HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #33 - Fleet Services Reinspection Forml" September 2, 2021 W1111SL1111 SdIC111 Donald McDaniel Field Operations Fleet Services Team Leader Stomuvatu Division City of Winston-Salem P.O. BOX 2511 City orWlnstmr.Salein Winston-Salem, NC 27102 110. Box 2511 Winston-Salem, NC 27102 CityLink 336.727.8000 Dear Mr. McDaniel, The Stormwater Division of the City of Winston-Salem would like to thank you for your time and professional courtesy regarding the August 20, 2021 re -inspection of City of Winston-Salem Fleet Services. Asper our discussion,. a copy of the completed inspection form has been enclosed to you. Part 5 of this report (Required Actions to be completed by Facility) contains Annotations #1-56 of Actions that Fleet Services must complete. Please provide documentation that verifies Fleet Services successfully completed the corrective measures to me by December 3, 202L The Stormwater Division reserves the right to enter the City of Winston-Salem — Fleet Services as often as necessary to determine compliance with the permit requirement of NCG080801. Thank you for your continued support of the City of Winston-Salem's Stormwater Program. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, djr � Ladonta Clark (Jamal) Stormwater Operations Supervisor City of Winston Salem Stormwater Division Field Operations Department Phone: 336.747.6964 Cell: 336.416.2403 E-Mail: ladontac@citvofws.org ��� �, � �j [� � � � City Council: Mayor Allen Joines; Denise D. Adams, Mayor Pro Temporq North Ward; Barbara Hanes Burke, Northeast Ward; Aobert C. Clerk, West Ward; John C. Larson, South Ward; Leff Macintosh, Northwest Ward; Kevin Mundy, Soutlawes[ Werd; Annette Scippio, East Ward; Call 311 or 336-727-6000 James Taylor, Jr., Southeast Ward; Lee D. Garrity, City Manager citylink@cityofws.org l!!J 14fnslan8mem Stormwater/Erosion Control Division Industrial and Municipal Good Housekeeping Inspection Form General Information A) Official Company Name: City of Winston-Salem —Fleet Services B) Physical Address: 650 Rams Drive, Winston-Salem, NC 27101 C) Telephone Number: 336-727-2277 D) Mailing Address, if different from above address: P.O. Box 2511, Winston-Salem, NC 27102 E) Authorized contacts to represent entiTy in environmental regulatory issues: Primary contact: Donald McDaniel Title: Fleet Services Team Leader Contact number(s): 336-748-3957 Email address: DonaldGM@CityofWS.org Secondary contact: Will Smith Title: Parts Team Leader Contact number(s): 336-748-3892 Email address: WilliamJS@CityofWS.org F) Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Number of business/operation (if applicable): 75 G) NC Stormwater NPDES Permit Number (if applicable): NCG080801 Permit Category: Transit and Transportation (with >55 gallons of oil usage on average) H) Any other control authority permits) (e.g. air quality control, wastewater, hazardous waste) & number(s): N/A I) Brief description of faciliTy activities that occur on -site: Facility is used as the primary location of all vehicle maintenance for municipally owned vehicles. Facility is split into heavy duty repair, medium duty repair, and light duty repair. Facility also is used as a storage yard for vehicles to be sent to auction or wrecked vehicles. I) Ultimate Receiving Waters: Salem Creek TMDL stream ®Yes ❑No If Yes, What Pollutants: Fecal Coliform Part 1- Stormwater Controls 1. Best Management Practices (BMPs) a. List the controls (structural or non-structural) emnloved by the E.g. Oil Water separators, cleaning schedules, structural BMP maintenance records 1. 2 Oil -Water Separators, one at light duty maintenance and one at heavy duty maintenance 2. Regular facility inspections 3. Above ground tanks stored undercover 4. Pervious gravel area used as parking for heavy duty vehicles waiting for service b. Are the non-structural BMPs reasonable & appropriate for the facility? ❑Yes ®No During the inspection large amounts of sediment build-up were discovered along the curbing and near storm drain inlets. A more rigorous cleaning schedule needs to be implemented to ensure sediment and other pollutants do not reach the MS4 system. c. Are Stormwater control measures (SCMs) installed correctly, maintained, and effective operating condition? ❑Yes ❑ No ®N/A No physical SCMs are located at the facility. Stormwater SCMs are designed to remove pollutants from urban runoff, improve water quality, and control quantity before the water reaches our streams and drinking water supply reservoirs 2. Provide a brief description of other controls that manage/prevent/minnnize Stormwater runoff (e.g., erosion and sediment controls, inlet protection/control at storm drains, diversion structures): Silt sacks are located in three of the drop inlets however they do not appear to be regularly checked or replaced. Please purchase new silt sacks to help reduce TSS concentrations. Part 2 —Stormwater Discharge Outfalls (SDOs) 1. Any evidence of discharge to receiving waters/MS4 from the SDOs? (e.g.: stonnwater runoff, dry weather discharge, co -mingling of process wastewater, trash, debris, oil and grease): ®Yes ❑No Comments At the time of the inspection a large oil stain from a previous leak was discovered in the gI avel area of the facility. This stain was observed running into a storm drain with evidence of it being discharged to the MS4 system. Stormwater staff informed facility personnel that the spill needed to be cleaned up immediately and that it should be disposed of properly. 2) Do the stormwater outfalls on -site correspond with those listed on the site map in the Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)7 ®Yes ❑No Comments The most current site map was given to Fleet Services July 1, 2021 in digital form. 3) Summary of Stormwater Discharge Outfalls SDO Identification Potential Pollutants that Physical Location Latitude and could be discharged Longitude if known SDO401 Sediment, Oil & Grease, Manhole near southern 36.0886739 -80.23548 Trash, Vehicular Fluids grate inlet in graveled parking area of heavy machinery SDO=002 Sediment, Oil & Grease, Manhole in middle of the 36.0881699 -80.235115 Fuel, Trash western entrance of fueling stations. SDO-003 Sediment, Oil & Grease, Curb inlet east of entrance 36.08902,-80.233628 Trash, Vehicular Fluids near fueling stations. Part 3 - BMP: Inspection and maintenance program Yes N/A No Notes Is secondary containment provided for materials (including X Spill containment pallet waste) or products stored outside in tanks and/or containers needs to be added to (where applicable)? Diesel Exhaust Fluid shed. Are secondary containment free of accumulated water, debris, X Evidence of leaking cracks, holes, or evidence of leaks? coming from tank in AST storage room. Does the facility maintain secondary containment drain logs? X Secondary is indoors. Do the drain logs confirm the presence of pollutants and other X Secondary is indoors pertinent information, such as signatory requirements, name of away from rainfall. secondary containment area, date, time, and if drainage is connected to MS4 or receiving waters? Are tanks and containers in good condition, closed, and X Single tank appears to be propeft marked? leaking from pump. Are tanks, containers, and piping free of rust, pits, X Single tank appears to be deterioration, or evidence of leaks? leaking from pump Are tanks and containers protected from impacts from moving X Large amount of totes vehicles and equipment? E.g. bollards and curbs being stored behind the building are at risk from e ui ment. Any activities that have not been addressed or designed in X order to minimize exposure to runoff (e.g. herbicide application) In the case of a spill, does the municipal operation or industrial X facility maintain and submit documentation to the City of WS on a spill release form? Any roof stacks that have the potential to release X solids/particulate? Are all hazardous materials properly labeled and stored to X DEF totes in rear of prevent exposure to stormwater runoff? facility need to be under cover or removed. Are solid waste containers in good condition and of sufficient X Trash dumpster on heavy size to contain all waste? If so, how is this determined? machinery side is rusted to the extent of breaking. Do the solid waste containers have covers and closed drain X plugs? Are solid waste containers free of waste that requires special X handling/disposal? Are containers properly labeled to ensure correct disposal means? Are solid waste containers labeled "Prohibited - No Hazardous X Used oil filters labeled, Waste, No Recyclable Materials, No Liquids?" trash dumpsters are not. Are special containers provided for other types of waste? E.g. X Used oil filters and used liquid waste or hazardous waste oil containers. Does the facility utilize oil water separators? If yes, are the X Maintenance records are inspection and maintenance records documented? documented and sent to the Stormwater Division. Are secondary containment drain valves maintained in the X closed position, unless the facility is draining the secondary containment? Site Overview Part 4 — Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) Review Yes No Notes Is there a SWPPP? Is it up-to-date? X SWPPP last listed as updated in 2018, data in SWPPP appears have been IX u dated in 2007 Does SWPPP include a certification statement by the responsible X No updated general corporate officer? certification statement. Does the general map depict the facility's location on a USGS Salem Creek listed as quad map (or equivalent map) with receiving waters (or MS4) impaired listed? Identification of impaired waters or watershed (if applicable)? X Salem Creek - Fecal Narrative Description of these Industrial/Operational Activities: X General information given Storage Practices for the industrial/ Unloading/Loading Activities operational activities at the Outdoor Processes facility are too vague to Particulate Generating/Control Processes properly be considered Waste Disposal complaint. Vehicle/Equipment Washing Does site map denote drainage items: flow direction, boundaries, X % impervious, and structures? Does the map also include SDOs, industrial activity areas, and site topography? A list of major spills that have occurred within the past three years X with corrective actions to prevent futurespills)? A signed, annual certification that the facility has been tested for X non-stormwater discharges from the site? Comments: The SWPPP is out of date and does not include the proper amount of detail for the facility. The SWPPP needs to be updated to be more site specific. The table with AST list needs to be brought up-to-date to match with what tanks are located on site. With known TSS exceedances in the past, please be mindful that the goal is to reduce the TSS along with reducing any other pollutants that may be in the elements. Please take note that sediment particles have the potential to cloud water which changes the turbidity which could smother out habitats for fish and plants. Analytical Samulin¢ is now aerformed on the followin¢ schedule below: I. January 1 —March 31 (missed) II. April 1 —June 30 (missed) III. July 1 — September 30 (Currently Fleet Services is in this period in time) V. October 1— December 31. Sample results shall be recorded on Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) forms provided by the Director. DMR forms are available on the Division's website: httus://deu.nc.eov/about/divisions/enerev-mineral-land-resources/nodes-industrial- stormwater.) Comments: Online Payments for Stormwater Industrial NPDES permits and Stormwater Construction NPDES permits can be payed here: httys:Hdea.nc.eov/about/divisions/eneravmmineral-and- land-resources/stormwater/stormwater-uroeram/stormwater-eoavm ents Notice of intent can be on here: httns://files.nc.eov/ncdea/Enerev%20Mineral%20and%2OLand%2OResources/Stormwater/ NPDES%20General%2OPermits/NCG08-NOI-2O210629mDEMLR-SW.adf The latest copy of the NCG08 General Permit can be found here: httns://files.nc.eov/nedea/Enerev%2OMineral%20and%2OLand%2OResources/Stormwater/ NPDES%20Gencral%2OPermits/NCG080000-General-Perm it-20210630-DEMLR-S W.ndf Pace Analytical website can be found here: httus://www.uacelabs.com/ Address: 1377 S Park Dr, Kernersville, NC 27284 Phone: (336) 996-2841 The Winston-Salem Regional Office address and contact information is: Levi Hiatt, EIT Assistant Regional Engineer Land Quality Section, Winston-Salem Regional Office Division of Energy, Mineral and Land Resources North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality (336) 776-9800 (main) (336) 776-9658 (office) Ievi.hiatt@ncdenr.gov 450 West Hanes Mill Road, Suite 300 Winston-Salem, NC 27105-7407 Stormwater Management Strategy Yes No Notes Does SWPPP incorporate the nine baseline controls: X X Needs to be updated Feasibility Study (technical & economic review to minimize pollutant exposure) Secondary Containment (table summary of tanks, stored materials, release records) X Out of date X Needs some updating BMP Summary (listing of site structural/nonstructural practices) PM & GH (inspection of material handling areas & regular cleaning schedules) X Not specific to facility, needs to be updated X Facility inspections done on Facility Inspections (biannual inspections of facility and all stormwater systems, were the inspections completed during separate parts of the year?) each side of the facility monthly X Needs to be completed Employee Training (annual basis for staff who perform SPRP and GH functions) X Needs to be updated Responsible Party (specific position(s)/person(s)-developing, implementing, & revising SWPPP) Amendment & Annual Update (of major spills, non-sw flows, Bmps, sampling data) X Dry weather monitoring needs to be completed. Does SWPPP contain completed routine inspection reports/records X Inspections are done monthly regarding reportable implementation of the nine baseline controls by both heavy and light (e.g. SWPPP Implementation)? machinery sides. Does the Spill Response Procedures (SPRP) document all spills and X SPRP needs to be updated releases? Does the entity properly dispose of contaminated materials with current personnel used in the clean up? Is the disposal of materials documented? Has a contact person(s) and contact information been identified and documented for each facility? Analytical Monitoring (f not applicable, please notate) Yes No Notes Are samples collected within 30 minutes of the first discharge from X Please confirm if data for a measurable rain event and at least 72 hours since the last storm 201M020 is missing If event? there are any missing sampling periods, those will need to be justified, documented, and sent to the Winston-Salem Regional Office. If Pace Analytical was used, then they can send all sampling results that were collected during that time frame. Are sampling events 60 days apart? (EXCEPTION: Tier 2 & 3 responses) X Is analytical monitoring complete (including schedule) for each X Please confirm if data for SDO? (EXCEPTION: REPRESENTATIVE ouTFALL STATUS) 2019-2020 is missing X TSS exceedances at all outfalls during sampling Any exceedances of pollutant parameters when compared against events. No documented the permit benchmark values? If yes, have they documented their response on file. Due to the response to the Department of Environmental Quality? number of exand s exceedances frequency a ti esponse rres should have been completed by the facility. X Facility needs to document Has the facility implemented appropriate, selected actions to and perform response to reduce pollutant concentrations, in response to benchmark address TSS exceedance. exceedances (if applicable)? Qualitative Monitoring Yes No Notes Is qualitative monitoring being performed during measurable storm X events? Is qualitative monitoring complete (including schedule) for each X SDO? Are monitoring events 60 days apart? (EXCEPTION: Tier 2 & 3 responses) X X Qualitative monitoring Any observable, excessive amounts of pollutant indicators in needs to be performed, stormwater discharge at SDOs? documented, and submitted along with analytical. Part 5 — Required Actions to be completed by Facility: 1. Sediment and trash build-up along curbing and near curb inlets must be cleaned and up and removed in order to prevent sediment from reaching the stormwater system. (See Photos 1, 2, and 3) 2. Secondary containment must be established for the DEF tote located inside of the small building near the fueling area. (See Photo 4) 3. All oil and any other vehicular leaks observed in gravel parking area for heavy duty vehicles, must be contained and cleaned up to prevent stormwater pollution. (See Photo 5) 4. Trash dumpster located on heavy duty side must be replaced due to wear and extreme rusting present at the bottom of the dumpster. (See Photo 6) 5. Trash and old parts located at the back of the facility need to be removed or placed under cover in order to prevent stormwater pollution. (See Photos 7 and 8) 6. New and used totes located at the rear of the facility must be placed under cover or indoors. If totes are to remain outside secondary containment must be established. (See Photos 9 and 10) 7. Leaking tank in AST room must be fixed. (See Photo I 8. Oil -dry in AST room must be cleaned up and disposed of properly. (See Photo 12) 9. Trash and other debris near the generator must be disposed of properly. (See Photo 13) 10. Parts dumpster on light duty side of the facility needs to be replaced with a proper dumpster that does not have holes in it. (See Photo 14) 11. Near the fuel stations, please determine the source of the leak on the DEF pump system and immediately repair it. 12. Please remove the grass and excess dirt around both inlet grates in the middle of the heavy equipment parking lot to prevent to the continuance of TSS entering the MS4 system. 13. Please clean up the oil leak on the yellow machinery at the bulk sell area and determine a permanent solution to stopping the leak. 14. Please dispose of the five buckets that are filled up with sand and debris that have grass in them near the toolboxes in the back -storage lot. 15. Please determine the source of the leak on the device that sits on the AST and repair it. 16. In the AST room, please clean up all the oil grime on the AST, on the floor and on the walls to provide good housekeeping practices. If there are more leaks, please ensure they are repaired. 17. Please clean up around all catch basins in the salvaged vehicle parking lot and properly dispose all plants, debris, and trash. 18. Please remove the Old Rotary Screw Air Compressor along with the busted pallet at the vehicle savage lot that and clean up the trash around the area. For example, the chain, the rag and random other items. 19. Please remove the old machines behind the Old Rotary Screw Air Compressor and another old damaged machine with shrubbery growing around them. Please also remove the various items on the ground that are no longer in use. 20. Please clean up all trash in the light equipment parking lotto prevent stormwater pollution. 21. If the 55-gallon drum located at LE-5 bay is still in use install a permanent cap on it instead of tap. Also, please remove the vehicle parts and rags that are sitting on top of the rags. 22. Please clean up the trash at and around the 40-yard cart at the corner of the light equipment building. Please replace the green yard cart with a new that has a lid and that is free of holes. 23. Please clean up the oil leak in the parking space at back of the light equipment near the orange cone. It is helpful to know that oil and grease are known to be toxic to aquatic organisms at relatively low concentrations; they can coat fish gills, prevent oxygen from entering the water, and clog drainage at Fleet Services. 24. Please determine a method to ensure that all roof leaks are repaired of all leaks to prevent stormwater runoff during wet events mixing with the elements and producing stormwater pollution. 25. Please clean up all obvious past spills that have saturated the ground in the heavy equipment parking lot. Once the spills have been cleaned up, if needed please fill the spots back in with more gravel to prevent holes from developing. Once completed, document the record of cleaning on an inspection report as well. 26. Since Fleet Services maintains the off -site car wash facility located at the Lowery Street facility, please create, and implement a cleaning schedule for the wash bays, trash cans, vacuum cleaner area. Please create a documented form for the Lowery Street Facility and document all cleaning completed at the Lowery Street Facility. 27. SWPPP maps must be updated to show current site conditions. 28. SWPPP narrative descriptions must be updated and be detailed and facility specific. 29. Facility must be evaluated for Non-Stormwater (Dry Weather) Discharges annually. Once this is completed records of evaluation must be provided for the Stormwater Division. 30. Secondary containment table with list of all above ground storage an must be updated with the current list of tanks, size of the tanks, what is stored in the tanks, and where they are located. 31. BMP summary in SWPPP must be updated to show current inspection schedule along with any other updated procedures to help prevent Stormwater contamination. 32. SWPPP responsible party must be updated to show current facility personnel. 33. Spill Response Procedures section of the SWPPP must be updated to show current facility personneI . 34.Once SWPPP has been properly updated a new certification statement must be signed and kept updated on an annual basis. 35. Vehicle wash area at the Lowery Street Facility must be added to monthly inspections. Documentation of the inspections and any cleaning must be created and provided for the Stormwater Division. 36. Gravel parking area on heavy duty side of the facility must be put on a maintenance schedule to ensure gravel, dirt, and debris does not continue to restrict the opening of the inlet grates that we need to have silt sacks in. 37. Analytical Monitoring and Qualitative Monitoring must be done on quarterly basis now. Results must be sent to Stormwater Division once monitoring is completed. If sampling cannot be completed in the required timeline, documentation must be completed explaining why the facility was unable to complete the required sampling. 38. Analytical DMRs must also be sent to NCDEQ's Winston-Salem Regional Office once results are received. 39. Documentation must be provided explaining why no sampling was completed during the 2020 calendar year if any samples weren't completed. 40. Proper documentation must be completed when exceedances occur when performing analytical monitoring. Stormwater Division has attached documentation to this report on how to complete proper documentation. 41. Coordinate with the Stormwater Division to completed employee training for the 2021. 42. Silt sacks in drop inlets must be cleaned and inspected on a quarterly basis. Silt sacks must be cleaned when this report is received and checked for damage or failures. 43. Current inspection documentation must be updated to show the current site conditions and current BMPs being implemented by the facility. 44. Oil pans must be located around the facility and be put in place when leaking machinery is discovered at the facility to prevent oil spills like the ones observed during the inspection. 45. Since Fleet services houses more than 90 vehicles at any given time, please order 40 oil pans to have on standby for when there is a spill or leak underneath a vehicle. 46. Please contact Pace Analytical and inform them of the new sampling schedule that needs to be implemented for Analytical and Qualitative Monitoring. 47. Please order silt sacks that will help contain TSS and other potential that could pollute the Stormdrain system. Once ordered, please install them, and create or add them to the current cleaning form. 4S. Please update the current cleaning maintenance form to reflect the current practices of Fleet Services, 49. Please add a copy of the latest NCG08 permit to the 5WPPP and maintain a copy there at all times for reference. 50. Please add hard copies of the most current site map and USG Quad map to the SWPPP. 51. Please determine the current Spill Response Team that will be overseeing this functionality. Once determined, please add those members to the newly updated form in the SWPPP. 52. Upon performing the reinspection of Fleet Services, spill pallets were found that could be used for the DEF bulk storage tank located inside of the small building near the fueling area. Please use the spill pallets that were found onsite to have some type of secondary containment. If those spill pallets do not work or fit, please determine another solution to provide secondary containment. 53. Since the certificate of coverage has expired, please complete the Notice of Intent form to gain compliance. Once completed, please submit the requested information to address on the NCG080000 Notice of Intent form. 54. Please pay for the renewal of the Industrial permit for Fleet Services. 55. Please determine what sampling periods were performed and what sampling periods were missed the 2019-2020 permit cycle. 56. Please conduct a facility inspection at Fleet Services. Once conducted, document and store it in the SWPPP. Entity Representatives) that participated in inspection: Donald McDaniel, Timothy Harper, Angus Thomas Title(s): Fleet Services Team Leader, Team Leader, Team Leader Start of Inspection: 9:10am Completion of Inspection: 11:30 am Date: August 20, 2021 Signature of Inspector: Title: Stormwater Ouerations Suuervisor fly �. Photo 3 —Sediment and trash build up along curbing at curb inlet located in the northwest corner of the facility. Sediment and trash build-up along curbing and near curb inlets must be cleaned and up and removed in order to prevent sediment from reaching the stormwater system. N fr 1 rl 1 Photo 4 — DEF tote located in small shack near the fueling stations without any secondary containment. Secondary containment must be established fm• the DEF tote located inside of the small building near the fueling area. Photo 5 —Oil staining From vehicle leak observed discharging to stormwater drain in gravel parking area for heavy duty vehicles. All oil and any other vehicular leaks observed in gravel parking area for heavy duty vehicles, must be contained and cleaned up to prevent stormwater pollution. Photo 6 — Rusted trash dumpster located on the heavy duty side of the facility. Dumpster is cracked at the bottom allowing for stormwater contamination. Trash dumpster located on heavy duty side must be replaced due to wear and extreme rusting present at the bottom of the dumpster. Photo 7 —Trash, old parts, and old totes located at the rear of the facility. Trash and old parts located at the back of the facility need to be removed or placed under cover in order to prevent stormwater pollution. Photo 8 —Trash and old parts located at the rear of the facility. Trash and old parts located at the back of the facility need to be removed or placed under cover in m•der to prevent stormwater pollution. x v I to Itr ..teI, Photo 9 — New and used totes being stored without secondary containment and without cover. New and used totes located at the rear of the facility must be placed under cover or indoors. If totes are to remain outside secondary containment must be established. Photo 10 —New and used totes being stored without secondary containment and without cover. New and used totes located at the rear of the facty must be placed under cover m• indoors. If totes are to remain outside secondary containment must be established. `�, , �'� `::.;� '9' t. , `L -a.': � f�. �� 1. �[ � f.1P a. � " _ ����a �' Ai'e _ Photo 13 —Debris and trash being stored near the generator on the light duty side of the facility Trash and other debris near the generator must be disposed of properly. Photo 14 —Parts dumpster on light duty side of the facility with multiple holes. Parts dumpster on light machinery side of the facty needs to be replaced with a proper dumpster that does not have holes in it ;I MAM Picture 22 Excessive buildup of plants, debris, and trash at a catch basin in the salvaged vehicle parking lot. Please clean up around all catch basins in the salvaged vehicle parking lot and properly dispose all plants, debris, and trash. Picture 23 Old Rotary Screw Air Compressor on a busted pallet with shrubbery growing around it Please remove the Old Rotary Screw Air Compressor along with the busted pallet at the vehicle savage lot that and clean up the trash around the area. For example, the chain, the rag and random other items. T, � L`y y It { . rr Picture 26 A 55-gallon drum that missing cap and has various vehicle parts on top of the drum. If the 55-gallon drum located at LE-5 bay is still in use install a permanent cap on it instead of tap. Also, please remove the vehicle parts and rags that are sitting on top of the rags. Picture 27 Trash on the ground near the black 40-yard cart at the corner building of the light equipment area. Please clean up the trash at and around the 40-yard cart at the corner of the light equipment building. Please replace the green yard cart with a new that has a lid and that is free of holes. Picture 28 Oil leak in the parking lot behind the light equipment building near the black forty -yard cart. Please clean up the oil leak in the parking space at back of the light equipment near the orange cone. Picture 29 Hole in the roof at the fuel island where staff refuel vehicles and other equipment Please determine a method to ensure that all roof leaks is are repaired of all leaks to prevent stormwater runoff during wet events mixing with the elements and producing stormwater pollution. Y a 'STl ?F✓.. �9'.,yv ya M'1 ��¢t A ; tr ,.fI VI I IV