HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06738_Well Construction - GW1_20220628 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lrkcmtlUs,;.ONLY: This Form can he aced frtr single or mLd ipk lvells 1.Well Contractor Information: I&►►i\TER ZONES John Eisenman FROM I TO 4F-5(-RKv A)\ tti`cll Ctu�rtcior N�nw fl. ft. 4439A NC►yell Contriciar CerlifiotioiiNtuti)rr ti,OUT1iR CASING fur mat11 ca and wd1sl OR LINER tii a flca6kl I Ni OU TO DC•1 ETFIt. Tn3C1%%ESS NIATERiAL SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L f 108 (L 1 6 in. I CH 40 PVC Caliv."tl'Nante IG.INNER CASING OR Tl1BING l onberro:il cirri ed I Ott FROM TO DMMETER. "MICK,NESS I NIATERIAL 2,Well Construction Pel'ma n: N/A 0 ft. 116 A, 2 in. SCH 40 PVC Irsr all q),311rraHe v.elf pc'nrrit s(f.e.i7fju tr}•;Stiih'.Varfarree,1r.,y'eCiYCn eir. rt, rc. in. 3,Well GsC(Chccl:Nvcll use): 17.SCREEN WaterSuppl�%yell E • FRONT TO Di,%NFFTR SI.OTSI7F: Tillcus1SS I MATERIAL LaricuItitraI 014tinicipal;PRbliC. 116 ft. 121 fi. 2 iR 010 SCH 40 ' PVC 0A 06cothennal(t3eadngXooiitT'Supply) i 11t.,sidcntial"Water Supply'.(single) r►. rt. ❑IndustrialTo"MICrcial ❑Rzsidt:ncial t►rater Sgpph-(slrtit;d) 11 -GROG TO Sr,\THltt1L- I EN[PLkCE\TENT 1rCn1011 A AMOUNT ❑lrri ation 0 ft, 1 110 (L Portland Tremmie Non-Water Supjll}'W.01; 5dlvionitorinG ❑Recovery Injection Well:. rt. rL []Aquifer Rccht3,ti;e 00onndnmcr Rcinediation 19.54NbIGRA EL PACT:tit r oHL-AI gel F•Rt)NI _ 10_ _ .1L1TMum. VNIP1.AS`-INVE.T N11711 n ❑Aquifer Stt?ragc and fteco'Cry ❑.S7li11it<•BaMi qr: 121 ft. 114 A. SAND #2 ❑AgitifcrTcst ElSfoelnlratcr 13nttnagq ❑Exp.-rimcnialTechn6togy ❑SuhsidCaccU6lltml 20;DRILLING LOG fattach addiflonal sheets if necessarrl ❑Cr'ptliertnal(Closed Loop} OTrjeer -FRONT TO DESCRIPiiON(iv oJuird"evi.�Aklmckli :o4ifi.we,CkA ❑Geothemtal(Aeatinp-Cooling Return} ❑Otlicr tesplain Linder#21 Remarks) 0 h. 5 it. Sapiolite 5 (t.. 85 ft. PWR _ 4.Dati%11(S)Cutliplcted: 3-25-22 ZVclliIl MW-36C 85 li, 121 f,4 Bedrock ' i` ^ic° d », , 54 1V111 ia1Cattrin: ft f4 Corning Incorporated N/A jUN R; fL `J Facilitti3OiYrlcrNamc: Facilijy!Dm(ifappjkablc? 3900 Electronics Drive Raleigh, NC ft. rL P1n ikwlAdi k City.acid Zip 21_RERtARIC.S Wake County 1715781482 bentonite seal from 110-114ft. f"rotor?' I.1n:el M4:3difiGttiunNa:(PIN) 5b.Lmrtude acid Longitude in tletirccslminutC3?seconds n"r:dr:crmal.tt.Cgrecs: 22.Certifteatinn:- {ii'sscll fxlrJ,tJtrL.la4 lut>L is SrclliGr`nl} 35.832589 -78.604500 4/20/2022 Sig ntciz�"a f ':_:k �3t ;E��+ay;:`——r-_ Date -- f_- f,.Is(ire)Wer�ell(s}: EPennanent ur IJTeugwratl' - Ht'signii+g ti.�r(o..+r,, Y". - uf�.i,+...."' J taE:a tvr_5'lnrcrnl8rnxrevrr.4rnre^ R'ieit 15,1 rVC,1C•02C.1 -1 1 i_C, -;;ti.020P IVe f C'r iisre,Jr'ife i1 9rruirlerf&zrnd'r1r,14r 7.I_e this arepairfoanexistinl;wcili EIV6 nr MNo �nfn'ofrja'rr"rrrifhrr.Yhven'pmvir++r;roibe..,n-11wner. f/tf,ia'1F i2✓-erxtlr;JJlf dh•R 4rV+sA IseJfe'Q7JSJJLe lrtrJ HtfUrtl4rriL'rl ateJ(r i�s'y7irllit r11Q JI+Irtaf£n/rl�e rr+acirrctirler11?l irutr;rk.Ys.°rJrarr or an f&burl l 23.Site diaigrant or additional well details: you niay.use the back of this gaga.to.p ovide additional well site.details-or hell S.Number of tr'ells constructed: 1 cwnsituction dxtails. YOU inaV also attach additional pages-if necessan•: For+atrfrilVe iaJevrltvj ty rjoi-iraier ilipr y ivi'Us ONLY ivirll the Berth crtitt6tPRCrlvtt,-'k:tt Prit .Y.v0nrirr9Jta frirnv. SUBMITTAL iNSTUCTIONS 9.Totalil'el[:depdi belays"land surfue! 121 (f6) 24a. For All Wells: SO di This f6rul within R, days of completion of iwll Fop mr+Npl e i.rffs Hct reU defW.0 ib•dii`ei'01J constiactinit to the follolti ng; 10.Static water level belotr'top of casill;: (ft.) Dil-siun of Water Resaurces,Iotormatinn Processing Unit. If+rater level Ls above cam'rJ.w,tAm"+" 1617 Mail Service Center,Rileigh,NC 27699-I617 lL Borehole diameter.12/6 (inn 24b.Vhj fit fge iigamLk ONLY: fn addition to sending Ilya fonlr to ibe address in 24aabme. also sabmit a copy of this fonn witliitl 10 days of completion of wall 11,Well cortAntetion method: HSA/Air ronsimciion to the follctuvi�: fi.e.auger.re asy,cable,dim-d Fusk cic.I Division of Waier Resource&,Underground injection Contml Proa,t-Am, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service tCenler.Raleigh.NC 17699-1636 i 13;L Vicki(gpm) 1lstliod of tc.5r 24c.For W:itcr Supply&Injection Wells: Also subrnit.one eolr+' of this foam; within +tl daysofcomplelion of 13b.DisinfLetion tv C; . Amount: sceil canstnletion to the connry health deprinnimit of the canniv tubers Ciln-SinlCtCd. Fonn Gk%1-i Ni;rih Camlina 6.Y;.-p RX111 of Envirarureas aitd Nautral Resources-Divvibn of Vnicr RL:oucfs- Revised.A gass__M.4 i