HomeMy WebLinkAbout20051672 Ver 1_Public Notice Comments_20051020FROP~I :SAhdIiHILLS HEART SURGER`r' FAX No. :91a 3~3 951 oct.. 2C~ ~i~©~ ~1:1~Ph1 F1%4 Robert Fietsam, Jr., M.L7. Confidential Fax C:avcr Sheet DATE: 1Q ;.~~:..~~ -~~.,...~.---.. .. r]i~y~-na C. Martin, ~'~ L TO: ..~.._~., 4~ ~.. .~_ ~,,, .... __... _. ,.~ Fix ~: C°± t ~~~~~ ~ t~~~ ~._~~_-~.~ .--_.~~, _~-~. FRAM: RF: Sanclhills Heart ~ui•gery, P.A. 3419~A Melrose Road Fayetteville, NC 28309 Pltione: (910) 323T9922 Fax: (910} 323-9502 NUMBER OF PAGES {including cover sheet) C~IVIMENTS: T}~~. documents ~ii:companyiri~; ~hls telecopy t:ransrnissic~n contain c:iinfiilential information, bPlon~irig io the sender that is legally prlvilel;c~d, This infnrmatiorl iS interldnil only for 1:he illdividuai or entity nam~rl ~~have. `1~lle ~I~.illtnrized rccip.ient. Uf this irlforrl~ation is prohibi.t~d irorli di.sclosirlg this information to any ~tl`ICr party. T'f you are not tile; i.I~tended i`ec;ipierlt, ynu are hereby notified that any disclosure, c:c~l~ying, distribution, of actinn taken in reliance art i.tte CUI]LLIlCS C}f ti1P.SP. dfJC1.1IIIe,"IllS IS ~Lrillly (JL4I71t7lt;ec~. II~ y(Utl I'eCe1VCCi ibis tclecupy in error, phase notify the sender inllrlt~diat~:ly to arrange for trle rc:Cul'I1 or dcstructiorl or these docuil1ents. nCT-23-E~~i~~ THU i~~: ~'~ TEL:'?197336893 F~lAME: DWQ-WETLAh•!DS F. 1 FF9Jf'1 : 9i~hlDH I LL' HEAP.T SURI iERY' FAfC NO. :915 323 9551 Oct.. 25 2555 51:15PM P2~'~ r ~ P ? `~l~ ll~~i ~~~~ Uctober 20, 2005 North Carolina Division of Water Quality (NCDWQ) 2321 Crabtree Boulevard Suite 25p R2~leil;h NC 284()3 Attention: 1~ir. Ian N[clVlilla,n Dear Mr. McMillan, i am the homeowner at 4423 Terncreek Drive, in the Buckhead subdivision in Fayetteville, North Carolina. 1 have been informed that my two next dour neighbors have applied for after the fact individual permits to cuntinuc their dcstntctian of the wetlands in the Buckhead Subdivision. In the article entitled "Public Notice", it is clear that a major portion of the wetlandq has already been filled in by Don Broadwell. According to your provided maps, about 60% to 7{)%, or almost two-thirds, of the wetlands alont; the >~uckhead Creek has already been filled in. In the last 2-3 years an additional Q.6 acres of wetlands hag been temporary disabled by the addition of tons of dirt and fill-rock. This fill has been to a depth o'fover six {~~ seven feat This corresponds to over 1 SO,Ot10 cubic feet of fill illegally dumped into the wetlands. 7"his displacement has resulted in recurring flooding downstream, and probably upstream, Pram the ftlled in lots, and well as major wetlands erosion and destruction with each and every major rainfall, ['here has been a major loss of storabe area for storm and flood waters. The water purification and natural flitration function of the Buckhead Creek has been severely disrupted. There has been a major increase in the erasion of my backyard, secondary to the increased landfill. While Mr. Wheelers 0,3 acres infringement seem small, and the same with .Mr. McKnight's, the additional O.G acres wetland destruction, in addition to the other' 0.9 acres allowed. far Mr. Broadwell, has reached a cumulative and critical level of wetland destruction along Buckhead creek., with accumulative and recurrent flooding and destruction fir the entire row of Houses in the Buckhead subdivision along the creek. As Hated above, this represents a huge reduction of the drainage system through Buckhead Creek. This drainage system is all downstream from the enormous landfill called Cross Greek Mall, through Barnes and Nobles, and trove the newly built Kohls: This critical level of wetland destruction in Buckhead has displaced fish and wildlife. The nesting and habitat of a variety of reptiles and amphibians has Veen displaced, with a Kigniticant number ~yf them moving into my backyard, particularly snakes and frogs. While Bruce Wheeler is concerned about the "c:ritical, ..functionality of (his) lot", he dues not seem to have much concern for the swamp like conditions which have developed rlc7wnstream. .T have already spent over $50,[100 on a retaininl; wall to maintain my awn lot line and stay within the boundaries afthc wetlands. "The next three neighbors OCT-25-E555 THU 55:59 TEL: 9197336593 NAME:DWQ-WETLAh~dDS P. 2 FF'Uf~1 :SHhJLiHILLS HEHRT SURiaERY FAQ; N0. :91~ 323 951 Dct. 2~ 2~~5 ~71:15PM P3,'a downstream have also noted the intense flooding which has been occurring since the lass of wetlands. This happenq five to seven times a year. 1 havc spoken individually wtthree Mike and Laura. Lewis, next door, Dr. $ongtt, two doors down, and Mr. Bob Davis, doors down. They live on lots 243, 203, and 201. Mr. Davis has brou6ht additional Town Administrators and Lawyers onto my property for review and personal inspection of the flaodinl; which continues to occur, Our previau.s next door neighbor, Robert Reed, noted flood water covering his entire backyard as well as completely flooding the floor of his garage. The Lewis's have noted the same backyard destruction twice in the last: b months, "The cumulative wetlands destruction, with the estimated 1.50,000 cubic Meet of fill, seriously threatens the surrounding property, as well as the wildlife which haq now been displaced. We have noted over a dozen turtles in our pool, obviously displaced from their previous homes in tear h of new land nI do n t even want to talk about the snakes. through our property, ~n ,. Another major development with the filled in wetlands has been the development of a large swamp like marsh, at the back corner of my property, were the wetlands were not illegally Tilled in. This represontg major environmental concerns for the breeding of mosquitoes with arbaviruses and the potential of life threatening; diseases with the increat~ed risk of West Nile Encephalitis, Yellow fever, Dengue fever, Hemorrhagic fever, and even Eastern Equine f?nccphalitis. 'Phis swamp creates an environmental hazard for the twenty five small children who play in our yard. We havc six, the Lewis's havc coven, and there are an additional 12 friends who regularly play in our yard. Drowning represents a very litigious event in these conditions. The safety of our children has been threatened by the nonequitable coRnpiiance to the wetlands property line, Attachment B clearly shows the nco.rly 15 foot discrepancy between lots 204 and 205 at the back corner. The Attachment does not show eievatiott, but there is a 6 foot drop off between the filled in wetland and. the non-filled in wetlands. A Icyt of children can drorH•n in 6 meet of water, The removal of these hundreds of thousands c)f cubic feet of dirt would help restore the natural flow of water through Buckhead creek during rainfall, This would reduce both flooding and the high risk of drowning. It would also restore the natural aesthetics of the Suckhead creek, with a.n attempt of restoring land to its original condition. Hopefully, the snakes, frogs, and turtles will be able to ~;o back home. While I am bothered by the homeowner's lick of insight into the wet lands rules and property lines, we have all carne to realize that ignorance of the law is no excuse. 1 do not feel my family, my property, nor should the other families and their children, nor their property, have to quffor the consequences of. this illegally .filled in wetlands. I do not feel that the displaced snakes, frogs, and turtles of Buckhead Creek should have to continue searching fc~r new Names. O~:~T-~t~-~k~1~5 THU ~1: ~~ TEL: 9197336~g3 NRME: DWQ-WETLF~NDS F. 3 FROPrI :9(~t~JUHILLS HEHPT BURGER`,' FA}~ hJO. :910 3z3 9501 Oct. 20 X005 01:1rPP~1 P4~'4 in order for Buckhcad Creck to flow ahd drAll as ~t` ~ to Ms'. Broadwellteight yeses ago. be restored, at least to the conditions orig~na y ~' Allowing the McKnight°s and Wheel l efteca t totherl~esidensin Buckhea and our only wrong in principle, it his ha,~nfii Earth:. Thank You very much for your tir<le and attention to this matter. Sincerely, Robert Fietsam, Jr., MD, FAGS Homeowner 4423 Ferncreek Drive Fayetteville, NC 28314 (910}485-41.42 iJf :T-20-20N5 THU 01:00 TEL: 919T336R93 NAh1E: DWQ-WETLAhJDS F'. ~