HomeMy WebLinkAboutGW1-2022-06257_Well Construction - GW1_20220628 WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD For lacrsrah4t_ ONLY; '!Lis Conn ran be«scd far sine lc or u altipk wCils i 1.Welt Contractor Information: sal q`4#1tR:' IfLS -77777 77777 Scott Hunt, Jr FRONT I to I Inicitit"ON, wolcotgrtgt*r1\.Irttc ft. fl. 4561-A NC%Veileonfuctorcer(ificationwumber i�1[)VPE T 191jirsETFstil(Isi'OlTRICIM if " let{ FRONt. Ata(1ttEY8R TIIt4'[a'�IfSS NiAYEP(Al, SAEDACCO Inc 0 (L ].0 f4 1" 1L SCE-40 PVC Cgtwtxtrro :t6't111NFR 41NGOiti48IlYGT eriatc6ttfort .crrt FRONT for DMIETBQ. TUW&NFSS I MA ERMLL 2.Wish Construction Permit# RT it. en Lfrrtrll ccplfrrnle irellpcnvi'a tie.Craunrs,SMT,t'arfrruM ll s in 4c.i ft. !i ilr 3.Well Use(eht ck well use): s7:`Scat!sFN;;. `Eater Supply We1L• FRONT I DrA'tiFTM srOTSM, I Ytil(7iN-5 _ NIATERM, OftrRalltuml rllYin1ACiik9111rtblIC 10 ft. 20 ft. 1° in .010 SC$ 40 PVC t C1Gs odsemml ttiaatitrgCootiug Supptyl OMidenrial Water Supply(Single! f4 i fr, to IIXRo1,-f .._ OlodusitinUConuttercial Olkesidknttl Water Supply(shall d) FRoar MURAL 4 I HHPYACEMENT NIMOD&ANJOIT r ❑Irti"ttion it. I ft Non-Water Supply Well: a. h Mmonitgring C 1tecu xy njeet n Well: 0Agotfcr Rccbargc C1Qm ndv a(cr Rcawdi,-rtiorr rv,;5►ttddlrt t EL PA'CArfir - icxftfe} FRONT 101 NIATERtAt. N.A1mtat:t;'tttnR't MCTIM r+ Qrtquifr t Store and Rccotcty 13SAlinity Barrier 8 ft. 20 ft, Sand #2 ❑ galfcrTeto 05tonnwatcr Dminap ft. iG oExpctimcutal Ttxhnotol y ❑Sufisid=c GoMml .;2isi'DTffClitiCs:lAGfsiitacttaddiuonaitrsteels`iC-i►ecc+ccan�`r - 13Geotitermal(ClastdLoup) Mrictr FRONT ucs�utfmovfwlor.banrrat�+:sblLrark t cerl ❑Gootltctmai Retuml t309W ex dttut(tier#3tftetnwks f� } ft See Geologist's log fL fL a 4.DateWOO)Completed: 6/14/22 E1et�(1ID�TW-2 ft, I ft. ' =tY e�• 5a.Well Lucatinn: fL ft J U N � $ 2�2 Commercial Property R. t ft Facility+` voct-Narm FacilitytDMOfapplicable) R ems'! r3i�, 3400 N. Elm St., Lumberton, NC, 28358 A. ' p. Physical Address City.and Zip ,.2 'REMA W,,.. Robeson Temp well for ground water sample. Caunty pArroIdeloi ,ylionNo.(FIN.y 46.Latitude and t nngitude is or decimal degrees: r2.Caertifi oa: (ir'ttuil rQW,oats laVloug is5uitic tt() lL' C4' �Cag �unt 6/18/2022 5i;retasaofC�tigdRirSlCo . tor Dale 6.Is(area)the w°cU(s): oPenrmnent or ZTemporan, Hr aging this m..1 Prerebr serti6-rbrr flu trellis!P va(tsrre)curtsrrrt-W ire aa�'a•oma u`nte rcaa l d u NCA' VIC MOO or 15A NCA,C 02C,(209 Well[ttreurraGr(nrt Srcrex frrats and*00 7.is this a repairto an eusuin»well: MVcs or MN(P s`.,rr ojti,it rfwa�rrllrrt Ltrn(a�t idff�t�tka'sfY1P tnaarcr. Pf tlrf;sk rt rr)�Ir.,fiPl:xn tknwcrr arfdcrnsrfurrd:rr#lrtjotrrurritnr:a Fad cxpPtritr rdtr ruraarr gfnc� am or adtfltional w'eil details: rrp�ir reseter�1 aerraLrLs srrrl�nr eta ells b,�ri;of tTds f°rnr. 23.Site d� Yew Lnm�vuseile back of this page ro prodd€additional tali site details or(felt S.Number of wells constructed- 1 eousttails. You ulay also aftactt additional pages if awessary-. Fur wa l4fda jftfeerlteu or or�ua-sewer suppfp welds ONLY orith the sr meeforsrrarth r.cuff twos:�nadronefora. IT . 9.Totalnell depth,hetow land surface`. 20 00 24a. Far Alli Weilx: Subndl this form within 11,lints of compaction of well For tat;alfiole ivells l ins a dtep;hr if tdffit'ra7ukya wlple=3021,R),gall 2 @ d(l ) consChiction t{D the fbumin;. lth.Static water level Maw top-of casing: (fp,) b fi{+Wnn of Water Resources.Information Processing Unit. If,tan'r let-el is afore cuolt.,rise^a" �160 Mail Service Center,Raleigh.YC 27699-1617 H.f3nrrhDtc diameter:2.25" 1m) 24b.Far fii Sffnn We11c ONLY: its addition to sending die foam to tlx:addim in 24a allow, as tr su ruit a copy of(iris fbmt within 30 days of completion of smell 12,Well construction method:DPT Constme-tion 1 the fotaowing: di.:.augcr, '.cable.tfirct;pas►(c(c.} Division} f Water Resources,Underground Injection Control Pr'oarank, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELD ONLY: 11636 Mali!Service Ceater.Ralelph,NC 276994636 13a,Yield(gpm) 5lcthod of(CM 2�For Watier Supply Injew"m Wells: of(Also orin ividda 30 daysofcomplationof submitsubmitqa..copy of f 13b.Disinfection Amannt: _ ._ . WC11 constru ion to tic count pa leolth deriment of(lie caum where comsmictcd, Form MY-r honh Catalina Wpanvw of Ea(tannxis otel V=PJ Rcsot e-Dnvisionof Water Rerourvs fteviscd AtQpuA-_'A 13 i