HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06384_Well Construction - GW1_20220603 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD f gW-1) For Internal Use adl w 1.Well Contractor Information: srL /�/J '/ 1 of•"1 � ��l.�Lr��h�-',+a+� Baf�Me Lid �Jf ia�/ F'U by 1a.WATER ZONES FROM u TOE S f `MZSCRIPTXON Well Contractor Name T NC Well Contractor Crstification Number 15 OUTER CASIlVG'forrmiilh sed;wells!OWLINERf d;a Wilil'e YADKIN WELL COMPANY,INC. FROM .To; ""..�DIANarcER S�! � Company Name l✓t r�x ". _..rrlll 16 IlMM CASING; r G "thermalrclasedaoo 2.Well Construction Permit#: ®e'ej oM aTo aD7AMmmtOdl>ETffiCin+mSS>�IMATL�It7itL List all appllcab/e well construction permits Xk Wa County,Staff;Variance,etc) ft. 3.Well Use(check well use): €- Water Supply Well: 17SCREENFnoM ..ToM�1plkMErER1iQ msroT zTlazetavassarl s' rERti►L� ❑Agricultural iUPublio ❑Geothermal(Heating/Cooling Supply) 2sidentoial Water Supply(single) ❑IndustriaUCommert ial ❑Residmrdal Water Supply(shared) 1B:GROUT: 01irrigation Dwells>I00,000 GPD TROMA DN"IRCEM iMETHODIXA14IUONTS Non-Water Supply Well: ❑Monitoring ❑Recovery Injection Well: ❑Aquifer Recharge E3Groundwater Remediation 0 19 5A1tID/GBAVELgP'' �'da licsble ❑Aquifer Storage and Recovery Malmity Barrier 'TROMzMa WON >1MATERIAL't "''..�*EMYL CMyMNT- Ontltltltlttr• ❑Aquifer Test [IStormwaterDrainage � r ❑Experimenta]Technology ❑Subsidence Control t y ❑Geothermal(Closed Loup) ❑Tracer. ORDRlI,TINGLOG'' ehxiddibonel�hxts,;rfa a . � ,,: �FROMl�Y IaTO t�)DESCRD?TiON'mlocRiarda`�ToVroek �"-"'1"'Teh'?1� ❑Geothermal(Reating/Co5olingRetum) ❑Other(explain under# x§?1;Rt>merics) ft. . d�� � ��� 4.Date Well(s)Complete Wel1ID# 9 ,SN RE v sa wellLocatian: Phone #33G gC � � olt ar Facility/Owner Name Facilfly (ffplrcable")' ft' J l Y Physical Address,City.and TaP k ft. 2VREMARKS 01'Ili:?Rug.n.7D rr.v�p. County Paznel TdanYdication No.MN) *; 5b.Latitude and longitude in degrees/minutes/seconds or decimal degrees: tfwellfieI onelat/longissufficient ' (' 4 ) 22Cer"fication: 0' 10 no 6.1s(are)thewell(s): dPermanent or ❑Temporary Srgeafii j'ofCertifiedW.ellrGoatrac Dlite By slg`n g thisfonn,l hereby certdy Thal the,well(s)Wr,fwere)construcmwxa in,aceorrlm�ce with 7.1s this a repair to an erasting well: ❑(es or, )W0 15ANCACO2C 0100`or�!SA�NCiiC'02C.0200 it'e0 Constructlon Slmrdands and.that a capy If this it a report,fit!out lmown well construction Information and plain the nature of the aphis rewr�d�has bemlrravlded fa the wail;owner repair under$2lremarkr section oron the back ofthisfomr. 23.Srte'rdiag am or additionalwell details: a:ems B.For Geoprobe/DPT or Closed-Loop Geothermal Wells having the same You muse the beck of this page to pmvide adrlitional well construction imo construction,only 1 GW 1 is needed. Indicate TOTAL NUMBER ofweIIs (add See Over'in Remarks Hox).Yourmay also attach add gnat net csery. drilled: s7 g1VMlsrrar:•iil!ISTRUCTIONS 9.Total well depth below land surfacer (ft) fi tr.I > For multiple wells list ell depths ifdifjerent(example-3@200'and 2Q100) 3ubmlt tbi8-GVh1 within 30 days.of well completion per a following: �� 24a'I?ar All Wells: Original form to Division of Water Resources 10.Static water level below top of casing: (ft.) lnfoimatron Pmcessing Uait,16,17,MSC,Raleigh,NC 27699-161>7 Tfwaler level is above casing,use"+' i Bit Off: `S' 7�� 24b FoIatection Wells:,�C,._opy to;DWR,Underground 1ntion Clatter(IiJC) Il.Borehole diameter: ti Prod,1636 MSG�Raleig"'Ib,NC 27699-1636 *' 12.Well construction method: AIR ROTARY 24c For Water:Supply andtOpen-Loop GeothenmalRetura Wells:Copyto the (i.e.auger,rotary,cable,direct pusb,eto) courlty emnvnmenffiI health7dparhiient,of the county w}ieieainstelled FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 24d.For Water VYe1ls�producln�:oyer100;000 GYD:Copy m DWI,CGPCUA PmnitPmgram,�,161IpMSCAMergh8NC27699`161111 13a.Yield(gpm) Method of test: n/ � DATE SITE VISITED: %Z. /Zl I 13b.Disinfection type: 70%HTH Amount: OZ Uri ra _'c �'siL,'i .,. _4 v