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HomeMy WebLinkAbout2908 Evans rd4iA RCDENR North Carolina'Department of Environment-and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor July 17„ 2614 Richer G:_Levert aiid,Cassi A. 'Thompson 2908 E_ vans Rd. Apex- , NG21502 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject :'Buffer Determination NBRRO4,14 -256 Wake',County Determination Type: Buffer Call Isolated or Ell? Call ❑ •Neuse (16A NCAC 2B .0233) Start@ ❑ Tar- Parrilico (15A NCAC'26 0259) �❑i Ephemeral /-Intermittent /,Perennial Determination USGS ❑ 'Isolated Wetland Determination ® Jordan (15A NCAC,2B4O267) To Project Name: 290, , Evans Rd.. PIN 0721726004 Location%Directions: Property is, located at 2908,Evans Rd. ;Subject Stream: Ut to BeaverCreek Determination Date: July 17, 2014 $taff: James Graham eature/Mag !Not Subject E/1/P* Start@ Stop@ Soil USGS Subject To Survey Topo To Buffers Buffers A X E B;, X P throughout throughout X X' *E /I/P - Ephemeral/Intermittent/Perennial Explanation: T1ierfeature(s) fisted above has,or have been,locatedon the Soil,Survey °of Wake•County,,North Carolina-or the:most recent copy,of`the USGS Topographic map at,a 1:24,000 scale: Each feature that is checked "Not;Subject7 has been determined, not-to be,.a stream or is not, present on the property. Features that are checked' "Subject ",, have, been located on the , property, and possess characteristics that �qualify it'to be a stream. There may be other- streams located' on your property that do-novshow °up on °the- maps;referenced above but, still maybe considered_ jurisdictional according,to the'US.Army.Corps,,of Engineers and/or to the Division of Water Resources (,DW,R,)• Npf Carolina �tU4711Y North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mail Servicb Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1628 Phone (9,19),791-4200 'Internet_ vu: nc' terouaky orq Location '3800 Barrett Dnve, 'Raleigh, NC 27609 'Fax (919), Z8 &7159, An Equal , Opportunely /AffirmatUverAdon, Employer — 50 %'Recycled /,10 %'Post Consumer Paper 2908 Evans' Rd Wake, County July 1r7, 20,14, Page 1of 2 This on -site determination shall.expire °five (5) years from the date of this Wit, &., L'and'owners or affected parties that= dispute ardeter-mination , made•'by the DW,R,or Delegated'Local Authority may request a determination by'the' Director. An appeal request must be made within sixty (60) °days of date of this letter or from the,date the:affected party (including downstream and /or adjacent owners) is' notified of this letter. A request for a determination by'the Director shalLbe referred to the Director in'writing c/o Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit,1650 Mail Service Center,-.Raleigh, NC 27699. This determination, is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner /future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including,any, other Local, State, and Federal Agencies)) oUthis decision concerning,any�future correspondences regarding the.subject property (stated above). This project may requi're:a;Section 404/401,Permit' for the proposed' activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Divisiowof Water Resources, (Central Office) at (919) - 867- 6300,,and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh, Regulatory Field Office) at,(919) -554 -4884. If you have,questions regarding thisdetermination, please feel,free,to contact James Graham at (9190 791 -4256. espe,tfdlly; Danny 'S ith,'Supervisor Water uality , Section, Raleigh'Regional Office cc: 'RRO /,SWP'File Copy _t 6 Jail SIK *A - -I'10 A.- 1Y, 0 N i1 AL ,7