HomeMy WebLinkAboutNCG030027_Q2 Sampling Results_20220621ur + aceAnalytical ® ANALYTICAL REPORT June 21, 2021 Eaton Corporation Sample Delivery Group: L1362234 Samples Recelved: 06/05/2021 Project Number: 28091-R Description: Eaton Corp Monthly Stormwater Site: ROXBORO, NC Report To: Edmara Bloomer 2564 Durham Road Roxboro, NC 27573 Entire Report Reviewed By: Heather J Wagner Project Manager Results relate only to the Items tested or calibrated and are reported as rouMed values. This test report shall not be reproduced, except In full, without written approydl of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance pr#Med In laboratory standard operating procedures ENV-S0P-M1JL4067 and ENV-SOP.MTJL-0068. Where samplingtonducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided. and as the Samples are received. Li all Pace Analytical • e :ss ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SD6'. DATEn IME' Eaton Corporabon 28091E L131,2234 06/21/21 09'.45 PAGE: 1of23 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page 1 Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 4 Sr: Sample Results 5 SS NE ENTRY L1362234-01 5 aCr1 Qc: Quality Control Summary 9 Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 9 Sl Wet Chemistry by Method 16648 10 Metals (ICP) by Method 200.7 11 FC Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624.1 12 GI Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 14 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 16 [Al Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 17 GI: Glossary of Terms 21 BSc Al: Accreditations & Locations 22 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 23 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE[TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 0621/2109 45 2 of 23 SAMPLE SUMMARY Collected by Collected date/time Received date/time NE ENTRY L1362234-01 WW Chris Fuller 06/03/2117:50 06/05/2109:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Locatlon datelhme date/time Gravlmetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 WG1686421 1 06/1012115:23 06/10/2117:45 MMF Mt. Juliet, IN Wet Chemistry by Method 1664E WG1686563 1 0611012109:16 06/10/2120:11 ERK Mt. Juliet, IN Metals(ICP) by Method 200.7 WG1690234 1 0611712109:54 06/17/2120:56 CCE Mt. Juliet, IN Volatile Organic Compounds(GC/MS) by Method 624.1 WGI683600 1 06105/2122:36 06/05/2122:36 JHH Mt. Julie[, IN Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 WG7684259 1.05 06108/2109:48 06/08/2119:25 HMH Mt. Jul let, IN Polychlorinated Biphenyls(GC) by Method EPA-608.3 WG1684259 1.05 06108/2109.48 06/08/2118:08 JMB Mt. Jullet. IN Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 WGI684262 1 06/0812117:52 06/0912108:21 AMG Mt. Jullet, IN ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/tIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 0621/2109:45 3of 23 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the Rp appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples Tc have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my Ss knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been Identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. ■ asr • ' 41 rGl Heather J Wagner a _ Project Manager 9Sc ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06121/2109:45 4 of 23 NE ENTRY SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:50 L1362234 Additional Information - Results for field analyses are not accredited to ISO 17025 Result Units Analyte pH (On Site) 7.09 su Temperature (on -site) 21.6 deg. C Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mgA mg/l date l time Suspended Solids 132 16,7 1 06/10/202117.45 WGI686421 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664B Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mgA mg/I mg/1 date/time TPH - Oil & Grease U 1.04 714 1 06=202120:11 WG1686563 Sample Narrative: L1362234-01 WG1686563: Total Oil&Grease is non -detect. Extract was not processed through silica gel. Metals (ICP) by Method 200.7 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mgA mg/I mgA date/time Copper 0.0145 0.00226 0.0100 1 06117/202120*56 WG1690234 Lead 0.00438 J 0.00227 0.00500 1 06/17/202120:56 WGI690234 Zinc 0,0480 J 0,00578 0.0500 1 06P7/202120:56 WG1690234 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624.1 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mgA mg/I mgA date/time Acrolein U 0.00254 0.0500 1 06/05202122:36 WG1683600 Acrylonimle U 0.000671 0.0100 1 06105002122:36 WG1683600 Benzene U OA000941 0.00100 1 06105/20212236 WG1683600 Bromodichioromethane U 0.000136 0.00100 1 06105/202122:36 WG1683600 Bromoform U 0.000129 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 Bromomethane U 0.000605 0.00500 1 06105/202122:36 WG1683600 Carbon tetrachloride U 0.000128 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:36 WG1683600 Chlorobenzene U 0.000116 0.00100 1 06105/202122:36 WG1683600 Chlorodibromomelhane U 0.000140 0.00100 1 061051202122:36 WG1683600 Chloroethane U 0.000192 0.00500 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether U 0.000575 0.0500 1 06105/202122:36 WG1683600 Chloroform U 0,000111 0.00500 1 06/051202122:36 WG1683600 Chloromethane U 0.000960 0.00250 1 061051202122.36 WC1683600 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U 0.000107 0.00100 1 06/05202122:36 W1683600 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U 0.000110 0.00100 1 06/0520212236 WG1683600 1,4-Dichlorobenzene u 0.000120 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:36 WG1683600 DichlorodiFluoromethane U 0.000374 0.00500 1 06/051202122:36 WG1683600 1,1-Dichloroethane U 0.000100 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 1,2-Dichloroethane U 0.0000819 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 1,1-Dichloroethene U 0.000188 0.00100 1 06105/202122:36 WG1683600 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene U 0000149 0,00100 1 06105/20212236 WG1683600 1,2-Dichloropropane u 0.000149 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 cls-1,3-Dlchloropropene U 0.000111 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 W61693600 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U 0.000118 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 Elhylbenzene U 0.000137 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:36 WG1693600 Methylene Chloride U 0.000430 0.00500 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 T1,42-Telrachloroethane U 0,000133 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 Tetrachloroethene U 0.000300 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEITIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06/21/21 09:45 5 of 23 NE ENTRY SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 0610 3/2117:50 L1362234 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624.1 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Cp Analyze mgA mg4 mgA date/time Toluene U 0.000278 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 �Tc 1,1,1-Trichloroethane U 0.000149 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WGI683600 1,1,2-Trichloroethane U M00158 0.00100 1 06/051202122:36 WG1683600 Trichloroethene U 0.000190 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:36 WG1683600 PSITrichiorofluoromethane U 0,000160 0.00500 1 06I05/202122:36 WGI683600 Vinyl chloride U 0.000234 0.00100 1 06/06/2021 22:36 WGI683600 Ql (5)Toluene-d8 102 80.0.120 06105/101122:35 WG1683600 (3)4-BromoBuorobenrene 90.4 80.0-120 061051202122.36 WG1683600 (S)1.2-Dlchloroethane-d4 111 70.0-130 061051202122.36 WGI683600 Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 aQc Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyze mg4 mgll mgA date/time 7GI Aldrin U 0.0000208 0.0000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WG1684259 Alpha BHC U 0.0000181 0.0000525 1,05 06/08/202119:25 WG1684259 a Beta BHC U 0.0000218 0.0000525 1.05 06/09/202119:25 WG1684259 AI Delta BHC U 0.0000158 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WGI684259 Gamma BHC U 0.0000219 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WG1684259 aSC Chlordane U 0.0000208 0.00525 1.05 06/081202119:25 WG1684259 4,4-DDD U 0.0000186 0.0000525 1,05 06/08/202119:25 WG1684259 4,4-DDE U 0.0000162 0.0000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WGI684259 4,4-DDT U 0.0000208 0.0000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WG1684259 Dieldrin U 0.0000170 0.0000525 1-05 06/081202119:25 WG1684259 EndosulfanI U 0.0000168 0,0000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WG1684259 Endosuffan II U 0.0000172 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WG1684259 Endosulfan sulfate U 0.0000228 0.0000525 1.05 06/0W202119:25 WG1684259 Endrin U 0.0000169 0.0000525 1.05 061081202119:25 WG1684259 Endrin aldehyde U J4 0.0000249 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WG1684259 Endrin ketone U 0,0000230 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WGI684259 Heptachlor U 0,0000155 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WG1694259 Heptachlor epoxide U 0.0000192 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119:25 WG16B4259 Hexachlorobenzene U 0.0000185 0.0000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WG1684259 Methoxychior U 0.0000203 0.0000525 1.05 06/08/202119;25 WG1684259 Toxaphene U 0.000176 0.000525 1.05 06108/202119:25 WG1684259 (S) Decochlorobiphenyl 44.4 '10.0.144 owa,1202119.,25 WG7684259 (5) Tetrochloro-m-xylene 52.1 10.0.135 06708/202119:25 WGI684259 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyze mgA mgA mgA date/time PC81016 U J4 0.000294 0.000525 1.05 06/08/202118:08 WG1684259 PC61221 U 0.000284 0.0G0525 1.05 06/08/202118% WGI684259 PCB 1232 U 0.000284 0,000525 1.05 06/08/202118:08 WGI684259 PCB 1242 U 0.000294 0,000525 1.05 06/08/202118:08 WG1684259 PCB 1248 U 0.000181 0.000525 1.05 06/08/202118:08 WGI684259 PCB 1254 U 0,000181 0,000525 1.05 06108/202118:08 WGI684259 PCB 1260 U 0.000181 0.000525 1.05 06108/202118:08 WGI684259 (S) Decochlorobiphenyl 43.0 10.0-144 06/08202118..*08 WG1684259 (s) Telrachloro-m-xy/ene 58.6 10.O 135 061081202118.08 WG1684259 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06/2121 09:45 6 of 23 NE ENTRY SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:50 1.7362234 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mgA mgA mgA date l time Acenaphthene U 0.0000886 0.00100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 Acenaphthylene U 0.0000921 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 Anthracene U 0.0000804 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Benzidine U J3 0,00374 0.0100 1 06/09/2021013:21 WGI684262 Benzo(a)anthracene U 0.000199 0,00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Ben2o(b)8uoranthene U 0.000130 0,00100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 Senzoikl8uoranthene U 0.000120 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Benzo(g,h,pperylene U 0.000121 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Benzoialpyrene U 0.0000381 0.00100 1 06/091202108:21 WG1684262 Bis(2-chlorethoxylmethane U. 0.000116 0.0100 1 06/09202108:21 WG1684262 Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether U 0.000137 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 2,2-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) U 0.000210 0.0100 1 06/09202108:21 WG1684262 4-Bromophenyl-phenyiether U 0.0000877 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 2-Chloronaphthalene U 0.0000648 0.00100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 4.Chlorophenyl-phenylether U 0.0000926 0.0100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 Chrysene U 0.000130 0.00100 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene U 0.0000644 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 3,3-Dichlorobenzidine U 0.000212 0.0100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1694262 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U 0.0000983 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 2,6-Dinitrotoluene U 0,000250 0.0100 1 061091202108:21 WGI684262 1,2-Diphenylhydrazine U 0.000105 0.0100 1 06/091202108:21 WG1684262 Fluoranthene U 0,000102 0.00100 1 06/091202108:21 WGI694262 Fluorene U 0,0000844 0.00100 1 06/09/20210821 WGI684262 Hexachlorobenzene U 0.0000755 0.00100 1 06109202108:21 WGI684262 Hexachloro-1,3-buladiene U 0.0000968 0,0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene U 0.0000598 0.0100 1 06/09/20210821 WG1694262 Hexachloroethane U 0.000127 0.0100 1 06/09/20210821 WG1684262 Indenoil,,2,3-cd)pyrene U 0.000279 0.00100 1 O6/09202108:21 WG1684262 Isophorone U 0.000143 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 Naphthalene U 0.000159 0.00100 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 Nitrobenzene U 0.000297 0,0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 n-Nitrosodlmethylamine U 0.000998 0,0100 1 06/09202108:21 WGI684262 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine U 0.00237 0,0100 1 06/091202108:21 WG1684262 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine U 0.000261 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 Phenanthrene U 0.000112 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 Senzyibutyl phthalate U 0.000765 0.00300 1 060202108:21 WG1684262 Bis(2-elhylhexyl)phthalate U 0.000895 0,00300 1 06109202108:21 WG1684262 DI-n-butyl phthalate U 0,000453 0,00300 1 06109202108:21 WG1684262 Diethyl phthalate U 0.000287 0,00300 1 0610M02108:21 WG1684262 Dimethyl phthalate U 0.000260 0.00300 1 06109202108:21 WG1684262 Di-n-Wyl phthalate U 0.000932 0.00300 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 Pyrene U 0.000107 0.00100 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 0.0000698 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol U 0.000131 0,0100 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 2-Chlorophenol U 0.000133 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 2.4-Dichlorophenol U 0.000102 0,0100 1 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 2,4-Dimethylphenol U 0.0000636 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:21 WG1684262 4,6-Dinitro-2-melhylphenol U 0.00112 aoloo 1 06/09/202108:21 WGI684262 2,4-Dinilrophenol U 0.00593 00100 1 06/091202108:21 WG1684262 2-Nitrophenol U 0.000117 0.0100 1 06/09202108:21 WGI684262 4-Nitrophenol U 0.000143 0.0100 1 06/092021 08:21 WG1684262 Pentachlorophenol U 0.000313 0.0100 1 061091202108:21 WG1684262 Phenol U 0.00433 0.0100 1 06/09202108,21 WG1684262 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol U 0.000100 0.0100 1 06/091202108:21 WG1684262 (5)2-Fluorophenol 55.1 10.0.120 061091202108.21 WG1694262 (5) Phenol-d5 38.6 800424 06109/202108:21 WG1684262 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 061212109:45 PAGE: 7 of 23 NE ENTRY Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:50 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 L1362234 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg4 mg/I mgA date/time tS) Nitrobenzene-6 88.5 15.0-314 061091202108.21 WG1684262 (S)2-Fluorobiphenyl 73.7 22.0-127 061091202108.21 WGI684262 (S) 2,4,6 Tribromophenol 102 10.0453 061091202108.21 WGI684262 (S)p-Terphenyd14 73.7 29.0-141. 067091202108:21 WGt684262 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06012109:45 8 o123. WG1686421 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Gravimetrlc Analysla by Method 2540 D-2011 L1362234-01 Method Blank (MB) Cr/ IMBIR3666326-1 06MO/2117:45 MR R.ft M8 G.K. MR MDL MR RDL Analyle mgA mgA mgA C Suspended Mies U 2.50 250 'S$ L1362087-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) (OS) Lf362067-01 06O00 nR45 -(DUP) R36663263 061100 0:45 n Or1ynM Result DUP RewX Mutton DUPRPD P.M.W DUP RPO LWM 6$f Anayb mgA mgA % % Suspended blMs 188 21.0 1 15.7 PI 5 L1362208-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) 'GI (OS) 1136220841 06AO/2117:45 • (DUP) R36663264 O6a0/21 p:45 Orfglnel Rewll DUPRewX OMW DLIPRPD DUP04,41ft LDuPRPO 0AI AwLyU mgA NA % % Suspe^detl blNS 106 IL] I 5.50 PI 5 eSC Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS)R3666326-2 O6/10/2117:45 Splet Am0u1A UZResuR LCS R.. R.. LMitf LCS 0w110er A.M. MA mgA % % _......_.___—_._._.-_.—-- —___ _— SuspelMedSolks ]]3 836 108 89-ttd ACCOUNT: PROJECr: MG. DATE/TIME PAGE: E.b Corp0ra0m 21Ntli" L13622N 06RWI()9:45 9of 23 WG1686563 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Wet Chemistry by Method 16648 1,1363134-6t Method Blank (Mail R3665847-1 06nO1212011 NO Result ME Qualifier MO MOL ME ROL AeeMe mgA mgA mgA TPH -Oil&Grease D 0.725 5.00 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) 1?366584b2 06/10/2120.11 • (LC50) R366584 SPlke Amdu t LCSRMK An4Me mgA mgA TPH-Oil& Grease 400 35.O LCSO Residt LCS Rec LCSO Rec Rec, Limps LCS O_almer LOSDOIulIRe1 RPO mgA It % % % 389 92.5 973 640-132 10.6 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: Eirt n Cortwlallan 1809411 L1362234 RPD Limits 34 DATE/TIME: O6120109:45 PAGE: 10 or23 WG1690234 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Metals (ICPI 6y Method 200.7 L136223401 Method Blank (MB) _ C (MB1R3668908&1 0"7/2120:09 )I MR Result M6 O_all0er MR MOL MRRDL AR61/te mgA m9A m9ATC Copper U 0.00216 0.0100 Lead U 0.00227 000500 355 21nc U 000578 00500 Cn Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) {LCS) R3668908-2 O6I17/2120:I2 $f Spite Amount LCS ResuR LCS Red. R.. LRniN LCS DuMli%r Atw," mQA mgA % % a Copper 100 0961 961 05.0415 Lead. 100 0965 96.5 850-.115 0 Zlod 1.00 0953 953 85.0-115 (jl L1360805-01 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) aAl (OS) 11360805 ti MA7i2120:M • (MS) R36689084 06RA212019 • (MSD) R3668908-5 06A7/2120:22 s Span Arndi OrlgRlal R.A MSR.A MM ResuR MS Red. MSD Rec. 1)1l Red. UinRs ME OuaMln MSD OuaIMMr RPO RM t1mRs $C Malyte mgA mgA mgA Rtv % % % % % Copper 100 000116 0981 0974 976 969 I ]0.0-130 0314 20 Lead 1.00 U 0982 09M 98.2 976 1 70.0-130 0567 20 Inc 1.00 000948 0.958 0952 94.8 94.3 1 70.0-130 0558 20 L1362251-02 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) (OS7 L1362251-02 06A7]212o25 • (MS) R3668908-6 06A712120 27 • (MSD) R366890&7 (XiMnl 2029 SpiteftwAt Otglnal Restif MSResuR MSD R.ft MS Red. MSD R.. DliMon Red. L9nM MS OuallOer MSD Qualifier RPD RPD LimRe AR*W m9A m,A m9A mgA % % % % Copper 1.00 U 098] 0981 98] 98.1 1 700-130 0.614 20 Lead 1.00 U 0.987 0.981 98.7 98A 1 70,0430 0.296 20 21na 100 U 0.959 0956 959 95.6 1 MO-130 0.352 20 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: 60G: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Earon Carporanon 26091.R 11361234 06/21009M5 11a123 WG1683600 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (GCIMS) by Method 624A 0362234-01 Method Blank (MB) (MB)R3664179-3 0610512120:34 Cp MBReault AnaMe mgA ... ___... MB OoMdler MB MOI mQA MB RDL mgA Aaokm U .__.. 00015d ___.. 00500 AcryWnhrik U 0.000671 0,0100 3$5 Benzene U 0.0000941 0.00100 Bromodl<hlofomethane U 0.000136 000100 Bmmotorm U 0,000129 0.00106 Cn Bromamethene U 0.000605 0.00500 Carbon tetrachloride U 0000128 0,00100 a $f Chbrobenlene U 0.000116 0.00100 Chlcumiromemethane U 0.000140 0.00100 Onameme s - U 0.000192 0.00500 2-01oraelhylmrMether U 0000575 0.0500 Chwmrorm U 0oo0111 000500 TGI Chloromethane U 0000960 000250 1.2-0Icbbrobenzene U 0000102 0.00100 aAl 1,3-Obhbrobenxne U 0000110 000100 1,4-0bhbmbenfine U 0.000120 0.00100 01<hblooffluoromethene U 0,000374 000500 e$C M-0Ichlomebane U 0,000100 0,00100 1,2-0lcbbroethane U 00000819 0.00100 1,14tolometherm U 0.000188 0,00100 trans-1,24)Ichbmethene U 0,000149 0,00100 1,2-Dichloapropane U 0.000149 000100 ds-t3-0Inhbropnopeoe U 0.000111 0,00100 transs1,3-0Ichbm res, ne U 0.000118 0.00100 Ethyloemene U 0,000137 0,00100 Medrylerre Chloride U 0.000430 0.00500 1,1.2, 2 TetrinnIomethana U 0000133 0,00100 Tetmchbroethene U 0.000300 0.00100 Toluene U 0.000278 0,00100 1,1,18rkhbmethanc U 0.000149 0.00100 11,24rchloroetrane U 0.000158 0,00100 TrlMbroethene U 0.000190 0.00100 Tdrnbroflumomethane U 0.000160 0,00500 VN tllbride U 0.000234 0.00100 (5/2oAxne4 03 800120 RI FBromoRumheneena 9a0 WO120 f5) E2-UkhbmehahuneE 10 M.."30 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: MG: GATE2TWE PAGE Eaton C...... Oon 2809LR L1362234 M21I2109:45 12 of 23 WG1683600 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (OWNS) by Method 524A J4362234.01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) CP ILCS)R3664179-1 06/05/211912 •(LCSD) R3664179-2 06/05al 1933 Spll,Amount LCS Real LCSD Result LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. R. Lando LCS Qualifier LCSD Ouallhar RPO RPD Limits a6_/le- gA p_oi gA % % % % T _An. 0250 . 0.05800157 .% ...-.- 63. 0635 20A<mlem Acrytanlblle 00250 0.0209 0,0205 836 820 60,0440 1.93 20 3$5 Benzene 000500 0.00464 0.0046S We 930 650-135 0,215 20 Bromodichbromethahe 0.00500 0.00496 0.00502 99.2 100 650-135 1.20 20 4 Bromoform 0.00500 0.00402 0.00400 80.4 Roo 700-130 0499 20 Cn Bromome0lane 0.00500 0.00572 0.00564 114 113 150-185 1.41 20 Carbon tetrachloride 0.00500 0.00449 0.00440 Ke 88.0 70013D 2.02 20 65T Chbrobenzene 000500 000Am 0,00465 92.5 93o mo-135 OA31 20 Chbrockmarrmmethane 000500 0.00484 0.00484 96.8 96.8 700-135 0.000 20 ChbmeMane 0.00500 000682 0.00685 136 137 400-160 OA39 20 2{ loomdl,yl ali ether 00250 0.0227 0.0720 90.8 88.0 0.100-225 3,13 20 Chloroform 000500 000497 0,00513 WA 103 700435 3.17 20 [GI] Chloromelbane 000500 000622 0.00638 124 12B 0.100-205 2,54 20 12-0bhbrabenzene 000500 000454 0.ON71 908 94.2 650-135 3.68 20 a 1.3-Dlcbbrobenzene 0.00500 0.00469 000505 938 101 70.0130 7.39 20 AI 1,4Dlchbfobanzene 0.00500 0.004M 0.00505 95.6 bi 650435 549 20 DidllomdlRuoromebane 0.00500 0.00445 0.ON72 no 94A 49.0-155 5.89 20 S$C 13-0ichm "immersing 0,00500 0.00524 0.00531 105 106 70.0-130 1.33 20 1.2 Dichlomethane 000500 0.00486 000507 972 101 700-130 4,23 20 1,1DRhlofcethene 0.00500 0,00487 000508 97.4 102 Wo450 /22 20 bans-1,2-0khbrcemene 0.00500 000508 000529 102 106 70.0-130 405 20 1.2-Dichbrcpropane 0.00500 0.00535 0.0051I 107 102 350-165 4.59 20 cis-1.3-0ichbropropene 000500 0.00484 0,00473 969 94.6 250-175 2,30 20 trans1,3-0ichbropropene 0.00500 000M3 000458 me 91.6 50.0-150 3.33 20 6thylbenzene 0.00500 000477 000463 954 92,6 60.0-140 2,98 20 Methylene Chloride 0.00500 0.00485 Doomfi 97.0 101 600440 4.24 20 1.1,2,2-Tebechromethxne 000500 0.00476 0.00507 95.2 101 600-140 6.31 20 Tebachbmethene 0.00500 0.00459 0.00467 918 93.4 70.0-130 03 20 Toluene 000500 000441 Dome 88.2 898 700-130 1.80 20 t,t,t➢IchbrceNane 0,00500 0,00500 000516 100 103 70.0-130 3.15 20 11.2-Trl<hbroelhane 000500 000489 0.00471 97.8 94.2 700430 3.75 20 Trlchbroetherle 0.00500 0.00462 0o*481 92A 96.2 65.0436 4.03 20 Tr blblorodromethane 0.00500 000458 0.00501 99.6 100 50.0-150 0601 20 Mini chloride 0.00500 Dome 0.Dome lie Ito 5.00-195 3.46 20 /5) TONene-d8 103 02 80.0120 IS) 44Bmmoibwpberue. 97.8 no 80.0420 l5)t2-DkAbroemdne44 108 w 700130 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: DATE/TBAE: PAGE Eaton Corporation 38091-R LI362234 06121M 09:45 13 of 33 WG1684259 Pesrlciees (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 Method Blank (MB) QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY L1362234,01 C47 (M8) R3665513-1 06108M 16A5 MB Resuh MB Walther MB MOL M8 ROL , _A_a_lyse mgA mgA . TC Atkin U _00s _gA 0,0_0.s0oo0t Alpha BHC U 0,0000172 00000500 a$S BeW BHC U 0M00208 0,0000500 Delta BHC U 010000150 0,0000500 4 Gamma00 BHC U 000209 00000500 Cn 4,142DD U 0.0000m 00000500 4,44)DE U 0.0000154 00000500 a Sr 4,4-0DT u 0,0000198 0.0000500 OlekM U 0.0000162 0.0000500 ErkomBenI U 00000160 00000500 ■ Erdosulwn 11 U 0.0000164 0.0000500 EnaoSuBxn SuMale U 00000217 0.00005()0 7G1 Enerin U 00000161 00000500 EntrinaWehytle U O-OM237 0.0000500 y EntlM ketone U 0,0000219 0.0000500 AI Hepladrbr U 0.00(flam 00000500 Heptatlrbr epodoe U 00000183 00000500 eSC Heachlorobervere U OA000176 0.0000500 Methoeychlor U 0.0000193 0.0000500 ChbrEana U 00000198 000500 To apherm U o 000168 0000500 137De -hb1-dp7)el 1 56.o U.0-144 (5) wtro hbo maylene 68.5 706t35 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS)R366551}2 06/08/2110.57 Sp)ke Amount LCS Resuh LCS Rec. R.. Lkeha LCS Gualft. Anelyte mgA mgA % % Akan 0.00100 0000838 83.B 42.0-140 Alpha BHC 000100 0000948 94.8 37,0440 flew BHC 000100 0.00103 103 17.0-147 OeAa BHC 000100 0,000940 94.0 19,0440 Gamma BHC 000100 0.000971 97.7 320-140 4,4a0D 0.00100 0.00104 1N 310.141 4,4-DDE 000100 0000899 B9,9 300-145 4,4-DDT O.00WO 0.000B70 87.0 25.0-160 Okkrin 000100 000101 101 36.0-146 EnOoeuBanl 0.00100 0.000949 94.9 45.0-153 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOO. DATE(TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 26094R L1362234 06Rlnl 0945 14 o123 WG1684259 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Pesticides IGCI by Method EPA 608.3 L1362234-01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) C (LCS) R3666513-2 O6/0822116.57 P Splits Amours LCS Result LCS Rec. Rec.Llmlts LCS OuallOer AnaMe nFl mgA % % TC Endosulfen ll 000100 0.00104 fOd 100-201 EnOosuBan Wide 000100 0.00105 105 2&0-144 s$5 Endrin 000100 000101 101 300-10 Endrin Mehyde 000100 0.00197 197 560428 J4 4 Enddn ketone 000100 0000996 99.6 54.0142 Cn Heptachlor 0,00100 0000875 875 34.0-140 Heptachlor epoxide 000100 0.000957 957 37.0-142 Syr Hexachloroben2ene 000100 0.000760 76.0 35.0-120 Metiwxychkb 0.00100 000106 106 440460 A)DecachbroOlPAenyl 707 V..0-144 ■ (S)r.occhbro-rn 4*ee 7J0 "..a 735 GI Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) aAl (OS) •(MS) R3665513-3 06/082119:01•(MSD) R36655134 06/OSM 1913 Spike Atmunt OrglnalRrnM MS Result MSD R.ft MS Rec MSD R.. Dimon Rec. Limtts MS Oualiher MSD Qualifier RFD RPD❑mm Ansloe mgA mgA mgA % Is % % Agrb 0.00100 OOOOA3 0000195 71.3 195 1 /2.0440 P J3 JSP 119 35 Alpha BHC 0,00100 0.000898 0.000676 83A 60.9 1 37.0.140 P 28.2 36 Beta BHC 0,00100 0000676 0.000620 67.6 62.0 1 170-147 P 8.64 A Deha BHC 0.00100 0.000875 0.000728 87.5 728 1 19.0-140 P P 18.3 52 Gamma BHC 0,00100 0.000877 0,000675 877 ET5 1 320-140 P P 260 39 4,4-0DD 0.00100 0.000709 0.000232 70.9 231 1 31.0441 P 73 J6 P 101 39 4A-00E 000100 0.000638 0,000131 63.8 131 1 300445 P J316 132 35 4,4-007 ODOM 0.000606 0.000140 60.6 1A.0 1 15.0.160 P JJJ6 s25 42 Ddddrm a 00100 0.000762 0.000320 76.1 32.0 1 36.0-146 P J3 J6 817 49 Endosug.b 1 0.0000 0.000581 0.00218 58.1 218 1 4S0453 P J3 J6 P 116 28 EndosuBen ll O W 0000858 0000484 85.8 48.4 1 1.00-202 P J3 55.7 53 EnclosuRen su8ate 0.00100 0.000874 0.000542 0.4 54.2 1 26.0-td4 P A P 46.9 38 Endrin OOOM 0000853 0,000387 85.3 387 1 30,0447 P J3P 75.2 48 EnorinaMehyde 0.00f00 0,00160 0,00109 160 109 1 56.0-128 &P 73P 37.9 20 EnUhn ketone 0.00100 0.000971 0.000651 97.1 65.1 1 54.0-142 P J3P 39.5 20 Heptachlor 0.00100 0.003715 0.000208 n.5 208 1 34.0d40 P J3 A P 110 43 Heplachbr epoxide OOOTO 0.00186 0.0005A 186 579 1 370-142 35P J3P M5 26 Hexachlorobebsene 0.00100 0.000782 0,0000803 78,2 8.03 1 35.0420 P 73 J6 163 25 Methoxycblor 000100 0.000751 0,000280 75.1 28.0 I 44.0-I60 P J3 J6 P 91A 22 rS)D4eachbro&,PW d 483 103 10.0144 /S)Tendchbro m-xyleae 52.1 103 100135 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: DATE,'TIME: Eeton Corporative 2a091.R L1362234 OWnt 09:4S PAGE: 150123 WG1684259 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Polychlorinated Biphenyl¢ (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 L1362234-01 Method Blank (MB) (Mal R3665296-1 06/081211649 1 Me ResuR ME Quall0er Analyte mg4 ME MOL mgA MR ROL mgATC PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.0005o0 PCB 1016 U 0.000270 0.000500 $5 PCB 1221 U 0.000220 0.000500 PCB 1232 U 0.000270 0.000500 aCn PC81242 U 0.000270 0,000500 P081248 U 0,000173 0.000SOO PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 IS/Oecahbmblpheryl 60.5 now r IS] (5) rehochbro m-ryle. 26.1 100-135 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) GI (LCS) R3665296-2 06/08/2116.58 Spike AmoulR LCSRd.ft LCS Rec, Rec. Llmlis LCS 0udtlfler AnaMe mgA m9A % % Al PCB 1260 0.00250 000128 512 800-140 PCB 1016 0,00250 0.00363 145 500-140 AP SC (S) Ve hbmbiphenyl 491 10.0144 p'J Tetrxhbro-mOkrle I13 10.0 U5 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: DATE/TIME PAGE: EeWn COryare0. 2809M L1362234 OW21/2109A5 16 or 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compounde (GCIM51 by Method 625.1 0362334.01 Method Blank (MB) (MB)R3664843-3 OM96nO0:38 MB R.ft MBOualRler MB MOL MB ROL Mayta Aura- mgA _-_ NA ___ _...__._._. "A Acenaphthene a 0.0000886 000100 Acenaphthyle. u 0,0000921 0.00100 Anthracene u 00000804 0.00100 hobeniene u 0000105 0,0100 - Beneldlne u 0,00374 0.0100 Benio(a)anlhracene 0 0000199 0,00100 Ben7o(b1fluoranthene u 0000130 000100 BentoMfidaranNerw u 0.000120 0 00100 Benm(g.RgpeMe^e u 0000121 0.00100 Senio(a)pyrene u C 0000381 000100 Bls(2-cAbrettoxomehame a 0.000116 0.0100 Brsl2thlomethy0etner u 0,000137 0.0100 22-0aybla(1-Chloropropane) U 0000210 00100 44komaphilir"henyleNer U 0.0000877 0.0100 2-ChbronaphNalene U 00000648 0.00100 HTbraphgmy,henyktner U 0.0000926 0.010) Chry d u 0000130 000100 Obemlle,hbnthiacene U 0.0000644 0.00100 3.3-0IchbrobemMine a 0.000212 0.0100 2.4-01ndrotobene U 0.0000983 0.0100 2,6-Dinnrntoluene a 0000250 00100 Fbpranffiw u 0.000102 0 00100 Fluorine U 0.0000844 0.00100 14mchlorobentare u 00000755 0,0010 Hexarhl0ro-1,34outadiene a 0.0000968 0 0100 Hettachlordcyclownsedlere U 0.0000598 0.0100 Nexachloroelhane a 0,000127 0,0100 lndeyy1,23tdlpyene u 0.000279 0.00100 Isoplmrone a 0,000143 0,0100 Naphthalene u 0.000159 0.00100 Nllraben7ene a 0000297 0.0100 nNmosodlmethybmrte u 0.000998 0,0100 nNhrosodiphenylamme a 0,00237 0.0100 nNArosodlonyaopYMmine a 0.000261 0.0100 Phenan0lrene u 0 000112 0.00100 Ben3y4buM phthalate u 0.000765 0.00300 Bis(22thythexyAphihalale a 0.000E95 0.00300 DM43uMph0alate u 0.000453 0.00300 Diethyl phthalate a 0000287 0.00300 Dlmet00 phthabte u 0 000260 0,00300 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: Eaton Corporation 29091-R 6DG L1362234 DATEITNE: 06I2V21SPAS PAGE: 17 or 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 L1362234-01 Method Blank (MB) (MB)R3664S43.3 06/09/2100:3a ME Result AnaMe m9A ME OualRier ME MU m9A ME RDL mgA -I( U�-naclyl phthalate U 0.00093] 0.00300 Pyrene u 0.000107 0 00ro0 Ss 1,2/-irlcMoropenierre U 00000698 0.0100 4-CAbra3meNyiphenal u 0.000131 0.0100 1�brophenal U 0.000133 0.0100 CO 2.40chbrophenai u 0.000102 0.0100 244Amemylymrol U 00000536 0.0100 s$f 4,6-0InBrt-2-me"Insnol U 0.00112 0,0100 2.4 Ineiophenoi a 000593 0.0100 N4Nophenol u 0.000tn 0.0100 4-NRmphe.1 J 0,000143 0.0100 PanMchbrophenol U 0,000313 0.0100 TGI Phepol U 0.00433 0.0100 2A.6-TAchlomphenol a C.000100 0,0100 aQl (S)NttrbGenlened5 673 150-314 (S) 2-FNomhlpheny, 738 22.0127 fs/PTamhogy m SZ3 290141 S$C !S)PAandd 28.9 8.00424 IS) 2 FArompherol 446 100120 IS) 710 10.0-153 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3664843-1 06/OMI 23-50 • (LCSD) R366484}2 06109/210014 Spike Amount LCSRes Jt LCSD Result LCS Roc LCSD R.. Rec Lash LCS OuallRer LCSD OueliRar RPD PRO Lands Mayle mgA mgA mgA % % % % It % _...__ A<enaphNeite __. - - 00500 0_ 0370.0310 _._.--'-. 0.0365 74.0 __ _-- - __-_-_ 13.0 47.0-145 _. 1.36 - 48 Acendiddrykrle 0.0500 0,0395 00387 79.0 77.4 33.0-145 2.05 74 Anthracene 00500 00408 0,0403 $1.6 80.6 27.0-133 1.23 66 Aeobensene 0.0500 0.0360 0.0365 73.6 73.0 37.0425 0.819 20 Benabine 0100 0.0129 0.00561 12.9 561 1.00120 J3 ME 36 Benage)anthmcene 0.0500 0.0464 0.0449 92.8 $9.0 33.0-143 3.29 53 Benao(b)Ouorantheoe 0.0500 0.0429 0,0421 858 84.2 24.0-159 1.88 71 Beao(k1ftMorinthene 00500 0.043 0.0437 88.6 87.4 11.0-162 136 63 Mitiolg,h.lipeMene 0.0500 00395 0.0379 79.0 ME 1 00-219 4,13 97 Banro(a)pyrene 0.0500 0.0426 0.0411 85,2 82.2 17.0463 3.58 72 81s12<bbremox,imethera 0,0500 0.0309 0.0310 618 610 1.00.219 0.323 54 Blsl2,chbmear,"m 0.0$00 0.0345 0.0342 6910 68.4 33.0485 0.873 108 22-0,gohr{Tbropropene) 00500 00360 00357 72,0 A 360-166 0837 76 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG; DATEITIME: PAGE Eaton Corpweaan 28091 L1362234 064Hnl 09.45 18 of 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Saint Volatile Organic CarnpoundS (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 t1362234�01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) Cp (LCS)R3664843-1 0620822123:50•(LCSD) R3664843.2 06A091210014 Sputa Amount lCS Rewb LCSD Rewb LCS Rec. LCSD R., A. LIm86 1C50ualtller LCSD Oualft RPD RPO Levity 2 Analyte mgA mgA mgA % % % % %TCl 4-8romophenyl-pllenylelher 00500 00410 0,0410 82.0 82.0 53043] 0,000 43 HhWronaphthaWre 005DO 00371 0.0364 74.2 728 60.0-120 190 24 a$a 4{hlorapheriN4llenNelher 00500 0.0438 0.0434 87.6 86.8 25.0-158 0.917 61 Chrysene 00500 0.0443 0.0423 88.6 84.6 17.0-168 4.62 87 DOeni(a,h)anlhracene 00500 0.0402 0,0386 80.4 77.2 1.00-227 4.06 126 Cn 3.30chloroben2idme 0100 0.0059 0.0819 859 819 100-262 4D 108 2,4-OlnttroloWene 00500 0.0488 0.0507 97.6 101 39.0-139 382 42 - S$( ]6Llnitrotoluene 0.0500 0.0458 0.0450 916 900 500-158 176 48 FWoranthene 00500 00461 0.0451 927 90.2 26.0-137 2.19 66 Morena 00500 0.0425 0.0416 850 83.2 59.0-121 2,14 38 ■ Hevadibrobenzene 0.0500 0,0392 0.0383 78A 76.6 1.00452 2,32 55 HeucntoroA.3-0 tedmw 00500 0.0373 0.0381 74.6 76.2 24.0-120 212 62 TGI Nerechlorocycbpentediene 0.0500 00231 0,0230 462 46.0 10.0-120 0.4N 31 Heaachicroethane 00500 00349 0,0349 699 698 40.0-120 0000 52 e Indeno0,2.3uypyrene 0.0500 0.0376 00353 75,2 70-6 1.00-171 6.31 99 %AI 6ophorone 00500 00311 00314 62,2 629 21.0-196 0.960 93 Naphthalene 00500 00328 0.0331 65.6 66.2 2LU133 0910 65 e$C lRobemene 0.0500 00304 0.0304 60.8 608 35.0-180 0000 62 nAttromtlimethylamIne 00500 0.0210 0.0218 42.0 43.6 104120 3.74 34 nNhrowb0ha,brMre 00500 003➢ 0.0370 754 740 440420 1.87 21 "DowdM-0ropylamine 0.0500 0.0339 0.0345 67.8 69.0 100-230 1.5 87 - Phenanmrene 00500 0.0410 0.0402 820 BOA 54.0-120 1.97 39 Scraylbuto"alate 0.0500 0.0436 0.N32 87.2 06A 100452 0,922 60 81s(2eNNheayiphthalate 00500 00402 00385 80A 720 8.00-158 4.32 82 OPodutyl phlbelate 00500 0.0445 0.0441 Wit 8131 1.00.120 0.903 47 , Dlemyi phthalate 0.0500 0.0438 00443 8t6 886 1.00-120 114 100 DlmeNyl phhalate 00500 0.0420 0.0416 84.0 83.2 1.00420 0.957 183 - Dlocctylphthalate 0.0500 0.0383 0.0365 76.6 73.0 4.00-146 4,81 69 Pyrene 0.0500 0041 0.0446 88.2 89.2 52.0-120 L13 49 1,2,-Trrhlorobeneene 00600 00362 0.0368 72.4 73.6 440-142 L64 50 4{ 1,00-lmethylpheral 0.0500 0,0312 0,0314 62.4 62.6 22.0447 0.639 73 2Chlorophenol 0.05M 00337 0.0339 674 628 230134 0.592 61 2,401rhlorophenol 0.0500 0.0347 0.0350 69A 70A 39.0435 0.861 50 24-01methbphenol 0.0500 0.0299 0.0298 59.8 576 32.0420 3.75 58 4.6-0mtlro�2m thylpheool 0.0500 0,0538 0,0546 108 109 1.00.181 1.48 203 2,4LIn8rophenol 0.0500 0,0485 0.0509 97.0 102 100491 4.83 132 2N11rophen0l 0,0500 0.0362 0.0378 72.4 75.6 29.0482 4.32 55 4Nitropheml 0.0500 0,0139 00156 27,8 31.2 100-132 11.5 131 Pentachlorophend 00500 0.0409 0,0430 81.6 $6.0 14.0-176 6.25 86 Phenol 0.0500 0.0154 0.0162 30.8 32.4 5.00.120 5.06 64 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06221RI 09:45 19 or 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 L1362234-01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) /. (LCS) R36648434 06108¢123.50 • (LCSD) R3664843-2 06/091210014 P Spike Amount LCS ResuR LCSD Result LCS Rec. LCSD Rec. R. Large LCS OualMor LCSD Warier RPC RPO Umtts Anatyte mgA mgA mgA % % % % % TC 2,4.6-TSICAbrophenol 0.0500 0.0395 0.0397 79.0 79.4 V,O-W 0.505 58 (S)NArobemened5 510 624 15.O N 3$S (SJI FA.nroblPbenyl 80.4 77..2 220-121 (5) ag0anywAr 810 78.8 29,091 (3)PAero7d6 30.3 323 8.00<24 Cfl I5)2-fuhmpherol 472 4Z3 0..0-120 tS) 24.67nbromoPAeno1 800 82.5 W.P153 SSf ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG. Eaton Corporation 28091-R 1.1361134 DATE(TIME: 061211210945 PAGE 20 o(23 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report The information below Is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This Is not Intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer- Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, Include Permit Limits, Project Name, Sample ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On -Site Data, Sampling Collection Datesrrlmes, and Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this Information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions MDL Method Detection Limit RDL Reported Detectioniimit Rec. Recovery. RPD RelafvePercent Difference .that__ ._ SDG Sample Delivery Group. h-� Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) - Analytes added. to every blank sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicateand ;(S) Matrix Spike/Duplicate, used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery. Surrogates are not expected to be. detected in all environmental media U Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). al Abalyte The name ofe pa thrticular compound or analysis performed: Some Analyses and Methods well have multiplearialytes 1 , If the sample matrix contains an intedering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the Dilution standard, or if concentrations of analyzes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the laboratory can accurately report, the sample may be diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. � These are the target %recovery ranges or %difference value. that the laboratory has historically determined as normal !Limits for the method and analyze being reported. Successful QC Sampleanalysis will target all analytes recovered or �.. duplicated within these ranges.. Original Sample The non -spiked sample in the prep hatch used to determine the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be Included within the reported SDG. l ___.._ _. and/or. This column piovioes a letter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional Information concerning the result ,Qualifier reported. If a Qualifier is present a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and ! I potentially a discussion of possible Implications of the Qualifier in the Case Narrative If applicable. _ .__._ that._ _.._....._. _ The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported for your sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state "ND' (Not Detected) or "BDL" Result (Below Detectable Levels). The Information in the results column should always he accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowest value that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. (Uncertainty. ,(Radiochemistry) Confidencelevel,of 251gma. A brief discussion about the included sample results, including a discussion of any non -conformances to protocol Case Narrative (Cn) observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report i. __ _____._..tclud_� This section of the report includes the results ofihe laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or Quali-t Control SSummary (Qc) analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. This is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verity the time and Sample Chain of date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perform. This Custody (Sc) chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. _.. _ _ .-_. __ __ _ ___ that __._ _ __. .. _..-.. . _.. _ y . _ ... _ _ _ .. This section of your reportwill provide the results of all testing performedon your samples. These results are provided Sample Results (Sr) by sample ID and. are separated by the analyses_ performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for: each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysisreported. _ Sample Summary (Ss) This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and times of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. _ _. _. _._..._ __ .___ _ _._. ___ __...._. -b_...-..___.__ __.._ _._ __._.... —__ -_._._ _. _._ The associated_batch QC was outside the es_ta611shed qualitycon_Vol_range_for_precisio_n. _ J4 The associated batch QC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. _._____-_ _._.____f. _____________.—make---___ ---___that _uc.—_. --- 'The sample_maViz i_nt_ertered witfi the ability to make any accurate determination _spike value is high: J6 The sample matrix interfered with the ability to make any accurate determination; spike value is low. jP _ RPD between the primary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40%. ! .._.______ _ _._________ P1 RPD value not applicable for sample concentrations less than 5 times the reporting limit. ACCOUNT: PROJECT. SDGDATE/rIME: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06/212109:45 PAGE: 21 of 23 ' ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15-05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arizona A20612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey—NELAP TN002 California 2932 New Mexico TN00003 Colorado TN00003 Newyork 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina' DW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina' 41 Georgia' 923 North Dakota R-140 Idaho TN00003 Ohl.—VAP CLOO69 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma 9915 Indiana C4N-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 6802979 Kansas E-10277 Rhode Island LA000356 Kentucky' ° KY90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky' 16 South Dakota Na Louisiana A130792 Tennessee" 2006 Louisiana LA018 Texas T104704245-20-18 Maine TN00003 Texas' LAB0152 Maryland 324 Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TN003 Vermont VT2006 Michigan 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047-999-395 Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 Wert Virginia 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A21A A2LA— ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 QLA— ISO 17025° 1461.02 DOD 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA P330-15.00234 EPA—Crypto TN00003 'Drinking Water 2 Underground Storage Tanks 'Aquatic Toxicity 'Chemical/Microbiological "Mold "Wastewater are Accreditation not applicable Not all certifications held by the laboratory are applicable to the results reported In the attached report. Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods specified on each scope of accreditation held by Pace Analytical. ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE7TIME: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362234 06/21/21 09:45 PAGE: 22 of 23 f � - M. amrmdAddmanY-e,s;' 'Nt!Cn -AnaW N P.E.—O— Eaton NA Finandal SenfVeS Ceniir I'M 1009 2564 Durham Road' PO Box 818024 Ftoxhoro,NC27573 Cleveland, OR 44181-802 Edmara Bloomer afty/staw can.*: Mane; 8091R-,V� EATON8k-6280915W 336 541 11,41 M sawadfirlio. P.O. 0 cmu qMiJORD,�k z z m'l. :137 2 Callemed by (1fgrahv:),&, Rush? (UbMMT Be NoUfxd) Quote a —rvaDw ': , - . mmoar, w Neat! 30922 PM:W dither I —500(udl)n�) -��MWhuaftsliavd�• ner minedl.teli oa garl.,don'M No. 7 0 pa:: Patted an lue N— Yr• —T D, .Ji Shipped VaiFedl)( Ground Sample In Comp/Grab Mtx- Dept Data i time i O o am") qFr WW 6-3-.21 $!Log 'S' X- X X X 'I �X X w -JL� Y it emarks: r7.oq ii;"gj-6c ,t S..IyF ss-sall �Ahr F piI .... GW.Gm Slqnd/Mcmc..: ww-wat Water FWw Othn, mY'lulakInSWater Sanmks.urnM�Ia: r suffiqiatnt val� ents 1/ L-N W - OtIr _Courier -S T raWns ii si (r3 cl i If Al,,Iie.hl, WA ft�. N Pfcaervation �rwt/Ctmnk.d: I N PuO Sateen 20.5 "Ihrt 2v —N AeH,�hedby:jS1gnvtLm.) Pat TAPIMankmannd! Y.,W, I'nm: pN TIR v Data: Re-I,nnd W. INF-tamal Timfllw Ic Blr L� lf"e,emti.n�frelky�gtn:Date/Nme eels wished by: Mgmatural Date, Time: Rnwp?bbbr.(SJp.t.m) v Data, H CamflIA KA P A 'I , aceAnalytical e ANALYTICAL REPORT June 18, 2021 Eaton Corporation Sample Delivery Group: Samples Received: Project Number: Description: Site: Report To: L1362288 06/05/2021 28091-R Eaton Corp Monthly Stormwater ROXBORO,NC Edmara Bloomer 2564 Durham Road Roxboro, INC 27573 Entire Report Reviewed By: 4l Heather J Wagner .._, Project Manager Results relate only to the items tested or calibrated and are reported as rounded values. This test report shalt not be reproduced. except In full. without written approval of the laboratory. Where applicable, sampling conducted by Pace Analytical National is performed per guidance provided in laboratory standard operating procedures ENV -SOP MTJL*67 and ENV-SOP-MTJL-0068. Where sampling conducted by the customer, results relate to the accuracy of the information provided, and as the samples are received. 0 4 4 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIM E. PAGE. Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 0618.2116.35 1 of 23 TABLE OF CONTENTS Cp: Cover Page Tc: Table of Contents 2 Ss: Sample Summary 3 Cn: Case Narrative 4 Sr: Sample Results 5 SS OUTFALL 005 L1362288-01 5 aCn Oc: Quality Control Summary 9 Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 9 SSr Wet Chemistry by Method 1664E 10 Metals (ICP) by Method 200.7 11 QC Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624.1 12 , GI Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 14 Polychlorinated Biphenyls (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 16AI Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 17 GI: Glossary of Terms 21 9SC Al: Accreditations & Locations 22 Sc: Sample Chain of Custody 23 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE' Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06/182116:35 2 of 23 SAMPLE SUMMARY OUTFALL 005 L1362288-01 M Collected by Chris Fuller Collected date/time 06/03/2117:30 Received datehime 0610512109:30 Method Batch Dilution Preparation Analysis Analyst Location date/time datehime Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 WG1686147 1 06AO/2113:08 06AO12113:11 MMF Mt. Juliet, TN Wet Chemistry by Method 1664E WG1686563 1 06/10/2109:16 06/10/2120:11 ERK ML Juliet, TN Metals (ICP) by Method 200.7 WG1690706 1 06/17/2116:55 06/17/2123:36 CCE Mt. Juliet, TN Volatile Organic Compounds(GC/MS) by Method 624.1 WG1683600 1 06/05/2122:56 06/05/2122:56 JHH Mt. Juliet, TN Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 WG1684259 1 06/08/2109:48 06/08/2119:38 HMH Mt. Juliet, TN Polychlorinated Biphenyis (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 WG1684259 1 06/08/2109AB 06108/2118:17 JMB Mt. Juliet, TN Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 WG1684262 1 0610812117:52 06/09/2108:42 AMG MC Juliet, TN I ) ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: I Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06/18/2116:35 3 of 23 CASE NARRATIVE All sample aliquots were received at the correct temperature, in the proper containers, with the cp I appropriate preservatives, and within method specified holding times, unless qualified or notated within the report. Where applicable, all MDL (LOD) and RDL (LOQ) values reported for environmental samples Tc have been corrected for the dilution factor used in the analysis. All Method and Batch Quality Control are within established criteria except where addressed in this case narrative, a non-conformance form aSs or properly qualified within the sample results. By my digital signature below, I affirm to the best of my knowledge, all problems/anomalies observed by the laboratory as having the potential to affect the quality of the data have been Identified by the laboratory, and no information or data have been knowingly withheld that would affect the quality of the data. ■ 5sr ,� / //'hlVil aQC 11/Y•e`OtG/ v l�L��/"� ` �GI Heather J Wagner aAl Project Manager 9Sc ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06n8R116:35 4of 23 OUTFALL 005 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:30 L1362288 Additional Information - Results for field analyses are not accredited to ISO 17025 Result Units Analyte pH (On Site) 6,87 so Temperature (on -site) 23 Deg Gravimetric Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 Result Qualifier RDL Dilution Analysis Analyte mg/I mgA date/time Suspended Solids 142 10D 1 06f10/202113:11 Wet Chemistry by Method 1664E Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Analyte mgA mgA mgA date/time TPH -Oil&Grease U 1.12 7.69 1 06/10/202120:11 Sample Narrative: L1362288-01 WG1686563: Total 011&Grease Is non -detect. Extract was not processed through silica gel. Metals (ICP) by Method 200.7 Result Qualifier MOIL RDL Analyte mgA mg/1 mgA Copper Alli 0.00226 0.0100 Lead U 0.00227 0.00500 Zinc 0.0496 J 0.00578 0.0500 Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624.1 Dilution Analysis date / time Batch WG1686147 FCp FTC] aS$ 4Cn 6Q0 WG1686563 7GI aAl 9 Sc RaMh Batch 1 06117/202123:36 WGI690706 1 06/17/202123:36 'Al 1 06/17/202123:36 WGI690706 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Anayte mgA mgA mgA date/time Acrolein U 0.00254 0.0500 1 O6I0550212256 WG1683600 Acrylonitrile U 0.000671 0.0100 1 06/05202122:56 WGI683600 Benzene U 0.0000941 0.00100 1 06/05/202122*56 WG1683600 Bromodichloromethane U 0.000136 0.00100 1 06/05202122:56 WG1683600 Bromoform U 0.000129 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Bromomethane U 0.000605 0.00500 1 061051202122:56 WGI683600 Carbon tetrachloride U 0.000128 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Chlorobenzene U 0.000116 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Chlorodibromomethane U 0.000140 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Chloroethane U 0.000192 0.00500 1 06/05/202122:56 WGI683600 2-Chloroethyl vinyl ether U 0.000575 0.0500 1 06/0512021 22:56 WG1683600 Chloroform U 0.000111 0.00500 1 06/05202122:56 WGI683600 Chloromethane U 0.000960 0,00250 1 06105/202122:56 WG1683600 1,2-Dichlorobenzene U 0.000107 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 WGI683600 1,3-Dichlorobenzene U 0.000110 0.00100 1 06/OS/2021 22:56 WG1683600 1,4-Dichlorobenzene U 0.000120 0,00100 1 06105202122:56 WGI683600 Dichlorodi8uoromethane U 0.000374 0.00500 1 06I05/2021 22:56 WGI683600 1,1-Dichloroethane U 0.000100 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 WG1683600 1,2-0ichioroethane U 0.0000819 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 W01683600 1,1-Dichlorcethene U 0.000188 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WGI683600 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene U 0.000149 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 WG1683600 1,2-Dichloropropane U 0.000149 0.00100 1 0610520212256 WG1683600 cis-1,3-Dichlompropene U 0.000111 0.00100 1 06/051202122:56 WGI683600 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene U 0.000118 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WGI683600 Ethylbenzene U 0,000137 0,00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 WGI683600 Methylene Chloride U 0.000430 0.00500 1 06105202122:56 WGI683600 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane U 0.000133 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Tetrachloroethene U 0.000300 0.00100 1 06/05202122:56 WG1683600 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06/182116:35 PAGE: 5 of 23 OUTFALL 005 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected dateltime; 0610312117:30 L1362288 Volatile Organic Compounds (GOMS) by Method 624.1 RP Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch mgA mg/I mgA date/time Toluene U 0.000278 0.00100 1 M05/202122:56 WGI683600 1Te 1.1,1-Trichloroethane U 0.000149 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 1.12-Trichloroethane U 0.000158 0.00100 1 06/05/2021 22:56 WGI683600 a Trichloroethene U 0.000190 0.00100 1 06/051202122:56 WG1683600 $S TrichloroAuoromethane U 0.000160 0.00500 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 Vinyl chloride U 0.000234 0.00100 1 06/05/202122:56 WG1683600 ° Cn (SJToluene-d8 104 80.0-20 06/05/102122:56 WG1683600 (SJ4-BromoBuorobenzene 92.4 80.0420 061051102122:56 WG1683600 (S) 1.1-Dichloroethone-0 115 70.0-130 061051202122,56 WG1683600 Pesticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 a0C Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg4 mg/l mg/I date/lime Aldrin U 0.0000198 0.0000500 1 06/081202119:38 WG1684259 Alpha BHC U 0.0000172 0.0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WGI684259 a Beta BHC U 0.0000208 0,0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 AI Delta BHC U 0.0000150 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WGI684259 Gamma BHC U 0.0000209 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WG1684259 9SC Chlordane U 0.0000198 0.00500 1 06108/202119:38 WGI684259 4,4-DDD U 0.0000177 0.0000500 1 06/081202119:38 WGI684259 4,4-DDE U 0.0000154 0.0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 4,4-DDT U 0.0000198 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WG1684259 Dieldrin U 0.0000162 0.0000500 1 06/081202119:38 WGI684259 Endosulfan I U 0.0000160 0,0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 Endosulfan It U 0.0000164 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WG1684259 Endosulfan sulfate U 0.0000217 0.0000500 1 06/0W202119:38 WG1684259 Endrin U 0.0000161 0.0000500 1 06/081202119:38 WG1694259 Endrin aldehyde U J4 00000237 0,0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 Endrin ketone U 0.0000219 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WG1684259 Heptachlor U 0.0000148 0.0000500 1 06108/202119:38 WG1684259 Heptachlor epoxide U 0.0000183 0.0000500. 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 Hexachlorobenzene U 0.0000176 0.0000500 1 06/08/202119:38 WG1684259 Methoxychlor U 0.0000193 0.0000500 1 06109/202119:38 WGI694259 Toxaphene U 0.000168 0.000500 1 061081202119:38 WGI684259 (S) Decochloroblpheny/ 34.7 10.0-144 06/08/202119:38 WGI694259 (S) Tetrachloro-m-xylene 570 10.0-135 061081202119:38 WG1684259 Polychlorinated Blphenyls (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Batch All mgA mgA mg4 date/time PCB 1016 U J4 0,000270 0.000500 1 06/08/202118:17 WG1684259 PCB 1221 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 06/08M2118:17 WGIM259 PCB 1232 U 0,000270 0.000500 1 06/081202118:17 WG1684259 PCB 1242 U 0.000270 0.000500 1 061081202118:17 WGI684259 PCB 1248 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 061081202118:17 WG1684259 PC81254 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 06M202118:17 WGI694259 PCB 1260 U 0.000173 0.000500 1 06108/202118:17 WGI684259 (S) Demchlorobiphenyl 35.3 10.0/44 0& W102I Pt f7 WGI684259 (S) Tetrochbro-m-xylene 63.6 10.0-135 067081201118.17 WG1684259 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06A8/2116:35 6 of 23 OUTFALL 005 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:30 L1362288 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 Result Qualifier MOIL ROL Dilution Analysis Batch Analyte mg/1 mg/I mg4 date/time Acenaphthene U 0.0000886 0.00100 1 06/09/202108.42 WG1684262 Acenaphlhylene U 0,0000921 0.00100 1 06/091202108:42 WG1684262 Anthracene U 0,0000804 0.00100 1 06/091202108:42 WG1684262 Benzidine U J3 0.00374 0.0100 1 06/091202108:42 WG1684262 Benzo(a)anthracene U 0.000199 0.00100 1 06/091202108:42 WGI684262 Benzo(b)8uoranthene U 0.000130 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Benzo(k)fluoranthene U 0.000120 0.00100 1 06109/202108:42 WGI684262 Benzo(g.1h,i)perylene U 0.000121 0.00100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Benzo(a)pyrene U 0.0000381 0.00100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Bls(2-chloretho)Mmethane U 0.000116 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1694262 BIs(2-chloroethyl)ether U 0.000137 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 2,2-Oxybis(1-Chloropropane) U 0.000210 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1694262 4-Bromophenyl-phenylether U 0.0000877 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 2-Chloronaphthalene U 0,0000648 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 4-Chlorophenyl-phenylether U 0.0000926 0,0100 1 061091202108:42 WG1694262 Chrysene U 0.000130 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Dibenz)a,h)anthracene U 0.0000644 0.00100 1 O6/09/2021 08:42 WG1684262 3,3-Dlchlorobenzidine U 0,000212 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WGI694262 2,4-Dinitrotoluene U 0.0000983 0,0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 2,6-Dinitrotoluene U 0.000250 0.0100 1 061091202108:42 WG1684262 1,2-01pheny1hydrazine U 0.000105 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Fluoranthene U 0.000102 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Fluorene U 0,0000844 0,00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Hezachlorobenzene U 0.0000755 0,00100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene U 0.0000968 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Hexachlorocyclopentadiene U 0.0000598 0.0100 1 06/091202108:42 WG7684262 Hexachloroethane U 0.000127 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene U 0.000279 0.00100 1 061091202108:42 WG1684262 Isophorone U 0.000143 0.0100 1 06/091202108:42 WG1684262 Naphthalene U 0.000159 0.00100 1 06/09/202108.42 WG1684262 Nitrobenzene U 0.000297 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WGI684262 n-Nitrosodimethylamme U 0.000998 0.0100 1 06/092021 OBA2 WGI684262 n-Nitrosodiphenylamine U 0.00237 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 n-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine U 0.000261 0,0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG1684262 Phenanthrene U 0.000112 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Benzylbutyl phthalate U 0.000765 0.00300 1 06109202108:42 WG1684262 B1s(2-ethy1hexyI)phthalate U 0.000895 0.00300 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 DI-n-butyl phthalate U 0.000453 0.00300 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Diethyl phthalate U 0.000287 0.00300 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Dimethyl phthalate U 0.000260 0.00300 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Dl-n-octyl phthalate U 0.000932 0.00300 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Pyrene U 0.000107 0.00100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene U 0.0000698 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol U 0.000131 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG7684262 2-Chlorophenol U 0.000133 0,0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG7684262 2,4-Dichlorophenol U 0.000102 0.0100 1 06109202108:42 WG1694262 2,4-Dimethylphenol U 0.0000636 0.0100 1 06/091202108:42 WG7684262 4,6-Dlnitro-2-methylphenol U 0.00112 0,0100 1 061091202108:42 WG1684262 2,4-Dinitrophenol U 0.00593 0.0100 1 06109/202108:42 WG7684262 2-Nhrophenol U 0.000117 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1694262 4-Nitrophenoi U 0,000143 0.0100 1 06/09/202108:42 WG1684262 Pentachlorophenol U 0.000313 0.0100 1 OW09/202108:42 WG1684262 Phenol U 0.00433 0.0100 1 W09/202108:42 WG1684262 2,4,6-Trichlorophenol U 0.000100 0.0100 1 06Po9202108:42 WG7684262 (S)2-Fluorophenol 449 10.0-120 061091202108.42 WG1684262 (S) Phenohd5 29.8 8.00-424 06M9/202108:42 WG1684262 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06d8/2116:35 7of23 OUTFALL 005 SAMPLE RESULTS - 01 Collected date/time: 06/03/21 17:30 L1362288 Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 Result Qualifier MDL RDL Dilution Analysis Analyte mg/I mg/I mg/1 date/time (S)Nitrobenzene-d5 78,2 15,0-314 061091202108.42 (S) 2-Fluorobiphenyl 73.2 220-127 061091202108.42 (S)2,4,6-fabromophenol 99.5 10.0-153 06109120210842 (S)p-7erphenyFdM 88.2 29.0-141 061091202108.42 Batch WGI684262 WGI684262 WG1684262 WG1684262 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEITIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06/18/2116:35 8 of 23 WG1686147 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY GravimeVlc Analysis by Method 2540 D-2011 0362288 01 Method Blank (MB) (MB) R3666209-1 06A0/2113:11 (J ❑ MB R.ft MB Qualifier MB MOL MB RDL Meyta mgA mgA NA -TC Suspender SORES U 1.50 250 .5$ L1361645-01 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (OUP) aCn (OS) 1136164501 06AW2113:11 • (DUP) R366620g 3 O6A0/2113:11 0,"Result DUPR.ft [hital DUPRPD DUP Odulger DUPRPD U'aft sf Are m nelygA mqA % SuspcMeU So1Ms 41.1 41.1 I 0.000 __.._._%. 5 1-1361645.02 Original Sample (OS) • Duplicate (DUP) TGi (OS) 11361646-02 06MOQ11311- (DUP) 1?3666209 01011 OrlgBwl ResuX DUPRNdA Distion 011.1i DUPQuaMer WPMURds, sQl anew mgA mgA % % Suspended Solids 300 322 1 2L1 J3 5 pSC Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS) R366620G-2 O6A0/2113:11 Spike AmourE LCSR,l LCS Rae. Rac. Unit LCSQualBbr Anayte mgA mgA % % Suspended Solids A3 830 114 85.2-114 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: DATMIME PAGE: EeWn Coma...n 28094R L1362288 06ntinl6'.35 90f 23 WG1686563 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Wet Chemist, by Method 16648 0362213-01 Method Blank (MB) C (MS) R3665S47-1 06A02120:11 P MB Remit MBO=aiHbr MB MOL Analyte mgA mgA MBRDL ogA ,TC IDH - 0116 Grease B 0 ]25 5.00 f S Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3665847-2 06A0121 20.11 • (LCSD) R3665847-3 06A012120:11 Ca Spine Amount LCSR.ft LCSD ResuR M.M. mgA .0 N LCS Re UND R.. Rec Limits LCS OuallRer LUD-Outtift RPD RPD L"M % % % % % SSf TM -0116 Grease 40.0 35.0 38.9 875 97.3 W.0-132 10,6 31 TGI aAl FSC ACCOUNT: P oJEC. SDG: DATGfnME PAGE Eaten Corporaeon 28o91J2 L1362288 06A81211635 100123 WG1690706 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Metels ([CPI by Method 200J U862288.01 Method Blank (MB) Cp (ME)R3668910-5 Waal 0156 ❑ MG Rautl M13 Oua181er M8 MDL AWA. mgA mgA MORDL MgAl C Copper D 0.00226 0.0100 Lead U 0.00727 000500 aSS; Inc J 0.005M 00500 aCn Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LCS)R3668910-1 G6A7/2t23:17 a$f Spft Amount -CS Rmft LCS Rea. Rec. L8na6 LCS 0.11k Aaalyte mg0 m9A % % Copper 100 0914 914 85.0115 Lead 1.00 0926 92.6 85.0-D5 A. 1.00 0.912 91.2 85.0-115 L1362290-03 Original Sample (OS) • Matrix Spike (MS) • Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) aAl (OS) L136229a43 06A7/212120 • (MS) R3668910-3 W72123:25 • (MSD) R366111M -0 06A7/212328 9$C Sp" Amaud Original Rauh MS Pew* MSD Res MS Rea, MSD R.. D6u1bn R.Llmtta MSOualNer MSD Oualfler RP0 RPM Lkaft Analyte mgA mgA mgA m9A % % % % % -_ __ - -___- Copper UN 0.00585 0.939 0958 933 95.2 1 ]0.0.130 1.99 10 Leaf 1.00 U 0.951 0.961 951 96.3 '1 70.0-130 Ln 20 Zinc 100 0.00156 0.922 0.9dd 91.5 93.6 1 70.0-130 2.31 20 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOG: DATEAME: PAGE: Eaton CoWratlon 28W5 L1362288 06dMi 16:35 110123 WG1683600 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds IGCIMSI by Method 624A 41363288.01 Method Blank (MB) MB RemB MB Oualilkr MBMDL MB RDL Anar)4e mgn mgn di Aaolein U 0.00254 0.0500 Acrybnnrlle U 0.00m6 0,0100 Benzene U 00000941 0.00100 &omodohmomajane U 0.000136 000100 Bromoform U 0000129 a0010a Bromomethane U 0.000605 0.00500 Carbon tetrachloride U 0000128 000100 Chlambanzece U 0.0001% 0.00100 CLbrodbromamethane b MOO 0.00100 ChbioeNarie U 0,000*2 0.00500 2{hbrodi vbyt ether U 0.000575 0.0500 Dibrofarm U 0000111 0.00500 Chlomme0ane U 0.000960 0.00250 12-Diolosebendame U 0.000107 000100 1.3-Di<hbrobenzene U 0000110 0.00100 ts-Dichlorobed. U 0 000120 0,00100 DinlaradmuoromeNane U 0A00374 000500 1WbAbroethane U 0.000100 0.00100 1b01chbroettene U 0.0000819 0,00100 11-0IchWroathene U 0.000188 0.001)o 4an5-1,2-0ichlamethene U 0000149 0,00100 1,1-01ctibropropane U 0.01 0.00100 cis-1.3-01cbbropropene U 0.000111 0,00100 Bar'a-1.3-0Iifibropcipene U 0.000118 0,00100 Ethyll,amene U 0.000137 000100 McNyleme Chbdde U OMN30 0.00500 112,2-TetracnbtceNale U 0000133 000100 Tetrachbrcethene U 0.000300 . 0.00100 toluene U 0000228 0.00100 1,1,1-Ttldl1dmenane U 0.00099 0.00100 1.1,2-Trirhlorcethane U 0.000158 0 00100 TUrhbrcethene U 0.000190 0.00100 TCNbrofluoromethane U 0000160 0.00500 Vmyl ilibrbe U 0.000234 000100 IS)Tdsuzda 8 103 80, -120 )S14-BrombhroroDen2ere 900 80.6120 (112-Dkhb/aefnamW4 IV 200 U0 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: EMon Cmponstbn 28MI-R L1362288 DATEenlAe 06M18211635 PAGE 12 of 23 WG1683600 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 624A L1362238.01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) Cp (LCS) R36641731 O6/052119.12 • (LCSD) R3664179-2 067052119:33 Spite AmaurB LCS Result LCSO Result LCS R. LCSO R. Rec Lhnits LCS OuaIRMr LCMQualgkr RRO RPO Limtts AnaMe WA m94 m08 % % % % % Tc A<rolem 00250 0.0158 00157 63.2 628 60.0-140 0.835 20 Acrylontris 00250 0.0209 0.0205 83.6 82.0 60.0-140 1.93 20 3$5 Benzene 0.00500 0.00464 0.00465 928 93.0 65,0-135 0,215 20 BromodldBorometbane 0.00500 000496 0.00502 99.2 100 65.0-135 1,20 20 •Cii Rromororm 0.00500 0.00402 0.00400 804 800 700-130 0499 20 Bromcmethane TOOM0 0.00572 000564 1M 113 15.0485 1,41 20 Carbon tetrachtonde 000500 000449 000440 HE B8.0 70.0-130 202 20 a$r UErobenxene 0.00500 000463 000465 92.6 93.0 65.0-135 0431 20 - CinnMdibmmomethene 000500 000484 0,00484 968 968 70.0-135 0000 20 chb.11h.he 0.00500 000682 000685 136 137 40.0460 0.439 20 2iicroethyl Nnyl ether 0.0750 00727 00220 90.8 880 0.100-225 3,13 20 chloroform 0005M 000497 0.00513 99A 103 ]0.0-135 In 20 7GI chioromethane 0,00500 000622 000638 124 128 0100-205 254 20 1,2-0kh1hm1xmvme 000500 0.00454 0.004]i 908 84.2 65.0-135 3.68 20 u 1,3-0ichbrobenxene 000500 000469 0.005(35 93.8 101 70.0.130 7.39 20 1.4Dktrbmbenxene 0.00500 0.00470 0.00505 966 101 65.0435 549 20 pidilonA luoromelhane 0,00500 000445 0.00472 89) 94A 49.0-155 5.89 20 °$C 1,1-0ichl.hathane 0.00500 0.00524 0.00531 TS 106 70.0130 L33 20 1.2-prchbroettmns 0.00500 000486 0.00507 97.2 101 70.0-130 423 20 1.10kMoroetnene 0.00500 0.00487 000508 97.4 102 50.0150 4.22 20 bens-1.2-0k brcemene 0.00%0 0.00508 0.00529 102 106 700-130 405 20 1.20bhbmprapane 0.00500 0.00535 0.00511 107 102 350-165 4b9 20 t1,1.3-0kh1oropmperte 000500 000484 000473 96.8 94.6 250-M 2.30 20 Vara4.3-0khlomprcpehe O.Oo500 0.00443 0.00458 8&6 91.6 50u450 3.33 20 Btlrytbemene 0.00500 0.00472 0.00463 954 926 600-140 2AB 20 Madaithechbrbe 0.00500 0.00485 0.005M 920 101 600-MO 4.24 20 1.1.2,24dachlomelhane 000500 0.00476 0.00507 952 101 600-140 6.T 20 Talachiumethene 0.00500 0.00459 0.00467 918 93.4 70.0-130 1.73 20 Tobene 0.00500 000441 000449 88.2 89.8 700130 1.80 20 1,tLTrlchbroethane 0.00500 0.00500 0.00516 100 103 700430 3.15 20 1.1.2-Trkhichelhene 000500 000489 0004T 97.8 94.2 70.0-130 375 20 Tndrbroetbene 0,00500 0.00462 0.00481 92A 962 65,0135 4.03 20 T6chbro0uoromethane 0.0050C 0.00498 000501 998 100 500-150 0.601 20 vinyl chbOde 0.00500 006588 0.00568 118 114 5.00-15 3,46 20 IS)TorLened 8U *2 800-fx (3)4 Moanroberuerre 978 k70 80.0-120 (S tT-0khbroefMmd4 108 108 700-130 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: MG. OATE/fR4E PAGE: Eaton Corporarbn 28091A L1362268 Waal 16.35 13 or23 WG1684259 Pefticides (GC) by Method EPA 608.3 Method Blank (MB) QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY L1362288 01 (MB)R3665513-1 06ffl Ql 16:45 P MD Result Anal,e mgA ._.._._- ME OVelifler ME MDL mgA --`____m`_N- ME EEL mgA TC AMrin U 0.0000198 00000500 Alpha BHC u 0.0000172 0.0000500 a SS Beta BHC U OOW0206 00000500 Delta SHE U 0.0000150 00000500 4 Gamma BHC u 0.0000209 0.0000500 Cn 4.4-ODD U 0.0000177 OE000500 4.4-0DE U 0,0000154 00000500 sS! 4¢DDT U 0.0000f98 00000500 DleldrIn u 0.0000162 0.0000500 Ergosulfanl a 0.00WIW 0.000500 Enilosulfan ll U 00000164 0,0000500 Endoanttan su8ate U 00000217 0,0000500 G Entlrin a 00000161 00000500 Entlrin aldehyde U 0.0000237 0.0000500 aAl Enann ketone a 0.00002N 0.0000500 Hetpach X u o 0000148 0,0000500 HepMchlorewAme a 00000183 0.0000500 eSC Herachtyrobenzane U 0.W00176 0.0000500 McVhcocychbr U 0.0000193 0.0000500 Chlordane U 0.0000198 0,00500 TOBapbene U 0000168 0000500 (5)DecochkobbipAesy7 560 10.0-M4 6)7ehachld a-.ykne 685 VnO 135 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) (LEE) R3665513-2 OW0812116:57 Sp*.Amount LCS ResvA LCS Rec, Rec, Li.b LC50_aMler An.w mgA mgA % % AMrin 0.00100 0.000838 838 420-040 Alpha BHC 0.00100 0.000948 94.8 37.0-MO Beu BHC 0.00100 0,00103 103 17.6147 Delta BHC 000100 &000940 94.0 11.0-140 Gamma SHE 0.00100 00009D 973 32.0-MO 4.40DD 0.00100 0.00104 104 31.0441 4.4-0DE 0.00100 0000899 89.9 M0O.M5 0,10DT 000100 0.000970 87.0 25.0-160 DieMrin 000100 000101 101 360-146 Enddsulfan1 000100 0000949 94.9 45.0-153 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: EEG: DATE/TWE: PAGE Eaton Corporation 28G9tR L1362288 0618n11635 14 of 23 WG1684259 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Pesticldes IGC) by Method EPA 608.3 L1362288 D1 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 71 (LCS)R3665513-2 061082116,57 Sp*o Amourd LCS RewR LCS Rec. Rec. ❑loft LCS Ooallfe, AnaMe mgA mgA % % TC EndoedMn II 0.06100 000104 164 1.00-202 Endos.Han suRate 000100 0.00105 105 260-144 3$s Endrin 000100 000101 101 300147 Endrn akehyde 000100 000197 W 56.0-128 J4 Endrin Rel00e 000100 0000996 996 540-142 n Heptar111or 000100 0000875 875 340-140 Heptachlor epoxtlh 0.00100 0000957 953 37,0442 Fri 0.00100 0.000760 260 350-120 Melhowychlor 000100 000106 106 410-160 RJ DeCOCDbroDiplcerryl 703 vow (S) Tdt,.hbm mxykne 210 200135 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SOO. Eeton Comorabon 28091-R L1362288 DATE?IME: 064012116:35 PAGE: 15 of 23 WG1684259 Polychlorinated Blphenyls (GC) by Method EPA-608.3 Method Blank (MB) QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY L1262228-01 (MB)R3665296-1 06AGSaI1649 Cp M9 R.ft M80_alrtrer MB MOL MB RDL AnaMe mgA NA mgA TC PCB R60 U 00 00173 0.000500 PC81016 U 0.000210 0.000500 3$5 PC81221 U 0.000270 0.000500 PC81232 U 0000270 0,000500 PCB 1242 U 0000210 0000500 Fin 1248 U 0.000173 0000500 PCB 1254 U 0.000173 0.000500 6Sr (S)DemJb-WR, 1 605 V..0.Ml 1S1 Tet.1sU R-,h,. At 81.6135 ■ Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) 2GI (LCS) R3665296-2 060W211658 SPere A..M LCSR.K LCS R.. Rec LIm88 LCS O.1M.r eAl A tyte MgA 1r5A % % PCB Rfi0 000250 0.00120 PCB 1016 0.00250 000363 SL2 145 8.00-140 50..0-140 ju e$C (S) D.hbroblpheM1 49.1 130 M4 (51 TetrdrhbA"Ra eRe n3 As&M ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG' Eaton CorpdraTion 20001-R L1362288 DATERIME. 06b0R116:35 PAGE 16 of 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 L1362289-01 Method Blank (MB) (MBRR3664843-3 06109/210038 MR Result MR Qualifier MR MEL MR RDL Analyte mgA mg4 mgA Acenaphthene U 0,6000886 0.0010) Acenaphthykne U 0,0000921 0.00100 Anmramne U 0.DONS04 0,00100 AnOenzene U 0000105 0,0100 REOZidlae U 0,00374 0,0100 Benzp(alanthracene U 0,000199 0,00100 Benzo(b(Omranthene U 0000130 0.00100 Benzo(p0uoranthene U 0.000120 O0o100 Benzo(gh,q,, ene U 0,000121 0,0000 Benzo(apyrene U 0.0000381 0.00100 Bis(2e bremoxytmetbane U 0.000116 00100 Bis(2dloreeNygefler U 0000137 00100 2, 2-0xybis(1Lmpmpropanel U 0,000210 00100 4-13romophenyl henNether U 0.00000P 0.0100 2-0ilomnaphthalene U 00000648 000100 4.Chidrophen"henyhNer U 0.0000926 00100 Ch,ene U 0.000130 0,00100 Dlbenz(a.h(anthracene U 0,00006" 000100 3.3-01mlorobenzidlne U 0,000212 0,0100 2,01nnrotoluehe U D.0000983 0,0100 2.6-01nitretoluene U 0,000250 0.0100 Fluoian8iene U O.W0102 000100 Fluaene U 0000084 000100 Hexealerobenzene U (10000256 000100 Herachloro-1,3butadiene U 0,0000968 O Oloo HaPiMmi,dppentadlene U 00000598 00100 Haxarhl... URPOa U O oD012] 00100 Indeno0.2,3cd)pyrene U 0.0002M 0.00100 Isophprone U 0000143 00100 Naphthalene U 0.000159 0.00100 Wmideniene U 0.000297 0.0100 "itroyedlmethyhm4ie U 0000998 00100 n*Kbdadiphenylamhe U 000237 00100 n-film 0in9repylamine U 0.000261 0,0100 phenanthrene U 0.000112 0,00100 BenzylbuM pli111ahte U 0.000765 0,00300 Bis(2ePylherygphthalate U 0.000895 0,00300 DMLulyl phtralabe U 0 W0453 0.00300 Dialhy pinhabte U 0000287 000300 DlrnethA phNalate U 0.000260 0.00300 ACCOUNT: PROJECT: Ea. Corparaeon 2909M 50G: L1362288 DATE/THE US1812116'.35 PAGE: 17 of 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GC/MS) by Method 625.1 L1362289.01 Method Blank (MB) . (MB)R36648433 MM9/210038 Cp MB Result AnaMe mgA _. -"CIA MBOwIBier MB MOL mgA MB ROL m9A 2TC Diawdyl phAalale U 0.000932 _. 0.00300 Pyrene U 0000107 0.00100 7$5 1,2,44dThlorohrriene U 0.0000699 0.0100 A{Moro-3-meNylphenol U 0000131 00100 aCn 2-0Mprophenol U 0000133 00100 ZSDichtcrophenol U 0 i00102 00100 2,4-Dimegiylphnmoi U 0.0000636 00100 5$f 4,6-Dirb.2-msthApNa,c1 U Hong 0.0100. 24-D1narophenol U 0W593 0.0100 2Nmophenol U 0.000117 0.0%)o 4-Nbrophenal U 0,000143 0.0100 Pentachiomphenol U 0.000313 0.0100 TGI Phenol U 0.00433 00100 2.4. -Trichbrophewi U 0,000100 00100 e(AI (S) MRm5en2eneCS 623 15039 (S) 2-FW.Nphed,1 78.8 22.0-127 (S)P7eryheryLdl4 873 29.0-141 0$C (5)pwyxdd5 28.9 ItOO424 (5) 2-FAmroGhenol 44.6 100 720 MZ.e,6-FrPommopheno1 7l0 10.0-153 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (-CS) R36648431 015MB 12360 • (LCSD) R3664843-2 06/09210014 Spike Aemurd La Result LM Resit LCS Rec. LOW R., Red, Lanl6 LCS OualHier LCSOOttaffer RPD RM Lan16 Malyte mgA NA mgn % % % % % Acenaphthene 00500 00370 00365 74.0 73.0 06145 136 4 Acenaph0y . 0,0500 0.0395 0.0387 79.0 77A 33.0-145 2.05 74 AnUacene 00500 00408 0.0403 816 800 27.0-133 1,23 66 Mobeniene 00500 0,0368 0.0365 73.6 73.0 37.0425 0.919 20 Remidirie 0.100 0.0129 0.00561 12.9 5,61 1.00-120 J3 78.8 36 Servok)anthacens 0.0500 0.0464 0.0449 92.9 89.8 330-143 IN 53 Serp.iblAUorenthere 00500 0.0429 00421 85.8 842 240159 188 71 BentoNfluoraNhene 00500 0.043 0.0431 M86 87.A 11.0-162 1.36 63 Benio(g.h.rperylene a0500 00395 0.0379 79-0 75.8 1.00-219 413 97 Beneo(apyrene 0.0500 00426 0.0411 85.2 82.2 17,0-163 3.58 72 Bis(2-chbreNce,imethane 0.0500 00309 0.0310 61'8 62.0 1.00-219 0.323 54 BIS(2Chomed,fAttier 0.0500 0.0345 0.0342 69.0 684 33.0485 0.B73 108 2.2-OxyUso-Chloropropanel 0.0500 0.0360 00357 72.0 714 360166 0.837 % ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATERME: PAGE Eaton Corporabon 28091-R L1362288 O6/IBR11635 18 or 23 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compaunds IGCIMSI by Method 625.1 L1362216-01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) Cp (LCS) R36648434 06709/21233.50 • (LCSD) R3664843-2 0670912100:14 Spike Amount LCS Result LCSD ResuN LCS Rey. LCSD Re Ra,,Urrils LCS Qualifier LCSOOuallller RPD RPO Llmlts , A.M. m,A NA mgA % A A % % TC d41rom0p6enyl-phenNether 00500 00410 0.04I0 82.0 81.0 530427 0.000 43 213timonaphMalene 00500 003T 0.0364 74.2 72.8 600-120 ISO 24 3$5 4alarophanybpheriylelher 00500 00438 0.0434 87.6 86.8 25.0-158 0,917 61 Cbrysepe 0,0500 00443 00423 886 84.6 17.0-168 4.62 87 4 Dkiam(a,h1an01racene 005M 0.0402 0.0386 80.4 71.2 1.00-227 4.06 126 Cn 3,3-Dirlllmobenzidme 0,100 0.0859 OOBN 859 81.9 1.00-262 4.A 108 2,4-0iNtmta ene 0,0500 0.0488 D.0507 97.6 101 39.0-139 382 42 S$f 2,6-0lnhrololuene 00500 0.0458 0.0450 91S 90.0 S0.0458 L76 48 FWoranzhene 0,0500 0.0461 C.0451 922 90.2 260137 2.19 66 Fluorene 0.0500 00425 00416 35.0 83.2 59,0121 214 38 HeAift.benzene 00500 00392 0.0383 78.4 766 100152 2.32 55 HeiaWOro-1,3-buladiene 0,0500 0.0373 0.0381 74.6 762 24.0-120 212 62 7� Heow6lo i,lopentadiane 00500 0,0231 00230 41.2 46.0 10.0420 0,434 31 Hexactilom.m.mi 0.0500 0.0349 0.0349 698 698 40.0-120 0000 52 e Inamio(1,2.3- clay ene 0,0500 0.0376 0.0353 75.2 70.6 1,00171 6.31 99 AI Isophomne 0.0500 0.0311 0.0314 62.2 628 21,0-196 0960 93 Naphilliakoe 0.0500 0.0328 0.0331 65.6 116.2 21,M33 0,910 65 R$C Nitrobenzene 0.0500 0.0304 OSXM 608 60.8 350480 0600 62 n4lRmsodimemykmMe 0.0500 0.02R1 00218 42.0 43.6 100120 3,74 u n-Nhaeodiphenyamioe 00500 00377 0,0370 75.4 74.0 44,0420 187 21 n-Nxrm di,l pmo,a*mine 0.0500 0.0339 0.0345 67.8 69.0 100230 I.M 0 Phenan0lrene 00500 0.0410 0.0402 820 WA 54.0-120 197 39 BentybutylphttlaWle 00500 0.0436 0.0432 97.2 66.4 1.00452 0.922 60 B1s(2elh,hey1)phNalme (0500 00402 0.0385 804 77.0 800-158 432 82 Dt Ito phthalate 0.0500 0.0145 0.0441 89.0 88.2 100110 0.903 47 DkNylptimalate 00500 OIM38 0,0443 BZ6 886 100120 114 100 Dm1e6rylplWaWle 00500 OOQO C0416 840 83.2 T0,T120 0.957 183 Dladctyl plMalale 0.0500 0.0383 0.0365 766 73.0 4.00-46 481 0 Pyrelte 0.0500 0.041 0.0446 88.2 0.2 52.0420 113 49 1.2kPichlooibeniene 0,0500 0.0362 00368 72.4 73.6 4/.0442 1.64 50 UOdbro-3-maittii enol 0,0500 0.0312 00314 62.4 62.8 22.V47 0.639 73 24 1,yo,:Nmd C0500 00337 0.0339 674 67.8 23.041 0.592 61 2,44)1ch1mophenol 0,0500 0,0347 0.0350 69A 70.0 39.0435 0.861 50 1.LDIme0rylpM1enol 0.0500 0.02% 0.0288 59S 576 320420 3,75 58 4,6 hlbo2-r,a#Wbed0l 0.0500 0.0538 0.0546 to T9 100181 148 203 2.14linitrophenol 0,0500 00485 0.0509 970 102 1.00191 4.83 132 2-1,11trophenol 0.0500 0.0362 0.03R 72.4 75.6 29.0182 4.32 55 4 NIVaphenol 0.0500 OXUS 00156 278 31.2 1,00432 11,5 131 Penlechkomplalol 0,0500 0.0409 0.0430 816 86.0 14.0-176 5.25 86 Phenol 0.0500 0,0154 0,0162 308 32.4 5.00-120 506 64 ACCOUNT PROJECT: SDG: DATEMME PAGE Eaton Cammadon 28091-R L1361288 06A8/211635 19.123 WG1684262 QUALITY CONTROL SUMMARY Semi Volatile Organic Compounds (GCIMS) by Method 625.1 L1342298-01 Laboratory Control Sample (LCS) • Laboratory Control Sample Duplicate (LCSD) (LCS) R3664843-1 MMW212350 • (LCSD) R366C843-2 rhi 0014 p Spike Amount LCSR.k LCSD Result LCS Red. LCSD Rec. Red. LImIK LCS Oualifer LCSD OuaIIRm RPD RPD Limns Analyze mye mgA mgA % % % % % TC M,�._ 6PkkbmpAenal 0.0500 00395 0:039] ]90 79.1 370-144 0.505 58 (S)Nd dd,pd/ S 610 624 15.03M 3SS (S) 2 F8rbrobichiviJ 80.4 R2 22PI22 P,n,TegmNanAd14 810 289 290-91 is)ppmoms 303 323 8:.00d21 C31 (5)2-FArompAeegl 472 473 100-120 (9) 24,6Tribmempbenpl 80.0 82.5 N..0-153 3$f ACCOUNT: PROJECT: Sini Eason Corporation 28091-R L1362288 DATE?IME: 0GA812T1635 PAGE 30M13 GLOSSARY OF TERMS Guide to Reading and Understanding Your Laboratory Report Cp The information below is designed to better explain the various terms used in your report of analytical results from the Laboratory. This is not intended as a comprehensive explanation, and if you have additional questions please contact your project representative. Results Disclaimer- Information that may be provided by the customer, and contained within this report, Include Permit Limits, Project Name, ID, Sample Matrix, Sample Preservation, Field Blanks, Field Spikes, Field Duplicates, On -Site Data, Sampling Collection Dates/Times, and TC Sample Sampling Location. Results relate to the accuracy of this Information provided, and as the samples are received. Abbreviations and Definitions S MDL �RDL Method Detection Limit Reported Detection Limit. _ dCn Rec.^ Recovery. RPD Relative Percent Difference SDG Sample Delivery Group.Sr .. _ _ _ I(S) __. _._. . __ __ ._ ,_ _ _ . _ Surrogate (Surrogate Standard) Analytes added to everyblank sample, Laboratory Control Sample/Duplicate and Matrix Spike/Duplicate used to evaluate analytical efficiency by measuring recovery, Surrogates are not expected to be aQC detected in all environmental media U lAnalyte Not detected at the Reporting Limit (or MDL where applicable). The name of the particular compound or analysis performed. Some Analyses and Methods will have multiple analytes Dilution If the sample matrix contains an interfering material, the sample preparation volume or weight values differ from the standard, or if concentrations of analytes in the sample are higher than the highest limit of concentration that the a AI laboratory.can accurately report, the sample maybe diluted for analysis. If a value different than 1 is used in this field, the result reported has already been corrected for this factor. iLimits These are the target% recovery ranges or%difference value that the laboratoryhas historicallydeter-mined as normal for the method and analyte being,reported.'Successful OC Sample analysis will target all analytes recovered or SC L duplicated within these ranges.. I Original Sample The non -spiked sample In the prep batch used to determine the Relative Percent Difference (RPD) from a quality control sample. The Original Sample may not be included within the reported SDG. i This columnprovldes aletter and/or number designation that corresponds to additional Information concerning the result lQualifier reported If a Qualifier is present, a definition per Qualifier is provided within the Glossary and Definitions page and _ potentially a discussion of possible Implications of the Qualifier In the Case Narrative if applicable. The actual analytical final result (corrected for any sample specific characteristics) reported foryour sample. If there was no measurable result returned for a specific analyte, the result in this column may state "ND" (Not Detected) or "BDL" Result (Below Detectable Levels). The Information in the results column should always be accompanied by either an MDL (Method Detection Limit) or RDL (Reporting Detection Limit) that defines the lowestvalue that the laboratory could detect or report for this analyte. Uncertainty (Radiochemistry) Confidence level of 2 sigma A brief discussion about the Included sample results, including a discussion of any non -conformances to protocol Case Narrative (Cn) observed either at sample receipt by the laboratory from the field or during the analytical process. If present, there will be a section in the Case Narrative to discuss the meaning of any data qualifiers used in the report iQuality Control This section of report includes the results of the laboratory quality control analyses required by procedure or ' :Summary, (Glc) analytical methods to assist in evaluating the validity of the results reported for your samples..These analyses are not being performed on your samples typically, but on laboratory generated material. This Is the document created in the field when your samples were initially collected. This is used to verify the time and Sample Chain of date of collection, the person collecting the samples, and the analyses that the laboratory is requested to perforr This Custody (Sc) chain of custody also documents all persons (excluding commercial shippers) that have had control or possession of the samples from the time of collection until delivery to the laboratory for analysis. This section ofycur report will provide the results of all testing performed on your samples. These results are provided ,Sample Results (Sr) by sample ID and are separated by the analyses performed on each sample. The header line of each analysis section for; I each sample will provide the name and method number for the analysis reported. Sample Summary (Ss) This section of the Analytical Report defines the specific analyses performed for each sample ID, including the dates and limes of preparation and/or analysis. Qualifier Description J The identification of the analyte is acceptable; the reported value is an estimate. _ __.___.__..__.-__.__tch, __..._...._.._,_.__. __ .._.___ _ ___ __._.__ The associated batch OC was outside the established quality control range for precision. J4 The associated batch OC was outside the established quality control range for accuracy. iP _____.. __ _._.._-__. --- .._ .__ RPD between theprimary and confirmatory analysis exceeded 40%. ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATE/TIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06A9/2116:35 21 cf 23 ACCREDITATIONS & LOCATIONS Pace Analytical National 12065 Lebanon Rd Mount Juliet, TN 37122 Alabama 40660 Nebraska NE-OS-15.05 Alaska 17-026 Nevada TN000032021-1 Arlmna AZ0612 New Hampshire 2975 Arkansas 88-0469 New Jersey-NELAP TNO02 California 2932 New Mexico TN00003 Colorado TN00003 Newyork 11742 Connecticut PH-0197 North Carolina Env375 Florida E87487 North Carolina' OW21704 Georgia NELAP North Carolina' 41 Georgia' 923 North Dakota R-110 Idaho _ TN00003 _ Ohio-VAP CL0069 Illinois 200008 Oklahoma _ 9915 Indiana C-TN-01 Oregon TN200002 Iowa 364 Pennsylvania 68.02979 Kansas _ _ E-10277 _ _ Rhode Island L1000356 Kentucky '° KV90010 South Carolina 84004002 Kentucky ° 16 _ _ South Dakota We Louisiana A130792 _ _ _ Tennessee " 2006 Louisiana_ _ __.. __._ _ LAO/8 Texas 71047042.45-20-18 Maine TN00003 _Texas' LA80152 Maryland 324 _ _ _ Utah TN000032021-11 Massachusetts M-TNO03 Vermont VT2006 Michigan _ 9958 Virginia 110033 Minnesota 047.999-39.5 — Washington C847 Mississippi TN00003 West Virginia -__ 233 Missouri 340 Wisconsin 998093910 Montana CERT0086 Wyoming A21-A A2LA-ISO 17025 1461.01 AIHA-LAP,LLC EMLAP 100789 A21LA-150170253 1461.02 DOD _ 1461.01 Canada 1461.01 USDA _ _ P330.15-00234 EPA-Ciypto TN00003 'Drinking Water 'Underground Storage Tanks 3 Aquatic Toxicity 'ChemicalRAKrobldlogical 'Mold °Wastewater n/a Accreditation not applicable ' Not all certifications held bythe Laboratory are applicable to the results reported In the attached report. • Accreditation is only applicable to the test methods speciiletl on each scope of accreditation held by Pace AnaMical. ACCOUNT: PROJECT: SDG: DATEITIME: PAGE: Eaton Corporation 28091-R L1362288 06/18/2116:35 22 of 23 6 6 . i I a Mr 41 i 519 Fit -1, . � i 9 % RIP q I LA F -- 4g." 11V , Jl�l 1.0 I o m gIk -4; e vl 51 NI zi Aw a. kh 410 ZI E M., R K� g 5711 MT5 60 16— v Tn6-X X, I'? MI'Aftit A m Z 250' 1 FXIIL-dr-WT-wcj TS"S- iL-H'-Dk% ml' 5 v Rp" rdg, vo 'i NIL 3�:. 41 :v ),Yr, F, T,* Vol Ai 01 0 w 44 4*, f-26T re, lk a" pp A5 p 0 Z. OV!gEr Cs oR-1 .1t: z,O I F;