HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140778 Ver 1_Application_20140723I-Of /,Tq( i 'The follawing is an abioevated Wficadion farm for thole ?Q"4 ® 7 7 8 Certification to impact FMC (Federal for a 401 Water bottom oader the U.S. p9 � . ` . ) lake sboi+e or Army Cusps of Plennit GP31L This Application cannot be Deed for wetland or stream Wmacts PbMe provide seven M ©opd of and sag infor>oa�*4 as well as a nee hie fee to the DWdDK of Water Qoal ty of $:Op for hwacts of to lake bottom of hm than 1 am and V7WO hr,hquds to Inge bonmof St's' or equal to Z acre. Applications should be sent to Division of Water Qualify 401 0v +&jWWE4 giffkW pauwgng 1550 Mail Service Ceafrr Raleigh, NC 27614650 L 2. OwnedApplicant Info ion Name: Mailing 20, I\fR WA v�WX'CIs.& -zt_7 ALITY Telephone, Number: -a30 512 Fax Nt 3�0 l -1 3 Ulk- E -mail Address: C aO d legac y- by i I d q Q c,� Agent Information (A signed and dated copy of the Agent Anthoon letter must be attached if the Agent has sigaatoty amity for ft ownentqVfic=t ) Name: COMIMY AM Address: Telephone Number: E-mail Address: U. Project Information £apt Number: Anwh a vicinity map clearly showW the location of the prloWM with taspect to local landmarks such towns, river§, and mods. Also provide a detailed she pwa Aowmg ply bomdmies and development pleas m relation to PrOPCItM You may use the diagram below to make a hand sketch of your projec. Also, at the example below for guidance. BO& tt vicinity map and site plan must include a sole and north arrow. The fad of all cgs, mqxwvxxn surfaces, or Odwr fxilities must be included. ��yy � • $ti+ g� '� � i � a3 E, ,+ 1. Location County: S0!!:j Nearest Town: Subdivision name or site address (include phase/lot number): (�f '' - I q Directions to site please include road numbers; landmarks, etc. (This is not necessary if an dequate vicinity map is included): F72M r L e 4um i a /1e.., Po;4 _ frinh (rz) Sfi °l /w 2. Descnbe the existing land use or condition of the site at the time of this application: 3. Property size (acres): 4. Nearest body of water (stream/river /sound/ocTk!i"Ll ��- C 5. De be the urpose of the proposed work: 4Z -MvM 2(0 r 6. List the type of equipment to be used to cow the project: .S452-r 7. Amount of impact (including all excavation, backfll, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) below the normal pool lake level in square feet or acmes: ' 8.a. Amount of impact (including all clearing, back fill, excavation, rip rap, retaining walls, etc.) above t e porfnal pool lake=l�vel and 50 feet land -ward in square feet or acres: 8.b. Plcasc describe vegetation above the normal pool lake level and 50 TA landward to be impacted (number of trees for instance): ` S (Agents signature is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) p f rq#re4�1 t Odma of mp ths 6) T#w #won 9f UW Opm m afin or dk this bdow0w. Fib PaW 0) Loden of cane