HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06279_Well Construction - GW1_20220608 WELL CONSTRUCTION RE,CORAD For Internal List ONLY This form can be used for singie nr mullipte%vclls 1.Well Contractor Information: --- 1-4.AWATERTER Z01F.S 1 Robert Stevens FROM To . D_ESMPTI)x - Vicil Contractor Nanic ft. fL f rt. NC Well Contractor Cent$cation Number- 15.OUTER CASING(for motfi-cased wells)OR L11ER(if a licable) FRblf 'IO DL\1tETEH THI(:fitvFSS NUTERLLL. Cascade Drilling - Ft. fL - Company Name 16.INNER CASING OR T'DING(geothermal clnsed-loo ) F 6.11 -ro _ DULMLTER TRIMNESS MATERIAL 2.1Well Construction Permit M_ _ _ _ 0 fL 59 0 fL 2.0 '" SCh 40 PVC List all applicable yell permitx(ix,('+,trots•,.gore, 'rnriance,hfectlnn,etc.) -- - ft. fL in. 3.'Well Use(check well use): 17.SCREEN - ---Writer Supply FROM TO DIANIFTER SLOT SIZE -THICKNESS MATERINL \\cU ❑Azricultural ❑Municipal Public 59.3 f` 64.3 ff' 2.0 m- .010 SCh 40 PVC OGcothemial(FIeatinglCooling,Supply) OResidential NVater Supply(single) fL ft. OlndustrialiCommercial 1;111csidential Water Supply(shared) 18,GROUT FROM TO '1LVTERIAL F11P1.,1C.E}I F1T lSFTHOD S%AOtOIiT."r Dirigation 0 fL 533 Fft- Portland Tremie Non-\Water Supply Well: - f`aMonitorinn ORccover 53.3 157,0 TL (3entonite Poured Injection 1\'01: rL (3Aquifer Recharge 0(iroundvaler Remediation 19.SAND/GIL VELPACKIirn licable) ` FRONT TO MATERIAL @,IMACElIE.NTMLTHOD 0A uifer Storagge and Recovery ❑Salinity Barrier y 57.0 f` 65.5 rL 42 Sand Poured O:+.quifer Test OStomt\tater Drainage fL 1't. LlExperimental Technology L'Subsidence Control 20-DRILLING LOG an uh additional sheets if necrSsarS') oGeothermal(Closed Loop) OTracer Mom TO J>ESCRIP7 tp� <o)nr.kanlnesa soivrnektY i, sin s'vt etc. ❑Geothermal(i leatinJCooling Return) GiOther(explain under821 Remarks) 0 fL - ft 4128/16 CCR-FGD-10DA __ fL ft. 4.Onte Well(s)Completed: \1'eU IDS fL ft. - i i;t.Well Location: fL fL -' Duke Znetgy-Eeievis Creek Steam Station fL ft. - Facility,'OwaerName Facility IM;E(ifapplicable) ft rr- 8 , 3195 Pine Hall Road, Belews Creek, NC 27009 fL --�ft v Physical Address.City,mud Zip Zt.RGiMARKS - Stokes f 1 Lm A'rlID'R Coo„n. Parcel ldentification'to.(PIN) ib.Latitude and Longitude is dereeslminutes/seconds or decimal degrees: 22.Certification: ;- (if%cell field.one tattlong is sufficient) _ l 36,252949 N 80.098877 %W _ - ., ~_ Signati'Nt of Ccrtihc<!Wc11 C'nnrcatwr - Date 6.Is(are)the sI'ell(s); 1APermanent or OTemporary )Sy.sigwng tins janq l herchr cert(fv riot tl),mW(%)ono('re")consimcred in accmrdanre u•irl+!iit�('.-I('fl?C.ql UU or 1.'+.4:Y('AC'!1?<'.U20U;Ye!!('nacrructinn Soodard,tmd Mat a 7.Is this a repair to on existing well: E]Ycs or 0No copy nfrhis scrod ltos heen provided ro ilia irell owner. 4111rty is a repair fill n111.0roun well conatrucliom h,run,tatiarr and explain the Dantre ajthc repair wader;2l remarks section or on ilia hack nfthis Inuit. 23.Site diagram or additional well details: You may use the back ofthis pane to;provide additional well site details or v.ell S.;Number of wells constructed: construction details You may also attach additional pages if necessary. Far-duple inJncrinu nr rani-x•otrr supply rrelA MI,i"+rhh rhe.some c-oractian,....can .wbmir arc jtrm. SUBMIT7:AI,INSTGCTIOtYS 64.3 2.a. For .all Wells: Submit this form ctiithin 30 days s of completion of well 9."fotat well depth below land surface: (ft.) P V.ar ondople ,ellx Ibi all dgwh,!f(Ii(Jemot 6-mple-3Co200'and 2?iHuf)') construction to the:foilov ing; 10.Static water level below top of casii>r• 60-2 (ft) Division of Water Resources,information Processing UniL if>.-atcr level is ahorc casing,occ" 1617 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 11.Borehole diameter: 9•24 (in.) 24b.For lnicction',Veils ONLY: In addition to sending the form to the address in Sonic 24a above, also submit a copy of this form Within 30 days of completion of.aril; 12.NVell construction method- -� constmction to the follo\ring- (i.c_auger,rotan•,cable.direct push,arc.) Division ofWVater Resources,Underground injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY, 1636 Mail Service Center,Raleigh,NC 27699-1636 24c.For Water Supply&Injection\i'efls: 13a.Yield(gpm)------ -_ Method of test: -- Also submit one copy of this fonn'within 30 dads of completion of Amount: well constniction to the county health department of the county where constructed. Form GeV-I Nordi Carniina Department of Environment and Natunl Rcnourcc;-Division of Water Resources Reused Acura 20 i