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20051672 Ver 1_Public Comments_20051020
FPOM ';~AhaDHILL9 HEART GURGERY FAQ N0. :91G 323 95G1 Gct.. 2G 2~tt~~ tG1:12Pf't P1~'3 Rt~ber-l I'ieTsatl~, Jr., M.la. Confidential Fax Cover ~I~~er--.~. DATE: ~O~_t~_ O Dianna C. Martjn, P~1 L »ROM: RE: 1VLIMBER Off' PAGES (including covcx• shret): ~_~,...-_-- ---.,,.-------. COMMENTS: The dnc.tnrt~rt~s .~i~rnnip~nying this teleropy 1:r~tisinissiori corrt~ln c~nfiderrtial infonnatiori, belort~;ir~g t'c-, the sender that is ]cg~lly privilel;i~d. ~t'his irif'orrrr~~tlon Is intendc,~~l only for the indivicittal r~r entlly named above. Tl~c authnrizecl recipient ctf this irrf[tr~rratlc~n is prohibited '~ from dlsclosir~~; tl-ii5 iriFc~rtt~atis~tY lc~ any other }~arr.y. !f you. arc not the intended r~~cipicnt, yuu are hereby rtnli('jed l:hat any disclosure, copy[ng, distribulini~, oe actitaxr talren in reliance nn tl-ie contents al' thew documents is strir..tl.y pt•ohlUlted. I:(' yc~t} received ttiiti telecopy ire Nrrr,y`, plrrasr. notify fire s~;r~dcr itnnzediately to arrange for the retut't~ or clestrc:ction of these rlc~cuments, SaY~dhills Head Surgery, P.A. 3419~A McXru~-e Read Taycl~tevi11e,1VC 28304. Phone; (9~.0) 323-i)9'LZ i4~"ax: (910) 323-9501 UST-2kG-2tGG5 THIJ G1: G2 TEL: 9197336893 fJAME: [7WQ-WETLANG'~ P. 1 F~Uh1 : SjaNDH I LLS HEART EUR!aERY Uctober 11, 20f)5 Dear Sir or Madam: FAX N0. :91~ 323 95~J1 rct. 2a 2Et©~ G~1:18PM F'2:3 I air the homeowner at 442:3 Ferncreek Drive, in the Buckhead subdivision in Fayetteville, North Carolina. I have a problem with the homes next door that have violated the wet lands ct~des and are now asking for the Hales to be changed after the fact.. ~1Vhen i purchased my borne, it was my understandinb that what actually three lots Were, had. been divided into two, and had become the sites for two homes, ours on a Int and a half and one home to be built next door, also an a lot and a half. Knowing that we were building up to wet lands areas, this was the only way we understood that there could be room for a home on these lots. After purchasing my name and living there for awhile, Titr- Jackson, of Signature Propeaties, began construction on two homes on what wa.s intended to be one lot. 1n doing so, he put. ba.ckfill to create more space, using; areas that were de~aignated as wet lands and were to remain untouched. This was known in advance of the building of the homes, yet he went ahead and built without getting; the proper permission to violate the written cndec. TheQe homes are also in violation nfthe Buckhead subdivision regarding minimum lot width. After living here for some time now, I understand why the rules exist. if we all dc~ not comply, everyone is affected. My husband and I went to great Nme and. expense, researching and building a retainer wall that would help us to tttaxianize our space, protect our laud from erosion, and maintain the wet lands ttrca.s as the rules were writton. We spent about $lOQ,000.00 above and beyond the coat ofour lot and home construction to accomplish this- In spite of our efforts, our land is still littered with debris and trash, and has water drainage issues, largely due to the improper building up and disregard f~}r the wet [ands rules at the two homes next door to us. The hot~nes Chat are asking to have the rules changed alter the fact, are both directly "up Buckhead creek" from us. One is next door, and the other is next to that one. Their improper use of land has changed the flow of the water and drainage of Buckhead Creek and our lot (among many others) suffers the consequences. After a rain, debris, both natural and trash, including food containers, personal disposable items, etc. gathers along the side ofour lot. We continue to have erosion problems, and a foul odor due to the creek's inability to flow properly. The wetland behind our property has became a swamp with constant standing water. I have a concern far our environmental safety. As the mother of six children, i would like to feel my children can safely play in their awn backyard. Due to the standing watelt, 1 have concerns about mosquito breeding a.nd cnAkeg. 1 have a problem trying to understand why rules are in place , if they are not enforced. I do not thing: it is fair that they should only apply to some people. It is upsetting t.n cee Ot~T-2~-2~~5 THU 01:Q3 TEL:9197~36893 NAh1E:DWC~-WETLANG9 P. 2 FF'rM :SMhJDHILLS HEART SUF.'GERl' FAX N0. :918 323 9581 Oct. 2Ei 2~i05 81:19FP'I P3%3 that while we spend large amounts of time and money to follow the rules, others can get away with whatever they wish, even if it is for their own personal, ar monetary gain- 1 feel that the builder in this case, broke the rules in order to put two homes on a lot that only had space for one home, if the rules were applied. T can't help but believe this was for his own monetary I;ain. T a1FO know that one of the homeowners of one ofthe homes in eluestion, happens to be employed by that same builder. I lived here before these lots wort built'up and changed. 1 am now stuck with environmental issues that I was unaware of when I purchased my home. While 1 do feel badly for the homeowners of these lots if they were unaware of` the wet lands rules, T do nc~t feel my family has to suiY'er the conscyuences. In c-rder for Buclchead Creek. to flaw and. drain ae~ it was intended, the wet lands need to be maintained. Allowing them to have the rules changed after the Tact is -~at only wrong in principle, it has harmful effects on other residents and our Earth. Thank. You very much for your time and attention to this mlAtter_ I will be happy to provide photos, at your request. Sincerely, Jill Courtney Fietsam I-lomeowner 423 Ferncreek Drive Fayetteville, NC 28314 (9 [tl)485-4142 O~:T-EG-28015 THIJ 81: ~3 TEL: 9197336893 NAME: DWf~-WETLAhJDS F. 3