HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140740 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140730North Ca,rolina,'D,epartment,,Of'En-Vi•oh,mont and, Natural Resources PatMcCrory -J6h_n,1E.'.,SkVafia, 111' GovOhn'Or Secretary July 3 0, 2 01-4 DWR,,# 14-0740 -Uhty Wake Co, Uty,o , f Raleigh Public:Works Departiment, � StQrmwaier"Managerpent Division Attn' SUsan Locklear- P,'Q; 113ox 590 R'aleigh,,,N C 27602-0590 Subject: APPROVAL OF,401 WATER QUALITYCERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS .AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE PER'THE NEUSE RIV ' ER, BASIN'RIPARIAN,BUFFER' PROTECTION, RUCES,(15A� NCAC 0213.0233) WITH' ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS, Bea-VeeWbockStorm Draina ge Im ppovern-ents Dear Ms,. L-oekl-ea(r:, You have our,approv.a I or-the impacts listed below ibr'fhe. purpose described In ybde,apolicition dated July 17, '2014 and received' by,thb DiVi's'ioh, of Wafer� ResoUrces (DIv-1siUh`),oh My, 18, 2014, 0 -Nujmber,3883,qn These im,pacts*,arec covered by the attac , h - edVaier Quality',Geheral Qq�rtification the conditions liste,d,below.. This-certification, is assodated,with,flie,,use of Nationwide Peanit N Um ber, 3ohceJf i'sissued to you' byAh&,U'L..; Ar-my Corps of Engineers'. 'Please note,fNit you ,s_hoqtd'gdt,any other fe-dpral.'st ate;orjo.ca_1`pejrm its yo p r p roject including before proceedi-ng, wit h ' . _ those ,required,by,,'(but, not 4i'mited'to),Sedi'ment afh&Ebbsion Control; Nbo-Discharge; and Water 'Supply Watershed' regulations. This approval ee q u i res you, to,f6l low the-,cQrfd � l.tions listed' ib, the- enclosed certification, and the,_ -following ad&ftiona], co4itions: 1. 'The f6flowing 1mpacts, are hereb prov ed1providedth y�ap at all �of the other-specific and, geheeal cond I iti 6 n & of"th Li. Ce ftificaflor; ,G e n era I Pertnit and /or `l3qffer,RGl'es,are met. No -of h e r1m p at t, s are approved, inclu .,Oi'ng [ritidentakimpacts,. 'One" No Carol North (fk6hhAjivis16n, of -WaterR6sodfc&s 1628 Mail Seryicel&fitef Raidigh,,_&C- 2769946_28, Phone ,(910)70-4200 CusiomerService Internet Www ncwaterquahty)ofg Location 3800,Baffett�Dhye Ralejj_h ,JN.0,27609, Fax, (919) 788-7159 1'-877-621-6748' •An Eq u plOppor_ tunity jA irn� tiveActo-wEMplom —50% Recycled /10% Post ConsUner Paper Beaverwood;Siorm Drainage Improvements D W R # 14 -074o 401,A_ND BUFFER APPROVAL- Page, 2 of 4 Type,& Impact Amount Approved, ,(units) - Perma'nen`t Amount'Approved (units) Temporary i i Stream 16 (linear feet) (linear-feet), 'Buffers — Zone 4, _ 880 (square:feet) 0- (square feet) Buffers— ,Zone2 492 -(square 'feet) _ 0 '(square,feet,)_ 2. No Waste', Spoil, Solids;br Fill,of,An,y Kind N'o waste) spoil, solids;- or'fill of any `kind'•,shall�occur`inwetlands; waters,,�or;riparian areas beyond �the'fodtprint bf-tlie impacts depicted in, the Rre- Construction Notification. All, construction activi't'es, including the design,'install'ation; ope'rati'on; and`maintenance',of sediment and erosion control' Best 'Management Practi'ces, - �ha;ll be� performed sothat nq violations .,ofstate, watetqualityst -a dards,statutes,orrules,occur. 3. ,Protective Fencing' The outside buffer; wetland,orWater, boundary" and, alonwihe •construction;cotridorwit_hiri these, boundari.es'approyed under this�authorization shall Abe clearly marked with ortange, war=n'ing`fencing -(or similar- high, visibility, m- ater,,ial) for,the,areas thatlhaue been approved'to infringe within the buffer,wetland or water, pri6,(1 , any' Ion d'�disturbing'activ ties to ensure, compliance with 15`NCAC 02H .0500. -4. This,!approval' is "for °the purpose and` design described in your application. The plans and' ,specif,ications for this project °are incorporated Eby reference as` part of,the `Certification and B,u_ffer Authorization. If'you change your project, you, must,no'tify the Division and you m'a,y, be requ'i'red to.,submft,a, new application package,with the . approp -ri'atevfee. Ifthe,property is sold" ,the new,owner rnust;be giveWa,cop,y of thisrapprova'l letter and�General Certification and is responsible for'comply,irig with all conditions. -5., This approval,a_ndits contlitionsare final' and,bindingunless contested., This Certification and­BiafferrAuthorization, can be contested °as provided `in Ar";ticles 3� and 4 of General Statute, '1'50,B 'by filing a written petition for,, an, ad' minist_ rative ',hearing,to�the- ,Office,of o Administrativeflearings ,(hereby known as'GAH,).. A petition form may, be;obtained from,tf e OAH at http:%/vvww:ncoah`.com/ otby calling t'he OAH Clerk's Office at (919) 431 -3000 for, information. VV(hin'thirty (3,0,) calendar days oUr,eceipt,,of this, notice, a_ petition must, be'fil'ed with-,the, OAH; A, petition is consid'ered'filed when the original and one 11) copy alongvvith, any applicable,OAAJiling fee is received,in`the OAHduhng,norrhal office hours (Nlond'aylh'i;ough Friday between 8:00am Beaver-wood Storm Drainage Improvements -D W R# ,14' -0740 401AND'BUFFER APPROVAL ,Page 3 ofA and 5 OOprm,,exchicling'off,icial state holidays). The petitio6may be faxed to, the,OAHiat (919) 431- 310,0,,provided the original and-one copy ofthe petition along with any applicable CIAH',filing,fee is .received by the OAH'within five (5) business days following the faxed transmission. Mailing, address for t•he OAH,: If sending'by'First Class Mail via the US' Postal`Service: Office,of,'Administratiue Hearings 6714 Mail Service ,Center Raleigh, NC`21699 -6714 If sending viandelivery service (e.g. UPS, Fed Ex):, Office of Administrative Hearings 1711 New Hope Church Road Ral'eighi,NC 27609 -6285 One (1) copy of.the. petition .must also, be served to DENR: Lacy;Presnell, General Counsel Department of Environment and Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC•,27699 -1601 Please send one (1) copy,of'the'petition to °DWR: Ifsending, by,First Class'Mail via the US Postal Service: Karen Higgins • NC' DENR -DWR — Webscape Unit 1617 Mail Service Center Raleigh,, NC 247699 -1617 If sending via delivery service (e.g. UPS, F,edEx)'. Karen Higgins NC DE_NR -DWR — Webscape Unit 512 N. SalisburyStreet Raleigh, NC 27604 This letter completes, the, review of the D,ivision under section ,401 of the Clean Water Act and the Neuse Riparian Buffer Rul'es.as,desceibed in 15A NCAC 02B,:0238 . Rlease co.ntact,Cherri Srnith•at 919 =79,1- 4251 ort:hi2rri;smith@ncdenr.gov if you, have any questions or.concerns. ince Iy,, E Danny'S" th Supervisor,, Water Quali,ty,Regionai Operations Section Beaverwood Storm Drainage`Improvements D,WR# 14 -0740 401 AND BUFFER,APPROVAL Page ,4 of 4 Enclosure: GC 3883 cc: U.S. Army-Corps of,Engineers; Raleigh'Regulatory.Field Office; 3331,Heritage.Trade Drive, St: 105; Wake Forest, NC 27597 Dale Hyatt; WSP; 15401 Weston Parkway, Ste. 100; Cary, NC 27513 DWR RRO 401 Files