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NCC222638_Site Plan or Location Map_20220725
LEGAL DESCRIPTION - ASBUILT (from ALTA Survey) LEGAL DESCRIPTION ALL THAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL, OR TRACT OF LAND, LYING AND BEING IN THE CITY OF WINSTON SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND HAVING THE FOLLOWING METES AND BOUNDS TO WIT: BEGINNING AT A MAG NAIL FOUND, THE POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.), ON THE WESTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF JONESTOWN ROAD, SAID POINT BEING APPROXIMATELY 570't IN A SOUTHWESTERLY DIRECTION FROM THE INTERSECTION OF SOUTHWIN ROAD, THENCE WITH THE WESTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF JONESTOWN ROAD THE FOLLOWING THREE COURSES AND DISTANCES: S 32-18-41 W, 9.72 FEET TO A MAG NAIL FOUND, THENCE S 32-05-24 W, 39.30 FEET TO A NEW 5/8" REBAR, THENCE WITH A CURVE TO THE RIGHT, HAVING A CHORD BEARING OF S 33-11-23 W, A CHORD DISTANCE OF 97.72 FEET, AND HAVING A RADIUS OF 2864.79 FEET TO AN OLD 5/8" REBAR, THENCE LEAVING THE WESTERN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF JONESTOWN ROAD AND WITH THE SIGHT TRIANGLE FOR JONESTOWN ROAD AND BENTON ROAD, S 68-46-58 W, 87.83 FEET TO AN OLD 5/8" REBAR, THENCE LEAVING THE SIGHT TRIANGLE FOR JONESTOWN ROAD AND BENTON ROAD AND WITH THE NORTHERN RIGHT OF WAY OF BENTON ROAD, N 77-01-47 W, 129.78 FEET TO AN OLD 5/8" REBAR, THENCE LEAVING THE NORTHERN RIGHT-OF-WAY OF BENTON ROAD AND WITH PROPERTY NOW OR FORMERLY RELIABLE TANK LINE THE FOLLOWING TWO COURSES AND DISTANCES: N 33-21-26 E, 260.05 FEET TO A MAG NAIL FOUND, THENCE S 57-48-16 E, 171.27 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 38,276 SQUARE FEET OR 0.88 ACRES. THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ABOVE DESCRIBES THE SAME PROPERTY AS THE LEGAL DESCRIPTION IN THE FIRST AMERICAN TITLE COMMITMENT NUMBER 858282-5, COMMITMENT DATE OF JULY 14, 2017, SCHEDULE A, ITEM 5, (FEE SIMPLE). COMMITMENT OF TITLE (from ALTA Survey) FIRST AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT NUMBER: 858282-5 EFFECTIVE DATE: JULY 14, 2017 EXCEPTIONS: 1.) NOT A SURVEY MATTER 2.) NOT A SURVEY MATTER 3.) TERMS AND PROVISIONS OF THAT CERTAIN UNRECORDED LEASE EXECUTED BY RELIABLE TANK LINE, LP TO MCDONALUS CORPORATION, DATED MAY 14, 1987, AS EVIDENCED BY MEMORANDUM OF WHICH IS RECORDED IN DB 1614 PG 99, AS AFFECTED BY SUPPLEMENT TO LEASE IN DB 1632 PG 966; AND AS AFFECTED BY AMENDED MEMORANDUM OF LEASE IN DB 3016 PG 3841, DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, LEASE AREA SHOWN ON SURVEY, UTILITY EASEMENT, COMMON AREA EASEMENT, STORM SEWER EASEMENT ARE BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE, SIGN EASEMENT DOES AFFECT PROPERTY AND SHELL SIGN IS SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY. 4.) TERMS, PROVISIONS, COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS AS PROVIDED IN COVENANT NO TO COMPETE, DB 1614 PG 105, DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE. 5.) RECIPROCAL EASEMENT AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN RELIABLE TANK LINE, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND WINSTONDONALDS, LLC, A NORTH CAROLINA LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, DB 3277 PG 794, DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, EASEMENT FOR USE OF COMMON AREA, EASEMENT FOR UTILITIES, AND EASEMENT FOR SURFACE WATER DRAINAGE BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE. EASEMENT FOR SIGN MAINTENANCE DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, SHELL SIGN IS SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY, PARKING EASEMENT DOES BENEFIT PROPERTY AND IS SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY, LOCATION OF EASEMENT NOT DESCRIBED IN DOCUMENT, THEREFORE LOCATION BASED ON PB 64 PG 149, OTHER ITEMS BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE. 6.) PB 64 PG 149, USED AS A REFERENCE, SEE CURRENT SURVEY. 7.) PB 10 PG 152, USED AS A REFERENCE, SEE CURRENT SURVEY. 8.) RIGHT(S) OF WAY TO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AN AGENCY OF THE STATE OF NC, DB 1595 PG 883, DOES NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, JONESTOWN ROAD AND BENTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS SHOWN ON SURVEY. 9. DEED OF EASEMENT TO DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AN AGENCY OF THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, DB 1595 PG 883, DOES NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, JONESTOWN ROAD AND BENTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS SHOWN ON SURVEY 10.) RIGHT OF WAY AGREEMENT TO STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSION, DB 793 PG 292, DB 793 PG 293, AND AS AFFECTED BY AGREEMENT IN DB 997 PG 157, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, REFERENCED HIGHWAY PROJECT PLANS NOT PROVIDED, JONESTOWN ROAD AND BENTON ROAD RIGHT-OF-WAYS SHOWN ON SURVEY. 11.) EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER COMPANY, DB 1664 PG 1912, DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, 50' EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY 12.) EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER COMPANY, DB 1014 PG 712, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE, KNOWN ELECTRICAL LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY. 13.) EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER COMPANY, DB 787 PG 232, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE, KNOWN ELECTRICAL LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY. 14. EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER COMPANY DB 782 PG 479 MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE, KNOWN ELECTRICAL LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY. 15.) EASEMENT TO DUKE POWER COMPANY, DB 776 PG 119, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE, KNOWN ELECTRICAL LINES AND APPURTENANCES SHOWN ON CURRENT SURVEY. 16. EXCHANGE PLAT PERMIT TO SOUTHERN BELL AND TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, DB 468 PG 51, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE. 17.) RIGHT-OF-WAY EASEMENT TO SUMMIT CABLE SERVICES OF FORSYTH COUNTY, DB 1831 PG 2252, MAY OR MAY NOT AFFECT PROPERTY, BLANKET IN NATURE, NOT PLOTTABLE. KNOWN TELECOMMUNICATIONS SHOWN ON SURVEY. 18.) DEED TO TRANSPORT REALTY COMPANY, A NORTH CAROLINA CORPORATION, DB 1019 PG 360, DOES AFFECT PROPERTY, APPROXIMATE LOCATION OF RESERVED INGRESS/EGRESS AND REGRESS EASEMENT AND AREA EXCEPTED OUT OF CONVEYANCE SHOWN ON SURVEY. PER PB 64 PG 149, OWNERSHIP OF AREA EXCEPTED OUT APPEARS TO HAVE BECOME VESTED INTO OVERALL TRACT OWNER PER DB 1440 PG 1871. 19.) SUBJECT TO THE RIGHTS OF WAY OF JONESTOWN ROAD, BENTON ROAD AND HIGHWAY 421 NORTHBOUND RAMPS, RIGHTS -OF -WAY SHOWN ON SURVEY 20.) NOT A SURVEY MATTER. 21.) SEE CURRENT SURVEY. SURVEY NOTES (from ALTA Survey) 1.) PIN #6804-48-5335.00 OWNER: WINSTONDONALDS, LLC. AREA: 38,276 SQUARE FEET OR 0.88 ACRES SITE ADDRESS: 426 JONESTOWN ROAD CITY OF WINSTON SALEM FORSYTH COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA 2.) REFERENCES: DB 3277 PG 790 DB 1551 PG 1009 PB64PG149 PB10PG152 DRAWING TITLED "PLAN & PROFILE, JONESTOWN RD. FROM U.S. 421 TO COUNTRY CLUB ROAD" PREPARED BY: CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., ENGINEERING DIVISION, DATED: 7-24-1987 DRAWING TITLED "12" WATER & 8" SEWER JONESTOWN ROAD, LEWISVILLE RD. TO HWY. 421" PREPARED BY: CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., DPW -WATER AND SEWER DIVISION, DATED: 7-15-1968 DRAWING TITLED: "WINSTON-SALEM, NORTH CAROLINA, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, SILAS CREEK FORCE MAIN", PREPARED BY: PIATT & DAVIS AND ASSOCIATES, DATED: MARCH 1964, REVISED: OCTOBER 1965 3.) PROPERTY SUBJECT TO ANY AND ALL EASEMENTS AND RAN OF RECORD AND NOT OFRECORD 4.) FIELDWORK COMPLETED: AUGUST 18, 2017 5.) HORIZONTAL DATUM IS 3200 NC VERTICAL DATUM IS NAVD 88 DATUMS WERE ESTABLISHED USING STATIC GPS SURVEYING AND "NGS OPUS" 6.) ALL IPN ARE 5/8" REBAR UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 7.) V FOOT CONTOUR INTERVAL SHOWN 90NLY ON MCDONALD'S LEASE TRACT. 8.) SAID DESCRIBED PROPERTY IS LOCATED WITHIN AN AREA HAVING A ZONE DESIGNATION'X' BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY, ON FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP NO. 3710680400J, WITH A DATE OF IDENTIFICATION OF JANUARY 2, 2009, FOR COMMUNITY NUMBER 375360, IN THE CITY OF WINSTON SALEM, FORSYTH COUNTY, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, WHICH IS THE CURRENT FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP FOR THE COMMUNITY IN WHICH SAID PROPERTY IS SITUATED. 9.) ZONING: HB - HIGHWAY BUSINESS SETBACKS: PER THE CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM ZONING DEPARTMENT, THERE ARE NO CURRENT SETBACKS REQUIRED. 10.) UNDERGROUND UTILITY LOCATIONS ARE APPROXIMATE AND BASED UPON OBSERVED STRUCTURES AND REFERENCE PLATS. 11.) PARKING PROVIDED: 16 REGULAR SPACES (CURRENT LEASE AREA) 2 HANDICAP SPACES (CURRENT LEASE AREA) 10 REGULAR SPACES (EASEMENT) 12.) THERE ARE NO KNOWN ENCROACHMENTS. 2 22 2 23 MAG NAIL \� -171 FOUND Curve Table Curve # Length Radius Delta Chord Direction Chord Length C1 97.72 2864.79 1.95 S33° 11' 23"W 97.72 Parcel Line Table Line # Length Direction L1 9.72 S32018'41"W . \ EXCEPTIONO3 a ll� EXISTING LEASE BOUNDARY 2�7DB1614PG99 \ DB 1632 PG 966 ✓ DB 3016 PG 3841 \ \ 17 2. . . . . . . . . . . . 22.2 D13 TMS #6804-48-2575.00 2 � N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE � 3 \ .. . . . . DB 1551 PG 1009 - � �p ZONING: HB 1 - � EX. S6 7k TMS #6804-48-2575.00 \ I� EXCEPTION o `�.` 17 \ \ - N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE _v\ ra DB 1019 PG 18 DB 1551 PG 1009 \ \. 5 \\ APPROXIMATE 0 �� � \ �i APPROXIMATE LOCATION / ZONING: HB 2 \ J 2 _ ♦•2 , 3 \ INGRESS/EGRESS/REGRESS Q,$ . . .. 1. QUALITY OILTRANSPORT/ �h. \. 5 ^T� \ EX. SIGN �� 2 a° ° � \ 13 - - �- a 15 \ 2 17 �.�. d ° . EX. CONCRETE 2 1 S22 . \ ° / Al \ ° 2 ° . . . . . . . �9 ♦ 5 OQ . /. a: 5 .. 14 2 ........ 5 �S �Ssp °. roe 04 ° s 3 Q SIGN MENU . . . . `r }. 1 ° EX. CONCREI /. SIGN �. 2 . . FLUME ° ° . . . . . . C 5 ° ° EXaCALL 1 O y ° L .J� MAG NAIL � 14 ��� .04��QJ ........ \\ v ° FOUND \�. 1 /LL 4 EX. PLAYGRO '. (P.O..B.) I. ... �' \, I / i s GN MENU 1 °. FOUND NAIL �� �. �.�.�. .� � �� .. � � FOUND L - / 7 / � EX\ RI ° RocK> o A PIN #6H4-48-5335:00 2 �F AREA=38,276 SQ. FT p �o / OR 0.88 ACRES � �^� ^�� 17 4 � h 2 ° 23 / ° EX. 1 STORY BRICK MCDONALD'S .Q4 I gP� 1 ��.� �.�.�.� FFE=852.88' O � 1PN� � �. 2 BUILDING AREA=4,187 SQ. FT. E . WATER BUILDING HEGHT=14.5' Q� VAULT \ 5 °.. ZONING: HB .. bL3. QQ. 2 EXISTING LEAaF_BOUNDARY 1 . . . . . . . . . . PBM-MA NAIL . EX. CONCRET .. . . DB 1614 PG 99 ELEVAT.I : 850.40. . . ° ' / . . . .. . . . �. . . . ° DB 1632 PG 966 . . . . . . . . . . . . DB3016PG3841 JJ Ia. . . . . . . 1 T V/ EX. DRIVE 4 . . . . . THRU J . . . . . ..........1L % Q/ 22 15 8'BLQCK4 ._% WALL ...... .. 17 13 / Z p QJ D� 5 N °� j 3 / / 2 1 PBM-MAG.NAI.L. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2g,c /i • 2 ��/ LEVATION=847.96. .�. .. 2 d da / . 2 5 2 \% �� . ........ ..moo .... � . . 1 16 7 \a52 . . \. -- . . . . . . . . . ° v .��. 8 . . . E X EXCEPTION05 © CEPT EXCLUSIVE PARKING EASEMENT .5 DO E, 6 1. . . . . . . . . . . ° g DB 3277 PG 794 \. . . . . . . . (25'EA . .OWER RIGHT i__ . . . . . . . . . . . . .QFyQ.n PB 64 PG 149 PB 64. PG.1S1DE OF UTILI'ryy. -,AY n ° ° ° .� . Q . 64 ..... .......................... P 22 / G � 1 O ° ° 2 HP .................................. a _ ... _ 2 8 .......................QP� 6 / / \ . 2 ° 6 } / EX. DRIVEWAY /\ I 22.5 EX. CONCRETE `�' 1 CO ° \ _ / HPp ................. 23J ..... .....>... ......... ...- . . . .10 EX: PAR�VG SPACES . . . . . . . . . . . . / I / i O. .. O \ � G ° B . P 23 ° _ P s 4 (1 � HP �� 12 9 = m � 1 E o \ .° .�........... NPN 3 3 ......... �...... . . . . HP. ° ° \. . . . . . . . PCI `S . A . . . . . . Q 1 JAG 5? . \. 2 PP�K\N 2�. GAG R� . X. .. ... .. ... X ... .. RB� °� ° EX. DUM STER° HP ... .. a� / s s 01 '4�„W ` \ SS � 129 �e�' -g46 �� EX. NTRO N LINK FENCE T ° \ E (CONTROLLED ACCESS) EX.8"BLOCK 60 / k 24 SgWALL NITARY SEWER p SS � EX. SEWER CO CRETE C/ IN�� IXM SSM,H4 LUME � �Q 23 \ GRATE=850.6 EX. CI RIM=848.4 O EPTIONO3 05 0� Q IE OUT=848.0 IE IN=839.0(FORCE MAIN) EX. MCDONALD'S IE IN=842.3(SERVICE) PEDESTAL SIGN EX. SHELL PO 5/8" EXS NG SIGN EASEMENT P / F _g47 IE OUT-838.6 > HEIGHT=40.3' PEDESTAL SIGN RB DB 161 PG 99 IE=847.7 HEIGHT=51.3' DB 1632 PG 966 Ss DB 3016 PG 3841 DB 3277 9G 794 OH 6 END OF EX. FORGE -MAIN 15+�' O START OF G RAVITY FLOW / 01 a. ° N / AND AMP TO IA,ROAD - - S h/ EX. Ms85 3 U.S. ESTBOUND HIGHWAY421 / s (PUBLIC) s S / EX. CONCRETE MEDIAN gcj�/ Ek 24 SgNIT IRYSWERE MAIN S rk� SSA Z J - I w SURVEY NOTES (from ALTA Survey) continued o�G�o NO�T!MTYPUST R TFO��T 13.) THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE OF CURRENT EARTH MOVING WORK, BUILDING PJ� O OF ; CONSTRUCTION, OR BUILDING ADDITIONS AT TIME OF SURVEY. 14.) THERE ARE NO KNOWN PROPOSED STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY CHANGES OR RECENT O STREET/SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION OR REPAIRS. 15.) PER THE NATIONAL WETLAND INVENTORY ONLINE WETLAND MAPPER, THERE ARE NO WETLANDS LOCATED ONSITE. WETLANDS HAVE NOT BEEN FIELD VERIFIED OR DELINEATED BY A WETLAND CONSULTANT. 0 16.) THIS SURVEY COMPLIES WITH THE REQUIREMENTS SET FORTH IN THE MCDONALD'S SURVEY ORDER FORM AND MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS. BEFORE YOU DIG! North CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER 17.) A REPLAT IS NOT NECESSARY TO CONVEY THE SURVEYED PROPERTY. IT'S THE LAW! 20 0 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' EX. SSMH RIM=846.6 DEMOLITION REFERENCE NOTES: OSAW -CUT AND REMOVE EXISTING ASPHALT PAVING -TYPICAL. OREMOVE EXISTING CURBING OR CURB & GUTTER - TYPICAL. / EXTENTS OF CURB AND GUTTER REMOVAL. REFER TO SITE LAYOUT / O PLAN (SHEET C-3.0) FOR CURB & GUTTER TIE-IN LOCATIONS - TYP. / O REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE AND/OR TILE PAVEMENT- TYP. OREMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE - TYPICAL. / " O REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE APRON. C / / O REMOVE EXISTING RIVER ROCK. 2 O REMOVE EXISTING CONCRETE RAMP. 9 REMOVE EXISTING BUILDING. PRIOR TO DEMOLITION, VERIFY THAT ALL REQUIRED ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITS ARE ON THE JOBSITE. REMOVE EXISTING DRIVE-THRU COMPONENTS (MENU BOARDS, etc.). 1 Q COORDINATE WITH McDONALD'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR POSSIBLE SALVAGE OF EQUIPMENT. REMOVE EXISTING PLAYLAND FENCING AND EQUIPMENT - TYPICAL. / 11 CONTRACTOR TO COORDINATE WITH McDONALD'S CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR POSSIBLE SALVAGE OF EQUIPMENT. 12 REMOVE EXISTING DUMPSTER PAD, WALLS, GATES AND FOOTERS. / 13 REMOVE EXISTING McDONALD'S DIRECTIONAL SIGNAGE - TYP. REMOVE EXISTING SIGN - TYPICAL. 15 REMOVE EXISTING TREE - TYPICAL. O 16 REMOVE EXISTING GREASE TRAP. REMOVE EXISTING LIGHTPOLE AND ASSOCIATED WIRING - TYPICAL. 17 REFER TO SITE LIGHTING PLAN (SHEET L-2.0) FOR NEW LOT LIGHT LOCATION. REMOVE EXISTING WATER UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS, METERS, AND ON -SITE WATER LINES AS REQUIRED. CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT 18 ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES TO INSURE THE UTILITIES ARE PROPERLY SHUT -DOWN PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY SITE AND/OR DEMOLITION WORK. REMOVE EXISTING ON -SITE SANITARY SEWER UTILITY SERVICE CONNECTIONS, INCLUDING EXISTING GREASE TRAP, FROM BUILDING 19 TO EXISTING SERVICE LATERAL CONNECTION LOCATION TO REMAIN FOR RE -USE. REFER TO SITE UTILITY PLAN (SHEET C-6.0) FOR PROPOSED TIE-IN LOCATION. REMOVE EXISTING OVERHEAD POWER SERVICE LINES AS REQUIRED, O20 CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES TO INSURE THE UTILITIES ARE PROPERLY SHUT -DOWN PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY SITE AND/OR DEMOLITION WORK. REMOVE EXISTING GAS SERVICE CONNECTIONS AS REQUIRED. 21 CONTRACTOR TO CONTACT ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES TO INSURE THE UTILITIES ARE PROPERLY SHUT -DOWN PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY SITE AND/OR DEMOLITION WORK. PROTECT ALL OFF -SITE PAVING / CURBING (TO REMAIN) FROM OCHIPPING OR BREAKING DURING ALL CONSTRUCTION. PATCH & REPAIR EXISTING ITEMS DAMAGED DURING CONSTRUCTIONAT NO COST TO THE OWNER. PROTECT EXISTING UTILITIES TO REMAIN -TYPICAL. CONTRACTOR TO OCONTACT ALL APPLICABLE UTILITY COMPANIES TO INSURE THE 23 UTILITIES ARE PROPERLY SHUT -DOWN PRIOR TO THE START OF ANY SITE AND/OR DEMOLITION WORK. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING FLAG POLES. THE FLAG POLE OWITH "EAGLE" TO PIECE TO BE RELOCATED / RE -USED. REFER TO 23 SITE LAYOUT PLAN (SHEET C-3.0) FOR NEW LOCATION. COORDINATE WITH CONSTRUCTION MANAGER FOR POSSIBLE SALVAGE OF OTHER TWO FLAGPOLES. DEMOLITION LEGEND: NSSOC/ CO SEAL .4, A/. 60 829 O: tiY... s� � EXISTING BUILDING TO BE REMOVED_ SAW -CUT EXISTING _ ASPHALT EXISTING CONCRETE a TO BE REMOVED LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE EXISTING ASPHALT TO BE REMOVED ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' EXISTING CURBING TO BE REMOVED UTILITY INFORMATION SIZE TYPE LOCATION WATER EX. 12" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. (ASSUMED) 2" SERVICE TO SITE SANITARY EX. 24" MAIN ALONG BENTON ROAD SEWER EX. 8" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. (ASSUMED) 4" SERVICE TO SITE STORM NO ADJACENT STORM DRAINAGE - SHEET FLOW TO DRAINAGE FLUMES GAS EX. GAS LINE IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. GAS LINE IN BENTON ROAD EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE ELECTRIC EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG JONESTOWN ROAD FRONTAGE EX. OVERHEAD POWER AT INTERSECTION OF JONESTOWN & BENTON BASE MAP INFORMATION ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY: BASED ON. FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD - SUITE 705 GREENVILLE, SC 29607 Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 PLAN SCALE. As Noted STREET ADDRESS 426 JONESTOWN ROAD CITY STATE WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY FORSYTH TAX PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION CODE NUMBER 6804-48-5335 32-0302 VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. SOUTHWIN DR. QO SITE BENTON Ra �o H WY. 421 H gNF8 MgCL BLVO. 911 z 0 U 0 W C) C) stimmel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING 601 N.TRADE STREET, SUITE 200 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 P:336.723.1067 F:336.723.1069 www.stimmelpa-corn aw O wILL Qo (1) ILL Z U O� H � Q O U � �w w U W ILL am VI Z O Qz J Z Q J (n ao W Z (1) Q w W Z) CY J � O W CL z Q � 0 Q U 0 0 U k W W Cn W m 0 0 J � W Z U 0 0 0 0 0 U a z STATUS DATE BY FINAL 04-19-22 KB PLAN CHECKED 04-19-22 JAL SAPA PROJECT # 118-047CD C-2.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS DEMOLITION PLAN GRADING / EROSION CONTROL NOTES: VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. 1) THE APPROXIMATE AREA OF THE LIMITS OF CLEARING, GRADING AND SOUTHWIN DR. CONSTRUCTION (LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE) IS ACRES. p 2) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL SITE - UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE NOT fro NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN ARE ONLY BENTON APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ON HIS INITIATIVE AND AT NO EXTRA COSTS HAVE LOCATED ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. NO CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OR EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL ACCRUE TO THE CONTRACTOR FROM THE PRESENCE OF SUCH PIPE, OTHER HWY. 421 OBSTRUCTIONS OR FROMANY DELAY DUE TO REMOVAL OR REARRANGEMENT OF THE SAME. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO UNDERGCONTACTCONTRACTOROUND STRUCTURES. THE NNGALL NON-SUBSCRIBINGUTI ITIES.THECONTRACTOR(S)SHALL NAN�SMA<<BLVD CONTACT NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL AT 1-800-632-4949 FOR ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING EXISTING UTILITIES. CALLA T LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING. 3) SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AREA AS DEFINED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 3710687400J, DATED JANUARY02, 2009. / 00 m C) 4) ALL GRADING AND BACKFILLING, EXCAVATING, ETC., SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE 1. INSPECT ALL SEDIMENTATION & EROSION CONTROL DEVICES FOR STABILITY WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE GEOTECHNICAL AND FUNCTION EACH WEEK AND FOLLOWING EACH RAINFALL EVENT. INVESTIGATION REPORTS. REFER TO THESE REPORTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOT TRANSFERRED TO THESE PLANS. / 2. REMOVE ALL SILT/SEDIMENT FROM TEMPORARY TRAPS WHEN ACCUMULATED 5) THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY VOLUME HAS REACHED 50% OF CAPACITY. EARTHWORK. 3. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SILT/SEDIMENT FROM BEHIND TEMPORARY W 6) ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL DISTURBED SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS APPROXIMATELY 0.5' REPAIR AND AREAS ARE STABILIZED. REPLACE SILT FENCE AS NECESSARY. O 7) ALL EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED ATA �Eoo/ 4. SEED AND STABILIZE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER MINIMUM OF WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER EVERY RAIN EVENT. ��Se / CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING "CLEAN" WATER DIVERSION BERMS. RE -GRADE/ Z W REPAIR BERMS AS REQUIRED. O 8) ALL PAVED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF EARTH MATERIALS AND DEBRIS. T MAG NAIL ~ W THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED SO AS TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF TO FOUND TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION CE c2p r��� ` ��r/� ENTRANCE. SEE DETAIL ON 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPOINT AN ONSITE INSPECTOR AND MAINTAIN W JANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. /\ SHEET C-8.0. RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE U O �� EXCEPTIONO3 PBM-FIRE HYDRANT EXISTING LEASE BOUNDA SIDE BOLT GENERAL NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT, IF REQUIRED, FOR 0 W 9) ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ENTER AND EXIT THE SITE VIA THE , DB 1614 PG 99 \ / H ELEVATION=856.13' CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES WW Z CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. '� DB 1632 PG 966 ✓ DB 3016 PG 3841 CONCRETE WASH OUT -TYP. \ / O 10) STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE IN I SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C-5.3 'o 6. ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED U PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY \ \ EVERY SEVEN T DAYS AND WITHIN A HOURS AFTER EACH RAINFALL O OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS \ OCCURRENCE THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF NOT INCH, IF SITE INSPECTIONS TMS #68ABLE 2575.00 Q IDENTIFY BMPS THAT ARE DAMAGED OR NOT OPERATING EFFECTIVELY, 0 AFTER WORK HAS CEASED, EXCEPTAS STATED BELOW.' I LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE -TYP. � , � I \ N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE � O -WHERE STABILIZATION BY THE 14TH DAY IS PRECLUDED BY SNOWCOVER OR DB 1551 PG 1009 \ MAINTENANCE MUST BE PERFORMED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE OR AS FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS STABILIZATION MEASURES MUST BE INITIATED AS c, , w ZONING: HB REASONABLY POSSIBLE AND BEFORE THE NEXT STORM EVENT WHENEVER W SOON AS PRACTICABLE. \ ' / PRACTICABLE. -WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON A PORTION OF THE SITE IS TEMPORARILY CEASED, AND EARTH -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL BE RESUMED WITHIN 14 DAYS \ \ YC ° ` SSj4 > \ IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: `� TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MEASURES DO NOT HAVE TO BE INITIATED ON THAT 76F \ w °� 8' g W N PORTION OF THE SITE. TMS #680448-2575.00 0 ° ° ` \ EXCEPTION 18 Q p ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES AND CHANNEL SIDESLOPES WHICH ARE NOT TO BE PAVED, SHALL BE N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE \ ' ` \ DB 1019 PG 360 C X \ ` 7j� SEEDED UNTIL A GOOD STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED IN ACCORDANCE WITHDB 1551 PG 1009 APPROXIMATE LOCATION: ZONING: HB y� A. 100 LBS PER 1,000 SQUARE FOOT GROUND LIMESTONE OR EQUIVALENT. NO SOIL TEST / INGRESS/EGRESS/REGRESS REQUIRED FOR INITIAL ESTABLISHMENT. \ \ O T I EASEMENT RESERVED ` T QUALITY OIL TRANSPORT / B. 20 LBS OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER OR EQUIVALENT PEER 1,000 SQUARE FOOT. -�- \ �h Ex. SIGN C. VARIETIES TO BE SEEDED: �/- ; / 63.8 2q., Gj 1. SPRINGSEEDING SPRING OATS 2.5 LBS PER 1,000 SQUARE FOOT. 2. SUMMER SEEDINGM- MAY 1 AUGUST Q FESCUE AT 2 OZ.PER SQUARE FOOT MIXED WITH 1 I ° - ff BUSHEL OF SAWDUST FOR UNIFORM SEEDING. / 3. ASPHALT MULCH 6 GALLONS PER 1,000 S.F. ALL SEEDING WILL BE MULCHED. \ ° O 6 4� yd 11 ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN REFERENCE TO THE BENCHMARK AND MUST , �/ \ 8 1 AlR�iy BE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AT GROUNDBREAK. -� _ Ay ° sc, WATER FILLEDERSEY 12) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, G.C. TO VERIFY THATALL ENCROACHMENT, /' � �� \ BARRIERS-TYP./ -TYR QQ= -� OTC / BUILDING, GRADING, UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PERMITS ARE ON FILE WITH , 1 ENu 1 Q °s off ALL APPROPRIATE AGENCIES AND PERMITS ARE AVAILBLE ON -SITE. I ° FLUME ONCRET 13) G.C. TO VERIFY PROPER COVER OVER ALL EXISTING UTILITIES TH I /° 17 ee/ PROPOSED GRADES. PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR ANY UTILITIES IN PAVED AREAS. i` ° EX?CALL °° WI / Box L J� MAG NAIL 14) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL JURISDICTION , h� � d ? QJ � - v FOUND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS AND NC EROSION AND LL EX. PLAYGRO �� (P.O.B.) SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. CONFLICTS BETWEEN , �/ ° Ex. MENU MAG NAIL / _ �L i �-�}- / SIGN THESE PLANS AND STANDARDS NOTED ABOVE WILL BE RESOLVED BYAPPLYING� / y I 6/ Z FOUND THE MOST STRINGENT REQUIREMENT AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. W W stimmel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING 601 N. TRADE STREET, SU17E 200 WINSTQN-SALEM, NC 27101 P: 336.723.1067 F: 336.723.1 Q69 www.stimmelpa.com 15) ALL BORROW WILL COME FROM A SITE OR SPOIL WILL BE PLACED ON A SITE _ �/ , o RocK o PIN #6804-48-5335.00 P PERMITTED BY THE STATE OR LOCAL JURISDICTION. BORROWFROMOR SPOIL TO AREA=38,276 SQ. FT. f AN UNPERMITTED SITE BECOMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. \ I v y OR 0.88 ACRES McDONALDS CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND LOCAL EROSION I , I (b CONTROL INSPECTOR BEFORE UTILIZING ANY UNPERMITTED SITES FOR BORROW - ° EX. 1 STORY BRICK MCDONALD'S Q r OR SPOIL. 8,ry�/ EX. LADDER FEE=852.88' �QO IPN ■ / / / / / ALL SITE CONCRETE IS TO BE TREATED WITH WATER REPELLANT /\/ /\J o I EX. BUILDING AREA=4,187 SQ. FT. Ek. WATER v J 00 16) ALL STOCKPILE AREAS ARE INTENDED TO DRAIN TO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT _ I , \ `1� PAVERS BUILDING HEGHT=14.5' Q� VAULT CONCRETE SEALER TO PROTECT THE SURFACES FROM SPALLING AND o / ZONING: HB 51.3 Q� a DAMAGE FROM CHEMICAL ATTACK OF CHLORIDE SALTS. SEALER SHOULD Q N TRAPPING DEVICE AND BE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DISTURBED AREAS SHOWN. � .a I / / U) z �� BE SILANE/SILOXANE WATER REPELLANT. RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE O � g EXC IONO3 ° s ro h (n U) W 17) G.C. RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES REQUIRED TO ? , EXI ING LZ&aLBOUNDAI \ �/ PBM-MA NAIL EX CONCREf i� / / / PROSOCO-SALTGUARD OR V-SEAL 102 WINTERGUARD. o U) v MINIMIZE EFFECTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. De 614 PG 99 ELEVATI=850.40 ° ° / ° �� F Q00 DB 632 PG 966 Z LU W W ° DB 016 PG 3841 I +� . / , �" ��� / PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS o a 18 ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE DELINEATED FOR BUILDING, PAVING, a / o w )SOD, OR RIP -RAP SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECS. 7T�� I EX. DRIVE ey / a ^�/ QO O w m THRU O / CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR SITE SPECIFIC O E Z o 19) THE DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS IS NOTALLOWED ON SITE. A �� �_ �� �� ° ° o �o PAVEMENT SPECS. EX° 8' 13LOCKa Up 20) ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE PAVEMENT SHALL BE GRAVELED IMMEDIATELY UPON a ' ' e \ d o WALL I / V / 0 COMPLETION OF GRADING. NOTE: MCDONALD'S ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A FE� COMPACTION TEST AND/OR A CORE SAMPLE. IF TESTS PROVE CORRECT, = o p 21) CROSS SLOPES ON ALL WALKS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.8% (UNLESS OTHERWISE PER ABOVE SPECIFICATION, TESTS WILL BE AT THE EXPENSE OF 0 w_ NOTED) AND G.C. TO INSURE NO PONDING IS TO OCCUR ON ANY PAVED SURFACE. I PBM-MAG NAIL ``� MCDONALD'S, OTHERWISE, GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE CHARGED. W J LEVATION=847.96 ° �G \ e °1 de / / Q 0 LU 22) ALL AREAS WITH 2:1 SLOPES OR ERODABLE SLOPES SHALL BE COVERED WITH r \ I \ co��y / a Q` /�� z U CW WID EXCELSIOR MATTING OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS I �� 8y2- 1ss °fie / / / PARKING INFORMATION o o R_ W w SPECS �__ ° W -� I \ 50.3 a� / 2 HC SPACES = 8. 0' x 18.0' @ 60 ° < ° m Y yQ�Q<yP /� / TOTAL 30 SPACES = 9. 0' x 18.0' @ 60 ° W W Cn t I \ ��doP // I SPACES 2 SPACES = 8.5' x 17.5' @ 90 ° n m EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE. / �. 1 \ QP�P� , _ ° z o EX. DRIVEWAY 50 1 SPACE 10 x 23.0 @ 0 Q GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT EROSION \ 22.e EX. CONCRETE ° �Si ti _ z J �j/ AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AND MEASURES AS CALLED FOR AND AS HP \ ° �- - \ °fir O� / �/ 15 Stacking SPACES 9.0' X 16.0' @ DT Q = NEEDED INADVANCE OF EROSION CONTROL PROBLEMS. G.C. RESPONSIBLE / / 10 EX. PA s = A ® / / I / 2 Bicycle SPACES = Bike Rack W z FOR NOT ALLOWING SEDIMENT TO LEAVE THE SITE. HP Q� ° �A9 c m \ �GPP SPPC a ° / / w Q W ° 0.27 AC± TO SILT FENCE NPNO UTILITY I NFORMA TION = 0 W GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO: 0.20 AC± TO SILT FENCE HP ° ° STONE OUTLETS. + /� / ~ Q STONE OUTLETS. ° . '° \ �\NG pPC�s C&G IRPBO 5/8" / / �gF' SIZE TYPE LOCATION WO Q 1) OBTAIN GRADING PERMIT FROM CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, IF APPLICABLE PPR 2d ° a H d EX EX / 5� EX. 12" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD 2) CLEAR ONLY ENOUGH TO INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, SILT PO ° ® 83 / �� WS/FC EROSION CONTROL NOTICE WATER EX. (ASSUMED) 2 "SERVICE TO SITE U, FENCE, SILT FENCE OUTLETS. RB ° H �s� /� ��/ PLANS APPROVED FOR CONSTRUCTION Q .g .°° EX. DUMPSTER° Q-Lj 3) CALL EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR TO SITE TO INSPECT CONTROLS FOR \ TEMPORARY EAR STONE SILT ILDETAIL ONCE ° s 6a Q65aVv / / / �� s c� SANITARY EX. 24" MAIN ALONG BENTON ROAD RELEASE OF BUILDING PERMIT N a �° S / �� } SEWER EX 8" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD SHEET C-8.o g EX ASSUMED 4" SERVICE TO SITE -� � �4 ,��, � This plan complies with Chapter 8, Section 4 -Erosion Control (ASSUMED) o 4) BEGIN CLEARING AND DEMOLITION OF REMAINDER OF SITE. \` TEMPORARY SILT FENCE- TYP. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET '9' / EX 5'GHAINLINKFENGE / ���� ��� of the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Unified Development W g / V, Ex C-8.0. CONTROLLED ACCESS) EX.8"BLOCK ` ° v®°° / / M° Ordinance. A printed set of the stamped/approved plans must STORM NO ADJACENT STORM DRAINAGE - SHEET FLOW TO DRAINAGE FLUMES j 5) CONTINUE TO PHASE 2 OF GRADING PLAN. 24" SANIrgRYSE WALL �� WERE SS \ EX. SEWER Q be kept on the construction site for reference when installing W Q 6) BEGIN ROUGH GRADING WHILE MAINTAINING EROSION CONTROL DEVICES IN QRCE ERVIIG; CO CRETE ° required erosion control measures. GAS J W MAIN / Ex. CI ry EX GAS LINE IN JONESTOWN ROAD Z ACCORDANCE WITH MAINTENANCE PLANAND THE N.C. EROSIONAND Ex. ssMH LUME �Q / / GRATE=850.6 `1 EX. GAS LINE IN BENTON ROAD ; N C0 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. RIM=8a8.a EX. MCDONALD'S \ O roh O E our=8a8.o �'� IE IN=839.0(FORCE MAIN) 0 W IE IN=842.3(SERVICE) PEDESTAL SIGN EX. SHE PO 5/8" F 7 BEGIN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION. E ouT=838s HEIGHT-40.3' PEDESTAL SIGN RB / / '2.R IE=B z7 EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE j Z HEIGHr=s1.3' co ELECTRIC EX OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG JONESTOWN ROAD FRONTAGE C0 JS , EX. OVERHEAD POWER AT INTERSECTION OF JONESTOWN & BENTON Q 8) FINE GRADE, INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER AND THEN STONE PARKING LOT. GRADING/EROSION CONTROL LEGEND. O (0da - / HP matthewo 07/06/2022 3:43:35 PM z O �a ENDGFEX FORGE -MAIN BASE MAP INFORMATION Q 0 9) SEED AND MULCH ALL DISTURBED AREAS. SILT FENCE OUTLETS CAN BE _ START OF GRAVITY FLOW 0 REMOVED ONCE PARKING AREAS AND BUILDING PAD HAVE BEEN STABILIZED TC:624.75 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION / (TOP OF CURB ELEVATION) SS Ex. ssMH ALTA / NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY: Q WITH STONE AND VEGETATED AREAS SEEDED AND MULCHED. BC: 624.25 _(BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION) �y� RIM=851.3 1 Z BASED ON: FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. INSPECTAND REPAIR ALL EROSIONAND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ONA B4 PROPOSED CONTOUR S / ����`������4', 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD -SUITE 705 Z WEEKLY BASIS AND INSPECTAND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ANY NSSOC/ O O RAINFALL. REPAIR/REPLACE ALL DETERIORATED MATERIALS. SLOPE DRAINAGE SLOPE ARROW �� �, 9rF �� GREENVILLE, SC29607 I- Z 2 S ��� ��� U U O gS Z S � OFtP 0Rq T .•S Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 W� PROVIDE GROUND COVER ON EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS. r % TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE / Ek. 24" s FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. GC TO FOLLOWTHE 000CE REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C-8 /a� ANITARYSE PLAN SCALE. As Noted z -' NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (NCG010000) F� ° � ° Z wERMAIN SS - SEAL _ O W O LL� co O WHEN DETERMINING STABILIZATION SCHEDULE. O SILT FENCE = g Z U 0 SF REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C-8 STREET ADDRESS Q Q Q Q O Q G.C. TO MUCK -OUT LOWAREAS PRIOR TO PLACING NEWPAVEMENT- TYP. TEMPORARY INLET PROTECTION / ��vG� 0TILITY pRONRO �% 426 JONESTOWN ROAD - 0 0 o Q Z IP REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C-8 �5 OWN TFOR'Li '�,'LO .. - 6 9••'• �Q,,�� W W W W O REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ONCE ® O GO G� �ZOTO ��� RTN CARC�',,IN ¢ U AREAS DRAINING TO DEVICE ARE STABILIZED. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (DENUDED LIMITS)�90��CA?,(:)-, CITY STATE STATUS DATE BY THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF O � WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA AR PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AFTER SITE PERMANENT SOD: SOD PREPARATION: �'Cp�COUNTY PLAN CHECKED 04-19-22 JAL '�•, FINAL 04-19-22 KB DEVELOPMENT. O ems, �. '•N • C ' THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF 20 0 20 40 60 •• ALL UNPAVED DISTURBED AREAS (OR LAWN TO BE RE-ESTABLISHED) 1. REMOVE UNDESIRABLE GROUND COVERS INCLUDING ANY TEMP. SEEDING. 7: PERMANENT GROUND COVER AFTER SITE DEVELOPMENT. OUTSIDE PLANTING BED TO BE SODDED W/ AN EVEN MIXTURE OF �Ot _ FOR SYTH 2. RIP THE AREA TO BE SODDED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4 - 6". n• - SAPA PROJECT # 118-047CD G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED GRADES WITHIN 3. 31, OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR REGION, SO AS TO PRODUCE A 3. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS, ETC. LEAVING SURFACE ` ' tr ZJ 14 WORKING DAYS. THICK, FIRM STAND OF GRASS. DO NOT FERTILIZE SODDED AREAS. ALL SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. / '� .� : y• � TAX PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION CODE NUMBER AREAS TO BE SODDED TO HAVE APPROPRIATE SOIL PREPERATIONS, 4. PREPARE SOD BASE PER A.A.N. STANDARDS. . Q9 • �\ C s C-5.0 SEE SPECIFICATIONS. SOD SHALL BE OF GOOD & HEALTHY COLOR WHEN 5. APPLY SOD & IMMEDIATELY STAKE/FLAG OFF ALL NEW LAWN AREAS �i �! ' .act/ ). � �' DELIVERED. SOD SHALL BE HARVESTED &DELIVERED W/IN A PERIOD OF FROM PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLES FOR THREE (3) WEEKS. BEFORE YOU DIG! North " - ���� TyY ,J,••,i ENx ��,' 36 HOURS OR PRECAUTIONS MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT SOD FROM 6. IRRIGATE SODDED AREAS FOR THE THREE WEEK PERIOD. CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER SCALE: 1 - 20 ������ 6804-48-5335 32-0302 PH. 1 GRADING / EROSION ITS THE LAW! DRYING OUT WHILE IN TRANSIT. CONTROL PLAN EXISTING IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: BUILDING: 0.095 ac. 10.81 % PAVEMENT: 0.670 ac. 76.22 % OPEN SPACE: 0.114 ac. 12.97 % TOTAL SITE: 0.879 ac. 100.0 % TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 0.765 ac. - 87.03 % PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: BUILDING: 0.099 ac. 11.26 % PAVEMENT: 0.614 ac. 69.85 % OPEN SPACE: 0.166 ac. 18.89 % TOTAL SITE: 0.879 ac. 100.0 % TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 0.713 ac. - 81.11 % NET DECREASE OF IMPERVIOUS: 0.052 AC - 5.92% NOTE: ADDITIONAL DECREASE OF IMPERVIOUS OF 0.054 AC IN THE SHOPPING CENTER. GRADING / EROSION CONTROL NOTES: 1) THE APPROXIMATE AREA OF THE LIMITS OF CLEARING, GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION (LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE) IS ACRES. 2) THE CONTRACTOR SHALL VERIFY LOCATION AND ELEVATION OF ALL UNDERGROUND UTILITIES. THE LOCATION OF ALL EXISTING UTILITIES ARE NOT NECESSARILY SHOWN ON THE PLANS AND WHERE SHOWN ARE ONLY APPROXIMATE. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL ON HIS INITIATIVE AND AT NO EXTRA COSTS HAVE LOCATED ALL UNDERGROUND LINES AND STRUCTURES AS NECESSARY. NO CLAIMS FOR DAMAGES OR EXTRA COMPENSATION SHALL ACCRUE TO THE CONTRACTOR FROM THE PRESENCE OF SUCH PIPE, OTHER OBSTRUCTIONS OR FROMANY DELAY DUE TO REMOVAL OR REARRANGEMENT OF THE SAME. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE TO UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONTACTING ALL NON -SUBSCRIBING UTILITIES. THE CONTRACTOR(S) SHALL CONTACT NORTH CAROLINA ONE -CALL AT 1-800-632-4949 FOR ASSISTANCE IN LOCATING EXISTING UTILITIES. CALLA T LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY DIGGING 3) SUBJECT PROPERTY IS NOT LOCATED WITHIN A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD ZONE AREA AS DEFINED BY THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENTAGENCY COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 3710687400J, DATED JANUARY02, 2009 4) ALL GRADING AND BACKFILLING, EXCAVATING, ETC., SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS SET FORTH IN THE GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION REPORTS. REFER TO THESE REPORTS FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION NOT TRANSFERRED TO THESE PLANS. 5) THE EROSION CONTROL MEASURES ARE TO BE IN PLACE PRIOR TO ANY EARTHWORK. 6) ALL EROSION CONTROL MEASURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED UNTIL DISTURBED MATCH EX. PV 850.42t AREAS ARE STABILIZED. TC 850.45 TC 850.36 e 7) ALL EROSION CONTROL FACILITIES SHALL BE INSPECTED AND REPAIRED ATA MATCH EX. PV 850.33t MINIMUM OF WEEKLY BASIS AND AFTER EVERY RAIN EVENT. \ s MATCH EX. PV 850.24t TC 851.02 \ 8) ALL PAVED AREAS SHALL BE KEPT CLEAR OF EARTH MATERIALS AND DEBRIS. MAG NAIL THE SITE SHALL BE MAINTAINED SO AS TO MINIMIZE SEDIMENT -LADEN RUNOFF TO ° Q ° ° MATCH EX. PV 850.21t FOUND \ TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION ANY STORM DRAINAGE SYSTEM. ° a , ENTRANCE. SEE DETAIL ON ` 9) ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC SHALL ENTER AND EXIT THE SITE VIA THE TC 0.69 g TC TC 851.02 SHEET C-8.0. 850.62 ` TC 851.15 ° \ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES. Z 9 TC 851.12 CONCRETE WASH OUT -TYP. TC 850.93 SEE DETAIL ON SHEET C-5.3 \ 0 W ` 10) STABILIZATION MEASURES SHALL BE INITIATED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE IN , o cs ` �r PORTIONS OF THE SITE WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES HAVE TEMPORARILY \ \ OR PERMANENTLY CEASED, BUT IN NO CASE MORE THAN FOURTEEN (14) DAYS \ TS #6804-48-2575.00 Q AFTER WORK HAS CEASED, EXCEPTAS STATED BELOW.' I LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE -TYP. , • / ` MATCH EX. TC 851.40t \ MN/F RELIABLE TANK LINE -WHERE STABILIZATION BY THE 14TH DAY IS PRECLUDED BY SNOWCOVER OR , PV 850.81 �° ° o ` o DB 1551 PG 1009 FROZEN GROUND CONDITIONS STABILIZATION MEASURES MUST BE INITIATED AS ° �w ZONING: HB SOON AS PRACTICABLE. PV 851.05 \ \ -WHERE CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITY ON A PORTION OF THE SITE IS TEMPORARILY PV 851.18 /° ° ° PV 850.66 CEASED, AND EARTH -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES WILL BE RESUMED WITHIN 14 DAYS o PV 851.10 ° p TEMPORARY STABILIZATION MEASURES DO NOT HAVE TO BE INITIATED ON THAT TMs #68oa-a8-zs7s.00 PORTION OF THE SITE. po \ EXCEPTION 18 ALL CUT AND FILL SLOPES AND CHANNEL SIDESLOPES WHICH ARENOT TOBEPAVED, SHALL BE N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE /� ` ` \ DB 1019 PG 360 SEEDED UNTIL A GOOD STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED INACCORDANCE WITH. DB 1551 PG 1009 \, ^ ` \ APPROXIMATE LOCATION ZONING: HB oo ddd ° TC 851.46 ` \ INGRESS/EGRESS/REGRESS A. 100 LBS PER 1,000 SQUARE FOOT GROUND LIMESTONE OR EQUIVALENT. NO SOIL TEST � MATCH EX. PV 849.02t TC 851.24 w" � � o� ° o I REQUIRED FOR INITIAL ESTABLISHMENT. EASEMENT RESERVED BY _ MATCH EX. PV 848.90t \ MATCH EX. PV 849.00± / PV 850.87 ` QUALITY OIL TRANSPORT r / B. 20 LBS OF 10-10-10 FERTILIZER OR EQUIVALENT PEER 1,000 SQUAREFOOT. PV 851.97 C. VARIETIES TO BE SEEDEDMATCH EX. PV 848.87t TC 850.30 PV 850.95 : TC 851.69 \ EX. SIGN 1. SPRING SEEDING: MARCH 1 - APRIL 30; SPRING OATS 2.5 LBS PER 1,000 SQUARE FOOT. I TC 850.14 1.0% 0 2. SUMMER SEEDING: MAY 1 - AUGUST 1; FESCUE AT 2 OZ.PER SQUARE FOOT MIXED WITH 1 �_0 0 TC 851.42 BUSHEL OF SAWDUST FOR UNIFORM SEEDING. 3. ASPHALT MULCH 6 GALLONS PER 1,000 S.F. ALL SEEDING WILL BE MULCHED. I TC 850.08 ® o° ° MATCH EX. TC 852.50t MATCH EX. PV 848.63 � TC 852.22 � 11) ALL ELEVATIONS SHOWN ARE IN REFERENCE TO THE BENCHMARK AND MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE GENERAL CONTRACTOR AT GROUNDBREAK -MATCH EX. PV 848.45t e49 TC 850.95 TC 851.00 TC 850.95 PV 852.22 TC 852.21 ` TC 852.69 o' 12) PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION, G.C. TO VERIFY THATALL ENCROACHMENT, v : TC 852.91 MATCH EX. TC 853.00t a��� �o -MATCH EX. PV 848.38 0 / BUILDING, GRADING, UTILITY AND EROSION CONTROL PERMITS ARE ON FILE WITH TIC TC 853.00 TC 852.44� ALL APPROPRIATE AGENCIES AND PERMITS ARE AVAILBLE ON -SITE. I ` _ TC SW 852.95 851.00 ° ° �52 7S� 13 WI G.C. TO VERIFY PROPER COVER OVER ALL EXISTING UTILITIES WITH PV 852.30 , o� 2p lam' % TC 852.46 ° �o QR V o PROPOSED GRADES. PROVIDE SLEEVING FOR ANY UTILITIES IN PAVED AREAS. MAG NAIL � PBM-FIRE HYDRANT SIDE BOLT H ELEVATION=856.13' 14) ALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH LOCAL JURISDICTION \ / 8 \ FOUND STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAILS AND NC EROSION AND , ^ / ° ° V S2 ° ° ° TC 852.50 / (P.O.B.) TC 852.66 / SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. CONFLICTS BETWEEN TIC MAG NAIL THESE PLANS AND STANDARDS NOTED ABOVE WILL BE RESOLVED BYAPPLYING cb`� ,° FFE 853.00 SW 8522 TC 852.64853.26 TC 85 15 FOUND THE MOST STRINGENT REQUIREMENT AS DETERMINED BY THE ENGINEER. SW 852.92 Oa ° 0 1 9% MATCH EX. PV 17.91t ° o �e ° SW 852.95 15) ALL BORROW WILL COME FROM A SITE OR SPOIL WILL BE PLACED ON A SITE I, % PERMITTED BY THE STATE OR LOCAL JURISDICTION. BORROWFROMOR SPOIL TO - - MATCH EX.r 847.95t \ PV 852.30 TC 852.60 TC 853.26 AN UNPERMITTED SITE BECOMES THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE CONTRACTOR. ?.01 FFE 853.00 0 CONTRACTOR MUST HAVE APPROVAL OF THE OWNER AND LOCAL EROSION SW 852.86 2 / CONTROL INSPECTOR BEFORE UTILIZING ANY UNPERMITTED SITES FOR BORROW - , vw I TC 852.82 C 853.06 / 4� ° ° / OR SPOIL. Proposed SW 852.86 93� TC 852.86, r° 16) ALL STOCKPILE AREAS ARE INTENDED TO DRAIN TO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT , \ y 6.8% I \v M c D O NAL D S / � TRAPPING DEVICE AND BE WITHIN THE LIMITS OF THE DISTURBED AREAS SHOWN. �� I �� ° FL 852.36 MATCH EX. PV 847.00± 4587 Building / ' TC 849.18 b 17) G.C. RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL EROSION CONTROL PRACTICES REQUIRED TO , TC � 850.11 \ FFE: 853.00 TC 852.86 ° FL 852.36 / y I .r MINIMIZE EFFECTS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES DURING CONSTRUCTION. a I SW 852.86 ° ° TC 849.09 ° FFE 853.00 v 18) ALL DISTURBED AREAS NOT OTHERWISE DELINEATED FOR BUILDING, PAVING, ' co / a SOD, OR RIP -RAP SHALL BE PERMANENTLY SEEDED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SPECS. 5.g 0 y PV 852.30 S0� PV 852 16 ° ? i o o�� / 19) THE DISPOSAL OF DEBRIS IS NOTALLOWED ON SITE. \ * �o ° TC 853.00 °'' TC 850.16 6 5% \ \%o ° MATCH EX. TC 851.70t 20) ALL AREAS TO RECEIVE PAVEMENT SHALL BE GRAVELED IMMEDIATELY UPON TC 848.68 . moo° COMPLETION OF GRADING. SIN 852.78 TC 849.90 o FFE 853.00 TC 852.78 \ / O QJ 5510 SW 852.87 / PV 851.45 / 21) CROSS SLOPES ON ALL WALKS SHALL NOT EXCEED 1.8% (UNLESS OTHERWISE I TC 848.80 I SW 852.75 % C9 ° ° V v NOTED) AND G.C. TO INSURE NO PONDING IS TO OCCUR ON ANY PAVED SURFACE. % ATC 852.43 SW 852.76.74?° SW 852.73 FL 852.28 ,�. 0�° 22) ALL AREAS WITH 2:1 SLOPES OR ERODABLE SLOPES SHALL BE COVERED WITH I Q°lo I TC 850.02 I o SW 853.00 ✓°� ° o \° / ° O�j�O EXCELSIOR MATTING OR APPROVED EQUAL. INSTALL PER MANUFACTURERS SPECS ��S a -�A' ✓ cP �/ o \ 3�0 %aPV 851.34 ° � TC 849.58 z 52" 5.3% TC 848.07 \ �' �° i TC 852.73 TC 852.25I SW 851.96 TC 8480 / / EROSION CONTROL SEQUENCE. / TC 847.31 .22 TC 851.27 SW 851.55 �� ° / TC PV 851.15 851.53 ° I I TC 47.12 \ 8 MATCH EX. TC 851.30t \ / EX. DRIVEWAY f GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO INSTALL ALL TEMPORARY OR PERMANENT EROSION ' TC 851.48 70 PV 851.20 TC 85080 AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES AND MEASURES AS CALLED FOR AND AS HP N .851 NEEDED IN ADVANCE OF EROSION CONTROL PROBLEMS. G.C. RESPONSIBLE / ' Q 1.5% / I TC 848.61 TC 850.59 TC 850.82 � TC 850.78 TC 851.28 ® / FOR NOT ALLOWING SEDIMENT TO LEAVE THE SITE. HP Qy / \ TC 846. o TC 850.71 \o TC 851.40 ' TC 851.84 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TO: 2.7 o HP 650 N \ T- __l "4 Po 5 a" 1) OBTAIN GRADING PERMIT FROM CITY OF WINSTON-SALEM, IF APPLICABLE 2.0�° TC 851.16 R� 2) CLEAR ONLY ENOUGH TO INSTALL STONE CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE, SILT 10 Po 5/8" 8q� o TC 850.35 HP 2 010 Off/ / FENCE, SILT FENCE OUTLETS. RB TC 849.74 20 f I TC 849.90� HP TEMPORARY STONE SILT FENCE \ I -� �/ TC 849.90 waft 3) CALL EROSION CONTROL INSPECTOR TO SITE TO INSPECT CONTROLS FOR \ OUTLET - TYP. SEE DETAIL ON TC i 849.98 2= RELEASE OF BUILDING PERMIT SHEET C-5.2 \ INN - 850 4) BEGIN CLEARING AND DEMOLITION OF REMAINDER OF SITE. TEMPORARY SILT FENCE- \; TYP. SEE DETAIL ON SHEET --8$6 C-5.2. EX. S CHAIN LINK FENCE 5 24" CONTINUE TO PHASE 2 OF GRADING PLAN. �_ Ek CONTROLLED Access) ` ggNITgRV S VE SS EX. SEWER QRCE/ UUU 6) BEGIN ROUGH GRADING WHILE MAINTAINING EROSION CONTROL DEVICES IN F R IN ERVICE ° Ex. cl ACCORDANCE WITH MAINTENANCE PLANAND THE N.C. EROSIONAND EX. ssMH 7L �Q 48 4^/ GRATE=850.6 SEDIMENT CONTROL PLANNING AND DESIGN MANUAL. SS RIM MAIN) \ \ O �h O / E our=8a8.o IE IN=839.0(FORCE MAIN) EX. SHELL IPO 5/8" IE IN=842.3(SERVICE) F� IEOUT=838.6 PEDESTAL SIGN RB �2•.p_ IE=847.7 7) BEGIN BUILDING CONSTRUCTION HEIGHT=51.3' 8) FINE GRADE, INSTALL CURB AND GUTTER AND THEN STONE PARKING LOT. GRADING / EROSION CONTROL LEGEND: . - ___ 1_1S_ , / OH �$ END OF EX. FORCE -MAIN 9) SEED AND MULCH ALL DISTURBED AREAS. SILT FENCE OUTLETS CAN BE START OF GRAVITY FLOW cb REMOVED ONCE PARKING AREAS AND BUILDING PAD HAVE BEEN STABILIZED TC:624.75 PROPOSED SPOT ELEVATION / WITH STONE AND VEGETATED AREAS SEEDED AND MULCHED. BC: 624,25 _ (TOP OF CURB ELEVATION) S$ / RIM=ss1.3 (BOTTOM OF CURB ELEVATION) 0`O INSPECT AND REPAIR ALL EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ON B4 PROPOSED CONTOUR Z / WEEKLY BASIS AND INSPECT AND REPAIR IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING ANY RAINFALL. REPAIR/REPLACE ALL DETERIORATED MATERIALS. SLOPE DRAINAGE SLOPE ARROW / S PROVIDE GROUND COVER ON EXPOSED SLOPES WITHIN 14 CALENDAR DAYS. r %� CE TEMP. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE �5°/ Ek. 24 SANITq FOLLOWING COMPLETION OF ANY PHASE OF GRADING. GC TO FOLLOWTHE O00 REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C-8 / RYSE NPDES GENERAL PERMIT FOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES (NCG010000) ° ° Z WERMAIN S WHEN DETERMINING STABILIZATION SCHEDULE. O SILT FENCE O MUST 0 SF REFER TO DETAIL ON SHEET C-8 �vOjjON MUST LITY PCONF G.C. TO MUCK -OUT LOWAREAS PRIOR TO PLACING NEW PAVEMENT - TYP. / % �5(O�p10 ROTFo�'Li 110 REFER TO DARY INETAIL ILET PROTECTION oG� Txo,�0 SHEET C-8 REMOVE TEMPORARY EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL DEVICES ONCE AREAS DRAINING TO DEVICE ARE STABILIZED. LIMITS OF DISTURBANCE (DENUDED LIMITS) 9C J 0 ; • THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF PERMANENT EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES AFTER SITE PERMANENT SOD: SOD PREPARATION. 0 DEVELOPMENT. • THE PROPERTY OWNER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR MAINTENANCE OF ALL UNPAVED DISTURBED AREAS (OR LAWN TO BE RE-ESTABLISHED) ` O ' 20 PERMANENT GROUND COVER AFTER SITE DEVELOPMENT. OUTSIDE PLANTING BED TO BE SODDED W/ AN EVEN MIXTURE OF 1. REMOVE UNDESIRABLE GROUND COVERS INCLUDING ANY TEMP. SEEDING. SO AS TO PRODUCE A OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR REGION, 2. RIP THE AREA TO BE SODDED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4 - 6". G.C. IS RESPONSIBLE FOR STABILIZATION OF ALL EXPOSED GRADES WITHIN KENTUCY 31, 3. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS, ETC. LEAVING SURFACE O 14 WORKING DAYS. THICK, FIRM STAND OF GRASS. DO NOT FERTILIZE SODDED AREAS. ALL SMOOTH AND UNIFORM. AREAS TO BE SODDED TO HAVE APPROPRIATE SOIL PREPERATIONS, 4. PREPARE SOD BASE PER A.A.N. STANDARDS. BEFORE YOU DIG! SEE SPECIFICATIONS. SOD SHALL BE OF GOOD & HEALTHY COLOR 5. APPLY SOD & IMMEDIATELY STAKE/FLAG OFFALL NEW LAWN AREAS CALL 811 N.C. ONE -CALL CENTER WHEN DELIVERED. SOD SHALL BE HARVESTED & DELIVERED W/IN A FROM PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLES FOR THREE (3) WEEKS. ITS THE LAW! PERIOD OF 36 HOURS OR PRECAUTIONS MUST BE TAKEN TO PREVENT 6. IRRIGATE SODDED AREAS FOR THE THREE WEEK PERIOD. SOD FROM DRYING OUT WHILE IN TRANSIT. W North 0 20 40 SCALE: 1" = 20' (j PFsSSOCIq; %, �� ......... ORPORATF': Co.: SEAL C CAR''' j` p ; � pN ••S C•'A�; C �. 60 829 0. i, �O•. � \�C9 yY ....� VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. SOUTHWIN DR. �Q. SITE BENTON /?1) H WY. 421 H S MgLL ELVD EROSION CONTROL MAINTENANCE PLAN. >_ m 1. INSPECT ALL SEDIMENTATION & EROSION CONTROL DEVICES FOR STABILITY AND FUNCTION EACH WEEK AND FOLLOWING EACH RAINFALL EVENT. 2. REMOVE ALL SILT/SEDIMENT FROM TEMPORARY TRAPS WHEN ACCUMULATED VOLUME HAS REACHED 50% OF CAPACITY. 3. REMOVE ACCUMULATED SILT/SEDIMENT FROM BEHIND TEMPORARY SEDIMENT FENCE WHEN DEPTH EXCEEDS APPROXIMATELY 0.5' REPAIR AND REPLACE SILT FENCE AS NECESSARY. 4. SEED AND STABILIZE TEMPORARY DIVERSION BERMS IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION INCLUDING "CLEAN" WATER DIVERSION BERMS. RE -GRADE/ O REPAIR BERMS AS REQUIRED. 0 5. CONTRACTOR SHALL APPOINT AN ONSITE INSPECTOR AND MAINTAIN U RECORDS OF INSPECTIONS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE GENERAL NPDES STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT, IF REQUIRED, FOR W CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES p 6. ALL SEDIMENT AND EROSION CONTROL DEVICES SHALL BE INSPECTED EVERY SEVEN (7) DAYS AND WITHIN 24 HOURS AFTER EACH RAINFALL OCCURRENCE THAT EXCEEDS ONE-HALF (0.5) INCH, IF SITE INSPECTIONS IDENTIFY BMPS THAT ARE DAMAGED OR NOT OPERATING EFFECTIVELY, MAINTENANCE MUST BE PERFORMED AS SOON AS PRACTICABLE OR AS REASONABLY POSSIBLE AND BEFORE THE NEXT STORM EVENT WHENEVER PRACTICABLE. IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: r�u_j EIMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: BUILDING: 0.095 ac. 10.81 PAVEMENT: 0.670 ac. 76.22 OPEN SPACE: 0.114 ac. 12.97 TOTAL SITE: 0.879 ac. 100.0 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 0.765 ac. - 87.03 PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS CALCULATIONS: BUILDING: 0.099 ac. 11.26 PAVEMENT: 0.614 ac. 69.85 OPEN SPACE: 0.166 ac. 18.89 TOTAL SITE: 0.879 ac. 100.0 TOTAL IMPERVIOUS: 0.713 ac. - 81.11 NET DECREASE OF IMPERVIOUS: 0.052 AC - 5.92% NOTE: ADDITIONAL DECREASE OF IMPERVIOUS OF 0.054 AC IN THE SHOPPING CENTER. McDONALDS CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS ALL SITE CONCRETE IS TO BE TREATED WITH WATER REPELLANT CONCRETE SEALER TO PROTECT THE SURFACES FROM SPALLING AND DAMAGE FROM CHEMICAL ATTACK OF CHLORIDE SALTS. SEALER SHOULD BE SILANE/SILOXANE WATER REPELLANT. RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE PROSOCO-SALTGUARD OR V-SEAL 102 WINTERGUARD. PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR SITE SPECIFIC PAVEMENT SPECS. NOTE: McDONALD'S ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A COMPACTION TEST AND/OR A CORE SAMPLE. IF TESTS PROVE CORRECT, PER ABOVE SPECIFICATION, TESTS WILL BE AT THE EXPENSE OF McDONALD'S, OTHERWISE, GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE CHARGED. PARKING INFORMATION 2 HC SPACES = 8. 0' x 18.0' @ 60 ° TOTAL 30 SPACES = 9. 0' x 18.0' @ 60 ° SPACES 2 SPACES = 8.5' x 17.5' @ 90 ° 50 1 SPACE = 10' x 23.0' @ 0 ° 15 Stacking SPACES = 9. 0' x 16.0' @ DT 2 Bicycle SPACES = Bike Rack UTILITY INFORMATION SIZE TYPE LOCATION WATER EX. 12" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. (ASSUMED) 2" SERVICE TO SITE SANITARY EX. 24" MAIN ALONG BENTON ROAD SEWER EX. 8" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. (ASSUMED) 4" SERVICE TO SITE STORM NO ADJACENT STORM DRAINAGE - SHEET FLOW TO DRAINAGE FLUMES GAS EX. GAS LINE IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX. GAS LINE IN BENTON ROAD EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE ELECTRIC EX OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG JONESTOWN ROAD FRONTAGE EX OVERHEAD POWER ATINTERSECTION OF BW N&BENTON BASE MAP INFORMATION ALTA / NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY: BASED ON: FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD - SUITE 705 GREENVILLE, SC29607 Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 PLAN SCALE. As Noted STREET ADDRESS 426 JONESTOWN ROAD CITY STATE WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY FORSYTH TAX PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION CODE NUMBER 6804-48-5335 32-0302 stimmel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING 601 N. TRADE STREET, 51117E 200 WINSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 P:336.723.1067 F:336.723.1069 www.stimmelpa.com J J CID N O co co 0 W oaLU WLL W FE� W U TW- O= W aD co O W � W Q W 0 W � m Y U_ U w �O of 0r_ W W M o E5 Q z J Z2 J (n ao wQ W W U ~ OC) Q U ICK LU LU ['1 � � LLJ z O LU ram^^ C V CL z 6 � O Q J CL z o g o o co c O Z U 0 U 0 0 0 o a z 0 0 ( w STATUS DATE BY FINAL 04-19-22 KB PLAN CHECKED 04-19-22 JAL SAPA PROJECT # 118-047CDF_ C-5.1 PH. 2 GRADING / EROSION CONTROL PLAN VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. SOUTHWIN DR. 4' STEEL POST 8' O.C. TH 12 GAUGE W 6I MAX. SPACING)IRE AND MESH 50' MIN SITE FILTER FABRIC OR 4x CIRCUMFERENCE OF LARGEST TIRE BENTON RD. TRENCH 4" X 8" DEEP, z (Whichever Is Greater) ,HQ) EXTEND FILTER FABRIC z AND WIRE MESH AND FILL WITH NCDOT EXISTING HWY.421 #57 STONE - PAVEMENT DIRECTION OF FLOW v OO OO OO OO OO HANESMALLeLVD. - - - _ - - FILTER SIDE ELEVATION S 0 EXISTING GROUND CLOTH m COMPACTED BACKFILL EXTENSION OF - 50' MIN FILTER FABRIC AND WIRE MESH INTOTRENCH OR 4x CIRCUMFERENCE OF LARGEST TIRE (Whichever Is Greater) 25' MIN SILT FENCE, OR CONSTRUCTION p 2 FENCE RETURNS EACH SIDE Z Q 0 z A 2" TO 3" CLEAN STONE O���o C) L O #57 WASHED STONE 04 pO TEMPORARY ��j%�� �O�O �0 �0 �0 �0 �0 �0 �62 o SILT FENCE z 0�� O�v/ Oo�o \�/�����V�i O Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo EXISTING U W a o� ���������� O Oo0 Oo0 Oo0 Oo0 Oo0 Oo0 Oo0 PAVEMENT 0 EXISTING GROUND o�oO p 2 - PLAN VIEW oLO cV FILTER FABRIC PLAN CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS. * STONE - USE COARSE AGGREGATE (2 - 3 INCH STONE) p EXCAVATED SEDIMENT PIT T MIN. * LENGTH -AS EFFECTIVE, BUT NOT LESS THAN 50 FEET. 121 X 4'W X 2' DEEP 12" NCDOT * THICKNESS -NOT LESS THAN 6INCHES. #57 STONE NCDOT CLASS "A" RIPRAP * WIDTH -NOT LESS THAN FULL WIDTH OF ALL POINTS OF INGRESS OR EGRESS. * WASHING -WHEN NECESSARY WHEELS SHALL BE CLEANED TO REMOVE SEDIMENT PRIOR TO 0 o ENTRANCE ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. WHEN WASHING IS REQUIRED, IT SHALL BE DONE ON 21 2 AN AREA STABALIZAED WITH CRUSHED STONE WHICH DRAINS INTO AN APPROVED SEDIMENT V-6" MIN @ CENTER TRAP OR SEDIMENT BASIN. ALL SEDIMENT SHALL BE PREVENTED FROM ENTERING ANY c STORM DRAIN, DITCH,OR WATERCOURSE THROUGH USE OF SAND BAGS, GRAVEL, BOARDS, 4 FT OR OTHER APPROVED METHODS. * FILTER FABRIC MAINTENANCE -THE ENTRANCE SHALL BE MAINTAINED IN A CONDITION WHICH WILL PREVENT NOTE: SILT FENCE OUTLET LOCATIONS AS DEFINED ON THE PLANS ARE SCHEMATIC. TRACKING OR FLOWING OF SEDIMENT ONTO PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY. THIS MAY REQUIRE PERIODIC/ SILT FENCE OUTLETS TO BE FIELD PLACED AT AREAS AT LOW POINTS THAT WILL TOP DRESSING WITH ADDITIONAL STONE AS CONDITIONS DEMAND AND REPAIR AND/OR RECEIVE THE MOST CONCENTRATED FLOW. CLEANOUT OF ANY MEASURES USED TO TRAP SEDIMENT. ALL SEDIMENT SPILLED, DROPPED, WASHED OR TRACKED ONTO PUBLIC RIGHTS -OF -WAY MUST BE REMOVED IMMEDIATELY. LANDSCAPE ARCH I T E C T t1 R E CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING STANDARD TEMPORARY SILT FENCE/ CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 601 N.TRADE STREET, 5UITE 200 SILT FENCE OUTLET W€NSTON-SALEM, NC 27101 P:336.723.1067 F:336.723.1069 www.stimmelpa.cvm McDONALDS CONCRETE SPECIFICATIONS FOR LATE WINTER/EARLY SPRING: MULCH: APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH ALL SITE CONCRETE IS TO BE TREATED WITH WATER REPELLANT SEEDING MIXTURE ASPHALT NETTING (APPLIED AT A RATE OF 350 GALLONS PER ACRE), OR A SPECIES: RATE (LB/ACRE): MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CONCRETE SEALER TO PROTECT THE SURFACES FROM SPALLING AND ° J !- w RYE (GRAIN) 120 CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. DAMAGE FROM CHEMICAL ATTACK OF CHLORIDE SALTS. SEALER SHOULD z N ANNUAL LESPEDEZA 50 MAINTENANCE: BE SILANE/SILOXANE WATER REPELLANT. RECOMMENDATIONS INCLUDE U) Do O (KOBE IN PIEDMONT & COASTAL PLAIN, KOREAN IN REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. RESEED, REFERTILIZE PROSOCO-SALTGUARD OR V-SEAL 102WINTERGUARD. 0 U) MOUNTAINS) AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. ¢ I � PAVEMENT SPECIFICATIONS SEEDING DATES: MOUNTAINS--FEB. 1 - MAY 1 ° a Lu _ FOR FALL: PIEDMONT--JAN. 1 - MAY 1 W I I�UJ1 u� m COASTAL PLAT N--DEC. 1 -APR. 15 SEEDING MIXTURE CONTRACTOR TO REFER TO SOILS REPORT FOR SITE SPECIFIC �J o z o P SOIL AMENDMENTS: SPECIES: RYE (GRAIN) RATE(LB/ACRE):120 PAVEMENT SPECS. _ FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 SEEDING DATES: LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 750 LB/ACRE NOTE: McDONALD'S ENGINEER RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A W "' o � v w w L �- � MOUNTAINS--AUG. 15 -DEC. 15 COMPACTION TEST AND/OR A CORE SAMPLE. IF TESTS PROVE CORRECT, a � , 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. PIEDMONT AND COASTAL PLAIN- AUG. 15 - DEC. 30 PER ABOVE SPECIFICATION, TESTS WILL BEAT THE EXPENSE OF W ° O = _ w MULCH: SOIL AMENDMENTS: McDONALD'S, OTHERWISE, GENERAL CONTRACTOR WILL BE CHARGED. w ~ 62 APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY TACKING WITH FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS OR APPLY 2,000 LB PER ACRE Q o o Cn � PARKING INFORMATION ASPHALT NETTING (APPLIED AT A RATE OF 350 GALLONS PER GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 1,000 LB PER ACRE 10-10-10 o u = o ACRE), OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH BLADES SET o w w 2 HC SPACES = 8.0' x 18.0' @ 60 ° FERTILIZER NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. Q °� " m MULCH: APPLY 4,000 LB/ACRE STRAW. ANCHOR STRAW BY a v 30 SPACES = 9.0' x 18.0' 60 ° @ TACKING WITH ASPHALT NETTING APPLIED AT A RATE OF 350 SOIL AMENDMENTS: FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS ( TOTAL 5 l W 2 SPACES = 8.5' x 17.5' @ 90 ° GALLONS PER ACRE), OR A MULCH ANCHORING TOOL. A DISK WITH OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND ) SPACES W �D M 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. BLADES SET NEARLY STRAIGHT CAN BE USED AS A MULCH 50 00 ¢ z CID _ - 1 SPACE 10' x 23.0' @ 0 ° MAINTENANCE: REFERTILIZE IF GROWTH IS NOT FULLY ADEQUATE. ANCHORING TOOL. J J RESEED, REFERTILIZE AND MULCH IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING MAINTENANCE: REPAIR AND REFERTILIZE DAMAGED AREAS 15 Stacking SPACES = 9.0' x 16.0' @ DT 2 Bicycle SPACES = Bike Rack EROSION OR OTHER DAMAGE. IMMEDIATELY. TOPDRESS WITH 50 LB/ACRE OF NITROGEN IN W z MARCH. IF IT IS NECESSARY TO EXTEND TEMPORARY COVER U, Q co FOR SUMMER: BEYOND JUNE 15, OVERSEED WITH 50 LB/ACRE kOBE (PIEDMONT UTILITY INFORMATION U uj AND COASTAL PLAIN) OR KOREAN (MOUNTAINS) LESPEDEZA IN LATE SIZE TYPE LOCATION SEEDING MIXTURE FEBRUARY OR MARCH. WATER EX 12" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD SPECIES: GERMAN MILLET RATE (LB/ACRE): 40 SEEDBED PREPARATION: IN THE PIEDMONT AND MOUNTAINS, A SMALL -STEMMED 1. RIP AREA TO BE SEEDED TO A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 4-6 INCHES. EX. (ASSUMED) 2" SERVICE TO SITE SUDANGRASS MAY BE SUBSTITUTED AT A RATE OF 50 LB/ACRE. 2. REMOVE ALL LOOSE ROCKS, ROOTS, ETC. LEAVING SMOOTH � SEEDING DATES: SURFACE AND UNIFORM. SANITARY EX. 24" MAIN ALONG BENTON ROAD PIEDMONT --MAY 1 -AUG. 15 3. APPLY SEED, AGRICULTURAL LIME, FERTILIZER AND SEWER EX. 8" MAIN IN JONESTOWN ROAD EX (ASSUMED) 4" SERVICE TO SITE -� COASTAL PLAIN --APR. 15 - AUG. 15 SUPERPHOSPHATE UNIFORMLY AND MIX WITH THE SOIL. Lij MOUNTAINS --MAY 15 - AUG. 15 4. SEED ON A FRESHLY PREPARED SEEDBED AND COVER THE SEED STORM NO ADJACENT STORM DRAINAGE -SHEET FLOW TO DRAINAGE FLUMES W� SOIL AMENDMENTS: FOLLOW RECOMMENDATIONS OF SOIL TESTS LIGHTLY WITH SEEDING EQUIPMENT OR CULTIPACK AFTER SEEDING. OR APPLY 2,000 LB/ACRE GROUND AGRICULTURAL LIMESTONE AND 5. MULCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER SEEDING AND ANCHOR MULCH. J W 750 LB/ACRE 10-10-10 FERTILIZER. GAS EX. GAS LINE IN JONESTOWN ROAD z EX. GAS LINE IN BENTON ROAD j (� TEMPORARY SEEDING SPECS o W EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG SOUTHERN PROPERTY LINE 01� z ELECTRIC EX. OVERHEAD POWER ON -SITE ALONG JONESTOWN ROAD FRONTAGE _p C� EX. OVERHEAD POWER AT INTERSECTION OF JONESTOWN & BENTON BASE MAP INFORMATION z' ALTA / NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY.- Q BASED ON: FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. a % ,, �pSSOCIq�F.,�� 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD - SUITE 705 Z Z �`� •. ARP 0Rj r•. �?' GREENVILLE, SC 29607 Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 W z CO C W = PLAN SCALE. As Noted w o w o SEAL Q 0� z� STREETADDRESS • Q Q Q Q o U Q ' 2'• C_ g9 426 JONESTOWN ROAD Z o Z 0 Z 0 Z o Q � I- z P CITY STATE STATUS DATE BY A WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA CAR CA/�O'�.,�� FINAL 04-19-22 KB ,�,�•`' COUNTY PLAN CHECKED 04-19-22 JAL FORSYTH 829 c,. SAPA PROJECT # 118-04 7CD `CC ep��o-.• yJ ������ TAX PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION CODE NUMBER C 8.0 6804-48-5335 32-0302 EC DETAILS GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING PRACTICES FOR COMPLIANCE WITH THE NCG01 CONSTRUCTION GENERAL PERMIT Implementing the details and specifications on this plan sheet will result in the construction activity being considered compliant with the Ground Stabilization and Materials Handling sections of the NCGO1 Construction General Permit (Sections E and F, respectively). The permittee shall comply with the Erosion and Sediment Control plan approved by the delegated authority having jurisdiction. All details and specifications shown on this sheet may not apply depending on site conditions and the delegated authority having jurisdiction. SECTION E: GROUND STABILIZATION Required Ground Stabilization Timeframes Stabilize within this Site Area Description many calendar Timeframe variations days after ceasing land disturbance (a) Perimeter dikes, swales, ditches, and 7 None perimeter slopes (b) High Quality Water 7 None (HQW) Zones (c) Slopes steeper than If slopes are 10' or less in length and are 3:1 7 not steeper than 2:1, 14 days are allowed -7 days for slopes greater than 50' in length and with slopes steeper than 4:1 -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (d) Slopes 3:1 to 4:1 14 ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed -7 days for perimeter dikes, swales, (e) Areas with slopes ditches, perimeter slopes and HQW Zones flatter than 4:1 14 -10 days for Falls Lake Watershed unless there is zero slope Note: After the permanent cessation of construction activities, any areas with temporary ground stabilization shall be converted to permanent ground stabilization as soon as practicable but in no case longer than 90 calendar days after the last land disturbing activity. Temporary ground stabilization shall be maintained in a manner to render the surface stable against accelerated erosion until permanent ground stabilization is achieved. GROUND STABILIZATION SPECIFICATION Stabilize the ground sufficiently so that rain will not dislodge the soil. Use one of the techniques in the table below: Temporary Stabilization Permanent Stabilization • Temporary grass seed covered with straw or • Permanent grass seed covered with straw or other mulches and tackifiers other mulches and tackifiers • Hydroseeding • Geotextile fabrics such as permanent soil • Rolled erosion control products with or reinforcement matting without temporary grass seed • Hydroseeding • Appropriately applied straw or other mulch • Shrubs or other permanent plantings covered • Plastic sheeting with mulch • Uniform and evenly distributed ground cover sufficient to restrain erosion • Structural methods such as concrete, asphalt or retaining walls • Rolled erosion control products with grass seed POLYACRYLAMIDES (PAMS) AND FLOCCULANTS 1. Select flocculants that are appropriate for the soils being exposed during construction, selecting from the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants. 2. Apply flocculants at or before the inlets to Erosion and Sediment Control Measures. 3. Apply flocculants at the concentrations specified in the NC DWR List of Approved PAMS/Flocculants and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 4. Provide ponding area for containment of treated Stormwater before discharging offsite. 5. Store flocculants in leak -proof containers that are kept under storm -resistant cover or surrounded by secondary containment structures. EQUIPMENT AND VEHICLE MAINTENANCE 1. Maintain vehicles and equipment to prevent discharge of fluids. 2. Provide drip pans under any stored equipment. 3. Identify leaks and repair as soon as feasible, or remove leaking equipment from the project. 4. Collect all spent fluids, store in separate containers and properly dispose as hazardous waste (recycle when possible). 5. Remove leaking vehicles and construction equipment from service until the problem has been corrected. 6. Bring used fuels, lubricants, coolants, hydraulic fluids and other petroleum products to a recycling or disposal center that handles these materials. LITTER, BUILDING MATERIAL AND LAND CLEARING WASTE 1. Never bury or burn waste. Place litter and debris in approved waste containers. 2. Provide a sufficient number and size of waste containers (e.g dumpster, trash receptacle) on site to contain construction and domestic wastes. 3. Locate waste containers at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 4. Locate waste containers on areas that do not receive substantial amounts of runoff from upland areas and does not drain directly to a storm drain, stream or wetland. 5. Cover waste containers at the end of each workday and before storm events or provide secondary containment. Repair or replace damaged waste containers. 6. Anchor all lightweight items in waste containers during times of high winds. 7. Empty waste containers as needed to prevent overflow. Clean up immediately if containers overflow. 8. Dispose waste off -site at an approved disposal facility. 9. On business days, clean up and dispose of waste in designated waste containers. PAINT AND OTHER LIQUID WASTE 1. Do not dump paint and other liquid waste into storm drains, streams or wetlands. 2. Locate paint washouts at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless no other alternatives are reasonably available. 3. Contain liquid wastes in a controlled area. 4. Containment must be labeled, sized and placed appropriately for the needs of site. 5. Prevent the discharge of soaps, solvents, detergents and other liquid wastes from construction sites. PORTABLE TOILETS 1. Install portable toilets on level ground, at least 50 feet away from storm drains, streams or wetlands unless there is no alternative reasonably available. If 50 foot offset is not attainable, provide relocation of portable toilet behind silt fence or place on a gravel pad and surround with sand bags. 2. Provide staking or anchoring of portable toilets during periods of high winds or in high foot traffic areas. 3. Monitor portable toilets for leaking and properly dispose of any leaked material. Utilize a licensed sanitary waste hauler to remove leaking portable toilets and replace with properly operating unit. EARTHEN STOCKPILE MANAGEMENT 1. Show stockpile locations on plans. Locate earthen -material stockpile areas at least 50 feet away from storm drain inlets, sediment basins, perimeter sediment controls and surface waters unless it can be shown no other alternatives are reasonably available. 2. Protect stockpile with silt fence installed along toe of slope with a minimum offset of five feet from the toe of stockpile. 3. Provide stable stone access point when feasible. 4. Stabilize stockpile within the timeframes provided on this sheet and in accordance with the approved plan and any additional requirements. Soil stabilization is defined as vegetative, physical or chemical coverage techniques that will restrain accelerated erosion on disturbed soils for temporary or permanent control needs. ONSITE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE WITH LINER _ 10. A HIGH MIN COHESIVE & B O CD C D CD O LOW SANDBAGS (TYP.) SOIL FILTRATION BERM 10 MIL 0 0 OR STAPLES 0 0 O O "SECTION 10 MIL 0 0 0 1:1 PLASTIC SANDBAGS (TYP.) SILT FENCE SIDE SLOPE LINING OR STAPLES b z 0 0 TYP.) 0 0 000000 M 2.o00 - A V 6" CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE SECTION A -A CONCRETE NOTING DEVICE (18"X24" MIN.) NOTES: WASHOUT T. ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD 2. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID AND/OR SOLID REACHES 75% OF THE STRUCTURES CAPACITY. PLAN 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE. BELOW GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NOT TO SCALE CONCRETE WASHOUTS `SANDBAGS (TYP.) OR STAPLES CLEARLY MARKED SIGNAGE CONCRETE NOTING DEVICE (18"X24" MIN.) WASHOUT PLAN SANDBAGS (TYP.) OR STAPLES HIGH COHESIVE & LOW FILTRATION SOIL BERM NOTES: 1. ACTUAL LOCATION DETERMINED IN FIELD 2. THE CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURES SHALL BE MAINTAINED WHEN THE LIQUID AND/OR SOLID REACHES 75% OF THE STRUCTURES CAPACITY TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE HOLDING CAPACITY WITH A MINIMUM 12 INCHES OF FREEBOARD. 3.CONCRETE WASHOUT STRUCTURE NEEDS TO BE CLEARY MARKED WITH SIGNAGE NOTING DEVICE. ABOVE GRADE WASHOUT STRUCTURE 1. Do not discharge concrete or cement slurry from the site. 2. Dispose of, or recycle settled, hardened concrete residue in accordance with local and state solid waste regulations and at an approved facility. 3. Manage washout from mortar mixers in accordance with the above item and in addition place the mixer and associated materials on impervious barrier and within lot perimeter silt fence. 4. Install temporary concrete washouts per local requirements, where applicable. If an alternate method or product is to be used, contact your approval authority for review and approval. If local standard details are not available, use one of the two types of temporary concrete washouts provided on this detail. 5. Do not use concrete washouts for dewatering or storing defective curb or sidewalk sections. Stormwater accumulated within the washout may not be pumped into or discharged to the storm drain system or receiving surface waters. Liquid waste must be pumped out and removed from project. 6. Locate washouts at least 50 feet from storm drain inlets and surface waters unless it can be shown that no other alternatives are reasonably available. At a minimum, install protection of storm drain inlet(s) closest to the washout which could receive spills or overflow. 7. Locate washouts in an easily accessible area, on level ground and install a stone entrance pad in front of the washout. Additional controls may be required by the approving authority. 8. Install at least one sign directing concrete trucks to the washout within the project limits. Post signage on the washout itself to identify this location. 9. Remove leavings from the washout when at approximately 75% capacity to limit overflow events. Replace the tarp, sand bags or other temporary structural components when no longer functional. When utilizing alternative or proprietary products, follow manufacturer's instructions. 10. At the completion of the concrete work, remove remaining leavings and dispose of in an approved disposal facility. Fill pit, if applicable, and stabilize any disturbance caused by removal of washout. HERBICIDES, PESTICIDES AND RODENTICIDES 1. Store and apply herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in accordance with label restrictions. 2. Store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in their original containers with the label, which lists directions for use, ingredients and first aid steps in case of accidental poisoning. 3. Do not store herbicides, pesticides and rodenticides in areas where flooding is possible or where they may spill or leak into wells, stormwater drains, ground water or surface water. If a spill occurs, clean area immediately. 4. Do not stockpile these materials onsite. HAZARDOUS AND TOXIC WASTE 1. Create designated hazardous waste collection areas on -site. 2. Place hazardous waste containers under cover or in secondary containment. 3. Do not store hazardous chemicals, drums or bagged materials directly on the ground. NCGO I GROUND STABILIZATION AND MATERIALS HANDLING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 F .oRpORgr.••cS' G F CO SEAL 829 0: sf�.Tyy....��N� �''�rrrnrn�<<♦ BASE MAP INFORMATION ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY: BASED ON: FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD - SUITE 705 GREENVILLE, SC 29607 Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 PLAN SCALE. As Noted STREETADDRESS 426 JONESTOWN ROAD CITY WINSTON-SALEM TAX PARCEL NUMBER 6804-48-5335 STATE NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY FORSYTH LOCATION CODE NUMBER 32-0302 VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. SOUTHWIN DR. SITE BENTON RD, � z 0 U U) W 0 0 W H WY. 421 yANE3 MA<< E� �D stimmel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING 601 N.TRADE STREET, SUITE 200 WINSTaN-SALEM, NC 27101 R:336.723.1067 F:336.723.1069 www.stimmelpa.cam R 0 J Q �0 � � � W U 0 zW o O o_ 0 0� 0 o� a W � _= W U) 0 0 m U W W WW a m 00 zz Q J z= QU) a o LU z LU W F U U_ 0 a 01� U) Lij J W Q z C14 c� C) CL z 6 0 Q 0 J a � Z Z Q LU c°� z o 0 0 0 o 0 U a z STATUS DATE 104-19-22 BY FINAL KB PLAN CHECKED 1 04-19-22 1 JAL SAPA PROJECT # 118-047CD C-8.1 EC DETAILS PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION A: SELF -INSPECTION Self -inspections are required during normal business hours in accordance with the table below. When adverse weather or site conditions would cause the safety of the inspection personnel to be in jeopardy, the inspection may be delayed until the next business day on which it is safe to perform the inspection. In addition, when a storm event of equal to or greater than 1.0 inch occurs outside of normal business hours, the self -inspection shall be performed upon the commencement of the next business day. Any time when inspections were delayed shall be noted in the Inspection Record. Frequency Inspect (during normal Inspection records must include: business hours) (1) Rain gauge Daily Daily rainfall amounts. maintained in If no daily rain gauge observations are made during weekend or good working holiday periods, and no individual -day rainfall information is order available, record the cumulative rain measurement for those un- attended days (and this will determine if a site inspection is needed). Days on which no rainfall occurred shall be recorded as "zero." The permittee may use another rain -monitoring device approved by the Division. (2) E&SC At least once per 1. Identification of the measures inspected, Measures 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Indication of whether the measures were operating event > 1.0 inch in properly, 24 hours 5. Description of maintenance needs for the measure, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (3) Stormwater At least once per 1. Identification of the discharge outfalls inspected, discharge 7 calendar days 2. Date and time of the inspection, outfalls (SDOs) and within 24 3. Name of the person performing the inspection, hours of a rain 4. Evidence of indicators of stormwater pollution such as oil event > 1.0 inch in sheen, floating or suspended solids or discoloration, 24 hours 5. Indication of visible sediment leaving the site, 6. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken. (4) Perimeter of At least once per If visible sedimentation is found outside site limits, then a record site 7 calendar days of the following shall be made: and within 24 1. Actions taken to clean up or stabilize the sediment that has left hours of a rain the site limits, event > 1.0 inch in 2. Description, evidence, and date of corrective actions taken, and 24 hours 3. An explanation as to the actions taken to control future releases. (5) Streams or At least once per If the stream or wetland has increased visible sedimentation or a wetlands onsite 7 calendar days stream has visible increased turbidity from the construction or offsite and within 24 activity, then a record of the following shall be made: (where hours of a rain 1. Description, evidence and date of corrective actions taken, and accessible) event > 1.0 inch in 2. Records of the required reports to the appropriate Division 24 hours Regional Office per Part III, Section C, Item (2)(a) of this permit. (6) Ground After each phase 1. The phase of grading (installation of perimeter E&SC stabilization of grading measures, clearing and grubbing, installation of storm measures drainage facilities, completion of all land -disturbing activity, construction or redevelopment, permanent ground cover). 2. Documentation that the required ground stabilization measures have been provided within the required timeframe or an assurance that they will be provided as soon as possible. NOTE: The rain inspection resets the required 7 calendar day inspection requirement. PART III SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION B: RECORDKEEPING 1. E&SC Plan Documentation The approved E&SC plan as well as any approved deviation shall be kept on the site. The approved E&SC plan must be kept up-to-date throughout the coverage under this permit. The following items pertaining to the E&SC plan shall be kept on site and available for inspection at all times during normal business hours. Item to Document Documentation Requirements (a) Each E&SC measure has been installed Initial and date each E&SC measure on a copy and does not significantly deviate from the of the approved E&SC plan or complete, date locations, dimensions and relative elevations and sign an inspection report that lists each shown on the approved E&SC plan. E&SC measure shown on the approved E&SC plan. This documentation is required upon the initial installation of the E&SC measures or if the E&SC measures are modified after initial installation. (b) A phase of grading has been completed. Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate completion of the construction phase. (c) Ground cover is located and installed Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC in accordance with the approved E&SC plan or complete, date and sign an inspection plan. report to indicate compliance with approved ground cover specifications. (d) The maintenance and repair Complete, date and sign an inspection report. requirements for all E&SC measures have been performed. (e) Corrective actions have been taken Initial and date a copy of the approved E&SC to E&SC measures. plan or complete, date and sign an inspection report to indicate the completion of the corrective action. 2. Additional Documentation to be Kept on Site In addition to the E&SC plan documents above, the following items shall be kept on the site and available for inspectors at all times during normal business hours, unless the Division provides a site -specific exemption based on unique site conditions that make this requirement not practical: (a) This General Permit as well as the Certificate of Coverage, after it is received. (b) Records of inspections made during the previous twelve months. The permittee shall record the required observations on the Inspection Record Form provided by the Division or a similar inspection form that includes all the required elements. Use of electronically -available records in lieu of the required paper copies will be allowed if shown to provide equal access and utility as the hard -copy records. 3. Documentation to be Retained for Three Years All data used to complete the e-NOI and all inspection records shall be maintained for a period of three years after project completion and made available upon request. [40 CFR 122.41] PART II, SECTION G, ITEM (4) DRAW DOWN OF SEDIMENT BASINS FOR MAINTENANCE OR CLOSE OUT Sediment basins and traps that receive runoff from drainage areas of one acre or more shall use outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface when these devices need to be drawn down for maintenance or close out unless this is infeasible. The circumstances in which it is not feasible to withdraw water from the surface shall be rare (for example, times with extended cold weather). Non -surface withdrawals from sediment basins shall be allowed only when all of the following criteria have been met: (a) The E&SC plan authority has been provided with documentation of the non -surface withdrawal and the specific time periods or conditions in which it will occur. The non -surface withdrawal shall not commence until the E&SC plan authority has approved these items, (b) The non -surface withdrawal has been reported as an anticipated bypass in accordance with Part III, Section C, Item (2)(c) and (d) of this permit, (c) Dewatering discharges are treated with controls to minimize discharges of pollutants from stormwater that is removed from the sediment basin. Examples of appropriate controls include properly sited, designed and maintained dewatering tanks, weir tanks, and filtration systems, (d) Vegetated, upland areas of the sites or a properly designed stone pad is used to the extent feasible at the outlet of the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above, (e) Velocity dissipation devices such as check dams, sediment traps, and riprap are provided at the discharge points of all dewatering devices, and (f) Sediment removed from the dewatering treatment devices described in Item (c) above is disposed of in a manner that does not cause deposition of sediment into waters of the United States. 17_1:i9111 SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING SECTION C: REPORTING 1. Occurrences that Must be Reported Permittees shall report the following occurrences: (a) Visible sediment deposition in a stream or wetland. (b) Oil spills if: • They are 25 gallons or more, • They are less than 25 gallons but cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours, • They cause sheen on surface waters (regardless of volume), or • They are within 100 feet of surface waters (regardless of volume). (c) Releases of hazardous substances in excess of reportable quantities under Section 311 of the Clean Water Act (Ref: 40 CFR 110.3 and 40 CFR 117.3) or Section 102 of CERCLA (Ref: 40 CFR 302.4) or G.S. 143-215.85. (d) Anticipated bypasses and unanticipated bypasses. (e) Noncompliance with the conditions of this permit that may endanger health or the environment. 2. Reporting Timeframes and Other Requirements After a permittee becomes aware of an occurrence that must be reported, he shall contact the appropriate Division regional office within the timeframes and in accordance with the other requirements listed below. Occurrences outside normal business hours may also be reported to the Department's Environmental Emergency Center personnel at (800) 858-0368. Occurrence Reporting Timeframes (After Discovery) and Other Requirements (a) Visible sediment • Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. deposition in a • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the stream or wetland sediment and actions taken to address the cause of the deposition. Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. • If the stream is named on the NC 303(d) list as impaired for sediment - related causes, the permittee may be required to perform additional monitoring, inspections or apply more stringent practices if staff determine that additional requirements are needed to assure compliance with the federal or state impaired -waters conditions. (b) Oil spills and . Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. The notification release of shall include information about the date, time, nature, volume and hazardous location of the spill or release. substances per Item 1(b)-(c) above (c) Anticipated • A report at least ten days before the date of the bypass, if possible. bypasses [40 CFR The report shall include an evaluation of the anticipated quality and 122.41(m)(3)] effect of the bypass. (d) Unanticipated . Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. bypasses [40 CFR . Within 7 calendar days, a report that includes an evaluation of the 122.41(m)(3)] quality and effect of the bypass. (e) Noncompliance . Within 24 hours, an oral or electronic notification. with the conditions • Within 7 calendar days, a report that contains a description of the of this permit that noncompliance, and its causes; the period of noncompliance, may endanger including exact dates and times, and if the noncompliance has not health or the been corrected, the anticipated time noncompliance is expected to environment[40 continue; and steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and CFR 122.41(I)(7)] prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. [40 CFR 122.41(I)(6). • Division staff may waive the requirement for a written report on a case -by -case basis. NCGO I SELF -INSPECTION, RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING EFFECTIVE: 04/01/19 •`����p,SSOC� ��''•. •GORP oRq r•.•�s' F . SEAL I*. C 6 9 : 41 829 0. ?�?U�: �''�rrrnrn�<<♦ BASE MAP INFORMATION ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEY BY: BASED ON: FANT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD - SUITE 705 GREENVILLE, SC 29607 Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 PLAN SCALE. As Noted STREETADDRESS 426 JONESTOWN ROAD CITY WINSTON-SALEM TAX PARCEL NUMBER 6804-48-5335 STATE NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY FORSYTH LOCATION CODE NUMBER 32-0302 VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. SOUTHWIN DR. �o Qp. SITE 7 -v- �0, BENTON RD, �O U Q Q w H WY. 421 yANE3 MA<< E� �D stimmel LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE CIVIL ENGINEERING LAND PLANNING 601 N.TRADE STREET, SUITE 200 WINSTaN-SALEM, NC 27101 P:336.723.1067 F:336.723,1069 www.stimmelpa-corn J 0 K W w a = O � W O oo __ W� Qo zW � 00 ~ 0 a_ U �W W 01 WW a m 00 zz Q J z =Q J (n a 0 W z UQ W Q 0 a � w w � Q z w � z Q � � o Z U I' W O o Cr 2 Q j Z o 0 Z z o 0 0 0 o 0 U a z ° Q STATUS DATE BY FINAL 04-19-22 KB PLAN CHECKED 104-19-22 JAL SAPA PROJECT # 118-047CD C-8.2 EC DETAILS LANDSCAPE WORK SPECIFICATIONS: LANDSCAPE / PLANTING DETAILS: GENERAL LANDSCAPE NOTES: VICINITY MAP - n.t.s. PART 1-GENERAL PRUNE DEAD AND DAMAGED REMOVE CONTAINER OR WRAPPING, R 1. General contractor to use pre-qualifed Landscape Contractors with Landscape Architect LIMBS AS NECESSARY SOUTHWIN DR. SET TOP OF BALL 1-2" rior to biddin Bids usin Landsca a Contractors not re -a roved will not be EXCEPT BURLAP, COMPLETELY FROM o p g. g p p pp p DESCRIPTION OF WORK: SHRUB, REMOVE BURLAP FROM TOP. a ABOVE FINISHED GRADE considered. PRUNE DEAD AND DAMAGED 4" MULCH. DO NOT LEAVE SITE �� Extent of landscape work includes furnishing all materials equipment and labornecessary for re cation of P 9 ,tr P P LIMBS AS NECESSARY SHRUBS IN BEDS SHALL HAVE ENTIRE final subgrades in planting areas; distribution/ application of topsoil; soil treatment; planting oftrees and shrubs; SOIL ON BURLAP 3-4" MULCH �O BED PREPARED, RATHER THAN Landscape contractor to: protection/ maintenance/guarantee/replacement of plants; related items required to complete work indicated on HOLE DIAMETER FOR BALL UP drawings and specifications. ALL SYNTHETIC STRAPS, INDIVIDUAL PLANT HOLES \ BENTON g P TO 2' SHALL BE TWICE BALL d 1111I11I11 /I I111111111111 III- 1. Follow landscape construction sequence. RD. o GUARANTEE: SOIL ON BURLAP T LEAVE BANDSREMOAND ED FRO INE SHALL TO 1/3E f ���_ =IIII // / / --III 4 I6-,III- 2. Contact General Contractor prior to submitting bid to verify any phasing of planting DIAMETER. HOLE FOR BALL 2' __ - I I- III III I - AND GREATER SHALL BE 2' 1-III=1 /\\ //\\ -II'-"'-" areas. Guarantee trees/shrubs/lawn/grass for period of one year afterdate of acceptance, against defects including THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL =III=III = LARGER THAN BALL DIAMETER SOIL BACKFILL MIXTURE. _ = II=II 3. Fine grade all grass and planting areas disturbed during construction. Remove from site death and unsatisfactory growth, except for defects resulting from neglect by Owner, abuse/damage by others, or AND ALL ROPES OR WIRES =III -III II III=_ 4" MIN. unusual phenomena/incidents which are beyond landscape installer's control. ALL SYNTHETIC STRAPS, SEE SPECIFICATIONS II=III-III _ all temporary seeding/stabilization, stones, gravel and all extraneous debris including HWY.421 BANDS AND TWINE SHALL BE SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE -III=III=III=11E-I11=III=III=III=III=III 1III=III - Remove/replace trees, shrubs, or other plants found to be dead or in unhealthy condition during warranty PLANS TRUNK OR CROWN > > I I-III-III-III-11=III-III-III-III-III-111III-11 III I I roots and limbs prior to sodding/seeding. When fine grading insure that positive REMOVED FROM 1/4 TO 1/3 OF SCARIFY ALL EDGES period. Make replacements during growth season following end of warranty period. Replace trees/shrubs which are � xq= 6"MIN. drainage is occurring. N in doubtful condition at end of warranty period, unless, in opinion of Landscape Architect, it is advisable to extend THE TOP OF THE ROOT BALL OF TREE PIT 'A' _ �Z r r 1Nt s SCARIFY ALL EDGES 1 A 4. Till and amend all plant beds as required ins specifications. Apply pre -emergence M warranty period for a full -growing season. AND ALL ROPES OR WIRES OF TREE PIT IIIII11111 lyO< B SHRUB PLANTING DETAIL p q p ppyp g A<<8( SHALL BE REMOVED FROM THE-111 IIII //I // III , Im herbicides per manufacturer's specifications in all plant beds prior to any planting. Cover VD. Another inspection will be conducted at end of extended warranty period, R any, to determine 4"-6" - NQ SC/�LE acceptance/rejection. Only one replacement will be required at end ofguaantee period, except for PLANS TRUNK OR CROWN I I I // - IIIII IIIII - =III=IIIII %/ `% `x/ I I I II -III-III-III-II entire bed with a 3" min. clean mulch immediately after planting. Site mulch to be clean 4"-6" _1 =1 = - / _ losses/replacements due to failure to comply with specified requirements. --III-III-III-1 %/ - ` =_ = SOIL BACKFILL MIXTURE. SEE /�\ //� III -' - - - 'B' GRADE TREE WITH double ground hardwood mulch. III III \III- -11 =III=III=III= A' GRADE TREE WITH 2 OR MORE LEADERS, 3"MULCH PLANT BED 5. Bring to the attention of the Landscape Architect any debris or poor soils remaining in SOIL BACKFILL MIXTURE. SEE - _ / /j\ -III„ 11- SPECIFICATIONS 1=III=11 =1 = I1-111= =1' ADJACENT LAWN INDUSTRY STANDARDS: - I _ STRAIGHT, MAIN LEADER THUS, A 'Y' FORK parking lot islands after general construction and prior to planting. SPECIFICATIONS -=_ _ _ - _ _ 11 -III-III 11 -III - OR PAVEMENT SHOVEL CUT PLANTING BED p g g p p 9 Some products and execution are specified in this Section by reference to published specifications or standards IIIII I -I I I - =ll=�4- - = =1I 11=1111 --III -I �m=111=III-III-I11=111= =111=III-II- II -III- EDGE 3" DEEP SO THAT LAWN 6. Verify all underground utilities prior to installation of any plant materials. Utilities shown of the following (with respective abbreviations used). Reference is to the latest edition of the standard referenced. = 11111111 _I1 11I BALLS GREATER THAN 2 -III-I L =III-III-III-11 =III=11 i =11 = m -III-III-III-III=III= -III-III II -III-I-I - ACCEPTABLE UNACCEPTABLE PAVEMENT WILL RETAIN on plan are for reference only and may not be all inclusive. See General Contractor for >- Y The American Societyfor and Materials ASTM / Association ofOfficialA Agricultural Chemists BALLS GREATER THAN 2' _ - - - - - - _ - - - - - - DIAMETER SHALL SIT ON C) OR PAVE g ( ) g 1-111-111-111-1 =1 -1 11-111-1I -11 =11-III- 4" MIN. .. W Z (AOAC) DIAMETER SHALL SIT ON - - MOUND OF UNDISTURBED HOLE DIAMETER FOR MULCH as -built drawings for all underground utilities. 4" MIN. A AND B GRADE TREES 7. Provide 3' diameter mulch rings for all trees in grass areas. American Association of Nurserymen (AAN) / U.S. Department ofAgricutture (USDA) MOUND OF UNDISTURBED SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING BALL SHALL BE TWICE li 9 9 NO SCALE SPECIFIED SOIL MIXTURE SOIL TO PREVENT SETTLING BALL DIAMETER. 8. Insure that all tree mulch rings are a minimum of 2.0' from the edges of shrub beds and SUBMITTALS: - curbs. Substitutions shall not be considered unless it can be reasonablydemonstrated that materials specified is or EXISTING SUBGRADE r . TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR TREES 1" THRU 3-1/2" CALIPER TREE PLANTING DETAIL FOR SMALL TREES II IIIII III IIII IIIII IIII IIIII I I 9. Neatly edge all plant bed/grass borders with a straight "v"-cut edge. shall be unavailable within 500 miles of the site of the work at the time of installation. Landscape Architect shall 10. Insure all trees of same variety match in shape and size where the are to be installed in U) authorize the nearest equivalent obtainable size/variety of plant having some essential chaacteristicswith equitable NO SCALE WITH A LOW BRANCHING HABIT MULCH EDGE @ LAWN OR PAVEMENT y p y I- I-_ adjustment of contract price. Unit price of substituted item shall not exceed bid Rem being replaced. All submittal �� groups, rows or as street trees. W W requests are to be made in writing. NO SCALE 11. Obtain authorization prior to any changes of plant location due to utilities or other factors. Certificates: All material whose transportation requires inspection and/or certification by any governmental 12 Protect all existing structures (ie Curb and gutter pavement etc ) During installation of Z agency shall be accompanied by copies of certification or inspection which shall be given to a representative at the site at the time of delivery. WATER WISE PLANTING TECHNIQUES: Soil PH Testing: Landscape contractor to submit a soil sample to test the current PH Level, once beds are defined and prior to any planting. The PH Level must be (5.8 6.2) and approved by the Landscape Architect priorto any plant installation. The following soil preparation techniques shall be used for all required landscape areas. 1. Soil preparation for the entire landscape yard includes the addition of organic go " QUALITY ASSURANCE: amendments tilled to a depth of eight (8) to twelve (12) inches. +SP?1� ` General: Shiplandscape materials covered and with certificates of inspection required b governing authorities. 0 P P q Y g g 2. All plantings in the landscape yards shall be mulched including interior parking lot islands Comply with regulations applicable to landscape materials. All plant material must be "nursery grown". All plant p 9 P Y 9 P 9 0, I aterial collected from naturalized areas will be rejected. under five hundred (500) square feet to a depth of three (3) to four (4) inches and ^--� Soil Ph: Landscape Contractor to submit a soil sample, once beds are amended and priorto planting. The Ph must maintained weed free thereafter. 1 � // \ be correct and checked b Landscape Architect priorto an planting. Y P P YP 9 ° a \ 3. Earthen basins are constructed around the installed plants. a �y � "� Topsoil: Provide topsoil of a type that is in compliance with Part 2 - Products of this section. ° 3-RCA C Plant List: List of plants as shown on drawings Sheet L-1 . 4. Plants, as permitted by this ordinance, are grouped together where possible. ° `� g ( ) 5. For establishment and survival plants shall be watered in the first year of planting. 1-EBH 1-CHM \ Quantities: Quantities necessary to complete plantings as shown/located on drawings shall be furnished. p Y p g ° r� Quantities shown in list are for convenience of contractors and believed to be substantial correct but accuracy of 6. Irrigation: ation: it is suggested that drip irrigation, which includes drip masters be used for Q substantially v 9 99 p 9 p Y ° \ quantities in list is not guaranteed. required landscaping planting beds during the required establishment period. After 11 �, ♦ � � Trees and Shrubs: Provide trees and shrubs grown in a recognized nursery in accordance with good horticultural establishment supplemental watering can be reduced and used on an as needed basis. � practice. Provide healthy, vigorous stock free of disease, insects, eggs, larvae, and defects such as knots, pp g 20-MHL \ sun -scald, injuries, abrasions, or disfigurement. All shade trees to be 'A' grade trees (see detail below). Traditional spray Irrigation Is prohibited except for turf areas. \ , ♦ ` Sizes: Provide trees and shrubs of sizes shown or specified in Plant List, which are minimum acceptable sizes and \ shall be measured before pruning with branches in normal position. An necessary pruning shall be done at time of ° ° \ I\ P 9 P Y rY P 9 planting. Trees and shrubs of larger size may be used if acceptable to Landscape Architect, and R sizes of roots or SITE DATA / CAL CULATIONS. 01, ° 10 MHL balls are increased proportionately. ° � 1 \� Tagging Trees: Landscape Architect reserves right to tag specimen trees (See General Notes) at place of growth � 4 ° \ for compliance with requirements for size and quality assurance. Landscape Contactorto use the following nurseries for the supply oftaes: -Shady Grove (803-534-5683) -Select Trees (706-769-9879) -Bold Springs 770-267-9196 -Lone Oak 706-637-6240 -Green Thumb 9104284587 -Gilmore Plant & Bulb Co. 336-685A451 Inspection: Landscape Architect reserves the right to inspect trees and shrubs either at place of growth or at site, for compliance with requirements for name, variety, size and quality. DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING: Packaged Materials: Deliver packaged materials in containers showing weight, analysis and name of manufacturer. Protect materials from deterioration during delivery, and while stored at site. Trees Shrubs & Transplanted Trees: Provide fresh) du trees and shrubs. Do not rune priorto delivery. Do P Y 9 P P rY not bend or bind -tie trees or shrubs in such manner as to damage bark, break branches or destroy natural shape. Provide protective covering during delivery. All trees, shrubs & groundcovers much be delivered in a completely tarped and covered vehicle or the entire load will be refused. Immediately after unloading, trees to be set upright never placed lying down. Always lift and move trees by strapping on root ball or by using chain cradle on the root ball for larger root balls. JOB CONDITIONS: Irrigation System: Irrigation system to be provided by Landscape Contactor. He shall be responsible forall coordination required to install the irrigation system. Contractorto visitthe site and coordinate all sleeving with General Contractor during grading phase. Proceed with and complete landscape work as rapidly as portions ofthe site become available, working within seasonal limitations for each kind of landscape work required. See "Landscape Construction Sequence". Utilities: Determine location of underground utilities and perform work in a mannerwhich will avoid possible damage. Hand excavate, as required. Maintain grade stakes set by others until removal is mutually agreed upon by parties concerned. Coordination with Other Work: Plant new trees and shrubs after final grades are established and priorto planting 9 P P 9 of lawns, unless otherwise acceptable to Landscape Architect. If planting of trees and shrubs occurs after lawn work, protect lawn areas and promptly repair damage to lawns resulting from planting operations. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Topsoil: Additional topsoil to be furnished at no cost to Owner. Topsoil to be natural, fertile, friable soil, possessing characteristics of representative productive soils in vicinity; obtained from naturally well -drained areas, not excessive) acid/ alkaline nor contain toxic substances harmful to plant growth without admixture of subsoil and Y P cleaned and reasonably free from clay/lumps/stone/ stumps/roots or similar substances 2" or more in diameter/debris/objects which might hinder planting operations. Landscape Architect requests topsoil by Pope Sand & Gravel of Winston-Salem, PH# (910) 765-3130. Lime: Ground limestone containingnot less than 85 % total carbonates to such fineness that 50 % will ass through P 9 a 100-mesh sieve and 90 % will ass through a 20-mesh sieve. Use as necessary for specific plants. P 9 rY P Commercial Fertilizer: Organic fertilizer Stay Green Nursery Special 12-6-6 or approved equal; delivered dry/free-flowing in original unopened containers, each bearing manufacturer's guaranteed analysis, shall conform to applicable State Fertilizer laws. Any fertilizer which becomes caked/damaged, making R unsuitable for use, will not be accepted oO ° \ °°;° -� ° TMS #6804-48-2575.00 F N/F RELIABLE TANK LINE °�,". O o \' DB 1551 PG 1009 \ � ,/ ZONING: HB I ° \ 1-NO I \1 - New Development Additions to Existing Development Phase 1 Area Total Site Size (in square feet) 38,290 Total Limits of Land Disturbance (in Square Feet) Total Site Area Excluded From TSA Square Feet of Proposed R.O.W.s: 0 Square Feet of Existing Water Bodies and Stormw ater Ponds: 0 Square Feet of Existing Utility Easements: Total Excluded Area: 0 Minimum Tree Save Area Required: X 10% 12% Total Required Tree Save Area (in square feet) 38,290 - 0 X 0.10 3,829 Total Site Size /or/Limits of Land Disturbance Excluded Area Minimum TSA Total Required Tree Save Area Individual Tree Method Used: Tree Stand Method Used: New trees Used for TSA Credit: Yes X No Yes X No X Yes No Number of Trees 6-9" List the Area of Each Tree Stand Being Saved: Number of Large Variety Trees Planted DBH: 0 X500 SF= 0 Area 1: Area 2: Ranted 11 X375 SF= 4,125 Understory trees provided at 2:1 canopy ratio due to Number of Trees 9.01-12" DBH: 0 X 750 SF= 0 Area 3: Area 4: overhead power line constrants Number of Trees 12.01-24" DBH: 0 X 1800 SF= 0 The tree stands contain a mix of evergreens and hardwoods, mainly oaks and maples. Trees are Number of Trees 24.01-36" v DBH: 0 X 3000 SF= 0 mature and healthy. y J - 3� h G � 00 O o Canopy Trees Added Number of Trees Larger Than 36.01" e C" G �! Tree Save Areas DBH: 0 X 4000 SF= 0 I-'h4 - Total Square Footage of Total Square Footage of Total Square Footage of Individual Trees Used 0 Tree Stands Used 0 Individual Trees Used 4,125 to Satisfy Minimum TSA: to Satisfy Minimum TSA: to Satisfy Minimum TSA: Total Required TSA(in square feet) 3,829 Total TSAProvided (in square feet) 4,125 large trees and other plants. O O 13. Prior to seeding, verify that all trenching and other land disturbing activities within areas U U to be seeded have been completed. z O W W LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE: � � 0L 0 O O . Follow landscape construction sequence. Contact General Contractor prior to submitting bid to verify any phasing of planting areas. W � . Fine grade all grass and planting areas disturbed during construction. Remove from site all C) Z Z temporary seeding/stabilization, stones, gravel and all extraneous debris including roots O U O U and limbs prior to sodding/seeding. When fine grading insure that positive drainage is occurring. O O 4. Till and amend all plant beds as required in specifications. Apply pre -emergence herbicides p q p pp Y p 9 U) U) per manufacturer's specifications in all plant beds prior to any planting. Cover entire bed O O with a 3" min. clean mulch immediately after planting. Site mulch to be clean double ground cl� cl� hardwood mulch. W W 5. Bring to the attention of the Landscape Architect any debris or poor soils remaining in parking lot islands after general construction and prior to planting. Verifyall underground utilities prior to Installation of an )ant materials. Utilities shown on 9 p any N N plan are for reference only and may not be all inclusive. See General Contractor for as -built W � � 6 drawings for all underground utilities. Q o N . Provide 3' diameter mulch rings for all trees in grass areas. C) Insure that all tree mulch rings are a minimum of 2.0' from the edges of shrub beds and o 0 curbs. Neatly edge all plant bed/grass borders with a straight "v"-cut edge. W "- cv 0. Insure all trees of same variety match in shape and size where they are to be installed in 4-CHM groups, rows or as street trees. \ � �- - - - J 11. Obtain authorization prior to any changes of plant location due to utilities or other factors. 2-EBH I � o - - -12. Protect all existing structures (ie. Curb and gutter, pavement, etc.) During installation of _�___- ° \�-� large trees and other plants. MULCH AREA ° G � v. \ 13. Prior to seeding, verify that all trenching and other land disturbing activities within areas to - (TYP) MULCH AREA ° 6 � O s � / be seeded have been completed. ° (TYP) � J / ° / \ / 91 LIR ° \ �-' ♦ �`'� ° egg 6 DBH ° s� G / SPECIAL CONDITIONS: -1 \ y 7-DFG 6-DFG o �� ♦ - / \ ° °� ° \ \ / 30' PARKING / stimmel 10-MHL -�,_ I J ° COVERAGE 1. Landscape contractor is responsible for coordinating a "site acceptance inspection" with the i � C vU ` owner, General Contractor and Architect prior to start of construction. 3-RCA ° 30-MHL (TYP) LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ti ° 2. Landscape contractor to submit a soil sample, once beds are amended and prior to / e`' ° � � CIVIL ENGINEERING planting. The h must be correct and checked b Landscape Architect prior to an planting. 1-ABS ' �_; � � p 9 p Y p p Y p 9 v .`:` /a ° s ° LAND PLANNING ;-: `Y 3. Landscape contractor is responsible for providing topsoil in traffic islands so there is a °�� J> o ,: ° ° MULCH AREA � 12 VJD � � p p p 9 p / 3-SSG ° 3-SSG crown of 10-12" at the center of each island 601 N.TRADE STREET, SUITE 200 TYP / ° ( ) '�_° . 51-LIR o / �`�'� �, �/ 4. All canopy trees 2" caliper or greater shall be staked and guyed. Landscape contractor is WINSTaN-SALEM, NC 27141 / o a J ( / 3-SSG ° ° 1 � J responsible to remove all stakes and guys at the end of the one year warranty period. p:335.723.1467 F: 335.723.1469 \ ° 3-RCA O O+ a 5. All crape myrtles to have multiple trunks (min 3 each) and be limbed up a min. of 3.0.' 1-TFB ° ° - o LAWN � 6. Soil mix for all perennial areas to be 6" thick "metro -mix" from Southern Agricultural www.stimmelpa.com \ ° \AInsecticide, Boone, NC (1-800-477-8843). / ( e o 0 5-RCA 3-DFG 12-DFGO °� / QX 7. All perennial areas to be mulched with clean double ground hardwood mulch. \ � / - 6 \ o ° 0 4-VJD � : , \ moo/ \ ° I h PERMANENT SOD: � i U ay ° 4 CAR \ �/ V J 00 �� ti l 11 / 4-RCA ° / ¢ N ^� - ° / / \; � PI'OpOS@d 3 DFG / / / All unpaved disturbed areas (or lawn to be re-established) outside planting bed to be � z p �O ���! o o sodded with bermudagrass so as to produce a thick, firm stand of grass. Do not fertilize UO � �Z °sodded areas. All areas to be sodded to have appropriate soil re arations see- UWO U McDONALDS �p p J ° ° W° /� o I s specifications sod shall be of good and health color when delivered. Sod shall be harvested to 4587 Buildin b O p 9 Y � c _ ♦ Z "- Pre -emergence Herbicide: Landscape Contractor to apply pre -emergence Herbicides as per manufacturers \ FFE: 853.00 0 3 DFG ° q _ O O and delivered within a period of 36 hours or precautions must be taken to prevent sod from O a O 2 specifications in all plant beds priorto final mulch application. I 3-DFG °e o 3-LLN O O a drying out while in transit. ° Z W Soil Mix: All plant beds shall be composed of the following 1 _NO \ ° \ 1 O 4-ERB `. / 0D ILL � I m 1 art ExistingSod / 1 art Topsoil / 1 art Pine Bark Sod Conditioner ° ° \ � / ° �� / / O W Z O Soil Conditioner: Soil Conditioner shall be small pine bark particles of 3/8" or less, provided in prepackaged bags 8 $yti �O / SOD PREPARATION: i!EO O or approved bulk delivery. eA�° \ ° 30' PARKING \ O ° ^� w w ZD W Mulch: Contractor shall supply/place clean double ground hardwood mulch 3" depth. I ° ° / ° tl � COVERAGE 3-VJD O - /yO R_ = W ~ �' 6-CAR (TYP) /, `� 1. Remove any undesirable ground covers including any temporary seeding. of W Water: Furnished by Owner, suitable for irrigation and free from ingredients harmful to plant life. O `� �� 2. Rip the area to be sodded to a min. Depth of 4"-6." EL , Materials for Staking Trees: Contractor shall place stakes of sound new hardwood, treated softwood or redwood, moo° \ \ / ° °° 11 N W O II W �l 3. Remove all loose rocks, roots, etc. Leaving surface smooth and uniform. _ _ free of knot holes/defects. Provide wire ties/guys of 2-strand twisted, pliable, #2-12 gage, galvanized iron wire, I \ / \ / 0 \ � W �_ zinc -coated tumbuckles. Provide not less than 1/2" hose, cut to required lengths to protect tree trunks from damage. - ` ° ° ° O MULCH AREA O J 4. Prepare sod base as per A.A.N. standards LU � cz ER b - ° / 3-RCA O (TYP) . / � ¢ / 5. Apply sod, immediately stake/flag all new lawn areas from pedestrian and ¢ o o W C // vehicles for a period of 3 weeks. rn W PART 3-EXECUTION O ✓/ ° 3-DFG / \ Z U iy,_ C9_ I O / �� /6. Irrigate sodded areas for the 3 week period. O O PLANTING: � B // ° - �Q) Q m Layout: Location for plants/outlines of areas to be planted are indicated on plan. Where construction and utilities � . 14_C/�R // ° ° p U U below ground or overhead are encountered or where changes have been made in construction, necessary 75' PARKING TREE MULCH \ / 852 O / \ ° / SOIL MIX (see specs): w w O adjustments to be approved by Landscape Architect.' \ ° \ ° 0 4 3-LLN O > U COVERAGE \ RING Soil Preparation: Sod shall be as specified; be in relatively dry state and mixed thoroughly by hand or rotary mixer. \ TYP (TYP) � ° \ °� 11 ° � 3-CAR 00 d m O Commercial fertilizer at rate of 2#/c.y. shall be added. All planting beds shall be coated with approved (TYP) 1 ) / One part existing soil /One part topsoil /One part pine bark soil conditioner \ D m F_ co rn pre -emergence weed killer according to manufacturer's specifications. All shrub planting areas to be bed prepared / \ \ - 13-MHL °° 3-DFG ° / / 0 O and not just pit prepared/planted unless approved by Landscape Architect. Soil shall be prepared minimum of one BHP \ ° ° ° / \ / ¢ 3-EBH ° ° ° °� O Planting bed depth to be a minimum of 9" J week prior to planting day, for proper settling. In ° ° ° ° ° ° ° OVERHEAD / Z Q 1-ABS ° ° Landscape Contractor responsible for all shaping and fine grading of bermed areas. General Contactorto HP I \ \��� \ \ UTILITY LINE (TYP) 3-VJD O ¢ _ provide topsoil. Landscape Contractor responsible for all fine grading of areas to receive seeding. \ \ / ° es> ° ° / \ ,x S OIL PREPARATION: a_ o Lo For pit/trench backfill, mix planting soil priorto backfilling and stockpile at site. MULCH AREA \ O 2-TFB W Z /V77, HP \ � 10' STREETYARD (± 147 LF) w ¢ W For planting beds, mix planting soil thoroughly prior to planting or apply on surface of topsoil. 0021. \ (TYP) 20-DFG 4 W REQUIRED:2 CANOPY TREES/100 LF = 4 LARGE TREES _ U For plant beds against building foundations, soil mix shall be mixed thoroughly priorto placement. Prevent lime _� \ 80-LIR � 0 / 1. Prepare all shrub beds to a total depth of 9." F_ 1 \ \ F - \\ 1Q 61 30' PARKING \ / DUE TO OVERHEAD POWER LINES SUBSTITUTION OF: LL C) from contacting roots of acid -loving plants. Prepare soil mix as specified to minimum depth oI below largest shrub 42'� \ 5-VJD \ O 2. Till existing subsurface soil to a minimum 3" depth. LL p root ball. (IE) � COVERAGE ) 4 SMALL TREE/100 LF = 6 SMALL TREES 3. Add 3" of topsoil and till with existing soil. O Q 6-RCA LAWN TYP // 3-EBH LAWN ° ALSO CONTINUOUS EVERGREEN SHRUBS p g Ball/Burlapped Plants: After final setting loosen wrappings of balled/burlapped plants and roll wrappings back ,,�', \ 3-EBH \ co ( ) ` * \ / 4. Add 3" of pine bark soil conditioner and till thoroughly with other amendments. from top of ball leaving ball unbroken. Cut off excessive amounts of burlap, remove sufficient quantity to eliminate W creation of voids upon decomposition. I L�yI-1 �� � \ � 5-RCA -� I / PRO\/InFr)' 2 CANOPY TRFFS R SMAI I TRFFS WITH I I !� 17T I I Container Grown Plants: These may be applied in lieu of balled/burlapped plants ifall otherspeci ied ° requirements are met; plants to have grown in container for minimum of sox months and maximum of two years and \SS ° ° when delivered, have sufficient root growth to hold earth intact when removed from container, plants must not be root bound. Remove container in way to prevent damage to plant/root system. \ \ - �_ Tree Pit Sizes. Minimum diameter/depth of planting pits for balled/budapped, bare roots and container grown plants shall be 24" greater than diameter of ball/spread of roots and trees sit directly on pit bottom to prevent SS \ \ / �- U 6$ ,- / Z settlement. � N>>°0 � � S / /Y�,_,� / //2 HC SPACES = 8.0' x 18.0' @`MULCH AREA TOTALShrubs/Groundcover: All plant beds for shrubs/groundcovers to be prepared fora total depth of 9" and should ° ,,, ,consist of 1 part existing soil, 1 parttopsoil and 1 part soil conditioner(see soil mix). Till existing soil to a minimum \ SS (TYP) ° / 30SPACES = 9.0' X 18.0' @ depth of 3" add 3" oftopsoil and till thoroughly; add 3" of pine bark soil conditioner and till with otheramendments to 846 / - 0q : , O ` SPACES@a total depth of :. Entire bed i be covered with 3 ofclean double ground hardwood / /2 SPACES = 8.5 x 17.5 Lawn -Seeding: All unpaved disturbed areas (or lawn to be reestablished), excluding areas to be sodded, outside J \ \ LAB \ / ) MOTOR VEHICLE SURFACE AREA PLANTING 22,637 SF ± 50 planting bed to be seeded with an even mixture of bermudagrass, at a ate of 5-6 lbs./1,000 s.f. so as to produce a Q 1 SPACE = 1 0 X 23.0 @ thick, firm stand of grass. Fertilize at a rate of 10 lbs./1,000 s.f. with 10-10-10 slow -release fertilizer(use straw or / / \ � REQUIRED: 1 CANOPY TREE/5,000 SF OF MVSA= 5 CANOPY TREES - other material to cover seed until stable.) Apply lime according to soil test, orapply 4,000 lbs./acre slow -release q -_ �� Ode \ OR 15 Stacking SPACES - 9.0 x 16.0 @ pelletized agricultuallimestone. ss \ REQUIRED: 1 SMALL TREE/2,500 SF OF MVSA = 9 SMALL TREES 2 Bicycle SPACES = Bike Rack Seeding dates: Aug. 20 through Oct. 25 and Feb. 1 through May. _ B47 y Setting Trees: All trees to be planted according to Planting Details shown on Landscape Plans. Unless otherwise � specified, all trees to be planted in pits, centered, set onunexcavatedsoil todepths that finished gadelevel ofplant - Q J - SS �, / PROVIDED: 2 CANOPY TREES AND 9 SMALL TREES EACH CANOPY BASE MAP INFORMATION after settlement shall be same as that which plant was grown, plant upright and faced to give best appearance/ 7 relationship to adjacent structures; plant above grade 3/4" for every foot of ball diameter. Place tree root balls ata -1��-1������-1'1�����-1��-1'1����� N1 N-� ��� ��N/1-� ,M-- . TREE WITHIN 75' OF EACH PARKING SPACE. EACH SMALL TREE h� ALTA/NSPS LAND TITLE SURVEYBY: level where the trunk flare will be 2" above surrounding finished grade. No burlap to be pulled out from under balls; a> � remove platforms, wire and surplus binding from to /sides of balls; cut broken/frayed roots; lace/corn act prepar, d / WITHIN 30 OF EACH PARKING SPACE. BASED oN: P P 9 PP P P P FAINT REICHERT & FOGLEMAN, INC. soil to avoid injury to roots and fill all voids. Saturate the planting hole with water after backfill is % complete and PLANT LIST allow to soak away, fill hole to finished grade, allowing 4" of mulch, form shallow saucer around each plant. TREES ` ```►►►► r ► r►���� , 25 WOODS LAKE ROAD -SUITE 705 DENOTES TREES COUNTING TOWARDS MVSA REQ: �` SSOC '' GREENVILLE, SC 29607 Pruning New Plant Material: Remove dead/broken branches from all plant material. Prune all trees/ shrubs to a ♦ P / branch node and remove only as much foliage as necessary for neat appeaancewhile retaining natualgrowth CODE COUNT COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CALIPER HEIGHT SPREAD SPACING COMMENTS r S . �, •..•• ;9TF �� Dated: AUGUST 25, 2017 0 s- P R habit of plant variety. Prune away crossing limbs or water sprouts/ shoots from trees always leaving bench collar ABS 2 Autum Brilliance' Serviceberry Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' 2" Min. Ea. 8-10' BB, Multi -stem, White Flwrs )(-XXX • O� q T '•' intact (no additional stub length). Under cut larger limbs to prevent tearing of the bark. Girdling roots of trees show : ��: F 'O CHM 5 Cherokee' Crape Myrtle Lagerstroemia x'Cherokee' 2" Each 8-10' ----- ----- BB, Multi -stem, Red Flwrs, PLAN SCALE: As Noted be cut at this time to prevent future problems. Make all cuts with sharp pruning equipment. Topping oftrees and Spec / SC,O wound painting are NOT permitted. Remove trimmings from site. p _ _ Guying Trees: All canopy trees 2" caliper or realer shall be staked and guyed. Landscape Contactor is ERB 4 Eastern Redbud Cercis canadensis 2" Min. 8-10' ---- ---- BB, Specimen, Pink Flowers e \ \ - SEAL = STREET ADDRESS responsible 9 ible to remove all stakes and guys at he end of the one yearwarranty period. See Planting/Staking Detail NO 2 Nuttall Oak Quercus nuttallii 2.5-3" 12-14' ----- ----- BB, Specimen Mulching: Trees/shrubs shall be mulched immediately after planting with 3" depth of double ground hardwood. TFB 3 Tree Form Burford Ilex cornuta 'Burfordi' 2" Min.Ea 8' ---- ---- BB, Multi -stem, ° ° O� �yo � \ 11 .. � 426 JONESTOWN ROAD Mulch the area over tree rootballs to a depth no deeper than 1.5-2". Keep all mulch away from the trunk flare. If ( Specimen ° i g � ng mulch, remove Excess Excavplant has lated Soil: To be disposed I cofbefore b f Contractor at no dditional expense to Owner. SHRUBS ,\FUND UTILITY PUST ROTFOR S i�''�O�r •C : 6 • •. • \' Px �� N CARS\. CITY STATE MAINTENANCE: Begin immediately afterplanting. Maintain trees/shrubs/other plants until final acceptance. CODE COUNT COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CALIPER HEIGHT SPREAD SPACING COMMENTS ooeA &� FCTOT0 ��'' it Maintain trees/shrubs/other plants by pruning, cultivating, weedingas required for healthy growth. Restore plantin . ti9�y WINSTON-SALEM NORTH CAROLINA saucers; tighten/repair stake and guy supports and reset trees/shrubs to propergades/vertical position as require CAR 27 'Carissa' Holly Ilex cornuta'Cadssa' ---- 18-24" 18" Min. 3' o.c. Container IT- OAF Q ,,SSaf111111i fit , Restore/replace damaged wrappings. Spray as required to keep trees/shrubs free of insects/disease. DBH 6 Dwarf Burford Holly Ilex cornuta 'Burfordi Nana' ---- 18-24" 18-24" 3' o.c. Container O ,.• � A C A RQ 1% CLEANUP AND PROTECTION: During landscape work keep pavements clean, work area in orderly condition; DFG 63 Cassias' Fountain Grass Pennisetum alopecuroides'Cassian' 15-18" 12-15" 2.5' o.c. Container ,r ■■■ 4+ r•�0 D S C'�•.�{/ ��j protect work/materials from damage due to landscape operations, operations by other ■ Q A EBH 12 Emily Bruner Holly Ilex x 'Emily Bruner' ---- 6-T Min. --- 6' o.c. Container `'� �` q , � COUNTY contractors/trades/trespassers. Maintain protection during installation/maintenance periods. TreaUrepair/replace ■■ _ i.7 00 damaged landscape work as directed. LLN 21 'Lemon Lime' Nandina Nandina domestica 'Lemon Lime' --- 18-24" 18-24" 3' o.c. Container 20 0 20 40 60 � �� �; Z FORSYTH INSPECTION: See "Landscape Construction Sequence" on Landscape Plans. When landscape work is complet RCA 38 'Rose Creek' Abelia Abelia grand iflora 'Rose Creek' ---- 18-24" 18-24" 3' o.c. Container, Whitish -Pink Flowers `)( :a 20 8 W. X including maintenance, Landscape Architect will, upon request, make inspection to determine acceptability. SSG 9 'Shenandoah' Swith Grass Panicum virgatum 'Shenandoah' 18-24" 18-24" 4' o.c. Container / ;W Landscape work may be inspected for acceptance in parts agreeable to Landscape Arch., provided work offered r VJD 32 Vintage Jade Distylium Distylium 'Vintage Jade' --- 18" Min. 24" Min. 4' o.c. Container Z TAX PARCEL NUMBER LOCATION CODE NUMBE inspection is complete, including maintenance. Where inspected landscape work does not comply with / y ► requirements, replace rejected work, continue specified maintenance until reinspected by Landscape Arch. and ROUNDCOVERS /PERENNIALS �. ,►■ found acceptable. Remove rejected plants/materials promptly from site. �j . P ■■ CODE COUNT COMMON NAME BOTANICAL NAME CALIPER HEIGHT SPREAD SPACING COMMENTS BEFORE YOU DIGI y ��� 6804-48-5335 MHL 83 'Miss Hufr Lantana Lantana camara'Miss Huff Full Full 18" o.c. Container, Yellow & Red Flowers \ CALL 811 N.C. THE ALL CENTER " - � YA, GV ., LIR 222 Variegated Liriope Liriope muscari'Variegata' ---- Full Full 12" o.c. Container, 3-bibs J ITS THE LAW-1 North SCALE: 1 - 20 �h,p,11s,,►.C/o.29.2022 32-0302 SITE INFORMATION SITE ADDRESS: 426 JONESTOWN ROAD ZONING: HB (HIGHWAY BUSINESS) EXISTING USE. RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU PROPOSED USE: RESTAURANT WITH DRIVE-THRU Calculated at rate of 1 space per 100 SF GFA 4173+/- SF GFA / 100 = 41.73 or 42 SPACES PARKING REDUCTIONS USED: REQUIREMENTS: COMBINED DRIVEWAYS & ACCESS = 5% 41.73 SPACES x 0.95 = 39.64 or 40 SPACES 40 TOTAL PARKING REQUIRED 33 Standard Parking Spaces 2 Handicap Accessible Spaces PARKING 15 Drive-thru Stacking Spaces (18 Total) PROVIDED: 50 TOTAL PARKING SPACES .plus Two (2) Required Bicycle Spaces MAP REFERENCE INFO: PIN # 6804-48-5335DB 3277 - PG 790 PROPOSED TOTAL SITE AREA: 0.879 Acres +/- PROPOSED B.U.A. (Impervious) 0.713 Acres +/- % OF IMPERVIOUS AREA: 81.11 % McDONALD'S USA, LLC OWNER/CLIENT.- 6903 Rockledge Drive/Suite 1100 BETHESDA, MD 20817 The property is not located in a Special Flood Hazard Area as determined b the Federal Emergency Management Agency Ma Y g Y g g Y p Panel No. 3710680400J, Dated JANUARY 02, 2009 UJI U) CY W � �I � I-_ z j O W U) � z O Q U z U) J a � tY O Z O O 0 � W � U Q (�:_) Z O U 0 0 0 o a- Q OU STATUS DATE BY FINAL 04-19-22 KB PLAN CHECKED 04-19-22 JAL SAPA PROJECT # 18-047CD L-1.0 LANDSCAPE PLAN