HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140087 Ver 2_Approval Letter_20140721NC®ENP, North Carolina Department,of �Environment�and Natural, Resources Pat McCrory,, Governor July 21,,2014' Raleigh Land Fund '1, LLC Att-n: Adam Ashbaugh 5-16 N. West,Street Raleigh, NC27603 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary DWR # 14- 0087v2 Wake County Subject: APPROVAL OF-401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH,ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS The ;Preserve- atWhite Oak Creek DeaFr Mr. Ashbaugh: You have our approval for°the impacts, listed below for'the purpose,described in your,app,lication d'ated,June 12, 2014 and'received by the'Di,y'ision of Water Resources (Division) on June 26, 2014. These impacts, are cove red`bythe attached VWater,Quality `General Cer=tification Num,'ber 3890 and the conditions listed below,. This certification is associated, with the-use 'of Nationwide, Permit �Nurnber'29 once Jt is issued to you' by the U.S. Army_ Corps of Engineers. Please note that you should get any other federal, state or,local, perm its before proceeding with' your' project, including: those required by (but n`ot limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non - Discharge, and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This 401 Water Quality Certification dated July 21, 2014 replaces the 401 Water Quality Certification dated,Februa�ry_ i4,, 2014. Wetland and Stream Impacts J Were added to Version 2,6f this project,. This approval requires you to follow the conditions, listed in, the enclosed certification and "the following additional conditions: 1. The following impacts are hereby approved,provided that all of °the other-,specific and' general coriditions,of the Certification; General Permit,and /.or Bu_'ffer'Rules are met. No other impacts are,approved,.incLuding incidental impacts., NoAhCarol - - Natura! North.Carohna Division of-Water'Resources, 1628aMaiI'_Service Center Raleigh, NQ276994628, Phone, +(919) 791 =4200 Customer Serowe, Internet www ncwaterquahty org Location- 3800 Barrett Drrve Raleigh, NC 27609 Fax (919)788 -7,159 1- 877- 623 -6748 An Equal OpportumtylA*mabVe Action Employer— 50% Recycled110 %Post Consumer Paper The Preserve at White Oak ' DWR# 14- 0087v2 401 APPROVAL, Page 2 ,of 5 Type ofJmpact Amount Approved (units) Permanent Amount Approved (units) Temporary Wetland 0.06 (acres) 0.01 (acres), Impact B Wetland 0:07 (acres) 0.01 (acre) Impact D Wetland <0.01 (acres) G('acre), Impact, E Wetland; 0.01 (acres) <0.01x(acre): Impact F Wetland <0.01,(acres) D (acre), Impact 'G Wetland` 0.01.(acres) =, 0(acre) Impacts H and I Wetland 0.04 (acres) 0.03 (acre) Impact J Stream 1"52'(li`near feet) '0 (1in'ear feet) Impact A ,Stream 135 (linear feet) .0 (linear feet) Impact B, Stream 129 (linear feet) 0,(lineaHeet) Impact C Stream_ 10 (linear °feet) 10 (linear'feet) Impact J 1. Storm-water Manaeement Plan (SMP) Approval from 'Local Community Required You are requited to provide one copy (hai-d,,copy,o,r,digital),of the approved SMP, including plan details on full -sized plan sheets,'with proof of the,Town of Apex's approval. The approved SMP'shall be submitted to the DWR Webscap'e Unit :(1:650 Mail,Service Center, Ralei'gh,'NC, 27.699 -1650) before,any impacts authorized, in this - certification occur. After it is approved and submitted �to the Division, the SMP may not be modified' without prior written, authorization from'the -Town of Apex: If-the SMP is: modified9 in •the future,,then you shall provide one Modified SMP with proof of'approval to the DWR 1Nebscape Unit prior to the, commencement .of-the modifications. 2. Mitigation You have.agreed °to provide,stream and riparian wetland mitigation by payment into the Ecosystem !Enh,ancement Program (EEP). A`total of 439 li'nearfeet of stream, m_itigation,and 0:5 The'Preserve at White Oak, D_ WR# 14= 0087v2 401,APPROVAL Page 3 of 5 acre of riparian wetland rnitigation i`s,regUired for impacting 426Jinear'feet of stream and 0 ..20 acre•of'riparian wetland ,as a ,result ofthis project. :since this, project is.goin,g,to be conducted inf two phases) rthe mitigation, pay,ment`,is,also going, tobe phased'. Phase 1 invo Ives, paymentfor,304 tin, ear° feet, of, streamsi�nitigationsand ,0.25',acre of�riparian wetland mitigation. Phase 2 involves payment -for 135 linear feet of stream mitigation and 0.25,acre of riparian wetland m "itigatiom. Until, EEP receives and clears your checks; impacts specified in this 401 Water Quality Certification shall not occur: You have until `March`31;,2015.to make the payment for impacts for•,Phase 1,of this project. 'In addition, payment for mitigation for Phases 1 a "nd ;2 of this project must be made before any impacts occur, -. This Authorization Certificate authorizes, payment into EEP,to meet.the,following compensatory mitigation requirement: Mitigation Type of Impact Compensatory Mitigation River and Sub - Provider basin Number EEP Wetland 0 5 (acre) Cape Fear /03030002 EEP Stream, 439,(lineae feet) Cape Fear /03030002 3. No Waste; Spoil,,Soli'ds, or Fill.of Any Kind No waste, spoil, solids, or fill of any kind shall.occur in wetlands, waters, 'or ripar,ian,areas beyond the footprint,of the impacts.depicted in the Pre- Construction,,Notification. All construction activities, including the design, installation; operation; ,'and maintenance of sedimerA,and erosion control Best Management Practices, shall be performed so that no violations of state water quality standard's, statutes; or "rules occur. 4. Protective Fenting The outside buffer,, wetland or water boundary °and ,-along-the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this authorization shall be clearly marked.with orange warning fencing (or similar °high,visibility'material)`fot theareas that,ha,ve been approved to infeiin`ge within the buffer, wetland or water, priorto any land disturbing activities to ensure compliance,with 15 NCAC 02H .0500. 5: This approval is forth&purpose,and design described in yourapplication. The plans and specifi`cations.for this project are incorporated by reference as part oftheCertification: If you ,change your project, yo•u must notify'the'Divisiion and you may be required to subrnit'a new, application,package with, the appropriate fee. Ifthe property,is sold, the new owner mustibe �given,a copy•of this approval letter and General Certification and. is responsible. for complying with all conditions., The Preserve at WhiteDak DWR# 14= 0087v2 401APPROVAL Page>4 of 5 6,. Thiss approval and',its conditions -,are finaland, binding un,'less contested. This Certification can be contested as,provided in Articles 3 and,4 of General Statute 1506 by filing a written petition ,for.an administrative hearing,tothe Office >of;Admi'nistrative Hearings ('hereby known as OAH). A petition,form,may be obtained from the OAH at htt0--//www.hc-qah.com/,or by 'calling the.OAH Clerk =s Office at (919) 481,-8000 for'information. Within thirty (30),calendar days of receipt of this notice, a, petition must be'filed with the OAH. A petition is considered filed wliewth-e original, and one (,l) copy along -with any applicable, OAH filing fee is received'in the OAH during normal'office hours (Monday °through Friday between 8.00am ,and 5:00pm, excluding official state holidays). The petition may be faxed, to the OAH at (919) 431 -3100, provided the,origi`nal and one „copyrof the petition along with any'applicable OAH filing fee is received by the OAH with. i-n five (5) business days-follbwing the faxed`transmission. Mailing address for "the, OAH-.-, If sending by First Class Mail via the US Postal Service: Office of•Adm'inistrative,H,earings, 6714 Mail, Service Center Raleigh; NC'27699 -6714 If sending via'delivery service (e.g. UPS „FedEx)'- Office:of Administrative H'earings� 1711 New'Hope Church Road -Raleigh,, NC- 27609 -6285 One (1) copy of the petition must,also be served to DENR: Lacy Presnell, General ciunse[ Department of Environment and "Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service Center Raleigh; NC 2,7699 =51601 Please send one (1) copy ofthe petition'to DWR: If sending by First'Class Mail via the U. Postal Service. ,Karen Higgins 'NC DENR'- DWR — Webscape'U,nit 165'&Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC'27699 -1650 If sending via. deliveryAervice (e.g. UPS, FedEx): Karen Higgins NC DENR =DWR — Webscape Unit 512 -.'N. Salisbury Street - Raleigh,, NC 27604 The_' Preserve at'White Oak' DWR# 14 `0087V2 401 APPROVAL" Page 5.of 5' This, letter completes the, tevieW of the, Division, under section 401�ofthe'Clean Water Act. Please, contact,Cherri'Smith at -919- 791 -4251 or cherri.s- mith @nedene.gov if you have any questions or concerns. Si - rely, Danny S'mit Supervisor,, Water Quality Regional Operations Section Enclosure: 3890 cc: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers;,'Ral'eigh Regulatory Field Office; 333,1 Heritage Trade Driye;-St. 105; Wake�Forest, NC27597 Phil' May,; Carolina'EcosysteMs Inc,.; 3040 "NC Hwy 42 West; Clayton, NG 27520 D,WR R�RO 401 `Files