HomeMy WebLinkAbout20080915 Ver 1_Emails_20140805Burdette, Jennifer a From: Oakley, Mark <Mark.Oakley @duke - energy.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 05, 2014 11:37 AM To: Amy @munione.com; ancientanglertim @aol.com; anna.moore @yorkcountygov.com; APiasecki @kearnswest.com; asurratt @hickorync.gov; awooten @mcdowellgov.com; baizedg @dhec.sc.gov; barbara.k.dankmyer @invista.com; bargentieri @scana.com; bbeasleyl949 @sc.rr.com; bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us; bcampbel @usgs.gov; ben @scwf.org; Wynne, Bennett; Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov; bgullet @charlottenc.gov; bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com; Bill.Archer @clariant.com; bmckin non @ci.mooresville.nc.us; bocash3 @yahoo.com; Strong, Brian; brian.wilson @mtholly.us; Setzer, Britt; BSteiner @usgs.gov; bwebb @cityofbelmont.org; BYetman @cityofrockhill.com; byron_hamstead @fws.gov; CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov; Goolsby, Carol S; Tingley, Carol; Carolyn.hammond @kershaw.sc.gov; Butler, Catherine Hope; CFlowers @cityofbelmont.org; CGraybeal @hickorync.gov; CHansen @hickorync.gov; Gates, Charlie; Goudreau, Chris J.; chris @ti - law.com; christied @dnr.sc.gov; Church @granitefallsnc.com; coverby @hickorync.gov; craig.wyant @charter.net; csrcomm @gmail.com; ctilley @chmuseums.org; cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com; Karoly, Cyndi; dale.herendeen @resolutefp.com; Mosteller, Dale R; Damon.Crowther @siemens.com; Brandon, Dan; Dan.oakley @ncdenr.gov; darin.steen @catawbaindian.net; david.bernhart @noaa.gov; David .Epley@ maiLci.longview.nc.us; David. Harmon @yorkcountygov.com; Phillips, David W; dblobaum @townofdavidson.org; dchamblee @lincolncounty.org; dchristie @comporium.net; DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us; ddil @centralina.org; Deborah.m.Basnight @invista.com; Whitaker, Dennis J; DHoell @ncem.org; Rayno, Don; Jackson, Donna; DWilliams @petroenviro.com; eaglehull @aol.com; Bruce, Ed; edc @cityofgastonia.com; edc @tworiversutilities.com; Edward.Goscicki @co.union.nc.us; EKimbrell @kearnswest.com; elizwilson @truvista.net; emilyparker @lakewyliemarinecommission.com; emjohnson @scdah.state.sc.us; eparker @centralina.org; Culbert, Erin B; EsRudisi @usgs.gov; fcastles @cmdcsd.com; flipb @cityofgastonia.com; fmhawkins @comporium.net; Tarver, Fred; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree - comporium; gassociation @truvista.net; Galleher, George A; gewilliams @scana.com; gfmayor @truvista.net; Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov; greatfalls @truvista.net; Greenej @ci.concord.nc.us; grmode @gmail.com; Grosst @ci.concord.nc.us; groupfive @usa.net; Sideris, Harry; hexell @chmuseums.org; Hiattb @ci.concord.nc.us; hM Boyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us; HpSowell @lancastercitysc.com; hshiggins @crescent - resources.com; Mcmillan, Ian; james.friday @mtholly.us; Walls, Jason A; JBagley @cityofrockhill.com;jbrobins @usgs.gov; JByerly @statesvillenc.net; jc @newhopemortgage.com; JCrockett @lancastercitysc.com; jCweaver @usgs.gov; Lineberger, Jeff, Burdette, Jennifer a; Huff, Jennifer R; jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov; jhudson @statesvillenc.net; jhuss @aol.com; jim.burke @gastongov.com; jim_burke @ncsu.edu; jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us; JmShort @crescent- resources.com; jn3006 @truvista.net; Hall, Joe S; john.bakerl @ipaper.com; John.Bowyer @amefird.com; Harmon, John W Sr; John.Wear @wpcog.org; Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com; Kluttz, Joseph R III; jprosser @centralina.org; jreid @hickorync.gov; jwager @centralina.org; jzdenek @comporium.net; Higgins, Karen; Karla.Reece @noaa.gov; kcarter @caldwellcountync.org; keith.griffin @springs.com; Reagan, Kelvin K; Taylor, Kermitt; kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com; Kevin @amwhitewater.org; Mcgee, Keyes; To: kgreer @hickorync.gov; kkearns @kearnswest.com; kvlt @comporium.net; Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu; landsfordcanal @scprt.com; LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us; Peele, Linwood; lisa.hagood @mtholly.us; Stryker, Lisa Hoffmann; LKirkpatrick @ci.charlotte.nc.us; Ikstory @charter.net; LugoffH20 @aol.com; Ivwp @embarqmail.com; Allocco, Marcia; Oakley, Mark; mark_cantrell @fws.gov; mary @catawbacountync.gov; Green, Mary Kathryn; MattB @cityofgastonia.com; maxdevco @earthlink.net; mbailes @comporium.net; mbailes @crwtp.org; mblackburnl @carolina.rr.com; mcleodjh @bellsouth.net; Williams, Melanie; MelBeardbc @aol.com; merlinperry @yahoo.com; MFul brig ht @ci.mooresville.nc.us; Parker, Michael; Ruhe, Mike; mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov; mjchap @usgs.gov; mknight @lcwasd.org; M Legg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; mmedlin @truvista.net; mmorganl0 @carolina.rr.com; montgomeryron @bellsouth.net; MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com; mshufordwise @embarqmail.com; mvead @catawbacog.org; Wilson, Nat; Sarwar, Neelufa; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; oglendening @chmuseums.org; onemarina4us @aol.com; pace.wilber @noaa.gov; pambeckl @bellsouth.net; Paulmitchell @comporium.net; perryb @dnr.sc.gov; pgaines @scprt.com; phall @cityofcherryville.com; Fragapane, Phil; piaski @bellsouth.net; pKReynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us; PostB @dnr.sc.gov; prestohs @dhec.sc.gov; Putnamc @concordnc.gov; Herrin, Randy C; Welch, Randy D; Gledhill - earley, Renee; rERobertson @crwtp.org; rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us; Jiran, Rick; Mroczek, Rita; rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us; rmcswain @live.com; Krebs, Rob; Nicholson, Robin P; Lawson, Ronald W; rosel @dnr.sc.gov; roy.crabtree @noaa.gov; RRase @ci.mooresville.nc.us; rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us; Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov; sam.erwin @wpcog.org; Young, Sarah; sberley @co.burke.nc.us; scott.carpenter @burkenc.org; Holland, Scott D; ScottHuneycutt @co.union.nc.us; SDavis @camdensc.org; Self r @dnr.sc.gov; sgreene56 @netscape.net; sharris @alexandercountync.gov; skip @perigee.net; squeaksmith @earthlink.net; ssummer @scana.com; Jester, Steve; Johnson, Steven R; stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us; sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us; SWhite @lcwasd.org; sylvest @scdah.state.sc.us; t_eldridge @bellsouth.net; Styer, Tami C; TClark @newtonnc.gov; tcouch @camdensc.org; Tdmead @aol.com; Terry.Lail @ncdenr.gov; thomas_mccoy @fws.gov; Gause, Tim E; tim @ncwf.org; tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org; Fransen, Tom; Reeder, Tom; tom @catawbalands.org; troyblackmon @bankofyork.com; t- Wayne.Chapman -1 @invista.com; vetaylor @roadrunner.com; Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov; wallison @co.iredell.nc.us; wenonahh @ccpperafts.com; whip6259 @bellsouth.net; WMartin @newtonnc.gov; wMelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us; Williamson, Justin T Cc: Claunch, Chuck; Short, Toby S; Rice, Garry S; Potter, James W. (JPotter @nexsenpruet.com) Subject: UPDATE Regarding the Catawba - Wateree South Carolina Water Quality Certification Attachments: Duke Motion for Stay of Deli beration.pdf From: Oakley, Mark Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2014 11:54 AM To: 'Amy @munione.com'; 'ancientanglertim @aol.com'; 'anna.moore @yorkcountygov.com'; 'APiasecki @kearnswest.com'; 'asurratt @hickorync.gov'; 'awooten @mcdowellgov.com'; 'baizedg @dhec.sc.gov'; ' barbara .k.dankmyer @invista.com'; 'bargentieri @scana.com'; 'bbeasley1949 @sc.rr.com'; 'bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us'; 'bcampbel @usgs.gov'; 'ben @scwf.org'; 'Bennett.Wynne @ncwildlife.org'; 'Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov'; 'bgullet @charlottenc.gov'; 'bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com'; 'Bill.Archer @clariant.com'; ' bmckinnon @ci.mooresville.nc.us'; 'bocash3 @yahoo.com'; 'brian.strong @ncparks.gov'; 'brian.wilson @mtholly.us'; 'Britt.Setzer @ncdenr.gov'; 'BSteiner @usgs.gov'; 'bwebb @cityofbelmont.org'; 'BYetman @cityofrockhill.com'; ' CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov'; Goolsby, Carol S; 'carol.tingley @ncparks.gov'; ' Carolyn .hammond @kershaw.sc.gov'; Butler, Catherine Hope; 'CFlowers @cityofbelmont.org'; 'CGraybeal @hickorync.gov'; 'CHansen @hickorync.gov'; Gates, Charlie; ' chris.goudreau @ncwildlife.org'; 'chris @ti - law.com'; 'christied @dnr.sc.gov'; 'Chu rch @granitefallsnc.com'; 'coverby @hickorync.gov'; 'craig.wyant @charter. net'; 'csrcomm @gmail.com'; 'ctilley @chmuseums.org'; 'cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com'; 'Cyndi.Karoly @ncdenr.gov'; ' dale.herendeen @resolutefp.com'; Mosteller, Dale R; 'Damon.Crowther @siemens.com'; 'Dan.brandon @ncagr.gov'; 'Dan.oakley @ncdenr.gov'; ' darin.steen @catawbaindian.net'; 'david.bernhart @noaa.gov'; ' David .Epley@ mai1.ci.longview.nc.us'; ' David.Harmon @yorkcountygov.com'; Phillips, David W; 'dblobaum @townofdavidson.org'; 'dchamblee @lincolncounty.org'; 'dchristie @comporium. net'; 'DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'ddiI @centralina.org'; ' Deborah .m.Basnight @invista.com'; Whitaker, Dennis J; 'DHoell @ncem.org'; 'don.rayno @ncdenr.gov'; 'Don na.Jackson @ncdenr.gov'; 'DWi I I ia ms@ petroenvi ro. com'; 'eaglehuII @aol.com'; Bruce, Ed; 'edc @cityofgastonia.com'; 'edc @tworiversutilities.com'; 'Edward.Goscicki@co. union. nc. us'; 'EKimbrell @kearnswest.com'; Tel izwilson @truvista.net'; 'emilyparker@ lakewyliemarinecommission.com'; 'emjohnson @scdah. state. sc. us'; 'eparker @centralina.org'; Culbert, Erin B; 'EsRudisi @usgs.gov'; 'fcastles @cmdcsd.com'; 'flipb @cityofgastonia.com'; 'fmhawkins @comporium. net'; 'fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov'; 'Homeowners Assoc, Wateree - comporium (gariverrats @comporium. net)'; 'gassociation @truvista.net'; Galleher, George A; 'gewilliams @scana.com'; 'gfmayor @truvista.net'; 'Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov'; 'greatfalls @truvista.net'; 'Greenej @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'grmode @gmail.com'; 'Grosst @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'groupfive @usa.net'; Sideris, Harry; 'hexell @chmuseums.org'; 'Hiattb @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'hM Boyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'HpSowell @lancastercitysc.com'; 'hshiggins@crescent- resources.com'; 'ian.mcmillan @ncdenr.gov'; 'james.friday @mtholly.us'; Walls, Jason A; ']Bagley @cityofrockhill.com'; 'jbrobins @usgs.gov'; 'JByerly @statesvillenc.net'; 'jc @newhopemortgage.com'; ']Crockett @lancastercitysc.com'; 'jCweaver @usgs.gov'; Lineberger, Jeff; 'Jennifer.Burdette @ncdenr.gov'; Huff, Jennifer R; 'jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov'; 'jhudson @statesvillenc.net'; 'jhuss @aol.com'; 'jim.burke @gastongov.com'; 'jim_burke @ncsu.edu'; 'jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'JmShort @crescent - resources.com'; 'jn3006 @truvista.net'; Hall, Joe S; 'john.bakerl @ipaper.com'; 'John.Bowyer @amefird.com'; Harmon, John W Sr; 'John.Wear @wpcog.org'; 'Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com'; Kluttz, Joseph R III; 'jprosser @centralina.org'; 'jreid @hickorync.gov'; jwager @centralina.org'; 'jzdenek @comporium. net'; 'Karen.higgins @ncdenr.gov'; 'Karla.Reece @noaa.gov'; 'kcarter @caldwellcountync.org'; 'keith.griffin @springs.com'; Reagan, Kelvin K; Taylor, Kermitt; 'kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com'; 'Kevin @amwhitewater.org'; 'Keyes. McGee@ ncden r. gov'; 'kgreer @hickorync.gov'; 'kkearns @kearnswest.com'; 'kvlt @comporium. net'; 'Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu'; 'landsfordcanal @scprt.com'; 'LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'Linwood.peele @ncdenr.gov'; 'lisa.hagood @mtholly.us'; 'Hoffmann, Lisa M'; ' LKirkpatrick @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'Ikstory@charter. net'; 'LugoffH20 @aol.com'; 'Ivwp @embargmail.com'; 'Marcia.Allocco @ncdenr.gov'; Oakley, Mark; 'mark_cantrell @fws.gov'; 'mary@catawbacountync.gov'; Green, Mary Kathryn; 'MattB @cityofgastonia.com'; 'maxdevco @earthlink.net'; 'mbailes @comporium. net'; 'mbailes @crwtp.org'; 'mblackburnl @carolina.rr.com'; 'mcleodjh @bellsouth.net'; 'melanie.williams @ncdenr.gov'; 'MelBeardbc @aol.com'; 'merlinperry@yahoo.com'; ' MFuI brig ht @ci.mooresvi Ile. nc.us'; 'Michael. Parker @ncdenr.gov'; Ruhe, Mike; 'mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov'; 'mjchap @usgs.gov'; 'mknight @lcwasd.org'; 'MLegg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us'; 'mmedlin @truvista.net'; 'mmorganl0 @carolina.rr.com'; 'montgomeryron @bellsouth.net'; 'MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com'; 'mshufordwise @embargmail.com'; 'mvead @catawbacog.org'; 'Nat.Wilson @ncdenr.gov'; 'Neel ufa.Sarwar @ncdenr.gov'; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; 'oglendening @chmuseums.org'; 'onemarina4us @aol.com'; 'pace.wilber @noaa.gov'; 'pambeckl @bellsouth.net'; 'Paulmitchell @comporium. net'; 'perryb @dnr.sc.gov'; 'pgaines @scprt.com'; 'phall @cityofcherryville.com'; Fragapane, Phil; 'piaski @bellsouth.net'; 'pKReynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'PostB @dnr.sc.gov'; 'prestohs @dhec.sc.gov'; 'Putnamc @concordnc.gov'; Herrin, Randy C; Welch, Randy D; ' renee .g led hi II-ea rley @ncdcr.gov'; 'rERobertson @crwtp.org'; 'rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us'; Jiran, Rick; 'Rita.Mroczek @ncdenr.gov'; 'rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'rmcswain @live.com'; 'Rob. Krebs@ ncden r. gov'; Nicholson, Robin P; Lawson, Ronald W; 'rosel @dnr.sc.gov'; 'roy.crabtree @noaa.gov'; 'RRase @ci.mooresvi Ile. nc.us'; 'rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us'; ' Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov'; 'sam.erwin @wpcog.org'; 'Sarah.Young @ncdenr.gov'; 'sberley @co.burke.nc.us'; 'scott.carpenter @burkenc.org'; Holland, Scott D; 'ScottHuneycutt@co. union. nc. us'; 'SDavis @camdensc.org'; 'Selfr @dnr.sc.gov'; 'sgreene56 @netscape.net'; 'sharris @alexandercountync.gov'; 'skip @perigee. net'; 'squeaksmith @earthlink.net'; 'ssummer @scana.com'; Jester, Steve; 'steven.johnson @duke - energy.com'; ' stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us'; 'SWhite @lcwasd.org'; 'sylvest@scda h. state. sc. us'; 't_eldridge @bellsouth.net'; Styer, Tami C; 'TClark @newtonnc.gov'; 'tcouch @camdensc.org'; 'Td mead @aol.com'; 'Terry. Lai l @ncdenr.gov'; 'thomas_mccoy @fws.gov'; Gause, Tim E; 'tim @ncwf.org'; ' tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org'; 'Tom.Fransen @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom @catawbalands.org'; 'troyblackmon @bankofyork.com'; ' t- Wayne.Chapman- 1 @invista.com'; 'vetaylor @ road runner. com'; 'Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov'; 'wallison @co.iredell.nc.us'; 'wenonahh @ccpperafts.com'; 'whip6259 @bellsouth.net'; 'WMartin @newtonnc.gov'; 'wMelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us' Cc: Claunch, Chuck; Short, Toby S; Rice, Garry S; Potter, James W. (]Potter @nexsenpruet.com) Subject: UPDATE Regarding the Catawba - Wateree South Carolina Water Quality Certification This week Public Notices of the .. wba-Wateree Project (Project) water quality certification (WQC) applicat mailed. These went primarily to property owners adjacent to the Project, so everyone receiving this note may not receive a Public Notice directly. However, you can access the Public Notice at the following link. http: / /www.scdhec.gov /PublicNotices /docs /Water /p08001npd.pdf The South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control's (SCDHEC) WQC application process is off to , smooth and quick start. The public comment period is now open for 30 days and will close on August 29, 2014. While the July 11, 2014, settlement agreement resolves past concerns with the WQC application, the current public comment period is also an opportunity to express your support for the Comprehensive r Agreement R application that is based on the CRA, and the continued expeditious review and processing of the WQC application. From: Oakley, Mark Sent: Friday, July 18, 2014 4:26 PM To: 'Amy @munione.com'; 'ancientanglertim @aol.com'; 'anna.moore @yorkcountygov.com'; 'APiasecki @kearnswest.com'; 'asurratt @hickorync.gov'; 'awooten @mcdowellgov.com'; 'baizedg @dhec.sc.gov'; ' barbara .k.dankmyer @invista.com'; 'bargentieri @scana.com'; 'bbeasley1949 @sc.rr.com'; 'bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us'; 'bcampbel @usgs.gov'; 'ben @scwf.org'; 'Bennett.Wynne @ncwildlife.org'; 'Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov'; 'bgullet @charlottenc.gov'; 'bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com'; 'Bill.Archer @clariant.com'; ' bmckinnon @ci.mooresville.nc.us'; 'bocash3 @yahoo.com'; 'brian.strong @ncparks.gov'; 'brian.wilson @mtholly.us'; 'Britt.Setzer @ncdenr.gov'; 'BSteiner @usgs.gov'; 'bwebb @cityofbelmont.org'; 'BYetman @cityofrockhill.com'; ' CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov'; Goolsby, Carol S; 'carol.tingley @ncparks.gov'; ' Carolyn .hammond @kershaw.sc.gov'; 'CFlowers @cityofbelmont.org'; 'CGraybeal @hickorync.gov'; 'CHansen @hickorync.gov'; ' chris.goudreau @ncwildlife.org'; 'chris @ti - law.com'; 'christied @dnr.sc.gov'; 'Chu rch @granitefallsnc.com'; 'coverby @hickorync.gov'; 'craig.wyant @charter. net'; 'csrcomm @gmail.com'; 'ctilley @chmuseums.org'; 'cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com'; 'Cyndi.Karoly @ncdenr.gov'; ' dale.herendeen @resolutefp.com'; Mosteller, Dale R; 'Damon.Crowther @siemens.com'; 'Dan.brandon @ncagr.gov'; 'Dan.oakley @ncdenr.gov'; ' Darien .stein @catawbaindian.net'; 'david.bernhart @noaa.gov'; ' David .Epley@ mai1.ci.longview.nc.us'; ' David.Harmon @yorkcountygov.com'; 'dblobaum @townofdavidson.org'; 'dchamblee @lincolncounty.org'; 'dchristie @comporium.net'; 'DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'ddil @centralina.org'; ' Deborah .m.Basnight @invista.com'; Whitaker, Dennis J; 'DHoell @ncem.org'; 'don.rayno @ncdenr.gov'; 'Donna.Jackson @ncdenr.gov'; 'DWilliams @petroenviro.com'; 'eaglehull @aol.com'; Bruce, Ed; 'edc @cityofgastonia.com'; 'edc @tworiversutilities.com'; 'Edward.Goscicki@co. union. nc. us'; 'EKimbrell @kearnswest.com'; 'elizwilson @truvista.net'; 'emilyparker@ lakewyliemarinecommission.com'; 'emjohnson @scdah. state. sc. us'; 'eparker @centralina.org'; Culbert, Erin B; 'EsRudisi @usgs.gov'; 'fcastles @cmdcsd.com'; 'flipb @cityofgastonia.com'; 'fmhawkins @comporium.net'; 'fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov'; 'Homeowners Assoc, Wateree - comporium (QariverratsCa)comporium.net)'; 'gassociation @truvista.net'; Galleher, George A; 'gewilliams @scana.com'; 'gfmayor @truvista.net'; 'Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov'; 'greatfalls @truvista.net'; 'Greenej @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'grmode @gmail.com'; 'Grosst @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'groupfive @usa.net'; 'hexell @chmuseums.org'; 'Hiattb @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'hM Boyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'HpSowell @lancastercitysc.com'; 'hshiggins @crescent - resources.com'; 'ian.mcmillan @ncdenr.gov'; 'james.friday @mtholly.us'; Walls, Jason A; 'Jay_Herrington @fws.gov'; ']Bagley @cityofrockhill.com'; Jbrobins @usgs.gov'; 'JByerly @statesvillenc.net'; 'jc @newhopemortgage.com'; ']Crockett @lancastercitysc.com'; 'jCweaver @usgs.gov'; Lineberger, Jeff; 'Jennifer.Burdette @ncdenr.gov'; Huff, Jennifer R; 'jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov'; Jhudson @statesvillenc.net'; Jhuss @aol.com'; 'jim.burke @gastongov.com'; Jim_burke @ncsu.edu'; Jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'JmShort @crescent - resources.com'; Jn3006 @truvista.net'; Hall, Joe S; 'john.bakerl @ipaper.com'; 'John.Bowyer @amefird.com'; Harmon, John W Sr; 'John.Wear @wpcog.org'; 'Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com'; Kluttz, Joseph R III; Jprosser @centralina.org'; Jreid @hickorync.gov'; ']Stowe @mckimcreed.com'; Jwager @centralina.org'; Jzdenek @comporium.net'; 'Karen.higgins @ncdenr.gov'; 'Karla.Reece @noaa.gov'; 'kcarter @caldwellcountync.org'; 'keith.griffin @springs.com'; Reagan, Kelvin K; Taylor, Kermitt; 'kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com'; 'Kevin @amwhitewater.org'; 'Keyes. McGee@ ncden r. gov'; 'kgreer @hickorync.gov'; 'kkearns @kearnswest.com'; 'kvlt @comporium.net'; 'Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu'; 'landsfordcanal @scprt.com'; 'LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'Linwood.peele @ncdenr.gov'; Hoffmann, Lisa M; ' LKirkpatrick @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'Ikstory@charter. net'; 'LugoffH20 @aol.com'; 'Ivwp @embargmail.com'; 'Marcia.Allocco @ncdenr.gov'; 'mark_cantrell @fws.gov'; 'mary@catawbacountync.gov'; Green, Mary Kathryn; 'MattB @cityofgastonia.com'; 'maxdevco @earthlink.net'; 'mbailes @comporium.net'; 'mbailes @crwtp.org'; 'mblackburnl @carolina.rr.com'; 'mcleodjh @bellsouth.net'; 'Mel Beardbc @aol.com'; 'merlinperry@yahoo.com'; ' MFuI brig ht @ci.mooresvil le. nc.us'; 'Michael. Parker @ncdenr.gov'; 'mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov'; 'mjchap @usgs.gov'; 'mklein @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'mknight @lcwasd.org'; 'MLegg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us'; 'mmedlin @truvista.net'; 'mmorganl0 @carolina.rr.com'; 'montgomeryron @bellsouth.net'; 'MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com'; 'mshufordwise @embargmail.com'; 'mvead @catawbacog.org'; 'Nat.Wilson @ncdenr.gov'; 'Neel ufa.Sarwar @ncdenr.gov'; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; 'oglendening @chmuseums.org'; 'onemarina4us @aol.com'; 'pambeckl @bellsouth.net'; 'Paulmitchell @comporium.net'; 'perryb @dnr.sc.gov'; 'pgaines @scprt.com'; 'phall @cityofcherryville.com'; Fragapane, Phil; 'piaski @bellsouth.net'; 'pKReynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'PostB @dnr.sc.gov'; 'prestohs @dhec.sc.gov'; 'Putnamc @concordnc.gov'; Herrin, Randy C; Welch, Randy D; ' renee .g led hill- earley @ncdcr.gov'; 'rERobertson @crwtp.org'; 'rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us'; Jiran, Rick; 'Rita.Mroczek @ncdenr.gov'; 'rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'rmcswain @Iive.com'; 'Rob.Krebs @ncdenr.gov'; Nicholson, Robin P; Lawson, Ronald W; 'rosel @dnr.sc.gov'; 'roy.crabtree @noaa.gov'; 'RRase @ci.mooresvi Ile. nc.us'; 'rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us'; ' Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov'; 'sam.erwin @wpcog.org'; 'Sarah.Young @ncdenr.gov'; 'sberley @co.burke.nc.us'; 'scott.carpenter @burkenc.org'; Holland, Scott D; 'ScottHuneycutt@co. union. nc. us'; 'SDavis @camdensc.org'; 'Selfr @dnr.sc.gov'; 'sgreene56 @netscape.net'; 'sharris @alexandercountync.gov'; 'skip @perigee. net'; 'squeaksmith @earthlink.net'; 'ssummer @scana.com'; Jester, Steve; 'steven.johnson @duke- energy.com'; ' stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us'; 'SWhite @lcwasd.org'; 'sylvest@scda h. state. sc. us'; 't_eldridge @bellsouth.net'; Styer, Tami C; 'TClark @newtonnc.gov'; 'tcouch @camdensc.org'; 'Td mead @aol.com'; 'Terry. Lail @ncdenr.gov'; 'thomas_mccoy @fws.gov'; Gause, Tim E; 'tim @ncwf.org'; ' tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org'; 'Tom.Fransen @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom @catawbalands.org'; 'troyblackmon @bankofyork.com'; ' t- Wayne.Chapman- 1 @invista.com'; 'vetaylor @ road runner. com'; 'Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov'; 'wallison @co.iredell.nc.us'; 'wenonahh @ccpperafts.com'; 'whip6259 @bellsouth.net'; 'WMartin @newtonnc.gov'; 'wMelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us'; kkearnsCa)kearnswest.com; 'Williams, Melanie'; Sideris, Harry; Gates, Charlie Cc: Claunch, Chuck; Short, Toby S; Rice, Garry S; Potter, James W. (JPotter(a)nexsenpruet.com) Subject: UPDATE Regarding the Catawba - Wateree South Carolina Water Quality Certification TOW I also want to provide some more detail on yesterday's somewhat brief note and answer a question that may have arisen; Does the settlement agreement change the Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement (CRA)? The answer is no. All Thanks again for your support and patience throughout this relicensing process and I hope you share my excitement as the process begins to move forward again. From: Oakley, Mark Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 12:59 PM To: 'Amy @munione.com'; 'ancientanglertim @aol.com'; 'anna.moore @yorkcountygov.com'; 'APiasecki @kearnswest.com'; 'asurratt @hickorync.gov'; 'awooten @mcdowellgov.com'; 'baizedg @dhec.sc.gov'; ' barbara .k.dankmyer @invista.com'; 'bargentieri @scana.com'; 'bbeasley1949 @sc.rr.com'; 'bboris @ci.morganton.nc.us'; 'bcampbel @usgs.gov'; 'ben @scwf.org'; 'Bennett.Wynne @ncwildlife.org'; 'Bettingerj @dnr.sc.gov'; 'bgullet @charlottenc.gov'; 'bh.rhodhiss @yahoo.com'; 5 'Bill.Archer @clariant.com'; ' bmckinnon @ci.mooresville.nc.us'; 'bocash3 @yahoo.com'; 'brian.strong @ncparks.gov'; 'brian.wilson @mtholly.us'; 'Britt.Setzer @ncdenr.gov'; 'BSteiner @usgs.gov'; 'bwebb @cityofbelmont.org'; 'BYetman @cityofrockhill.com'; ' CalvinThornburg @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'cantrewm @dhec.sc.gov'; Goolsby, Carol S; 'carol.tingley @ncparks.gov'; ' Carolyn .hammond @kershaw.sc.gov'; 'CFlowers @cityofbelmont.org'; 'CGraybeal @hickorync.gov'; 'CHansen @hickorync.gov'; ' chris.goudreau @ncwildlife.org'; 'chris @ti - law.com'; 'christied @dnr.sc.gov'; 'Chu rch @granitefallsnc.com'; 'coverby @hickorync.gov'; 'craig.wyant @charter. net'; 'csrcomm @gmail.com'; 'ctilley @chmuseums.org'; 'cwinfo @mcdowellgov.com'; 'Cyndi.Karoly @ncdenr.gov'; ' dale.herendeen @resolutefp.com'; Mosteller, Dale R; 'Damon.Crowther @siemens.com'; 'Dan.brandon @ncagr.gov'; 'Dan.oakley @ncdenr.gov'; ' Darien .stein @catawbaindian.net'; 'david.bernhart @noaa.gov'; ' David .Epley@ mai1.ci.longview.nc.us'; ' David.Harmon @yorkcountygov.com'; 'dblobaum @townofdavidson.org'; 'dchamblee @lincolncounty.org'; 'dchristie @comporium.net'; 'DCook @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'ddil @centralina.org'; ' Deborah .m.Basnight @invista.com'; Whitaker, Dennis J; 'DHoell @ncem.org'; 'don.rayno @ncdenr.gov'; 'Donna.Jackson @ncdenr.gov'; 'DWilliams @petroenviro.com'; 'eaglehull @aol.com'; Bruce, Ed; 'edc @cityofgastonia.com'; 'edc @tworiversutilities.com'; 'Edward.Goscicki@co. union. nc. us'; 'EKimbrell @kearnswest.com'; 'elizwilson @truvista.net'; 'emilyparker@ lakewyliemarinecommission.com'; 'emjohnson @scdah. state. sc. us'; 'eparker @centralina.org'; Culbert, Erin B; 'EsRudisi @usgs.gov'; 'fcastles @cmdcsd.com'; 'flipb @cityofgastonia.com'; 'fmhawkins @comporium. net'; 'fred.tarver @ncdenr.gov'; 'Homeowners Assoc, Wateree - comporium (QariverratsCa)comporium.net)'; 'gassociation @truvista.net'; Galleher, George A; 'gewilliams @scana.com'; 'gfmayor @truvista.net'; 'Gormancm @dhec.sc.gov'; 'greatfalls @truvista.net'; 'Greenej @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'grmode @gmail.com'; 'Grosst @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'groupfive @usa.net'; 'hexell @chmuseums.org'; 'Hiattb @ci. concord. nc.us'; 'hM Boyd @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'HpSowell @lancastercitysc.com'; 'hshiggins @crescent - resources.com'; 'ian.mcmillan @ncdenr.gov'; 'james.friday @mtholly.us'; Walls, Jason A; 'Jay_Herrington @fws.gov'; ']Bagley @cityofrockhill.com'; 'jbrobins @usgs.gov'; 'JByerly @statesvillenc.net'; 'jc @newhopemortgage.com'; ']Crockett @lancastercitysc.com'; 'jCweaver @usgs.gov'; Lineberger, Jeff; 'Jennifer.Burdette @ncdenr.gov'; Huff, Jennifer R; 'jeubanks @catawbacountync.gov'; 'jhudson @statesvillenc.net'; 'jhuss @aol.com'; 'jim.burke @gastongov.com'; 'jim_burke @ncsu.edu'; 'jmorse @ci.valdese.nc.us'; 'JmShort @crescent - resources.com'; 'jn3006 @truvista.net'; Hall, Joe S; 'john.bakerl @ipaper.com'; 'John.Bowyer @amefird.com'; Harmon, John W Sr; 'John.Wear @wpcog.org'; 'Jonathan.Williams @hdrinc.com'; Kluttz, Joseph R III; 'jprosser @centralina.org'; 'jreid @hickorync.gov'; ']Stowe @mckimcreed.com'; 'jwager @centralina.org'; 'jzdenek @comporium. net'; 'Karen.higgins @ncdenr.gov'; 'Karla.Reece @noaa.gov'; 'kcarter @caldwellcountync.org'; 'keith.griffin @springs.com'; Reagan, Kelvin K; Taylor, Kermitt; 'kevin.mosteller @hdrinc.com'; 'Kevin @amwhitewater.org'; 'Keyes. McGee@ ncden r. gov'; 'kgreer @hickorync.gov'; 'kkearns @kearnswest.com'; 'kvlt @comporium. net'; 'Lackstro @mailbox.sc.edu'; 'landsfordcanal @scprt.com'; 'LBailey @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'Linwood.peele @ncdenr.gov'; Hoffmann, Lisa M; ' LKirkpatrick @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'Ikstory@charter. net'; 'LugoffH2O @aol.com'; 'Ivwp @embargmail.com'; 'Marcia.Allocco @ncdenr.gov'; 'mark _cantrell @fws.gov'; 'mary@catawbacountync.gov'; Green, Mary Kathryn; 'MattB @cityofgastonia.com'; 'maxdevco @earthlink.net'; 'mbailes @comporium. net'; 'mbailes @crwtp.org'; 'mblackburnl @carolina.rr.com'; 'mcleodjh @bellsouth.net'; 'Mel Beardbc @aol.com'; 'merlinperry@yahoo.com'; ' MFuI brig ht @ci.mooresvil le. nc.us'; 'Michael. Parker @ncdenr.gov'; 'mizzellh @dnr.sc.gov'; 'mjchap @usgs.gov'; 'mklein @ci.charlotte.nc.us'; 'mknight @lcwasd.org'; 'MLegg @ci.kannapolis.nc.us'; 'mmedlin @truvista.net'; 'mmorganl0 @carolina.rr.com'; 'montgomeryron @bellsouth.net'; 'MQUATTLEBAUM @scana.com'; 'mshufordwise @embargmail.com'; 'mvead @catawbacog.org'; 'Nat.Wilson @ncdenr.gov'; 'Neel ufa.Sarwar @ncdenr.gov'; Homeowners Assoc, Wateree2 - MSN; 'oglendening @chmuseums.org'; 'onemarina4us @aol.com'; 'pambeckl @bellsouth.net'; 'Paulmitchell @comporium. net'; 'perryb @dnr.sc.gov'; 'pgaines @scprt.com'; 'phall @cityofcherryville.com'; Fragapane, Phil; 'piaski @bellsouth.net'; 'pKReynolds @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'PostB @dnr.sc.gov'; 'prestohs @dhec.sc.gov'; 'Putnamc @concordnc.gov'; Herrin, Randy C; Welch, Randy D; ' renee .g led hill- earley @ncdcr.gov'; 'rERobertson @crwtp.org'; 'rgeorge @ci.morganton.nc.us'; Jiran, Rick; 'Rita.Mroczek @ncdenr.gov'; 'rlthomas @ci.lenoir.nc.us'; 'rmcswain @Iive.com'; 'Rob.Krebs @ncdenr.gov'; Nicholson, Robin P; Lawson, Ronald W; 'rosel @dnr.sc.gov'; 'roy.crabtree @noaa.gov'; 'RRase @ci.mooresvi Ile. nc.us'; 'rsmith @co.iredell.nc.us'; ' Rusty. Rozzelle @MecklenburgCountyNC.gov'; 'sam.erwin @wpcog.org'; 'Sarah.Young @ncdenr.gov'; 'sberley @co.burke.nc.us'; 'scott.carpenter @burkenc.org'; Holland, Scott D; 'ScottHuneycutt@co. union. nc. us'; 'SDavis @camdensc.org'; 'Selfr @dnr.sc.gov'; 'sgreene56 @netscape.net'; 'sharris @alexandercountync.gov'; 'skip @perigee. net'; 'squeaksmith @earthlink.net'; 'ssummer @scana.com'; Jester, Steve; 'steven.johnson @duke- energy.com'; ' stevepeeler @ci.lincolnton.nc.us'; 'sturnmire @co.alexander.nc.us'; 'SWhite @lcwasd.org'; 'sylvest@scda h. state. sc. us'; 't_eldridge @bellsouth.net'; Styer, Tami C; 'TClark @newtonnc.gov'; 'tcouch @camdensc.org'; 'Td mead @aol.com'; 'Terry. Lail @ncdenr.gov'; 'thomas_mccoy @fws.gov'; Gause, Tim E; 'tim @ncwf.org'; ' tkenney @foothillsconservancy.org'; 'Tom.Fransen @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom.reeder @ncdenr.gov'; 'tom @catawbalands.org'; 'troyblackmon @bankofyork.com'; ' t- Wayne.Chapman- 1 @invista.com'; 'vetaylor @ road runner. com'; 'Vic.carpenter @kershaw.sc.gov'; 'wallison @co.iredell.nc.us'; 'wenonahh @ccpperafts.com'; 'whip6259 @bellsouth.net'; 'WMartin @newtonnc.gov'; 'wMelton @ci.kannapolis.nc.us'; kkearnsCa)kearnswest.com; 'Williams, Melanie' Cc: Claunch, Chuck; Short, Toby S; Rice, Garry S; Potter, James W. (JPotter(a)nexsenpruet.com) Subject: Announcement Regarding the Catawba - Wateree South Carolina Water Quality Certification Today Duke Energy asked the SC Supreme Court to stay any further consideration of its South Carolina water quality certification (WQC) appeal request while it reapplies for a WQC with the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (SCDHEC). This action is pursuant to a settlement agreement signed July 11, 2014 by Duke Energy, SCDHEC, American Rivers, and the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League intended to resolve the impasse regarding the South Carolina water quality certification (WQC) for the Catawba- Wateree Relicensing Project (Project). The agreement clarifies (but does not change) certain aspects of the Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement and outlines a series of steps to expeditiously attain a WQC for the Project. Once the WQC is issued, the agreement parties will take the needed steps with the South Carolina courts and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to end all court cases and petitions. All Parties will then urge the FERC to expedite its issuance of a New License for the Project. The agreement now calls for Duke Energy to reapply for a WQC by August 22, 2014. Duke Energy expects to reapply sooner than this deadline. If you have questions or need additional information, please contact Mark Oakley at 704 382 -5778 or mark.oakley @duke - energy.com. We are encouraged at the prospect of resolving this issue, which should pave the way for issuance of a New License by the FERC. Once the New License is issued, Duke Energy can begin implementing the associated benefits, such as land conveyances, resource protection and enhancements and additional public recreational amenities. MOTION FOR STAY OF DELIBERATION DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, REQUEST I. REHEARING OF ORDER PETITION FOR DECLARATORY ORDER Pursuant to Rule 212 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 C.F.R. § 385.212, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ( "Duke Energy "), licensee and applicant for new license ( "New License ") for the Catawba- Wateree Project No. 2232 ( "Project "), hereby moves the Commission to stay until further notice its deliberation on Duke Energy's May 16, 2014 Request for Rehearing ( "Request for Rehearing")' of the Order Denying Petition for Declaratory Order, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, 147 FERC ¶ 61,037 ( "Order ") fl • Z"I Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing challenged the Commission's determination in its Order that the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control ( "SCDHEC ") had not waived water quality certification ( "WQC ") under § 401(a)(1) of the federal Clean Water Act ( "CWA ") (33 U.S.C. § 1341(a)(1)) with respect to the application for WQC for the New License for the Project Duke Energy had submitted to SCDHEC on June 5, 2008. Because of a recent agreement, there is no need for the Commission to continue its deliberation on the Request for Rehearing at this time. Specifically, on July 11, 2014, Duke Energy entered into an Agreement with American Rivers and the South Carolina Coastal Conservation League (collectively, 1 FERC accession number 20140516 -5094. "Conservation Organizations ") and SCDHEC regarding SCDHEC's WQC for the New License for the Project under § 401(a)(1) of the CWA.2 The purpose of the Agreement is to terminate all disputes as to whether SCDHEC had waived WQC for the Project's New License in response to Duke Energy's June 5, 2008 application to SCDHEC. Under the Agreement, SCDHEC will expeditiously review and process the application for WQC for the New License that Duke Energy refiled with SCDHEC on July 18, 2014, and thereafter issue a WQC for the New License consistent with certain requirements set forth in the Agreement. Pursuant to the Agreement, Duke Energy will withdraw its Request for Rehearing within five days of issuance of a WQC for the New License acceptable to Duke Energy and the Conservation Organizations and the expiration of the 15 -day period provided by South Carolina law for the filing of Requests for Final Review of that WQC, provided no such Requests for Final Review are filed. Issuance of a WQC by SCDHEC consistent with the provisions of the Agreement and compliance with the other provisions of the Agreement will obviate the need for the Commission to address Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing. Given this, there is no need for the Commission to continue its deliberation on Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing at this time, and such deliberation should be stayed during completion of the process provided for in the Agreement. If SCDHEC issues a WQC consistent with the Agreement and the other provisions of the Agreement are met, Duke Energy will withdraw its Request for Rehearing. If such a WQC is not issued or other circumstances prevent the parties from fulfilling the requirements of the Agreement, Duke Energy will inform the Commission of such developments and request that the Commission resume its deliberation on Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing. 2 A copy of the Agreement is appended hereto as Attachment A. 2 Duke Energy respectfully requests that the Commission stay its deliberation on Duke Energy's Request for Rehearing until further notice from Duke Energy. Garry S. Rice Esq. Deputy General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Duke Energy Corporation 550 South Tryon Street Mail Code DEC45A Charlotte, NC 28202 Tel: (704) 382 -8111 Email: Garry.Rice @duke- energy.com Dated: August 5, 2014 DC:759474.1 Respectfully submitted, /s/ Kimberly OQnisL John A. Whittaker, IV Kimberly Ognisty Winston & Strawn LLP 1700 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 Tel: (202) 282 -5766 Tel: (202) 282 -5217 Email: jwhittaker @winston.com Email: kognisty @winston.com ATTORNEYS FOR DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC 3 MO 19 ME AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into this /f -day of(��°, 2014 by and among American Rivers, South Carolina Coastal Conservation Leagg( "CCL ") (collectively, "Conservation Organizations "), Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC ( "Duke Energy "), and the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control ( "SCDHEC ") each referred to singularly as "Party" and collectively as the "Parties" herein. By this Agreement, the undersigned Parties mutually agree to compromise, settle, and dismiss with prejudice the pending litigation and dispute described below, upon fulfillment of all terms and conditions as set forth below. O : O WHEREAS, Duke Energy operates the Catawba - Wateree Hydroelectric Project (the "Project "), which is a series of dams regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( "FERC ") and is subject to relicensing; WHEREAS, Duke Energy applied to FERC for a New License for the Project on August 29, 2006; WHEREAS, Duke Energy applied to SCDHEC for a water quality certification under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act ( "401 certification ") for the Project on June 5, 2008; WHEREAS, SCDHEC issued a "Notice of Department Decision — Water Quality Certification" on May 15, 2009, and then, at the request of the Conservation Organizations, the South Carolina Board of Health and Environmental Control denied the 401 certification in a written order issued August 6, 2009; WHEREAS, Duke Energy appealed the denial of the 401 certification to the Administrative Law Court ( "ALC ") on September 4, 2009 in a contested case entitled, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Petitioner v, South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Respondent, and American Rivers and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League, Interveners, Docket No, 09- ALJ -07- 0377 -CC (the "Contested Case "); WHEREAS the Contested Case was decided in favor of Duke Energy and was reversed by the South Carolina Court of Appeals (Appellate Case No, 2010-166486) in an opinion originally filed on December 12, 2012, then withdrawn, substituted, and refiled on May 1, 2013; WHEREAS, Duke Energy sought a Writ of Certiorari in a Petition to the South Carolina Supreme Court on June 28, 2013 (Case No. 09- ALJ -07- 0377 -CC), and that petition remains pending; WHEREAS, on July 8, 2013, the National Marine Fisheries Service ( "NMFS ") issued a final Biological Opinion evaluating the operation of the Project as proposed in Duke Energy's application to the FERC for a New License; WHEREAS, Duke Energy filed a petition on August 11, 2009, requesting FERC to declare that the State of South Carolina has waived 401 certification for the relicensing of the Project which was denied by FERC on April 17, 2014; WHEREAS, Duke Energy filed a request for rehearing of FERC's order denying the petition for declaratory ruling on May 16, 2014, which petition remains pending; WHEREAS, the Conservation Organizations, Duke Energy and SCDHEC have been able to reach a settlement of all disputed issues in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and of the mutual covenants and promises contained herein, and for other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the Parties agree as follows (all references to days are considered to be business days excluding holidays): The Parties will advise the South Carolina Supreme Court of this settlement and ask the Court to Stay its deliberation on the Petition for Writ of Certiorari since certain conditions and predecessor action must occur to fulfill this Agreement, Duke Energy will dismiss the Petition for Writ of Certiorari within five days of the issuance of a 401 certification by SCDHEC, acceptable to Duke Energy and the Conservation Organizations, and the expiration of the fifteen - day period for Request for Final Review of the 401 certification issuance by any affected person allowed under South Carolina law, provided no Requests for Final Review are received. 1 , / ' TESTED CASE When Duke Energy dismisses its petition pursuant to Paragraph 1, the ALC will again have jurisdiction based on the remand from the South Carolina Court of Appeals. Duke Energy will therefore file allotice of Voluntary Dismissal with Prejudice of the Contested Case within five days of its notice of withdrawal of its Petition for Writ of Certiorari. The ALC is not required to approve this Agreement, 3. WITHDRAWAL OF FERC PETITION FOR REHEARING On behalf of the Parties, Duke Energy will advise FERC of this Agreement and ask FERC to stay its deliberation on Duke Energy's "Request for Rehearing of Order Denying Petition for Declaratory Order" filed on May 16, 2014, FERC accession number 20140516 -5094. Duke Energy will withdraw that Request for Rehearing within five days after the issuance of a 401 certification by SCDHEC, acceptable to Duke Energy and the Conservation Organizations, and the expiration of the fifteen -day period for Request for Final Review of the 401 certification issuance by any affected person allowed under South Carolina law, provided no Requests for Final Review are received. Duke Energy will submit an application for a 401 certification for the Project within thirty (30) days of the signing of this Agreement by all Parties. SCDHEC will expeditiously review and process the application request. The Parties agree that the submission and processing of the 401 application does not moot the current appeal of Duke Energy; only the issuance of a 401 certification, not contested by affected persons, which is acceptable to Duke Energy and the 2 Conservation Organizations, will trigger the obligation of Duke Energy to dismiss the Petition for Certiorari under Item #1, Each Party will bear its own costs for the dismissed appeal. The Parties agree that Duke Energy will submit an application for a 401 water quality certification and that if SCDHEC issues a 401 water quality certification it will issue a certification that complies with the following terms: (a) No inclusion by reference to, and express exclusion of, Section 4.6 of the Revised Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement ( "CRA ") or of mitigation shall be made in the 401 certification; (b) The new 401 certification will quote the following: "This certification is made subject to the provisions of S.C. Reg. 61- 101(H)." t � Duke Energy and the Conservation Organizations agree as follows: (a) The habitat flow amounts and schedules proposed in Section 4.1 of the CRA (which refers to and incorporates the proposed Minimum Flows Article in Appendix A, section A -2.0, of the CRA) do not require any changes; (b) Duke Energy and the Conservation Organizations agree on the desirability and pursuit of clear and enforceable license terms for the Spring Stable Flow Periods Protocol (the "Protocol ") as described in Section 4.8 of the CRA, and the Wateree Floodplain Inundation Procedure ( "Procedure "), as described in Section 4.9 of the CRA. Duke Energy further agrees that, in carrying out its good faith commitments and exercise of its discretion that are described in CRA Section 4.8 and CRA Section 4.9, it will operate its dams upstream of the Wateree Development in compliance with requirements of the New License, CRA commitments, and electric transmission system requirements (e.g., VACAR, SERC, and NERC demands), including without limitation, the Low Inflow Protocol ( "LIP "), the Maintenance and Emergency Protocol ( "MEP ") and reservoir target elevations, (collectively the "Operational Requirements ") and it will operate its Catawba - Wateree Hydroelectric Project to implement the Protocol and the Procedure as long as doing so does not prevent compliance with any of the Operational Requirements. Failure to implement the Protocol or the Procedure as a result of complying with Operational Requirements shall not constitute lack of good faith as that term is used in CRA Section 4.8.2 and Section 4.9.1. The result of events and /or Duke Energy's responses to events beyond its control and generating equipment limitations shall not constitute lack of good faith as that term is used in CRA Section 4.8.2 and Section 4.9.1. Duke Energy will provide to the Conservation Organizations a copy of the annual report documenting flow releases from the Wateree Development occurring between February 15 and May 15 during the preceding calendar year, as described in CRA Section 4.8.5. This report in combination with Duke Energy's annual compliance report (CPA Appendix A, Section A -6.0, page A -14), which will be publicly available to the Conservation Organizations via FERC, will provide comprehensive data regarding Duke Energy's operation of all Project reservoirs for the Conservation Organizations' review of the degree to which the Protocol and the Procedure were achieved. Duke Energy will provide the Conservation Organizations with the two notices of possible New License amendments that it is required to give all parties to the CRA by CRA Sections 4.8.6 and 4.9.2. The Conservation Organizations will issue a letter to FERC after the 401 certification has been issued (and no Requests for Final Review have been made) to state the following: Dear Ms. Bose (at FERC): American Rivers and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League advise the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( "Commission ") that a settlement has been reached in the contested case, Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC, Petitioner v. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control Respondent, and American Rivers and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League. Interveners, 09- ALJ -07- 0377 -CC, resulting in the issuance of the enclosed 401 water quality certification ( "WQC") from the State of South Carolina for relicensing of the Catawba - Wateree Hydroelectric Project ( "Project "). We are writing to inform the Commission that we do not intend to oppose or challenge the WQC as issued. We support expedited issuance of a New License to Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC for the Project that incorporates the conditions of the WQC and is consistent with the Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement, once the Commission has satisfied all regulatory and statutory obligations, SCDHEC will issue a letter to FERC after the 401 certification has been issued (and no Requests for Final Review have been made) to state the following: Dear Ms, Bose (at FERC); the South Carolina Department of Health & Environmental Control advises the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ( "Commission ") that a settlement has been reached in the contested case, Duke Enemy Carolinas, LLC, Petitioner v. South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control, Respondent, and American Rivers and South Carolina Coastal Conservation League Interveners, 09- ALJ -07- 0377 -CC, resulting in the issuance of the enclosed 401 water quality certification ( "WQC ") from the State of South Carolina for relicensing of the Catawba - Wateree Hydroelectric Project ( "Project "). We support expedited issuance of a New License to Duke Energy Carolinas, LLC for the Project that incorporates the conditions of the WQC and is consistent with the Comprehensive Relicensing Agreement, once the Commission has satisfied all regulatory and statutory obligations. 4 Duke Energy agrees to invite the Conservation Organizations to participate in each Annual Recreational Flow Schedule Planning meeting described in CRA Section 3.2. The Conservation Organizations' participation would be contingent upon the initial and annual consensus agreement of the entities identified in the CRA Sections 3.2.2. 9. SETTLEMENT AG EEMENT WITH THE SOUTH CAROLINA ATTORNEY GENERAL The Parties agree that the Conservation Organizations may seek to enforce the provisions of the May 2010 Settlement Agreement between Duke Energy and the South Carolina Attorney General, but only if they have first given at least 30 -days' written notice to the South Carolina Attorney General and the South Carolina Attorney General has failed to take any action to investigate and enforce the May 2010 Settlement Agreement at its option and Duke Energy remains in violation of the Settlement Agreement with the South Carolina Attorney General. 10. INTERPRETATION OF LAW SCDNEC states that with respect to any 401 water quality certification issued to Duke Energy related to its 2006 application for a FERC license to operate the Project it will not allow land purchases or preservation or monetary payments to substitute for meeting provisions of South Carolina's EPA - approved state water quality standards under the Clean Water Act, including the maintenance of classified or existing uses and the water quality needed to maintain such uses, Nothing in this Agreement is intended to alter or conflict with the CRA, for instance by requiring an act that the CRA forbids or vice versa, and to the extent that a court should find an actual conflict, the provisions of the CRA shall control. The fact that a provision of this Agreement requires something of Duke Energy that is in addition to or different from what the CRA requires does not by itself constitute a conflict. 12. DISPUTE RESOLUTION The remedies described in this paragraph shall be the sole remedies for violations of this Agreement and shall not impair any other rights of any Party to this Agreement. If any Party (the "Complaining Party ") believes that another Party has failed to satisfy an obligation under this Agreement or is otherwise in violation of this Agreement, the Complaining Party must give the other Party thirty- (30) days' written notice with an opportunity to cure any alleged breach before initiating any court action to resolve the dispute. The proper venue for any court action to enforce terms of this Agreement is the Circuit Court for Richland County in Columbia, South Carolina. t c C U 110 [l1 This Agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon all of the Parties and their respective successors and assignees. 14, CONTROLLING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina without regard to the conflict of law provisions of South Carolina or any other state, and any provision herein that violates a statute or rule shall be void and unenforceable. The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Agreement shall in no way affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision; the invalid or unenforceable provision shall be stricken, without assessing damages or imposing penalties to either Party arising out of said provisions by any court of competent jurisdiction. 15. ATTORNEYS' FEES, COSTS, AND EXPENSES The Parties agree to bear their own attorneys' fees, costs, and other expenses that have been incurred in connection with any stage of the litigation described herein. 6. COUNTEIZPARTS This Agreement may be executed in two or more counterparts, each of which shall be deemed to be an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument, 17. ENTIRE, AGREEMENT This Agreement represents the entire agreement among the Parties and may not be amended or modified except by a written instrument signed by all the Parties. 18. REVIEW AND SIGNING By executing this Agreement, each Party represents that it has reviewed this Agreement, that the Party has had the opportunity to discuss and has discussed the terns of this Agreement with the Party's attorneys, that each of them has had a full and fair opportunity to review and understand this Agreement, that the terms of the Agreement shall not be construed more favorably or less favorably by or against any of the Parties, and that each Party has voluntarily executed this Agreement. 0 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date and year first above written. WE AGREE: DUKE ENERGY CAROLINAS, LLC By: Steven D. Jester, Vice President Water Strategy, Hydro Licensing, and Lake Services Date-. SOUTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENIVQRNMEI TAL CONTROL By: Bliiabeth Bieck Director of Environmental Affairs Date: AMERICAN RIVERS By: Wm, Robert Irvine President Date: f of SOUTH CAROLINA COASTAL CONSERVATION LEAGUE By: Dana Beach Executive Director Date: 10 I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon each person designated on the official service list compiled by the Secretary in this proceeding, in accordance with Rule 2010 of the Commission's Rules of Practice and Procedure, 18 C.F.R. § 385.2010. Dated at Washington, D.C., this 5th day of August, 2014. /s/ Kimberly Ognisty Kimberly Ognisty Winston & Strawn LLP 1700 K Street N.W. Washington, D.C. 20006 (202) 282 -5217