HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06345_Well Construction - GW1_20220705 t►netsV FELL CONS�'R1 IONT RECORD LQW 1) For Ia�nalUse 1.wen ODntM Drhformalion: WA�tZONES Tali CoahsctorName D1 Cn>irlYON xa Wall y rB7 mom TO ID7AMB7$a mllaru, Compm<yName t'' W „$/ * t$aaudciased� 2.Well Const'tvelioaPermit�: (r/ ( tetOaa— , ra Listal(appltoabJewattcmrsTructionpermits(iaU;f�Conary.Srat�Ymtcmce:etG} p 3.WeII Use(ehe&,weu nw): tl. la. Wat;erSnPPjY WeII: 17.5 GM m s� scar rvsnxanres Agricultural dpoPublio Cl ft•. & Tn. t3eothetmal(IieatiagJCooling Supply) �dential Water Supply,(single) IndustriaWammemial DResidentlal Water Supply(sbamd) Irri atioA FROM TQ HfA E"AL EMP MMM DdcAMQUNT NaH-waierSnppjpWeli: p ft; /�Df� Motlltoring covers► � � Igjeciioa WeII: ! �' Aq>uferRe*wp DGroundwWWRtmediefum ft. ft. _ A9ttifbrstarageandRecw FROM 1 v>a[,rAc�re � �SaliuityBaarier FROM To MAESniAL tt?aTaoD Aquifer Test D5twnwaterDreinage fL ft. B pedaleMdTccbnolov DSubsidencncaMol & ft. Ueoth mal(ClosedLoop) E)Tracer 20.11RII,T�hIGLUG attachaddifiormisT�€sif (ieothemal eatinglCao]ingRetaia Other(explainunder�2lRemadss) 1maM nBccaDercox rotor saithvek ft. IL , 4Date WeV(s)CoHtpleted: • Sa.WeIILaeetion: �'• �• ,,- facilltylOwnr- ame T— FacOityII (Ifappiirable) ft. fh MC ...q V. AhysIddAddcesjG%utdMp ft; It. County Puma idendficatiaaNb.M fib.Latitude and longltude in degrees/n&uWseconds or decimal degrees: Orwell 8ald.one ImangisM acient) 22. on: Ao?D 6.18(am thewell(s) erlument erE3Teraporary s CartiSedWe11 Data dy S18vtnS tltisfmm,l hereby certrjy thatthe»eA(s)revs(wets)amermreted is aazarTmrce 7.Ia ft a regairtoan eshiiagwe)1: Dyes OF 0 with25ANCAC01C.O]W orl3A.NCAC a2C MW WCU ConvructtnnSrm Bemis mddwa TfrhistsazepalrfilloutfinomcwelTcvrfsrrucoTnnTvfrrrnmriortmtdefigtatrsrhe oftTre copy ofwsmcuzdhasbempravidedt*dmwao ner. repak•utrd2r#21 remarlsseatlottarontbebar[ofthis}brm. :3.Sitetii8gl9moraddltflb�iwelldefaiL� S.For OeopmbeMPT or Closed-Loop Geotherjuid Welkhaving tho same You may use tge ba&of this page to provide additional well site details or welt construction,only IGwlisneede&ThdiamTOTALNUMSERofvvelis constmetiondataIlL.Ynnmay also attachadditionai pages ifneeessery. drilled: � �MPI°PAY�IlH.4TRIICTFUN 9.Tota!well iveltsUstvlTdepthsifd�mt{ pie-3@20Q' Zmtd�IODg depth below land sm�ace: Formuitlptew _- 24a.For Alt Welts: Submitfa¢this m within So days of completion of well (�) coastructioato the MGWing: 10.Shsticwatertevelbelowfopofa�siogr (ft.) Div OR ofWatesResflmcesWormation,PrncessingUldt, 1617 MaIISeivice Center,Itatefgh,NClfi699-16i7 ILL mIA dk besa (in.) 24b.ftintectlo Wells: In addition to s nn �L ending tits form to the address is 249 12.Welteoastrucfion method:_ /(� above,also submit ane copy of this fora within 30 days of completion of well (Le augmrutay.mblq�dicectpuslyetaJ CDa3lraCtlontotltefOIlowia FOR WATE$SUPPLY WELW O1VLY: Ditilafon of Wa6erBesonr�,ifadergroundl>nleerlaa Canh+ol p1„ 1636Ma &Tice(3MtW,Rat0,NCMan I3a.Yield(gpm) _Method of test:bl"K iwi 24c.Far VyaOer Sanaly&Inlectlon Wets; Ta addifion to sending the form to / the tees) above also submit one copy of tym farm within 34 days of 13b.Dlsinfeet}an fie: Arna=:_!k 0y^d� s w �CQUIPMOD, o we construction to the county health depadment of tht:Gummy FomrGW-1 NOAhCarolivaDepammentafEwAM mental Qcality-llitddeaofWatm'12esautcea Revised2-U?016