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20051672 Ver 1_More Info Received_20051118 (2)
NOV-':8-2005 05:23P~ FR01~- ~~~ NCDENR FAX ~RP,NSMISSION DENR FAYETTEVILLE REGIONAL OFFICE FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 28301-5043 VOICE: 910-486-1541 Fax: 910-486-OlOT T-622 P.001/007 F-619 ` Date: ~ ~ ` t ~ ' ~ To; ~ ~ ~ Fax #: ~(~~` ~~~ ~' ~ ~ ~' Pages (including cover}; From: ~~ Subject: ~~~ COMMENTS: h•1L~J-1$-c!~$c FRI $x:177 TEL: 9197336$93 NAME:DWQ-WETLAh~1D$ P. 1 NOV-? 8-2005 05:23P~t FROlrI- ..Mate of North Carolina ~epartrnent of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality James B. Hunt, Jr., Governor Wayne McDevitt, Secretary A. Preston Howard, Jr., P.E., DICECtOr T-622 P.002/007 F-819 i • • t+1QRTH rYARQI..INA DEPARTMENT C7F ENVIFIONMENT ANt~ NA7uRAL aESC?uRCES Apri123,1998 Cumberland County DWQ Project # 971020 A.PPRQVAI; of 401 Water Quality Certification and ADDTTIONAL CONDITYdNS, ~'VTtP Mr. Don ~rpadwell Broadwell Land Cu. PO Box $3]87 Fayettcvilie, NC 28305 Dear lv1r. Broadwell: 'You ha~~e our approval, in accordance with the attached conditions and those lisred below, to place fill material in an additional 0.9 acres of wetlands or waters for [he purpose of cans[ructing Iot; in Buckhead subdivision in Cumberland County, as you described in your application dated December 2, 1997. After re~~iewing your application, we have decided chat this fill is covered by General Water Quality Certification • Number 3108. This certifi;:aaon allows you to use Nationwide Perwit Number 26 when thz Corps of F_ogiaeers issues ii. In addition, you should get any other federal, state orlbcai permits before you go ahead with your project including (but not limited to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Coastal Stormwater, Non-Discharge and Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval will expire when the accompanying 404 or LAMA permit expires untess otherwise specifed in the General Certification. 'Phis approval is only valid for We purpose and design that you described in your application zxczpt as modified below. If you change your project, you must notify us and you may be required to send us a nc~: application for a new certification. If the property is sold, the new owner must be given a copy of this Certification and approval letter and is thereby responsible far complying wilt all tpndirions. If total wetland fills far this project {now or in the future} exceed one acre, compensatory mitigation may bz required as described in 1].3 NCAC iH .0506 (h). For this approval to be valid, you must follow the conditions listed in the attache[t certification and any additional conditions listed below. 1. peed ^otificatiaus or siatilar mechanisms shall be placed in all lots with remaining jtirisdictio^al wetlands and waters to restrict future wetlsttd prtd/or water impact. Those mechanisms shall be put in place within 30 drys of the date of this letter or the issuance of the 404 permit (whichever is later). Z_ A conservation casement shall be placed on at Ieast 4.5 acres of jurisdictional wetlands. Writtc^ approval from DVi'Q is rcgttirrd far the easement. Language for the casemr~rt[ shall bt subpsitted to DWQ by May 23.1998 for DWQ's written approval. 3. Fill shall be removed frtim lots ?OS and 212. 4. Stprmwater shall be directed to sheet flow atnon-erosive velocities across remaining wetland , areas before entering streams. We understand that you have chosen to contribute to the Wetland Restoration Program in order to compt~nsate for thesz impacts to wetlands and/or streams. Ia accordance with 15A NCAC ?R .0500, this contribution will satisfy our compensatory mitiganon requirements ^nder 15A NCAC 2H _p506(h). Accordi^o to 15A NCAC 2I3.0506~h), 155 feet of restoration wilt be required. CJnbl the Wetland Restarario^ Program receives and clears your check (made payable to: D>~HP~TR - Wetland Restoration Program), wetland or sueatn fill sha:3 not pctur, Mr_ Ron Ferrell should bd contacted at 919-733-5083 ext. 358 if you have any queSti4aS Concerning the Wetland Restoration Program. You have one month from the date of this Certification tp make this payment. Pot accounting parposes, this Certification authorizes the fill of 0.9 sexes of riparian wetlands in 030615 river abd SLtbbASin and i-4 acres of riparian restoration are regglted, Please be aware that the wetlatzd Itestoratian Program (SV$P} rules require tougding of acreage amoatttS to orte-quarter acre iricremenU (15A 21~ .0503(h)). Division of water Quality ~ Environmental Sciences Branch Environm6ntal Sciences Branch, 4401 Reedy Creek Rd., Raleigh, lVC 27607 Telephone 9i9-733-1786 FAX ~ 733-9959 An Equal opportunity Affirmative Action Ermployer 50% recyeledli D% post consumer paper hJCiIJ-18-28t~~ FF.'I 1~c:87 TEL: 9197336893 NFIME:DWL~-IJETLF~NDS P. 8 NOV-i9-2005 05:23PM FROM- T-622 P.003/007 F-8~9 If yon do not accept any of the conditions of this certificarion, you may ask for as tadjudieatory hearing. Xou must act within 60 days of the dale maz you receive this letter. Ta ask fpr a hearing, send a written petition which conforms to Chapter ISOI3 of the North Carolina General Statutes to the Office of Adminisrradve Hearinbs, P.O. Box 27447, Raleiglr, N.C. 27611-7447. This certification and its conditions are final and binding unless you ask far a hearing. This letter completes the review of the Division of Water Quality under Section 401 of the Clean Water Act. If you have apy questions, please telephone John T7orney at 919-733-178b. Attachment cc: Wilmington bistrict Corps of Engineers Cotes of ingineers Wilmington Field Office Fayetteville bWQ Regional office Mr. Yohn Dorsey Central Files Ron Ferrell; Wetland Restoration Program laud Needham, Needham and Jernigan lncet~l ,~ rest n F-Toward, 7r, .E. u 97 ~Q?0_ltr ~ jjj T ' ~,~•,~~ hdO~J-18-zDt~~ FRI 05: t~ i TEL: 9197336$93 NAME: DWQ-WETLAND'. F. NOV-i8-2005 05:28PM FRpM- T-622 P.004/007 F-819 ~`1~~~ I ~~~07~ Prepared try: r. I]uene C3i11]em, Attortrry at Law Mail to: Broadwell land Company' P. 0. Box 535$?, Fayetteville, NC 18305-3587 NORTH CAROLINA ~ ~ ~ t 6 DECLARATIt7N of COVENANTS, CONDITiQ1YS AND IiES CTIQNS eur~>=.t~tAND caurmr of aucra~aD. sECTtax slx,_~ Tovo: ,~ n>r>~n xo'1`I~tcA-ttox As to vv1vTL~-xDS tARTiCLE I, PARAGRAPH 19) THIS DECLA,itA TION, trade the lZih day of July, 2001, by BRUADWELI. LAND CON~A,~I~(, a Nash Carolina carporacion, hereina$er referrod to es "Daclararat", WITNE55E7Ti: W1~REAS, Declarant is the owns of certain p'opeRy in Cross Creek Towaahip, Ctaoabaland Gamt3r, North Carolina, which is ma's particularly dasa~ibod as follows: . az~cEavEn Lars 207 through 223, and Loa Z4b and 247 oftlAe Sudcbead, ~-2~~2a~ 1 AM 10 a Ofi a 33 Section Six, Part Two, Subdivision, Book ofPlats 103, Page 045, Ce~nberlatid County, North Carolina, Registry. ~ E II;GE t"o TDEEMS xOw, THEREFORE, Declarant hereby doclares that all of the properties des • ~ ~ ^ C • hold, sold and caaveyed sui~jem to the following arseatesits, resaictioos, coYenaats, and oaaditiaaa, which are for dxa purpose of pmreoting the veluc and desirability of. and which shall nut with the teal property, and ]x bixtditrg as alI paetios having any right, title or mint in the descaibed propertic9 or a~ay part thereo~ Their heirs, srtcaasora and assigns, and shall inure to the bptefit of each owner tha~eof. GEOR*E: E, TATUM R~GI5TER OF a~EDS ARTICLE ~. CUM9ERIANUCOIil~l1~H.C. tJSE R$5TR]C1'IONS 1. All of said "lots" shall be woo fw residential parpo~ a®ly end shell not ba umd for any buaiaess ar commercial purposes. Group family Isomer are prohibited,. 2. All "Lots" in the said BuCkhead, Section Sir, Ziutt Two, Subdivision shoal be residential lots, sad no st;vshrra shall be erected, alter+dd, placed a permitted to remain on any of said lots except otae detached single family dwelling of sot maro thaw twq at]d area-half ssaciea in height, a private garage for rat more them iltroe cars, and othQ o~ b~eldiags is the rear of the dwelling hoax which maq he incidental to nerma! residcnaa! aye in subdivision* of similar category. 3. No dwelling shall >m enacted t+r allowed. to txmain ar any of the said "lots'" which shall contain a heated-eras living space of ]ass titan two thaisand (2000) square feet, of which not fees than woe thatsand (1000) square fast shall be on the Sirst or gtoupd Boor. Heated area living space shall mean the ordinary liv7n$ space in a house which is desiepcd and caa~vcYed so as to bo capable of being roasted 5x regtrler living rays in cold weather. In the oampatatiatt of floor spa+x, lia7aece roam areas, garage6., carports, and porehe~ :ba11-8tjtate !~+e,~:w~ cotmted 4, a) Lot Z07 (which is a carne+r lot) muu meet the required front yard sesbudt m aardi ofthsxtwo _ :.. . intease4tittg stroets in aceardanee with Article VT`, 9eetiort 92-53 of the FayetD~wille Zoning e~° .x": -- building line of arty dwelling house ar 6uildiags appurttnaet thereto shall be rat leas than 40 fiem 5re~n the street on uvhich rho dwelling !roasts and nvt less thus 40 &+® the side sweet, rat less t5~ 15 Feet frees the anterior lot. line, and the tear property line may be elrablished pursuant to said Article V[, section 3Z-S3 of file Fsye~wille Zoning Ordlnanae. hliJ~:.!-1J-L/~~-~C FRI ~7c:82 TEL: 9197336893 hIAME:dWQ-WETLAhIDS F' . 4 NOV-1'8-2005 05:23PV1 FROi~- T-62Z P.005/007 F-619 dK~~2 ~ ~GOa99 . b) With teepee to aU cuts ether then L.at 247, tlto building line of any dwelling house or buildings eppnutenant thereto shall be Hell kss than ~0 fact freret the su+aet m whlrh tixr dwcllittg fratets, Hoc leas rhea t0 feet from either Qeteriar lot tine and with a total of Hat less than 25 iioet for both itetaiar lot littas, and not less them 35 fieot from the reu p~'ty line. g, ~aaesnents fiat drainage sad foe dtaiaage swab, and for inatallatioa and msiYttaaanac of drainage Srcdlitics, iaduding pipelines, err restxvad t9 shown on the recorded plat} sad •d,ditiowlly, tea (14') foot aa,~ents for all of snch proposes arc rex'rveti along all intt~ior "let" lines, suct- tax (lt)') fagot aa~eme~cs being Svc (S'} foot on each side of each iateriar "]at" line of each of the aforesaid "lots": Plovade'd- that if Dxlaraai st the time of the initial ppnveyaa~x of atry la oe lots of said stebdivisiao shall ab~ge the ails er shsPa of any building iot by adding s strip of lead to s "]et", er by deleting a adrip of land fs+am a "let", that t>we mea i1~} foe easomanc ltiercia reeen+~od shall he 5ve (5' fiat on each side afthe ittt+eriar ld line of the let as initially ac®vayod by Declaram. 6- Prior to Segtsmber 1, 2014, no building anal! br erected, placed ~ altarod on any L.ot tuttil the oa~ndetlcQiart plans and spoci$~etiaes cad a plan skxawing location of the structure m the individual Lot have been approved in writing by 9raadwell I~ad GoeapaoY, or ips designees, ss m queltty of worl~aaship amd nnaterials. harmony of dal design with eodatittg stru~nms, atld as to location w~itb reapoct m tepagraphy and 5aished Made elovasiant. 7. No ccros~tctian Holy ba cotestrtnted with as exterior wall finish of material of ceacrera ~ cinder. . . block type construction or shall br 5aished in asbeacos siding shingles. 8_ Na cbttin 1"enk, wire or solid p:ael iiettoea may be nested e1asQ to any ss~eet lips than tfxe earner of the house closest to the street line. Orasmem>tl forces (i. e., split rail fences, Q $aees through vd-ial~ie i~:,._~ at least 7594 •-ba'biliry) not to exceed t]aree (3') feet is height taay b~+ oonsQt>~ctad within tb~e:sav batwe~ tlu house cad the effect Nunes, Wito fences made of what is oommoaly t~Fereod to as "welded wir~C" ttuty bye placed behind the "ornamental featca:" re5enre~d to above, but shall eat exceed the haglxt of tbo ornamental fiaaoe. No feats, wall, ar hbdge highs than six feet sltalil be stetted ar maidminea an any tot. 4 All lofts as shanutt act the aforesaid recaraed plat are approved as to sites and shape, Na lot ahaU bt re-subdivided itt any manner sa as to create ally new ar Ttvised lot having a width of less than 80 fear ro the minimum setback luxe at having an area of less than 10,040 squsu'a loll. 10_ A11 anxs i~ediemted as streets and easements alt ells afattisaid teoordod plat are hereby dedicated . as such uses to public use forever. . ~''.. I t . Na structtue of a temporary charaacr, tt~siler, basamettt, tall, shack, garage, harp or cRlxer outbuilding sbtall be used an nay let at any time as a residotoc, either temparariiy or pgna~tartently. ~ ;;a~;~ -or..: . l~. Television satelliu or dish antennas ue prohibited in front of the rear wars of the howls ea a developed lot. or in the frattt 54 lost of lots net built upon. Small satellite dish aateoutas may be motmted old the side or ter of housts. , 13. Na sign os signs other than u "Far Sale" ar "par 17eait" sign shall bo displayed as any property within the subdivision. ! 4. Na atetamobiie or orator vehick alay.be d'csmarided or stared oil said pr+opa'tY, sad n® mechanically defective automobile, motor vehicle, meeltanica] mechinr, ar mad~inay, shall ltc plamd or allowed to remain ott said praperry for aver thirty (J4) days. Notwithstanding the above, this realriction shall Hat apply~~:,..: - such v~iClp is kept is an eaela9ed garage. No r~aercial trucks sha116c pctiait[od [a bt parked orl atYy let e:~:~'•"'~ ~ any subdivision street, exonpt in flee course of delivery or pick 4p in the dlsehargt of a spocifia aoQittte-aaust dray; 2 hdn~.~-Z8-2c~i; FF'I ~J5:08 TEL: 9197336893 NAME:BWQ-bJETL~iNDS P. 5 NOV-t8-2005 05:23P1~ FR01~- T-622 P.006/007 F-819 ~~~~~ ; Q~~ ~ as of nary kind, eacoeQt cp>Amon l~+ may be kept ort the pcemises~ neither 15. Ne anittSeis or poultry shad any use he made of the premfsea thex +would be o~,nsive ar obnoxious to the neigltltarittg inhabitants. ui tlti3 entire 16, Declarant (tl-e developer};esety~ tl1e right to subject the reef pt'op~Y d elec~ie egbles subdivision to a coretrs~ with the provider ofekcti'iosl service for fire installation of uzrdergrcwt cut cith~ or both, which will require an initial payment aad/ar a eantinuing aadJor the fttstillation of street lfglt • gw each r~sidentfal cu3tvma having service itf rite manthiy payetentt to the provider of eles:tric service by subdivision, aril which charge may bo included with the regular bill fa residential electric service. 17. It is undrrstaa~d sad agreod that these resg7cdans are made es shall be deeoaed t~vthavc a vestte~d g~tora attd grantoos and ariy add all subeequeat gtattt~, add all such pant interest in tkteae resa'ictioas st<d the right to ttniorc;e satae- 18. De~>~t turd ~ st,coe~ors in titlo may d any let or portion thereof; trot already °i ~ any oaastrucaions and uses which it, is xts disaetian, dams necessary in order to provide the subdivi~ott wtrh utilities. 19. COMIaLIANCE WITI:I'WBTLAND REGIJL.ATIOIYS. Ip ancordatxto wish ~ This DEIrI~ ~ .0540, the 6ailnwiag AEED Np~7FiCATION is reoatded is the Cumbalsed Cauatp Regiaay. NOT~iCA'17t3N applies to rack of Lots 207, 20$, 209, 2 a o and a ] 1 o£tlse B-~dth~ Saxtraa Suc,1'art Two, North Caroling, as shown m the pLt recorded itt Book of plan 1Q3, 5ubdivisfan, Ct,~barland County Rcgiatry, Inc., En ears, Plartar<s 8c S~veyors, dated August 20Q0 ~d AaSe 045, prepared by Moonaan, IGi~r ~ Ral~d, B~ t•~ded October 23, 2009, with the DEED NOTI~CATtDN being as follows: ~~,~ portion of this tat has heart ddtertoiaed to mart the requiremasn far deal®~ as a regulaboq- vratl~d. qty stbsegtsegt 511 or altttration of this vretbmd shall conform to the rogwt'etuterarian. The intact a~ es ad°ptai by the State ofNath Carotins in foroe at the titan ofthe prapveed . prcvisiott is to prevetrt additional va<land Sll, go the property vvvner should nd ssriaiMe that a fitntrca~:~" far 5111 would be apprcnred. The Pt'~Y ovraer shall report ~~ name of the 9ubdivisim iA nay appliaati+ort paysiniag W said wetland Hiles. 17tia croveaenr is itndtded to eABUre ppp~tinuod ra'mpiianee with vueclerad ruita adopted try the State ofNarth Caroluts and tberefare benefits may be extfKK'aed by the State ofNurrh l~Olina.~ . 'This covenant is to tun with the land and shall be buddidg aft all parties cad all octanes clgimittg tinder-hem-" 20. Notwithstanding the foregoing prm+isiaus requiring re~idetitiel u!e of the lots in this • subdivision, Declarant and its suaoassars in title may devote nay lot ar partfce ~~~ Hat a1r~y ~~ ~' ~ constructions and uses which it, iri its disc7etian, deans ttocessary in ord@' to provide the sttltdivaisaod urith utilities; and Declarant, and its surcessars itt ritta, may devote any let or pardon tltereaf, nor already sold, or aace sold but lgt~ raacquirad ba- Declarant, for street purposag far access t4 any ad]ominB p Hour awned, n[ , herw$er apgpired, by Doclerat's. 21. The invalidation a£sny nee or mane ar any pea of arty one yr mare oFthe aova~ats -~,.,•.: •. conditions art forth herein shall not affecs ar invalidau the reanairiiatg oovenaats or poe[ions tltrrao~ ~ ,,: ~,~,~.~ ARTICLE II. flENERAi. PROVTSIC~S Sectiarr 1. RCEIVIEN'f. Any Owner shell have the night tq entnerce, by anypraceedmg at ~vr~4-: . iri equity, ail reatrictioes, oanditiane, coveneuta, reagrvaeiotts, liens and charges Haw a heresies imposed by the provisions of this DeClaratien, Failure by any Owner to enfarrx any covenants ar restriction herein contained shall in ao eveslt be deed a waiver of the right to da so thereaftc. Nn~..:~-15-2©65 FRI ~tS:~S TEL:9197336893 ~:.r NAME:DWQ-WETLANDS P. 6 NOV-46-2005 05:24PH1 FR0~1- T-622 P.OOT/007 F-819 ~~5~~i~~oios Secxian 2. SEVERABIL~• Invalidsrian of ally one ofthese covenants or resaidions by judgment or coeat order shall ise Ao wise eft any other pravtseans, whi¢Is other prowsaons shall remain in full fosse and effect, Sectiote 3. t ,["]TS fii 1~r1=r't' 70 DEC~N. All present sad fiu~e owttars, tenants totd ac~;upauta of'Lote and their guess ~ invitees,'sltall be subtaet to, and shall comply ands the prvvisiortsabe ,~r~„~-.. -_ ., Declar~am, and as the Doclsration may be amended It+GRti time to time. °[be aaxptan~e of a decd o$GOpveyaa04 or the egos; ing into of a lease or the entering ~m oxupancy of say Id siaall coe.~titute sa agr+a~eaat ~[ flee provisions of the Declaration are accepted sad ratified by ouch owner, tenam or oecu~ttt. Ilea oovaaafap uad restrctions of the Dxlarariera shot! inure to the beraefu of and be wfiorceabk b7+the Owner efeay Iot; thou rvr legal represesttativesr heirs„ sts~e3sors atld #Ssigns, and shall tun with and bind the Iatad.arad shall bind any persatt having at any time amf interesr err estate ite any la as though soda provisiaaas were made a poor of each and eyay flood of canveyanoe or less. Suction 4. AA+IEIJD_T_~~ DECLARATIQti. The covenants attd restrictions of this Declarsttiaa shall run with end bind ttee land, for a term of tweaaty (20) y~ fi+otd the date of this Dedaratiara, sf~dr which time they shall be automatically extended fns successive periods of tea (]0) years unless tetmiteated by s wtittm'., . inanvment m socit effect sigoad dY nos less than fifty (SO'~4) percaat Qf the La Owners and reaor~ded; attd sarh terminative shall became eiive m the end pf the initial ctwenry (20) Year Period, or the subsequent ten (10) yenrs term during which the termina[iaa in9trtstgent i3 rooorded. 'iUis Dechugtian (~ than pareegrttplae3 atad~~ of ARTICLE I) may beam®ded dtauag the Stst tweQty (2d) year period, a a a~ubaoqueaat sen (ld) year-~~''"~ . by an inatrumeat signed by not less than filly (SO%) gdreetat of the Ld dwners. Any amt~dareset tnetst.trc raootded. - ]s is upderstaod and agreed, that any or all ofthe above rrattictive covena~ut4 sat Sorda as pares ~ and 4 a~£ARTICLE I may be mleavyed, d~tgcjid, xnadified, or amended, wish respect to a111ars, of wfth t~spexx to aao of mart sp~aaific Iota. ere $ollaws: a) lay an i~strttment executed by Hroedwe]] Land lyp~pppany so long as Hroadwrell Land Caeapaay is as owner o£ (err holds 8 ptertdaeae mosey deed of trust use), one err more of the Icts iu ~t~L•. _.~ ~ i acid aubdiviaian, or; . " . ~~ b) W1tCp 13roadwall Land Compenx is no longer the owner of(nar holds a purchase nimeg deed oi'#rust oa) any lot or lds within said subdivision, by as inst<tament sigAad~b~! .;,; owners of not leas than onahalf of the total late within the subdivision. ,, ~ ...~'~u.''r : ..: , - IN WITNESS VIIEIEREOF, BROADWELL LANLti CdN~ANY, the declarant heron, bas caused this Dxlsratian do be signed in in name the day and year t3rst about writrar. ~: x-~-- ~~ r~;p „~ '.~' .~ , * ~~ ~ . , , Hl~OADWELL LAND CQlel1PANY a ._.'~ `-` `~" bun pl. Broadrwell, President r~ ~ .! ~ ~ISE'~`1"E SEAL) - . . J ~ -.,.~` K_y, ..I^ f f clef r; t ~ r ~~~ M1 ~}4aimi~t.rl 4 ':.ti'1~:ir'.. hd0~•,a-1S-2~G~S FRI CAS: Da TEL: 9197336893 NA~1E: DWQ-WETLANDS F. 7