HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140784 Ver 1_Application_20140725Corps Submittal Cove►• Sheet Please piovide tlie follo�ving info: 1. Project Name: T1P Yroject No. W-52140 — SR 1388 - Bristol Avenue Widenin� 2. Name of Property O���ner/Applicaut: Nor[h Carolina De��artment of Traus�oi�tatioi� (NCDOT) 3. Name of Cousultant/Agent: N/A _ *Agent authoriztdion needs to be attached. 4. Related/Previous Action ID nuii Site Address: 5. Subdivision Name: N/A 6. City: Andrews 7. Couuty: Cherokee 8. Lat: 35.19556 N Long: -83.82258_W (Deciuial Degrees Plen.ce) 9. Qu�draugle Name: Andrews 10. Water�vay: UT's to Town Brauch �nd UT to Valley River (DWR Class: C, Tr) 11. Watershed: Hiwassee River (IICU: 06020002) 12. Rec�uested Actiou: X Nationwide Permit # 14 General Permit # JurisdictionTl Determination Request Pre-Application Reqaest The following infonuation will be completed Uy Corps office: AID: Prepare File Folder Assigu number in ORM Begiu Date Autliorization: Section 10 Section 404 Project Descriptioi�/ Nature oY Activity/ Project Purpose: Site/Waters Name: Keywords: P,a'f MCCaoa}� CioVEa\oR � �� � ����� ��,�,�- �° STATE OF NOR'I H CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTAT`ION July 2$, 2014 Ms. Lori Beck�vith, NCDOT Regulltoiy Project Manager U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 151 Yatton Avenue, Room 208 Asheville,NC 28301-2714 Subject: Nationwide ]4 Permit Applicatiou TIPProjectNo. W-52140 SR 1388 — Bristol Avenue — Paved Road Improvements Cherokee Couuty State Project No. A5344.1.Fll15 Dear Ms. Beckwith: ANTI-IONY J. TATA $tC2ET.1R\' "I7ie Nortli Carolina Department of'IransportTtiou (NCDOT) is proposuig improvements along a 0.77 mile section of SR 1388, Bristol Aveuue, in the Town of Audrews. This propos�l entails iniuor iroadway wideniug, iustallatiou ofcurb, gutter, sidewalk, retaining wall and guardrail. All �vork will be conducted within existing NCDOT rigl�t of way or grauted coi�struction easement. The proposed improvements have been identified as a necessary spot safery iiuprovemeiit project. Funds liave been allocated for tl�is project aud NCDOT wotild like to pei'form these aetivities i�i 2014. I am enelosiug a PCN application, Rapanos Jucisdictional Determination Forin, EEP Mitigatioii Acceptance Lelter, SHPO forms, plan sheets sliowing ihe proposed �vork, photograplis, a marked county map aud USGS topographic map. The improvements will require the eatension of three e�isting culverts midei• SR 1388 aud ��vill impaet 0.094 acres of riparian wetlaud adjacent to To�>>n Brauch and the roadw�y. Tlu•eatened and Endangered Species Tlie Noitli Caroliva Nataral IIeritage Program lists 23 species foi• Cherokee Counry tliat have federal stTtus that are known fi•ou1 current records or were known to occur in the Coiuity historically. Additionally, the b�ld eagle (Hnliaeehes leucoceplrrdlis) retains special protection under the Bald aud Golde�i Eagle Protection Act. Tlu•ec species, the bog turtle (Glyp/em��s miJilenbergii), listed as threatened due to si�uilarit}� of appearauce to tl�e uorthern bog turtle, tlie �vliite fi-ingeless orcl�id (Ylntnnfl7e�•n ii7�egrilr�bia), designated �s a candidate species, and tlie little��viug pearlynmssel (Pegrns fnbida), listed as endangered, are kno���n only from historical �ourtecnth Division ORicc 'I'elephone: (S2S) 586-2141 2i3 1Vebtiler Road. Sylva, Nor�h Carolin;� 2R779 �a�: (828) 536-4043 SR 1388 — Cherokee Cowity Page 2 July 25, 2014 recoids. Three species, tlie Indiana bat (D�Ipotis soclnlis), the small whorled pogonia (Isoh•i� medeoloides), aud tlie Cumberlaud bean (Villosn h�nbnlis) are listed as eitl�er threatened or endangered. Tl�e sicklefin redhorse (�l7oxoslo�itn sp. 2) is desiguated as a caiididate species. There are no threatened or endangered species listed in the database �vithiu the Town Branch ��vatershed. The only listed species fowid �vithin a tive mile i�adius of tl�e project are for die sicklefiu redhorse a��d the s�uall whorled pogo�iia. The nearest downstrea�u reeord for the sieklefin redliorse is appi•oximately 2.0 miles ti•om the project `flie record for the small whorled pogonia is approaimately 3.0 miles from Uie project. The CumberlTnd be�u is typically found in relatively large streams with a characteristic s�iid and gravel subsU�ate. To�vn Braiich and the unnamed tributary to the Valley River have been impacted by commercial aud residcnti�l development. To�a�n Branch has a substrate of cobble, gravel, and sand/silt. Town Brauch is approximatel}� 2-4 feet in ��vidth aud is miicli smaller than streams that support the Cumberland beau. Tl�e only reeord for the Cumberland Bean in North Carolina is in the Hi�vassee River do���nstream of ApTlachia Lake, which is greater tl�au 45 miles fi'om tlie project site. The tcrresh�ial liabitat iu the vicinity of tlle project has been altered by removal of forested riparian Treas aud coiiversion of the forested habitat to residential lawns and maintained road shoulders. Therefore, the habitat is not characteristic of habitat oY tl�e small �vhorled pogouia or nesting habitat for the bald eagle. Habitat for threatened auci endaugered terrestri�l species appears to be lacking along tlie ro�d eacept for a few trees, wliich could provide roosting habitat for the Indiaua bat. Aquatic and terrestrial habitat appears to be lacking or limited for listecl species. BMPs will minimize effects to downstrea�u a�uatic liabitat. Trees, which uiust be removed, will be i•e�uoved iu winter prior to April 15 to avoid affecting the IndiT��a bat Tlie indirect effect on potential futtu'e maternal roost sites froin the removal of a fe�>> trees within a vast forested regiai would bc considered i�isignificant. No threatened or endangered species were obsei-��ed during the field scoping process or are la�o�vn to occur witliin the Town Branch waterslied. For these reasons and tliose discussed above, we recommeud a determivatiou of"no effect" for tlueateued aud endangcred species. This project ��vas reviewed by NCDOT's Human �nvironmeut Unit iii 2014 for poteutial effects to historic architecture aud arcl�aeology. It was determined tl�at no surve}� was reqttired for archaeology. A su�vey was conducted for liistoric architecture with a determination of uo effect (see attached forms). NCDOT best mauagement practices will be used to minimize and control erosion �nd sedimentation on tl�is project The consiruction foremau will review all erosion control measares daily to ensure erosion and sedimentation are being controlled effectively. If the <levices are uot lunctioning as intended, they will be replaced immediately �vitli better devices. SR 1388 — Clierokee Couuty Y�ge 3 July 25, 2014 Impacts to Waters of the United States The iinnamed tributaries to To��vii Branch (DWR Class: C, Ti•) are small; liowever, tliey ha��e a well-defined cl�annel with a suUshate composed primarily of gravel, s�nd and silt. The uunamed tributaries flo�v into Towu Bia��cl�, which flows appro�imately 1.4 miles to the Valley River. The V�lley River (DWR Class C, Tr) flo���s approximately 18.75 miles to the Hiwassee River (Hi�vassee Lake) iii Murphy. The Hi�vassee River uieets the definition of a Traditional Navigable Water. For tliese reasons, we believe that the unnamed tributaries to 1'own Br�ncl� are Relatively Permanent Waters and are under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Army Corps of �ngineers. Li order to make the slfety improvemeuts to SR 13S8, it �vill be necessary to impact w��ters of the United States in tl�e Hiwassee River I3asin (HUC 06020002). Specifically, NCDOT is requesting to extend 3 culverts and iuipact one riparian wetland adjacent to Town Braucl�. The proposed impacts are listed belo�v. Site No. �sistiug Conditiou Propose<1 Cmidition Net Station Im acts Site 1 Zq�� Y 32' CMP �`�" �`�g•5' RCP 16.5' (Sta. 13+50) Ineludiug Concrete Juuction Boa Site lA Free Flowing Stream Impervious Dike and Flo��� 75, (Sta. 13+50) Diversion Site 2 Riparian Wetland Wetland Fill .094 Ac (Sta. I6+00 — 25+50) Site 3 18" s 31' CMP 18" s 42.5' RCP 1 1.5' (Sta. 23+75) Site 3A Free Flo���ing Sheam Impeivious Dike aud Flow 75, (Sta. 23+75) Diversion Site 4 36" s 40.5' CMP 36" a 48.5 RCP 8' (Sta. 31+25) Site 4 A Free Flowing Stream Imperviotis Dike aud Flo�v 75, (Sta. 31+25) Diversion Total Per�uanent Strea�u luipact foj• Culvei•t �ltensious Total Teuipor:��y Stre�m Impact fm� Impervious Dilces and Flow lliversiou Total Permanent Riparian Wetlaud Lnpacts for Roach��ay F'ill Permits Requested 36' 225' 0.094 Ac. NCDOT is liereby rec�uesting audiorization under Section 404 of tlie Clean Water Act to proceed with the consh�uction project ouUined above. By eopy of this letter, I am asking Ms. Marla Chambers, Western NCDO'C Review Coordi��ator, of the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Connnission (NCWRC) to comment directly to you concerning tlie 404 Natiauwide Permit request. I �m also requesting authorization under Section 401 of the Cle�n Water Act from the North Carolina Departmeut of Envirofmieut and Natural Resources (DENR), Division of Water SR 1388 — Chei•okee County Page 4 ,iuly 25, 2014 Resources. In addition, I am asking Ms. Ch�mbeis aud Mr. Ben DeWit, Roadside Environmeutal Field Operations �nginccr (NCDOT), to conlinent directly to �ne conceri�ing this permit request. If you h�ve Tny questions or need additional i��formation, please contact me at (828) 58G2141. Your early revie�v a��d consideration �vill be greatly appreciated. Sincerely, / i' �"_`" " " " ��i��/ Mark S. D�vis, Divisiou 14 Envirotunental Supervisor Enclosures ce: Ms. Amy Chapmau, Division of Water Resources, D�NR, Raleigh Mr. Keviu Barnett, Division of Water Resources, DENR, Asheville Mr. Jason Ma}�s, Biologist, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Asheville Ms. Marla Chambers, Western Region NCDOT Coordinator, NCWRC, Albemarle Mr. Wesley Griudstaff, P.E., District Engineer, NCDOT, Andrews Mr. Ben DeWit, EI, Roadside Eirviromuental Pield Operations Engineer, NCDOT o=�F W ATF9OG � � � r y o _ _ ` ''� O�ce Use Only: Corps action ID no. DWQ project no. Form Version 1.3 Dec 10 2008 Pre-Consh�uction Noti�cation (PCN) Form A. Applic�nt Iuformation 1. Processing 1a. Type(s) of approval sought from the Corps: � Section 404 Permit ❑ Section 10 Permit 1 b. Specify Nationwide Permit (NWP) number. 14 or General Permit (GP) number: 1c. Has the NWP or GP number been verified by the Corps? ❑ Yes � No 1d. Type(s) of approval sought from the DWQ (check all lhat apply): � 401 Water Qualily Certifcation — Regular ❑ Non-404 Jurisdictional General Permit ❑ 401 Water Quality Certifcation — Express ❑ Riparian Buffer Authorizalion 1 e. Is lhis notification solely for the record For the record only for DWQ 401 For lhe record only for Corps Permit: because wrilten approval is not reyuired? Certification: ❑ Yes � No ❑ Yes � No 1f. Is payment into a mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program proposed for mitigation � Yes ❑ No of impacts? If so, attach the acceptance lelter from mitigation bank or in-lieu fee program. NCEEP 1g. Is the project located in any of NCs twenly coastal counties. If yes, answer 1h ❑ Yes � No below. 1 h. Is the project located within a NC DCM Area of Environmental Concem (AEC)? ❑ Yes � No 2. Project Information 2a. Name of project: SR 1388 - Bristol Avenue - Spot Safety Improvement Project 2b. Counly: Cherokee 2c. Nearest municipality / town: Andrews 2d. Subdivision name: N/A 2e. NCDOT only, T.I.P. or state W_52140 — WBS No. 45344.1.FD15 Project No: 3. Owner Information 3a. Name(s) on Recorded Deed: North Carolina Department of Transportation 3b. Deed Book and Page No. N/A 3c. Responsible Parly (for LLC if Mark S. Davis, Division 14 Environmental Supervisor applicable): 3d. Street address: 253 Webster Rd. 3e. City, state, zip: Sylva, NC 28779 3f. Telephone no.: 828-586-2141 3g. Fax no.: 828-586-4043 3h. Email address: markdavis@ncdot.gov Page 1 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Applicant Information (if different from owner) 4a. Applicanl is: ❑ Agent ❑ Olher, specify: 4b. Name: N/A 4c. Business name N/A (if applicable): 4d. Street adclress: N/A 4e. Ciry, state, zip: N/A 4f. Telephone no.: N/A 4g. Fax no.: N/A 4h. Email address: N/A 5. AgenUConsidtant Information (if applicable) 5a. Name: N/A 5b. Business name N/A (if applicable): 5c. Street address: N/A 5d. City, state, zip: N/A 5e. Telephone no.: N/A 5f. Fax no.: N/A 5g. Email address: N/A Page 2 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version B. Project Information and Prior Project History 1. Property Identification 1a. Property identification no. (tax PIN or parcel ID): N/A 1b. Site coordinates (in decimal degrees): Latitude: 35.19556 N Longitude: -OS3.82258 W (DD.DDDDDD) (-DD.DDDDDD) 1 c. Property size: N/A acres 2. Suriace Waters 2a. Name of nearest body of water (sVeam, river, etc.) to UT's to Town Branch; UT to Valley River proposed project: 2b. Waler Quality Classification of nearesl receiving water: DWR Class: C, Tr 2c. River basin: Hiwassee River (HUC 06020002) 3. Project Descriptian 3a. Describe the existing conditions on lhe site and the general land use in the vicinity of the project at the time of this application: The general land use in the project area is mainly commercial and residenlial housing. All work will take place wilhin exisiing NCDOT right of way and/or granted constniction easements. 3b. List the total estimated acreage of all existing wetlands on the property: N/A 3a List the total eslimated linear feet of all existing streams (intermittent and perennial) on lhe property: N/A 3d. Explain the purpose of the proposed project: Spot Safety Improvemenl Project. Project entails minor roadway widening, installation of curb, gutter, sidewalk, and guardrail along a 0.77 mile section of SR 1388 to improve safety for the fraveling public. 3e. Describe the overall project in detail, including the type of equipment to be used: Erosion control measures will be installed. Impervious dikes will be inslalled and lhe water will diverted in order to inslall the 3 culverts. The exisiing road will be widened and paved. Trackhoes, bulldozers, graders, dump trucks, paving equipment, water pumps, diversion pipe, and various hand tools will be used to accomplish the work. 4. Jurisdictional Determinations 4a. Have jurisdictional wetland or stream determinations by the Corps or State been requested or obtained for lhis properly / project (including all prior phases) in the past? ❑ Yes � No ❑ Unknown Comments: N/A 4b. If the Corps made lhe jurisdictional delermination, whal type of determinalion was made? ❑ Preliminary ❑ Final 4c. If yes, who delineated the jurisdictional areas? Agency/Consultant Company: N/A Name (if known): N/A Other: N/A 4d. If yes, list lhe dates of the Corps jurisdictional determinations or State determinations and al�ach documenlalion. N/A 5. Project History 5a. Have permits or certificalions been requested or oblained for � Yes � No ❑ Unknown lhis project (including all prior phases) in lhe past? 5b. If yes, explain in detail according to "help file" inslruclions. N/A 6. Future Project Plans 6a. Is this a phased project? ❑ Yes � No 6b. If yes, explain. N/A Page 3 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version C. Proposed Impacts Inventory 1. Impacts Summary 1 a. Which sections were completed below for your project (check all that apply): ❑ Wetlands � Streams - lributaries ❑ Buffers ❑ Open Waters ❑ Pond Construclion 2. Weiland Impacts If there are weiland impacts proposed on lhe site, then coinplete this question for each wetland area impacted. 2a. 2b. 2c. 2d. 2e. 2f. Wetland impacl Type of jurisdiclion number — Type of impact Type of wetland Forested (Corps - 404, 10 Area of impact Permanent (P) or (if known) DWQ — non-404, other) (acres) Tem orar T W1 � P � T Fill Riparian ❑ Yes � Corps 0.094 � No � DWQ W2 � P� T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W3 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W4 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W5 ❑ P❑ T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ W6 ❑ P 0 T ❑ Yes ❑ Corps ❑ No ❑ DWQ 2g. Tot�l �Vetl�nd Lnpncts - �ill 0.094 Ac 2h. Comments: This area cannot be avoided due to the cut slope and adjacent houses wilh septic tanks, which are located on top of the cut slope. NCDOT can also flatten the curve in the road by flling in this wet area. This area appears to have developed over the past few years due to poor maintenance of the drainage structures under lhe roadway. 3. Stream Impacts If there are perennial or intermittent stream impacts (including temporary impacts) proposed on lhe site, then complete lhis queslion for all slream sites impacted. 3 a. 3 b. 3 c. 3 d. 3 e. 3 f. 3 g. Stream impact Type of impact Streain name Perennial Type of jurisdiction Average Impact number - (PER) or (Corps - 404, 10 stream length Permanent (P) or intermiltent DWQ — non-404, widlh (linear Temporary (T) (INT)? other) (feet) feet) Culverl Extension UT to Town � PER � Corps S1 � P❑ T and Junction Box Branch ❑ INT � DWQ Z 16.5' S1A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Town � PER � Corps 2 �5, Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT ta Town � PER � Corps 1 11.5' Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S3A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Town � PER � Corps 1 75' Branch ❑ INT � DWQ S4 � P❑ T Culvert Extension UT to Valley River � PER � Corps 2 $, ❑ INT � DWQ S4A ❑ P� T Flow Diversion UT to Valley River � PER � Corps Z �5, ❑ INT � DWQ 3h. Total Pcrmanent Strenm and Tributary lmpacts 36' Tolal Tempm•ary Strenm Impncts fm-Impervious Dil:es and Plo�s Divcrsion 225' 3i. Comments: Page 4 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 4. Open Water Impacts If there are proposed impacts to lakes, ponds, estuaries, tribularies, sounds, the Atlantic Ocean, or any other open water of the U.S. then individually list all open water impacts below. 4a. 4b. 4c. 4d. 4e. Open water Name of waterbody impact number — (if applicable) Type of impact Waterbody type Area of impact (acres) Permanent (P) or Tem orar T 01 ❑ P � T N/A N/A N/A N/A 02 ❑P❑T 03 ❑P❑T 04 ❑P❑T 4G Total open wnter impacts N/A 4g. Commenls: N/A 5. Pond or Lake Construction If onci or lake construction ro osed, then com lete lhe chart below. 5a. 5b. 5c. 5d. 5e. Wetland Impacts (acres) Slream Impacts (feet) Upland Pond ID Proposed use or purpose (acres) number of pond Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded Filled Excavated Flooded P1 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A P2 SP. Total N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 5g. Comments: N/A 5h. Is a dam high hazard permit required? ❑ Yes ❑ No If yes, permit ID no: N/A 5i. Expected pond surface area(acres): N/A 5j. Size of pond watershed (acres): N/A 5k. Method of consVuction: N/A 6. Buffer Impacts (for OWQ) If project will impact a protected riparian buffer, then complete the chart below. If yes, then individually list all buffer impacls below. If any impacts require mitiyation, then ou MUST fill out Section D of this form. 6a. ❑ Neuse ❑ Tar-Pamlico ❑ Other: Projec� is in which protecled basin? ❑ Ca[awba ❑ Randleman 6b. 6c. 6d. 6e. 6f. 6g. Buffer impact number — Reason Buffer Zone 1 impact Zone 2 iinpact Permanent (P) or for Stream name mitigation (square feet) (square feet) Tem ora T im act re uired? B1 ❑ P❑ T N/A N/A ❑ Nos N/A N/A B2 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No B3 ❑P❑T ❑Yes ❑ No 6h. Total buffer impacts N/A N/A 6i. Comments: N/A Page 5 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version D. Impact Justification and Mitigation 1. Avoidance and Minimization 1a. Specifically describe measures taken lo avoid or minimize the proposed impacts in designing project. The minimal amount of pipe is being installed in order to accommodate road widening for the curb, gulter, sidewalk and guardrail, as well as, lhe wetland impacts. Wetland impacts will be miligated by NCEEP. No stream mitigation will be requireci by the USACE. These impacts are minimal and the streams are generally low qualily and are piped upstream of the permit sites through residential lawns. 1 b. Specifically describe rneasures taken to avoid or minimize the proposed impacts through construction techniques. Appropriate BMP's according to the approved erosion and sedimentation control plan will be installed on the project prior to construction. Impervious dikes and flow diversions will be installed in order to install lhe pipes in lhe "dry" to prevent sediinentation of downstream aquatic habitats. NPDES forms will be (illed out and monilored by the contractor. 2. Compensatory Mitigation for Impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State 2a. Does the project require Compensatory Mitigation for � yes ❑ No impacts to Waters of the U.S. or Waters of the State? 26. If yes, miligalion is required by (check all �hal apply): ❑ DWQ � Corps ❑ Miligation bank 2c. If yes, which mitigation option will be used for this � payment to in-lieu fee program (NCEEP) project? ❑ Permittee Responsible Miligalion 3. Complete if Using a Mitigation Bank 3a. Name of Mitigation Bank: N/A 3b. Credils Purchased (attach receipt and leiter) Type N/A Quanlity N/A 3c. Comments: N/A 4. Complete if Making a Payment to In-lieu Fee Program 4a. Approval letter from in-lieu fee program is attached. � Yes 4b. SUeam mitigalion requested: N/A linear feet 4c. If using strearn mitigation, slream temperalure: ❑ warin ❑ cool ❑cold 4d. Buffer mitigalion requested (DWQ only): N/A square feet 4e. Riparian wetland mitigation requested: 0.094 acres 4f. Nornriparian wetland mitigation requested: N/A acres 4g. Coastal (tidal) wetland mitigalion requested: N/A acres 4h. Comments: N/A 5. Complete if Using a Permittee Responsible Miti�ation Plan 5a. If using a permiltee responsible mitigation plan, provide a description of the proposed mitigalion plan. N/A Page 6 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version 6. Buffer Mitigation (State Rec�ulated Riparian Buffer Rules) — required by DWQ 6a. Will the project result in an impact within a protected riparian buffer lhal requires ❑ Yes � No buffer mitigalion? 6b. If yes, then identify lhe square feet of impact to each zone of the riparian buffer that requires mitigation. Calculate the amount of mitigation required. 6c. 6d. 6e. Za1e Reason for impact Total impact Multiplier Required mitigation (syuare feet) (square feet) Zone 1 N/A N/A 3(2 for Catawba) N/A Zone 2 1.5 6f. Total buffer miti�ation reyuired: N/A 6g. If buffer mitigation is required, discuss what type of miligalion is proposed (e.g., payment to private mitigation bank, permiltee responsible riparian buffer restoration, payment into an approved in-lieu fee fund). N/A 6h. Comments: N/A Page 7 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version E. Stormwater Management and Diffuse Flow Plan (required by DWQ) 1. Diffuse Flow Plan 1a. Does the project include or is it adjacent to protected riparian buffers identified � Yes � No within one of the NC Riparian Buffer Protection Rules? 1 b. If yes, then is a diffuse flow plan included? If no, explain why. Comments: N/A ❑ Yes ❑ No 2. Storrnwater Mana ement Plan 2a. What is lhe overall percent imperviousness of this project? N/A % 2b. Does this project require a Stonnwater Management Plan? � Yes ❑ No 2c. If this project DOES NOT require a Stormwater Managemenl Plan, explain why: N/A 2d. If this project DOES require a Stormwaler Management Plan, then provide a brief, narrafive description of the plan: Project is covered by individual NPDES Permit No. NCS000250. ❑ Certified Local Government 2e. Who will be responsible for the review of lhe Stormwater Managemenl Plan? ❑ DWQ Stormwater Program � DWQ 401 Unit 3. Certified Local Government Stormwater Review 3a. In which local governmenl's jurisdiction is this projecf? N/A ❑ Phase II 3b. Which of the following locally-implemented stormwater management programs ❑ NSW apply (check all that apply): ❑ USMP ❑ Water Supply Watershed ❑ Othec 3c. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been ❑ Yes ❑ No attached? 4. DWQ Stormwater Pro ram Review ❑ Coastal counties ❑ HQW 4a. Which of the following stale-implemented storinwater management programs apply � ORW (check all that apply): ❑ Session Law 2006-246 ❑ Other: 4b. Has the approved Stormwater Management Plan with proof of approval been attached? ❑ Yes ❑ No 5. DWQ 401 Unit Stormwater Review 5a. Does lhe Stormwater Management Plan meet the appropriate requirements? � Yes ❑ No 5b. Have all of the 401 Unit submiltal requirements been met? ❑ Yes ❑ No Page 8 of 10 PCN Fonn — Version 1.3 Decernber 10, 2008 Version F. Supplementary Information 1. Environmental Documentation (DWQ Requirement) t a. Does the project involve an expendilure of public (federal/state/local) funds or the � yes ❑ No use of public (federal/slate) land? 1 b. If you answered "yes" to the above, does the project require preparation of an environrnental document pursuant to the requireinents of the National or State ❑ Yes � No (North Carolina) Environmental Policy Act (NEPA/SEPA)? 1c. If you answered "yes" to the above, has the document review been finalized by the Slale Clearing House? (If so, attach a copy of the NEPA or SEPA final approval letter.) ❑ Yes ❑ No Comments: N/A 2. Violations (DWQ Requirement) 2a. Is lhe site in violation of DWQ Wetland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .0500), Isolated Welland Rules (15A NCAC 2H .1300), DWQ Surface Water or Wetland Standards, ❑ Yes � No or Riparian Buffer Rules (15A NCAC 26 .0200)? 2b. Is this an afterthe-fact permit applicalion? ❑ Yes � No 2c. If you answered "yes" to one or both of the above queslions, provide an explanation of the violation(s): N/A 3. Cumidative Impacts (DWQ Requirement) 3a. Will this project (based on past and reasonably anticipated future impacts) result in � Yes � No additional development, which could impact nearby downstream water qualily? 3b. If you answered "yes" to the above, submit a qualitative or quanlitative cumulative impact analysis in accordance with ihe most recent DWQ policy. If you answered "no," provide a short narrative description. This project involves the extension of 3 culverts and 0.094 acres of riparian wetland fill on unnamed tributaries of Town Branch for rninor widening of SR 1388 to improve safety for the traveling public. No cumulative impact would be expected from ihis minor consiruction activity. 4. Sewac�e Disposal (DWQ Requirement) 4a. Clearly detail lhe ullimate treatment methods and disposition (non-discharge or discharge) of wastewater generated from the proposed project, or available capacity of the subject facility. N/A Page 9 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 Deceinber 10, 2008 Version 5. Endangered Species and Designated Critical Habitat (Corps Requirement) 5a. Will this project occur in or near an area with federally prolected species or � Yes � No habitat? 5b. Have you checked with the USFWS concerning Endangered Species Acl � Yes ❑ No iinpacts? ❑ Raleigh 5c. If yes, indicate the USFWS Field Offce you have contac[ed. � Asheville 5d. What data sources did you use lo determine whether your site would impact Endangered Species or Designated Critical Habitat? NC Natural Heritage Program Database and onsite investigation conducted on April 23, 2014. 6. Essential Fish Habitat (Corps Requirement) 6a. Will this project occur in or near an area designaled as essential fish habitat? ❑ Yes � No 6b. What data sources did you use lo detennine whether yoiu site would impact Essential Fish Habitat? N/A - There are no marine or estuarine habitats in the Blue Ridge Physiographic Province. 7. Historic or Prehistoric Cultural Resources (Corps Requirement) 7a. Will this project occur in or near an area that the state, federal or tribal govemments have designated as having historic or cultural preservation � Yes � No status (e.g., National Historic Trust designalion or properties significant in North Carolina history and archaeology)? 7b. What data sources did you use to determine whether your site would irnpact historic or archeological resources? This project was reviewed by NCDOT's Human Environment Unit in 2014 for potenlial effects to historic architeclure and archaeology. It was determined that no survey was required for archaeology. A survey was conducted for historic architecture with a determination of no effect see atfached forms . 8. Flood Zone Designation (Corps Requirement) 8a. Will this project occur in a FEMA-designated 100-year floodplain? ❑ Yes � No Sb. If yes, explain how project meets FEMA requiremenls: 8c. What source(s) did you use to make the floodplain delermination? NC Floodplain Mapping Information System Mark S. D�vis, /�f Division IA Enviro�miental Supeivisor � / l� _�� ���—�i Applicant/Agenfs Signature Date Applicant/Age11t's Pfinted Name (AgenCs signaWre is valid only if an authorization letter from the applicant is provided.) Page 10 of 10 PCN Form — Version 1.3 December 10, 2008 Version � � j 0 W W � O � W Z U j z W ¢ 0 ti � m m r� I � � N ?� � � � ti J ��z z O � � � � v � a dNOa ��WQ �QkQ J W � W � � Q � � � W ti � O O J NW i � � ? � J J ti� �Q iW N N U1� Q � � � Z ti � � N � � Q U ��O ��W ti �QW � � QO �w � Z tiQ �~ � � ? � U � N�W � �QW J J � � � � �- — � � U � � � 0 oV o�g „� N� Labels Name: Begin Project Coordinates: 035.1976527° N, 083.8226725° W Name: Perrnit Site 1 Coordinates: 035.1941702° N, 083.8229664° W Name: Permit Site 2 Coordinates: 035.1926875° N, 083.8227147° W Name: Permit Site 3 Coordinates: 035.1914806° N, 083.8217915° W Name: Permit Site 4 Coordinates: 035.1896531° N, 083.8210782° W Name: End Project Coordinates: 035.1SS5497° N, 083.8209104° W COUNTY: CHEROKEE BRISTOL AVE. � ��� EXIS. 18' � H�PE TEPAPORARY SILT FE� I' = 5' HORIZ. I I' = 5' VERT. 35.19428 N 83.82287 1'! OLD � NEW � HEf v sN / 2' BRANCH —T�/ _� fEMPORARY SILT FENCE NTS I �. I I i I I��,' � , I I I 1 �'I I C�"5.Y11fP .� �AY f5104`pR0 $' ' ' ' lK . rnM0Y0 � RYN.G Ywi.aOEN � . lL WDF �� _ a , � [m.sEe[a / � . . ..,� � ue . — . -- a _ . � I ���; � Fu5 �G EivS.[n � \ � ��0 FMULL . . . . R EvS.(FCUO RID.B}f.0� , , �.. i_; I::, _ I . FvS.lfi ' � � _ _ � � � .� \ . . . I, ICit FFE � � � il0 ' H.V"VSFD }5'KGt L!E R ^ — —� ' ` — �OSfO M£RI' � . I PsF UI(4L]rl NIO t[ve6a.4 PnCPoYO CFM H[� . . . J� . . .[v51.Fdn1 f�SnAI��YIYt D6'Fx1f4YU1 � . . [�EVat319.0 . 10 H RLR�UD b�n � � . . ' 1�a �0'RCD [MLFM1N� � . I,'. . . ¢FV�4�BN il �.i I . . I �'I�: I ',' . . II I� �.�I����I 11 I I ' I� � II � �� � � i .'i . �`� I� �.�fl � I�,u:ll I� ��II I� I II il I� � �I 4II I I il I i�il, i; ; i ��! ii�l� �,l-ll4!J, lill,�l�iil;l�l �IIiI�;��:iill�l7 ,nnl:l, i11 t i ill.. 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Y.;t '.��( �b'�,�, .l, °y� �1 >nl TIP Project No. W-52140 SR 1388 — Bi•istol Avenue — Spot Safet}� I�upj•oveu�ent Project Cherokec County , ._ t : . '��i , '� '; `�"��,�',�'.. '�.�, ��i� � -_�, ,. , � � �':�, � '� ':i' �:: � ` ; i ��', ! r , .J �^ N . �. /! :i.�l ( ... tir j �>� ,�,i'� . , �;:b.�� . . ` `�i= .. . � . f.�.�. / .., _. �' Permit �ite d — lulet �ud Permit Site 4— OuHet End ������i�a ���.1 �F�K � o zni� NCDENR Norlh Carolina Department of [�nvironment antl Natural Resources �]I�'����� �� Pat McCrory Michael Ellison, Direc(or John L. Skvarla: Iil Governor Fcosystem Fnhancement Program Secretary Mr. Mnrk S. Davis NCDOT Division I4 Huvu�oimiental Supervisor No�th Carolina Departmeut of Tr�nspoit�tion 253 \Vebstcr Itoad Sylva, Nortl� Cm�oiina 28779 Dear [vL�. Davis: April 29, 2014 Subject GGP Mitigation Acceptance Leper: Division 14 Project: S2 1388 (Brisfol Avemie) Improvemenls (NCUOT Division TIP Number N-52140), Cherokee County; �VBS Element 45344.I.FD.15 The purpose of �his letter is to notify yuu Ihat �he Ecosystem Eiil�ancement Program (EEP) will provide tlie compensatory riparian weUand mifigation for the subject project. Based on ihe information received on April 28, 2014, the impacts m�e locatecl in CU 06020002 of �lie Hi�vassee River basiu in the Southem Mountains (SM) Eco-Regiou, nnd are as follows: Hiw�ssee Stre�m \Vetlands Buffer(Sq.C'tJ U6020002 Non- Coas�nl SM Cold Caol Wnnn Riparimi Zone I Zoi�e 2 Ri arian Marsh I�upacis (feeVncres) 0 0 0 0.094 0 0 0 0 This iinpact and associnted mitigation need were under projected by the NCllO"C in tl�e 2014 iiupact data. EEP will commit to implement sufticieut compcusatory ripnrinn wetland mi[igation credits to offset �he impncts associnted wilh Ihis project as detennined by the regulatory agencies using the cfelivery limeline listed'ui Sectio�� P3.c.iii of Ihe N.C. Departmen[ of &nviroument and N�h�ral Resonrces' Ecosys[em Enhancement Program In-Lieu Fee Instnunent dated July 28, 20I0. If the above refere�iced impact amouNs are revisecl, ihen this mitigatioii �cceptnnce letter will no longer be valid and a uew mitigation acceptance letter will be required from F.EP. If you hnve a�ry queslions m� need addilional u�formntion, please coutact Ms. Beth [Iannon �t 919-707-8420. Su�cerely, . : i, 1;�,_ . �<<� �� ,. J:�mes B. Staufill �GP Asset Management Supervisor cc: Ms. Lori Beckwilh, USACE —Asheville Regtdntory Field Office Mr. Nesley Grindstaff, P.E., NCDOT —Division 14, Dish�ict Engineer Mr. Adam Docke�y, NCDOT — Division 14, Assistant Uishict E��giiieer Ms. Linda Fitzpalrick, NCDOT — PDEA Pile: SR 1388Improvements—Division 14 1L152 �Adail Servlca Cenier, R2leigh, Norih Garolina 27699�1652 Fhone�.E�t°-707-897EIIn�eme�:vnvw.ncdenr.gov An Equ�l Op�niWnly \ Afi�.rma6ve AGbn Em�!oyer- I.�s.1e in �16f �Er.pPed pa�+ APPROVED JURISDICTIONAL DE"fLRVIINATION P'ORDI U.S. Arnq� Corps of Enginccrs 'fhis form shoiJd be completed bp follo�ving the ins�ruetions provided in Section IV oCfhe JD Form Instruetionnl Guidebaok. SGCTION I: BACI(CROUND INFOR\IATION A. REPORT CODIPLCTION DATC FOR APPROVED JURISDIC'I'IONAL DETCRININATION (JD): B. DISTRICT OCPICE, FIL� NADIE, AND NU\I6CR: C. PROJCCT LOCATION AND RACI<GROUND INfOR\IATION: TIP Prqject No. 1V-521d0 - SR 1388 —Bris[ol Arcnuc S�ate: NC County/pnrish/borough: Cherokee Ciq�: Andre�rs Center coortlinu(es ofsite Qat/long in degree decimnl format): Lat. 35.19556° N, Long. -083.R?25R° N Universnl Trr�nsrerse Vlercator: Nmne of neamst �vaterbody: To���n Branch and UT to Valley River (DAVIi Class C,'I'r) Name ol nearest Tradi�ional Navigable Nater (TTVV) lntu �rhich the aqunlic resource flows: Valley River Name oC�vatenlied or Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC): 00O20002100020 � Check if map/diagram of rovie�r area and/or potential jurisdic�ionnl nrens is/nre available upon request. ❑ Cheek if o�her si�es (e.g., o�lsite miiigation sites, disposal sites, ete...) nre associnted �ciih this action and ara recorded on a Aifferent ID form. D. REVICAV PCR�ORDIED COR SITE ��'ALUATIOY (CHCCICALL THAT APPLI'): � Ottice (Desk) Detemiination. Date: �4ay 9, 201d ❑ Field Determinntion. Dnte(s): SECTION I1: SU�AID1ARl' OP' CINDINGS A. RHA SECTION 10 DI;TER�I INATIO\ O� JURISDICTIOY. There Are no "narigaGle iraters q(tGe U.S." ���ithin Rivers and Harbors Act (RI IA) jurisdiction (as dctined by 33 CFR part 329) in the revic« nren. [Requi�erlJ ❑VVnters subject to the ebb nnA Flo��� of thc tide. ❑ Narers are presently used. or have been used in the pas-L or may be susceptible for use to �ranspon interstate or foreign commerce. Cxpinin: B. C�1'A SECTION 40J DETER\IINATIOY OP JURISDICT[ON. "I�here Are "iru�ers qj die U.S." �vithin Clcan \Vntcr Ac[ (C\VA) jurisdiction (as dolined by 33 CFR pm1323) in the revie�c arcn. �ReqrrirerlJ I. �Vntcrs of thc US. a. Indicate presence of wnters of U.S. in revie�v nren (check nll thnt npply): � ❑ TNVVs, including �erritori�l seus ❑ Nctlands ndjacen� to'IT'lVs � Rclntivcly permanent �vaters' (RP\Vs) that �lo�s directly or indirectly into'fn'VVs ❑ Non-RPl1's thnt Flo�v directly or indirectly into "INVVs � R'etlands directly abutting 2PA1's that (lo�c directly or indirectly into "I�\Ys ❑ WetlnnAs ndjaeent to but not diree�ly abwting 2PR�s that [lo��� direc�ly or indirectly into'i`IVNs ❑ VVetlands adjacen( to non-RPR's Iha� tlo�r Airectly or indirectly into TNVVs ❑ Impoundments of I��risdictionnl �vnters ❑ Isolared (intentate or in�i.istate) �vaters, includine isolated �ceU�nAs b. Identi(,y (estimnte) sizc of wnters of the U.S. in tlic review nren: Non-�re�lnnd �vatzrs: 250 linenr feet: d' �cidth (ti) nnd/or acres. \\'etlands: 0.09d acres. c. Limits (bo�mdm�ics) oCjw�isdiction bnscd on: F,sinblishcA by OI-IR'�I. h:lcvntion of es�nblishcd OH\VV-( (it kno�vn): . 2. Nmrregulnted �vntershveUands (checle if npplicnble):'' ❑ Potentinlly I��risdiction�l ���a�crs nnd/or ��°etlnnds �vere nsscssed ���i�hin the review area and determined to bc no[ jurisdic�ionnl. 6xpinin: � Bocas chicked bdo�v simll be supported b}' compleling Ihe appropriale s'ections in Sec�ion III below. ' For purposrs of lhis fomi, an RPl1' is dclined as a tri6uWn' ����� is not a TN\V anJ Ihal q�pically Ilo��a year-mund or I�v coNinuous Ilo�e nt Iensl "scasonally' (e.e., typicnlly 3 moNhs). ' Supporting docwnenlmion is presenled in Sec�ion III.F. srcTio� iu: cwn.�rr,�LVSis A. TN�Vs AND \\'ETLANDS ADJACEN"f TO TNR's The sgeucies �rill assert jw�isdiction orer TNR's nnd wellnnds ndjncent [o TN��'s. If the nquatic resource is a TNR', complefe Secfion III.A.I nnd Secfion III.U.1. ouly; if lhe nquntic resow�ce is � wetland adjocent to a TN��', complete Sections III.A.I nud 2 and Section III.D.1.; otherwise, see Section III.6 below. 1. TN�1' Identitp'fNR': Summurize rationale supponing determinntion: 2. �Vetlnndndjncentto'I'N�V Summarizc mtionnle supporting conclusion [hal �vetland is "adlacenP': l3. CHARACTERISTICS O� TRI6U'1'ARl' (THAT IS NOT A TN\V) AND ITS ADJACEN'I' �1'E'PLANUS QR ANY�: This section smmm�rizes in(ormation regarding clmrncterisfics o(the tributmy and its ailjacent wetlands, if mq�, nnd it helps determine whether or not tlie s[andm�ds fm� jurisdicfion established under Rnpnrioshare been mef. The ngencies will nsscrt jm�isdiction over nou-nnrignblc h�ibutnrics of TN\Vs where the tributaries are "relntively permnnen� o�nters" (RPR's), i.e. h�ibutsries thnt typicnlly flow rear-round or have continuous Ilo�r nl le�ist sensonnll}• (e.g., h�picnlly 3 months). A weHand thnt directly nbuts nn RI'�V is nlso jurisdictionnl. If the nquntic resource is not n TN1\', but has year-round (pereuniol) tlow, skip to Section III.D.2. If the ayuntie resow�ce is n�retlmid directly nbutting a tributary witli perennial tlon�, sl<ip lo Section III.D.d. A�reHanA thst is ndjncent to but that does not directly nbid nn RP�1'requires n significan[ ne�us eraluotion. Corps disiricis nnd GPA regions will include in the record a�q� nvnilnble inim�mation tlmt documents the esistence of a signifcnnt nesus behreen n relntivcly permm�enttributap� fhnt is not perenninl (nnd its adjacent�retlonds if:my) nnd n trnditionnl nm•ignblc �vntcr, eren though n significnnt nesus finding is not required ns a mntter of Imv. IC the �rnterbody' is not nn RP��', or n e�ctlnnd directly nbutting nn RPVV, n JD �rill require ndditionnl dntn to determine if the wnterbody has a significant nesus witli n TN11'. IPtlie tributm�y hns ndjncent wetlnnds, the significnnt neaus evaluation must eousider ihe h�ibirtnry in combination �riUi all of its ndjncent �retlnnds. This significant nezus e��aluation thnt combines, for mmlrtical purposes, the tributnry nnd nll of its ndjacent �retlands is used �vhether the rerie�r nren identified in the JD request is the h�ibutary, or its ndjncent �retlands, or botli. If the JD covers n h�ibufm�}• wifh ndjacent wetlands, complete Section III.6.1 for Uie h�ibufnr}�, Section 111.B.2 for niq� onsite �ve�lnnds, nnd Section III.B.3 for all wetlnnds ndjncent to thnt h�ibirtnry, both onsite nnd offsite. The determination whether � significant nezus esists is determined in Section IILC below. L Chnrncteristics of non=PN�Vs ihnt Ilo��� directly or indirectly into TN11' (i) Genernl Aren Conditions: \Ya�crshcA size: Pick List Drainage nren: Pick List Avernee annual rainfall: inchcs Areraez annunl snomfall: inches- (ii) Phrsical Char�cteristics: (u) Iielu�ionshin �si(h TNVA': ❑ Tribwary tlows directlp inlo TNN. ❑ Tribuinry Flows through Piek Lisf �ributnries before entering'I'�'\V. Prqlect �+'aters are Pick List ricer miles t}om'INN. Project �vaters arc Pick List river miles from RPAV. Pr�jcet ���ntcrs are Pick List aerial (stmight) milcs from'I i 1AV. Projcct �cntcrs are Pick List aerial (straieht) milcs from RPAV. Project �raters cross a� servc as s�n�c boundaries. Esplain: . Idcntify tlo��� route to "I�N W': . TribWnp� strcam order, if kno�cn: ' no�c Ihnt thz Ins�nic�ionnl Guidebook conlains addilional inCommtion regardine scales, dilches, �cashes, vid erosional @utures genemlly and in the arid R�esi. ' Plorc route can be dzscribed b}� ideNi(ying, e.g_ Iribumq� n, �chieh Oo�cs thwueh the rerie�v area, lo Ilo�r inlo lributaq� b, �chich �hen tlo�rs into �1 i\\1'. (b) Gcncral Tribul�n� Churacteristics (chcck all thnt applvl: Tributary is: ❑ Naturol ❑ Ar�illcial (mnn-mnde). E�plain: . ❑ Manipul�ted (mnn-allered). E�plain: Tributary properties �cith respect to top ol bank (cstimntc): Average ���idth: fce� Average dcpth: feet Arcrage side slopes-: Pick Lisl. Primnn� tribu�ary substrate composition (eheck nll �hat apply): ❑ Silts ❑ Snnds ❑ Concreta ❑ Cobbles ❑ Grnrel ❑ Muck ❑ Bedrock ❑ Vegetation. Trpe!%corer: ❑ Othec Expinin: . Tributnry condition/siability [e.g., hiehly eroding, sloughing banks]. Esplain: Presence of rw�/rif0e/pool compleces. F.splain: . 'I'ributaq• geometq�: Picl< List Tributaq� grndien� (nppro�imate average slope): % (c) Plo�c: "fribut�rv provides- foe Pick List Estima�e average number of Flo�v events in revie�c are;Jycar: Pick List Dcscribe Flo�v regime: . Other informa�ion on dura�ion nnd volume: . Surliice flo��� is: Pielc List Characteristics: Subs-urface Ilo�r: Pick List I?�plain tindings: ❑ Dye (or o�hcr) [es� pzrformed: . 'Pributan� has (check all that npply): ❑ BcA nnd bnnks ❑ OI IAVNI6 (check all indic�tors that apply): ❑ denr, natural line impressed on the 6ank ❑ chanecs in the charxrer ol soil ❑ sheh�ing ❑��ege�atiom m�tted do�cn, bent, or absent ❑ leaf li��cr dis�urbed or �rashed a�va�. ❑ sedimenl deposition ❑ �sater staining ❑ othcr Qist): ❑ Discontinuous OHNM.' F.zpluin: . � ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ the presence of li[[cr and dcbris destniction of terrestrial veeetation the presence of �vmck line scdimcnt sor�ing scour multiple nbserved or predicted Ilo�v erants abmpt changc in pinnt communih° IL (actors other thnn the OliVVAd �rere used lo Ad<rmine lateral extent of CVVA jurisdiction (check all �hai applp): ❑ Hieh Tide I,ine indicated by: ❑ Nlenn I ligh \Vnter Mazk indicated by: ❑ oil or scum line along shore o�lects ❑ sun�ey to available da�um: ❑ line shcll or dcbris deposits (1'oresliore) ❑ phpsicnl mnrkings; ❑ physicnl mairkings/characteristies ❑ veget�tion lines/changes in vegetation q�pes. ❑ lidnl gauges ❑ other(lis'Q: (iii) Chemicnl Chnrnctcristics: Cha�acterize tribWnn� (c.g., �vnter color is clear, discolored. oil}� film; n°nter qunlity; general wi�lershed chameteristics, ete.). Gsplain: IAentify specific pollwants, ifkno�cn: . °A natuml or man-nmde AiscoNinui�y in U�e OH\V\7 dces not neczssarily sererjurisdiclion (c.=., �cherz ihe strenm lempomrily Flons underground. or whrrc tlie OI I\VM h:�s bezn removed by derelopment or aericul�ural praclices). Nhzre there is n brznk in Ihe OI I\VM �hnt is unrela�ed to lhe �calerhodp's Ilo�c regime (e.o., ilnw ovee a mek oulaop or �hroueh a culvert), tlm a�encirs �cill IooA for indicators of �lo�c above and 6elo�c �he brcaA. 'Ibid. � � (iv) Biologic:�l Chnracteristics. Chnwicl suppm�ts (checic nll �hnt npply): ❑ Riparian conidor. Charactcristics (tppc, arcragc �vid�li): . ❑ lVelland liinge. Chamctcris�ics: . ❑ Habitat f'or: ❑ Pederally Lisled spccics. B�plain tindings: . ❑ PisWspa�an �rcns. E�pinin findings: . ❑ Other environmen�nlly-sensitive species. Gsplain Gndings: . ❑ AqimtiehvilAlife diversiq�. F,splain findings: . 2. Charaeteristics of wetlnnAs ndjncenf to non-TN�V th�t [low directly or indirec�ly into TNV1' (i) Physicnl Chnrnctcrisfics: (a) General �A'etland Charncleristics: Propcnics: \Vetland size: ncres 1Vctlnnd type. E�pinin: . 1Ve�land quality. E�plain: . Project ���e�lands cross or scn�c ns statc bounAarics. Fxpinin: (b) Geneml Plo��� Rclationship �vith Non= IlTN4 Plo�s is: Pick List. h;�plain: . Surl'ace Ilo�r is: Pick Lisl Characteristics: . Subs-urface Ilo�c: Picl< List. Esplain findines: ❑ Dyc (or o�hcr) tcst performed: . (c) Al'etland Adjucencv Delennination a�ith Non-"CNVV: ❑ Directly abutting ❑ Abt dircc�lr abutting ❑ Discrete ��-eUand hydrologic connection. E�plain: ❑ Ecological connection. Cxptain: . ❑ Separnted by benn/bnn�ier. E�pinin: . (d) Prosimih� (2elationship) to TiJVV Project �vetlands arc Picl< I,ist river miles from'fNVA'. Prolect �vnters a�re Pick List aerial (straigh�) miles Irom'I'VAV. Flu�r is Gom: Pick List. Es�imnte nppro�imnte locn�ion of �retland as �ci�hin the Picl< List Floodplain. (ii) Chemical Chnrncterisfics: Characterize �cetland sestem (e.g.. �cntzr color is dear, bro�+-n, oil tilm on surfnce; �cnter qunli[}: genernl �entershed charleteristics: etc.). kisplain: . Idcntify specitic polluUm�s, if kno�vn: . (iii) 6iologicnl Chnrncteristics. AA'etland supports (cheek nll that apply): ❑ Ripnrinn buffer. Cheracteristics (type, arerage �vid�h): . ❑ Vegetation q-pe/percent cover. E�plain: . ❑ Habitat I'ur: ❑ Pcdornlly Listed speeies. F,�pinin findings: . ❑ Fish/spa��n ureas. Esplain f ndines: . ❑ Other environmenlully-sensitice species. Esplain findines: . ❑ Aquatic/�cildlife diversity. Gxpinin �indines: . 3. Chnrncteristics o(all �reHands ndjacent to the tributnry (if nny) All �ectland(s) beine considered in the cumulative analysis: Picle List Appro�imntely ( ) acres in total are bcine considcred in �he cwnulative analysis. Por cnch �cetl�nd, specif}� the follo�ving: Uirectl�� nbuts? (YN) Size (in neresl Directiv abuts'? (1'/�l Size (in ncresl Summnrize overall biological, chemical and physieal fimetions beine perfomied: . C. SIGNIFICANT NEYUS DETCRDIINATIO� A significnnt necus annlysis will nssess the ilow chm�ncferistics and functions af the tributnry itself nnd the funetions performed by nny wetlands adjaeent to the tributnry la determine if thry significnntly a(fect the chemicnl, physicnl, nnd biological integrity of n TN�V. For each of the following situn[ions, n significnnt necus exists if the tributm�y, in combinntion wi�h nll o(its adj�eent wetlands, has more ihau n specul�itive m� insubs�nntial effect on the chemical, phy�sical and/or biological infegrih� of a TNN. Considerations when evnlunting significnnt nexus include, but are not limiled to the vulume, dw�ation, nnd frequenry oPthe flow of wnter in ihe tributm�y nnd i�s proximity to a TNVA', and the funetions perCm�ined by the iributnry nnd nl� its ndjncent wetlands. It is no� npproprinte to determine significnnt nesus bnsed solely on nny specific ihreshold of Aistmice (e.g. beh��cen n h�ibutnry nnd ifs adjncent wetl:u�d m� between n tributm�y nnd the "1'N�1'). Similm�ly, �he Pnct mi ndjncent weUnud lies within m� outside of a(loodpinin is not solely detcrminntire oPsigni(icaut nexus. Dr�iw connecfions behreen the Pentures documented nnd ihe effects on fhe TN\\', ns identified in the Rnpa�ms Cuidnnce nnd discussed in the Instruetional Guidebool<. Cnclors to consider include, Por esnmple: • Does the tri6utan•, in combination �cilh its udjacent �eetlands (il any), hare tlre capacity m carry pollutanis or Ilood �vaters to TNNs, or io rcducc �hc nmounl of pollutants or Ilood �vaters renching a TNV1'? • Does- tlre tribumq�, in combinalion �cilh its adjncen� ���etlands (if any). provide hnbit�t und lifecycle suppor� func�ions for fish and otlier species, such as Cezdine. nesting. spmvning. nr renrine young for species that art presen� in the "I�N1V? • Does (he tributary, in combina�ion ���ith iis ndjneen� ���etlands (if nny), hnve the enpncity to trnnsier nWrients nnd orgnnic carhon tlmt support do�vnstrcam fooA�vcbs? • Docs Ihe tributnp�. in combination with i�s adjaccm �cctlands (if nny), havc othcr rcla[ionships to �hc physiwl. chemical. or biological inteeriq� ol �he TNR'? Nofr. the nbove list of eonsiderntions is not inclusice nnd other fimctions observed or laiown to occw� should be documented below: 1. Significnnt ne�us findings for non-RP\\' thnt hns no ndjncent weUnnds nnd Ilows directlp or indirectly into T\1\'s. Explain findings of presence or ubsence of sieniticant ne�us belo�c. bnseA on the tributnq• i�self, then go �o Section II I.D: . 2. Significant nezus findings fm� non-RPR' nnd ifs ndjncent �retlnnds, �rhere the non-RPR' Ilows directly or indirectly into TNNs. E�plain lindings oCpresenec or nbsence of significant nesus belo�e, bnsed on the �ributun� in combinetion �vith nll of its aAl��enl �retlands, then go to Section III.D: . 3. Significnnt ne�us findings for �retlands adjncenf to nn RPR' buf tlint Ao not directly nbut fhe RP�1'. Ezpinin tindings of presence or absence of sienitican� nexus belo�c, based on Ihe �ributary in combinution �cith nll of its a�jacent �vetlemds, then eo to Section III.D: . U. UET6R�IINATIONS O� JURISDICTIONAL FINDIYGS. THE SUBJECT R'ATERS/R'ETLANDS ARE (CHECK ALI, THAT APPLI'): 1. TNV�'s nnd Adjncent 1Vetlands. Check all that apply nnd providc size cstimnfes in rcvic��� nrea: ❑"fN1Vs: linear teet �ridth Qi), Oc ncres. ❑ 1VeUan�s adjacen� to TN\\'s: acres. 2. RP�\'s thnt Oo�v directh� m� indirecth� into TN�Vs. �"fributories of TNVVs a�here tribumrics h�picnlly Flo�c yenrvround nre jurisdic�ion�l. Provide da�n nnd r�i�ionnle indicuting �hat tributary is- perennial: Too�n Branch nnd thc U"I' to �he Vnlley River hnae ���ell-defined ch�nnels and the strenms nre sho���n as perennial stremns on the USGS topogrehic map. ❑ Tributarics of'IN\Y �vherz tributaries have conlinuous �lo�r "seasonally" (e.g., t}�pically thrce inonths eacl� ycar) arc jurisdictiunul. Da�n supporting Ihis conclusion is proeided nt Section III.6. Provide ralionale indicnting �h�t tributnry Flo�cs seasonal ly: . Proride estimates forjurisdic�ional �vnters in �he revie��� area (check all thai apply): � Tributaq� �vaters: 250 linear fee� 4 wiJth (ft). ❑ Other non-���e�land wnlers: ncres. Identity t}�pc(s) of �cnters: . 3. Non-RP�Vs$ tiint �ow directiv or indirectiv into T\\Vs. ❑VVnterbody thnt is not a"fN�V or an RPA1', but Flo�as directly or indireetly in�o n"IN W, nnd il has a significnnt nexus �vith a 7NW isjurisdictionnl. Dntn supporting Ihis conclusion is providcd nt Scc�ion IILC. Provide es�ima�es for jurisdictional �vnters �vithin the revie�c area (check all Oiat apply): ❑ TribWaq� �vate�s: lincnr feet ���idlh Qi). ❑ Othor non-�ectlnnd ��°nters: acres. Identitj� lype(s) of �vnters: . d. �Vetlnnds direclly nbutting mi RP�V thnt ilow direetly or indirectly into TNVA's. �\Vetlnnds dimetly abut RPR' mid thus nrz I�irisdictional as adjacent n�etlands. �APetlands directly abW�ing nn RPAV �vhere uibutaries typicallp (loo� year-rowid. Provide data and m�ionalc indicnting Ihnt tributnry is perennial in Sectimi III.D.2, abora Providc rntionnlc indicnfing �hat wetlnnd is directly abutting an RPAA': The �retlnnd at severnl points is contiguous ���ith the streambanl<. ❑ Netlands directly abutling an RPAV �chere iributaries �ypir.dly Ilo�s "sensonally" Provide datn indicating that tributnry is seasonnl in Section II1.13 and rationale in Sec�ion [II.D.2, abore. Proridc rntionalc indic�tine tlint ���ctlnnd is direc�lv nbu�ting an RP1V: . ` ' Provide acreage eslimates lor jurisAictionnl �ceUands in �he revie�r area: 0.094 acres. 5. \Vetiondsndjncent to but not directly abutting an RPR'tliat (lo�r directly m� indirectly into TN\Vs. ❑AVetlands that do not AirecUy nbut un 2PAV, but �rhen considered in eombinn�ion �viUi Ihe Iributarr to �vhich they are aci,lacent nnd �vi�h similarlr situated adjacent �cetlnnds, hnve n significant neaus �eith �'I'vAV ore lurisidiclional. Daia suppurting �his conclusion is providcd a� Scction IILC. Pro�•ide nereage es�imatzs for jurisdictional �re�lnnds in the revic�c aren: acres. 6. \Vetlnnds ndjacent to non-RP�Vs Hint Oow directiv or indirectly into TN\Vs. ❑ 1Vetlands adje�cent to such �vatcrs, �nA hnve �chen cunsidered in combina�ion �rith tl�e tributaq� to o�hich tl�ey are adjacent nnd �vith similarly situnted nAjacent �setlands, have a siguiticant nesus �vith a T[dVA' amjurisdietional. Dntn supponine Ihis conclusion is procided at Seclion ][I.C. Provide estimates for I��risdic�ionnl �ceUands in Oie revie�c area: acrzs. 7. Impowidmeu�s ofjurisdictional �saters.' As a �eneml rule, �hc impoundmeiri ofn jurisdictional tributaq° mmninsjurisdictionnl. ❑ Demonstm�c [hat impoundmenl �ctu cre.�red �iom °�vaters ol the U.S.," or ❑ Demonstrate that �cater mee�s tl�e cri[cria for one of �he categories presented nbove ( I-6), or ❑ Demonstrate that �vmcr is isolnted �vilh u nesus- to commerce (s-ee E belo�v). F,. ISOLATED �IN"PERSTATC OR INTRA-STATE� A1'A'I'ERS, INCLUDING ISOLATED R'ETLANDS, THE USE, UEGRADATION OR DESTRUCTION OF NHICH COULD ACPECT INTGRSTATE CO�IAfERCE, INCI.UDING ANY SUCH 1VATGRS (CHECI< ALL THAT APPLI'):10 ❑�vhich are or could bc uscA by in�ers�nle or foreign Iravelers lor recrwtional or other purposcs. ❑[Yom ���hich f sh or shellfish ure or could be takcn and sold in intzr[n[e or toreign commerce. ❑���hich nre or could he ured for industrial purposes by induslries in interrs�a�e commerce. ❑ Interstate isolated �vate�s. H�pinin: . ❑ Other faciars. Gsplain: . "See Footnute R 3. ' To complete the annlysis reter lo �he ke}' i�� Section IIID.G ofthe Insln�c�ional GuidebooA. 10 Nrim� lo asscrting or Jcclining C\\'A jurisdiclimi bascd solcly on Ihis catcgnry, Cmps Dish�icts �rill cicra�c Ihc �iclinn in Cmps and EPA HQ for rrcico� consistcnt ��ilh ihe pirocess described in Ihe Corpv/F,PA J/e�nu�ondnni RrgnrdLig Cllil AclJudsdic/imi Falloiri��g Rnpmms. Identify �rater boclr nnd sunuuarize rotionole suppm�fing dctcrminntion: Provide estinm�es lorjurisdic�ional ���nler in thc revie��� area (check all (hnt �pply): ❑ "fribu�nq� �snters: linear feet �vidth (ft). ❑ O�her non-���etland �vmers: acres. Identity typc(s) ol �caterrs: . ❑ VVetlnnds: ncres. f. \ON-JURISDICTIONAL\VATCRS,I\CI.UDING\\'ETLANDS(CHECI<ALLTHATAPPL1'): ❑ If potential ���eflands ���ere assessed witliin thc rc�•ie�v area, �hese are�s did no� meet the cri�erin in thc 1987 Corps of F.neineers VVeUnnd Dclincation �-[anual imd/or npproprinte Rceionnl Supplemen�i. ❑ Revie�c aren included isolatecl �vaters �vilh no subs�nntinl nexus to in�erstate (or foreign) commerce. ❑ Prior to �he Jan 2001 Suprzme Court clecision in "SIFiI�\'CC" ihe revie�r area �vould have been regulated based so� un the .`Migralory 13ird Ridc" (bBR). ❑VVaters do not meet the "Sienificnn� Nesus" smndard; aherc such n f nding is required for I�irisdiction. Ecpinin: . ❑ Other. (csplain, if no� covered nbove): . Proride acreage estimn�es (or non ,jurisdictionnl �vnters in thc rcric�r area, �chere �he sole poten�ial b.is-is of jurisAiction is �he A-BR lac�ois (i.e., presence of mieratorp birJs, presence of endangzrzd specics. use ol �rater for irrigated agriculture), using bes� protcssional judgmcnt (chcck all �hnt apply): ❑ Non-�ce�lm�d �caters (i.e., rivers. stmams): linear (aet o�idih (fl). � ❑ Lnkes/ponds: acres. ❑ O�her non-���etland �rn�crs: acres. List type of aquatic resource: . ❑ VVctlnnds acres. Provide acreagz estimNCS for nonyurisdicliontd �vaters in the revie��� area Ihat do not meet the `Signifcant �e�us" stnndard, where such a linding is required for jurisdiction (check all tha� apply): ❑ von-�vetlnnd �rnters (i.e., riaers. strenms): linenr fect, �vidth (Il). ❑ Lekesiponds: acres. ❑ O�her non-�retland �cnters: acres. Lis� type of ayuatic resourer. . ❑ 1Vetlnnds: acres. SECTION IV: DATA SOURCES. A. SUPPORTING DA'I'A, Dntn revicwed fm� JD (check all that apply - chcckcd items sh.ill be incluAcd in case file and. �vhere checked �nd requestcd, nppropriately reference sources belo�v): � Nlnps, plans, plo�s or plat suhmi�ted by or on behnit of �he npplicanUwnsul�unt btny 201d ❑ Da�a sheets prepnreA/submitted by or on behalf of �he applicnnUconsultnnl. ❑ Oftice concurs �ci�h dutn sheets/delinention report. ❑ Oflice does not concur �rith data sheets/delineution report. ❑ Data shee�s prepnrcd by the Corps: . ❑ Corps navigable �cnters' study: . ❑ U.S. Gcoloeical Survey I-Iydrologic Atlns: . ❑ USGS NI ID Antn. ❑ USGS 8 and 12 digit HUC maps. � U.S. Geological Surve}• mnp(s). Cite scnle & quad name: I/24,000; Andre�cs ❑ USDA Nnturol 2esourees Conserv�tion Service Soil Survev. Citation: . ❑ National weUnnds invcntoq• map(s). Cile name: . ❑ State/Locnl �vetinnd inventoq� map(s): . ❑ PEb1A/FIRbI maps: . ❑ 100-ycar Ploodplain Elevution is: (Nn�ionnl Gwdw�ic Verfical Dntum of 1929) � Photogrnphs � Acrial (Name & D,ite): . or � Other (Name K Da�e): Field Scoping �4ec�ine and Site Visit condueted April 23, 2014 . ❑ Previous detenninn�ion(s). Pile iw. and date oCresponse letler: . ❑ Applicnblc/supporting cnse Inw: . ❑ Applicnble/suppor�ing scientific litera�ure: . ❑ Olher informntion (please specify): . f3. ADDITIO\A1. CODIDIENTS TO SUPPORT JD: ���'�^_^{ Z G��t�k�,RJ� °,�a�'��`f ' �` i �,'Ij . Pioj<r(TrarRingNo.(/idrra��t�p -����m� � � dd, Qa 14-03-0015 �� HISTO1tIC ARCHIT�CPURE AND LANDSCAPr5 ��� 7 5 201� NO HISTORIC PROPI:RTIPS PR�SGN'1' Oli AFP�CTTD PORM 7'his form only pertains to Historic Architectw�e and Laiidscapes for this pro��t�dCa��� �!� is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You nuist consult separately with the Archaeolagy Group. PROJ�CT INFORMATION ProjectNo: W-52140 Cormty: Cherokee {V/3SNa.: 45344.1.FD15 Docrui�eitt PCC Type: Terl. Aid No: HSIP-1388 Pu»diilg: ❑ St�te � Peder�l Tederrr! � Yes ❑ No Per»til 404 �nd 401 WQC Permil s : Type(s): Praiect Descriplior�: Spot Safety Impiovement Project. SR 1388- Bristol Ave�iue- Town of Andrews. Miuor ro�cfway widei�ing, instnll curb, gutter, sidewalk, retaining wall, aud guardrail along 0.77 miles of Bristol Avei�ue. SUMMAItY OP HISTORIC ARCHITGCT'OR� AND LANDSCAP�S Ii�VI�W (.�f There are no National 2egister-listed or Study Listed properties within the project's area of poten[ial effects. � 'I'here are no properties less than fifty years old which are wnsidered to meet Criteria Consideration G within the project's area of potential effects. ❑ There are no properties within the project's area of potential effects. � There are properties over fifty years old within the area of potential effects, but they do not meet the criteria for listing on the National Register. � 'I'here are no historic properties presenf or affected by this project (Attach any notes or documents as needed.) Date of field visit: Juue 2014 Descriutio�t of revie�v nclivilies, resttlts, nnd conclusions: Review of HPO qund maps, HPO GIS information, historic designntions roster, nnd indeses �vas undertaken on March 24, 2014. Bnsed on tl�is review, thcrc nre no existing NK, SL, LD, D�, or SS properties in the Aren of Potentinl EFfects, �vhich is 50'from the centerline e�ch way fi�om end to end of prajecL There are several properties over tifty yenrs of nge �vithin lhe APE nnd � survey wns rcquired. During the survey, one property was ideutified ns needing additionnl review, the Bruce Bristol House nt 37G Brisbl Aveuue. [t �vas determined ih�t the property is not eligible for Nntiou�l Registcr listing. There nre no Nntionnl Register listed or eligible propertics �ffected. Ifdesign pinus change, addilion�l review will be required. in:ro,i�,o-d�rn•m�.�� ���ni.���e.��Eh�, n�o rosroerc vaorrra rus rai:si:Hr oa nrrr:crrn/�„��/o.er���o, rr��,.�w,r�o�„ r,�j����, �, �n,�� f.d m m�� aum Y�ogrnnunnlic Agreeoiern. Page 1 of 3 SUYPOIiT DOCUM�NTATION �Map(s) ❑Previous Survey L�fo. [�Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plaus TINDING I3Y NCD07' ARCHIITCTURAL HISTORIAN Historic�CCIIIfCCIUCC �tt[I L1R(ISCfl�25 — NO HIS'CORIC PROPCRTICS PRL;SF.NT OR ACPIC'PCD NCD01' Architectural Histocian � Date �iam,��� o,.r�;n•�i��,�•,,,�n tr,����z��P,, no �usroerc rrsareanr,s ra�rsr,vr oa,�i�ri;crr:n/un� J�r AlbiarTrniip�orinl(on P�ojeriz ns Qnnli�rAin Un• d007 Piogrnnnnnlic AXreemenl. Page 2 of 3 � .,. i �. � ,.:-; - ;:: vf �., t . � ►� t7� . .d� � ► 7 �, � i :.�..,� •.--� � �+ A�� . ', ,: , �'�i�"` �= �.�t��'+ia.: {y�f�i���•:�y�� F' _i. �.�:... ;Flf�y_�4�'1�•. . 9 dfi� . ' 4:,' i, 4 . �"�� G �'� 'n'� P j �`�" t r N JJ{`1.'N.l .+ � 4�+� .. % �. . ''�. , � � tif�� � i� ) b ir �'". .. .. _ ��.� 1 i• • f /" '„ � ��h//�'�/ �S5����. •�.� 1 � k, • �C .� i. �� � � � � e: . � 0 �11,,; ' �ry '?�,� . , �S ' �_ � � F' � f� ,.: � :� ,T Rnje� I Tru� Ainy �\'o.: 14-03-0015 -.::;; `:.;>. NO ARCHA�OLOGICAL SURV�Y R�QUIR�D FORM i ti'�,� � �::'; This form only pertains to ARCI-IAEOLOGICAL RESOLJFtCES for this projecl. It is uol � valid for Historic Architecture and L�ndscapes. You must consull separately �vith the Historic Architec�urc and Landscapes Group. PROJ�CT IN['ORn�IAT[ON Project No: I PBS No: VV-52140 45344.1, f D 15 Comrl��: Documeirl. Chcrol<cc rcr !�, ���� APR 0 1 2014 F.A. No: HISP-1388(4) Frnidr»g: ❑ State � Pederal�"��^���� ,�� Fec(era! Perinil Required? � Yes � No Per�uil Tj�e: N�VPI! ]4 Projec( Uescriplion: The projecl is Jin• spn( scfel)' intpro��enrenls (o S2 13b'8 (6ri.c(o! drenrieJ in Andrens, Cherokee Comvp. Thrs �rork irrll 'ntclude minor rond ii�identng n�ullhe ins/rdlnlion of cm�b, gutler, sideu�alk, relar�viiig ircdL mtd gunrrh�ail nlong Bristo! Arem�e. The rn�chaeologicnl Aren of Potentrnl EJjects (APE) J'a� d�e �rojeci is defr�ved as u OJ7-u�ile (1.2d knv) loitg corridor r�uming sor�0� firnit 6rislol Ai�enue's inlersection mith Sr.vlr Street The corridor is a��pro_cunntel�� SOJeeI (15.2d m) ivicle ertending ZS fee( (7.62 ni) on either ride of the rnrirl fi•ont it.r prerertl cen7er. .dll itork is (o �rr/I ivillriit NC DOT riy/r/-o/=u��y or grmtle�l conslruclio�r easen�e�rts f•r» it properll' ou�ners. SUDINIARY OI CULTURAL I2LSOURCLS IiLV1L�Y Brief rlesc•ivp(ron of rerieir nclirrlies, res�rl(s of reriei�5 a»d coac/rrsio�is: The safety improvemeuts project is locamd wit�in the town of Andre�vs iu Cherokee County, North Carolina. 'Ilie project area is plottcd ncar tlic ecnicr of the Andre�vs USGS 7.5' topographic quadr�ngle (Pigw�e 1). A map review and site file searcl� �v.�s couducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on March 28, 2014. No previously recorded archneological sites have beeu idenlilied withiu tlic APE, but iiiuc sites (310E3, 310E12, 310E13, 310E22, 310E165-310E167, 310E657, and 31CG701) are reported wilhin a iuile. Accordiug to the North Carolii�a State llistoric Preservatioi� Office oiiline data base (HPO4VBB 2014), tl�ere are no known historic �irchitectur�l resources withi�� the APG that may yield int1G archaeological deposits. Topographic maps, USDA soil su�vey maps, lcrial photographs (NC One i�lap), and historic maps (North Carolina maps website) were esamined for informatiou on cuviroimiental and cultival variables thnt may have contribiited to prehistoric or historic setticment witl�iu the project limits and to assess thc level of grouud distuebance. The project area imp�cts � very narrom streroh of property adjacent to Bristol Avcuuq most of whicli has bcen previously distui�bed. 1'lic APE ruus primarily uorlh to south. "Che northern half of the APE is situated on a broad distuebed slream terracc (Figw�e 2), ��-l�ile the soiitheru portion rw�s along stream drainages (Figure 3). Behveen Si�th Slrcet and Higli School Drive in Andre�vs only the west side of the ro�d will be impacted with a proposcd sidewalk aud curb/gutter. From High School Drive to approximately Chambers Lnne, the wes� side of the road will be widened by ne�rly 3£cet, whilc cui�b/gutler �vill be iustalled on the e�st. Yast Cl��uibms Laue, improvemeiits �vill consist of only of resurf�cing. Tln�ee permit locatio�u are requircd at pipc replacemeut sites �s Bristol Avenue crosses over '1A'o,I RCIIdEOLOGi'SUR I E)'REOU[RGD'.lonq/br.1 /lrrorTranrponntlan Projeea usOuaJl(eJ In rhr?00� /4ogrvnm�aiicdg�.eniem. Io1S Piojecl Trnckiny �\'o.: 14-03-0015 To��ai Brnnch, an unnamed hibutary, and Wl�it�kcr Crcck. In geucral, groimd disturbanec is heavy from past coustruction Tctivities, utilities, ditcl�es, resideutial properties, aud private drives �vithin the AYE. Tl�e pipe replacement sites will also be withi�� disturbed areas. Ui�disturbed properties are miiiimal and fotutd mos(ly iu ll�e soulhern half of the project. Lnpacts to these areas will be minor as only resurfacing is required �iloug tl�c road. At lcast five soil rypes are found �vithin the AYE according to thc USDA soil survey map (see Figures 2 a��d 3). Tl�csc include from lhe uorth to the south, the Statler-Urbai� lai�d comple� (SuB), Statler loam (St[3),'17wruiout Dillard complex (ThB, ThC), Loiion-Northcove complex (LkD), and Lonon-Northcove- Urban land complex (LrC). All oC these soil types are well drained Ioams found on eid�er slream terraces or in drain�iges. Slope is typieally Iess thTn I S percent except on LkD, �vhich is behveen I S to 30 percent. Urban development is a recogivz�blc fcature for the Slatler-Urban nnd Lonon-Norihcovc-Urban land complc�cs making up 40 percent of their total area. As a result of distui�bance from development on U�e urban soils and steep slope on LkD, it is very unlikely siguificant aud intact features will be encountered iu these arc�s. Proposed impacts to the remaining soil types are nvniuial and cultural deposits should not be encouutcrcd in these areas as well. A revicw of Ihe site rles show that several archaeological i�rvestigatious have been coiiducted throughout the area �vith the identitication of nine uearby sites (31C83, 310E12, 310E13, 310E22, 310E165— 310E167, 310E657, �ud 310E701). All sites are prehistoric in origin and most (310E3, 3ICE12, 310E13, 310E22, 310E165-31CP_1G7, and 310E657) are located to the ��orth either along or very close to the Valley River. Out of all the sites, hvo (31CH3 and 310E22) have been determined eligible for the NRHP; however, site 310E3 h�s since bcci� removed fi�om being listed on the National Registcr due to destruction aud loss of iutegrity. Tlu�ec sites (310E I65-310E167) have been recommended ineligible, and remainiug four sites (31 CE 12, 31CG13, 310E657, and 310E70L) have yet to be assessed. The nearest sitc, 31 CE701, is �vithin the downto�vn area of Andrews. Tl�e site was recordecl by a local artifnct collector iu 2010, who claimed lo hnve recovered prehistoric pottery and lithic material from a residence's back gardcu. The reported site Iocation is currei�tly a paved church parking lot makii�g the tocatioit questionablc. If the site is located here, it is situated upon a stream terrace along the Stat�e��-Urbau land comples, �vliich is a sctting similar to Ihe APE for the cuirent project. Although site 310E701 has bee❑ reported ii� tlic ncarby vicinily, its location is suspect aiid has not been confirmed, It should not be considm'cd a faetor in determining if other nearby sites are present. As a result, it seems unlikely that a significant site will be within the currently det7ncd APE duc ils vcry limitcd extent of the projwt. Plus, p�st iuvcstigations by nrchaeologist suggest there is a greater likelihood of ei�countering an iiitact site withiu thc Iloodplain near the Valley Ri��er thnn �vitl�iu the wibau limits of Andrews. Lastly, a fvstorie map review was conducted. The firsY accurate aiid recognizable map in �vhich the vicinity is dcpictcd is Ihe 1838 U.S. Arnry composite map, complied from the 1837 anny field sun�ey of pait of tlic Chcrokcc Territory (Figure 4). This map sho�vs Fort Delany and a cluster of households that would eventually bccome known ns Andre�vs, but no road or tract is depicted in the ��icinity of the current road. Subsequcul 19(h ceutury mTps provide no additional iiiformatioii. 1t is not until the early 20th century that maps are published that depicts �he project area with any clarity. The L)OC USGS Nai�tahala topographic m�p sliows a more det�il map tha� includes Audrews, several structures, n main road, and the railroad (Pigure 5). Ho�ve��er, no eoad �vitl� �ii alignment similar to Bristol Avenuc is plottcd. Latcr 20th century maps such as the 1921 Soil Survey m�p for the county provide a much broadcr picturc of thc ro�vn and its development (Figure 6). Bristol Aveuuc is shown aloug with structures, most bcing situated to t�e cast of Ihe road. It is likely several of these structures are seen oi� the later 1938 (photorevised 1990) USGS Andrews topographic quadranglc. Rcgardlcss, all oC tlic structures arc outsidc of thc APE and deposits associated with them are uiilikcly to bc impncted. ...v�,�ectueoeoc>-suaizraaoainr�'7o�» �I,� ar„��,� r,��,�mo„on�» r,� ����� ����,�otg�eda� d�.•>nm v,,,s,��,�,���d��.-Igrcenrene 2 ofS Projecl Trncd'iiig No.: 14-03-0015 BriefE.�7ilnnnlron af ir/�p rGc nrnilnG(e iirfarninlrnn prorrr(es n relinGle Gnsis for renso�mGlp predic�i�ig lhnl lhe�e m•e no ru�irleiurfred l�isloric propertie.s iii die APE: Tlic dctincd �rchacological APE for �he proposed spot safety road improvemenl projecl on Bristol Avenue in Andre�vs is uulikely to contain inlact and significant archaeological dcposits. This is priuiarily due to the limited extent of the APE outo undisturbed soils as uwcl� oF the APE is disturbed from p�st development activities. Limited impacts at the pernvt Iocations �vill not affect undisturbed soils Ts well aud as a result do uot require testing. The historic map review also suggests all former hista ic s(ructures are outside of the APE. Finally, fhe majoriry of tlie known sites in the vicinity are found near Ihe Valley IZiver to the nortli. As long as impacts to the subsurface occur within the delined APE, no £urther archaeological �vork is reconuncnded. ]f �vork should �ffect subsurface arcas bcyoud tl�e defiued AYE, further archaeological consult�tion might be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUbIENTAT[ON See attacl�ed: � Map(s) ❑ Previous Swvey hifo ❑ Photacopy of County Survcy Notcs P[NDING B1' NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOG }' SUR VE 3' REO U/RGD G-. _: � --' 9 ---- C. Danton Joues NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST IT � Pl�otos ❑Correspoudcnce Other. Luages from histm�ic mnps 3/31/14 Datc .',Ab dRC[L�EOLOG7'SUR iZ 1'R60UlAFD "fnm�Jw� Alinor Tz�nsponmiau R�njeetc a� O�mlifi��J in eLr 200] Progronmimir:l.¢rrrvneni. 3 ofS R'ojeel PrnekinyNo.: 14-03-0015 Figurc 1. 1'opographic Setting of tl�e Project Area, Audrews (1933, photorevised I990), NC, USGS 7.5' 1'opographic Qunch �ugle. '1A'o dRCH,I E0/.OG1"SOR I El'R£QU/RED "J'nnnJor dlLiar7nm<p�nmime R-njer�s ns QunlifieAin Oie?00] Prbyranvaa�ic dg�reniem. d V(S Piojecl Trncking �\'o.: 14-03-0015 -� „ .�. ,.. , • , , . c� � �/,,. , �-,� � � \ z� � S � \ . ' ���. 1 i Y ... �� � R �� ..; �� � '; �` ',�t� �1i,��1 � �,,�� �,� � ��_ �" �. ��N d,ixs � � d, � •��i}� � � �ro°f .. , < i � ,� � , , � /� ��� , � ` ' � ��..� � ' ,'li��' r�� -- � ! �y� `s:�. i. :�. `. '� ;�� � , . i • +/� w �r''!: .: Ir � r '\�.�\[����{�� .. �yl�...J ���i Il����l����i� �'C/ � �!� f� i� / I I(' 1 �� � r y' �. 1 � ` J� � / 7 4 _ � `�1 . ��,�` � 1 . � � , i'� /Ld ��_�y 117 �•:�1 t � . , � � �� � �� / � �/��� p � ��� \ ��c �} � � [�� � t ��� If i�� �� f �i � �`,^, �a' � . � , :a ��- �- .� 3���. l� ' j -r r �1 ,� �! i� � �l .- �� ,, �" � �� = r f' ,l_� �"'� Y`'� � ` yr��"' �?; . ,'r' �� b � � � .r � � . ` , � .5�}� ! . .:,:.y,fl ����•', 1�� �Sy� -tx� �. �i � �ri � �t i (: �.. � . , - � � �i . t Zn"� _. .� t� . � � � ' ii � f �-: '�i' 1� � yi � . �'� i �\ "� e', ^�� R� 1 fi � ��, t �f - � �' !4A 1 Yj �� �{I t� . - �� �i � 7 1y ii � . s � � � � � If �� � !i . :�� � ( ii I ��1 1� �- �` .l �� '4 ' 1 �1+ 1 �. Y J� i ,` `;v�\ � �.� '" o O ,( 1 i>`C � Il• ii �f.jo� �r � � � ; �.,,� �, • \ �. �. �3 � �i, � .?-�` . ¢ �� � BrislolAve � � .a. �. �t � `� ir� r t- a� APE(Red) ,�.� �S ;:��1 ��E�� . (�. �� � � �1 !`j , � 3 {-•- � ts �i1''� � r �'1�� �,1. �, �1 � ,; n�l �,r,MR,t�,y�' .�/� � � .,� •. , � � . '" � 3 ��'�L • 'Y � � ' r ir , � ,; � . , `� � � - .._� � ��1.'�^! � 1 i'r ��i�j �.�� . � � i rl � o �,� � , J � , _ `� � �l ��,�� �( �q U � It � c5 i.� I� '�y � ',I ` � ;i,` i��±�I l -. . f� �i� � � ¢;'. ,'� '� � v. \0b. , o ` �t � � � �_ IiF� -�c �l � I� �I� } �' � I�_. �:�,� �, � f ,\ 1', � � t� °�s�r,�� ° v;_�� ,3�v�; `� j���A � :, � f� �'I�;.±`'�� �;, ,� 'r'��A ����� � t �`<� `< � . � l�� _ �� . ��� • �� -� .��� � F . i� �`�.t i . . F`�rc ` ii T 1 il a' � ra�. < < •:xcr, �� fi;��`'� q(� �� �. �.�,� � ��"� � � �d . ,tii If i i � �Aw{{{��y�� �� / ." � ���, . � � I a-� i 1 i ��!�� ��> ��V . r �� ,,� ' �� �� -«.�1 . � � '� � �a :�� i f i c,� _ ��,.�"'�``; � !s�t� �i � � �'� .,� , ��:zr�; � - ' 'y ` , r 1 : ' . , :� d t , ''> 'E . , k` t,�t� , �e-'. , � �� t� , ,, �> ; r i, , . ,� „ � , �� �I'`�=` �;�%� ?:A ''�� R �t`�,P1. ���< ,r �.,�f, y �y} �. � � -j�S� . i ����i��� cb 1'�� � ;; illlf ��., 4 � A : �� . } rS fs� ����{ r:' { s ����\ \i1 ?\� � �� �f���f{�� ` �`'�l ' ,_' �`�', �� c' � � `�� � �`��',''� �1 � i iC;� R % i�u �� i�� �,���� �`�.� '.��� � soilTypes - .�L S .- � � '� �f..�f s�� ���''. � ` .'\�'.. � \° �[% Contourat20feet ' / t l�i � �lr t � �' �( C� �2r1 ..!... �,<� ti � � �r ���c � Vo. �' .�. ��A-�" 960 � ?r,!Sa,_tr y 0 800 N 5r ; —� LL � : d��,�'� �� Feet �C� � 0 200 W � E Cherokee County R1eters S Figure 2. Acri�l photograph for the northern h�lFof APE sl�o�ving development, landfornus, ai�d soils witl�iu and ne�r the project area. .1A'o ANCHdEOLUG I'tiUftl'F I' RF�U/RFD "I�rni fw'A/iuor' Zrurnpmm�ion /h-nlccrc nc �unlh�'Ain Ihe 1007 Pmgrun�motic dgrsenmui. 5 o(S Pi'ajeel TraeAing �\'o.: 14-03-0015 , 5 .��{ r., �j�',�, ���°1�i �U.. r� \ , . ' � ry,� � �� ..r `-L1 j � _i� \� � +\ �\,.�� � e„dii'E:% M�. ''��'1� � 4z� s . � r K !S � '� L� �i �� ^w� � .. ���,01.�� � �1 ���� s ����. �J iy j�} 1 ( ii �t� �� � \� '.� A \� � ii � � � '^+.: ' ' � .- � � I� i � ' �� t t� t �t� �t 'c �%' a .i" i r� t 'ci �� P� �2� ��'� yA �`� Z � '� < �� w � �' �� ��L-,.� 2 4'� � �� .- Y'r�� 1 �� rY- ii �� � i Z c �? il i� � . � ��.�' ��� �.� O! ����i .. :� � t � �P t1 � 1 �O � �V�, r � �1 . ,c. � y�.� � �S iv' � r : � . 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BristolAve � .t I � . � �. < <— � \��, s ��' � %i i ?w�:� ,Y y � � . � APE (Red) � , ... �� �;•. \Fe �' ^ \r`��i?-. � � ��� ii,�..,� \�rp5 s ^, ,,.# _ � �r ��A ,?'���,�` �t , s, �.. A`izi � � �.� .:'a � �i1.� � �i:'6; �� � �.�.�:5 i K.i �s ,. � � � �i�� � �g� k� � �: ..u�al i �y0 /{� � � ry '�d 'Y..f1 E G�.'? }t' � } �dl�'� ���i .�� ti <'`� �� J /. `'��. ��, � � . ' } .a.�� ) ��,��j' 1 , . .. �i w` �' � ,. 'Y a r;e a. E�. � . � a� z.- ti ,.. im s'r .t�' � � .:�-4'�tr A . 1t���FF� � � � � _ J ��` i �i'� 1� �. � � � � �''��j �� � � 4 2.. � �y �`:t���t`a\i �; Vi��L .+R'� � •� �°�`'.�se� ,�sv�� ¢ .y� ����1� :\J�''byJ.41.,i�C=.. T�,-�7" ���'^;t�_� IP,� i7y �i �. a q�.a��" . e,fj��l�zl.'A�'Y '�: . "� - �C �f� i � 1 . ! y�q'.'.4� +��i-- � ad�� /,�(� y� �• �., r ' 2 YSC� + ��r z � 1 �;�`�d , '• . �F .� ��J�,�;�� �J r <' ��� ._ * .�`. �F a, t, R r. A ��J� l+ �,� �d y-f�'',� �1=i r; "�.is�s� } '� �� s '�'�y�'� �i x � dso'o � �a-�dj `� �. , �{ �Ti'.ti•. F � �t�,. i 'rs :.' r �_.+S Y� ' . � r �'�"�� \`�L � . , . ,'� -...+� �� h � ; a.,� V� ��- / r .. �, . ��. � ��Y� k 7;p-� � i� , i T' \�� \ y. :� ¢ � �� � � �• . n � ���if� i i. � � � � � � � n..�,t� � f� �� 1� i ���;Fl" � � �� �'.���1 �i`'.�� ���� � �,� � !.� ' SH'��v ' � f��� �('! � � �� A� ; li - J �� � ., t ,. � 'q � �1 r E. A `� - Z ���T � � � i 2, ��L1������ ��A.�t S 7r ��\� . � : 1 y "�i i .j��i� f � 1v 1� A� �� 1. �� ��i�. 'y� �� y � a: q�';!i}t �y ��� ��nv;��� ��;�C� 2 �� �� � \� : <' ,� �'. , ,, _ ti 1� � ��� �� ,,, I J Rf �' a � ✓� � {V� ��� U ii SoiITYPes �. �� � 1�1 ������ �� �� .� r r% j�����1�� ������ i ti �� � t•_ Conlour at 20 fee� �.. ,i ��� � � `� ?� ��'� �71 � � i . ;%i 6 oo�°,j �; �i�� I ? ��� �� :�� �i�B �O� - ae.. _, , r , , .,��,, �.�. , � �4 � ,� o . �e�� ,, o eoo N �, �rf �f `��-.��� � ��J`} J . { ���� .T3.� Feet W E ���r 0 200 � Z� Cheiokee Caunry A1elers S Figure 3. Aerial photograph Cor the southern helf of APE showiug developmcnt, landforms, and soils �vithin aiid ncar the projcct arca. "�A'o.1RC{/dLOLOG)'SUR I L]'REOU/RED' :/arq)nr SOrrorTi�nuspm-miion Pioj.ris oa 0uuliiieJ in �he 100] Proyrunmroric.Agreemmv. G ol'8 Pn>jeri Tracking �\'o.: 14-03-0015 .a_._ .. _'"_ ___' '___ _"'"__-� __-._� ___-r ____ _-_o._- _.. -. . � ��.-,,, �, ��•. y� �;, - �,. f j � � � � � 1 �.1, 1/,�. � . . f � � ' '� P�ro, �ect��d ea .�.-�,;-!__� `\, , � _ -��''!! �� `��` .'; �'�. r: • .11etc.d��r�:ey'��. �'�, ' �S- � N , � � �' i . ������ . - - --:_1 J� , ,. . �� , � _i t .a• <;. , � �j �t �; • „ �� - ,i �., 1; ` � f ,.'� �����t�����.�1�'11 ' // � .��, � ., .. _� � � ..,, � �( `__ �' ( ,. ' '. �� � � . , 'I '. ��' J '\ �, 1L; '-/,� J n �: ` � " �� � , l, ' _ f � i I � J� � � �1 .� - `` "-L � - ', . � y� � ��, �� ,, � . ,�. �- ,. _ , , ` ,� ; � , ._ , .. � lrl � � � � � y�\ �c _ . '/� � � � '``,. .- V// �� \C��� �� �,�� ' F�-. � �, ,� , � r� , ��rt. ,. `... .�a �, � �i '� � I ; %��� � � �� � \:� � � - I � , I ,' i 1; , �,, , � ;� ; � � , , , �1;��� S . �igw�e 5. The 1906 USGS N�ntah�la topog�aphic map showing the Loc�tiou oCthe project area. ..�A'o dRCHdb'OLOGf'SORI EF' RLQU/RFD"(nnn fnnl/inur 7rurupoi�wfmi P� �jrrls us Qunlip'ed in rhe '00] Piugrnrnnmric dgr:emrnt. 7o1S ProJzcl b'ncking iA'o.: 14-03-0015 Pigure 6. The 1921 Soil Suivey map for Cherokee County showing the location of tlie project area. ..,A'n dBCH.lEO/OG)'SURI E7'REQOIRCD "/mni la'Alluw'Ti'✓mponutlou Hvjr.is asQnulJicAin ehc 2009 Progren�nmlir.i3r,emeul. SoiS Davis, Mark S From: Jones, Damon Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 3:51 PM To: Davis, Mark S; Grindstaff, Wesley T Subject: Spot Safety Improvements for SR 1388 (Cherokee Co ); Archaeology �����N�,b'�'� I4Ak25201i Mark and Wesley, d�s����,����� ���r. Matt has assigned me the following project as of today: • Spot Safety Improvements for SR 1388 (Bristol Ave) in Cherokee Co (ourq 14-03-0015) This project fall under the Programmatic Agreement with SHPO that says we will handle the archaeological review for minor transportation projects. The request for Environmental Input packet contains an aerial photo of the project areas, a topo map, vicinity map, and plans. Permits are required, and temporary easements are needed. The project does not fall on US Forest Service property. I should have everything I need. I will start the Archaeological Review for these projects as of today and let you know within 30 days if any archeological survey will be required. If you have any further questions or new information, please let me know. Thanks C. Damon Jones Archaeologist II N.C. Department of Transportation PDEA- Human Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Phone (919) 707-6076 Fax(919)250-4224 Email corresponAence �o and from this sender is subject �o the N.C. Public RecorAs Lae� and may be disciosed �o �hird pariies. �� s� s�r �-a Fo� r,aex � s�rs ��'��f']E (�� N(�]R�7C']E�[ �C1�1�(�1L][N1� " ".°,°°,`.•�.°°� �" ' �•C. 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