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HomeMy WebLinkAbout625 Canon Gate DriveA A- NC®ENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat McCrory Governor July 11,1014 Ahdrew,and Amy Gresko 625 Canon Gatebrive Cary, NC,27518 John E. Skvarla, III Secretary Subject: Surface Water Deteraiination,Letter NBRRO #'1'4 -245 Wake County :Determination Type Buffer'Call Isolaied,or EIP Call ®:Neuse�(15A NCAC,213 0233) Start@ ❑;Tar,- Pamlico:'(1,5Q`NCAC 2B .0259) El Ephemeral /lntermittent/Perennial Determination - ❑ Isolated Wetland Determination ❑ Jordan (15A NCAC 213 .0267) to Buffers Project Name: 625 Canon Gate Drive, Cary Location/Directions: Subject property is<a privately owned lot located at,project address; Subject Stream: UT to Dutchman's Creek z Determ`ination'Dat'e: 7/11/2014 'Staff: Sara Knies 'Streapi/ 'E/I/P* Not,SiNcici : Subject, Start@ Stop@ Soil ' USGS Feature to Buffers 40 Survey Topo Buffers A Pond X X X *E /I /P = Epherrier dl/Intermittent/PeYennidl Explanation: ` =The features) liste'd' above has or have been located on the Soil Survey of Wake County, North Carolina or4the inosvrecent,eopy of the US'GS T,opographic`map at a 1;24,00'0 scale. Each- feature'thkis t1 ecked "Not Subject" has,bebmdeterlmined,not to be a stream,or is not present on the property. Features that are checked "Subject" have been locaie&on the property ',and possess, characteristics that,qualify it to be�a stream. There,may be other streams,located on your°propert3rthat do not show up on the maps referenced -above but;,,still' may be, considered Jurisdictional according to the US Army'Corps of Engineers and%or to the Division of Water Resources '('D WR)� This, on- siteAeter,miivation,shall expirerfive (5),yea -rs from;the date,6174his fetter. Landowners or affected parties that dispute a determination inade by the DWR orbelegaied LocaLAuttio_rity may request,a determination by -the Director. An appeal request:must be,made Within sixty'(60) daysrof dabe of this letter °o`_r,­from the'date the,affected party (including doWnstreadvand /or adjacent owners) is notified, of this letter. A epgaest fora determination by'the Whe Carolina �turallr� North,Car6lina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mail Service, Center Raleigh,'NC.27699-1628 Phone (919) 791 -4200 Internet ,www"ncwatercivalitv:org Location. 3800 Barrett Drive Raleigh, `NC 27.609 Fax (919) 7,88 -71'59 An, Equal ,OpporturntylAffrmaUveAction Employer -50 %; Recycled /10,%o,P.ostConsume( _per n 625 Canon Gate Drive 7/11/2014 Page 2 of 2 Director shall be referred to the Director in writing c/o Karen Higgins, DWR WeBSCaPe Unit, 1650 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699. This determination is final and binding unless, as detailed above, you ask for a hearing or appeal within sixty (60) days. The owner /future owners should notify the Division of Water Resources (including any other Local, State, and Federal Agencies) of this decision concerning any future correspondences regarding the subject property (stated above). This project may require a Section 404/401 Permit for the proposed activity. Any inquiries should be directed to the Division of Water Resources (Central Office) at (919)- 807 -6300, and the US Army Corp of Engineers (Raleigh Regulatory Field Office) at (919) -554 -4884. If you have questions regarding this det ination, please feel free to contact Sara Knies at (919) 791 -4258. Sincerel , D Smith Supervisor, Water Quality Regional Operations Center cc: RRO DWR File Copy ACME Mapper 2.1 - 5.1 km ExSE of Apex NC http: / / f� ,r r'►�s►.i�� Vii, -1-1 l -14 SVIC Gate Drive, ry EW J GRESKO. AMY ANON GATE DR NC 27518 -2981 $32t,199 24,800 51 999 151 UANBURY SUB N GATE DR 0 N at 00000 -0000 100 Feet i0 feet ?duce and pummn Z.-aZ P.-.0P.-.01. W brWO—Wa p.Wse.. 0-pbed m as pse.0� tts mtarpn(abOn op . C-14 s /(/#a i 0.EIP \ l!� CAMBRIDGE & WMWA(j QTY ASSN. *W- �,. 08 8479 PG 1448 �'►e\ q� 8M 1996 PC 1978 CORNER BURIED IN CONCRETE / S86 S't 0`E 66.87S.F. II SWING 1 100 REAR SET - I o Ib / I V JAYASIR! GALA 113' - DB 11552 PC 703 / RU 199E PC 2156 TWO —STORY FRAME w/ SIDING PARTIAL BRICK X625 A� BM 1999 PG 1970 Z 1 3 ® o / ^ -------- FR N /F RONALDN'MGRNTON PC 1196 ON 199 19 PG 1978 IHVAC / / 2 I � / 30' SET$ - I ?z / CONC- / DRIA o I TWO —STORY FRAME w/ SIDING PARTIAL BRICK X625 A� BM 1999 PG 1970 Z 1 3 ® o 'n 0 8 N /F RONALDN'MGRNTON PC 1196 ON 199 19 PG 1978 IHVAC CATV i PHONE EiP - 106.63' EIP CANON GATE DRIVE 50' PUBLIC R/W NOTES: -ALL DISTANCES SHOWN ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES THIS PROPERTY UAY QE SUB.ECT TO ANY AHD ALL APPLICABLE DEED 'ARM COW"fD BY COORDINATE METHOD RESTRICTIONS, EASEMENTS, RIGHT -OF -WAY. UTILITIES AND -PRWVM ZZ&CT TO ALL EASEIOM AND RESTRICTIONS OF RECORD RESTRtCTIrE COYEPlANT$ 1M1K71 MAY 8E Di RECORD OR IMPLIED - NO HORIZONTAL PRED EXISTING MOW MENTATION FOUND IN THE nj 30 0 30 SCALE: - 30" iRES1D " Savl t� 1 id c. I &M 0"y Plains Rood, suits 102 Car, N" Q"ina 27518 Phony (919) 977 -ISM PH J< WAL r,7VM'JCr j FOR #625 CANON GATE DRIVE LOT 157 DANBURY SUBDIVISION PHASE 12 Cary Township, Woke County. North Ccrolina PROPERTY OF: AMY S. & ANDREW J GRE9(0���� MAP BOOK 19" PAGE 1979 DEED REFERENCE.�.��PAGE RC2 (Joins sheet 76) Y4 0 1 WE 2000 1000 0 V 5 000 Feet Scale 1:15840 C) r,j 0 C-) ::E m (Joins sheet 77) (Joins sheet 76) Y4 0 5 000 Feel 000 2000 1000 0 > S cale 1:15840 (Joins sheet 77) C N