HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06736_Well Construction - GW1_20220628 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD FarlrtcraalUioONLY: Ths farm can be aisetl fuT sinric or mail iplc tee€)s 1.Well Contractor Information: iJ.WAVER 1.nNE.S John Eisenman FROM 1 T(1 I OE-501IPTION Nell commclor i•.ame 4439A ft. (L NC NVell Cortimcior Ccnificalion Nimber 15,OUTER CASING(for amilkased stcflsl OR LINER fit a (Icable) 1 FROM TO DCA.tit1ETGR TMCKNE55 )7ATERTA4 SAEDACCO Inc fL fl. ia. Cml:p:my Milne id.INNER CASING OR BING ffi eo :rmall closed4c-o 1 bTtQN TU I `I TO DU"ITTER I THICKNESS I NIATERIAL 2.Well construction Pel•mit#: N/A 0 R, 40 0. 2 h- SCH 40 PVC iijr 4111 ft. R. in. 3,WO (chcckwell use): 17_Sf'ttI EN Water t Tll MAMETFIt SLAT St7F TITICIGNESS- l NIATRRIAI. iti ater Supply%Vellh ❑AgrIL•tllhlctl miunieipalrl1lblic 40 it. 50 ft. 2 .010 SCH 40 ' PVC 0Grothetmal(Headkel'Guolir Supply) ORtmidential Water Supply(single) fl: ft: in OlndustriallContpicicial ©Rrsidcntiat Watcl'Supph'(shavA) 118.GROUT 70 li.tTERLIL LN[PL(CENIEVTNIETt1OD S.INIOUNT ❑hii gat ion 35 ft. 0 fL Portland Pour Non-Water SuplIky Well:• ®klanitttrin'- ❑Racovcry Injection Well ft. rL ❑Agriifct Recharge 06mutid>5nlcr Rcmcdiaiiur t4.5wNn1(:wt ti EL hAGK I€r a t il;embtel 'F'RilN1" TO 31pTFRNI. E\1PI..A(�f_\IF:\T\1}TN(1n 17Ag1iifcrSi4iagc;tii RcCn�'sn ❑5ahnit}'13amGr 50 R. 38 rt. SAND #2 ❑AtluWi Tcst ❑5tPrnm-ltce D1•,yt, .- 7t. ft. ❑Eqrt:iirncntalTcchnotogy ❑Subsi&n:cCnimml 20.DRILLING LOG lattach additional sheds if rwessawil ❑GioFlls ntaal(Closed I ot7p) ❑TrtCt[ :FROM. TU IDCSGttfPT1QN fivb,han9ric.+.�lii'nK4 tr air �t,ttt.l ❑Guar.ennal iHeaI-1nE oliiig Mum) 00ilter OxVlain under 92.1-Rettaiks) 1 o ft. so (L Sandy Clay -3/15/22 ft.. fL 4.Date Welt(S)Conlpleled: Well I]D# MW-34A ft: fL Sa:Will Utcatuln: Corning Incorporated N/A ft ft, II' Facilill�iOwNrNa3w. Facilh )D4(ifgppliiblc) J`UN-9A Za2'- R. f6 3900 Electronics Drive Raleigh, NC Pltt'si al •ddivss City_atnl Zij� "" 21.RENIARKS ` Wake County 1715781482 Bentonite seal from 38-35ft t'minly' W.1r>:0 la.n irc.�liun Na.fPiN) Sb.1.46todc and Longitu&in,degreesfmihtitrAiscennds 61•-dceimaI dcgmcs: 22.[:crtificadnii: 35.832589 (iT'�icl1 Ixld,urrC I:titlau;�iz srrilicknl) . -78.604500 �'` _ N � X_ "' — _. 3/20/2022 ^Date 6.IS(arc: the well(s): ar ❑Tcinporat�'. s� r s-igni��;�Ji7ir iui,r.- •. ,aPu,i�.��..•':+x�.::.,,Was 1::0'.,-7-vv��lructox?ilr.rrasarr.4nr�e• lriol'15A JVf':1C:(i*C.`; +'� -r•::(ram Jt:.l7 W?nnl Cvssrrr+rtion Srwl fev.ds aml r)w a 7.LS:thts a repair to an existingwelti tO es or ONO) rbVrliis roreordtarn'{r of r wid rl rn;ilm•,wll rnewer, if bia is r7 fepa&, vi"Jr tnoirvi�erfl ccTustnnriori brjaamriou aryl ex,Iohi rbe iiavire of r1le repair remler 9)1 rRARPr..S SCi'J7LHJ or rm the i vvl-qf.rhi.1'furor. 23.Site diagram or additional well,details: - you niay�-itse the back of this Nge to proti'hit.additionat tvell site elails or Ti-ell 8.Nuinbcr of�t'ells eonlbttucted: 1 _-- -_ ___ conslmetirirl detains. S''ou7ltav also attaeh additiotiat pages if mcessan•. f yr ar1ii'ri14'e wJeC04m ar a(4-avdier siqppfy wells.ONLY l6di dul srcr7iArrinatructiuJr,.;ra Jl ixir, .ratjpuiironr jor•J. - suBmimL wsirt[ST70NS': 9.'ToW welldepth homy land mirfacei 50 (ft,) 24a. For All.Wells, Submit this umi within.36 days'of cainpletiou of well Fc-r tnJlirlph,Irl'iir lisr aff dep-dn ifdiffeeenr(exwppfe-Je@299'iuul 2@/&?'y constilictipri to tlic 1501101ing: 11).Static water level below lop of casin(;: - (jy,j Division of Water Rrsaurce.5,Information Pruc+-'ssing Unit, If Iviv t 1eVei Zi r;lluee aystN ,use'"+" - 160 Mail Service Center,Rile ghNC 2760-1617- 11.IinTebote diaMetci:8 (in.) tab.EnK LpfgeifUt ^IIv ONLY; In addition to sending Ow four to IN.-address in 21a above. also submit a copy trf this form Mthin W dity's of eanmpletion or wall 11,%Veil.lLVRSflTtctiorl method; HSA construction to the fotlowing_ (i.c-augger._iDlaty,cable diTern Fish,cfc..1 'Division of Water Resources,Underground injection Control Ptunratn, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Alain Service Center.Raleigh,NC 276!0)-1636 [3:t Vicki(gpnrj 24c_Far iW':ttcr Supply&injection Wells: Method of test: Also submit idle ec>pp of this faun a','ithiu 30 days of eonlpletion of 13b.Disinfection tvpe: Amount: well constniction to ttae conmy Itcallh depannl::ni of the cminly tehcre ca�n4in14tt d. Fonn OW-1 Norih Carolina and Sl:r,aW Rcaiurces-Uiaiiior.of Watcr B non-u Revised aWLW.K?l3 I