HomeMy WebLinkAbout20181314 Ver 3_Compliance Evaluation Inspection_20220720Wetland Inspection Report Project Num: 20181314 Project Name: Watauga Storage County: Watauga Location: Watauga Storage Latitude: +36° 13' 38" SW Plan Location: Site Owner Name: Hnh Futures LLC Version: 3 Status: Issued Project Type: Industrial / Commercial / gusines Region: Winston-Salem Longitude: -81° 36' 30" Inspection Date: 7/20/2022 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Inspection Contact Person: Title: Phone: On -Site Representative(s): Primary Inspector: Sue L Homewood Phone: 336-776-9694 Secondary Inspector(s): Facility Compliance Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Program Areas: Standards/Sediment Question Areas: Unpermittable Activities Inspection Summary: page: 1 Site Number: 20181314 Owner: Hollister, Chad Inspection Date: 7/20/2022 Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Reason for Visit: Routine Unpermittable Activities Yes No NA NE # Note: This section should be completed only if the impact is unpermittable (eg. Sediment, draining wetlands, etc.). Is stream(s) free of unpermittable impacts? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Is wetland(s) free of unpermittable impacts? ❑ • ❑ ❑ Is open water(s) free of unpermittable impacts? ❑ ❑ • ❑ Are other standards being met (turbidity, pH, etc.) in all surface waters onsite? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Are surface waters on the site free of illegal discharges? • ❑ ❑ ❑ Comment: Significant sediment accumulation in wetlands adjacent to project, including onto neighboring property (now under same ownership). Evidence of rills and sediment trails indicating continuous sources since construction. SCM failure depositing additional sediment into wetlands page: 2 Wetland Inspection Report Project Num: 20181314 Project Name: Watauga Storage County: Watauga Location: Watauga Storage Latitude: +36° 13' 38" SW Plan Location: Site Owner Name: Hnh Futures LLC Version: 3 Status: Issued Project Type: Industrial / Commercial / gusinstones Region: Win -Salem Longitude: -81° 36' 30" Inspection Date: 7/20/2022 Reason for Inspection: Routine Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Inspection Contact Person: Title: Phone: On -Site Representative(s): Primary Inspector: Sue L Homewood Phone: 336-776-9694 Secondary Inspector(s): Facility Compliance Status: ❑ Compliant Not Compliant Program Areas: 401 (includes isolated/non-404) Question Areas: Permit (401 WQC) Inspection Summary: page: 1 Site Number: 20181314 Owner: Hollister, Chad Inspection Date: 7/20/2022 Inspection Type: Site Inspection (non -DOT) Reason for Visit: Routine Permit (401 WQC) Does the impact(s) match what was approved in the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Are the culverts and/or filled areas installed properly? Is the site compliant with additional conditions of the 401 WQC or non 404 permit? Yes No NA NE ODD• ODD• ❑ • ❑ ❑ Comment: Failure of SCM. Significant sediment within adjacent wetlands from construction. Appears that sediment in wetlands and failure of SCM have been since construction. Fill and sediment in wetland on adjacent property now under same ownership. page: 2 ‘,-4 - .k \ ‘ ; k\ v r . w• . 4 ! 5 N ,, '• 1 , A )i . ? , e . C .fri c 'I e. ktt • i .k1 • ••••.^. < • • • I n l i tc ..%,• : a t p " " . 1.,1 • • • ,• •e te \. . . , a „ • 4. " 4 . 4 . . ' 7 - F * 1 1 . • 1 : 7 ! 1 • • % .7 •1Mr i . V e1 4 t r i 0 , ' > • " - • r e • , • .•• • ' _ . " • 'I - N $ 4 _ • I. 74 $ . • ' ;1. $ -/....•,..' ". - ;- ' .. y -. i• -• t,-c , •'Ar, .d',-i•'•. .f .- .X-.•'--.,.A'-..-"-.... .'• ..2,.-.r,>4.*„:..k,"._ , .' 1 ." 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