HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #34 - Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection FormFrom:
Jamal Clark
Keith Jones
Marks(a)cityofws.org; Paul Morrison; Andy Allen
Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection
Friday, May 20, 2022 2:09:32 PM
NCG11 20180601 to 20230531.odf
Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection Package.ndf
Forms that we went over on 5 17 22 that need to be modifed uodated.odf
Good afternoon Mr. Jones,
I am furnishing you an electronic copy of the finished Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection packet.
Thank you for you time regarding this Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection process and I encourage
you contact me if you and when there are questions. Please see attachments
The attachments will include:
• A copy of the NCG110000 Permit Treatment Works, Effective 6-1-2018, Expires 5-31-2023:
• Muddy Creek WWTP Reinspection Packet (PDF)
• The majority of the information that we all went over on May 17, 2022 that needed to be
completed from the SWPPP at Muddy Creek WWTP (PDF)
• Muddy Creek SWPPP (Word Doc)
• Muddy Creek Appendix A-B-C-D-E-F of SWPPP (Word Doc)
Ladonta Clark (Jamal)
Stormwater Operations Supervisor
City of Winston Salem
Stormwater Division
Field Operations Department
Phone: 336.747.6964
Cell: 336.416.2403
Fax: 336.748.3173
Field Operations
Stormwater Division
City of Winston-Salem
P.O. Box 2511
Winston-Salem, NC 27102
CityLink 336.727.8000
Call 311 or 336-727-8000
May 20, 2022
Mr. Keith Jones
Senior Utilities Plant Supervisor
Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utilities
Muddy Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
4561 Cooper Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27127
Dear Mr. Jones:
The City of Winston-Salem's Stormwater Division would like to thank you for your
time and professional courtesy regarding the May 17, 2022, inspection of the Muddy
Creek Wastewater Treatment Plant.
As per your request, a copy of the completed inspection form has been enclosed to
you. Part 5 of this report (Required Actions to be completed by Facility) contains
Annotations # 1-31 that Muddy Creek WWTP must complete. Please provide
documentation that verifies you have successfully completed all corrective measures
to my attention by Friday, August 19, 2022.
The Stormwater Division reserves the right to enter Muddy Creek WWTP as often as
necessary to determine compliance with permit requirements of NCG110133.
Thank you for your continued support of the City of Winston-Salem's Stormwater
Management Program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Ladonta Clark (Jamal)
Stormwater Operations Supervisor
City of Winston Salem
Stormwater Division
Field Operations Department
Phone: 336.747.6964
Cell: 336.416.2403
Ladontac(&,,cityofws. org
City Council: Mayor Allen Joines; Denise D. Adams, Mayor Pro Tempore, North Ward; Dan Besse, Southwest Ward; Robert C. Clark,
West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Jeff Macintosh, Northwest Ward; Morticia "Tee -Tee" Parmon, Northeast Ward; Annette Scippio,
East Ward; James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward; City Manager: Lee D. Garrity
Stormwater/Erosion Control Division
Industrial and Municipal Good Housekeeping Inspection Form
General Information
A) Official Company Name: City of Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Utilities (Muddy Creek WWTP)
B) Physical Address: 4561 Cooper Road, Winston-Salem, NC 27127
C) Telephone Number: 336-784-4701(o) and (336) 397-7679
D) Mailing Address, if different from above address: PO Box 2511, Winston-Salem, NC 27102
E) Authorized contacts to represent entity in environmental regulatory issues:
Primary contact: Keith Jones
Title: Senior Utilities Plant Supervisor
Contact number(s): 336-397-7679(o)
Email address: keithj@cityofws.org
Secondary contact: Frank Crump
Title: Wastewater Superintendent
Contact number(s): 336-397-7625(o)
Email address: frankc@cityofws.org
F) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Number of business/operation (if applicable): N/A
G) NC Stormwater NPDES Permit Number (if applicable): NCG110133
Permit Category: Wastewater Treatment
H) Any other control authority permit(s) (e.g. air quality control, wastewater, hazardous waste) & number(s):
NCO050342 — Wastewater Permit
00878 — Air Quality Permit (Through Forsyth County Local Program)
I) Brief description of facility activities that occur on -site:
Facility is a 21 million gallon per day (MGD) wastewater treatment facility. Facility receives
wastewater from across the City of Winston-Salem and treats it prior to discharging the treated water.
I) Ultimate Receiving Waters: Muddy Creek/South Fork Muddy Creek
TMDL stream ®Yes ❑No If Yes, What Pollutants of Concern: Total Suspended Solids
Part 1 - Stormwater Controls
1. Best Management Practices (BMPs)
a. List the controls (structural or non-structural) emnloveci by the
E.g., Oil Water separators, cleaning schedules, structural BMP maintenance records
1. Waste roll -off container undercover at headworks
2. Sweeping and Dust Suppression performed during active construction
3. Secondary Containment for various chemicals and fuel sources stored onsite.
b. Are the non-structural BMPs reasonable & appropriate for the facility? ❑Yes ®No
The Lime Slurry Tank area needs to be placed on an increased cleaning frequency, since
Stormwater staff observed refuge calcium carbonate within the immediate open
c. Are stormwater control measures (SCMs) installed correctly, maintained, and effective operating condition?
®Yes ❑ No ❑ N/A
The Riprap channel that discharges to SDO-010 acts as a SCM at the facility for
stormwater retention from the upland subbasin.
2. Provide a brief description of other controls that manage/prevent/minimize stormwater runoff
(e.g., erosion and sediment controls, inlet protection/control at storm drains, diversion structures):
All outfalls at the facility discharge to a vegetated area, wooded or lowland grasses, which assist in
the removal of potential pollutants before surface waters.
Part 2 — Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDOs)
1. Any evidence of discharge to receiving waters/MS4 from the SDOs? (e.g.: stormwater runoff, dry weather
discharge, co -mingling of process wastewater, trash, debris, oil and grease): ®Yes ❑No
On the second reinspection dated 5-17-22, catch basin #13.3 had no evidence of discharged
waste lime material from the contracted supply vendor. Despite that, the supply vendor
and Utilities staff must complete additional training of appropriate good housekeeping
practices to eliminate all future illicit dumping of waste lime material into the drainage
system of SDO-013.
2) Do the stormwater outfalls on -site correspond with those listed on the site map in the Stormwater Pollution
Prevention Plan (SWPPP)? ®Yes ❑No
Please place the updated SDO map into your SWPPP.
3) Summary of Stormwater Discharge Outfalls
SDO Identification
Potential Pollutants that
Physical Location
Latitude and
could be discharged
if known
TSS, Oil & Grease
Discharge from large
(Parking Lot & Truck
riprap ditch near entrance
Storage), Odor Scrubber
to the facility.
TSS, Polymer, Digester
Pipe outlet on eastern side
Runoff, Chlorite Runoff
of facility near Digester #4.
TSS, Lime from Silo,
Pipe outlet near old South
Primary Clarifier Runoff
Fork Interceptor on east
side of facility.
TSS, Clarifier Runoff,
Pipe outlet at eastern side
Unknown (moved since
Grease Removal Runoff,
of facility south of
last map update)
Fueling Area Runoff
warehouse near fueling
TSS, Clarifier Runoff
Pipe outlet at southeast
corner of facility
TSS, Clarifier Runoff,
Pipe outlet at south side of
Ammonium Nitrate (no
facility near pump station.
longer in use)
TSS, Chemical Storage
Pipe outlet at southwest
Runoff, Wash water
corner of facility
TSS, Aeration Basin
Pipe outlet on western side
of facility, located at the
end of middle road of
TSS, Oil & Grease
Pipe outlet on western side
(Parking Lot), Aeration
of facility, south of
Basin Runoff
administration building
arkin lot
TSS (No Industrial
Pipe outlet at end of road
Unknown (New)
at backside of new
Part 3 - BMP: Inspection and Maintenance Program
Yes N/A No Notes
Is secondary containment provided for materials (including
waste) or products stored outside in tanks and/or containers
where applicable)?
Are secondary containment areas free of accumulated water,
The secondary containment
debris, cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks?
vessel has accumulated leaking
diesel fuel from the storage tank.
Does the facility maintain secondary containment drain logs?
Do the drain logs confirm the presence of pollutants and other
The logs need to state that
pertinent information, such as signatory requirements, name of
liquids are pumped to
secondary containment area, date, time, and if drainage is
headworks when completed.
connected to MS4 or receiving waters?
Are tanks and containers in good condition, closed, and
The diesel fuel tank still appears
properly marked?
has a leak from last reinspection
dated March 17, 2022.
Are tanks, containers, and piping free of rust, pits,
The diesel fuel tank has peeling,
deterioration, or evidence of leaks?
flaking paint from last
reinspection dated March 17,
2022, that was not addressed. An
action item has been added to
reflect the rust behind the
flaking paint.
Are tanks and containers protected from impacts from
moving vehicles and equipment? (e.g., bollards and curbs
Any activities that have not been addressed or designed to
The past evidence of waste lime
minimize exposure to runoff? (e.g., herbicide application)
material being illicitly dumped
into the drainage system of
SDO-13 has been cleaned from
the March 17, 2022,
In the case of a spill, does the municipal operation or
industrial facility maintain and submit documentation to the
City of WS on a spill release form?
Any roof stacks that have the potential to release
Odor scrubbers exist on site;
however, devices do not produce
Are all hazardous materials properly labeled and stored to
Hazardous wastes are all stored
prevent exposure to stormwater runoff?
in secondary containment and
are labeled.
Are solid waste containers in good condition and of sufficient
size to contain all waste? If so, how is this determined?
Do the solid waste containers have covers and closed drain
Are solid waste containers free of waste that requires special
At Muddy creek WWTP, the
handling/disposal? Are containers properly labeled to ensure
solid waste containers are a part
correct disposal means?
of primary process removing
solids and grit from wastewater.
Part 3 - BMP: Inspection and Maintenance Program
Yes N/A No Notes
Are solid waste containers labeled "Prohibited - No
Waste container is regularly
Hazardous Waste, No Recyclable Materials, No Liquids?"
removed. Please create signage
and ensure it remains in the
headworks facility. The signage
was not added from last
reinspection 3-17-2022.
Does the facility utilize oil water separators? If yes, are the
inspection and maintenance records documented?
Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the
A locking mechanism must be
closed position, unless the facility is draining the secondary
placed on the drainage valve at
the diesel fuel AST. This is
reflected in Part 4 — Required
Actions to be completed by
Are special containers provided for other types of waste?
(e.g., liquid waste or hazardous waste)
Site Overview
Part 4 — Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) Review
Yes No Notes
Is there a SWPPP? Is it current?
Out of date, last updated in
Does SWPPP include a certification statement by the responsible
Last certified in 2018, must
corporate officer?
be done annually.
Does the general map depict the facility's location on a USGS
quad map (or equivalent map) with receiving waters (or MS4)
Identification of impaired waters or watershed (if applicable)?
303d Stream — Muddy
Narrative Description of these Industrial/Operational Activities:
Narrative practices in the
Storage Practices
outdated SWPPP no longer
Unloading/Loading Activities
match the process being
Outdoor Processes
completed on site.
Particulate Generating/Control Processes
Currently, the wastewater
Waste Disposal
plant is undergoing active
Vehicle/Equipment Washing
construction. The Plan will
need to be updated.
Does site map denote drainage items: flow direction, boundaries,
Please place the updated
% impervious, and structures? Does the map also include SDOs,
site maps in SWPPP.
industrial activity areas, and site topography?
A list of major spills that have occurred within the past three years
Records have not been
(with corrective actions to prevent future spills)?
maintained for over three
years. If no major spills
occur, that must be
documented annually.
A signed, annual certification that the facility has been tested for
Last signed certification
non-stormwater discharges from the site?
was dated 2018.
• Division or DEMLR The Division of Energy, Mineral, and Land Resources, Department of
Environmental Quality (DEQ), formerly the Department of Environment and Natural
• The permittee shall develop and implement a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
(SPPP). The SPPP shall be maintained on site unless exempted from this requirement by
the Division.
• Facility inspections are different from, and in addition to, the stormwater discharge
characteristic monitoring at the outfalls required.
• The permittee shall report to the local DEMLR Regional Office, within 24 hours, all
significant spills as defined in Part IV of this general permit. Additionally, the permittee
shall report spills including: any oil spill of 25 gallons or more, any spill regardless of
amount that causes a sheen on surface waters, any oil spill regardless of amount occurring
within 100 feet of surface waters, and any oil spill less than 25 gallons that cannot be
cleaned up within 24 hours.
• Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SPPP) A comprehensive site -specific plan which
details measures and practices to reduce stormwater pollution and is based on an
evaluation of the pollution potential of the site. Also known as SWPPP.
• Information regarding NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System)
Stormwater Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit can be found at the
following link: https:Hdeci.nc.gov/media/14105/download
0 Physical Address of North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality
217 West Jones Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 Telephone (877)-623-6748
• The Link to Stormwater Program Contacts at NCDEQ is
• The Link to NCG110000: Treatment Works, Effective 6-1-2018, Expires 5-31-2023:
• This link may provide some templates to save time on making a few forms that are needed
to achieve compliance: https://deci.nc.2ov/energy-mineral-and-land-
Stormwater Management Strategy
Yes No Notes
Does SWPPP incorporate the nine baseline controls:
Last updated in 2008
Feasibility study needs to be
Feasibility Study (technical & economic review to minimize pollutant exposure)
updated to match current
facility status.
Secondary containment list
Secondary Containment (table summary of tanks, stored materials, release records)
needs to be updated but
release records are kept.
New BMP summary needs to
BMP Summary (listing of site structural/nonstructural practices)
be created to match the new
Documentation of inspections
PM & GH (inspection of material handling areas & regular cleaning schedules)
of areas of concern must be
done. A cleaning schedule for
problem areas must be
created and implemented.
Please perform and
Facility Inspections (biannual inspections of facility and all stormwater systems,
were the inspections completed during separate parts of the year?)
documentation a facility
inspection. They must be
completed twice annually.
Employee training is
Employee Training (annual basis for staff who perform SPRP and GH functions)
documented in the past, but
not the present. Facility must
complete training for 2022.
Responsible Party (specific position(s)/person(s)-developing, implementing, &
Responsible party needs to be
revising SWPPP)
updated and signed off on to
ensure all involved are aware
of requirements.
Last certifications were the
Amendment & Annual Update (of major spills, non-sw flows, BMPs, sampling data)
non-stormwater flow
certification and SWPPP
certification completed in
2018. All certifications must
be done annually.
Does SWPPP contain completed routine inspection reports/records
Part 4- Required Actions to
regarding reportable implementation of the nine baseline controls
be completed by Facility will
(e.g., SWPPP Implementation)?
assist in with SWPPP
Does the Spill Response Procedures (SPRP) document all spills and
releases? Does the entity properly dispose of contaminated materials
used in the clean up? Is the disposal of materials documented? Has a
SPRP needs to be updated
contact person(s) and contact information been identified and
with current spill team.
documented for each facility?
Analytical Monitoring (if not applicable, please notate)
Yes No Notes
Are samples collected within 30 minutes of the first discharge from
Not Applicable — Not
a measurable rain event and at least 72 hours since the last storm
required per NCG11
permit, no vehicle
Are sampling events 60 days apart? (EXCEPTION: Tier 2 & 3 responses)
Is analytical monitoring complete (including schedule) for each
Any exceedances of pollutant parameters when compared against
the permit benchmark values? If yes, have they documented their
response to the Department of Environmental Quality?
Has the facility implemented appropriate, selected actions to
reduce pollutant concentrations, in response to benchmark
exceedances (if applicable)?
Qualitative Monitoring
Yes No Notes
Is qualitative monitoring being performed during measurable storm
Is qualitative monitoring complete (including schedule) for each
Are monitoring events 60 days apart? (EXCEPTION: Tier 2 & 3 responses)
Any observable, excessive amounts of pollutant indicators in
stormwater discharge at SDOs?
Part 5 — Required Actions to be completed by t
1. Please determine a permanent solution to prevent further rusting from the Secondary containment
vessel for diesel fuel.
2. Although staff at Muddy Creek WWTP have provided a temporary solution for preventing spills
on the secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel, please add a lock out tag out device or a
locking mechanism on the valve to prevent the release of diesel fuel permanently.
3. Please determine a permanent solution to prevent the secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel
from leaking in the future.
4. Please ensure that the supply vendor and Utilities staff must complete additional training of
appropriate good housekeeping practices to eliminate all future illicit dumping of waste lime
material into the drainage system of SDO-013. Once completed, please provide documentation.
5. Please increase the cleaning frequency at the Lime Slurry Tank. Also, once completed please
provide the documentation of the frequency and incorporate the changes into the SWPPP.
6. On the Notification of Releases of the SWPPP, please change North Carolina DENR to North
Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (DEMLR) to reflect to the current name.
7. Please update table 10 section 3.5 spill repair tools to reflect all Spill Control Equipment,
quantities, and locations onsite at Muddy Creek WWTP.
8. Please update, verify, sign, the certificate of non-stormwater discharges form.
9. Please ensure the feasibility study has been fully resolved with all needed documentation along
with all dates for documentary purposes. Once the feasibility study has been completed, please
add it to the annual certification statement.
10. Please update memorandum for utility plant superintendent and facility staff, Muddy creek
WWTP that currently says 2008. Please ensure that the update reflects the year 2022.
11. On the memorandum for utility plant superintendent and facility and staff Muddy Creek WWTP,
please ensure that the point of contact for permit information is NCDWQ is still current. Also,
please confirm the telephone number 919-807-6300 is current. If not, please update.
12. On SWPPP certification form 1, please update the SWPPT team members to reflect current
operations and staff at Muddy Creek WWTP.
13. On the review certification form 2, please document all updates that are made from this industrial
inspection to track changes.
14. Please re-evaluate the effectiveness of the onsite stormwater BMPs. Please ensure that all
stormwater BMPs are current.
15. On section 2.5.6, which is for the riprap apron velocity dissipater, please ensure that it lists that all
riprap is laid on a geotextile fabric liner.
16. On table 6 of the BMP status please create target dates that Muddy Creek WWTP intends on
completing each task.
17. On table 1 of the compliance tasks schedule, please update target dates to reflect future changes
(year 5).
18. Please update section 7 the responsible party section and the SWPPT organization chart to reflect
current changes.
19. On section 7.1 SWPPT organizational chart, please change SWPPT members to SWPPT positions.
20. On appendix C section of the SWPPP, please add to all changes to the plan amendment that have
been made since 2008. Please add a statement listing that no other changes have been made since
current date.
21. Please add a hard copy of the NCG11000 Treatment Works permit that reflects July 1, 2018 -May
311 2023, to the SWPPP to ensure staff can have the most current permit cycle for guidance. The
NCG11000 Treatment Works permit is in Appendix E of the SWPPP of Muddy Creek WWTP and
should always be stored there.
22. Please provide all release from secondary contaminant releases BMP checklist #5 Appendix F
23. Please list on the preventative maintenance program that Muddy Creek WWTP uses a database to
store all documents related. Please list name and the website link to provide more clarity for
inspectors and anyone reader of the SWPPP.
24. Please create and implement a good housekeeping check list to ensure all practices are maintained
25. Please provide employee training to staff members that are responsible for spill response and
cleanup, preventative maintenance activities and for any other facilities operations that have
potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. When this training is completed, please add a copy of
the documentation to the SWPPP. Please ensure that document includes, names, signatures,
position name of the employee, dates, purpose of the training, and a description of the training.
26. Please identify facility personnel responsible for spill prevention and response procedures (SPRP)
on an identified written list signed and dated by each person acknowledging that responsibilities
for the plan.
27. Please create a sign in headworks that says "prohibited — No Hazardous Waste, No Recyclable
Materials, No Liquids". Once the sign has been created, please place the sign in a place where it
can be visible for reading purposes.
28. On the drain log sheets please permanently state or imply that all liquids are pumped to
headworks when the process is completed. This can be something that can be added as a note on
each form so that staff will not have to continually write this down.
29. On section 1.5 of significant spills, the last documentation on a spill for Muddy Creek WWTP was
in 2009. Muddy Creek WWTP must maintain a list of significant spills or leaks of pollutants
during the previous three (3) years and any corrective actions taken to mitigate spill impacts.
Please provide records of the past three years of significant spills. If there have been no spills for
each year, then please document that as such in section 1.5 of significant spills. Remember, this can
be oil or any hazardous substance usually twenty-five gallons or more.
30. Please add all newly created and or edited sitemaps to the SWPPP as references.
31. Please perform a facility inspection at Muddy Creek WWTP. Once the facility inspection has been
conducted, please document the inspection, and store the documentation in the SWPPP.
Entity Representative(s) that participated in inspection: Keith Jones, Paul Morrison, and Mark
Title(s): Senior Utilities Plant Supervisor, Senior Utilities Plant Operator, Utilities Plant
Start of Inspection: 09:15 A.M.
Completion of Inspection: 2:00 P.M.
Date: May 17, 2022
Signature of Inspector:`
Title: Stormwater Inspector
Picture # 1 Secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel with heavy rust buildup
Picture # 2 A drainage valve that has a temporary plug in it preventing accidental or willful spills on a
secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel.
Although staff at Muddy Creek WWTP have provided a temporary solution for preventing spills on the
secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel, please add a lock out tag out device or a locking mechanism
on the valve to prevent the release of diesel fuel.
Picture # 3 Dark spots of past stains of diesel fuel from the secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel
Please determine a permanent solution to prevent the secondary containment vessel for diesel fuel from
leaking in the future.