HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021229_Annual Wastewater Performance Report_20220714TOWN OF OLD FORT WASTEWATER COLLECTION & TREATMENT PERFORMANCE REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR JULY 15 2021, to JUNE 30, 2022 SYSTEM: Town of Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant RESPONSIBLE ENTITY: Town of Old Fort, Phone # 828-668-4244 OPERATORS IN CHARGE: COLLECTION SYSTEM: Josh Cagle, Phone #828-668-4561 TREATMENT PLANT: Josh Cagle, Phone #828-668-4561 APPLICABLE PERMITS: COLLECTION SYSTEM: WQCS00139 NPDES (WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT): NCO021229 BIORESIDUAL MANAGEMENT FACILITY: WQ0011260 (RESCINDED) DESCRIPTION OF COLLECTION SYSTEM: The sewer system collects wastewater from the Town of Old Fort and the surrounding area and transports it by gravity to the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) located on the west bank of Curtis Creek, just east of town. There are currently no pumping stations needed in the Old Fort collection system. DESCRIPTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT: The original waste treatment plant was built in 1967, upgraded in 1987 to a capacity of 800,000 gallons per day (gpd), and upgraded again in 1996 to a capacity of 1.2 million gallons per day (mgd). In 2003-2004 the plant was again refurbished with a grant of approximately $1.5 million froze. the NC Rural Center. All wastewater is moved through the following processes: BAR SCREEN — removes larger pieces of trash, rags, etc. GRIT CHAMBER — removes fines sand -like material that is damaging to equipment. INFLUENT PUMP STATION — pumps wastewater to equalization basin or aeration tank. EQUALIZATION BASIN — contains the wastewater, allowing a constant flow through the rest of the plant. AERATION TANK — waste is treated by concentrating, mixing, and adding air; bacteria and other micro-organisms break down the solid and liquid waste to a less harmful form. CLARIFIERS — allows solids to settle out while clearer water passes on. CHLORINE CONTACT CHAMBER — bleach (sodium hypochlorite) is added to disinfect the wastewater, and calcium thiosulfate is added to remove the residual chlorine. The treated wastewater is the discharged to Curtis Creek, which is a contributor to the Catawba River. Settled solids from the clarifiers are pumped to a sludge holding tank. From there the sludge is dewatered on a belt press and put into a container then transport by Republic Services to Caldwell County Landfill Foothills Env. COLLECTION SYSTEM (SEWER) - In the 2021— 2022 report period, there were two sanitary sewer overflows (SSO). One at Commerce St near US 70 at Mill Creek Crossing. Due to a pipe failure. Break in pipe was repaired. Second was at bridge next to Hillman Brewery. Due to debris in line. The line was jetted and cleared. With both instances the NC Division of Water resources were contacted and notice of deficiency was issued to the town. The Old Fort Maintenance Department replaced 145 ft of sewer line and cleaned 3,197 ft of sewer pipe. WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT: In this report period, the Old Fort Wastewater Treatment Plant had not permit violations. In 2022 the town Rescinded the Class "A" Bioresidual Permit. The dewatered waste is now being hauled to the Caldwell County Landfill Foothills Env. CERTIFICATION: I certify under penalty of law that this report is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further certify that this report has been made available to the users or customers of the named system and that those users have been notified of its availability. Rickey A. Hensley Mayor, Town of OId Fort ;7-- / �1 2y22 Date NOTIFICATION: The Town of Old Fort placed a Public Notice on the Town of Old Fort's web site (www.townofoldfort.org/sewer). Any customer desiring to obtain a copy of the performance report may do so by requesting one at Old Fort Town Hall.