HomeMy WebLinkAboutWQ0004230_Monitoring - 05-2022_20220706 DWR - NonDischarge Monitoring Report Submittal •4 NORTH CAROLINA Enrlranmenlel QHaflly Monitoring Report Submittal .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Permit Number#* WQ0004230 Name of Facility:* A Place at the Beach Ill Homeowners Association Inc. Month:* May Year:* 2022 Report Information Type* Upload Document* NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2, NDMLR MAY 2022 NDAR NDMR 2.15MB report WQ0004230.pdf PDF Only Please upload one PDF containing all applicable monitoring reports (i.e., NDMR, NDAR-1, NDAR-2,NDMLR,GW-59). Confirmation Email Address:* victor.perez@vriamericas.corn Name of Submitter:* Victor Perez Signature: Date of submittal: 7/6/2022 This will be filled in automatically Initial Review .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Reviewer: Gerald,Wanda Is the project number correct?* WQ0004230 Is the monitoring report accepted?* - Yes No Regional Office* Wilmington Reviewer: _anonymous Review Date: 7/27/2022 NON-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-2) - -, Permit No.: WQ0004230 Facility Name: A Place At The Beach III County: Carteret 'Month: May Year 2022 -- - _ -- - Did infiltration occur at this facility? 'tzl.glia.444(,,, a,,,flow.',:,:,..s.,4a,,v,,,..,,.,,,,i,,,,,z,,,,, site Name: _ 2 -'''t Sftez-Natn ',',:----,,--v'S-', „,',..',,:,..• Site Name: ,'A 4:':Aira.*fatiti4 i,:,:E,MRA-04LwzA Area(acres) 4#104***:VtiCIAOtatt Area(acres) "r34 tee* - ':'''' .;', ;, ,-) 0-.---Yes 0 No ',1',i' .*i*iRai*ft*(fg: Facility Name: High Rate Field 2 a';,ari .i .1*-., 1f0t!ft Facility Name:' ''',1Rifiii-16-1411W4t ','46:t-e41,i'AA Rate(GPO/ft2): 6.5 ig$11f(007-ftt.siaiiiifizia Rate(6PD/ft2).:I_ - -- Weather - ‘-1 :'! .italtilt .NZ14Ci.':::.:::2114,:a Site Infiltrated? Freeboard ,'.01MtOt Site-t: 1,, Ntt :--I' - ‘ Infiltrated? ,-,-,,,,, , ::--,-: ..-11- -„_S' ql- ; ,:*,Aii_t \,1.i.- .,. /2 7 ,,, ;!ii5tri t r*A1 .41 51.4;,it .,.., =- ,c.,z :,„,it yz!:''.4:14.t rt .,i':,,t- ficsg 0 i ,1 :3 777, 4.11, tritl %*.;A:,4z'.41147,st- e.-T. 1.4 241 z i 7 &. ce 9 3 A% 4- ,,r r. .\.-OTa.4. - 1.,..4, g= E 41 ''e 2 12 0 ,1'07k a ,,l'. ,z.: \:::7r,kV' , --..ti 2 a. i=a A ea le0 7 E- 9 gn= Na= ',M'n. -4 i-! .4w4.u-q-2'N'r- ',P--kz' - g. 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'.-Q4 10500 3.77 -405661,,t!..6:;:z.,.:,. .i'Agrr,Z31-1W 31 - C z'36001-Zkkkakti:g4M5-gAi aa,,,.\ \- 7666 2.75 7:1166.-,; T:43.i.tAk064:::g Y.I.:000:&gra Monthly Loading(GPD/R2): - 2.08 2.08 2.06 ! 1... Year to Date Loading(GPI3ift2): , IEEE 111.1M MO _ FORM:l -21043 NM-DISCHARGE APPLICATION REPORT(NDAR-2) Did the application rates exceed the limns in Attachment B of your permit? ritaiwort 0 isknoinpamt If not a basin,were the sites kept free of vegetation and raked? E o If not a basin,were there any instances of effluent ponding in or runoff from the sites? V El If a la sin,were there any instances of breakout from the berms? E Was the onsite automatically activated standby power source tested and operational? Vcornoant 0 N If the facility is nowt;compliant pleme explain hi the space Wow the on(s)the fly aem not to compliance.. Provide your ration the date(s)of the ncm-comphorice aryl descitie the corrective action(s)taken.Attach adifilkinalif necessary. Operator in Responsfide Chmge(CRC)Certification Perndttee Certification : ' Peron : A IA et Aft le, u . 4,146044e4g. e- tton No.: i Signing Wit: (,,-(0 Grade: 3 Phone Number: Ai,1 Signing s T : eAra. ttim CRC changed since the previous NDAR-2? D Yes Phone Nt r&21) AO9t7 Permit€ .: g 2/3 _74 6 „, 1,9 Date Signature By Wes st _ Gerrity diaten repot is narrate mei complete to Um bestofmy krowdedlm. I oink u peaky crin,that this mid at ate/Amerika were peened inner my&edam or wrouviston_ with a nether&eland to the- Based co my Impary Ode p re win towage �.redrew fur the Menthes radmatled is,to best of my and Wire,true,semen and otertplete.l awns hen there we„s,:lawn penaides far anrelang fake arkenslort,loolehrit the pessild14 offines turd remesonment ter terming Mall Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources Information Processhig Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27' -1617 Non-Discharge Monitoring Report (NDMR) Permit No.: WQ0084230 Facility Name: A Place At The Beach III County: Carteret Month: May i Year: 2022 -,moil•IMNI=MM•110 ., -- --.% PPI: Flow Measuring Point: Effluent Parameter Monitoring Point: Effluent j ,._„, Parameter Code k,:,§tolir 00400 :,1*Sitir.' 00610 ,.'''p9:1,*1 31616 '',\O*0,X1 00625 A109939iil 00600 j1194/9491:\, 70295 t 69001V 00076 ,;uoo_te„ 1 g4 -:' 470 01L4.0-*Ht.., _ 1 0 ,>, 11,, 3 1 g .‘ss,,Alci, 3 ,s, ,i,,-. 3 i I 0,14,',.‘,': Day :Li-l!' 0= 4,4 ‘,7 °- A- ,\): E ig.114 1.1 , ;,4.-ic '-' '‘A .2;-ui 'SLI-7.S.--ti_N., ,' '' u ''. .,,,,;_t-ti:-'• 2'z '-.:‘,!'i.ZNi', ''.:. z '.Ylli,lill ° INI: 24-hr hrs GP ii.M s k, ::411051, mg& C,refiiit4 ma°mL ''-.- mall._ AittiOlgyti, mail._...; i' mg& :!::::::'' ntu - 4::::::::- 1 16:03 T1460411 ,,r):ZAst-- st-sliktsx \Atk0:0 NB= 2 10:19 02 ':'„1.100:6N, 7.57 :zAka. i-.:KI:r.,:ln i,Naf,11 ss,AItiD 3 ,. 14:56 0.2 ::„ItIWS 7.71 ;:il!gia-i_ 3-Qa. ,N‘1Z*,. A 4 15:48 0-2 ::i,'. 00t*U 7.63 5 8:59 0-2 ,l:7500A 7.51 ,': :';'(0! 0.05 ....*401M 1.00 ;'-t3.46F;Z 1.64 ''.-3t.Ni':- 4.72 _ . 6 10:41 0-2 -4050041 7.57 ,M:kg:- ,SE;Sglk ':;NP: Kg :!W,? 7 ' 16:44 2)1133a .. ArK4U ":'.;...C61: „'.1a12.'ili _ .„ 8 16:46 '''44$4$,F ,--, 9 9:41 0-2 Aft,.-W,I. 7.63 ,,'- ,,,,, ''.'; 10 9:47 02 :%41500al 7.71 t7446.11:,: 0.81 st,ok Itt 1.00 ,i4.41i47 2.53 -,: ' 'SA-,.:<4., 7.84 11 15:30 0.2 -iiloo„oct 7.67 .,„. 12 8:16 „ 02_ `..kliXii*:---""4,---7.61- .:4H,- ,-, ,4,--14----- -13 8:57 02 ',,,f5.5011; 7.64 ; 25 'Z' 0.09 Mtt..0f 1 1.00 i0;4-47kS4_1.15 'A2S7,k 4.67 14 12:51 0.5 ..:,.'„,4650C,, 7.51 -0%00 0,,%-,-,. -A,,,,A,,..., ,,,.: ?0,14::ZRY ,S,if0Mil , 15 8:50 0.2 ,i,WW.C;: 7.66 16 15:45 0.2 It;:,1401, 7.71 10CFS 0.12 ,,400in 1.00 4*L'l 0.96 ' .'P:i,',..., 6,76 ,AL,M;'‘i.:,; :11.:!ik,nA' „ 17 15:00 _ 02 -.>:: 1 7.78 18 9:00 02 .Z.200010:-..:P 7.56 1'!:g121 ;COIN ,%,?4, „-k.4:, . , 19 9:02 02 -.#00,01;, 7.56 trzoom 0.11 ,A *-#01i0, 10-00 ,',4iW:i 1-24 ,iinsMi 5.29 j,‘,:tXF,W sss":s,1 , ssz404%,, 20 10:23 % 0.2 v,i519$01ta 7.73 21 10:51 0.2 2iAVOOMS 22 9:30 0.2 151:06111 7.78 .'.e: ,Ir!,2 _ blEg.iif3 ,---\,4 --,-..''114 23 9:41 2 ''4..05O0,f'4 7.78 4,1'2i!'N; ssi%.,'.!s!i. 0.!'<rs1,,,li-' _ S-‘' .,'.',\:',.111i ',:_)',Vi.S:.f. --,sz.s,,,.:„a„.s_,_ sAil;A:Ai --K-:.,:.'s'ss's'-:-';,-,-----f...---,----4-, 24 16:52 02 2,,4059-41 7.75 I,N4,414,;;' niiiti4 -; '''Ki:g.i''.'-' '4 25 15:38 02 f-,:,-0109C 7.75 26 19:57 0,5 :141X1,,W 7,71 ,,1214.0.01k, 0.07 ,:i.840.k,04 82.00 , . .'4'.80:\.M 1.87 -:M.i.1,MA' 9.67 .SaCiViii- 4,.iiir.L'a :',I10;1-N , -,..:4 27 10:25 0,2 4.'.,.*00=t1 7,61 -_,L,‘,i0,Et, 4 1Si:itk,:: A.,,'.,-' „ `7,,0ri:41:1- 26 11:15 0.2 .224400-0 7.75 ,SZCi1', :l'..!;(: '..1 : .,k'i"A , ,' :%- "r,'.0'‘IN ''':*:',A„.,„r ) i 's,7,i. :i:„1* _;S:S„SNW :a:s. ,s.1, 30 11:32 02 ,441000 )c-k Iv' ''''' ',i)P,is 4''!,_ ''''',, Q1--- '":- .''''''., .', -; 31 t 9:00 • 02 ..-.11.000.11: 7. 1 ,A-6C-1, 0.08 .,4.W2 66.00 :;',At$:.,„ 1-29 qTAL:B 7-94 1;1 T iA ' :''N,M.S:3!,- _ 2:\440.11A_Average: -'4-110,ta,gt7At',- 411:1k,„,,.:0:AiiMt4itl, :11.1044_sS5T*SiS:,s,ItS41VPSSLX,:„LS:4Ati-S: ,:.,',23,,t-:,S,,S;, Ss,:',\SiS;Nias:Mtli:Fsss',,,,',- "2-44t',, Daily Maximum: ::4:666.0: : -.ttifg.;;,,S:44.C., 6ASS!:::r.44tt.F.C,:j*:,,.i'.1&.€001:::\':.iiitt64..11,. .:!itti:W.S.;;;Ak4:41::1„i0.00OKI',f0ti„!-'„Itl .0„''tifr'l::11k0C,,1%i00s,\:-..04.0'. :!,:i0XS:: Daily Minimum: _ ,17:600. 7-45tt',%2tIOKil,044k'.,6K:k4ASkI0:'::140.n:„.'i,4--00kii., 10$„c:,-.-,\lov..:,, ,447,1g1,-.t4i::„ *A41,aiVi, Ngi,,,: i00,, ,,-,:Alt:,,v,:xtock ssssL4Sir: Sampling Type: Monthly Limit: - :'.550161, ''..::: ,.'''..':.Z415:;:k-41 ,,..::..4,',' ‘,:',',:-460:::-A,,i.,147Z,T. Daily Limit: 6:3;11;',;.„ .... . Sample Frequency: i FORM:NDMR 03-12 NON-DISCHARGE MONITORING REPORT(NDMR) Page of Sampling Person(s) Certified Laboratories Name: Name:v " Name: 6 Name: Does all monitoring data and sampling frequencies meet the requirements in Attachment A of your permit? com rIa"t "°" ha"t If the facility is non-compliant,please explain in the space below the reason(s)the facility was not in compliance. Provide in your explanation the date(s)of the non-compliance and describe the corrective action(s)taken.Attach additional sheets if necessary. Fes` c_a_Q 5 51 lit ,2__)( c -' � .` C' c , i V 5 h,:e � - :4; Operator in Responsible Charge(ORC)Certification Permittee Certification ORC: `"' Permittee: A 1t�'Lt, k'l ' - err Tr 11Poto iAel( ' Certification No.: :L 'j(,G s Signing Official: \(C, D L e jL Grade: Phone Number: P Signing Official's Title: GeAciak /kr( Has the ORC changed since the previous NDMR? 0 Yes °4 I Phone Number:rzgy Permit Expiration: ( 51 z1 ' ‘€' Signature Date Sign re Date By this signature,I certify that this report is am hate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I certWy,under penalty of law,that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that all qualified personnel property gathered and evaluated the information submitted,Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system,or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information,the information submitted is,to the best of my knowledge and belief,true,accurate,and€omplete.I am aware that there are significant penalties for subrn ting false information,kiduding the possibiityy of tines and imprisonment for knowing violations. Mail Original and Two Copies to: Division of Water Resources information Processing Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,North Carolina 27699-1617