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Item #12 - FY2021-2022 Dry weather outfall screening SOPs & Schedule
Wlnstoneosidem Winston-Salem Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures Version 0 Winston-Salem, North Carolina January 25, 2022 This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Content Content 1 Purpose and Background.................................................................................................... 1 1.1 Resources................................................................................................................... 3 1.2 Safety.......................................................................................................................... 3 2 Preparation......................................................................................................................... 4 3 Mobilization.........................................................................................................................5 4 Outfall Screening................................................................................................................ 5 4.1 Iron Oxidizing Bacteria................................................................................................. 9 5 Follow -Up Investigation......................................................................................................11 6 Enforcement......................................................................................................................12 7 Documentation...................................................................................................................12 8 Procedure Management.....................................................................................................13 Tables Table 1 Dry -weather discharge screening resources................................................................. 3 Table 2 Allowable stormwater discharge sources......................................................................11 Table 3 Dry -weather discharge sampling parameters...............................................................12 Figures Figure 1 Outfall screening process flowchart.............................................................................. 2 Figure 2 Collector app link to Survey123.................................................................................... 6 Figure 3 Survey123 outfall screening form prepopulated data .................................................... 7 Figure 4 Survey123 form new data collection............................................................................. 8 Figure 5 Dry weather discharge screening................................................................................. 9 Figure 6 Water quality strip test.................................................................................................10 Appendices Appendix A - Photos Appendix B - Revision Log hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures Content This page intentionally left blank. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Purpose and Background 1 Purpose and Background To meet the City of Winston-Salem's (the City) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) permit requirements for Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) control measure, the City is responsible for "detecting and tracing sources of illicit discharges and for removing the sources or reporting the sources to the State to be properly permitted". Dry weather discharge screening is a proactive measure for detecting frequent illicit discharges or illicit connections to the City's MS4 or surface waters of the United States. These screenings may remedy acute and sometimes toxic pollutant loadings to surface waters that could lead to or cause impairments. The City strategically selects stormwater outfalls to dry weather screen annually. Stream reaches are prioritized based on ambient pollutant concentrations of fecal coliform and total suspended solids (TSS) due to the active Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) with City limits. Outfalls on the most impaired streams are prioritized for dry weather screening at the beginning of the permit year. The dry weather screening process and subsequent procedure is organized into six steps: Preparation, Mobilization, Outfall Screening, Follow -Up Investigation, Enforcement, and Documentation. 1. Preparation involves steps for planning and selection of outfalls to be screened for the current year's, setting up and refreshing software applications to support screening, and incorporating any new data since last previous efforts. 2. Mobilization involves the tasks typically completed in the days prior to going out in the field including preparing equipment, safety planning, monitoring rainfall, and reviewing access points and travel logistics. 3. Outfall screening process is the qualitative assessment of every outfall identified or discovered along a selected stream reach for a dry weather discharge and recording of observations. Depending on the observations made, a preliminary investigation is performed in the field to determine if the discharge is allowable or requires further investigation. 4. Follow-up investigation is recommended for potentially illicit discharges or those that cannot readably be investigated in the field. The follow-up investigation is handed off to another team within the City for conducting more thorough tracing of the discharges that may lead to enforcement proceedings. 5. Enforcement involves a variety of proceedings for classifying the discharge as illicit, eliminating the illicit discharge, and employing measures within the City's IDDE ordinance and policies to reduce the risk of recurrence. 6. Documentation involves recording observations, communications, and actions taken by all parties involved for steps from Outfall Screening through Enforcement. A flowchart of this dry -weather screening process and subsequent steps is provided in Figure 1. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 Existing Outfall Fill out Survey123 form for each outfall observed Fill out dry weather screening section of survey Sampling Perform water quality sampling investigation Preparation Mobilization New Outfall Outfall Add a point on Fill out Survey123 Collector app for any form for each new Screening new outfalls located observed outfall Is discharge present at the outfall? Determine if further investigation is needed based on physical observations Follow-up Necessary Submit survey fr9,, investigation 1 Office staff review and determine if sampling is needed Use sampling results to determine if the discharge is allowable or illicit Trace and LLeliminate discharge source Confirm existing information and submit survey form No Follow-up Necessary t No Sampling Necessary. T Allowable Screening Complete Update investigation status to "Complete" in database Export and compile final screening reports Figure 1.Outfall Screening Process Flowchart City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Purpose and Background 1.1 Resources The resources required for screening include qualified staff and certain tools and technologies. Three main staffing groups should be assembled for this effort - a field team capable of traversing riparian terrain and walking in creeks for the outfall screening process, investigation team trained in water quality sampling and investigations practices, and an office team with data analysis and GIS application skills for preparation, review, and documentation of the process. Enforcement may be handled by the investigation team or other qualified staff. Necessary tools and materials are outlined in Table 1. Table 1 Dry -weather discharge screening resources Resource Purpose Pads Used to run data collection applications for screening and sampling AGOL Survey123 and Collector Apps Applications used for field data collection to streamline application and maintain quality Water quality sampling equipment and lab Suspected illicit discharges may be sampled during the follow-up investigation Waders/ boots Field staff will need to wade in streams to access outfalls Water quality test strips and YSI Water quality parameters can be detected and multiparameter meter determined during the outfall screening process Measuring Tapes Outfall pipe and channel sizes should be measured Flashlight Helpful for viewing inside of outfall pipes Safety vest Improves visibility of field staff to others in the area 1.2 Safety There is inherent risk involved with any field work. All field team and investigation staff are responsible for being actively involved in hazard analysis and risk reduction procedures. Potential hazards should be identified and assessed to determine measures to eliminate or minimize risk before each field activity. Common hazards that should be considered may include working in waterways, sun/heat/cold exposure, slips/trips/falls, and biological hazards such as poison ivy, poison oak, ticks, or snakes. • Basic personal protective equipment (PPE) may include boots, thick layered clothing, gloves, and eye protection. • Additional PPE may be seasonal, such as sunscreen, snake chaps, etc., or personally modified for an individual with a higher risk. • A first aid kit and fully charged cell phone should be maintained within the field team at all times. • Teams should be aware of the closest emergency facilities depending on where they are working within the City. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Preparation 2 Preparation Prior to each screening effort, the targeted outfalls should be identified and data collection materials should be prepared. Priority outfalls are identified based on impaired stream segments that are selected for assessment annually. 1. Office staff analyze ambient pollutant concentrations to determine the streams that are most impaired. Streams are analyzed for TSS and fecal coliforms since these pollutants of concern (POC) are targeted for reduction by TMDLs. 2. Streams are divided into segments based on in -stream sampling sites and ingress/egress points that are safe for the field team to access. 3. The Assistant Stormwater Director determines the streams that are to be assessed based on the impairment prioritization in the first quarter of the permit year. 4. Prioritized streams are walked and assessed November through February. Outfalls along these prioritized streams are selected for dry weather screening. ArcGIS Online (AGOL) applications have been developed to assist in data collection and tracking. An AGOL Collector map is used to display and collect the spatial location of each outfall while a Survey123 form is used to collect attribute data for each outfall point. An AGOL dashboard has been developed to track outfall screening progress. Further preparation steps are outlined below. 1. Create an AGOL map with a point layer including all the outfalls that are to be screened. 2. Open the map in the AGOL Collector Application (WS Outfall Inventory Original Data: Collector (arcgis.com)) and create dynamic links to the Survey123 form for each outfall point. 3. Link the previously developed Survey123 form (Outfall Dry Weather Screening (arcgis.com)) to prepopulate with historic information for the outfalls that need screening. a. Alternatively, if AGOL applications are unavailable for any reason, blank paper copies of the forms replicating the information in the Survey123 for data collection can be printed and used in the field. 4. Identify points of access for stream reaches that are to be screened. a. Access points should be areas where a vehicle can be parked safely and securely near the stream. b. Identifying the points may involve dividing streams up into shorter sections for screening and marking a point on either end of the stream reach to enter and exit. It may be beneficial to create a shapefile with these access points that can be viewed in an AGOL map for navigation. 5. Use the existing dashboard at Dashboard: WSSWMP Dry -Weather Outfalls Field Review (arcqis.com) to track the outfall screening process. These preparation measures should be performed by the team of office staff prior to any field screenings. This establishes the data management and organization for the rest of the dry weather screening process. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Mobilization 3 Mobilization After preparations have been completed, field staff may begin dry -weather discharge screening. Inspections may only occur when there has been no recorded precipitation >0.1 inches in the previous 72 hours. Once dry weather has been confirmed, mobilization processes may begin to prepare for ensuing field work. 1. Check weather and verify there is no recorded precipitation >0.1 inches in the last 72 hours. a. Precipitation is monitored using Smith Reynolds Airport Weather Logs (National Weather Service: Observed Weather for past 3 Days: Winston Salem, Smith Reynolds Airport). 2. Determine stream reaches to be screened for the day. 3. Ensure tablets are fully charged and have the Collector App and the Survey123 app with the Outfall Inventory survey downloaded. 4. Gather necessary equipment which should include the items listed in Table 1. 5. Review field safety guidelines and complete job hazard analysis. 6. Drive to the stream access point identified for the area chosen for inspection. a. If your team has two vehicles, park one at either end of the stream reach to facilitate single track screening and eliminate backtracking. Field staff must be properly prepared before beginning outfall screening to ensure that the screening process is performed safely and effectively. 4 Outfall Screening The Survey123 form will be utilized for dry weather screening. It provides the field team with background information and locations of existing outfalls. The form directs the team through the screening process by guiding collection of qualitative information and providing prompts to take photos. If flow is present, the field team will perform a screening assessing the physical characteristics of the discharge. They will then make a determination to identify the outfall for further investigation if necessary. 1. Walk the selected stream reach identifying new outfalls and inspecting all outfalls that are located along the reach. 2. Complete an outfall screening survey for each outfall. a. Using the AGOL Collector map, select the point for the outfall to be screened or add a new point for a new outfall. b. Once the outfall point is selected, click the pop-up link to the Survey123 form as shown in the red box in Figure 2. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Outfall Screening 8,20 AM -Qlt29 r <P MR 39% Back WS Outfall Inventory Original Data: Collector Q ^• Oudalls for Screening: 0... © • 36.081788°N 80.249573°W GPS accuracy 213.3 It -required 30 ft Click Hereto Orin the Screening wa— �•+•..v Survey rrYasic. � - s.rm �, . �a COPY _�� g3• F NWr z� lc Collect Here • Directions Q •kwM�• • , P� _ § w•'• u...,.•r _ • S � � �K.Ee a. r/re ram• Compass A a �p �N R'" ti' M" eJ� RyG � •, � 6 4 Spia9 Add to My Places o M 1 4 i • x 9lJR e a R 3 l z it [b $ °C . of ` � • U pVi4pr 08 C� • • Q 0 O Figure 2 Collector app link to Survey123 3. Once the Survey123 form is open, review the prepopulated existing information for the outfall and correct any inaccuracies such as pipe size or material. a. Information that will be prepopulated and requires review is shown in the red boxes in Figure 3. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 6 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Outfall Screening General Information Outfall D. OF_551 Outfall Screening ID: HDR2021 DF 551 Date and Time: �_t Friday, October 29,2021 Q 8:20 AM Inspector: * Name of Receiving Stream: Upper Salem Creek Location Description: 542 ft from the intersection of PARK BV and VINTAGE AV ® a bearing of 95 deg Time Since Last Rainfall (Days): IG15 pose -processing) Pipe Or Channel? Pipe Channel Conveyance Material: CM CP DI DIRT PVC RCP RR TC 0 VD, OTHER Type of Single Conveyance- • DO PO OTHER Ou[fall Geometry: ARCH BOX CIR ELLIP • PARA TRAP OTHER Outfall Position: • DSRB DSLB HEAD Figure 3 Survey123 outfall screening form prepopulated data 4. Fill in the general outfall description information including conveyance type and material and the outfall geometry and position for any new outfalls. 5. Complete the sections for new information for all screenings. This includes structure condition, narrative description of the outfall location, and determining the presence of dry -weather discharge. These fields are shown in red boxes in Figure 4. a. If structure condition is poor, provide a comment describing the issue. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 7 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Outfall Screening Dominant Land Use Within Drainage Area: (GIS post-p—s—,) Industrial , , Does the Facility have a NPDES Stormwater Permit? Yes No Has a Discharge been found atthls site before? Yes No Narrative Description of Outfall Location: Approximate Outfalll Locatiore 36°6'N 80.15'W ±65 rn rat Highlands Salem ppxl Latitude: 36.087954 Longitude: -80245562 Dry Weather Discharge Present? Yes No Figure 4 Survey123 form new data collection 6. If a dry -weather discharge is present, complete the dry -weather screening section of the survey in Figure 5 and determine if the discharge requires follow-up investigation. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 8 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Outfall Screening Dry Weather Discharge Present? • Yes No Dry Weather Screening Flow Volume: Trickle Moderate Substantial Odor? Yes No Color? Yes No Clarity? Yes No Floatables? Yes No Deposits/Stains? Yes No Abnormal Vegetation? Yes No Conveyance Benthic Growth? Yes No Allowables List ano..uso naes wr raa.rwn,ai.tere, tsseu.o. uo+.t w.ra+ea.row.�we000v�s.r.a. mrati....raaune.ar.airsc orsrr s�oaaoawewt., aomeaoo am umeaawra sot�.atr .wa..warm.�a aa`oarrr. rosaaseeoade.r. no+s..r.. sn'cr. raw.a.r.on. tMeo. r.�.r.oy..raao� n.e.rt ase eases ra.ata`a ta.. ew. re.a.� maaw aa.w.s. aoaaeroroe r...q boa amr.eoo. wtt wa oorr. aow nw.6oayey aweoa Is the dry weather discharge identified for further investigation? Identified for further investigation No follow-up necessary Comments: Figure 5 Dry weather discharge screening The dry weather screening portion of the survey prompts the field team to identify physical characteristics in the discharge (that deviate from general assumptions about clean water, clear and free from odor and debris) such as water discoloration, odor, water clarity, presence of floatables, deposits or stains, abnormal vegetation, and/or benthic growth. Any noticeable physical characteristic in the discharge should be noted here. This is specifically concerning the discharge from the outfall, and not the stream as a whole, although some characteristics may also be observed in the stream. The field team should evaluate the physical characteristics observed and determine if the discharge requires further investigation. Determining if a discharge requires further investigation based on physical observations can be discretionary and is supported by evidential observations. If one or more issues listed in the Survey123 form are observed, further investigation should be considered. Example photos of common physical observations are provided in Appendix A. 4.1 Iron Oxidizing Bacteria Certain bacteria oxidize dissolved iron when deoxygenated water reaches a source of oxygen. This commonly occurs when ground water meets surface water. The iron oxidation process hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Outfall Screening produces an orangish-brown film or plume and often a sheen on the water surface. Example images are shown in Appendix A. Iron oxidizing bacteria is listed as a deposit/stain on the dry -weather screening form; it occurs in streams naturally and is quite common in the City. For this reason, it should not trigger further investigation on its own. However, if a discharge shows other physical characteristics in addition to the iron oxidizing bacteria, it should be considered for further investigation. Two tests are performed when iron oxidizing bacteria are present to confirm that it is naturally occurring and that any oily sheen present is not petroleum -based. 1. The stick test is performed to determine if a sheen is caused by iron oxidizing bacteria or petroleum. A stick is used to disturb the water surface. A bacterial sheen will break apart and fragment while a petroleum sheen will quickly reform after being broken up by the stick due to the cohesive nature of petroleum. 2. A water quality strip test (Figure 6) is used to determine iron concentration in the water to ensure that the concentrations are not unnaturally high. A concentration higher than three parts per million (ppm) is considered harmful to the stream ecosystem and, if found, would be a cause for further investigation. Water quality strips are submerged in the discharge and then compared with reference results on the bottle to determine approximate concentrations. Figure 6 Water quality strip test hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 10 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Follow -Up Investigation 7. Take a picture of the outfall before completing the survey. a. Photos should show the outfall and some context for the location of the outfall. b. If discharge is identified for further investigation, make sure to include detailed photos of the physical characteristics. c. If the outfall structure is in poor condition, make sure to include photos that capture the issues with the structure. d. Provide photo captions if they will help clarify the photo context. 8. At the end of the day or prior to the next day, export reports for discharges that need further investigation and provide to the office staff team for further review. 5 Follow -Up Investigation After dry weather screenings have been completed, outfalls with discharges that have been identified for further investigation will be reviewed. A desktop review performed by office staff will be used to verify that water quality sampling is necessary. Then, sampling will be used to determine if a discharge is allowable or illicit. Allowable stormwater discharges, per the City's MS4 permit, are defined as "incidental non- stormwater flows that do not significantly impact water quality". Potential allowable discharge sources are listed in Table 2. Table 2 Allowable stormwater discharge sources Allowable Stormwater Discharge Sources Water line and fire hydrant flushing Individual, residential, and charity car washing Landscape irrigation Flows from riparian habitats and wetlands Diverted stream flows Dechlorinated swimming pool discharges Rising ground waters Street wash water Uncontaminated groundwater infiltration Flows from firefighting activities Uncontaminated pumped groundwater Irrigation water Discharges from uncontaminated potable water sources Springs Foundation and footing drain water Water from crawl space pumps Air conditioning condensate Splash pad (spray ground) water from potable Lawn watering water source only 1. Office staff review outfall reports submitted for further investigation to determine if follow- up field investigation is needed. a. Office staff may eliminate outfalls from follow-up field investigation at this point if it is deemed unnecessary. b. If no field investigation is needed, the discharge is considered allowable, and the screening is complete. 2. If follow-up field investigation is needed, an investigation team will visit the outfall and perform water quality sampling. a. Sampling should include the parameters shown in Table 3 at a minimum but may include others as deemed necessary. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 is City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Enforcement Table 3 Dry -weather discharge sampling parameters Parameter Conductivity Ammonia Dissolved Oxygen (DO) Nitrate pH Temperature Total Dissolved Solids 3. Based on the results of the sampling, the discharge should be determined to be either illicit or allowable. a. If the sampled parameters are within acceptable ranges, a fluoride sample should be collected and analyzed at the City of Winston-Salem's Thomas Water Treatment Facility. b. If the fluoride sample results are in the range of potable water, it indicates that the discharge source could be some of the sources listed in Table 2, which are allowable. c. Allowable results need no further investigation, and the effort is complete. 4. If a discharge is determined to be illicit, the investigation team will locate the discharge source and collect additional information for removal and enforcement proceedings. 5. Record follow-up investigation results and conclusions. a. Office staff incorporate the data into the AGOL outfall screening tracking dashboard. 6 Enforcement After illicit discharges are identified and traced, the sources of the discharges must be eliminated. The parties responsible for the discharges are notified and enforcement actions pursuant to the City's IDDE ordinance policies are taken. City staff has the enforcement authority to issue Notices of Violation (NOV) and to enter private property in these situations. The City's Stormwater staff perform necessary compliance efforts to complete the dry - weather discharge investigation. a. Issue an NOV to any parties responsible for illicit discharges. b. Coordinate with other utility staff to manage discharges caused by issues like sewer or water line leaks. These enforcement actions complete the dry -weather screening process. Results and conclusions should be properly documented for future screenings. 7 Documentation Maintaining accurate screening records will allow the data to be referenced during future screening efforts and manage inspection status throughout the effort. Outfalls with a history of multiple illicit discharges can be tracked and visited more frequently and compliance can be hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 12 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Procedure Management confirmed at locations with previous illicit discharges. Data should be stored in both a report format that can be printed for easy reference and a digital database format. QA/QC is performed on dry weather discharge investigation statuses to ensure that all discharges have been successfully investigated and/or resolved. a. A discharge is labeled as pending if it has been identified for further investigation, but the investigation is unresolved. An on -going status indicates that an investigation has been initiated but has not been completed due to insufficient information. Finally, a discharge can be marked as complete after it has been determined allowable or an illicit discharge has been resolved. 2. Export Survey123 reports for all outfalls screened at the conclusion of the screening process. 3. Compile reports into PDF and store for future reference when outfalls are next screened. 4. Export records from the primary AGOL point feature layer to a table with the respective year and month in which the screenings were completed. a. This table will be stored in the geodatabase and will serve as a related table to provide historic data during future screenings. 8 Procedure Management The standard operating procedures for dry -weather discharge screening, as described above, should be used to meet the City's MS4 permit requirements. Prioritized stormwater outfalls in the MS4 will be screened annually using this procedure. However, the procedure should be routinely evaluated and updated as necessary as changes occur or the City sees fit to adapt the effort. A revision log is compiled in Appendix B. More frequent investigations or different screening techniques can be used and may remedy pollutant loadings and protect the environmental and biological health of the City's surface waters. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 13 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Procedure Management This page intentionally left blank. hdrinc.com 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500, Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 336.955.8250 14 City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Appendix A - Photos Appendix A - Photos City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Appendix A - Photos This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Appendix A - Photos Cloudy stream flow Suds floating on stream surface City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Appendix A - Photos Green water discoloration Sewage on water surface City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures ��� Appendix B - Revision Log Appendix B - Revision Log City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures Appendix B - Revision Log This page intentionally left blank. City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures Appendix B - Revision Log City of Winston-Salem I Dry -Weather Discharge Screening Standard Operating Procedures Appendix B - Revision Log This page intentionally left blank 100 North Main Street, Suite 1500 Winston-Salem, NC 27101-4015 (336) 955-8250 hdrinc.com © 2022 HDR, Inc., all rights reserved ATTACHMENT D FY19-20 Master Plan Support Services February 14, 2022 ADDITIONAL SERVICES The following are additional services requested by the City of Winston-Salem to the original scope of services dated November 23, 2020 and incorporated as part of HDR's agreement with the City dated December 9, 2020. i ask 200 — Dry Weather Screening Purpose HDR will perform dry -weather screening of additional outfalls on prioritized streams within the City of Winston-Salem. Sub -Tasks HDR will perform sub -tasks consistent with the original scope of services except for the following: 1. HDR will continue collecting outfalls beyond the contracted number (1,085) listed in the original scope of services dated November 23, 2020. HDR completed the original amount within budget. 2. Sub -task 7 from the original scope of services has been completed and will not be performed as part of the additional services. 3. HDR will coordinate with City staff to determine what additional streams should be prioritized for dry weather screening. Assumptions 1. All original assumptions remain valid except for the number of outfalls estimated to be dry weather screened. HDR estimates that an additional 700 outfalls can be dry weather screened with the remaining budget for a contract total of 1,800 outfalls. 2. HDR will continue to upload completed dry weather screening information to the AGOL database and use the dashboard for coordinating follow up investigations and final statusing. 3. HDR will complete dry weather screening in Muddy Creek, Salem Creek, Brushy Fork, and Peters Creek watershed first. The next stream segments for outfall reconnaissance includes Lower Silas and Lower Peters Creek watersheds (per the FY2021-2022 Major SDO and Stream Walking Schedule and included herein). HDR will coordinate with the City regarding prioritization after these watersheds have been walked in their entirety. Deliverables • Dry weather screening geodatabase and reports FN Basis of Compensation HDR will be paid on an hourly basis from the remaining budget in Task 200. Schedule HDR will complete the work in 180 calendar days from notice to proceed except in the event that weather contributes to significant delay. Impactful weather includes high flows and rain events that prohibit dry weather screening by general practice and safety. Task 500 — Stream Walks Purpose HDR will provide stream walking services to locate potential pollutant sources on TMDL regulated streams within the City of Winston-Salem. Sub -Tasks 1. HDR will develop inspection form templates and ArcGIS Online (AGOL) data collection applications to be used during the field effort. 2. HDR will plan the stream walking field procedure and monitor weather reports prior to stream inspections. 3. HDR will walk approximately nine (9) miles of streams as identified by City staff and perform inspections for fecal coliform and sediment sources. Inspection data will be collected at every possible pollutant source along the stream reaches and include bank erosion measurements and sanitary sewer pipeline observations. 4. HDR will compile and develop an inspection report for each of the five stream segments to be walked. A GIS based figure showing the summary of data collected will be produced for each segment. 5. HDR will compile a shapefile of all of the data points collected during the stream walks and include the various individual pollutant source inspection forms as attachments to each point. 6. HDR will develop a standard operating procedures document describing the stream walk field effort. Assumptions 1. HDR assumes the project will take 35 days to complete. 2. Stream walking will be performed during periods of dry weather conditions. Deliverables • Stream Inspection Reports • Shapefile of data points with inspection forms included as attachments • Standard Operating Procedures in Microsoft Word format • A map (PDF in 8.5" x 11" size) of each stream segment walked, including the total distance walked (in miles), for the FY 2021-2022 Stormwater Annual Report. Each map should include the mainstream and tributaries, watershed perimeter, major streets and highways, and highlighted (in yellow) the actual stream length walked. Please include a legend and north arrow. Basis of Compensation HDR will be paid on an hourly basis for a fee not -to -exceed $16,000 for this task. HDR will transfer funds in the amount of $16,000 from Task 200 to a new Task 500 for purposes of tracking hourly services related to this scope of services. Schedule HDR will complete the work in 35 calendar days from notice to proceed except in the event that weather contributes to significant delay. Impactful weather includes high flows and rain events that affect the water quality of the streams, which is trying to be independently observed. FY 2021 — 2022 Major SDO Screening (Dry Weather Conditions) and Stream - Walking Scheduled for November 2021 to March 2022 Muddy Creek (and contributing tributaries) Watershed for TSS sources: 1) Silas Creek Watershed a. Segment #1 Start: Silas Creek at Country Club Road (ingress behind Food Lion) Stop: Silas Creek at Kester Mill Road Approximate distance to walk: 1.07 miles b. Segment #2 Start: Silas Creek at Kester Mill Road Stop: Silas Creek at McGregor Road Approximate distance to walk: 1.90 miles 2) Muddy Creek Watershed a. Segment #3 Start: Muddy Creek at Phillips Bridge Road (ingress via a tributary behind baseball fields) Stop: Muddy Creek at Peacehaven Road (egress via a tributary on left side, when facing downstream onto Sedgemont Drive) Approximate distance to walk: 2.2 miles b. Segment #4 Start: Muddy Creek at Peacehaven Road (ingress the tributary described above) Stop: Muddy Creek at S. Stratford Road (egress at the dead end of Wade Frye Lane) Approximate distance to walk: 2.4 miles Salem Creek (and contributing tributaries) Watershed for Fecal Coliforms and TSS sources: 3) Peters Creek Watershed a. Segment #5 Start: Peters Creek at Hanes Park Stop: Peters Creek at Antique Dealership Approximate distance to walk: 1.75 miles TOTAL ESTIMATED DISTANCE FOR DRY WEATHER RECONNAISSANCE ACTIVITIES: 9.32 MILES