HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06663_Well Construction - GW1_20220708 _rr••• %1WL.oAJMUa.AAvl\ne,a,Vtcu taw-ll YorinternaiUse Oniy: 1.Well Contractor Infor/oration: 41 :1�1.+WATEI!'I.ONF.B'•�nt}"! '+:3y7.t}'::ti:tyiUr.;+1tXri•?1."'%.'•R' 4n :+ s . Well T�_ FROM r.x•1R..x•.t.fvr.;•fS:-ir :a�i•!.f CoattactorName TD' DESCEt�'r[QV NC WellContmctorCertificationNumber i15fOlITERCASiNG foimnlfi wellr ORLIIVER f""ltmble ti?h ,�_t_' n r m 9 D In. ctatess era�eatnr. mpagyName • ''�16:•II�iER'C•'A8II4GORfrUBII�IG eufh8e"aTelel'a1800' t3ftf?,;x�:'�io*',i'+3:it�k.�'Fa,:K 2.Weii Cpnstruction Permit*: MON 'ro mLOn= 71110ERESs A •rstupL Lfstaff applicable ivefl consuuedon permits(t e..U!G County.S/af4 volaneG eft) fI. % In. 3.Well Use(check well use): n• tt. In. WaterSuppil'Well: ��17:SGRESdVx s" :"+�"9F _:'liE!ii I B?`i�k,i:Sin4�i't>"•mow• z �sr'ft?'i&e S. +%%bi OM To Dw►IIsTER . THIC arA Agricultural 0MunicipaMblio 0 Id. . 3.0etithemal(Heating/Cooling Supply) 131tesidential Water Supply(single) M TndustriaUConunamial b1gidential Water Supply(shared) -WARtion FROM. TO MATBRML IIHe C611ffidr DBAMOUNr Non-Water Supply Well: fZ is Monitoring Recovery Iti % wection Well: AquiferRecharge [3Groundwater.Remediation lis19iSAND1GRAVEIrPAGK ii'IIe6bie r`�"^}Pf• :.v,;4+s't'�rea3; '�sAA•lit.�c:�: Aquifer Storage and Recovery OseunityBarrier. FROM To MATERIAL on, AquiferTest. OStonnwaterl3rahtage Experimental Technology 13Subsidenee Control ft: fa 4 "thermal(Closed Loop) r3Tcer 10'DRII:Ln�IGLOG ff i'tuaadni5wlibeets'ita' - Geothermal tia o1'mg Retain) Other( Iain under#21 Remaiks FROMTO DffiCRMICIOx color rseh e!� 0 fa 4.Date Well(s)Completed:-��+J-GZ.Well ID# Ib ib e, Sa.WellLacation: .R' ( p� • Fb erNatne _ Faeificy WN(irapplicable) UYp_r�bo�d � 7G �i7r & >h Pl�ystcalAddteUss,Cttp,aadZip' fb R . 47t'faff%�,*.,P:.S:i�t h'rrt` t3:r.• 90•.� xk�.tti x ;t •.a� County .PawdIdentnicationifo.(PN F7 4. a .,- 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds ordectmal degreest (ifwell field,one latflong Is sufficient) 22.Certification: Ir JUL .0 $ 2022 ?u' 'S� f��!-i/yN_ / Sl •cI � �b�.�.,2�(2_W ,. 6.]Xare)thewell(s)�rnranent or 13Tepiporall 31"sorow dwancontraetor l,rji+. ry>; Date By sfsnrng thrs form,I hereby eerttfy that the to f(s)roar(t—j constricted in aceondodee 7.IsthisarepairtoanexistingWen: ]Yes or f�Pfli� eNrh/SANGICOr2CAIODorISANCtC01C.O=,Ire#Conrdutflw&umjards and thot a VthfsIsarepakfilfoutkrol-ivelleonnnx0ort.Warmotionanderplafn the natumofthe copYofth&MCOnfhatbUnpoddedtoMeirefoinw. repab under#2I remarbsectfon or onArbaekofthtsform. 23.Site diag ram additional wen detalis: S.For GeoprobeMPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells haviog.the same You may use Ike back of this page to provide additional well alte;details or Well construction,only IOW-lisneeded.ladieateTOTALNUMBBRofwelis construction detalls.You may also attack additional pages ffnecessaq, drilled: ', ` SUBMITTALINSTRUGTIO�TS, .;. ' : .' 9.Totalwell depth below land surface: Ida y ( ) 24a.Yor.All Well4: Submit this ifomrwithia 30 days of cohtpletion of,well FarmvlrlpJewelfrl/stalldapths(jd(�erart(example-8(dj200'arrd1Q1000 construction to the following: 10.Statie water Ievel below top of easing: (ti:) lfiraterfaveltrabaveea ir►&ass"+" Division ofWaterltesources,Iatrmaton Processin Qrlts` f�/ 3617MaitService Clenter,Retdg%IgC276991617 11.Borehole diameters (in) 24b.Per Intention Welts in addition to sending the fluor to ate address in W 12.Well construction method:rp 4 e r y above,also submit one copy of skis form within t0 days•of compietiowof melt construction to the following: (Le.eases;tomcY.eabin.diceccPusL.eta.) . DIvislon of WaterResonrces,Underground Injection Control Prognun, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Ser dce Center,Raleig%NC 27699=1636 13a.Yleld(gpm) Method of test: i 24e.For Water SunDly&Iniectlon Wells:`In addition to.sendtng the ibtm to Ow addresses) above,also submit`one'copy.of this Iona w1d&30 days of 13b.Dislnfection type: �` dr: Amount: t_l Q Z completidn of'weU construction to the county health.dcoatmtetit of the'ceunty where constructed. Form OW-1 NotthCaroltnaDepartmeotofEnvitnnmenmlQualityDIvlsionofWaterltesotum' Ravisad221.2016