HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06473_Well Construction - GW1_20220706 Print Form WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD (GW For Inlornal Use Only: — 1.Well Contractor Inftirtnalion: 1Ccll('unuaaorNamc � t_nu�f�—' j(i—� �UFa<,Ittl r ,]6 ,Z S-rt— -�'�- ft. — — ft. ft. — —— N('q/ell(17, rnclurCcrlitira wn Numbrr I5.Otl'(�F;It(Ati1Ni'i(1'or mnitf-wised Wells)OR LINER fit pficable)— — �_�(ft C�.G�Er • a1 rRt)1tiii mnMr,'I'rck rtncr vr;.vs n _ '- Jt ft. f IY. in. ongcmy Namc _ .—.._ C' IG.INNF;12(:A GSIN OR TIU1 9cuthermal claced-loop 2.Well Construction Permit#: 1 JL r^ �i+ ro t,r Gk goons ro n_ l.ie7 ull op/rlir:nhlr,rrll,un.rU-uctiun prru,ir.r(i.i'. ✓''J(',C'u,utA..Sl✓k'. I br ru ,,rh'.) A. ft. 3.Well Use(check well use): —_-.._._----- VL'aterSupply We is _ 17.SCRI3FN ` -'-- t'uuai '1'U UI�M11 F"1'IiR 31.O'rsIz.r. Tl11CKYF:SS ?lL1'fF:I2LU DMunirip:dll ublic fi. Cicolhernrrll(Ilcating(:'poling Supply) r3IResidential Waler Supply(single) -- ---- ti• hulusn'iallComntercial DlRe'itlenlial Winer Supply(shared) --_.__. Irrigation i�ROM 1'O -- Ag A'fr•:HL\I. —F:pll'IAC1?h1 F:N"I 11 t•:TNf rD K—A�101:'`'1 • Non-VV'arer Supply Well: ft, ft. .._._ fv9onitoring __— — �Rerovcrs b• ft. _—."--t Injection Well: —.._.._._....... .__..._.._..._.—...... -- A,uiter Rcch:n.,e fr. ft. t E3Graundw:ucr Rcntcdiation A,auilei'Storage and Recovery 19.SAND/GRAVE'L PACK(If a ilicable) �iSalinity Barrier ------ _-. ---- _.-._.._._._.-._.__..._....._. hHt)\1 fY) 11ATISRLU. ...—.— P:11 t'l.nePM t?N-1'kI t:'t•I101) A,.luif'er'1 est DStorlinvater Drainage tr. I't. Li;xperimc'ntal'rechnoltl y" DSubsidence Control - fi, tt• -- - - -----_-_ __ (,,eothern)al(Clostxl LunPl barer 2U�DRILLI 'G LOG attach adtlitional sheets If mescal --�-- - G(utltrtmal(Ilcating/Coolinp.Rchnrltl �0IIIer-(cxplain under'121 Remarksi -- --- of u.Hir rinn(crdnr�har,tru._ura/rocl ry•pc_rvun a'ur.etc.) _ ft. --- -y - Jr'>;_ui,. 4.Date Well(s)Cornpl r4 It!;fr 13'r o. ., ark +a f f a' Sa.Ni4,11 Location: ft. s_�C c /E"o,^A,re r 7(f C ft. ft. tt T —.._._ h:rcdilyrUa'nn'N:totc Iihhri l�f a1ti1,hcal,tct ft. , l s 1'hyrlc d aI/ '64 lddnrea+...r4_<ily1:�md ('u.Q'1> Y.VarcclldcnWicationNo.IP -- IN1 <M C:`e+h �l7"t(�Q1,bGrvt%'�:o� �,��,it ��f•� � 51).Latitude and longitude in degrees/ntinuteslseconds or decimal degrees: -- Id,cell ficid.one ial lone i�au(lieicnl I { —.-....._ .._.. �' —..•—__.._._..._. r. ' _'• .J� +r / 22.Certification: 6.Is(me)the well(q) 0Pernianent or 9 Temporary lnauue r l(,.wficd l\cJI(nntiacin Doll: v - ... - Zfi•„l;nu, du,j...... (hrrrh, rrrlih'thot lbe uvv!1 J wa., (n„r'1 nn.,u•n,led to ur•,ua,rre 7.Is Ilus a repair to an existing well Dyes or No i h Is I s< t( 01(*j,N)t),,, 15.1"'V IC 02C 6dnn Wc/l t'„rnn,n:nor,Stu,:d.nd„r„ri;Am r 11)Gis i,a.,lau'".fill ow Aunnn ay.11 rnnd)vu'(i,»)u,ln,'uumnn un l,•.,ylln/u l6r mall,r rrl Iin. t ryrt nl du. rrrord Ian hrru prn,•rdcrl Io tlrr a.r1!u,rgr•r, r<•pni,wider'r2/rrn,urh.,:,,ti,a or o,r dm 4 ,/this Ilan, 23.Site diagram or additional well de(ails: X.For Geoprohe/DI'T or Closed-Loop Geothermal VV ells having the saltic Vou Inav use the back ol'this page to provide addilii)nal well site details or well conxnucuun.only I GW-1 is needed. Indicate 1'O I'AI N1!NIBH; ol'wrlls consinlction details. You may also attach additional pulses il'accessary. dri IlCti: SUBMITTAL INSTRUCTIONS 9.Total sell depth below land stet act 60 --(ft•) 24a. For All Wells: Submitthis li d irnl within to ay. )t'completionl u wcl! construction to the lid lowing: i 10.Static water leNel below top oreming: 2 S (rt.) Ui\'ision of VYa1er Resourt:I s,Information Processing;Unit. 11❑'o„rr l,•vrl i.c rrlvnr rtt,in!•.u.cr'.;.. '---�._. / 1617 Mail Service Ccnl(lr,Raleigh.NC 27699-lbl7 11.Borehole diameter: 241). For Injection Wells: In addition to scildiog,the 161-111 to the address in 24,. above'also subntil one Copy of this limn within 30,lays of c,;mpletion of wclj 12.VR'e1I construction method: e?✓+�/ L construction to the following: (i.c.auwa•r.rnorv,cable.direct pub,cic.t --- - Division of Witter Resources,Ulu iler•gr•ound Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC_'27699-1636 3a.1'jcltl(g pnq 'Method of,rest: 24c. For Water Sannly l Inicction'cWtW�lls: in addition to sending the ('envoy to the addressiesl :shove. ❑ko submit zinc copy of this I'onn within 30 days of 131).Disinfection type: Amount:, cong,lction of well Constuction Io the counl IHl:dlh (ICp:urntcnl (It-the count,- —• svhctc ronstructcti. harm(ill-I North('nrninsi L?,yeu'nucni.0 r.o,❑.,nmcnl.il I h;dlu,-I)i,r•lun„I\\'alcr ke'om,,.,.,