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GW1-2022-06152_Well Construction - GW1_20220623
-WjgLL eO'MMUerrO. ItECOL rev I1 ForteUse L WeII Co N ,rInfoimi-=" - NCWeIlCo�epocC R $ ✓W `�C�G.SNG - - .-� iiet& OSL�t• ::.r._•-. �� �D D7AD1aC�;g � .. INA�i7Ai, its. 2.WdlComtrucdonPermli- 1 3?_ - LI - Paz . C/L�iGORTt�IG TO �:- ��Luc�.s�p • .�� •-t 1 q IL � ;a .3 WenUse(ebeekweHme),. $• p� Os WeII: ."i. w' $ mamcwd'nb]ioMON nrrn�ps sr=s= are�e%t��ms im QG °I(HmpnpJCoo�SgycpPl3') adWakrSMAY(singe) - Commezzie! . �7udus�all nRedaeaw Waste strPpty(sba� sa.�Gsavr•t.: R �....�.� -_ ' .._-. NIoa-Witrr MWells>1 000 GPD rOao�r '"r' =%�.�:__ 1',Y�.;::• s< ' SapplyWeII: $ Z� : �,�"••' ,v rwcr�vrxsrsan�A�MOUNr MM s CLVWovay Y •Injection Well: $ $ ' 1 �+t ,u/ • pkq&=R=bmp pcaounawrtsrRem $ $ . OAgaMrSIIaaMaodRecovc7 IISslmrtyBamrr= :79 SAI�IDIC+RAv�PA ar�a�'„ OAquifcrTeat s Co�a1 FROM 1b $ MA rypTnr p j p�D • �paima�ITechnnlogy ' $ - 26 aI(QOsedI4cp) ❑Tr �sa�DBII.Ln�iGZAtG $ _ CGOOLSP/�CoolmBReuaa) oOther(exglammoclec2lRrmmds) s $ IL 4.Date WO)Completeds G-14•Zy wennw 52.Well Lofafion: IL g . • FkmyoOwwwme ` @•emu i»'¢,��4 t^ FacMyMAgfagpE=w,) $ , P r C-I,.., byAIN23p• � �^�1.t�o�,I,Q,( .41..•Avweevsre.,, • $ -,;�.•t. -=`r�•�':4$ •"•:: Pmed1d0IIN0. 5h.Latitude snd longitude is d ds or decimal degeex C¢��.�hdloagitsa�j � 2ZCertification: .3�' 2 �f-• N• �' S 5 • Y • W 6.7s(are)the well(s): lermaneat .or OTsmporsr9 !y 6 s ofefiWe11 co-�?O-2=- lbae 8y yr 7_btLisarega enstingwdE ' - stosn 8 tom.ILorbyemaljytlaatTae�rr�(s�yas(rve��+ aanvrimann7l� Ifrhtrtsa QY �mdl]Senvao:o}}I,e c}'�7�AbevtmrTu�C.02001➢r11C �eisaoirLaaovpy rgtz!r,�aabivrtiireII aovsms�� 'rr��o+der#1l�smarlsseataaormitheLaekoftlas�brm. -- - '•yy- &For GeoptobctDFT or Closed-Loop Geo&ermal Wells YoII Sim�gnm or:ddmoaalarII dctallr. ' won,only1GW-1 Es.needed.7adica TOTALNII BERcfasIIsa (add`sec,diQRemadsBax ouY p �additi�al�eIlooa�ndinaimSo daIIed l mayftzna&additimdpVsif==My_ 24.SQBb nTTAI,INS'TBUCIIONS" 9.Totslwen depth belowltadsurfwe: 310'6 . Farradt�plsreIIr&staIIdepeTal�B��(—F1a•3@2000'md1®I00) (&� Sbbmit$dsGW-I Ian30daysofweIIeompletionperttufanowlag: . 10.Staticwaterlevel daw top ofeL,&W .Ob 243.For— An weft paSnal hm to Mid=of WafrrResomea l�,rt�lodrs�oteeadng, re /+-, (&) IofinIDahaIIPtn Sbb ,16I7bOgPakigh.NC27699-1617 1L BorehoIe ditmcEet: (7 gym-) 241L For Iniection Wen,Copy to DWR•Undagiotmd lajecticn t;�ol gUC) Pragmm,1636M q Raleigh,NC27699-1636 12.welFeonstrecfionmethod:- K okai' ia'N' 7A--ForwaterSa aadO Loo Geatilermal>;etmaWeFsCopytothCG= e FOR WATER SUPPLYNvEU C ONLy;. y 24d For Water WeUs du• over Imm Gm.Copy W WI�CCPWA 13a.Yield bwo_ • d0 -- Me&od oftese Peamit m,i 11 bmLy C 1 11 13h.Ditin ontype: Amo=t:• i Foea GW-1' NactIiCgotma OfFavao�roblQmlitS'=DivicsonofWa�rRrsomoes P—ima&&2018