HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140759 Ver 1_Stormwater Info_20140721 (102)Hugh J Gilleece, III & Associates, P.A. 875 Walnut Street, Suite 360 Consulting Engineers Cary, North Carolina 27511 g g neers (919) 469 -1101 Business License C -496 gilleece@bellsouth.net Stormwater Management Report for Beazer Vaughan Subdivision Ralph Stephens Road Holly Springs, North Carolina Prepared For Beazer Homes - Raleigh ATTN: Britt Spivey ,� + ++ G A•.•(�� �,,��+ 4509 Creedmoor Road Suite 200 0 •�``,'� •,�••�5�� Raleigh, NC 27612 j Prepared by Hugh J. Gilleece, III and Associates December 9 2013 LD P Revised April 21, 2014 Revised June 1, 2014 Revised June 30, 2014 Beazer Vaughan Subdivision Stormwater Management Report Table of Contents Project Narrative Stormwater Design Executive Summary Existing and Proposed Drainage Maps BMP Sizing Calculations Flows Before and After Construction Nitrogen Export Calculations TSS Removal Calculations Soils Information Stormwater Fee -In -Lieu Request Form Flood Study Approved Land Use Map Pre - Construction Notification Hydraulic Grade Line Analysis Erosion Control Calculations Appendix 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 Project Narrative This project is located on the west side of NC Highway 55 just south of Ralph Stephens Road. The project is 73 acres in size. It is also bounded on all sides by undeveloped land. It is approximately 1.7 miles south of the center of Holly Springs in Wake County, North Carolina. A separate flood study is prepared by Sungate Design Group. In this study, Basal Creek, an eastern tributary and middle tributary is identified. Basal Creek flows to Bass Lake. Eventually it flows to the Neuse River. The flood study should be referred to for the storm culvert crossing (dual 48" RCP) and the greenway crossing backwater calculations/ elevations. About half of the property is currently used for agriculture with the remainder wooded along the stream. The topography is gently sloped with most of the property draining to either the eastern or middle tributary, and Basal Creek. A small portion of western tract flows to the west and then enters into Basal Creek. This site is proposed to be built with single family residential homes. A total of 157 units are being proposed. The drainage is expected to be collected by having curb and gutter. These areas will be collected in catch basins and conveyed by pipes. Roof drains from the homes are to be daylighted to the curbs and then collected by the storm catch basins. The stormwater management objectives are to remove the stormwater from the developed areas. The stormwater is to be treated to remove some of the nitrogen from it. It is also to be retained to reduce the peak outflow for the one year storm to that of the pre - development flow rate. It is proposed to treat and retain the flow volume for the site through 3 separate wet ponds (two on the west side of the middle tributary, and one on the east side of the middle tributary. Stormwater Design Executive Summary The Executive Summary is in the Appendix. 3 Existing and Proposed Drainage Area Maps The drainage divides and flood lines are shown on the Existing Conditions sheet. The time of concentration flow line is shown on the Existing Conditions sheet. The proposed conceptual drainage basins are shown in the attached exhibits 1A — 1D. Exhibit 1A has the Overall Drainage Plan, and the Exhibits 1B- 1D have the drainage basins shown on a 1 " =50' scale. The composite c values used for the drainage areas are shown on Exhibit 1 E. There is a significant amount of offsite water north of the property. This runoff will be collected via two separate storm sewer systems identified as run 100 — 104 and 215A -215 on the drainage map that will bypass the site. A development factor of 0.84 was used in sizing the pipe. The time of concentration was used based on the Sungate Flood Study. To divert the offsite water to the yard inlets, ditches 2 — 4 have been designed. The ditch calculations are included in the appendix under the erosion control section. Grass lining is adequate for the permanent condition, while temporary lining is needed for the construction phase. A summary of the ditch lining is included on Sheet 3 of the construction drawings. A second storm water system for the offsite roadway (runs 200 — 217) includes two yard inlets for runoff upstream of the roadway. There are no natural ditches on the upstream property since this land is presently farmed. Drainage is via sheet flow. Yard inlets 216 and 217 pick up a small portion of this upstream runoff. A development c value of 0.84 was used in the calculations. We assume that when the upstream property is development, a BMP in the vicinity of yard inlet of 215 will be built. The pipe from 215 is oversized to provide for the outfall from this potential BMP. BMP Sizing Calculations Size calculations have been performed on three proposed ponds. WP #1 will cover 5.5 acres, WP #2 covers 11.8 acres and WP #3 an additional 15.8 acres. Exhibit 3 shows the contributing area for the three ponds. On this exhibit, we are showing the offsite drainage area for the offsite roadway / impervious area. This area is not being treated in a BMP with this project. The pond worksheet in the Appendix shows the drainage area to each pond, the required treatment volume, and the flows for each storm level. These ponds meet the DWQ requirements for the minimum surface area and storage of treatment volumes, based on the 90% TSS removal for the wetponds 1, 2 and 3. Final designs for the three ponds are included in the appendix. The outfall from FES 200 is designed to flow into a splitter box and the 1 inch / hour runoff is diverted into a level spreader / filter strip. The 1 inch runoff is 1.77 cfs, which requires a 20 foot long level spreader. The filter strip (50' wide) will be grassed after the TST #4 is regraded to final elevations. 0 Flows Before and After Construction A separate flow study has been prepared by Sungate Design Group. This report has been prepared separately. See this report for the dual 48" pipe crossing and greenway crossing backwater calculations / elevations. The appendix following this summary has also evaluated the pre and post conditions for the 73 acre site. A routing analysis for this watershed was done using Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for Autocad (SCS method). The pre developed condition for the 73 acres has a peak flow of 20 cfs and is identified as Hydrograph 8 in the report. The post condition has three drainage areas flowing into wetponds #1, #2 and 3. The composite post condition combines the hydrographs from the three wetpond outflows with the remaining 40.0 acres of area that bypasses the ponds. For the 1 year storm, the post developed condition reduces the flow from 20.1 cfs to 11.8 cfs. Nitrogen Export Calculations These are shown in the Stormwater Design Executive Summary. The offsite roadway consists of 1.34 acres with an impervious area of 0.77 acres. The nitrogen table has been reflected to include this value in the total nitrogen offset. TSS Removal Calculations The wet retention ponds in this project are designed using the surface area calculation from DWQ for the 90% removal of Total Suspended Solids. Soils Information The site is shown on a part of the Apex USGS quadrangle and on the Wake County Soil Survey map. These are in the Appendix. Stormwater Fee -In -Lieu Request Form This form is in the Appendix. This form includes the offsite roadway impervious area in the calculations. Flood Study 5 The flood study has been supplied by Sungate Design Group separately. Approved Land Use Map The approved land use map for this area is shown in the Appendix. Pre - Construction Notification The final design has been modified to include the first review comments by the Town of Holly Springs. The impacts for the roadway and utility crossings have been determined and the PCN form is being prepared by S &EC for submittal to NCDENR/ USACOE. Hydraulic Grade Line Analysis This is included in the Appendix. The 10 year design storm along with the 25 year event are included in the report. The report shows all hydraulic grade lines below the crown for the 10 year storm. For the 25 year storm hydraulic grade lines are below P of the inlet. A separate hydraulic grade line study for the 100 year storm was prepared. This report was generated to determine backwater elevation at the yard inlets. The summary shows all of the hydraulic grade lines are below the yard inlets except for two yard inlets, numbers 103 and 104 which are for the bypass storm sewer. The ditch to these yards are 2' deep, while the maximum elevation is 1.4' for yard inlet 104. Therefore the backwater is contained within the ditch for these two yard inlets. The spread calculations for the inlets are included in the appendix after the pipe / structure summary. All of the spreads are less than the allowable 7.5' for the 2 year design storm. The spread calculations assume that there is 50% clogging at the catch basins. A copy of the Hydrograph Summary Report is included in the Appendix. Erosion Control Calculations Exhibit 2 shows the contributing area to the four sediment basins needed for the project. The appendix includes the summary for the sediment basin and riprap pads, and the drainage swale chart used for temporary and permanent lining. The sediment basins outlets have been sized to obtain as close to 3 days as possible by modifying the skimmer and orifice size. The riprap pad charts reflect the value of 6 or 8 x the diameter of the pipe to determine the length of the pad as per table 8.06d. All of the ripraps were designed using the NY DOT Dissipator Method. Z:\Jobs\20000 \Vaughn Properly \Documents \Reports\Beazer Vaughan StormManageRpt rev2.DOC 2 Appendix Appendix Table of Contents The Stormwater Design Executive Summary BMP Calculations for Wet Pond # 1 BMP Calculations for Wet Pond # 2 BMP Calculations for Wet Pond #3 Hydrograph Return Summary The USGS quadrangle map and the soil survey map The Stormwater Fee -in -Lieu Request Form Anti Flotation Calculations Erosion Control Calculations Riprap Calculations The Stormwater Design Executive Summary follows this page. THE TOWN OF %!oily . Springs NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Design Executive Summary TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Project Information Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Subdivision Sub -Shed Phase, if applicable: N/A Area (acres) Previous Project Name if applicable: N/A Q100 (CFS) PIN: 065803133419 and 0658034571 Project Contact Person: Jay Gilleece 20.1 Phone Number: (919) 469 -1101 81 Email: I gilleece@bellsouth.net 5.00 Site Information / Overview Total Site Acreage: 73.0 (inc.1.35 (Offsite) acres Watershed Name: ® Neuse River Basin ❑ Cape Fear River Basin Tributary Name: Basal Creek (Creek Name(s)) Total Site Impervious Area (Existing): 0.00 acres Total Site impervious Area (Proposed): 16.8 (inc.0.77 oirtsite) acres Site Percent Impervious Area (Existing): 0.0 Per cent Site Percent Impervious Area (Proposed): 23.7 Per cent 58 Stormwater Summary Tables 5 A. Peak Discharge Summary Peak Discharge Rate Table for Pre - Development Conditions Sub -Shed CN C Area (acres) tc (min.) Q1 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) 1. 58 73 5 20.1 2. 81 11.8 5.00 2.9 3. 81 15.8 5.0 4.4 4. 58 38.4 5.0 11.0 5. Total: 58 73 5 20.1 Peak Discharge Rate Table for Post - Development Conditions Sub -Shed CN C Area (acres) t, (min.) Q1 (CFS) Q100 (CFS) 1. 81 5.5 5.00 1.0 2. 81 11.8 5.00 2.9 3. 81 15.8 5.0 4.4 4. 58 38.4 5.0 11.0 5. Total: 68 73 5 11.4 Drawdown calculations for the First Flush Volume and the 1 -year storm are not required for the Preliminary Stormwater Report and Calculations. However, designer shall take note that these requirements exist and should be factored into the overall stormwater management design. 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 1 of 5 THE TOWN OF "Oily Stormwater Design Executive Summary Springs TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NORTH CAROLINA B. Total Nitrogen (TN) Export Summary Method 1 (Residential Subdivisions with Unknown Building Footprints) Pre - Developed Nitrogen Export Summary Table Type of Land Cover Area (acres) TN Export Coefficient (Ibs /ac /yr) TN Export from Use (Ibs /yr) Existing Forestland TN 1.7 Existing Pasture TN 4.4 Existing Residential (Ibs /ac /yr) 7.5 from Use Existing Cropland D.UO 13.6 Rate Existing Commercial /Industrial 13 Total: Permanently Nitrogen Loading Rate Ibs /ac/ r Graph 2: Total Nitrogen Export from Riglit -of -Way 25.0 °0.0 x 15.0 E u 10.0 t: 5.0 0.0 0% 10% 20% 30;0 400.6 500.6 60% 70% 50% 90% 100% Percentage of Right -of -War that is Impenians 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 2 of 5 Post - Developed (after BMP reductions) Nitrogen Export Summary Table Type of Land Cover Area TN Export BMP TN Coefficient TN Export (acres) (Ibs /ac /yr) Removal from Use D.UO Rate (Ibs /yr) Permanently 0.6 Protected 600 Undisturbed Open Space Permanently 1.2 Protected Managed Open Space — Lots i 2.Do (use Graph 1) Right -of -Way (use Graph 2) 0.0U Total: Nitrogen Loading Rate Ibs /ac/ r Gmph 1: Total Nin•ogen Export from Lots 1–'.00 10.00 D.UO 600 Y z 4.00 — i 2.Do 0.0U 0 _ 4 6 D 10 1' 14 16 18 20 __ 24 26 '_D 30 32 \amber of Lots per A- _ THE TOWN OF Molly Springs NORTH CAROLINA Stormwater Design Executive Summary TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT Method 2 (Sites with Known Impervious) Post - Developed (after BMP reductions) Pre - Developed Type of Land Nitrogen Export Summary Table BMP Type of Land Cover Area TN Export TN TN Export Coefficient Export from (Ibs /ac /yr) (acres) (Ibs /ac /yr) Use Rate (Ibs /yr) Existing Forestland 56 1.7 95.2 Existing Pasture 0.00 4.4 0.00 Existing Residential 0 7.5 0 Existing Cropland 17.0 13.6 231.2 Existing 0.00 13 0.00 Commercial /Industrial Total: 73 38.4 326.4 Nitrogen Loading Rate Ibs /ac/ r 4.47 Post - Developed (after BMP reductions) Nitrogen Export Summary Table Type of Land Area TN Export BMP TN Cover Coefficient TN Export (acres) (Ibs /ac /yr) Removal from Use Rate (Ibs /yr) Permanently 17.8 0.6 0 10.68 Protected Undisturbed Open Space Permanently 38.4 1.2 0 46.1 Protected Managed Open Space Impervious 16.8 21.2 25 267 Total: 73.0 323.78 Nitrogen Loading Rate Ibs /ac/ r 4.43 C. 85% Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Removal Summary Provide brief description of how 85% TSS removal is being achieved: By providing wet retention ponds with 90% TSS. 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 3 of 5 oKTHE TOWN OF " Holly Stormwater Design Executive Summary Springs TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NORTH CAROLINA D. Storm Drainage Conveyance Summary Design engineer shall complete the tables below (or attach tables containing the identical information and layout) for each storm drainage system analyzed. If site conditions require analysis beyond 25 -year rainfall event (such as an arterial crossing), then designer shall include additional tables as needed. Structure Summary (10 Year Event) Structure ID See Structure Type (Town Standard Drainage Rational 'C' Schedule Rainfall Intensity 110' (in /hr) Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow In (cfs) Total Flow Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) HGL In Pipe? (Yes /No) 7GL25Pipe acity 1, a See Drainage Schedule Structure Summary (25 Year Event) Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard #) Rational 'C' Rainfall Intensity 125' (in /hr) Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow In (cfs) Total Flow Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) Freeboard To Rim (feet) 7GL25Pipe acity 1, a See Drainage Schedule Storm Drainage Piping Summary U.S. Structure ID D.S. Structure ID Pipe Length (feet) Pipe Diam. (inches) Slope (ft/ft) U.S. Inv. (feet) D.S. Inv. (feet) Qio (cfs) Q25 (cfs) QOther (cfs) HGLio (feet) 7GL25Pipe acity 1, a See Drainage Schedule 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 4 of 5 THE TOWN OF Holly Stormwater Design Executive Summary Springs TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT NORTH CAROLINA E. Individual BMP Summary Include additional BMP information if appropriate: 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 5 of 5 Infiltration _ m C O >, ca a a- U a) '> c � M � N Co aci E N 'O E U) O 6 3 C Q a) (0 O> n > 'D � 0 T O C > O o U) E o E o CD O CJ �p O a) m 0 .-� N > O EL m I—m �— J11 O c`oQ o {— a> ry Q O OD- E Q Z LZ O� � Ez rn o co p a) o.- Z Y O� 06 IL (acres) (Y / N) (Y / N) (cubic ft) (Y / N) (Y / N) WP Wet Pond 1 5.5 Y 90 25 Y 31000 N N Y Y #1 WP Wet Pond 2 11.8 Y 90 25 Y 70000 N N Y Y #2 WP Wet Pond 3 15.8 Y 90 25 Y 58000 N N Y Y #3 Include additional BMP information if appropriate: 16005 SW Ex. Summary 4.1.08 Page 5 of 5 Structure Summary (10 Year Event) Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard Rationa I C Rainfall Intensity Ho in /hr Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow Peak In (cfs) Total Flow Peak Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) HGL In Pipe? (Yes /No) 51 CB 0.59 7.0 0.19 0.78 6.18 412.47 418.01 413.291 Yes 50 2 -CB 0.57 7.0 0.64 2.57 8.72 411.26 419.00 412.65 Yes 49 CB 0.62' 7.0 0.59 2.56 11.26 410.67 418.86 411.87 Yes 48 CB 0.55 7.0 0.10 0.39 11.58 409.20 416.00 409.92 Yes 47 CB 0.55 6.9 0.271 1.02 12.49 401.33 408.33 402.04 Yes 55 YI 0.32 7.2 0.621 1.43 1.43 417.70 422.00 418.03 Yes 52 YI 0.42 7.2 0.14 0.42 1.84 415.53 424.00 416.07 Yes 56 CB 0.56 7.2 0.28 1.11 1.11 413.91 418.41 414.26 Yes 57 CB 0.53 7.2 0.31 1.20 1.20 399.68 406.56 400.04 Yes 60 CB 0.5 7.2 0.18 0.65 0.65 403.67 408.43 403.98 Yes 59 CB 0.57 7.2 0.27 1.11 1.78 403.16 408.19 403.61 Yes 26 CB 0.53 7.2 0.47 1.79 1.79 418.01 429.86 418.45 Yes 23 CB 0.52 7.0 0.15 0.55 6.31 416.94 429.71 417.57 Yes 22 JB 0.5 6.9 0.00 0.00 6.23 410.06 415.30 410.66 Yes 27 CB 0.61 7.2 0.58 2.55 2.54 420.65 426.79 421.29 Yes 25 CB 0.57 7.2 0.40 1.64 4.11 420.04 427.04 420.761 Yes 24 CB 1 0.51 7.11 0.001 0.001 4.071 418.74 428.76 419.461 Yes 5 2 -CB 0.6 7.2 0.55 2.39 2.39 418.58 423.06 419.20 Yes 4 2 -CB 0.64 7.2 0.30 1.36 3.74 417.92 423.06 418.51 Yes 3 JB 0.5 6.7 0.00 0.00 12.47 415.06 423.92 415.66 Yes 2 JB 0.5 6.6 0.00 0.00 12.45 410.12 414.71 410.98 Yes 9 CB 0.63 7.2 0.28 1.28 1.28 426.27 431.40 426.65 Yes 8 CB 0.96 7.2 0.10 0.71 1.98 425.80 431.32 426.33 Yes 7 CB 0.63 6.8 0.26 1.11 6.32 421.95 428.00 422.92 Yes 6 CB 0.56 6.7 0.16 0.59 9.05 418.55 424.97 419.42 Yes 10 CB 0.6 7.2 0.55 2.39 2.39 420.06 425.04 420.68 Yes 11 CB 0.68 7.2 0.19 0.92 0.92 424.77 429.34 425.15 Yes 7B CB 0.65 7.2 0.29 1.33 2.25 423.17 429.92 423.77 Yes 7A CB 0.61 7.1 0.29 1.28 3.51 422.72 429.92 423.48 Yes 103 YI 0.84 6.2 4.16 21.79 21.79 424.43 428.90 426.10 Yes 102 YI 0.84 6.1 1.92 9.92 39.56 414.95 424.50 417.07 Yes 101 JB 0.5 6.1 0.00 0.00 39.06 412.31 422.36 414.26 Yes 104 YI 0.84 6.2 1.59 8.33 8.33 417.64 421.50 418.76 Yes 201 2 -CB 0.57 7.2 0.31 1.29 1.29 421.00 424.61 421.49 Yes 202 2 -CB 0.49 7.2 0.71 2.51 3.78 420.54 425.00 421.23 Yes 203 CB 0.6 6.3 0.31 1.15 15.18 418.66 426.00 420.06 Yes 214 CB 0.56 6.2 0.23 0.81 15.96 417.94 426.02 418.94 Yes 210 CB 0.55 7.2 0.22 0.86 0.86 439.59 445.00 439.95 Yes 209 1 CB 1 0.581 7.21 0.201 0.851 1.711 439.001 445.191 439.41 Yes Structure Summary M 0 Year Evpntl OS1 Structure Rainfall Drainage Surface Total Flow 406.321 412M1 408.20 OS2 Type Intensity Area Flow Peak Out Inv.Out Rim HGL HGL Structure (Town Rationa 1 60.001 387.111 393.401 389.33 ID Standard I C 110 Peak In (cfs) In (acres) (cfs) Pipe? in /hr (feet) (feet) (feet) (Yes /No) 208 CB 0.52 7.1 0.23 0.84 2.53 437.78 445.35 438.381 Yes 207 CB 0.7 6.6 0.17 0.80 6.34 436.54 446.02 437.311 Yes 206 CB 0.5 6.5 0.00 0.00 6.21 432.37 446.62 433.20 Yes 205 CB 0.62 6.4 0.18 0.72 9.20 430.44 440.83 431.17 Yes 204 CB 0.57 6.3 0.30 1.09 10.84 426.25 434.25 427.02 Yes 211 CB 0.57 7.2 0.18 0.76 0.76 441.02 446.02 441.19 Yes 212 CB 0.5 7.2 0.23 0.83 0.83 436.09 440.83 436.39 Yes 213 CB 0.56 7.2 0.18 0.75 0.75 428.26 433.97 428.551 Yes 216 YI 0.84 6.6 0.45 2.51 2.51 438.00 444.00 438.421 Yes 217 YI 0.84 6.61 0.301 1.651 1.651 434.261 440.00 434.661 Yes 215 YI 0.84 6.21 8.031 42.081 42.081 420.601 427.00 421.771 Yes OS1 - BOX 1 26.001 406.321 412M1 408.20 OS2 BOX 1 54.001 385.001 389.801 387.04 OS3 BOX 1 60.001 387.111 393.401 389.33 222 1 HW I I I 1 1 246.201 411.401 413.57 414.20 Structure Summary (25 Year Event) Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard Rational C Rainfall Intensity i25 in /hr Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow Peak In (cfs) Total Flow Peak Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) Freeboard To Rim 75A CB 0.55 8.2 0.51 2.28 1.83 407.57 413.06 408.03 5.04 75 CB 0.52 7.6 0.21 0.84 26.25 405.81 413.06 407.56 5.50 74 CB 0.51 7.5 0.19 0.73 36.51 403.78 412.03 405.36 6.67 73 CB 0.52 7.4 0.37 1.41 40.11 398.50 407.00 399.73 7.27 72 2 -CB 0.58 7.4 0.27 1.14 43.65 391.74 402.77 393.24 9.53 77A CB 0.54 8.2 0.75 3.31 2.71 411.67 418.00 412.17 5.83 77 CB 0.51 7.9 0.20 0.79 11.61 410.22 417.82 411.23 6.59 76 CB 0.51 7.8 0.13 0.51 24.16 408.39 415.79 410.06 5.73 80A CB 0.49 8.2 1.40 5.61 4.22 418.58 423.55 419.45 4.09 80 CB 0.49 8.0 0.75 2.95 6.62 417.861 422.51 419.09 3.42 79 CB 0.52 8.0 0.37 1.54 8.11 417.53 422.55 418.28 4.27 78 CB 0.55 8.0 0.07 0.29 8.37 414.07 421.02 414.91 6.11 81 CB 0.59 8.2 0.88 4.24 3.40 403.00 408.00 403.37 4.63 84 CB 0.57 8.2 0.17 0.81 1.57 406.59 412.21 407.41 4.81 83 CB 0.56 8.0 0.17 0.77 7.52 406.13 412.19 407.19 5.00 82 CB 0.55 8.0 0.59 2.57 10.52 405.541 411.95 406.37 5.58 84A CB 0.61 8.2 0.84 4.20 3.43 413.251 418.00 414.00 4.00 83A CB 0.58 8.2 0.40 1.91 5.17 412.47 417.47 413.40 4.07 86A YI 0.43 8.2 0.73 2.59 2.59 415.30 421.00 415.94 5.06 86 CB 0.56 7.8 0.72 3.13 9.77 411.02 415.42 412.23 3.19 85 CB 0.6 7.8 0.32 1.50 12.26 410.10 415.95 411.04 4.91 89 YI 0.47 8.2 0.41 1.56 1.56 417.92 421.50 418.34 3.16 88 YI 0.44 8.0 0.47 1.66 3.18 415.571 420.00 416.29 3.71 87 CB 0.66 7.8 0.29 1.48 4.59 411.57 416.31 412.54 3.77 90 CB 0.52 8.2 0.41 1.76 2.60 396.31 401.81 396.96 4.85 40 CB 0.62 8.2 0.44 2.24 2.24 423.32 428.32 423.92 4.40 39 CB 0.56 8.1 0.47 2.14 4.36 420.32 427.03 421.17 5.86 58 CB 0.5 8.0 0.00 0.00 7.55 416.17 422.17 416.79 5.38 38 CB 0.58 8.0 0.40 1.86 12.67 404.51 411.68 405.57 6.11 37 CB 0.5 7.9 0.00 0.00 14.59 399.64 410.46 401.01 9.44 36 CB 0.63 7.7 0.63 3.04 17.89 397.17 406.56 398.69 7.87 35 CB 0.54 7.6 0.29 1.21 19.41 395.52 404.94 397.10 7.83 34 2 -CB 0.61 7.6 0.71 3.26 27.73 393.48 404.67 396.05 8.61 33 CB 0.5 7.6 0.40 1.50 29.19 392.95 404.68 395.51 9.17 32 J 0.5 7.5 0.00 0.00 42.78 392.74 405.64 394.00 11.64 41 CB 0.56 8.2 0.47 2.16 2.00 420.44 425.44 421.10 4.35 42 CB 0.65 8.1 0.21 1.12 3.10 420.19 425.44 420.56 4.88 43 CB 0.64 8.2 0.66 3.48 3.42 406.95 412.20 407.69 4.50 46 YI 0.5 8.2 0.44 1.79 1.79 405.16 409.50 405.69 3.81 45 Yl 0.41 7.8 0.81 2.59 4.28 400.87 406.501 401.41 5.09 44 YI 0.45 7.7 0.27 0.94 5.19 397.32 406.50 397.92 8.58 54 CB 0.56 8.21 0.311 1.40 1.40 418.10 423.43 418.50 4.93 53 CB 0.66 8.11 0.281 1.501 4.94 414.75 422.91 415.47 7.44 Structure Summary (25 Year Event) Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard Rational C Rainfall Intensity i25 in /hr Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow Peak In (cfs) Total Flow Peak Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) I Rim (feet) HGL (feet) Freeboard To Rim 51 CB 0.59 8.0 0.19 0.88 6.99 412.47 418.01 413.68 4.33 50 2 -CB 0.57 7.9 0.64 2.90 9.84 411.26 419.00 413.18 5.82 49 CB 0.62 7.9 0.59 2.89 12.69 410.67 418.86 412.25 6.61 48 CB 0.55 7.8 0.10 0.43 13.05 409.20 416.00 409.96 6.04 47 CB 0.55 7.8 0.27 1.15 14.06 401.33 408.33 402.09 6.24 55 YI 0.32 8.2 0.62 1.62 1.62 417.70 422.00 418.06 3.94 52 YI 0.42 8.1 0.14 0.48 2.08 415.53 424.00 416.11 7.89 56 CB 0.56 8.2 0.28 1.26 1.26 413.91 418.41 414.29 4.12 57 CB 0.53 8.2 0.31 1.36 1.36 399.68 406.56 400.07 6.50 60 CB 0.5 8.2 0.18 0.74 0.74 403.67 408.43 404.01 4.43 59 CB 0.57 8.1 0.27 1.26 2.05 403.16 408.19 403.64 4.55 26 CB 0.53 8.2 0.47 2.03 2.03 418.01 429.86 418.48 -11.38 23 CB 0.52 7.9 0.15 0.62 7.08 416.94 429.71 417.61 12.10 22 J 0.5 7.8 0.00 0.00 6.98 410.061 415.30 410.70 4.60 27 CB 0.61 8.2 0.58 2.89 2.87 420.651 426.79 421.33 5.45 25 CB 0.57 8.1 0.40 1.86 4.61 420.04 427.04 420.82 6.22 24 CB 0.5 8.1 0.00 0.00 4.55 418.74 428.76 419.51 9.25 5 2 -CB 0.6 8.2 0.55 2.71 2.71 418.58 423.06 419.24 3.82 4 2 -CB 0.64 8.2 0.30 1.54 4.24 417.92 423.06 418.56 4.50 3 J 0.5 7.5 0.00 0.00 14.03 415.06 423.92 415.70 8.22 2 J 0.5 7.5 0.00 0.00 14.00 410.12 414.71 411.04 3.66 9 CB 0.63 8.2 0.28 1.45 1.45 426.27 431.40 426.67 4.72 8 CB 0.96 8.2 0.10 0.81 2.25 425.80 431.32 426.37 4.95 7 CB 0.63 7.6 0.26 1.25 7.12 421.95 428.00 422.98 5.02 6 CB 0.56 7.5 0.16 0.67 10.18 418.55 424.971 419.49 5.48 10 CB 0.6 8.2 0.55 2.71 2.71 420.06 425.041 420.72 4.32 11 CB 0.68 8.2 0.19 1.04 1.04 424.77 429.341 425.17 4.17 Structure Summary t25 Year Eventl Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard Rational C Rainfall Intensity i25 in /hr Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow Peak In (cfs) Total Flow Peak Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) Freeboard To Rim 7B CB 0.65 8.1 0.29 1.51 2.55 423.17 429.92 423.81 6.11 7A CB 0.61 8.1 0.29 1.44 3.98 422.72 429.92 423.53 6.39 103 YI 0.84 6.9 4.16 24.22 24.22 424.43 428.90 426.17 2.73 102 YI 0.84 6.8 1.92 11.01 43.90 414.951 424.50 418.10 6.40 101 J B 0.5 6.7 0.00 0.00 43.31 412.31 422.36 414.52 7.84 104 YI 0.84 6.9 1.59 9.26 9.26 417.64 421.50 420.06 1.44 201 2 -CB 0.57 8.2 0.31 1.46 1.46 421.00 424.61 421.62 2.99 202 2 -CB 0.49 8.1 0.71 2.84 4.28 420.54 425.00 421.38 3.62 203 CB 0.6 7.0 0.31 1.29 16.90 418.661 426.00 420.14 5.86 214 CB 0.56 7.0 0.23 0.90 17.77 417.941 426.02 419.01 7.02 210 CB - -0.55 8.2 - 0.22 0.98 0.98 439.591 445.00 439.98 5.02 209 CB 0.58 8.1 0.20 0.96 1.93 439.001 445.19 439.44 5.76 208 CB 0.52 8.0 0.23 0.95 2.86 437.781 445.35 438.42 6.93 207 CB 0.7 7.4 0.17 0.89 7.10 436.541 446.02 437.36 8.66 206 CB 0.5 7.2 0.00 0.00 6.94 432.371 446.62 433.26 13.36 205 CB 0.62 7.1 0.18 0.80 10.26 430.441 440.83 431.22 9.61 204 CB 0.57 7.0 0.30 1.21 12.09 426.25 434.25 427.07 7.18 211 CB 0.57 8.2 0.18 0.86 0.86 441.02 446.02 441.20 4.82 212 CB 0.5 8.2 723 0.94 0.94 436.09 440.83 436.41 4.42 213 CB 0.56 8.2 0.18 0.85 0.85 428.26 433.97 428.57 5.41 216 YI 0.84 7.4 0.45 2.81 2.81 438.00 444.00 438.44 5.56 217 YI 0.84 7.4 0.30 1.85 1.85 434.261 440.00 434.68 5.32 215 YI 1 0.841 6.9 8.03 46.79 46.79 420.60 427.00 421.85 5.15 Storm Drainage Piping ary U.S. D.S. Pip e Length (feet) 29.11 Pipe Slope U.S. D.S. Quo Q2s Qer HGL�o Pipe Capacity Structure ID Structure ID (inches) Inv. Inv. r °, i, a 52 53 15.00 1.99 feet 415.53 feet ) 414.95 (cfs) 1.84 (cfs 2.08 cfs feet 416.07 9.83 56 51 25.83 15.00 0.97 413.91 413.66 1.11 1.26 414.26 6.85 57 36 26.00 15.00 1.00 399.68 399.42 1.20 1.36 400.04 6.97 60 59 26.04 15.00 1.00 403.67 403.41 0.65 0.74 403.98 6.96 59 37 200.37 15.00 1.00 403.16 401.16 1.78 2.05 403.61 6.96 26 23 30.35 15.00 1.05 418.01 417.69 1.79 2.03 418.45 7.15 23 22 224.03 18.00 2.68 416.94 410.93 6.31 7.08 417.57 18.56 22 21 28.72 18.00 2.99 410.06 409.20 6.23 6.98 410.66 19.61 27 25 35.68 15.00 1.01 420.65 420.29 2.54 2.87 421.29 7.00 25 24 104.59 15.00 1.00 420.04 418.99 4.11 4.61 420.76 6.98 24 23 128.38 15.00 1.01 418.74 417.44 4.07 4.55 419.46 7.01 5 4 26.01 15.00 1.77 418.58 418.12 2.39 2.71 419.20 9.26 4 3 22.43 15.00 1.60 417.92 417.56 3.74 4.24 418.51 8.83 3 2 61.83 24.00 7.67 415.06 410.32 12.47 14.03 415.66 67.56 2 FES1 125.04 24.00 2.00 410.12 407.62 12.45 14.00 410.98 34.53 9 8 27.06 15.00 1.00 426.27 426.00 1.28 1.45 426.65 6.96 8 7 307.30 18.00 1.19 425.80 422.15 1.98 2.25 426.33 12.35 7 6 120.12 18.00 2.83 421.95 418.55 6.32 7.12 422.92 19.06 6 3 81.77 18.00 1.82 418.55 417.06 9.05 10.18 419.42 15.29 10 6 26.37 15.00 4.97 420.06 418.75 2.39 2.71 420.68 15.53 11 7B 40.36 15.00 3.48 424.77 423.37 0.92 1.04 425.15 12.99 7B 7A 24.88 15.00 1.00 423.17 422.92 2.25 2.55 423.77 6.98 7A 7 56.90 15.00 1.00 422.72 422.15 3.51 3.98 423.48 6.97 103 102 260.77 24.00 3.33 424.43 415.75 21.79 24.22 426.10 44.52 102 101 249.02 30.00 0.98 414.95 412.51 39.56 43.90 417.07 43.79 101 FES100 138.47 30.00 1.00 412.31 410.93 39.06 43.31 414.26 44.17 104 102 188.71 18.00 0.90 417.64 415.95 8.33 9.26 418.76 10.72 201 202 26.07 15.00 1.00 421.00 420.74 1.29 1.46 421.49 6.96 202 203 98.30 15.00 1.00 420.54 419.56 3.78 4.28 421.23 6.96 203 214 25.91 24.00 2.01 418.66 418.14 15.18 16.90 420.06 34.57 214 FES200 86.10 24.00 1.09 417.94 417.00 15.96 17.77 418.94 34.43 210 209 26.55 15.00 2.15 439.59 439.02 0.86 0.98 439.95 10.21 209 208 103.90 18.00 0.98 439.00 437.98 1.71 1.93 439.41 11.23 208 207 103.85 18.00 1.00 437.78 436.74 2.53 2.86 438.38 11.34 207 206 296.89 18.00 1.34 436.54 432.57 6.34 7.10 437.31 13.10 206 205 143.00 18.00 1.00 432.37 430.94 6.21 6.94 433.20 11.33 205 204 199.27 24.00 2.00 430.44 426.45 9.20 10.26 431.17 34.53 204 203 229.89 24.00 2.30 426.25 420.96 10.84 12.09 427.02 37.01 211 207 26.00 15.00 9.54 441.02 438.54 0.76 0.86 441.19 21.52 212 205 26.00 15.00 1.00 436.09 435.83 0.83 0.94 436.39 6.97 213 204 26.05 15.00 1.00 428.26 428.00 0.75 0.85 428.55 6.96 216 207 23.06 18.00 2.00 438.00 437.54 2.51 2.81 438.42 16.00 217 205 22.86 18.00 1.01 434.26 434.03 1.65 1.85 434.66 11.37 215 FES215A 91.62 30.00 5.18 420.60 415.85 42.08 46.79 421.77 100.73 OS1 FES OS1 58.00 30.00 0.50 406.32 406.00 26.00 408.20 31.23 OS2 FES OS2 65.66 36.00 1.00 385.00 384.34 54.00 387.04 72.12 OS3 FES OS3 111.44 36.00 1.00 387.11 386.00 1 60.00 1 389.33 71.80 222 221 1 115.08 48.00 1.04 11 411.40 410.20 1 246.20 1 414.20 316.42 Storm Drainage Piping Summa U.S. D.S. Pipe Length (feet) Pipe Slope U.S. D.S. Q10 Q25 QOther HGL10 Pipe Structure ID Structure ID (inches) Inv. Inv. rc, t, a feet feet cfs ) (cfs) (cfs feet 52 53 29.11 15.00 1.99 415.53 414.95 1.84 2.08 416.07 9.83 56 51 25.83 15.00 0.97 413.91 413.66 1.11 1.26 414.26 6.85 57 36 26.00 15.00 1.00 399.68 399.42 1.20 1.36 400.04 6.97 60 59 26.04 15.00 1.00 403.67 403.41 0.65 0.74 403.98 6.96 59 37 200.37 15.00 1.00 403.16 401.16 1.78 2.05 403.61 6.96 26 23 30.35 15.00 1.05 418.01 417.69 1.79 2.03 418.45 7.15 23 22 224.03 18.00 2.68 416.94 410.93 6.31 7.08 417.57 18.56 22 21 28.72 18.00 2.99 410.06 409.20 6.23 6.98 410.66 19.61 27 25 35.68 15.00 1.01 420.65 420.29 2.54 2.87 421.29 7.00 25 24 104.59 15.00 1.00 420.04 418.99 4.11 4.61 420.76 6.98 24 23 128.38 15.00 1.01 418.74 417.44 4.07 4.55 419.46 7.01 5 4 26.01 15.00 1.77 418.58 418.12 2.39 2.71 419.20 9.26 4 3 22.43 15.00 1.60 417.92 417.56 3.74 4.24 418.51 8.83 3 2 61.83 24.00 7.67 415.06 410.32 12.47 14.03 415.66 67.56 2 FES1 125.04 24.00 2.00 410.12 407.62 12.45 14.00 410.98 34.53 9 8 27.06 15.00 1.00 426.27 426.00 1.28 1.45 426.65 6.96 8 7 307.30 18.00 1.19 425.80 422.15 1.98 2.25 426.33 12.35 7 6 120.12 18.00 2.83 421.95 418.55 6.32 7.12 422.92 19.06 6 3 81.77 18.00 1.82 418.55 417.06 9.05 10.18 419.42 15.29 10 6 26.37 15.00 4.97 420.06 418.75 2.39 2.71 420.68 15.53 11 7B 40.36 15.00 3.48 424.77 423.37 0.92 1.04 425.15 12.99 7B 7A 24.88 15.00 1.00 423.17 422.92 2.25 2.55 423.77 6.98 7A 7 56.90 15.00 1.00 422.72 422.15 3.51 3.98 423.48 6.97 103 102 260.77 24.00 3.33 424.43 415.75 21.79 24.22 426.10 44.52 102 101 249.02 30.00 0.98 414.95 412.51 39.56 43.90 417.07 43.79 101 FES100 138.47 30.00 1.00 412.31 410.93 39.06 43.31 414.26 44.17 104 102 188.71 18.00 0.90 417.64 415.95 8.33 9.26 418.76 10.72 201 202 26.07 15.00 1.00 421.00 420.74 1.29 1.46 421.49 6.96 202 203 98.30 15.00 1.00 420.54 419.56 3.78 4.28 421.23 6.96 203 214 25.91 24.00 2.01 418.66 418.14 15.18 16.90 420.06 34.57 214 FES200 48.72 24.00 1.99 417.94 416.97 15.96 17.77 418.94 34.43 210 209 26.55 15.00 2.15 439.59 439.02 0.86 0.98 439.95 10.21 209 208 103.90 18.00 0.98 439.00 437.98 1.71 1.93 439.41 11.23 208 207 103.85 18.00 1.00 437.78 436.74 2.53 2.86 438.38 11.34 207 206 296.89 18.00 1.34 436.54 432.57 6.34 7.10 437.31 13.10 206 205 143.00 18.00 1.00 432.37 430.94 6.21 6.94 433.20 11.33 205 204 199.27 24.00 2.00 430.44 426.45 9.20 10.26 431.17 34.53 204 203 229.89 24.00 2.30 426.25 420.96 10.84 12.09 427.02 37.01 211 207 26.00 15.00 9.54 441.02 438.54 0.76 0.86 441.19 21.52 212 205 26.00 15.00 1.00 436.09 435.83 0.83 0.94 436.39 6.97 213 204 26.05 15.00 1.00 428.26 428.00 0.75 0.85 428.55 6.96 216 207 23.06 18.00 2.00 438.00 437.54 2.51 2.81 438.42 16.00 217 205 22.86 18.00 1.01 434.26 434.03 1.65 1.85 434.66 11.37 215 FES215A 91.62 30.00 5.18 420.60 415.85 42.08 46.79 421.77 100.73 OS1 FES OS1 64.21 30.00 0.50 406.32 406.00 26.00 408.20 31.23 OS2 FES OS2 65.66 36.00 1.00 385.00 384.34 54.00 387.04 72.12 OS3 FES OS3 111.44 36.00 1.00 387.11 386.00 60.00 389.33 71.80 222 221 115.08 48.00 1.04 411.40 410.20 246.20 414.20 316.42 Structure Summary M 0 Year Event) Structure ID Structure Type (Town Standard Rationa I C Rainfall Intensity 110 in /hr Drainage Area (acres) Surface Flow Peak In (cfs) Total Flow Peak Out (cfs) Inv.Out (feet) Rim (feet) HGL (feet) HGL In Pipe? (Yes /No) 75A CB 0.55 7.2 0.51 2.01 1.68 407.57 413.06 408.001 Yes 75 CB 0.52 6.8 0.21 0.75 23.62 405.81 413.06 407.471 Yes 74 CB 0.51 6.7 0.19 0.65 32.72 403.78 412.03 405.25 Yes 73 CB 0.52 6.6 0.37 1.26 36.17 398.50 407.00 399.65 Yes 72 2 -CB 0.58 6.6 0.27 1.02 39.15 391.74 402.77 393.14 Yes 77A CB 0.54 7.2 0.75 2.91 2.49 411.67 418.00 412.15 Yes 77 CB 0.51 7.0 0.20 0.70 10.63 410.22 417.82 411.18 Yes 76 CB 0.51 6.9 0.13 0.45 21.67 408.39 415.79 409.971 Yes 80A CB 0.49 7.2 1.40 4.94 3.85 418.58 423.55 419.36 Yes 80 CB 0.49 7.1 0.75 2.61 6.08 417.86 422.51 418.99 Yes 79 CB 0.52 7.1 0.37 1.36 7.41 417.53 422.55 418.24 Yes 78 CB 0.55 7.1 0.07 0.26 7.64 414.07 421.02 414.86 Yes 81 CB 0.59 7.2 0.88 3.74 3.14 403.00 408.00 403.36 Yes 84 CB 0.57 7.2 0.17 0.71 1.25 406.59 412.21 407.32 Yes 83 CB 0.56 7.1 0.17 0.68 6.65 406.13 412.19 407.13 Yes 82 CB 0.55 7.1 0.59 2.28 9.24 405.54 411.95 406.31 Yes 84A CB 0.61 7.2 0.84 3.70 3.16 413.25 418.00 413.97 Yes 83A CB 0.58 7.2 0.40 1.68 4.71 412.47 417.47 413.351 Yes 86A YI 0.43 7.2 0.73 2.28 2.28 415.30 421.00 415.901 Yes 86 CB 0.56 6.9 0.72 2.77 8.76 411.02 415.42 412.17 Yes 85 CB 0.6 6.9 0.32 1.33 10.77 410.10 415.95 410.96 Yes 89 YI 0.47 7.2 0.41 1.38 1.38 417.92 421.50 418.31 Yes 88 YI 0.44 7.1 0.47 1.46 2.81 415.57 420.00 416.24 Yes 87 CB 0.66 6.9 0.29 1.31 4.07 411.57 416.31 412.40 Yes 90 CB 0.52 7.2 0.41 1.55 2.15 396.31 401.81 396.65 Yes 40 CB 0.62 7.2 0.44 1.98 1.97 423.32 428.32 423.88 Yes 39 CB 0.56 7.2 0.47 1.89 3.85 420.32 427.03 421.11 Yes 58 CB 0.5 7.1 0.00 0.00 6.67 416.17 422.17 416.75 Yes 38 CB 0.58 7.1 0.40 1.64 11.23 404.51 411.68 405.48 Yes 37 CB 0.5 7.0 0.001 0.00 12.91 399.64 410.46 400.85 Yes 36 CB 0.63 6.8 0.631 2.71 16.03 397.17 406.56 398.34 Yes 35 CB 0.54 6.8 0.291 1.08 17.38 395.52 404.94 396.62 Yes 34 2 -CB 0.61 6.8 0.711 2.92 24.81 393.48 404.67 395.58 Yes 33 CB 0.5 6.8 0.40 1.34 26.11 392.95 404.68 395.24 Yes 32 JB 0.5 6.7 0.00 0.00 38.28 392.74 405.64 393.92 Yes 41 CB 0.56 7.2 0.47 1.91 1.81 420.44 425.44 421.03 Yes 42 CB 0.65 7.2 0.21 0.99 2.79 420.19 425.44 420.54 Yes 43 CB 0.64 7.2 0.66 3.07 3.05 406.95 412.20 407.31 Yes 46 YI 0.5 7.2 0.44 1.58 1.58 405.16 409.50 405.66 Yes 45 YI 0.41 6.9 0.81 2.29 3.80 400.87 406.50 401.37 Yes 44 YI 0.45 6.8 0.27 0.831 4.61 397.32 406.50 397.88 Yes 54 CB 0.56 7.2 -- 0.311 1.231 1.231 418.10 423.43 418.47 Yes 53 1 CB 1 0.661 7.1 0728 1.321 4.3,71 414.751 422.91 t 415.42 Yes a `a c m a� `� x >r >� » » N v N NO m u) t'1 O h hOmh <t N N h mh O) �Nh(nh m h O m m h Norco m u) mt0 N Nu)v� N N O) h O N hmNO h 0 u1 O) h mNN m m 1!] N h(DN N N N v N'�i'N h 0 U) m mcD O) N N(q M M N11]N N O tD o 0 0 0 0 o 0 o O o o 0 0 0 0 �'* 0 o o m o o 0 0 o 0 o o M 0 o o C7 � o 2[11U N N cn N O N O �t N N W N Ql N N N N O m m h O u) u) rn N O m sr N O O N Lq h (q N u) (q O (q N N N N N (1l N N N ch N O v O N N N g N OI N N O N M m O h u) u) N D) m O N v O O N N u1 h u) N O u1 N h N r N N (D N cq C i m mmm O o 0 0 (V (V o OOi N O2 v co 0 0 r•r` 0 0 d' c7m Nr D2 m cV Ih O) �mm 0 0 0 v(V 0 01 cV OOD)OI m V'm hfN v(MNNr�mcV h o a v a v v m v v v v v v v v v v v v v v :ter v v v m a v v v m v v N v v v v O v v O O v v O v v v v v v v a v m U d E oh(nin Od;NN v nco rr0) 'orn m O)N - co(oNm N cnmr01qc7 h() on a) o W (�]N vo sr q (O m(otomvhMCO Ou)m hNrNOSt qmN ONmm h rnhoovmvvrn ry rmOVOINOmN o m v N h O O V u1 m O m V'm m O m cV vvvvvv r Oi O D) m v m t: 0 0 rr O 0 0 m m In N o m m N m OJ m O r` m O O M m O) 0) cV r O Oi Oi m y (+) h V m s{ cij m cV r m m [V m mJ7 a C7 V'vvd'd'�vM � 2 E N O N u) M N u) N d' N (D N (A O (O m r st O) (O o0 f0 p (n O (A (O h m N (O m O) c0 t0 m Ol h O N I(n (qNh Ol u)N (c'1 My I'm u) V''d'u)u) V' V'u)M� mmm� u)NNh Ol(n N m-t mvN V �Lo m"t wmv r Mmmd' J QE�O m N N rh 0 u) N O O O NQ7v h u) rv)sr N Lo u) N hru)mIll hvN mm V N N hh O u)ONOlvrmathrNOl u)hvNMMrvN u1 If] O) u) m N O1 u) .:J O v<tm m co Omv m Mim mi ia�vc`'i ci atV vNm my vvm co co(nma t+) Mch mFl V 4 4 c+1M 4 c d'N Ch (Ma QU E E, vN N 0 0 m o 0 0 h h O O N 0) N h u) u) (n (n N In O O O N o m r m O h O d' O N O V u) O m O O O Ol � co O co m O O O h O h O N 0 N 0) m h O LL] i; m N O N 0 O) N u1 O c, O h O st O N u) d' Ol O O (f] O M �- w O c'l c+i v v N r` O v v (V O v N v Ih m v v (7 cV N N v v N N N v v mcV O v v cV r v v mr v v O N v v m N v v om N v v O v mch v NlN v v (V O O v v mrr v v mmN N v v N N N v v m(V N O fV rmh mui Om Ew DYE ?+. co M °OI rNNr ( NmOlNr V�tNN OmOOm hvN m h h NvOtq u)OCq N NmN O)Nr<rN Q1N Nr h MNh(O N N '7 NNmMOOm hu)O Cn O u- � ui mON (7 mid) V'd'Oi f�vmlhOr`Or r Oi In Q) coO m o (rlm�ma rN v Oi In r. tmr- ONr by Orr N Or mhNv0N r`m LommO — N ` LL % Ohl (pi ONi C] O O �t � 01 � N � N N CD torn � (On m I 04 OMi Ohi N � n ONi 1pn M �t 'ct O O m .4. 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E Q Q Ln r- :* c Q a c m c c m o0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 i LU O Z Z Z M Ln 'n 0 Z Z 0 Ln 0 0 co > O U o Li O ri Ln ri O <o LD N N Lo m r, N Ln Ln M m o r-i m Lo Ln co m LD Ln ltzt LD Ln Ln Ln m lzt to Ln Ln to Ln Ln Lo to LD to LD rn LD LD Lo Ln Q- O .P 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 U It r i r- ri o 00 ri N lqr 00 m CF m O r� r-i O L!l Ol 00 O m m LD LD CF 00 N r Ch N M lD r- N r-I LD Ln ri N N M to N N ri N ri N c-I `^ O O O O O O o 0 o o O O O O o O o O o O o O O O O 4 N Lv iJ aJ U 5 aL a aJ _ LD Ln �r d M lD ct Ln N m ri o rn oo o ri m Q M M Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln d' d' d' Ln Ct ri ri rn oo lD BMP Calculations for Wet Pond # 1 Pond Worksheet (for projects in Holly Springs) 90% TSS Removal Project: Beazer Vaughan Basin: WP #1 Date: z:\ Jobs\ 20000 \vaughan \Documents \Reports \Pond Work(HS).xls To Basin Total Area = 239580 s. f. = 5.50 acres Impervious = 127000 Lawn, etc. = 110000 Factors used on this worksheet: Woods, etc. = 2580 Rational C = 0.616 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN -10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) 112 /(P + 0.8S) Storm I (iph) Rational C SCS CN SCS CN = 80.8 Woods, etc. 0.54 77 15.43 Lawn, etc. 0.22 61 2 year 5.76 Impervious 0.96 98 SCS S = 2.3784 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN -10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) 112 /(P + 0.8S) Storm I (iph) Qp (cfs) P (in.) Q* (in.) Tp (min.) 1 year 4.52 15.43 3.00 1.2997 20.2 2 year 5.76 19.67 3.60 1.7739 21.6 5 year 6.58 22.47 4.65 2.6592 28.3 10 year 7.22 24.65 5.38 3.3027 32.1 25 year 8.19 27.97 6.41 4.2364 36.3 50 year 8.96 30.59 7.21 4.9767 38.9 100 year 9.72 33.19 8.00 5.7171 41.2 Treatment volume = 1 0.2416 acre -ft. = 10523 c. f. Surface Area Required mpervious 1= Rv = Wet Retention Pond Depth = 4.5 ft. Impervious = 53.0 % SA/DA Ratio = 2.42% Surface Area Required = 5799 s. f. 53.01 % 0.5271 11/26/13 Hermit No. (to be provided by D WQ) A. 1*0 � A O�OF W ATFRQG NCDENR r o STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part 111) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. Project name Beazer Vaughan Subdivision Contact person Donald A. Sever, P.E. Phone number 919469 -1101 Date 12/6/2013 Drainage area number Wpl Site Characteristics Drainage area - 239,580 ft Impervious area, post - development 127,000 e % impervious 53.01 Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Storage Volume: Non -SA Waters 2.87 in /hr OK Minimum volume required 10,543 ft3 Volume provided 12.000 0 OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5" runoff volume ft3 Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft3 Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff ft3 Minimum volume required ft3 Volume provided ft3 Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre /post control of the 1yr 24hr storm peak flow required? y (Y or N) 1 -yr, 24 -hr rainfall depth 1.0 in Rational C, pre- development 0.22 (unitless) Rational C, post - development 0.63 (unitless) Rainfall intensity: l -yr, 24 -hr storm 2.87 in /hr OK Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 19.60 ft/sec Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 31.90 ft3/sec Pre /Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow control 12.30 ft3/sec Elevations Temporary pool elevation 412.00 fmsl Permanent pool elevation 410.50 fmsl SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) 406.00 fmsl Top of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation 411.00 fmsl Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation 409.50 fmsl Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) 407.00 fmsl Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation 406.00 fmsl Sediment storage provided 1.00 ft Is there additional volume stored above the state - required temp. pool? N (Y or N) Elevation of the top of the additional volume fmsl Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9- 4118112 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 r clam ivy. (to be provided by DWQ) I1.DESIGN:I1NIFORM,4TION, .... . Surface Areas Volume, temporary pool Area, temporary pool 6,206 fl? Area REQUIRED, permanent pool 6,205 ftz SAIDA ratio 2.59 (unitless) Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, Apenpod 6,206 ft2 OK Area, bottom of 1Oft vegetated shelf, Abm shelf 5,400 ft2 Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abd and 407 ff� Volumes Volume, temporary pool 12,000 ft3 OK Volume, permanent pool, Vpenn -pool 18,305 ft3 OK Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) 3,500 ft3 OK Forebay % of permanent pool volume 19.1% % OK SAIDA Table Data 3.0 :1 OK Design TSS removal 90 % OK Coastal SAIDA Table Used? n (Y or N) OK Mountain /Piedmont SA/DA Table Used? y (Y or N) OK SA/DA ratio 2.59 (unitless) OK Average depth (used in SAIDA table): y (Y or N) OK Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10 -21b) n (Y or N) Volume, permanent pool, Vpermyool 18,305 ft' Area provided, permanent pool, Aperm -pool 6,206 ftz Average depth calculated 4.00 ft OK Average depth used in SAIDA, dav, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) 4.0 ft OK Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) y (Y or N) Area provided, permanent pool, Aperm jwl 6,206 ft Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abm ,belt 5,400 ft' Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond). Abotyond 407 ft2 "Depth" (distance b/w bottom of 1Oft shelf and top of sediment) 2.50 ft Average depth calculated 4.00 ft OK Average depth used in SAIDA, da , (Round to down to nearest 0.5ft) 4.0 ft OK Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? y (Y or N) Diameter of orifice (if circular) 2.00 in Area of orifice (if- non - circular) in2 Coefficient of discharge (Co) 0.60 (unitless) Driving head (He) 0,60 ft Drawdown through weir? n (Y or N) Weir type (unitless) Coefficient of discharge (CW) (unitless) Length of weir (L) ft Driving head (H) it Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 19.60 ft3 /sec Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 31.90 ft/sec Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) 1.00 ft3lsec Storage volume drawdown time 2.50 days OK, draws down in 2 -5 days. Additional Information Vegetated side slopes 3 :1 OK Vegetated shelf slope 10 :1 OK Vegetated shelf width 10.0 ft OK Length of flowpath to width ratio 3 :1 OK Length to width ratio 3.0 :1 OK Trash rack for overflow & orifice? y (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 2.5 ft OK Vegetated filter provided? n (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? y (Y or N) OK Drain.mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: 8" gate valve Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9 -4 /18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 I yr ru racIJva L Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 1 - Pond 1 Pond Data Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 406.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) 0.00 1.00 4.00 4.50 5.00 6.00 7.00 8.00 Elevation (ft) 406.00 407.00 410.00 410.50 411.00 412.00 413.00 414.00 Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cult) 1,250 0 2,100 1,657 4,280 9,377 6,000 2,558 7,400 3,344 8,460 7,923 9,580 9,013 11,000 10,281 Total storage (cuft) 0 1,657 11,034 13,591 16,935 24,858 33,871 44,152 Culvert 1 Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] 1131 [C] [PrfRsrl [A] [Bl [C] [D] Rise (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 412.00 413.10 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 406.00 410.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect - - Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Civ B CIv C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 406.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 -- -- - -- - -- 0.000 1.00 1,657 407.00 0.00 0.00 - - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- -- - -- 0.000 4.00 11,034 410.00 om 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- -- -- - -- 0.000 4.50 13,591 410.50 0.00 0.00 - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- 0.000 5.00 16,935 411.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- -- 0.00 0.00 -- - - -- - -- 0.068 6.00 24,858 412.00 0.00 0.13 is -- - -- 0.00 0.00 -- - -- - - -- 0.125 7.00 33,871 413.00 36.23 is 0.16 is -- -- 36.22s 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 36.39 8.00 44,152 414.00 39.89 is 0.19 is - -- -- 39.89s 42.65 - -- - -- - -- 82.73 BMP Calculations for Wet Pond # 2 Pond Worksheet (for projects in Holly Springs) 90% TSS Removal Project: Beazer Vaughan Basin: WP #2 z: \Jobs\20000 \vaughan\ Documents \Reports \PondWork(HS).xls Total Area = 514008 s. f. = 11.80 acres Factors used on this worksheet: The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN - 10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^ 2 /(P + 0.8S) Date Rational C SCS CN Woods, etc. 0.54 77 Lawn, etc. 0.22 61 Impervious 0.96 98 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN - 10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^ 2 /(P + 0.8S) Date Storm To Basin Impervious = 278500 Lawn, etc. = 235000 Woods, etc. = 508 Rational C = 0.621 Storm I (iph) Qp (cfs) P (in) Q* (in.) Tp (min.) 1 year 4.52 33.41 3.00 1.3176 20.3 2 year 5.76 42.58 3.60 1.7946 21.6 5 year 6.58 48.64 4.65 2.6839 28.3 10 year 7.22 53.37 5.38 3.3296 32.0 25 year 8.19 60.54 6.41 4.2659 36.2 50 year 8.96 66.23 7.21 5.0078 38.8 100 year 9.72 71.85 8.00 5.7497 41.1 Treatment volume = 0.5287 acre -ft. = 23029 c. f. (min. 3630 c. f. for stormwater wetlands) Surface Area Required Wet Retention Pond Depth = 4 ft. Impervious = 54.2 % SA/DA Ratio = Surface Area Required = 13495 s. f. SCS CN = 81.1 SCS S = 2.3361 Impervious I = 54.18% Rv = 0.5376 2.63 % Page 2 11/26/13 Hermit NO. (to be provided by DWQ) MA'-'4%A% O =�F W ATFRQG NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out, printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part ill) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. Project name Beazer Vaughan Subdivision Contact person Donald A. Sever, P.E. Phone number 919469 -1101 Date 12/6/2013 Drainage area number Wp2 IL :DESIGN_INFORM,4TION� q Site Characteristics Drainage area 514,008 ftz Impervious area, post - development 278,500 ftz %impervious 54.18 Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Storage Volume: Non -SA Waters Minimum volume required Volume provided Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5" runoff volume Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre /post control of the lyr 24hr storm peak flow required? 1 -yr, 24 -hr rainfall depth Rational C, pre - development Rational C, post- development Rainfall intensity: ) -yr, 24 -hr storm Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Post- development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Pre /Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow control Elevations Temporary pool elevation Permanent pool elevation SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) Top of 10ft vegetated shelf elevation Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation Sediment storage provided Is there additional volume stored above the state - required temp. pool? Elevation of the top of the additional volume 23,095 ft3 24,000 ft3 OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 ft3 y (Y or N) 1.0 in 0.22 (unitless) 0.63 (unitless) 2.87 in /hr OK 19.60 ft3 /sec 31.90 ft3 /sec 12.30 ft3 /sec 389.80 fmsl - 388.50 fmsl 384,00 fmsl 389.00 fmsl 388.00 fmsl 384.00 fmsl 383.00 fmsl 1.00 ft N (Y or N) fmsl Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9- 4/18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 rerma No. (to be provided by DWQ) Surface Areas Area, temporary pool Area REQUIRED, permanent pool SAIDA ratio Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, Ap np.l Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abot shorn Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abotyond Volumes Volume, temporary pool Volume, permanent pool, Vpormyoor Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) Forebay % of permanent pool volume SAIDA Table Data Design TSS removal Coastal SAIDA Table Used? Mountain /Piedmont SAIDA Table Used? SAIDA ratio Average depth (used in SAIDA table): Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Volume, permanent pool, Vpempwl Area provided, permanent pool, Ape. -,,.l Average depth calculated Average depth used in SAIDA, day, (Round to nearest 0.5ft) Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Area provided, permanent pool, Apermyoor Area, bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf, Abot shell 16,800 ftz 13,518 fl 2.63 (unitless) 19,500 e OK 14,300 ft` 384 e 24,000 ft3 53,000 ft3 12,000 ft3 22.6% % 90 % n (Y or N) y (Y or N) 2.63 (unitless) n (Y or N) 53,000 ft' 19,500 ft` 4.00 It 4.0 ft y (Y or N) 19,500 ft` 14,300 W Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot -pood 384 e "Depth" (distance b/w bottom of 1 Oft shelf and top of sediment) 4.00 ft Average depth calculated 4.00 ft Average depth used in SAIDA, dav, (Round to down to nearest 0.5ft) 4.0 ft Drawdown Calculations 10 :1 Drawdown through orifice? y (Y or N) Diameter of orifice (if circular) 2.00 in Area of orifice (if- non - circular) in Coefficient of discharge (Co) 0.60 (unitless) Driving head (Ho) 0.60 ft Drawdown through weir? n (Y or N) Weir type (unitless) Coefficient of discharge (CN1) (unitless) Length of weir (L) ft Driving head (H) ft Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 19.60 ft3 /sec Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow 31.90 ft3 /sec Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) 1.00 ft3 /sec Storage volume drawdown time 2.50 days OK Insufficient forebay volume. OK OK OK, draws down in 2 -5 days. Additional Information Vegetated side slopes 3 :1 OK Vegetated shelf slope 10 :1 OK Vegetated shelf width 10.0 ft OK Length of flowpath.to width ratio 3 :1 OK Length to width ratio 3.0 :1 OK Trash rack for overflow & orifice? y (Y or N) OK Freeboard provided 2,5 ft OK Vegetated filter provided? n (Y or N) OK Recorded drainage easement provided? y (Y or N) OK Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? y (Y or N) OK Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: 8" gate valve Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9- 4/18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 2 - Pond 2 Pond Data Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 384.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 384.00 8,800 0 0 4.00 388.00 12,500 42,380 42,380 4.50 388.50 14,850 6,828 49,208 5.00 389.00 17,500 8,078 57,286 6.00 390.00 19,100 18,292 75,578 7.00 391.00 20,780 19,932 95,510 8.00 392.00 22,500 21,632 117,143 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 30.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 389.80 390.50 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 385.00 388.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect -- -- Length (ft) = 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a N- Value = .013 .013 _ .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage 1 Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Civ B Civ C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs -cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 384.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 -- - -- - - -- 0.000 4.00 42,380 388.00 0.00 0.00 -- -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.50 49,208 388.50 0.00 0.00 - -- -- 0.00 0.00 - - -- - 0.000 5.00 57,286 389.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.068 6.00 75,578 390.00 4.90 is 0.13 is - -- -- 4.77 0.00 -- - -- -- - 4.891 7.00 95,510 391.00 49.55 is 0.16 is - -- - -- 49.55s 23.55 -- -- - -- - -- 73.26 8.00 117,143 392.00 56.28 is 0.19 is - -- - -- 56.27s 122.35 - -- - -- - -- 178.82 BMP Calculations for Wet Pond # 3 Pond Worksheet (for projects in Holly Springs) 90% TSS Removal Page 4 Project: Beazer Vaughan Basin: large Date: 11/26/13 z:\ Jobs\ 20000 \vaughan\ Documents \Reports \PondWork(HS).xls To Basin Total Area = 688248 s. f. = 15.80 acres Impervious = 327500 Lawn, etc. = 270000 Factors used on this worksheet: Woods, etc. = 90748 Rational C = 0.614 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN - 10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^2 /(P + 0.8S) Storm I (iph) Rational C SCS CN SCS CN = 80.7 Woods, etc. 0.54 77 44.24 Lawn, etc. 0.22 61 2 year 5.76 Impervious 0.96 98 SCS S = 2.3891 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN - 10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^2 /(P + 0.8S) Storm I (iph) Qp (cfs) P (in.) Q* (in.) Tp (min.) 1 year 4.52 44.24 3.00 1.2953 20.1 2 year 5.76 56.37 3.60 1.7687 21.6 5 year 6.58 64.40 4.65 2.6530 28.3 10 year 7.22 70.66 5.38 3.2959 32.1 25 year 8.19 80.15 6.41 4.2290 36.3 50 year 8.96 87.69 7.21 4.9688 39.0 100 year 9.72 95.13 8.00 5.7090 41.3 Treatment volume = 1 0.6297 acre -ft. = 27430 c. f. Surface Area Required mpervious I = 47.58 % Rv = 0.4783 Wet Retention Pond Depth = 4.5 ft. Impervious = 47.6 % SA/DA Ratio = 2.20 % Surface Area Required = 15141 s. f. Permit STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM WET DETENTION BASIN SUPPLEMENT This form must be filled out printed and submitted. The Required Items Checklist (Part 111) must be printed, filled out and submitted along with all of the required information. (to be provided by DWQ) O�OF W ATF9pG r Drainage area number W03� lI DESIGN INFORMATION Site Characteristics Drainage area 688,248 f Impervious area, post - development 327,500 f % impervious 47.58 Design rainfall depth 1.0 in Storage Volume: Non-SA Waters Minimum volume required Volume provided Storage Volume: SA Waters 1.5" runoff volume Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr runoff Minimum volume required Volume provided Peak Flow Calculations Is the pre /post control of the 1 yr 24hr storm peak flow required? 1 -yr, 24 -hr rainfall depth Rational C, pre - development Rational C, post - development Rainfall intensity: 1 -yr, 24 -hr storm Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Pre /Post 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow control Elevations Temporary pool elevation Permanent pool elevation SHWT elevation (approx. at the perm. pool elevation) Top of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf elevation Sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond) Sediment cleanout, bottom elevation Sediment storage provided Is there additional volume stored above the state - required temp. pool? Elevation of the top of the additional volume 27,430 ft' 28,000, ft3 OK, volume provided is equal to or in excess of volume required. 1% ft, ft3 ft, ft3 y (Y or N) 1.0 in 0.22 (unitless) 0.63 (unitless) 2.87 in /hr OK 19.60 ft3 /sec 31.90 ft'/Sec 12.30 ft3 /sec 393.10 fmsl 391.50 fmsl 384.00 fmsl 392.00 fmsl 391.00 fmsl 387.00 fmsl - 386.00 fmsl 1.00 ft N (Y or N) fmsl Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.94/18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 1 of 2 IL DESIGN INFORMATION Surface Areas Area, temporary pool Area REQUIRED, permanent pool SAIDA ratio Area PROVIDED, permanent pool, Aperm -oo Area, bottom of 1 Oft vegetated shelf, Abt_Shelt Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot,ond Volumes Volume, temporary pool Volume, permanent pool, Vpenn_ pool Volume, forebay (sum of forebays if more than one forebay) Forebay % of permanent pool volume SA/DA Table Data Design TSS removal Coastal SAIDA Table Used? Mountain/Piedmont SAIDA Table Used? SAIDA ratio Average depth (used in SAIDA table): Calculation option 1 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Volume, permanent pool, Vpennyool Area provided, permanent pool, Aperm_ pool Average depth calculated Average depth used in SAIDA, day; (Round to nearest 0.5ft) Calculation option 2 used? (See Figure 10 -2b) Area provided, permanent pool, Apenn_ pool Area, bottom of 10ft vegetated shelf, Ab 5hait 19,700 e 15,141 fe 2.20 (unitless) 15,200 fe OK 12,600 ft3 386 ft' 28,000 ft3 44,150 ft3 12,000; ft3 27.2%% 90% ri (Y or N) y (Y or N) 2.20 (unitless) OK Insufficient forebay volume. n_ „'(YorN) 44,150 ft3 15,200 ft3 4.50 ft OK 4.5 ft— — — OK y . (Y or N) 15,200 fe 12,600 fe Area, sediment cleanout, top elevation (bottom of pond), Abot_ pond 386 ft3 "Depth" (distance b/w bottom of 1 Oft shelf and top of sediment) 4.00 ft Average depth calculated 4.50 ft Average depth used in SAIDA, day, (Round to down to nearest 0.5ft) _ 4.5 ft Drawdown Calculations Drawdown through orifice? Diameter of orifice (if circular) Area of orifice (if- non - circular) Coefficient of discharge (Co) Driving head (Ho) Drawdown through weir? Weir type Coefficient of discharge (C,,) Length of weir (L) Driving head (H) Pre - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Post - development 1 -yr, 24 -hr peak flow Storage volume discharge rate (through discharge orifice or weir) Storage volume drawdown time Additional Information Vegetated side slopes Vegetated shelf slope Vegetated shelf width Length of flowpath to width ratio Length to width ratio Trash rack for overflow & orifice? Freeboard provided Vegetated filter provided? Recorded drainage easement provided? Capures all runoff at ultimate build -out? Drain mechanism for maintenance or emergencies is: y _ ;:(YorN) 2.00 in in' 0.60, (unitless) 0.60 ft n (Y or N) (unitless) (unitless) ft ft 19.60 ft3 /sec 31.90 ft3 /sec 1.00 ft3 /sec 2.50 days OK OK OK, draws down in 2 -5 days. I'ermlt NO. (to be provided by DWQ) Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9-4/18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 3 :1 OK 10 :1 OK 10.0 ft OK 3 :1 OK 3.0 :1 OK (Y or N) OK 2,5 ft OK N (Y or N) OK y (Y or N) OK y (Y or N) OK 8" gate valve Form SW401 -Wet Detention Basin- Rev.9-4/18/12 Parts I. & II. Design Summary, Page 2 of 2 Pond Worksheet (for projects in Holly Springs) 90% TSS Removal Project: Beazer Vaughan Basin: large z: \Jobs \20000 \vaughan \Documents \Reports \Pond Work(HS).xls Total Area = 688248 s. f. = 15.80 acres Factors used on this worksheet: The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN -10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^ 2/(P + 0.8S) Date: Rational C SCS CN Woods, etc. 0.54 77 Lawn, etc. 0.22 61 Impervious 0.96 98 The following formulas from the SCS method are used: S = 1000 /CN -10 Tp = Vol. /1.39Qp Q* = (P - 0.2S) ^ 2/(P + 0.8S) Date: Storm To Basin Impervious = 327500 Lawn, etc. = 270000 Woods, etc. = 90748 Rational C = 0.614 Storm I (iph) Qp (cfs) P (in.) Q* in.) Tp (min.) 1 year 4.52 44.24 3.00 1.2953 20.1 2 year 5.76 56.37 3.60 1.7687 21.6 5 year 6.58 64.40 4.65 2.6530 28.3 10 year 7.22 70.66 5.38 3.2959 32.1 25 year 8.19 80.15 6.41 4.2290 36.3 50 year 8.96 87.69 7.21 4.9688 39.0 100 year 9.72 95.13 8.00 5.7090 41.3 Treatment volume = F 0.6297 acre -ft. = 27430 c. f. Surface Area Required SCS CN = 80.7 SCS S = 2.3891 Page 4 11/26/13 m pervious I = 47.58 % Rv = 0.4783 Wet Retention Pond Depth = 4.5 ft. Impervious = 47.6 % SA/DA_R_atio = 2.20% Surface Area Required = 15141 s. f. Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 3 - Pond 3 Pond Data Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 386.00 ft Stage I Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 386.00 2,000 0 0 3.00 389.00 9,000 15,241 15,241 4.00 390.00 11,200 10,079 25,320 5.00 391.00 12,600 11,892 37,212 5.50 391.50 15,200 6,939 44,151 6.00 392.00 17,800 8,241 52,392 7.00 393.00 19,600 18,691 71,083 8.00 394.00 21,400 20,491 91,574 9.50 395.50 23,200 33,438 125,012 Culvert I Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 393.10 394.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 388.00 391.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect - -- Length_(ft)_ _ _ = 160.00_ 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi- Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Wet area) Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: Culvert/06fice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage I Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Civ B Civ C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 386.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 -- -- -- - 0.000 3.00 15,241 389.00 0.00 0.00 - -- 0.00 0.00 -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.00 25,320 390.00 0.00 0.00 - -- -- 0.00 0.00 - -- -- -- - 0.000 5.00 37,212 391.00 0.00 0.00 -- -- 0.00 0.00 - - -- - -- - 0.000 5.50 44,151 391.50 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 -- -- - -- - -- 0.000 6.00 52,392 392.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- -- 0.00 0.00 -- - -- - -- -- 0.068 7.00 71,083 393.00 0.00 0.13 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - - -- - -- - 0.125 8.00 91,574 394.00 31.31 oc 0.16 is - -- -- 31.30s 0.00 -- -- -- 31.47 9.50 125,012 395.50 36.00 oc 0.21 is -- -- 35.96s 122.35 -- - -- - -- -- 158.52 Hydrograph Report Summary • • • • • Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Vaughan tract final.gpw Thursday, 00 17, 2014 WatershedModel Schematic ...................................................... ............................... 1 Hydrograph Return Period Recap .............................................. ............................... 2 1 -Year SummaryReport .......................................................................................... ............................... 3 HydrographReports .................................................................................... ............................... 4 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ........................................... ............................... 4 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 .................................. ............................... 5 PondReport - Pond 1 ........................................................................... ............................... 6 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ........................................... ............................... 7 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 .................................. ............................... 8 PondReport - Pond 2 ........................................................................... ............................... 9 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 10 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 11 PondReport - Pond 3 ......................................................................... ............................... 12 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre.......... ... ............. ..... ......................... 13 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 14 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 15 2 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 16 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 17 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 17 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 18 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 19 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 20 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 21 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 22 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 23 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 24 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 25 5 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 26 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 27 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 27 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 28 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 29 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 30 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 31 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 32 HydrographNo. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 33 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 34 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 35 10 -Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 36 Contents continued... Vaughan tract final.gpw HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 37 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 37 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 38 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 39 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 40 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 41 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 42 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 43 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 44 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 45 25 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 46 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 47 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 47 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 48 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 49 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 50 Hydrograph No._ 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ......... ............................... ......................... 51 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ..................... ............................... Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 53 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 54 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 55 50 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 56 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 57 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 57 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 58 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 59 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 60 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 61 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 62 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 63 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 64 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 65 100 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 66 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 67 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 67 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 68 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 69 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 70 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 71 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 72 HydrographNo. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 73 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 74 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 75 Watershed ®d e I Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Watershed Model Schematic Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) KI Hydrograph Return Period RecP� y raflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. Hydrograph Inflow Peak Outflow (cfs) Hydrograph No. type hyd(s) Description (origin) 1 -yr 2 -yr 3 -yr 5 -yr 10 -yr 25 -yr 50 -yr 100 -yr 1 SCS Runoff - - - - -- 11.67 15.91 - - - - - -- 23.90 29.59 37.73 44.08 50.35 Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 1 1.040 6.184 - - - - - -- 19.65 26.22 33.58 36.02 38.24 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff - - - - -- 26.26 35.59 - - - - - -- 52.89 65.18 82.68 96.31 109.78 Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 3 2.940 13.29 - - - - - -- 37.88 53.67 69.25 81.03 92.84 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff - - - - -- 35.16 47.65 - - - - - -- 70.82 87.28 110.71 128.96 146.99 Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 5 4.356 19.95 - - - - - -- 39.84 59.67 87.60 106.63 124.35 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff - - - - -- 20.15 49.93 - - - - - -- 115.88 168.51 249.73 317.11 386.45 Pre 10 SCS Runoff - - - - -- 11.04 27.36 - - - - - -- 63.50 92.33 136.84 173.76 211.75 Bypass 12 Combine 2, 4, 6, 11.38 56.41 - - - - - -- 149.88 221.72 319.52 391.61 461.75 Combine post 10, Proj. file: Vaughan tract final.gpw Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report 3 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 11.67 2 718 23,396 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 1.040 2 750 23,259 1 412.05 25,347 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 26.26 2 718 52,745 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 2.940 2 742 49,689 3 389.94 74,421 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 35.16 2 718 70,625 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 4.356 2 738 65,234 5 393.28 76,866 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 20.15 2 720 67,970 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 11.04 2 720 37,244 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 11.38 2 720 175,426 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 1 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 4 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 11.67 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 23,396 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 FA- 2.00 2.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 5 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 1.040 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 750 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 23,259 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.05 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 25,347 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 FA- 2.00 2.00 0.00 0 360 720 Hyd No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hyd. No. 2 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 - 0.00 1080 1440 1800 2160 2520 2880 3240 3600 3960 4320 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 25,347 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Pond Report s Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 1 - Pond 1 Pond Data Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 406.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 406.00 1,250 0 0 1.00 407.00 2,100 1,657 1,657 4.00 410.00 4,280 9,377 11,034 4.50 410.50 6,000 2,558 13,591 5.00 411.00 7,400 3,344 16,935 6.00 412.00 8,460 7,923 24,858 7.00 413.00 9,580 9,013 33,871 8.00 414.00 11,000 10,281 44,152 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 15.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 412.00 413.10 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 406.00 410.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect - -- - -- Length (ft) = 60.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 406.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 1.00 1,657 407.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.00 11,034 410.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.50 13,591 410.50 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 5.00 16,935 411.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.068 6.00 24,858 412.00 0.00 0.13 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.125 7.00 33,871 413.00 36.23 is 0.16 is - -- - -- 36.22s 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 36.39 8.00 44,152 414.00 39.89 is 0.19 is - -- - -- 39.89s 42.65 - -- - -- - -- - -- 82.73 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 7 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 26.26 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 52,745 cuft Drainage area = 11.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Post basin 2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 3 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 28.00 28 00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0 00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 8.00 4.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 8 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 2.940 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 742 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 49,689 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 389.94 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 74,421 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Post through pond 2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 28.00 28.00 24.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 600 1200 1800 2400 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 74,421 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Pond Report Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table 9 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Stage Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 2 - Pond 2 Civ A Civ B Civ C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cult Pond Data cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 384.00 ft - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- Stage / Storage Table 4.00 42,380 388.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) 4.50 Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 384.00 - -- - -- - -- 0.000 8,800 57,286 0 0 0.07 is - -- - -- 0.00 4.00 388.00 - -- - -- - -- 0.068 12,500 75,578 42,380 42,380 0.13 is - -- - -- 4.77 4.50 388.50 - -- - -- - -- 4.891 14,850 95,510 6,828 49,208 0.16 is - -- - -- 49.55s 5.00 389.00 - -- - -- - -- 73.26 17,500 117,143 8,078 57,286 0.19 is - -- - -- 56.27s 6.00 390.00 - -- - -- - -- 178.82 19,100 18,292 75,578 7.00 391.00 20,780 19,932 95,510 8.00 392.00 22,500 21,632 117,143 Culvert / Orifice Structures Weir Structures [A] [B] [C] [PrfRsr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 30.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 30.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 389.80 390.50 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 385.00 388.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect - -- - -- Length (ft) = 75.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Contour) Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Civ A Civ B Civ C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cult ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 384.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.00 42,380 388.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.50 49,208 388.50 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 5.00 57,286 389.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.068 6.00 75,578 390.00 4.90 is 0.13 is - -- - -- 4.77 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 4.891 7.00 95,510 391.00 49.55 is 0.16 is - -- - -- 49.55s 23.55 - -- - -- - -- - -- 73.26 8.00 117,143 392.00 56.28 is 0.19 is - -- - -- 56.27s 122.35 - -- - -- - -- - -- 178.82 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 15.800 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = User Total precip. = 3.00 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 5 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 1 Year 360 480 600 720 840 10 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 = 35.16 cfs = 718 min = 70,625 cuft = 81 = 0 ft = 5.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 ' 0.00 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 11 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 4.356 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 738 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 65,234 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 393.28 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 76,866 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 1 Year 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 600 Hyd No. 6 1200 1800 2400 Hyd No. 5 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 3000 3600 4200 4800 5400 6000 Total storage used = 76,866 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Pond Report 12 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Pond No. 3 - Pond 3 Pond Data Contours - User - defined contour areas. Conic method used for volume calculation. Begining Elevation = 386.00 ft Stage / Storage Table Stage (ft) Elevation (ft) Contour area (sqft) Incr. Storage (cuft) Total storage (cuft) 0.00 386.00 2,000 0 0 3.00 389.00 9,000 15,241 15,241 4.00 390.00 11,200 10,079 25,320 5.00 391.00 12,600 11,892 37,212 5.50 391.50 15,200 6,939 44,151 6.00 392.00 17,800 8,241 52,392 7.00 393.00 19,600 18,691 71,083 8.00 394.00 21,400 20,491 91,574 9.50 395.50 23,200 33,438 125,012 Culvert / Orifice Structures Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Weir Structures Storage / Discharge Table [A] [B] [C] [PrFRSr] [A] [B] [C] [D] Rise (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest Len (ft) = 16.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 Span (in) = 24.00 2.00 0.00 0.00 Crest El. (ft) = 393.10 394.00 0.00 0.00 No. Barrels = 1 1 0 0 Weir Coeff. = 3.33 3.33 3.33 3.33 Invert El. (ft) = 388.00 391.50 0.00 0.00 Weir Type = 1 Rect - -- - -- Length (ft) = 160.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Multi -Stage = Yes No No No Slope ( %) = 1.00 0.00 0.00 n/a 25,320 390.00 0.00 0.00 - -- N -Value = .013 .013 .013 n/a - -- - -- 0.000 5.00 37,212 Orifice Coeff. = 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.60 Exfil.(in /hr) = 0.000 (by Wet area) - -- - -- Multi -Stage = n/a No No No TW Elev. (ft) = 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Note: Culvert/Orifice outflows are analyzed under inlet (ic) and outlet (oc) control. Weir risers checked for orifice conditions (ic) and submergence (s). Stage / Storage / Discharge Table Stage Storage Elevation Clv A Clv B Clv C PrfRsr Wr A Wr B Wr C Wr D Exfil User Total ft cuft ft cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs cfs 0.00 0 386.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 3.00 15,241 389.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 4.00 25,320 390.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 5.00 37,212 391.00 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 5.50 44,151 391.50 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.000 6.00 52,392 392.00 0.00 0.07 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.068 7.00 71,083 393.00 0.00 0.13 is - -- - -- 0.00 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 0.125 8.00 91,574 394.00 31.31 oc 0.16 is - -- - -- 31.30s 0.00 - -- - -- - -- - -- 31.47 9.50 125,012 395.50 36.00 oc 0.21 is - -- - -- 35.96s 122.35 - -- - -- - -- - -- 158.52 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 13 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 20.15 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 67,970 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 • m . M 3.00 Pre Hyd. No. 8 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 21.00 18.00 15.00 12.00 9.00 6.00 3.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 14 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 11.04 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 37,244 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 FA- 2.00 2.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 10 Bypass Hyd. No. 10 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 15 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 11.38 cfs Storm frequency = 1 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 175,426 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 FA 2.00 0.00 0 480 960 Hyd No. 12 Combine post Hyd. No. 12 -- 1 Year Q (cfs) 12.00 10.00 4.00 2.00 0.00 1440 1920 2400 2880 3360 3840 4320 4800 5280 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report U Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 15.91 2 716 32,120 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 6.184 2 724 31,982 1 412.24 26,951 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 35.59 2 716 71,876 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 13.29 2 724 68,810 3 390.20 79,426 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 47.65 2 716 96,240 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 19.95 2 722 90,833 5 393.63 83,711 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 49.93 2 718 122,449 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 27.36 2 718 67,095 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 56.41 2 722 258,722 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 2 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 17 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 15.91 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 32,120 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 18 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 6.184 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 724 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 31,982 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.24 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 26,951 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 0 240 480 Hyd No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hyd. No. 2 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 18.00 15.00 12.00 3.00 0.00 720 960 1200 1440 1680 1920 2160 2400 2640 2880 3120 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 26,951 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 11.800 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = User Total precip. = 3.60 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 3 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 2 Year 360 480 600 720 840 19 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 = 35.59 cfs = 716 min = 71,876 cuft = 81 = 0 ft = 5.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 ' 0.00 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 20 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 13.29 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 724 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 68,810 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 390.20 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 79,426 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft Post through pond 2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 79,426 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 21 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 47.65 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 96,240 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 22 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 19.95 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 722 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 90,833 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 393.63 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 83,711 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 83,711 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 23 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 49.93 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 122,449 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 8 Pre Hyd. No. 8 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 24 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 27.36 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 67,095 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 3.60 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 M 4.00 Bypass Hyd. No. 10 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 28.00 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 1111M 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 25 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 56.41 cfs Storm frequency = 2 yrs Time to peak = 722 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 258,722 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Combine post Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 12 -- 2 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report ar Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 23.90 2 716 48,475 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 19.65 2 720 48,337 1 412.52 29,466 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 52.89 2 716 107,550 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 37.88 2 720 104,472 3 390.58 86,985 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 70.82 2 716 144,007 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 39.84 2 722 138,580 5 394.24 96,591 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 115.88 2 718 243,843 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 63.50 2 718 133,613 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 149.88 2 720 425,002 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 5 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 27 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 23.90 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 48,475 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 4.65 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 16.00 12.00 r. Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 24.00 20.00 5I• 12.00 4.00 0.00 1 1 1 ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 28 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 19.65 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 48,337 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.52 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 29,466 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Post through pond 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 24.00 24.00 20.00 20.00 16.00 16.00 12.00 12.00 8.00 8.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 29,466 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 11.800 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = User Total precip. = 4.65 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 FA� 30.00 20.00 10.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 5 Year 29 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 = 52.89 cfs = 716 min = 107,550 cuft = 81 = 0 ft = 5.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1 1 1 ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 30 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 37.88 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 104,472 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 390.58 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 86,985 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 FA� 30.00 20.00 10.00 rNMETER Post through pond 2 Hyd. No. 4 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 86,985 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 31 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 70.82 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 144,007 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 4.65 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 80.00 70.00 .1 11 50.00 G1 11 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 80.00 70.00 •1 11 50.00 [Li 1 / 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 32 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 39.84 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 722 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 138,580 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 394.24 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 96,591 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 80.00 80.00 70.00 70.00 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 96,591 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 33 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 115.88 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 243,843 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 4.65 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 FA� 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 8 Pre Hyd. No. 8 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 34 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 63.50 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 133,613 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 4.65 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Bypass Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 10 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 70.00 7 0 00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 35 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 149.88 cfs Storm frequency = 5 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 425,002 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 FA� 20.00 Combine post Hyd. No. 12 -- 5 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report a Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 29.59 2 716 60,398 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 26.22 2 718 60,260 1 412.64 30,449 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 65.18 2 716 133,458 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 53.67 2 720 130,375 3 390.75 90,246 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 87.28 2 716 178,699 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 59.67 2 720 173,261 5 394.56 103,480 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 168.51 2 718 343,709 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 92.33 2 718 188,334 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 221.72 2 718 552,230 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 10 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 37 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 29.59 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 60,398 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 30.00 25.00 20.00 15.00 10.00 5.00 0.00 1 1 1 ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 38 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 26.22 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 60,260 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.64 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 30,449 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Post through pond 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 30.00 30.00 25.00 25.00 20.00 20.00 15.00 15.00 10.00 10.00 5.00 5.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 30,449 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 39 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 65.18 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 133,458 cuft Drainage area = 11.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0 00 Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 70.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 40 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 53.67 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 130,375 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 390.75 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 90,246 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Q (cfs) 70.00 50.00 i� 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post through pond 2 Hyd. No. 4 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 70.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 90,246 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 41 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 87.28 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 178,699 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1 1 1 ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 42 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 59.67 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 173,261 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 394.56 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 103,480 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 6 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 103,480 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 43 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 168.51 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 343,709 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 5.38 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 Pre Hyd. No. 8 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 40.000 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = User Total precip. = 5.38 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 - 11 I 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor Bypass Hyd. No. 10 -- 10 Year 44 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 = 92.33 cfs = 718 min = 188,334 cuft = 58 = 0 ft = 5.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 .I IM 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 45 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 221.72 cfs Storm frequency = 10 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 552,230 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Q (cfs) 240.00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 30.00 Combine post Hyd. No. 12 -- 10 Year Q (cfs) 240.00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 30.00 0.00 1 1 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report Hr Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 37.73 2 716 77,736 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 33.58 2 718 77,597 1 412.78 31,730 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 82.68 2 716 171,035 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 69.25 2 720 167,944 3 390.97 94,483 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 110.71 2 716 229,013 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 87.60 2 720 223,563 5 394.87 110,728 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 249.73 2 718 501,182 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 136.84 2 718 274,620 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 319.52 2 718 743,724 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 25 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 47 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 37.73 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 77,736 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 25 Year 360 480 600 720 840 960 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1080 1200 1320 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 48 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 33.58 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 77,597 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.78 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 31,730 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hyd. No. 2 -- 25 Year 360 480 600 Hyd No. 1 720 Q (cfs) 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Total storage used = 31,730 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 49 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 82.68 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 171,035 cuft Drainage area = 11.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1 1 1 1 r ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 50 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 69.25 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 167,944 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 390.97 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 94,483 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post through pond 2 Hyd. No. 4 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 90.00 80.00 70.00 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 1 1 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 94,483 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 51 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 110.71 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 229,013 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 FA� 20.00 rNMETSM Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 52 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 87.60 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 223,563 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 394.87 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 110,728 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 110,728 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 53 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 249.73 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 501,182 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Pre Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 8 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 280.00 280 00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 0 00 240.00 200.00 160.00 120.00 80.00 40.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 54 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 136.84 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 274,620 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 6.41 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Bypass Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 10 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 140 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 55 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 319.52 cfs Storm frequency = 25 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 743,724 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Combine post Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 12 -- 25 Year Q (cfs) 350.00 350.00 300.00 300.00 250.00 250.00 200.00 200.00 150.00 150.00 100.00 100.00 50.00 50.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report Ar Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 44.08 2 716 91,501 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 36.02 2 720 91,363 1 412.96 33,334 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 96.31 2 716 200,813 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 81.03 2 720 197,717 3 391.11 97,527 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 128.96 2 716 268,886 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 106.63 2 720 263,426 5 395.07 114,977 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 317.11 2 718 634,248 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 173.76 2 718 347,533 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 391.61 2 718 900,040 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 50 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 57 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 44.08 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 91,501 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 7.21 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 T ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 58 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 36.02 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 91,363 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 412.96 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 33,334 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hyd. No. 2 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 33,334 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time interval = 2 min Drainage area = 11.800 ac Basin Slope = 0.0% Tc method = User Total precip. = 7.21 in Storm duration = 24 hrs Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 - 11 I 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 Hyd No. 3 Peak discharge Time to peak Hyd. volume Curve number Hydraulic length Time of conc. (Tc) Distribution Shape factor Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 50 Year 360 480 600 720 840 59 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 = 96.31 cfs = 716 min = 200,813 cuft = 81 = 0 ft = 5.00 min = Type II = 484 Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 s $I 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 960 1080 1200 1320 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 60 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 81.03 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 197,717 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 391.11 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 97,527 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 - 11 I 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 Post through pond 2 Hyd. No. 4 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 100.00 90.00 80.00 70.00 .I II 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 97,527 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 61 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 128.96 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 268,886 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 7.21 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Post to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 5 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 140 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 62 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 106.63 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 263,426 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 395.07 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 114,977 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 140.00 140 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0 00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 114,977 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 63 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 317.11 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 634,248 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 7.21 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Pre Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 8 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 350.00 3 5 0 00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0 00 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 64 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 173.76 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 347,533 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 7.21 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 Bypass Hyd. No. 10 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 180.00 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 65 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 391.61 cfs Storm frequency = 50 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 900,040 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Combine post Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 12 -- 50 Year Q (cfs) 420.00 420.00 360.00 360.00 300.00 300.00 240.00 240.00 180.00 180.00 120.00 120.00 60.00 60.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Summary Report C: r Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3DO 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Hyd. No. Hydrograph type (origin) Peak flow (cfs) Time interval (min) Time to Peak (min) Hyd. volume (cuft) Inflow hyd(s) Maximum elevation (ft) Total strge used (cuft) Hydrograph Description 1 SCS Runoff 50.35 2 716 105,284 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post Pond 1 2 Reservoir 38.24 2 720 105,146 1 413.17 35,586 Post through pond 1 3 SCS Runoff 109.78 2 716 230,592 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post basin 2 4 Reservoir 92.84 2 720 227,492 3 391.25 100,382 Post through pond 2 5 SCS Runoff 146.99 2 716 308,759 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Post to BMP 3 6 Reservoir 124.35 2 720 303,293 5 395.25 118,596 Post 3 to BMP 3 8 SCS Runoff 386.45 2 718 773,126 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Pre 10 SCS Runoff 211.75 2 718 423,631 - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - -- Bypass 12 Combine 461.75 2 718 1,059,561 2, 4, 6, - - - - -- - - - - -- Combine post 10, Vaughan tract final.gpw Return Period: 100 Year Thursday, 00 17, 2014 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 67 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 1 Post Pond 1 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 50.35 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 105,284 cuft Drainage area = 5.500 ac Curve number = 80 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 FA� 30.00 20.00 10.00 rAWNTSM Post Pond 1 Hyd. No. 1 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 50.00 40.00 30.00 20.00 10.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 1 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 68 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 2 Post through pond 1 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 38.24 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 105,146 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 1 - Post Pond 1 Max. Elevation = 413.17 ft Reservoir name = Pond 1 Max. Storage = 35,586 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 410.50 ft. Post through pond 1 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 2 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 60.00 60.00 50.00 50.00 40.00 40.00 30.00 30.00 20.00 20.00 10.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 1 Total storage used = 35,586 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 69 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 3 Post basin 2 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 109.78 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 230,592 cuft Drainage area = 11.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 FA� 20.00 rNMETSM Post basin 2 Hyd. No. 3 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 3 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 70 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 4 Post through pond 2 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 92.84 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 227,492 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 3 - Post basin 2 Max. Elevation = 391.25 ft Reservoir name = Pond 2 Max. Storage = 100,382 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 388.50 ft. Post through pond 2 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 4 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 3 Total storage used = 100,382 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 71 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 5 Post to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 146.99 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 716 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 308,759 cuft Drainage area = 15.800 ac Curve number = 81 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 FA� 20.00 Post to BMP 3 Hyd. No. 5 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 140.00 120.00 100.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 ' ' ' 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 Hyd No. 5 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 72 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 6 Post 3 to BMP 3 Hydrograph type = Reservoir Peak discharge = 124.35 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 720 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 303,293 cuft Inflow hyd. No. = 5 - Post to BMP 3 Max. Elevation = 395.25 ft Reservoir name = Pond 3 Max. Storage = 118,596 cuft Storage Indication method used. Wet pond routing start elevation = 391.50 ft. Post 3 to BMP 3 Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 6 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 160.00 160.00 140.00 140.00 120.00 120.00 100.00 100.00 80.00 80.00 60.00 60.00 40.00 40.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 6 Hyd No. 5 Total storage used = 118,596 cuft Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 73 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 8 Pre Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 386.45 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 773,126 cuft Drainage area = 73.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Pre Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 8 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 420.00 420 00 360.00 300.00 240.00 180.00 120.00 60.00 0 00 360.00 300.00 240.00 180.00 120.00 60.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 8 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) 74 Hydrograph Report Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 10 Bypass Hydrograph type = SCS Runoff Peak discharge = 211.75 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 423,631 cuft Drainage area = 40.000 ac Curve number = 58 Basin Slope = 0.0% Hydraulic length = 0 ft Tc method = User Time of conc. (Tc) = 5.00 min Total precip. = 8.00 in Distribution = Type II Storm duration = 24 hrs Shape factor = 484 Bypass Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 10 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 240.00 240 00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 0 00 210.00 180.00 150.00 120.00 90.00 60.00 30.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 10 Time (min) You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydrograph Report 75 Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCADO Civil 3D0 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Hyd. No. 12 Combine post Hydrograph type = Combine Peak discharge = 461.75 cfs Storm frequency = 100 yrs Time to peak = 718 min Time interval = 2 min Hyd. volume = 1,059,561 cuft Inflow hyds. = 2, 4, 6, 10 Contrib. drain. area = 40.000 ac Combine post Q (cfs) Hyd. No. 12 -- 100 Year Q (cfs) 490.00 490.00 420.00 420.00 350.00 350.00 280.00 280.00 210.00 210.00 140.00 140.00 70.00 70.00 0.00 0.00 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 960 1080 1200 1320 1440 1560 Hyd No. 12 Hyd No. 2 Hyd No. 4 Hyd No. 6 Time (min) Hyd No. 10 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Hydraflow Table of Contents Hydraflow Hydrographs Extension for AutoCAD® Civil 3D® 2012 by Autodesk, Inc. v9 Vaughan tract final.gpw Thursday, 00 17, 2014 Watershed Model Schematic ...................................................... ............................... 1 Hydrograph Return Period Recap .............................................. ............................... 2 - Year SummaryReport .......................................................................................... ............................... 3 HydrographReports .................................................................................... ............................... 4 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ........................................... ............................... 4 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 .................................. ............................... 5 PondReport - Pond 1 ........................................................................... ............................... 6 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ........................................... ............................... 7 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 .................................. ............................... 8 PondReport - Pond 2 ........................................................................... ............................... 9 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 10 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 11 PondReport - Pond 3 ......................................................................... ............................... 12 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 13 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 14 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 15 2 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 16 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 17 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 17 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 18 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 19 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 20 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 21 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 22 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 23 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 24 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 25 5 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 26 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 27 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 27 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 28 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 29 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 30 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 31 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 32 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 33 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 34 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 35 10 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 36 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) Contents continued... Vaughan tract final.gpw HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 37 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 37 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 38 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 39 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 40 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 41 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 42 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 43 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 44 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 45 25 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 46 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 47 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 47 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 48 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 49 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 50 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 51 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 52 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 53 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 54 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 55 50 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 56 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 57 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 57 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 58 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 59 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 60 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 61 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 62 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 63 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 64 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 65 100 - Year SummaryReport ........................................................................................ ............................... 66 HydrographReports .................................................................................. ............................... 67 Hydrograph No. 1, SCS Runoff, Post Pond 1 ......................................... ............................... 67 Hydrograph No. 2, Reservoir, Post through pond 1 ................................ ............................... 68 Hydrograph No. 3, SCS Runoff, Post basin 2 ......................................... ............................... 69 Hydrograph No. 4, Reservoir, Post through pond 2 ................................ ............................... 70 Hydrograph No. 5, SCS Runoff, Post to BMP 3 ...................................... ............................... 71 Hydrograph No. 6, Reservoir, Post 3 to BMP 3 ....................................... ............................... 72 Hydrograph No. 8, SCS Runoff, Pre ....................................................... ............................... 73 Hydrograph No. 10, SCS Runoff, Bypass ............................................... ............................... 74 Hydrograph No. 12, Combine, Combine post ......................................... ............................... 75 You created this PDF from an application that is not licensed to print to novaPDF printer (http: / /www.novapdf.com) The USGS quadrangle map and the soil survey map follow this page with the site marked. THE Town OF q0 fly Springs NORTH CAROLINA Natural Resource Inventory TOWN OF HOLLY SPRINGS ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT A Natural Resource Inventory form is required to be brought by the petitioner to the Concept Plan Meeting for a development to assist Engineering Staff in determining the Town environmental development requirements that the project will be subject to (i.e. Flood Study, Stormwater BMP locations, Riparian Buffers, etc.) Contact Information y Applicant Applicant Agent Business Name: R LA : 4, �' a It A sa Contact Person: 1 (Lk . Street Address: q 3 0-1 ( i C" t'I of ML Ikb I T�(, City, State, Zip: G € f (-, SAP I C,,A r -tit &J' Z 15 I - Telephone Number: Fol ? I, Fax number: FIRM Ma & Panel #: ot, Map effective Date: f / 0 ' Email address: 1 @ �s E,: 3 i v .`.:; €}._�,t / x'�!s;;*$ xi-'.. �'GY e�reti rkAY ;.'`! � �, 4 el g 4 %j I of & o v r�.., V'� (�5) a L+, F r� Project Information Project Name: V "1 U r, PA d 8 1. `•vk ,(4 4 V St Project Location: �. TLV � r U k �_i v wi�.,3M G+° PIN Number(s): River Basin: 63— A,- -V1, 1,rJE' V Project Tributary to Bass Lake? ,Yes ❑ No # of reaches in or adjacent to project boundary? Will site have stream /wetland impact? 'E0 Yes ❑ No Is this project part of an existing Plan that was submitted for review prior to 11/6/07 and remains current with the Town? ❑ Yes ,No Does this project use Green Oaks Parkway for access? ❑ Yes 9, No Items to be provided by Applicant with NRI Form y Drainage Area Map with the basins acreage labeled f Wake County 1970 Soils Survey & 1:24,000 scale 7.5 minutes USGS quadrangle ma Topography (Wake Co. 2' or 5' contours unless field survey topography is available Q' Perimeter Project Boundary Most up to date aerial or map of project area (showing at least 20' from property boundary) Known features existing on the property (streams, wetlands, floodplain, riparian buffers, etc.) and evaluation of Jurisdictional streams and wetlands (if known, if not this will be requested at first submittal of Prelim Plan ❑ Flood Hazard soils from Wake County GIS or FEMA r Submit Preliminary impervious Calculations Fol ? Show FEMA 100 year existing, 100 year proposed, 500 year. existing ®' FIRM Ma & Panel #: ot, Map effective Date: f / 0 ' Identification of any existing ponds or impoundments upstream or downstream of the project within '/4 mile Additional Items provided by Applicant Add text here 16001 Natural Resources Inventory Page 1 of 2 9/19/12 Flood Study Determination - Office Use Only 1. ❑ No Under 5 acres of Drainage (if between 5 -20 acre then limited detail) 2. ❑ Yes ❑ No 20 acres of drainage or more 3. ❑ Yes ❑ No Existing detailed study upstream /downstream of the project 4. ❑ Yes ❑ No Existing unmapped residential or commercial structures with finished floors (reference aerial phot 5. ❑ Yes ❑ No Existing topography — channel geometry indicates flood lain 6. ❑ Yes ❑ No Existing limited study, verify post =pre development flows and if it stays in existing drainage easement 7. ❑ Yes ❑ No Upstream /Downstream complaints (app dr. comp. map [per the approved drainage complaint ma 8. ❑ Yes ❑ No Upstream/Downstream pond/impoundments require analysis form 16027 Summary of Environmental Requirements for this Project - Office Use Only Pur ose: This is memorialize 22ject re uirements determined at the Conce t Plan Review Meetin2 & to be used to fill out form #8005 Flood Study Summary: Detailed Town Flood Stud Required El 100 year Post Dev. — Peak discharge h drograph Limited Detail Town Flood Stud Re uired 7 El El Pre /Past Q No Flood Study Required ❑ Pre/ post HW on downstream structures ❑ Drainage easement labeled Stormwater Summary: ❑ NPDES Stormwater Required ❑ No NPDES Stormwater Required Note: This project may be subject to NC 401 Stormwater Riparian "Stream" Buffer Summary: ❑ NC 50' Neuse Buffer Rules ❑ TOHS 100' Neuse Buffer Rules ❑ TOHS 30' Cape Fear Buffer Rules ❑ TOHS Bass Lake 100' Undisturbed Buffer Rules ❑ No Riparian Buffers Required Comments & Additional Items Required - Office Use Only Concept Meeting Determination - Office Use Only Purpose: This is given to Applicant and a copy for staff as a record of what will be required for 151 Preliminary Plan Submittal. U Completed evaluation of jurisdictional streams and wetlands ❑ Impervious calculations (agency review) ❑ Preliminary flood study requirement and type ❑ Preliminary stormwater management report (drainage layout with sizes, drainage calculations, BMP calculations, drainage area maps). ❑ Project is exempt from TOHS NPDES Stormwater if 401 certification required for project DWQ stormwater may still apply) Staff Member completing form: This form is to be completed by Staff at Concept Meeting and provided to petitioner. 16001 Natural Resources Inventory Page 2 of 2 9/19/12 Date: `�� • ` �j if � /jam • /.j� 4�� a I' I 1 � ` � •fit � ��p��i / � � �� ���o o v • II - `/ o if m a :_ � 111 �� /- �• � PIPE �- � ��� //� ��� \�• �� �� � ar • �% �����'^�� � 11 If I �\ � \ % / -• t tea= II �:. of �� .. �; � - ���'� 1. � •� � o W , C �cJ \� iii II. 07 i-+ 77r T ,G Y ' � vo�� •o� oo� o¢�e aco �l 1���,''J� vZ5: �°E vo w u rn tiro m ot�i Eo�oE O o O ° o 1°pra m o mL�- LL Q a$ ca Q o m $ T O r J 111 Q W y r7O+ U "o i m - O m .1 00 O C WA�u,� .., ❑ Z U m O FO "� p[n frrr T='4 w 5 °c 1, E E LL `c `O pOj� to CO O E Iyl 0 g ' M„Tm LL z w o O Fry W O a slit V N I' Q O r Z d Na ° ° °O? °3 =� u`.1� Y Ewt lip r�1 z LL, F4 a U N - m 30 uj E E - _ - - =v =o=- 0 0 o7 Q V - — — — E = fn "v1am rl m m m m o t ymq ir- -. =S.l ,�., Y i��^ ?4:' �a #� T ': _ `�+x-"` t ,jy�+ate '' '!t`I�` g�, 'R>.; mar• e§. s .y -, dF4 r^i'; e..*'a�'-'! S f>H- C$i V iY"in b.+ A'P Ra.�c �K 4c'�+_i5, y�k �!0��•ax i d I- '� V- post 7 aJ �i "A '°pAk M�te''�� 4 �+� � ^��'�v �nG•` 3ryT.Y,£ � 5 i y}'.�� W vC 1 rr - - _ SEA F"r�' , h 't`. �4 f•{' �!• T „."X,jE'a - i 3 Salo' 1py a �`� r is F y y �•.h � ° tx, I' t' Y"ra� :Y `�fij °rs �'y t ,.-. �«F III OCR! -Y��� Ks`4 i'' #' -y.¢ '> 4 F t"� }i i tit: ,3• +��r ' 'c i. 'l. t u"ir'Jm.ia � � ^�, R� .,2rc� �r 4- �+i�i ai�'iY:t"�P �� � ;r• � �`` tT '�''- !.���'[ ���.1 � t. 2�"'- �1 ��i '��i ^ "^y.+y. S;Y64 AiZ "' °t' '?✓' ,. >rt' -: � ���x��y �' �..,a�..*+ Ar •, ��s""s� -=+t - ��Tr' -->r`� .r`' '�`h" Z � ".� '`.,� t � § ,k+s :,ff''� ,a„� ��"�iss�,.` ,^ 'a'' F a, a w ��tE2c'�' Rlh �• �T�' 7' i � � -� � "� v�- 'a�+�a„ + .w. � .�'s"�i '% W �, .,,,,A`'x�.�^'�`' �,y��eF � *':' �•'��' �F� "v" Yt � t t"�2 +��'rt� �?,�1 �Y � t Ob ..' 1 '%+"?v.GF,.w {;H 7, r ��'.'°2" �.y.Y'- '� t, ?�'I •I ru3.., tf ! ^''�.1i ��� 5� � ��LF- ����asaY%'Ty. ; 6 a^'x � '2� 'v'z�� `F'•f"i �. { 4F t� w' 0.'�,�.t��R�4y .tom• -.j. � �� �l' P {i �Sh'f��j l �r H %,q,,. LL LLB B -�5e! s� �r WINE "r � o 0 o I- "' w � � � ! , , ! ■£ e e � � ) ■� 2 f % C-4 r- OD 2 2 �k\)�� ° �§ o a - z tgt! co LM (( ~ �� \ \ / \} cz C \ \kk)�t \# k �� �) !. § 2 2 e) e @7! / g \ QF W A 7-F R Michael F. Easley, Governor '0 pG William G. Ross Jr., Secretary 2 W"Pr North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Q 131 Coleen H. Sullins, Director 2 rOT Division of Water Quality August 11, 2008 Melanie McKinney, L.S.S. S &ME, Inc. 3718 Old Battleground Rd Greensboro, NC 27410 NBRRO #08 -172 BASIN: Wake County Neuse River X Tar- Pamlico (15A NCAC 2B .0233) 0 5A NCAC 2B .0259) Project Name: Adams Tract Location/Directions: Property is a combination of parcels located at southern intersection of Ralph Stevens Rd and Hwy 55 in Holly Springs Subiect Stream: UT to Basil Creek Date of Determination: July 28, 2008 Feature(s) Not Subject Start @ Stop@ Stream Soil Survey Subject Form Pts. A X S1 X1 X A coat. X Bl B33 X Al X B X M1 Throughout X C X Basil X Throughout X Creek USGS Topo X X 11 X Explanation: The feature(s) listed above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina or the most recent copy of the USGS Topographic map at a 1:24,000 scale. Each feature that is checked "Not Subject" has been determined not to be a stream or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been located on the property and possess characteristics that qualify it to be a`stream There may be other streams located on your property that do not show up on the maps referenced above but, still may be considered jurisdictional according to the US Army Corps of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Quality. This on -site determination shall expire five (5) years from the date of this letter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination made by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that a surface water exists and that it is subject to the buffer rule may request a determination by the Director. A request for a determination by the Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Cyndi Karoly , DWQ Wetlands /401 Unit, 2321 Crabtree Blvd., Raleigh, NC 27604 -2260. Individuals that dispute a determination by the DWQ or Delegated Local Authority that "exempts" a surface water from the buffer rule may ask for an ad judicatory hearing. You must act within 60 days of the date that you receive this letter. Applicants are hereby notified that the 60 -day statutory appeal time does not start until the affected party (including One downstream and adjacent landowners) is notified of this decision. DWQ recommends that the applicant ithC �lina d North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh, Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791 -4200 Customer Service Internet: h2o.enr.state.nc.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 FAX (919) 571 -4718 1- 877- 623 -6748 An Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled /10% Post Consumer Paper Adams Tract Hwy 55 Wake County August 11, 2008 Page 2 of 2 conduct this notification, in order to be certain that third party appeals are made in a timely manner. To ask for a hearing, send a written petition, which conforms to Chapter 150B of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Administrative Hearings, 6714 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699 -6714. This determination is final and binding unless you ask for a hearing within 60 days. The (owner /future owners) should notify the Division of Water Quality (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 4041401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Quality (Central Office) at (919)- 733 -1786, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919) - 876 - 8441. Respectfully, r Martin Richmond Environmental Specialist CC: Wetlands/ Stormwater Branch, 2321 Crabtree Blvd, Suite 250, Raleigh, NC 27604 RROZSWP File Copy Central Files NopaictttCarolina Naturally North Carolina Division of Water Quality Raleigh Regional Office Surface Water Protection Phone (919) 791 -4200 Customer Service Intemet: h2o.enr.state.ne.us 1628 Mail Service Center Raleigh,, NC 27699 -1628 FAX (919) 571 -4718 1 -877- 623 -6748 An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer— 50% Recycled/10% Post Consumer Paper F, rm LEI i F ; WAKE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA SHEET NUMBE >C AJ. 355 A� h Apl,2 (, 4 A94 AB2 Lk NOB`` rye u -, +'# mn '� C ��� . Ir @c2 2s A B2 APR Agc RAW '"' , ry • 6 Y WN pf ; I' � A�Z' rYt_ � tt .�.�.,'i �ai,� � �3 .*7'" �'"�✓x -- �1„ 1 6� � , rWN, ()fBde` Amt `•i �` �¢ ! f iy P z r �C1F621 - NOB2 J *� ;+.. w � h •.. 'i y gh�s' �' OrB2 � a �� �± ' OrB21 NqB A` NOB oc va Me ,•, C 821, "� � � OrC2 'Or NoB rc N h •j n N�QC OrB2 C? c' f hr i >` f"s� � i�. 'M.. x � .�. < Y u � � "r`�6� �.. „� 7 ! r �� � v�, % -• � r� �Sv '("SF ��� r � � . Y , � y 1 ni .rE r� 3 �b� }S 3.," � � � „� >•� � *.`r to a ;���y FYI �^ � r r `-: z� t w GeD Aig �� ee0 The Stormwater Fee -in -Lieu Request Form follows this page. THE Town of Town Of Holly Springs H011y Engineering Department Springs Stormwater Fee -In -Lieu Request Form NORTH CAROLINA If applicable, please print this form, fill in requested information, sign and date and submit it as a draft with your Preliminary Stormwater Management Report. An updated version of the form will need to be submitted with the final Stormwater management report. Contact Information Applicant (FRP) Applicant Agent Business Name: Beazer Homes - Raleigh Hugh J. Gilleece, III and Associates Contact Person: Britt Spivey Jay Gilleece Street Address: 4509 Creedmoor Rd Suite 200 875 Walnut St., Suite 360 City, State, Zip: Raleigh, NC 27612 Cary, NC 27511 Telephone Number: 919) 277 -2406 (919) 469 -1101 Fax number: (919) 5.64 Email address: britt.spiveyC@beazer.com gilleece @bellsouth.net Project Information Project Name: Beazer _Vaughan Subdivision TOHS Project Number: 13 -DO -02 Project Location: Ralph Stephens Road PIN Number: 065803133419 and 0658034571 River Basin: ® Neuse ❑ Cape Fear Nutrient Removal Information ® Total Site Area 73,0 Acres ® Existing Impervious Area 0 Sq. ft. ® I Proposed Impervious Area 731,808 sq. ft. ® Pre - Development Nitrogen Load 4.47 lbs. /ac /yr. ® Post - Development Nitrogen Load 5.64 lbs. /ac /yr. ® Nitrogen removed by BMP(s) 1,21 lbs. /ac /yr. ® Total Nitrogen = Post - Development Nitrogen Load - Nitrogen removed by BMP(s) 4.43 lbs. /ac /yr. ® Fee Amount to be paid to the TOHS Note: Fee in -lien must be paid prior to issuance of Env. Dev. Permit ,front the Engineering Department ❑ Supporting calculations for determining fee amount ❑ Maintenance Agreement NOTE: lbs. nitrogen acre /year — Total Nitrogen Neuse River Basin: Total fee -in -lieu = Number of pounds /acre /year to be offset x Acres in Development x 30 years x 23- 325 -53 $18.49 per pound. $ 33,609 = 0.83 - lbs. nitrogen/acre /year x 73 acres x 30 years x $18.49/lb. Cape Fear River Basin: Total fee -in -lieu = Number of pounds /acre /year to be offset x Acres in Impervious Surface x 30 years 23- 325 -53 x $14.00 per pound. $ = _ lbs. nitrogen/acre /year x _ acres x 30 years x $14.00/lb. Use Only L Preliminary Initials Date Approved $ at Construction 16006 SW Fee -in -lieu Request Page 1 of 1 11/24/10 Initials Date Pavment Initials Date Anti Flotation Calculations Project: Beazer Vaughan Tract Side 1: 4 ft. Side 2: 4 ft. Top of Riser Elev. 412.00 Bottom Elev. 406.30 Height 5.70 Volume of Water Displaced Assume: Concrete Riser Anti - flotation Block Riser: W P #1 Date: 4/18/14 Wall thickness = 1 in. X -Sect. Area = 17.36 s. f. 98.96 c. f. Weight of Water Displaced 6177.97 lbs. Concrete weighs 150 # /c. f. and water weighs 62.43 # /c. f. Weight above bottom (no slots or weirs cut in) Deduct for 1 st slot or weir Deduct for 2nd slot or weir Deduct for 3rd slot or weir Net weight of concrete bottom is Volume of concrete block required is Bottom thickness required is CAExcel \Master \RiserMas2.xls 1163.75 lbs. 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high 0.00 lbs. 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high 0.00 lbs. ft. long ft. high 0.00 lbs. Total Weight above bottom 1163.75 lbs. 5014.22 lbs. 57.26 c. f. 3.2982 ft. = 39.5778 in. Use 40 in. thick Concrete Riser Anti - flotation Block Project: Beazer Vaughan Tract Riser: WP #2 Date: 4/18/14 Side 1: 4 ft. Wall thickness = 1 in. Side 2: 4 ft. X -Sect. Area = 17.36 s. f. Top of Riser Elev. 389.80 Bottom Elev. 385.00 Height 4.80 Volume of Water Displaced 83.33 c. f. Weight of Water Displaced Assume: Concrete weighs 150 # /c. f. and water weighs 62.43 # /c. f. Weight above bottom (no slots or weirs cut in) Deduct for 1 st slot or weir Deduct for 2nd slot or weir Deduct for 3rd slot or weir Net weight of concrete bottom is Volume of concrete block required is Bottom thickness required is C AExcel \Master \Ri serMas2.xl s 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high ft. long ft. high Total Weight above bottom 4222.50 lbs. 48.22 c. f. 2.7774 ft. = 33.3287 in. Use 38.25 in. thick 5202.50 lbs. 980.00 lbs. 0.00 lbs. 0.00 lbs. 0.00 lbs. 980.00 lbs. Project: Beazer Vaughan Tract Side 1: 4 ft. Side 2: 4 ft. Top of Riser Elev. 393.10 Bottom Elev. 388.00 Height 5.10 Volume of Water Displaced Assume: Concrete Riser Anti - flotation Block Riser: WP #3 Date: 4/18/14 Wall thickness = 1 in. X -Sect. Area = 17.36 s. f. 88.54 c. f. Weight of Water Displaced 5527.66 lbs. Concrete weighs 150 # /c. f. and water weighs 62.43 # /c. f. Weight above bottom (no slots or weirs cut in) Deduct for 1 st slot or weir Deduct for 2nd slot or weir Deduct for 3rd slot or weir Net weight of concrete bottom is Volume of concrete block required is Bottom thickness required is CAExcel \Master \RiserMas2. xl s 1041.25 lbs. 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high 0.00 lbs. 0.00 ft. long 1.19 ft. high 0.00 lbs. ft. long ft. high 0.00 lbs. Total Weight above bottom 1041.25 lbs. 4486.41 lbs. 51.23 c. f. 2.9510 ft. = 35.4117 in. Use 38.25 in. thick Erosion Control Calculations Project: Beazer Vauhan Date: 6/20/2014 BASIN )RAINAGE DENUDED VOLUME SURFACE SIZE WEIR VOLUME Q10 Skimmer 10.20 AREA AREA READ. kREA REQ (W' x L' x D') LENGTH Provided CFS /Orifice 2 (AC) 5.50 (AC) 3.44 (CF) 6200 (SF)* 4830 24 (FT.) 10 (CF) 17.70 Size(IN) W P #1 100 x 50 x 3 13500 11.1 3/1.75 W P #2 15.90 13.90 25020 13963 90 x 170 x 4 20 49000 32.1 4/3 W P #3 15.80 13.70 24660 13875 90 x 160 x 3 20 44000 31.9 4/3 TST#4 4.20 1.88 3384 5200 60 x 90 x 3 6 7600 7 3/1 "PER NC SEDIMENTATION AND EROSION CONTROL MANUAL fl 10 Project: Beazer Vauhan Date: 6/20/2014 OUTLET NO. PIPE DIA. (IN.) VELOCITY1 ZONE 10 YR (FPS) STONE SIZE STONE CLASS WIDTH (FT.)* LENGTH (FT.) DEPTH (IN.) 1 24 10.20 2 14 B 6 12 24 21 18 10.30 2 10 B 4.5 9 24 31 30 17.70 3 25 1 7.5 20 25 71 30 13.20 3 25 1 7.5 20 25 100 30 8.30 2 8 B 7.5 15 24 200 24 10.20 2 14 B 9 12 24 215 30 12.10 3 25 1 7.5 20 25 OS1 30 5.90 2 8 B 7.5 15 24 OS2 36 9.50 2 12 B 9 18 24 OS3 36 9.60 2 12 B 9 18 24 221 48 13.10 3 25 1 12 32 25 *Downstream width, use 3 x pipe diameter upstream. Provide Plunge pools at outfalls of 100 and 215 Z: \Jobs \20000 \Vaughn Property \Documents \Reports \Vaughan Erosion Control Table.xis Page 1 Beazer Vaughan TST #1 Selection of Sediment Control Measure r Total Drainage Area Do Not Use Temporary Sediment Trap Okay Rock Dam, Okay Skimmer Sediment Basin Okay Temporary Sediment Basin X44 Disturbed Area (Acres) f1�1 Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) TGH and BRB/11/25/2008 User entry Calculated Value Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Beazer Vaughan TST #1 Temporary Sediment Basin Okay Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) 6198.347 Required Volume ft3 4830 Required Surface Area ft2 49.1 Suggested Width ft 98.3 Suggested Length ft f" 00 Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft �a6j Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 Trial Depth ft (2 to 13 feet above grade) 82 Bottom Width ft 32 Bottom Length ft 2624 Bottom Area ft2 11274 Actual Volume ft3 Okay 5000 Actual Surface Area ft2 Okay Use Spillway Capacity Sheet to Size Primary and Emergency Spillways 3�Skimmer Size (inches) 0.25 Head on Skimmer (feet) 7 Orifice Size (1/4 inch increments) 3.19 Dewatering Time (days) Suggest about 3 days Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Z: \Jobs \20000 \Vaughn Property \Documents \Reports \Sediment Control Measures with Skimmer Dewatering 11252008 basin 1 .xIs Beazer Vaughan TST #2 Selection of Sediment Control Measure Total Drainage Area Do Not Use Temporary Sediment Trap Do Not Use Rock Dam, Do Not Use Skimmer Sediment Basin Okay Temporary Sediment Basin Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) TGH and BRB/11/25/2008 �� User entry Calculated Value Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Beazer Vaughan TST #2 Temporary Sediment Basin Okay Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) 25020 Required Volume ft3 13963 Required Surface Area ft2 83.6 Suggested Width ft 167.1 Suggested Length ft `90 Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft M0, Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 Trial Depth ft (2 to 13 feet above grade) 72 Bottom Width ft 152 Bottom Length ft 10944 Bottom Area ft2 39204 Actual Volume ft3 Okay 15300 Actual Surface Area ft2 Okay Use Spillway Capacity Sheet to Size Primary and Emergency Spillways Skimmer Size (inches) 0.333 Head on Skimmer (feet) MISSION ME. Orifice Size (114 inch increments) 3.27 Dewatering Time (days) Suggest about 3 days Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Z: \Jobs \20000 \Vaughn Property \Documents \Reports \Sediment Control Measures with Skimmer Dewatering 11252008 basin 2 .xls Beazer Vaughan TST #3 Selection of Sediment Control Measure Do Not Use Do Not Use Do Not Use Okay Total Drainage Area Temporary Sediment Trap Rock Dam, Skimmer Sediment Basin Temporary Sediment Basin 0] Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) TGH and BRB/11/25/2008 = User entry Calculated Value Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Beazer Vaughan TST #3 Temporary Sediment Basin Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) 24660 Required Volume ft3 13875 Required Surface Area ft2 83.3 Suggested Width ft 166.6 Suggested Length ft 90 Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft 160: Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 ry - Trial Depth ft (2 to 13 feet above grade) 72 Bottom Width ft 142 Bottom Length ft 10224 Bottom Area ft2 36774 Actual Volume ft3 Okay 14400 Actual Surface Area ft2 Okay Use Spillway Capacity Sheet to Size Primary and Emergency Spillways 4 Skimmer Size (inches) 0.333 Head on Skimmer (feet) Orifice Size (1/4 inch increments) 3.07 Dewatering Time (days) Suggest about 3 days Gilleece Associates By: DS 4/18/14 Z: \Jobs \20000 \Vaughn Property \Documents \Reports \Sediment Control Measures with Skimmer Dewatering 11252008 basin 3 .xls Selection of Sediment Control Measure Total Drainage Area Do Not Use Temporary Sediment Trap Okay Skimmer Sediment Basin Okay Temporary Sediment Basin Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) Updated to comply with NPDES Permit Conditions TGH and BRB 07/03/2012 User entry Calculated Value Skimmer Basin Okay Disturbed Area (Acres) Peak Flow from 10 -year Storm (cfs) 3384 Required Volume ft3 5200 Required Surface Area ft2 51.0 Suggested Width ft 102.0 Suggested Length ft X60: Trial Top Width at Spillway Invert ft 90 Trial Top Length at Spillway Invert ft ",,Trial Side Slope Ratio Z:1 3 Trial Depth ft (2 to 3.5 feet above grade) 42 Bottom Width ft 72 Bottom Length ft 3024 Bottom Area ft2 12474 Actual Volume ft3 Okay 5400 Actual Surface Area ft2 Okay j,M Trial Weir Length ft Trial Depth of Flow ft 18.0 Spillway Capacity cfs Okay 3 Skimmer Size (inches) 0.25 Head on Skimmer (feet) �1 Orifice Size (1/4 inch increments) 2.93 Dewatering Time (days) Suggest about 3 days Riprap Calculations (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures'. New York Department of Transportation, Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: jUser Input Data lCalculated Value JW6r h66 DM61 ; )esigned By: DAS Date: 4/18/201 'hecked By: Date: 'Ompany: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Droject Name: Beazer Vaughan Droject No.: 200001 Site Location (Cityrrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #OS1 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step l) Compute flow velocity V at culvert or paved channel outlet Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. = A. where A_ = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple adverts, use D. = 1.25 x Dp of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 5.9 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2.5 NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than' Pipe Culvert', Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D.=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10 °5 or steeper, use recounnendarions For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 e F igureeDec Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 15 Figure 8 06tl _ Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06.0 to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max, stone size (in.) 8 Figure 8.086 Step 2. Use figure 9,06. El to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75% of stone, and the maximum and mininmm range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Nfamung's Min. thickness (inches) W. of lining (itches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Licht 6 0.035 12 16 Ivlediutm 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Ch—eh) foi —pros) Min. & max range of stones (lbs) 25 -150 Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels? (Source: `Bank and channel lining procedures'. New York Department of Transportation, Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data :: 3esigned By: DAs Date: 4/181201, Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE'& ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000 Site Location (Cityfrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #OS2 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch- arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A, where A, = cross- sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x D. of single advert. Velocity (ft/s) 9.5 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 3 NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvet, Da =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10% or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through (5). Zone 2 Figure 806c, ,. Will apron have >/=10% grade? I No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 18 Fioure 8 08d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 5.06.© to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 iFiqtj re Step 2. Use figure 5.06.0 to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75% of stone, and the maximum and nmumum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: in determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients ofroughnness: Diameter Matnrng's Xhn. duckness (itches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 is Ivredium 13 0.040 1s 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Cl _60 ()u.prtots) Min. & max range of stones (lbs) 25- 150 Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs) 50 -150 (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures ". New York Department of Transponation, Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: 10ser Input Data Calculated Value Reference Data: )esigned By: DAS Date: 4/18/201, checked By: Date: :ompany: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Droject Name: Beazer Vaughen project No.: 20000 Site Location (Cityfrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #OS3 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch. arch and box culverts, and paired channel outlets, Da =Aa where A. = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 9.6 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Da (ft) 3 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than "Pipe Culvert', D, =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10°4. or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 'Figure 8.05c Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next hlgherZone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 18 Flour "e 8 06d , Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06. e0 to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max, stone size (in.) 8 Figure 8 06e ,;,, Step 2. Use figure 8.06F] to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 7591a of stone, and the maximum and mitimum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of rougluunss: Diameter Manning's XSin. thickness (itches) "n" of lining (inches) Fite 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 18 Medium 13 0.040 is 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Chic —it) (Mmpnws) Min. & max range of stones (lbs) 25 -150 `Fiqure 6A5f: Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs) ;50 -150 Figure' 8.05f! (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures'. New York Department of Transponation. Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser Input Data Calculated Value lRefeirdride Data Designed By: DAs Date: 4/18/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE. & ASSOCIATES, Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000' Site Location (Cityrrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. _ 'FES #1 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts D is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A. where A. = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use Do = 1.25 x D. of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 10.2 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than Pipe Culvert', Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Da of single culvert. Step 3.1 For apron grades of 10". or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 I toure`8.06c Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 12 Figure Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 5.06.0 to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 Step 2. Use figure 5.06. ff to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75 °6 of .stone; and the maximum and mininmm range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: Hr determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Maiming's \Sin. thickness (itches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 is Medium 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Clumelt) (Di pmo.) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -150 Finure 8 05f Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 Figure 8 05f (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures ". New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUserinput Data ! Calculated Value Refei.eftce Designed By: OAS Date: 4118/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000' Site Location (City/Town) Holly Springs -' Culvert Id. FES #21 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute Rote velocity N; at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D =A where A-= cross - sectional area of Hon- at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Velocity (fNs) 10.3 Opening type Pipe Culvert << Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Da (ft) 1.5 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than "Pipe Culvert', Da =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Da of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10° a or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones I through 6). Zone 2 FigGre 8 060 Will apron have >I =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 9 Einure 8 06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06. El to detennine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) B Figute 8 Dse .., Step 2. Use figure 8.06. ff to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs, for 75° o of stone, and the maximum and munnmnm range in weight should be 25 -500 ibs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients ofrougluess: Diameter Mannng's XIiun. duckness (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Lielnt 6 0.035 12 18 Medimn 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Clmacrls) (Dissapam �) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -150 Figure 8 05f Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 ;F'igure 8 05f (Source: 'Bank and channel lining procedures ", New York Department of Transportation, Division of Design mid Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser Input Data Calculated Value Reference:Data ,' Designed By: DAS Date: 4/18/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE <& ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000 Site Location (City/Town) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #31 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flout velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch- arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, Do = A. where A. = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use Do = 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 17.7 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2.5 NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert', Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10 °0 or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 Fgure80Bc. Will apron have >/ =10% grade? I No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next higher Zane in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 20 Flours 8 06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06.E] to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) B Step 2. Use figure 5.06. ff to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 13 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 7516 of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). \OIE: In determining channel velocities for stone hnutgs and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Mahn ing's \•Sin. thickness (niches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 13 1g Medium 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Chaecels) tDi:apato ;) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -150 Figure 8 05f Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 F t iire 8 05f , . (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures ". New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction. 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser !Input Data lCalculated Value lRiffbi.eirice DMd '. Designed By: DAS Date: 4/18/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000 Site Location (Citylrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. €ES #71 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Do is diameter. For pipe arch. arch and box. culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A. where A. = cross- sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x Do of single culvert. Velocity (fUs) 13.2 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2.5 NOTE 1: If opening type is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Da of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10% or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 Ftgure SD6c Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 20 F.iouf 8 O6d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step I. Use figure 8.06.R] to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 Step 2. Use figure 8.06.0 to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75S6 of stone, and the mmumum and nuunnun range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of roughness: Diameter Mannmg's \lin. thickness (itches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 16 Medium 13 0 -040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Channels) (Dmqum >) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -150 Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures'. New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: UserInput Data Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: OAS Date: 4/18/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES. Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000 Site Location (Cityfrown) Holly Springs i Culvert Id. FES #100 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step l) Compute How velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Da is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A, where A_ = cross - sectional area of How at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x D. of single culvert. Velocity (ft/s) 8.3 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2.5 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", D, =A, (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x D. of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10% or steeper, use reconnnendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 Floure.8.08c; =: Will apron have >/ =10 % grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone in Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 15 Ficure 8 06d s. =, Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06. e0 to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 Figure 8 08e Step '_. Use figure 8.06. f0 to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75° a of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). NOTE: in determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of rouglutess' Diameter Mannmg's Min. thickness (itches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 13 18 Medium 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Chancels) (Dnopatos) Min. & max range of stones (lbs) 25 -150 Weight range of 75% of stones (lbs) ;50 -150 New York DOT Dissipator Method For Use in Defined Channels (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures". New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser Input Data Calculated Value JR6f6r666 e Data' Designed By: DAS Date: 4/1812014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000 Site Location (Cityrrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #200 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts D. is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A. where A. = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x D. of single culvert- Velocity (fUs) 10.2 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x D. of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of io% or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 2 Figure 8.06e Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to ar greater than 10%, use next higher Zone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 12 Eioure 8 08d ,.;`? Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Lininos and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 8.06. Fe to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 Figure 8 06e. Step 2. Use figure 8.06. f0 to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75 °10 of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25 -500 Ibs.). NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of rougluness: Diameter Mannmg's Min. duckuess (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fite 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 16 Ivlediu m 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (Chamels) (Dusapaton) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -150 Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -150 (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures'. New York Department of Transportation. Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: JUser !Input Data lCalculated Value lftfelrehO e Data: Designed By: DAS Date: 6/29/2014 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE.& ASSOCIATES' Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 1 20000' Site Location (Cityrrown) Holly Springs Culvert Id. FES #215A Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Step 1) Compute flow velocity V. at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts Do is diameter. For pipe arch. arch and box culverts. and paved channel outlets, Do = A. where A. = cross - sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 1.25 x Do of single culven. Velocity (ft/s) 12.1 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Single Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 2.5 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than' Pipe Culvert', Do =Ao (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, D,=1.25 x Da of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10° o or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones 1 through 6). Zone 3 Flaure 8 b6c Will apron have >/ =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10%, use next higher Zone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 20 .F{a Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 5.06. e0 to determine maximurn stoue size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 8 Step 2. Use figure 8.06. ff to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs, for 751.6 of stone, and the maximum and minimum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs J. NOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and revetment, use the following coefficients of rougluress: Diameter Mannmg's Min. thickness (inches) "n" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 18 Medium 13 0.040 18 24 Heavy 23 0.041 30 36 (Clmrnels) (D— pit..) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -600 Figure 8 05f Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -600 Figure 8 05f New York DOT Dissipator. Method 'For Use in Defined Channels' (Source: "Bank and channel lining procedures ". New York Department of Transportation, Division of Design and Construction, 1971.) Guide to Color Key: jUserinputData Calculated Value Reference Data Designed By: DAs Date: 6/29/201 Checked By: Date: Company: GILLEECE & ASSOCIATES Project Name: Beazer Vaughan Project No.: 20000! Site Location (Cityrrown) Holly Springs .` Culvert Id. FES #221 Estimation of Stone Size and Dimensions For Culvert Aprons Slept) Compute Hots• velocity V at culvert or paved channel outlet. Step 2) For pipe culverts D is diameter. For pipe arch, arch and box culverts, and paved channel outlets, D. =A. where A. = cross- sectional area of flow at outlet. For multiple culverts, use D. = 125 x Do of single culvert. Velocity fts) 13.1 Opening type Pipe Culvert Single or multiple openings? Multiple Outlet pipe diameter, Do (ft) 4 NOTE 1: If opening type Is anything other than "Pipe Culvert", Da =Aa (Cross - sectional area of flow at outlet). NOTE 2: If multiple openings, 0,=1.25 x Do of single culvert. Step 3) For apron grades of 10 *0 or steeper, use recommendations For next higher zone. (Zones I through 6). Zone 3 Figure 6 06c Will apron have >I =10% grade? No NOTE: For apron slopes equal to or greater than 10 %, use next higher Zone In Figure 8.06d to determine apron length. Apron length (ft) 32 Figure 6 06d Determination of Stone Sizes For Dumped Stone Channel Linings and Revetments Step 1. Use figure 5.06.© to determine maximum stone size (e.g. for 12 Fps = 20" or 550 lbs. Max. stone size (in.) 25 Figure 8 06e, Step 2. Use figure 6.06. El to determine acceptable size range for stone (for 12 FPS it is 125 -500 lbs. for 75° a of stone, and the maximum and mitumum range in weight should be 25 -500 lbs.). MOTE: In determining channel velocities for stone linings and reveunent, use the following coefficients of rouglmess: Diameter Nlammg's Min. thickness (itches) 'h" of lining (inches) Fine 3 0.031 9 12 Light 6 0.035 12 is Medium 13 0.040 is 24 Heavy 23 0.044 30 36 (CLamels) (DUenpmors) Min. & max range of stones (Ibs) 25 -600 Piqure 8 05f . Weight range of 75% of stones (Ibs) 50 -600 Figu`re 8 05f _ „ Figure 8.06c: Zone Determiniation for Apron Material m ills Q. t� CL R L- 4— V/ W � 0w. _/ m .R 0 00 L CD ir .4 `no / -s91 99t ie auoiS ;o iy6soM 0 0 0 0 0 n a a 0 0 0 o o U-) Q c T UP N LV^ T T Q cm .•.-- to rJ - r in ..... .�. .-- •... -. .-... c ri.— Y f -•'°'W . + r++ r+r f r ,M,+1 ` r ..-. .J.ab rt. 772—�i- •TrT r.r��t+ -+. �1�.y.+. . 1 ...• r .• yt .,. r M r rt.. •°�• . .ate► �- +•..�. 7 wY t � 1'! , � .- .•r•+� - �' r.- .•......+.♦ f -- r ►r rw 1• x r+ 1 ^•,+.t+ r+ r r k T 4 �. f 4+ rr^e•+1^' t'�rTt N r-rr+ -r••+1 �r•!•1 •- .► N ��rirr��TT T U w LL r Rw. r rr . ♦ / rrt •+.. a •+ - H tT+�+ .- r�-.µY --- •- tr+..... . ! M- - C 1�1 OD Tq4 1 Y' n yi �++T-?^f 1 .�..w- i.. -..: � � Y e•..T r. r r ! rte♦ , .. rw.Trr.+•�sr+ -.•a• rt•-1 r 1 • •-.Y r�r-rf T %'� — w_rl•.•wya+.. +1. -rr' —t. •• .. t •"' ; f+.•Ft+wr,{11V"•'t r-� • w •y ♦r +••• ter—+ ti .-+.- y T -. rT Y}t ..�..•T ..•!•' • :� .T—r .+'•'.'• .rr+ -. . iwi,•Y.t T T' ♦.,��•.-'-M�♦mot 7't . ?•• f.-• r...rhr %7 w� rtr-+r r yri i1f, E kid rr .,r.«r�.... -w.. � . -� �•.... ffl +l+ t ••r#1�+1 t t t • 1} _ -•tr+- �t*'+'^r...w�.y��.w ♦flfrr tt•►1�►'t t + w. � 1 • +.•.••1 -• . .- i t +' r i t r »+ t" r •"+'•'• r r ') 1 .+.s 4_ .t�w.r ♦r �... ♦►.nr••j..r�•. (tii fw• "t t•�r„!" ..� . i Q� ... -I.r�1 �.yw y •. 11t • l ..1 .•I i y •♦ 11 r♦ -- tHH•"t * s 7..•11.is y. i ref• fl l; •11 •�-. -� `.ta�rrl+ �Y1+♦ r.. 11 1 ••+- +r- +M��i�l •`''!}'�'1 1'.w Iw i t "! 9 1`• .� f r j 4.— w• r. 1 ti s r r Y• r• i f• t# T • .i•i i+ �r - If 4i . ++ rTfT �» �•• '• tt 111{ y �t `N ►s fr. + +�h 1tr►►iirrt ; ; . � fi1�� f rf t`• �• +rr1�1i:•+ri dot � � jt�t� Ya �• t► �•. i i i 1 t0 sT tV s84oul ul auois 10 Jolowula Q. cv L Q. R a- O a O m 'c to pL� V 06 L ^L, W C x x x x x x_ co co U U U E (L (LO tL N a a� J > � titititititi LU (n U) U) U) U) U) o H Q CL E N� N a� W L _o Q cgch gr- r.- Un Mc'7McoNN N O LL C _ L O— N O O L6 Q ) O w C'1 W c O o o 0 o o> r�r�c��rno0 r- Q 0 0 0 0 0 0 U p O O O O O O a U) Q O z W n W 0 v Z CL 0 W a Q O U m co M co c7 Coco r cn O v J > LU 3 (� H Q N� N W L Z rNchd'LO OJ Z F- O z x U N U cu U CD m co C L C U) c6 v m m C t0 La cn n m da 3 a iOn°o°o°o s mho N�o y �o oN vv nai € o� N w � �uv N ooi c a c uri o � o00o m > > ? m O O O C 0 0 t0 a ry �p m E € € > € d Li Li as a E o. m `m ° N m c o o 3 3 o m 0 m E � a u s 12.2 o c o 2 c o c c p O v m r. °�ttsx � mmmm m m m -a aaaa � UUU d C7 w W v `u, m L LL � LL D rn C 1 _ c� OI n U w E.�oo i� vv11 `o�c ❑ wo. -.LL Q LL_ ym 33m V N N It u iN V T a m m ^� D c u o E E �..3o N O p c u o E : ,3O E 0 N To ._ 0 € o N 3 minoN m o mmmN O in000 3�nomo a O a o7 O 0 07.' > m N m N C 0 w 0 0 fn — ¢ m m E,�..3 ° d N O C N 0 0 0 0 N N O 0 V U m 00 E �. ❑ A ❑ A 0 0 ❑ A 0 0 r a LL c 0 0 i o ❑ u m IL (L IL a 6 vO1 yOy (/ON� N N a ry E' M N m N m O O J O N min V In V C O [h r m m C N N m E c H � v � ¢ ¢ — 2 '^ E E E v E u EL o Lom N N° [�] O Q ❑ ¢¢ o❑ d oodo oo 000 TO or �vad ZOm 0 T Q� Ir - m o o�N O m ¢m N= = D c m inUCiva m m m vUUv c a •• U O. ❑ U� V °v�' Z v m m C t0 ditch #1 2 yr.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape....................... solving for ..................... Flowrate ........................ slope........................ manning's n ..................... Height ..................... Bottom width .................... Left slope ...................... Right slope ..................... computed Results: Depth.......................... velocity ........................ Full Flowrate ................... Flow area ....................... Flow perimeter .................. Hydraulic radius ................ Top width ....................... Area............................ Perimeter. ..................... Percent full ..................... critical Informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... critical perimeter .. ......... critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. Trapezoidal Depth of Flow 14.7000 cfs 0.0070 ft /ft 0.0200 120000.0000 in 24.0000 in 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 15.3911 in 4.7213 fps 14.7000 cfs 3.1135 ft2 56.4472 in 7.9428 in 34.2607 in 3.1135 ft2 56.4472 in 100.0000 on 13.3648 in 0.0109 ft /ft 5.5662 fps 2.6409 ft2 52.1755 in 7.2888 in 32.9099 in 1.6290 ft 1.6706 ft 0.7971 subcritical Page 1 ditch #1 2 yr 025.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ......................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 14.7000 cfs slope ........................... 0.0070 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0250 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) computed Results: Depth .......................... 17.7208 in velocity ...... Full Flowrate ................... 1499000fccfs Flow area 3.6804 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 61.3586 in Hydraulic radius ................ 8.6373 in Top width ....................... 35.8138 in Area ............................ 3.6804 ft2 Perimeter ..... .... .... ....... 61.3586 in Percent full . . 100.0000 Critical Information critical depth .................. 13.3648 in critical slope .................. 0.0170 ft /ft critical velocity ............... 5.5662 fps critical area ................... 2.6409 ft2 critical perimeter .. 52.1755 in critical hydraulic radius ....... 7.2888 in critical top width .............. 32.9099 in specific energy ................. 1.7247 ft Minimum energy .................. 1.6706 ft Froude number 0.6341 Flow condition .................. subcritical Page 1 ditch #1 10 yr 003.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ........................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 18.5000 cfs slope ........................... 0.0070 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0300 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) computed Results: Depth ........................... 22.9079 in velocity ........................ 3.6759 fps Full Flowrate ................... 18.5000 cfs Flow area ....................... 5.0327 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 72.2941 in Hydraulic radius ................ 10.0245 in Top width ....................... 39.2719 in Area ............................ 5.0327 ft2 Perimeter 72.2941 in Percent full . ..._._ ............... 100.0000 critical informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... critical perimeter .............. critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. on 15.4207 in 0.0248 ft /ft 5.9284 fps 3.1206 ft2 56.5097 in 7.9520 in 34.2805 in 2.1190 ft 1.9276 ft 0.5226 subcritical Page 1 v m u3i m a G a ^ G p ayin v N N 0 N G t0a y tyil 0 NN G aoin m N y 0 NN m t0 O N a t°n °o °o °o m. C< m 0 C n °o ti 0 in y in Q N N °- > Q-0 y J C N O a3 Is N O > > L r In U v1 M O -6 J% tmp #6.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ........................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 9.5000 cfs slope ........ 0.0070 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0200 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) computed Results: Depth ........................... 11.6512 in velocity ........................ 4.2108 fps Full Flowrate ................... 9.5000 cfs Flow area ....................... 2.2561 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 48.5630 in Hydraulic radius ................ 6.6899 in Top width ....................... 31.7675 in Area ............................ 2.2561 ft2 Perimeter ..... .... .... ....... 48.5630 in Percent full . 100.0000 critical Information critical depth .................. 10.1505 in critical slope ................. 0.0108 ft /ft critical velocity ............... 4.9216 fps critical area ................... 1.9303 ft2 critical perimeter .............. 45.3992 in critical hydraulic radius ....... 6.1225 in critical top width .............. 30.7670 in specific energy ................. 1.2465 ft Minimum energy .................. 1.2688 ft Froude number ................... 0.8041 Flow condition .................. subcritical Page 1 tmp #5.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ....................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 9.5000 cfs slope ........................ 0.0070 ft /ft Manning's n ..................... 0.0280 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Computed Results: Depth ........................... 14.4432 in velocity ........................ 3.2871 fps Full Flowrate ................... 9.5000 cfs Flow area ....................... 2.8901 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 54.4490 in Hydraulic radius ................ 7.6434 in Top width ....................... 33.6288 in Area ............................ 2.8901 ft2 Perimeter ..... .... .... ....... n 54.4490 i Percent full . ...... . 100.0000 Critical informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... critical perimeter .............. critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. on 10.1505 in 0.0211 ft /ft 4.9216 fps 1.9303 ft2 45.3992 in 6.1225 in 30.7670 in 1.3715 ft 1.2688 ft 0.5706 subcritical Page 1 tmp #4.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: Shape ....................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 11.9000 cfs slope ........................ 0.0070 ft /ft Manning's n ..................... 0.0300 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) computed Results: Depth ........................... 17.4004 in velocity ........................ 3.3047 fps Full Flowrate 11.9000 cfs Flow area ....................... 3.6009 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 60.6833 in Hydraulic radius ................ 8.5449 in Top width ....................... 35.6003 in Area ............................ 3.6009 ft2 Perimeter ....................... 60.6833....1 in Percent full ....... 100.0000 Critical informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... critical perimeter .............. critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. on 11.7047 in 0.0244 ft /ft 5.2471 fps 2.2679 ft2 48.6756 in 6.7093 in 31.8031 in 1.6198 ft 1.4631 ft 0.5288 subcritical Page 1 t we mnN rg 3 u�° °°O zi'O N r� 0 N Oj O y y O O N P Q .. € u LLS O n n w Q a> N N N O O N C O C y g 01 Ol oL^m Q o�v p C! v oo Z530�o Q v Q m o m c > > ' � o x O .. 0 m u u av `m m� c E d U m o g g g m N — UO °° uS - a000 aci E v Q p Q p v ¢ p a d m a m c IL aE a� `w v O- O O pppp CQ TT c c NC m N N O 0 0 0 C N O d' O — 'T _ U O — O N O N E � a u •y o c vi °_' o Tai Tai 'm - �,� E c r• N NNmm � W L L L a a > P a a y E� oo°o N YI C F h N � tN0 ill �L N OO O O NN O�p,H rf p N .• - LL N -- ILL N N 3 3 l0 z 3p 3� r u iTU iN E �... 3° ._ 0 3 in m m N N iT, N N [V O m V 6 Q Q a O O U O U L L N j G C N N O O c o m E "� E. u 'coo r� ° NN�p No NO L ooi oil U o N N d' O° �..i a° Q n° O n 0 0 0 6° a^ o o° U .. .v_ ILL O O O N u LL li. lLL a e w m t N 21 N m N E O N J> ° N N N � N N [mil tmD � O .-00 Q N U� O C� a O C 0 0 0 0 0 0 � O, C N O� 0 0 U3 w Sao a w o $'000000 � � a 0000 L).gy m o v 6 v m E a o d a E F E p K E - Q E Q e L n Tii Y^ E E E o O M Q�� N 0 P. o Q¢ ". o Q¢ d 0 d 0 0 0 0 0 0 d d 0 a o? a" v m a m N O N W N l0 W C N L IO O d T 3 N C R C N C N u O O = N y O Q3 A N N O N N m QfY1 L O v K Q• Qj r i00 N i0 ° y N y N N N ~ O we C m N N N U U d U U U U J O t o Un.o z° N m E a m t tmp #7.txt Channel Calculator Given Input Data: shape .. ................... solving for .................. Flowrate ................ slope ........................ manning's n ..................... Height ..................... Bottom width .................... Left slope ................... Right slope ..................... Computed Results: Depth.......................... Velocity ........................ Full Flowrate ............ Flow area Flow perimeter ................. Hydraulic radius ................ Top width ....................... Area............................ Perimeter Percent full ........... ....., Critical Informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... Critical area ................... Critical perimeter .......111.1.. Critical hydraulic radius ....... Critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. Trapezoidal Depth of Flow 4.9000 cfs 0.0130 ft /ft 0.0200 120000.0000 in 24.0000 in 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) 6.2484 in 4.3295 fps 4.9000 cfs 1.1318 ft2 37.1727 in 4.3843 in 28.1656 in 1.1318 ft2 37.1727 in 100 0000 on 6.6422 in 0.0107 ft /ft 4.0524 fps 1.2092 ft2 38.0030 in 4.5817 in 28.4281 in 0.8120 ft 0.8303 ft 1.0992 Supercritical Page 1 tmp #8.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ...................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 4.9000 cfs slope ........................ 0.0130 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0280 Height ...................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) computed Results: Depth 7.7516 in velocity ........ Full Flowrate 4.9000 cfs Flow area 1.4310 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 40.3418 in Hydraulic radius ................ 5.1080 in Top width ....................... 29.1677 in Area ............................ 1.4310 ft2 Perimeter .... .... ....... 40.3418 in Percent full 100.0000 Critical Information Critical depth .................. 6.6422 in Critical slope .................. 0.0210 ft /ft critical velocity ............... 4.0524 fps critical area ................... 1.2092 ft2 Critical perimeter .... 38.0030 in critical hydraulic radius ....... 4.5817 in critical top width .............. 28.4281 in specific energy ................. 0.8282 ft Minimum energy .................. 0.8303 ft Froude number 0.7867 Flow condition .................. subcritical Page 1 tmp #9.txt Channel Calculator Given Input Data: shape ........................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 6.1700 cfs slope ........................... 0.0130 ft /ft Manning's n ..................... 0.0300 Height .......................... 120000.0000 in Bottom width .................... 24.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) Computed Results: Depth 9.3946 in velocity ......... 3.4858 fps Full Flowrate 6.1700 cfs Flow area ....................... 1.7701 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 43.8055 in Hydraulic radius ................ 5.8187 in Top width ....................... 30.2630 in Area ............................ 1.7701 ft2 Perimeter ....................... 43....8055....1n_ Percent full .................... 100.0000 Critical Information Critical depth 7.7050 in Critical slope .................. 0.0241 ft /ft Critical velocity ............... 4.3402 fps Critical area ................... 1.4216 ft2 Critical perimeter .............. 40.2436 in Critical hydraulic radius ....... 5.0868 in Critical top width .............. 29.1367 in specific energy ................. 0.9717 ft Minimum energy .................. 0.9631 ft Froude number 0.7335 Flow condition .................. subcritical Page 1 v d 3 d m E a m L m C C C a daN c L�N o^ o m m y ¢ a m 0 0 0 m '0 9av c �L ° 9ao N dci Ui o 0 0 o w E m Fo- a E a u wo OorNi 0oo a U o Ko $$ o Z c 0000 a 10 c m E c E. 0 o c 0 a a G i v d 3 E v a LL O. a ° m a U UULL (7 m o v o o c o m w c m Ic e o m ip N o m c 75 °-'tw y w E g �.ad y Uo u- 05 n yew � p �L LL �, oo w-- LL �'m O1mm ma`0i33m = IT Iw U O V31 fn to H a m_ E _- C 7i 4' m C ao o o E E' o 60 �n Ino in o �O m N N N O n in000 o L C G O O ¢ p d N O d[ V 0 0 0 0 O p L O O O L U Q A Q A 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 A n o 3 = o ae �a N lO y U rl rq Q UUV O C tV 0 75 NNN� N N E C N N 0 0 0 0 0 0 J> q aa{{ ¢ C NO a N Q. O m o oadg00000o 0.a° c m ci a ,dodo ac° c ° � m m o acia 0 € o co E E m =) I° - 'E c �E - E - ¢L2 m r^ u E a E �'c o1Oic°q Tc w� `rmo a'x m w O¢¢� op` ¢¢� 0 d 0 0000 d 000000 °�yaoo o �' -= o m � c m o o E a �e v c zo o T3N N a C N �� O _ - G C ON 'O io m mcn j o � m � mmUUa .- � UUUU cTi V IL O IL O C N Uao z v d 3 d m E a m L m tmp #10.txt channel Calculator Given Input Data: shape ............ Solving for Flowrate slope ........................ Manning's n Height .......................... Bottom width Left slope Right slope ..................... Computed Results: Depth ........................... ........................ Full Flowrate Flow area ....... Flow perimeter Hydraulic radius Top width ....................... Area Perimeter Percent full Critical Informati Critical depth ................ critical slope ........... Critical velocity critical area ...... critical perimeter ........ critical hydraulic radius . Critical top width .... •.• specific energy ................. Minimum energy ........ Froude number .... Flow condition .................. Trapezoidal Depth of Flow 3.6900 cfs 0.0210 ft /ft 0.0200 120000.0000 in 24.0000 in 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 4.4764 in 4.6564 fps 3.6900 cfs 0.7925 ft2 33.4371 in 3.4128 in 26.9843 in 0.7925 ft2 33.4371 in 100.0000 on 5.5279 in 0.0108 ft /ft 3.7195 fps 0.9921 ft2 35.6539 in 4.0068 in 27.6853 in 0.7100 ft 0.6910 ft 1.3828 Supercritical Page 1 tmp #ll.txt Channel Calculator Given Input Data: shape Trapezoidal solving for Depth of Flow Flowrate 3.6900 cfs slope 0.0210 ft /ft manning's n 0.0280 Height 120000.0000 in Bottom width 24.0000 in Left slope 3.0000 fin (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (V /H) Computed Results: Depth 5.5451 in velocity 3.7072 fps Full Flowrate 3.6900 cfs Flow area 0.9954 ft2 Flow perimeter 35.6901 in Hydraulic radius 4.0160 in Top width 27.6967 in Area ... ........................ 0.9954 ft2 Perimeter 35.6901 in Percent full ._..._. •••• ••....._ 100.0000 critical informati Critical depth .......... Critical slope critical velocity critical area Critical perimeter Critical hydraulic radius Critical top width specific energy Minimum energy Froude number Flow condition .................. on 5.5279 in 0.0212 ft /ft 3.7195 fps 0.9921 ft2 35.6539 in 4.0068 in 27.6853 in 0.6757 ft 0.6910 ft 0.9952 subcritical Page 1 tmp #12.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape .................. solving for ............ Flowrate slope ........................ Manning's n ............... Height......................... Bottom width Left slope Right slope ..................... computed Results: Depth ........................... .. Full Flowrate ........ Flow area Flow perimeter .......... Hydraulic radius .............. Topwidth ....................... Area............................ Perimeter . . .. Percent full• . .. .......... critical informati critical depth .............. critical slope .............. critical velocity ........... critical area .......... critical perimeter .. ....... critical hydraulic radius .... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ....... Flow condition .................. Trapezoidal Depth of Flow 4.6200 cfs 0.0210 ft /ft 0.0300 120000.0000 in 24.0000 in 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) 6.6906 in 3.7909 fps 4.6200 cfs 1.2187 ft2 38.1049 in 4.6056 in 28.4604 in 1.2187 ft2 38.1049 in 100.0000 on 6.3945 in 0.0242 ft /ft 3.9814 fps 1.1604 ft2 37.4807 in 4.4582 in 28.2630 in 0.7809 ft 0.7993 ft 0.9323 subcritical Page 1 G m d"m L'-'in 3 � m000 0 N �o N �o N � d ay vcaim € o ici m N oU O ohm d o� nNoS j m N G N N U N po A 0 0 0 0 Q y C Q C Q y c > m > o > o r u u u N # -m - > c� 12 c y - U t m C U U U v V J N O a yp m O C N O O .� O'� �: 'S C fV O O J N <� Qo QQ dao y0000 �E `o o > m € a E a L• o c c p 0 C3 C 3 � m m o -O � � 0 3 MC Q N Q Q O O O G C N E F a _ a a j. O fn fn S 2' p — 1p N N CJ tV jp d udN LLLL x. _ :m 0000 m �Er n°o m d UUUd C7 N w CH y O d� LL LL m O Q rn O o h N V _ y � r �.00 a10i.� o° m3vc �j O❑ r 3p 3p °1u u u iy O m m a c• o o o o �+"o m m m... o m "moo o _N E O E: "o .?`O 3 m N L M O O O O N "" ' 4 0 €- N O N N N N O N V' (G N t 0 N C O 7 O: L a J C G V1 w O O - y m 3 `o Q� Qom. _ 92 N v u 00 u 00 �j 0 O N N m •�- L O p m$ U p N M E �:.3 O �:� 3 p d N O W N O O O O O O N O O O O L U V) N A 0 0 0 0 p A O O Q J n tea'. o o a m 7 O u t a E O U O u N C N O C N N O O O O O O p c N O O O L � M:g p U m v� y� ��-" a �?° �°a �? �i'000000 oa �0000 p p m.o0 aao� �90 m av E c ] a c 5 E E F°-'E �E - EQ2 TA E E E ° e m ° z m m _ O O w m`� o cm in o m oaooSo do.- w - QQao rQQ`Qd °do °d odd000 °�yodo a z.�- a`oi m m a ` E v o o 0 c Z O y y v � 3 s m, m NU)LUUa UU�U N L U p .p : L) o o z° U W a c m tmp #104.txt channel calculator liven Input Data: shape ..... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 1.1400 cfs slope ........................... 0.0180 ft /ft mann-ing's n ..................... 0.0200 Height .. 12.0000 in Bottom width .................... 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) = omputed Results: Depth 3.6141 in velocity ........................ 3.4398 fps Full Flowrate ................... 7.5599 cfs Flow area ....................... 0.3314 ft2 Flow perimeter .. 19.6192 in Hydraulic radius ................ 2.4325 in Top width ....................... 14.4094 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .................... 37.2982 in Percent full .................... 30.1176 critical informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... Critical perimeter .............. critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. on 3.9634 in 0.0135 ft /ft 3.1093 fps 0.3666 ft2 20.3555 in 2.5937 in 14.6423 in 0.4851 ft 0.4954 ft 1.1543 supercritical Page 1 tmp #105.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ....................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 1.1400 cfs slope ........................ 0.0180 ft /ft Manning's n ..................... 0.0250 Height .. ........ Bottom width .................... 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Computed Results: Depth ........................... 4.1704 in velocity ........ Full Flowrate 6.0480 cfs Flow area 0.3878 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 20.7920 in Hydraulic radius ................ 2.6858 in Top width ....................... 14.7803 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .................... 37.2982 in Percent full 34.7533 critical information critical depth .................. 3.9634 in critical slope .................. 0.0211 ft /ft critical velocity ............... 3.1093 fps critical area ................... 0.3666 ft2 critical perimeter .............. 20.3555 in critical hydraulic radius ....... 2.5937 in critical top width .............. 1#.6423 in specific energy ................. 0.4818 ft Minimum energy .................. 0.4954 ft Froude number 0.9236 Flow condition .................. subcritical Page 1 tmp #106.txt channel calculator liven Input Data: shape ......................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 1.4300 cfs slope ........................... 0.0180 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0300 Height ..................... 12.0000 in Bottom width .................... 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft CV/H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) :omputed Results: De th 5.42.22 in velocity ........................ 2.7505 fps Full Flowrate ................... 5.0400 cfs Flow area ....................... 0.5199 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 23.4310 in Hydraulic radius ................ 3.1952 in Top width ....................... 15.6148 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .................... 37.2982 in Percent full .................... 45.1850 critical Informati critical depth .................. critical slope ................. critical velocity ............... critical area ................... critical perimeter .............. critical hydraulic radius ....... critical top width .............. specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ................... Flow condition .................. on 4.5818 in 0.0304 ft /ft 3.3224 fps 0.4304 ft2 21.6593 in 2.8616 in 15.0545 in 0.5694 ft 0.5727 ft 0.7671 suLci °i ti cal Page 1 m m QI m C C C a m do o w q da a rn N PO cn N m 3 5cmm c rn ¢ m fn m a a H € o d �N O UFO^ U �'Ifl L p OOS O ¢ O C > O > O > O O N r LL m r N _ u u u c > E gg yg ¢ 12 ¢ ¢ ° ci ci c E m E C € p N a y @ y > ry O @ o F ` v "' !4 c c m no 3 m o2 N O N O =Q 3 N d m U : m o vv Y� 0 0 O J E N v jj a ¢�- ¢•- « d 0000 0 o m N E € tp1 a 'm 0 m a3 � mNmma�i g d °apapapa ° o � E2 o U U u m 0 d CO L d p W LL r LL N a m - v rn N N Q ' _ 3 rnL Yio -�cr,, _ w mp yr O ° my N b IL a+a Ill 5- IL v ni !n L E 0 t r U 37 tq 37 N c N a ITa iN F- a m E E '^ :2 ^—' N —' ' m a a N °E °op o p oE:, mop o ti .?� °o N 3 `I N N N m inOOo L O N, w.. N IL O N -' O w E - lL € o ¢O .- d c a m oZ) off'. G O. > N N J c C c C N O O ' a ¢[v1 Nfn E O p o° E O p o° L O S O L O NNm.P -NO NO 6° L Om0 t7M$ U a d' N.' O^ O n 0 0 0 0 O n o o O 0 N ti u. p a N 6 vO1 yO vO1 flt,l IZ O ('f N U njj' O (n N a p N N N N 4 0 0 0 0 0 C a (V O Q O mvo �.a0 $'000000 6 ���A00o0 0 0 o Uma > E< e ez2 T N N m T N 0 O d m d' L m 0 O w 0 m Y'1 O N O V 0000 of N QQ O M- N < ¢° Q¢¢o d0 d Odo000 600. anvm !R T 5— L L m NinyciUU. IH L N ciao z° m m QI m tmp #103.txt Channel Calculator Given Input Data: shape .................... Trapezoidal Solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate 1.9000 cfs Slope ...................... 0.0100 ft /ft manning's n 0.0200 Height .......................... 12.0000 in Bottom width 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Computed Results: Depth 6.0561 in velocity ........................ 3.2227 fps Full Flowrate ............ 5.6348 cfs Flow area 0.5896 ft2 Flow perimeter 24.7674 in Hydraulic radius ............ 3.4278 in Top width ....................... 16.0374 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .................... 37.2982 in Percent full .................... 50.4675 - critical Informati Critical depth ............. Critical slope Critical velocity ......... Critical area .......... Critical perimeter Critical hydraulic radius ... critical top width Specific energy ................. Minimum energy .................. Froude number ...... Flow condition .................. on 5.4881 in 0.0136 ft /ft 3.6049 fps 0.5271 ft2 23.5699 in 3.2201 in 15.6587 in 0.6661 ft 0.6860 ft 0.8554 subcritical Page 1 tmp #102.txt channel calculator Given Input Data: shape ....................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ....................... 1.9000 cfs Slope ........................... 0.0100 ft /ft manning's n ..................... 0.0250 Height .... .... Bottom width 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) :omputed Results: Deppth 6.9834 in velocit Full Flowrate 4.50479 cfs Flow area 0.6948 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 26.7222 in Hydraulic radius ................ 3.7143 in Top width ....................... '16.6556 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .................... 37.2982 in Percent full .................... 58.1947 critical information critical depth .................. 5.4581 in Critical slope .................. 0.0j13 ft /ft critical velocity ............... 3.6049 fps critical area ................... 0.5271 ft2 critical perimeter .............. 23.5699 in critical hydraulic radius ....... 3.2201 in critical top width .............. 15.6587 in specific energy ................. 0.0981 ft Minimum energy .................. 0.6860 ft Froude number 0.(41,13 Flow condition .................. st.'x�ritical Page 1 trop #101.txt channel calculator ,iven Input Data: shape ........................... Trapezoidal solving for ..................... Depth of Flow Flowrate ........................ 2.4000 cfs slope ........................... 0.0100 ft /ft manning's n 0.0300 Height .......................... 12.0000 in Bottom width .................... 12.0000 in Left slope ...................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) Right slope ..................... 3.0000 ft /ft (v /H) :omputed Results: Depth ........................... 9.0859 in velocity ........................ 2.5310 fps Full Flowrate ................... 3.7566 cfs Flow area ....................... 0.9,183 ft2 Flow perimeter .................. 31.1548 in Hydraulic radius ................ 4.3829 in Top width ....................... 18.0573 in Area ............................ 1.3333 ft2 Perimeter .. 37.2982 in Percent full .................... 75.7159 critical information critical depth .......... critical slope ......... critical velocity ....... critical area ........... critical perimeter ...... critical hydraulic radius critical top width ...... specific energy ......... Minimum energy .......... Froude number ........... Flow condition .......... 6.3579 in 0.) 08 ft /ft 3 . '. i 99 fps 0. ;?34 ft2 25.4035 in 3.5337 in 16.2386 in O.S567 ft 0.:'947 ft 0.1621 SLI -i itical Page 1 Level Spreader Calculations OF wnrFA MAMMMI O� QG NCDENR STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT APPLICATION FORM 401 CERTIFICATION APPLICATION FORM LEVEL SPREADER - VEGETATED FILTER STRIP (LS -VFS) SUPPLEMENT This form must be completely filled out, printed, initialed, and submitted. I. PROJECT INFORMATION Project name Wildwood Subdivision Contact name Donald Sever, PE Phone number 919 469 1101 Date June 28 2014 Drainage area number FES 200 III. <DESIGN INFORMATION The purpose of the LS -VFS Buffer Rule: Diffuse Flow Stormwater enters LS -VFS from The drainage area Type of VFS Engineered filter strip (graded & sodded, slope < 8 %) Explanation of any "Other" responses above If Stormwater Enters the LS -VFS from the Drainage Area Drainage area Impervious surface area Percent impervious Rational C coefficient Peak flow from the 1 in /hr storm Time of concentration Rainfall intensity, 10 -yr storm Peak flow from the 10 -yr storm Design storm Maximum amount of flow directed to the LS -VFS Is a flow bypass system going to be used? Explanation of any "Other" responses above If Stormwater Enters the LS -VFS from a BMP Type of BMP Peak discharge from the BMP during the design storm Peak discharge from the BMP during the 10 -year storm Maximum capacity of a 100 -foot long LS -VFS Peak flow directed to the LS -VFS Is a flow bypass system going to be used? Explanation of any "Other" responses above 1.82,952 ftz 59,200 ft' 32.36 % 0.42 1.76 cfs 5.00 _ min 6.95 in /hr 12.26 cfs 1 inch /hour storm 1.77 cfs y (Y or N) riprap Is provided at ouffall of,splitter box Do not complete this section of the form. Pick one: cfs cfs Do not complete this section of the form. 10 cfs cfs Do not complete this section of the form. (Y or N) Form SW401 - LS -VFS - 29June2012 - Rev.10 page 1 of 3 LS -VFS Design Forebay surface area Depth of forebay at stormwater entry point Depth of forebay at stormwater exit point Feet of level lip needed per cfs Computed minimum length of the level lip needed Length of level lip provided Width of VFS Elevation at downslope base of level lip Elevation at the end of the VFS that is farthest from the LS Slope (from level lip to the end of the VFS) Are any draws present in the VFS? Is there a collector swale at the end of the VFS? Bypass System Design (if applicable) Is a bypass system provided? Is there an engineered flow splitting device? Dimensions of the channel (see diagram below): M W y (flow depth for 10 -year storm) freeboard (during the 10 -year storm) Peak velocity in the channel during the 10 -yr storm Channel lining material Does the bypass discharge through a wetland? Does the channel enter the stream at an angle? Explanation of any "Other" responses above 125 sq ft Forebay is adequately sized. 36 in 12 in Depth is appropriate. 10 fycfs 18 ft 20 ft 50 ,, ft 417.00 fmsl 415.00 fmsl 4.00 % n (Y or N) OK n (Y or N) n (Y or N) y (Y or N) Please provide plan details of flow splitter & supporting calcs. W I I I I B 1 Form SW401 - LS -VFS - 29June2012 - Rev.10 page 2 of 3 III. REQUIRED 'ITEMS CHECKLIST EDIT Please indicate the page or plan sheet numbers where the supporting documentation can be found. An incomplete submittal package will result in a request for additional information. This will delay final review and approval of the project. Initial in the space provided to indicate the following design requirements have been met. If the applicant has designated an agent, the agent may initial below. If a requirement has not been met, attach justification. Requried Item: Initials 1. Plans (1" - 50' or larger) of the entire site showing: - Design at ultimate build -out, Off -site drainage (if applicable), Delineated drainage basins (include Rational C coefficient per basin), Forebay (if applicable), High flow bypass system, Maintenance access, Proposed drainage easement and public right of way (ROW), and Boundaries of drainage easement. . Plan details (1" = 30' or larger) for the level spreader showing: Forebay (if applicable), High flow bypass system, One foot topo lines between the level lip and top of stream bank, Proposed drainage easement, and Design at ultimate build -out. 3. Section view of the level spreader (1" = 20' or larger) showing: - Underdrain system (if applicable), Level lip, Upslope channel, and Downslope filter fabric. 4. Plan details of the flow splitting device and supporting calculations (if applicable). 5. A construction sequence that shows how the level spreader will be protected from sediment until the entire drainage area is stabilized. 6. If a non - engineered VFS is being used, then provide a photograph of the VFS showing that no draws are present. 7. The supporting calculations. 8. A copy of the signed and notarized operation and maintenance (0 &M) agreement. Form SW401 - LS -VFS - 29June2012 - Rev.10 page 3 of 3 Buffers and Wetland Impact Map For the roadway culvert crossing, there will be a wetland channel impact. For the_greenway crossing, there will be a buffer impact for the grading of the trail. - The utility crossings are being jacked and bored, so a buffer impact will be needed. S &EC are preparing the PCN form which will include all the needed impacts for the project.