HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06614_Well Construction - GW1_20220711 T1T�'u;1T1!&Ea CORD f GW— $' For Internal Use Only: q -b r y r - . h WeS I Contractor Infforruatton 14:WATER 20NE5: wallContraotorName - - DRUM TO DF.SC ON . - NC WeII Conhactor Cart ficationNnmber'. 15.:O1 TEEL II7G foraiul&-cased wells ORLTNER �f a licahle YADIaN WELL,COMPANY,INC .TROM TO _ lilmmm TmaK IFss MATERIAL - ft. ft: in. r.. 2oP Y TilBING eoffiermal rlosed�loo Well ConstructionPermrt# p�^✓�1J iP� 16.Il�IlVERCATO SIlVGOR D1A�o TSICmVm5 MAIERIAI.. FROM List all applicable well eonsrructlon permits(e:UIG County,State,Yai•(cnc-e,,etc) - ft. 3.Well Use,(checkwell use) ,. f ` ft - in.- Water Supply Well 17.SCREEN 'mom TO DIAMEM- SLOT SIZE TSICnNIESS MATERIAL I7AgrictiItrraI,i ❑Municipai/Public ❑Geothermal pF qe ng/Cooling Supply) ❑Residential Water Supply'(single), O�n Commercial ❑wel EiResidential Wafer Supply(shared) 18:GROUT s>100'000'GPD .FROM -TO 'MAT! UAL EMELACEMENTMETHOD&AMOUNT 1�Ion-Water Supply Well:' Tt ❑Monitoring_; A _ l7Recovery ! i� T . �+: - Jh - Inlectiori Well, . ; /Y ❑Aquifer Reoharge' ❑Groundwater Remediation _ rStordge endRecov [7S Barrier .!SAPID/GRAVEL`PACK'zfa livable ❑ QlllfEA erY FROM "'TO MATERIAL - EMPLilcnamwre METHOD ❑.mi.ii i•Test ,❑Stormwatel-Drainage ' ❑ enmental Technology ❑Subsidence Control ft ` ft. [7Geothemial(Closed'Ioop) UTlacer 20.DPJLIMGLOG,attachaddition,shicts'ifiiece sa - " FROM" TO "_ DES(3tIPTION cc or.Lacdae9•soa/mck c, • Mize,ct¢ ❑Geothermal'(Heating/CoolsngRetmn) ,❑Other(explain under#21 Remarks)., . fti. p 4 Date Wells)Completed: Z We11ID#AAA 0- y ` I r� t� WellLacation: Phone #33�S- c�q_ 2-74:5' - ft _ { - - Famlrty/OvmerName - _ $acilityID#(if cable) - -- - - •�. _;4w q,— ft. - JUL-1 1-2022 21,RNMARKR Cotmtp' 1 atoel we mcat6in.'(PIID ,n . 5b Latitude and longitude•in idegmes/minutes/seconds or decimalAggrges: (Xfw I Feld,one lat/ioagis'mfflciicnt) s� 22.Certifica_tiont W � 6.Is(are)the vrell(s) DWermaneut or ❑Temporary a of id Well,Commior_ 'Datei��/ Ey slgning thtsfomt,Thereby cer*fhat the wells)was.(werq)cwrs6pcted In accordance with 7.Is thli a repair to an existing well: ❑Yes or @Ro JSAKCRC 02C.0100 or I5A=C 02C.0200 Wifil Constmcilan SYmrdardr and lhai,a ropy If this is c repair fill ouf kdown well construction utJormotlon and eiplain the Hutto z of the is- eard'lrasbeen provid a the•weU owner repair under321►emarkssection or on the back of.th4 form. Z3..Site diagram or,additionalweii details: 8.For GeoprohetDPT or Closed=Loop Geothermal-Wells having the same You•may use theck'!ba of this page Ito provide additional well rorstruction info construction',only l GDP 1'is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER of wells �(add'Sea Over in Remadm Box).You,may also aftall additional pages if necessmy. drilled .. 24. 1HIARZTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9. Total depth below land surface: 7 d10 A) ;Submitahis.GW=1�rithin 30 da s of well,completian;per thefollowing: For multiple wells list all depths fdifferaw(example-3Qa 200'and 2@1..001 - y 10.Statiewater level below top of casing: SO (ft) 74a• For All Wells: Original fora to Division of Water Resources (DWR), Ifwater level Is above casarg,vse'+" Information Processing Unfit 1617 MSC.'Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 D Bit Off •:�/ ® 24b For Inlectzon Wells:Co to I) 11.Borehole diameter CM-) PY WR,Underground Injection Control;(IUC) Program,I636MSGRaleigh,NC'27,699.1636 AIR ROTARY 12.Well construction inethod: 24c.For Water Supply and'Open,Loop Geothermal Return Wells:Copy to the (i.e.suge,rotary,cable,direct PdA etc) county,environmental health"departutent,of tht county where'instalied FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY 24d.--For Water Welis,producina over 100,000 GPD:,Copyto DWI?,CCPCUA 13a.Wield Method of test• i O') Permit Program,1611 MSC,-Meigh;NC 27699-1611" p 13b.Disinfection type: 70%HTH Amount:. !J, OZ DATE SITE'V(SITED: ',� y' 23' l 99 �%11ISITFII RV• nlfil"S k's®/1