HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #5 - BMPs for Public Educational Goals & ObjectivesPublic Education & Outreach and Public Involvement & Participation Objectives
The City of Winston-Salem's Stormwater Public Educational Program is designed to reach the public
through a variety of outlets to ensure exposure to pollution prevention information and increase
behavior change. The goal is to meet the requirements of our individual permit and to protect water
quality from the pollutants in stormwater runoff.
Target pollutants have been identified by laboratory sampling, outfall screening and monitoring, visual
observation, industry and good housekeeping pollution prevention inspections, and citizen's
complaints. In addition, Salem Creek has received a TMDL for biological impairment with pollutants
of concern fecal coliform bacteria. Muddy Creek Watershed has a TMDL percent reduction of 58%
for total suspended solids.
The target pollutants that have been identified for the Stormwater Public Educational Program,
include: Total Suspended Solids, Fecal Coliforms, Nutrients, Oil & Grease, and Floatables. These
targeted pollutants are broken down by sources in the education materials (including but not limited
to, the website, handouts/brochures, and presentations) to allow for the pollutants to be easily
understood by the public.
Further information regarding the targeted pollutants and their sources are available in the Annual
Report as part of Section 8, Public Education and Outreach.
To effectively deliver public education messages and change behavior, the City identified target
audiences for each pollutant. The materials and/or programs developed include the following:
General Stormwater Pollution Prevention
What Your Business Needs to Know — brochure
Protecting Water Quality ... at the Workplace* - flier
Protecting Water Quality ... at the Workplace* - poster
Stormwater Runoff.- Municipal Good Housekeeping & Pollution Prevention — booklet
Residents (including but not limited to homeowners, renters, landlords)
Rain Can Be a Pain in the Drain — brochure
Keep the Water Clean - brochure
Solo La Lluvia debe entrar a las alcantarillas — booklet in Spanish
Storm Drain Marker Program
Stream Watch in Winston-Salem Program
Presentations to Local Groups
Tabling at Community Events
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
Stormwater Word Challenge
Lenny the Lifeguard Activity Book*
Lenny the Lifeguard*— poster for the classroom
Lenny the Lifeguard at Happy Day Pond*— flip chart/story for the classroom
Stormwater Runoff Classroom Presentations
Enviroscape Demonstration
Stormwater Pollution Solutions Presentation for College Students
Creek Crawl Program
Oil & Grease (Automotive fluids, auto repair, industrial facilities)
Automotive Businesses
Oil and Water Don't Mix* — flier
Automotive Hand Out (in English and Spanish) - brochure
SudSafe Car Wash Kit and video for fundraising car wash events
Fecal Coliforms
Pet owners
Scoop the Poop*— flier, door hanger
Scoop the Poop Pledge Card
Poop Bag Dispensers
Social media posts to the City's social media accounts as needed to address complaints
Pet Care Businesses (including but not limited to vet offices, dog trainers)
Scoop the Poop* —flier
Pet Adoption Groups
Scoop the Poop* —flier
Nutrients (Fertilizers/Pesticides, Car Washing, etc)
Lawn care professionals
Clean Streams — workshop
Yard Waste/Lawn Care - door hanger
Residents (including but not limited to homeowners, renters, landlords)
The Backyard Buffer Program* - workshop
Carolina Yards & Neighborhoods* - workshop
The Piedmont Yardstick Workbook* - booklet
Riparian Buffers — flier
Yard Waste/Lawn Care Door Hanger
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
Total Suspended Solids (Sediment)
Businesses (for example Developers, Contractors)
Protecting Water Quality ... at Construction Sites*— flier
Stream Management and Restoration — manual
Erosion Control staff sends any needed guidance digitally through email. All of the ordinances,
erosion control measure details, etc. in PDF format and are emailed to customers when requests for
information are received.
Homeowners, Property Owners
Landowners Guide to Stream Management & Restoration — manual
Creek Crawl Program
Floatables (Trash/Litter)
Citizens of Winston-Salem
Adopt a Stream
Adopt a Street
Adopt a Park
KWSB Volunteer Programming (Big Sweep, Great American Clean Up)
Targeted mass media advertising as needed to address citizen concerns/complaints
Materials are distributed at presentations in the classroom, community presentations, and public
events. Materials are also distributed at various other locations for the public to take informational
handouts including but not limited to the Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building and Salem Lake Marina.
Professional training for landscape companies is provided at various workshops typically provided
during Forsyth Creek Week in conjunction with the NC State Extension Office Forsyth County Center.
Carolina Yards & Neighborhoods workshops and the Backyard Buffer workshop provide residential
lawn and yard care information. Pet waste information is provided to the County Animal Shelter, the
Humane Society, AARF, Stepping Stones Canine Rescue, local vet offices, dog trainers, and
apartment complexes as requested by the various locations. If new handouts are required to address
a stormwater related education topic, the Senior Community Educator works with the Marketing and
Communications Department to create the handouts.
Items marked with an asterisk were developed through the Piedmont Triad Water Quality Partnership,
a regional consortium of seventeen municipal and county governments. Through dues paid into the
PTWQP, funding was provided for television and radio advertising and annual programs materials.
The City of Winston-Salem actively participated in the partnership until it was dissolved. The City of
Winston-Salem now participates in Stormwater SMART through the Piedmont Triad Regional Council
for Mass Media Outreach related to stormwater topics. Stormwater SMART historically has provided
two media campaigns (one in the fall and one in the spring) and the topics are voted upon by a
committee made of the participating members based on identified need in their respective
communities for stormwater education.
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
Program Evaluation
The stormwater division evaluates and shifts the community outreach focus as needed to address the
needs and requests of the community. We adjust the pollutants targeted based on community needs
such as citizen complaints, IDDE reports, citizen feedback, and citizen requests/suggestions. All
major programmatic changes, such as changing the target pollutants or audiences, and reasoning
behind the changes are reported in the annual report. For minor changes, such as receiving more
complaints or IDDE reports of a specific type (for example, pet waste), the stormwater division uses a
variety of approaches to best target the specific portion of the community involved. These methods
may include (but are not limited to) a targeted mass media campaign, social media posts, targeted
mailers to a specific type of business, or targeted fliers in the area of the complaints or IDDE reports.
Education/Outreach Goals
BMP - Public
Measurable Goals
Stormwater Program
Annual Reporting
Education and
from Permit
Task Items
(a) Describe target
Describe the target
Target pollutants will be
Target pollutants
pollutants and target
pollutants and target
described in the Annual
will be described,
pollutant sources
pollutants sources
Report, SWMP
and changes
the permittee's
documents, and relevant
outlined in the
public education
SOP related documents.
Annual Report.
program is designed
to address and why
they are an issue.
(b) Describe target
Describe the target
Target audiences will
Target audiences
audiences likely to
be described in the
will be described,
have significant
Annual Report,
and changes
storm water impacts
SWMP documents,
outlined in the
and why they were
and relevant SOP
Annual Report.
related documents.
• Target audiences will
be evaluated for
appropriateness to
sources/practices and
readjusted, if needed.
(c) Informational
The permittee shall
Maintain and update the
The Senior
Web Site
promote and
City of Winston-Salem
maintain, an internet
website with pertinent
Educator will report
web site designed to
stormwater information
the top three most
convey the
on a quarterly basis or
researched topics
program's message.
more frequently as need
from the website
and a log of any
changes to the
website is
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
(d) Distribute public
Distribute general
Create, maintain, and
The Senior
education materials
update informational
to identified user
educational material
handouts, programs,
Educator will
to appropriate target
and online information
provide a summary
groups as likely to
relevant to Winston-
of all completed
have a significant
Salem about the
educational and
stormwater impact.
targeted pollutants.
outreach activities
Instead of
Distribute targeted
(with corresponding
developing its own
information to
workload data,
materials, the
businesses and
example - number
permittee may rely
residents based on
and type of
on state -supplied
identified need for
Public Education
stormwater related
distributed) that
and Outreach
bolster annual
Materials, as
Participate in
permit compliance.
available, when
Stormwater SMART
implementing its
Mass Media Outreach
own program.
to provide stormwater
related information to
the region.
(e) Promote and
Promote and
Maintain and Promote
The Senior
maintain Hotline(s)
maintain a
the CityLink contact
or Helpline(s)
information on
Educator will report
hotline(s) or
handouts, the website,
the total number of
helpline(s) for the
and presentations.
public to request
Conduct training with
calls through
information about
CityLink staff for
stormwater, public
stormwater related
involvement &
participation, and to
report illicit
connections &
discharges, etc.
(f) Implement a
The permittee's
• Complete a minimum
The Senior
Public Education
outreach program,
of 12 school
and Outreach
including those
presentations per
Educator will
permit year.
provide a summary
implemented locally
. Complete a minimum
of all completed
or through a
of 3 community
educational and
presentations per
outreach activities
agreement, shall
permit year.
(with corresponding
include a
. Participate in a
workload data,
combination of
minimum of 1
example - number
community events per
and type of
designed to reach
permit year.
the target
distributed) that
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
audiences. For each
. Distribute targeted
bolster annual
media, event, or
information to
permit compliance.
activity, including
businesses and
those elements
residents based on
implemented locally
identified need for
or through a
stormwater related
agreement the
Participate in
permittee shall
Stormwater SMART
estimate and record
Mass Media Outreach
the extent of
to provide stormwater
related information to
the region.
Public Involvement and Participation Goals
BMP - Public
Involvement and
Measurable Goals
from Permit
Program Goals
Annual Reporting
Task Items
(a) Volunteer
The permittee shall
Provide and promote
The Senior
include and promote
a minimum of two
Community Educator
involvement program
dedicated stormwater
will provide a
volunteer programs
summary of all
designed to promote
to people in Winston-
ongoing citizen
Salem (including but
not limited to, Adopt-
volunteer, and public
A -Stream, Storm
participation activities
Drain Marking
(with corresponding
workload data) that
bolster annual permit
(b) Establish a
The permittee shall
Provide opportunities
The Senior
Mechanism for Public
provide and promote
for public
Community Educator
a mechanism for
involvement through
will report the total
public involvement
City of Winston-
number of
that provides for
Salem Council and
input on stormwater
Committee Meetings,
calls through
issues and the
Stormwater Appeals
stormwater program.
Board, and CityLink
The City Clerk's
"Suggestion and
office maintains
Comment" services.
records of City
Council and
Committee Meetings
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)
(c) Establish
Hotline(s) or
The permittee shall
promote and
maintain a hotline(s)
or helpline(s) for the
public to request
information about
stormwater, public
involvement &
participation, and to
report illicit
connections &
discharges, etc.
Maintain and
Promote the CityLink
contact information
on handouts, the
website, and
Conduct training with
CityLink staff for
stormwater related
The Senior
Community Educator
will report the total
number of
calls through
(d) Public Review &
The permittee shall
Post and update, as
make their most
needed, the
recent Stormwater
Management Plans
Management Plan to
available for public
the Stormwater
review and comment.
Division's web a e.
(e) Public Notice
Pursuant to 40 CFR
The City of Winston-
122.34 the permittee
Salem will comply
must, at a minimum,
with applicable public
comply with State,
notice requirements
Tribal and local
when implementing a
public notice
public involvement
requirements when
and participation
implementing a
Compliance with 40
CFR 122.34 is
tion program.
achieved by working
with the City
Secretary's Office,
Marketing and
Communications and
the Community
Assistance Specialist
for scheduling,
advertising, and
posting public
Last Updated on 3/31/21 by Hanna Miller
(document reflects BMP contents for public educational programmatic goals and objectives)