional �vatcrs in thc rcvicw nren (chcck nll tha� npply): ❑ "I'ributnq� �vaters: lincnr fcct width (L3). ❑ O�hernon-�vetlnnd�va�eis: nerzs. Idenlily lype(s) of �va�ers: . ❑ \Vetlnnds: neres. �. NON-JURISDICTIONAL\\'AT6R5,1NCLUDINGR'CTLANDS(CIIG,CI<ALLTIIATAPPLI'): ❑ II potenlial �vetlands were assessed �vilhin the re��ic�v area, Ihese arzns did not meet �he criteria in Ihe 1987 Corps ol Enginccrs \Vetlnnd Dclincn�ion Manual nnd/or appropriate Regionnl Supplements. ❑ Revie�v area included isoln�ed �vaters �vith no substan�ial nesus to interstnte (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to Ilie lan 2001 Supreme Court decision in "SlPdNCC," the ravie�a arza �vould Imve been regulated beised so� on tlic .'14igrotoq• 13ird Kule" (�413R). ❑ Naters do nol meel Ihe "Significnnl Nesus" standard, �vhere such a finding is required for jurisdiction. E�plain: . ❑ O�her: (e�plain, il no� covered abore): . Provide acreage estimates f'or non-jurisdic�ional �t°atcrs in the revic�v area, �vhere lhe sole potenlial basis ol I�irisdiction is Ihe bl[3R fnctors (i.c., presencc of migmtory birds, prescnce of enAangered specics, use of wn�er for irrignted ngriculture), using bes� professionnl judgment (check �II thnt npply): ❑ i]on-a�etland ���aten (i.e., rivers, streaius): linear leet �vidth (�t). ❑ Lnkevponds: xcres. ❑ Other non-�vetland �vaters: acres. List typc of nquatic resourcc: . ❑ \Vctlnnds: ncros. Provide acreage zslimntes for non-i����isdictionnl watzrs in Ilie review arz�� that do not meel Ihe "Significant Nesus" standard, �vhere such a finding is required for jurisdiction (dieck all tl�at apply): ❑ Non-wetland �vaters (i.c., rivers, sveams): lincnr fcc�, �vidth (ft). ❑ I,nkes/ponds: ncres. ❑ O�her non-��°etland wnters: acres. List q�pe of nqu�tic nsow�er. . ❑ Wetlnnds: acres. SEC"PION IV: DA'1'A SOURCES. A, SUPPOR'fING UA'I'A. Dntn reviewed Cor JD (checl< all that apply - diecked items shall be included in cose file ancl, �vhere checked and requcsted, appropriately rel'erence sources belo�v): � Mnps, pinns, plots or pint submit�ed by or on behnlTof Ihe applicnnt/consul�ant . ❑ D�t� shee�s prepnred/submitteA by or on behnlf of the applican�/eonsul�nnt. ❑ Oflice concurs �vilh dat�i sheels/delinealion repod. ❑ OtTlcc does no� concur �vith data sheets/dclineation rcpmt. ❑ Dntn shcets prcpnrcd by thc Corps: . ❑ Corps navigablc �vatcrs' studp: . ❑ U.S. Geologic�l Survey I lpdrologic A�las: . ❑ USGS NHD da�a. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Survey nmp(s). Cite scale K qund name: L24,000; Cove Craek Gap and fines Creek. ❑ USDA Na[ural 2csourccs Conscrvation Scrvice Soil Survey. Cilation: . ❑ Nn�ionnl �vetlnnds invenloq� map(s). Ci[e nnme: . ❑ SImeA.ocnl wetlnnd invenlory ma�p(s): . ❑ FE\dA/FIR�4 mnps: . ❑ 100-�rear Ploodplain Elevation is: (Nalional Geodectic Vertical DaWm of I929) � Pho�ographs: � Acrial (Namc & Dntc): . or � O�her (Nnme R Dnte): Culvei� Inlet nnd Ou�le�s; July I6, 201d. ❑ Previous Actermination(s). Pile no. and date of response le�ter: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting cnsc Im��: . ❑ Applicnble/supporting scien�ifie litern[ure: . ❑ Oiherinformotion(ple�sespecify): . B, ADDITIONAL CO\I\�ICNTS TO SUPPORT JD: