HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140760 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140804f_ NCDENR North Carolina Department, of Environment, and. Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor August 4, 2014 Oaks at Lyon's,Farm, LLC Attn: Jarrod, Edens ' '2314 S. Miami BI'vd.,, Ste: ,15'1 ,Durha -rn,. NC' 27703 john E: Skyarla, lil Secretary DWR. #.14 40760 Durham County Subject: APPROVAL�OF 401 WATER QUALITY'CERTIFIC_ATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The Oaks at Lyon's Farm Dear Mr. Edens: You .have out a pproval°for,,the impacts listed. below forthe purpose described in y,our:application, „dated July 2 -2; 20,114 and received by the, Division of Water Resources (Divisi'onl)', on July 23; 2014. These impacts are �covered,by�the attached Water" Quality Ge'nera'l Certification Number 3890 and the conditions listed below. This:certification is associated with the'use of Nationwide Permit Number,29 once it is issued,to you by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Please. note that you should get any other'feder,al, state,or local permits before proceed ing' with, your,oroject, including those required by (but not -lirnited°to�) Sediment and E'rosion Control, Non - Discharge, and Water Supply'Watershed regulations. This approvalrequi'res you to follow•the, conditions] 1sted in the enclosed certifications and the following a'dditional'co_riditions- 1. The following impacts are,hereby,approved provid'ed•that all of the oth,er,speci'fic, and: general conditi'ons,of theaCertifications, General Permit and /or Buffer Rules are met. No,other impacts are app"roved,'including incidental impacts.. Type.of lm_pact Amount Approved Amount Approved (units) (units) Permanent I. Temporary Stream '� 0 •(linear feet) 34 (linear feet) NO e Carol - �1?atural, North Carolina Drvfsron of Watei',Resouices 1628 Mail Service'Center' Raleigh „NC 27699 -1628 Phone (§19)79,1-4200 Customer Service Internet www newaterquality org Location 3800'Barrett'Drrve Raleigh „NC 27,609 Fax (g19)'788 =7159 1- 877_623 -6748 An,Equal;Opportunity /Affimia6ve Action.Errployer= 50 %aRecycledl10 %,Post,Consumef Paper 2. The Oaks at Lyon's rarrm DWiR #,14 -0760 401 APP,ROVAL-, Page 2 of '4 oval from' 'Local -Commun'ity Required You, are required'to provide one copy (hard copy or-'digital) of the approved. SMP, including:' plan detailso`n full -sized plan sheets, with proof oUthe City of Durham's approval. The approved SMP shall�be submitted to'the DWR Webscape Unit•,(,1617 Mail Service Center; Raleigh, NC 27699 - 1617) befo "re,any impacts authorized in1hi's certification roccur. After itis; approved and,subrriitted,,to,the Division; the°SIVIP may not be modified without prior written,. authorization from the City of Durham. If the SM -'is modified in "the' future,AheN.you shall provide,one modified SMP with proof of:approva'I rto the DWR' Webscape, Unit prior to the commencehierntof the,modifications. 3. Diffuse ,Flow All, stormwater shall' be directe&and maintained as,d,iffuse flow at anon- eros`iye velocities through the protected stream buffers such. that it will.not re- concentrate before discharging into a stream: 4. No Waste „Spoil, Solids, offill of Any kind No waste, spoil,�sohcls, or°fill of any'kind sha'll'oecur in wetlands, waters, or, riparian areas beyond the footprint °of the impacts depicted, in the, Pre- Construction Notification. All construction, activities, including the, design „installation,�o,peration,, and maintenance of sediment and erosion control' Best Management ;P.tactices, shall, be performed so that, no violations of'state water quality.stand'ards, statutes,; or rules occur. 5. Protective fencing The outside buffer; wetland or °water' bound"ar"y and along, the construction eorridoerwithi6 these boundari'es,approved under'this authorization shall be clearly °marked with orange warning,fencing (or shm' -dar high,visibility material) for the areas ,that.have'been,approved,to infringe within the buffer, wetland or,,water prior'to any land disturbing activities to ensure compliance with '15• NCAC 02H -0500. ,6:, This approval isfor,the purpose•anddesign described in your, application. The plans and specifications for this project-a`re incorporated byxeference as part of the,Certificatibn. If you c`hange your projeu”, yod,;must n_'otifythe Divisiont and`yo.0 may be required to submit a new application package,with the appropriate fee. If the property is sold, the new owner,must be, given a copy of this, approval letter and General Certification and is responsible for c_ompl,'ying with a'll conditions. 7. This approval' and; its c_onditions'are final•and, binding, unless contested. This, Certification,canm be,contested as provided yin Articles 3 and 4 of Genera'I Statute 1506 by, filing a written petition ;for an administrative hearing to the'O,ffice of Administrative Hearings- (h'ere`b"y known as,OAH). A'petition form may be obtained ",from the OAH at'http.- //www.ncoah.com /,or by The, Oaks at Lyon's`Farm DWR* 14 -0760 401 APPROVAL, Page 3 of 4 calling the OAH Clerk';s Office at 0919) 4 °31 -3000 for information,. Within thirty (30) calendar days of receipt of thi's notice, a petition must be filed with toe, OAH. A petition is considered filed "when the original and one' (1) copy along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received in the OAFH during normal office hours, (Monday through Friday between 8`00am and 5:400m, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be,faxed to the OAH at ,(919) 431 - 3100,, provided the original and one copy of the petition along with any,applicable,OAH,filing;fee, is received,by the „OAH, with'i'n five (5,) business, days following,the faxed transmission: Mailingaddress "forlhe OAH:' If sending by First Class, Mail via the.,US,Postal Service: Office of Administrative Hearings 6714 Mail Service,Center Raleigh, 'INC 27699 = 6714, If sending via °deli,,very service (e.g. UPS, FedEx) :. Office of.Admiriistrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Raleigh, NC 27609 -6285 One (1) •cop<y of the petition, mu -st also be served & DENR: Lacy Pre" nell, General Counsel Department of Environment an`d' Natural Resources 1601, Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1601 Please send one (1) copy,of the petition to.D\/VR:, If sending by First Class, Mail via, the VS Postal Service: Karen Higgins NC DENR -,DW,R — Webscape Unit 1`617 Mail'Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1617 If sending ,via delivery service (e:g. UPS, ,'FedEx)': Karen Higgins NC;DENR'- DWR='W,ebscap,e Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street Raleigh, NC 27604 This letter completes the review °ofthe Division under section 401 of the Clean Water Act. Please contact'Cherri Smith at 919 - 79.1=4251 or-cherei.ismith@ncdenr.gov if you have'any questions or concerns., The Oaks at 'Lyon';s Farm DWR,# 14 -0760 401,APPROVAL PageA of 4 Sincerely; Danny Smith 'Supe-visoc, Water,,Quality °Regional Operations Section 'Enclosure: 3890 ,cc: U.S'..Arrny,Cor,ps of Engineers;, Raleigh Regulatory Field Office; 3331 Heritage Tead'e Drive, St. 105; WAe,Forest, NC -27597 Deborah Shidey 'SoiM,Environmental Consultants--8412 Falls -of N,euseftad, Ste: 104'; Raleigh, NC 27615 DWR'RRO 401 Files