HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06497_Well Construction - GW1_20220603 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD fGW iZ For Intefnal Use Olily: 1.Well CoatMOlMrInforma k fl/n'o�n:/nJ�� j �0 n (�T 1'C.+1 2144LWA7M ZONES Nell Conti Name TO DIK RWMN 3 ..V�90 er, NC Well Coetreomr Cectifioetim�ivmmm . QQ A Q F l4v/Q 6 1n'1,iLC- QT S �✓1 ! FROM TO I DID T1 UMM MATERIAL CompMyName ft. in. stop--21 Jot 1rxDWIMCASINGORTIMM dosed-I 2.Well Cnnmhmction Permit#: FROM To DrAt4MM VMCMQM MATERML List aliappllaablewall cons/rualonpetwaits(i e.UfC,Comity.State,Yarfiatrce,etG} #t. B. 3.Wen Use(check well awe): ft° Waberi3opplT Well: 1:s ben Agricultural cipaUPitbil0 0 h. M in. aa�► euL Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) tial Water Supply(single) usirlal/Commercial [3Residemlel Water Supply(sbamd) 18 t;RtOtIT FROM TO MATt$tiAL I SMPLACBMSNT ODdtAMO Noa•WaterSupplyWen: s. pt, 3 ,. Monitoring JFL ft- Ig se lon Well: .0 Q & B. . Agt+i%rReohargc �GrotnhdwatarRetnediaticn 19 tiANDJGRaI�ELPA AquiferSMMVandR=ovcry f33aimiwDMIicr FROM To IMURIAL MVMACMUMMS17iDD Aquifer Test DStmwwaterDrainego ft. ff Is�ipedmental TechnoloV DSubsidenca cmil of Geothermal(Closed Loop) DTrac7 2(LDRHJMBLOG(atinhaddidamd8heeftEnecomyI Geothermal Cacling Retttm Other.(-,plainuder#21Ramarks) FROM To DBSCSIPlY x D y ft. 4.Dalmwev(s)cngdct&: 3-2 M#-,A 7&Z(,-- ft. ft. Facility/Otmer23em Fac iWM# ifMVMble) ft. ft. 29 fL ft. s Ahysiaa/t�Add�ess.Ctbr,andZip �7t� R. ft. F In N.t r SO s l 21.Rtihfg$B$ C0u* PtecnlIdentificatiamNa(PII� Sb.L%Mdeand longitude in degrees/mianteslsecaads or decimal degrees: (ifwellfield.one laUlongissufficient) 22. on: 6.Is(am)the well(s) ermanent or 13Teraporary Signature ed W Date By,signbtg this fOM I hereby a:n&that the w4s)tvas(carre)aatrstrtrcred in arrotdm ce 7.Is this a repair to an eistiEngwell: DYes or PTp Ivtth 15ANCAG 02C.DI00 orISANCAC 02C.02W IVen aDngmWonStmtdards and them Ifthts isampair,fill out/mown watt consrruaion inprmttuionand aplarndwnowrafthe ropy 4fddsmcmdhasbeac prwkW to the wall mvner. sepalruMder#21 twwbsedlonoron the backofthisform. 2S.Site diegltamoFedditionel van deta!'!w S.FW t'`,,eop-he/DPT or Closed taop Ceothertnai arm having the same Yau may use tlhe back of this page to provide additional well site detalls or well construction+only 1 GW-1 is needed. indicsta TOTAL.NUUBML cf wells constnietion detalls..You may also aftch edditior&pegs if necessary. dritted: SUBIi�IlTTAt,IIB.47'RiTCfTnNs 9-Total well depth below land surfaces S S of completion of well(ft.) 24a,For_ y fls Submit: this form within 30 days Formuit/piewetslistaIIdepthsiffi est(eaampi¢-3@200'mtdl@IQO5 All We eonstrucdouto the following: 10.Static weber level below top of easing! (ft.) Dlvtdon of Water Resources,Information Processing Unit, If water level is above awing,awe.N-' 1617 Mall Set vice Center,Rateigb,NC 27699-1617 11.Bomhole dianleber. /1 (tn.) 24b.For titration Welts: 1n addition to sending the form to the address in 24s a Wen conshmetion method: )Z—C N above,also submit one copy of fibs form within 30 days of completion of well (Le.sugm ratary,eaW dinctpssk eta) T CMMhUolfon tD the IbIIowing DivUlon of WsterResnurew Underground h decftm Controt pa+odw FOR WATER SUPPItY WEirIn9 ONLY W6Mail su vitcg cgntga,lse*jl,NC Z769xl6m 13a.Meld(gpm) �Z Method of te� ,Q 241—Fir Water snnnly&linleclion Wens• In addition to sending the form to the address(es) above also submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b.DMnfedlon Iype.,—j4xII Amok & Qkglygg completions of wen construction to the county health depadmmt of the county where constsacted. Form GW-1 NonhCamliaaDepar�eatoi73avlmnmaotalQmtity-Dhririoaof WavetResontees Revised2-22,2om