HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6130402_HISTORICAL FILE_20130409STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT ❑ APPROVED PLANS HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE( YYYYMM DD n COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN TRANSMITTAL COVER SHEET 8312 Creed moor Road Raleigh, NC27613 919.848.6121 Phone 919.848.3741 fax www.csitedesi9n.com TO: Mike Randall C: NCDI3NR — Division of \Vrater Quality 512 North Salisbuq Street Raleigh, NC 27604 (919) 807-6374 ,SENOI:R', Chris S. Clayton PROJ ECT NAME: Wendy's Restaurant — Spout. Springs, NC DATE: 4/5/13 PROJ I:CT NU NIB ER. BRI-1301 0 Otq:RNIGIa 0RMOIAARW4L ❑ ❑On) IORrICK ❑P COPIES DATE DESCRIPTION 1 NCDENR Stomawater Permit Application (one original and one cope) 1 NCDENR Offsitc Supplement Permit Application (one orignnal and one copy) 1 Check for $505 for pemnit fee 2 sets Civil plans (folded) 2 Died Restrictions & Protective Covenants I hngineer's Certification for regional facility 1 Current property deed I Secretnry of State listing for Bryant Restaurants, I tic. I Stomnwater/Erosion Control calculation booklet I Geotechnical Report I Copy of original stonnwater pennit issued for overall site (SW6111206) NOTES/COMMENTS: Mike, Inclosed are the necessary documents, plans, and fees for initiating review for an offsite supplement permit for the proposed Wendy's Restaurant site to be located at Lot 1 of the Northgate Shopping Center lo;c�ate�,d at the intersection of 1-lighway 24/87 and Plantation Drive in Spout Springs, NC. The original stormwater 117ILS\ F 1 your office for the overall development was SW6111206. II?W 117 please call if you have any questions or need anything further at this time. Thanks, Chris Clsvton HARNETT COUNTY TAX ID# I��0��111�1111 FOR SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED OF DEEDS Excise Tax: $3 100.00 TI E SEARCH OR TAX ADVICE GIVEN Parcel Identifier No. 9 I V by County on the _ day of 20 By: Mail/Boxto: Reeville.(Title Ins. w/ Charter Title, This instrument was prepared by: owel.A i lie, NC) Brief description for the Index: 1 4 +/- ac 4 THIS DEED made this 21b day of November, ,1 j b twe Jennifer Schulz-10cyenstuber(Separated) (aWa Jennifer Schulz) PO Box 1048 Spring Lake, NC 28390-1048 Holdings, LLC (a North Carolina limited wood Avenue NC 29314 **Free trader status, see �-tr�/o Separation Agreement filed w/ Consent Order 10CVD651,:Harnett Co. Enter in appropriate block for each Grantor and Grantee: name, mail' if ap opriate, character of entity, e.g. corporation or partnership. The designation Grantor and Grantee as used herein shall include said parties, e' a rs, and assigns, and shall include singular, plural, masculine, feminine or neuter as required by context. WITNESSETH, that the Grantor, for a valuable consideration paid by the Grantee, the ipt hi is ereby acknowledged, has and by these presents does grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, al that l0 Da=l of land situated in the City of --------------- Spout Springs Township, Ham ty, and mom particularly Y described as follows SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT `A' The property hereinabove described was acquired by Grantor by instrument recorded in Estate File 10 Ek OS, Page 100. �} All or a portion of the property herein conveyed _ includes or X does not include the primary residence a G % NC Bu Association Form No, 6 11112010 Printed by Agameot with the NCC Buer Association ssociation above described property is recorded in Plat Book page TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereto belonging to the Grantee in mmints with the Grantee, that Grantor has done nothing to impair such title as Grantor received, and Grantor will the title against the lawful claims of all persons claiming by, under or through Grantor, other than the following Ad Valorem taxes which Grantee agrees to pay in full when due. (other Than Jens) covenants, rights -of -way and encum rances at are disc osed on the public record and/or accurate survey of the property. A / IN WITNESS M(ERWP, th, kGrantgt4kuly executed the foregoing as of the day and year first Print/Type Name & Print/Type Name & Prin 'Type Name & State of MprlbCO=hMa - County t I, the undersigned Notary Public of the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein expressed. Witness My Commission (Affix Seal) NC Bar ASa0eWOh Fovn No, e ® 1/12010 Printed by Agreement with the NC Ber Association Jennifer Schulz) Print/Type (SEAL.) PrinUType Name: (SEAL) Pnnt Type Name: m!�_ and State aforesaid, certify that Otis day and acknowledged the due execution ofthe rial stamp or seal thisn±�— day November, 2011. or Tvoed Name 32 thence North North Carolin EXHIBIT'A' iron stake at the point of intersection of the South line of a 150 foot right-of-way of fhway No. 87 and the western line of the easternmost access road on the South side of n n plat of Babcock Lumber Company property made January, February and Cha kes, R.S. and running thence as the western line of said access road South st 4 feet to an iron pipe and the line of property of North Carolina Pulp a id li 57 degrees 09 minutes West 1214 feet to an iron pipe in said line; le s s East 475 feet to an iron pipe in the Southern right-of-way line of w No. ; thence as said right-of-way line South 57 degrees 09 minutes East 1214 feet to the point GI cont ' ing 13.24 acres and being the same property as described as Tract No. 2 in that Deed fro el nd wif Carietta R. Cage[ to Ralph M. Hardin and wife, Anna M. Hardin, dated the 29°i ay nu d of record in Book 525, Page 67, of the Harnett County Registry. Less and except p OP ty co eyed to Department of Transportation in Fee Simple Deed o i Book 1331,.Page 586, aforesaid Registry. Grantor also conveys to Grantee 1 Lo 3 (6.04 acres), Lot 4 (2.94 acres), and Lot 5 .1 ac es as shown on plat duly recorded in Map #2011, P e( ) 41 42 , Harnett County Registry. if there is y esc pancy between subject property as described on said p as scribed by metes and bounds above (13.24 acres), the rar warranties as contained in this Special Warranty Deed shall b l i ed to the metes and bounds description set forth above. 0 �wEt7 C00' C irO BERLY S. HARGROVE VEF DEEDS, HARNETT LIUS HARNETT BLVD C- SUITE 200 Filed For Registration: 1111a" Book: RE 24 Document No.: 20110166 DEED e NC REAL ESTATE EXCISE TAX: $3,100.00 Recorder: TRUDI S State of North Carolina, County of Harnett KIMBERLY S. HARGROVE , REGISTER OF DE Do 2011016678 27546 North Carolina Secretary of State Page I of2 Acco North Carolina Elaine F. Marshall DEPARTMENT OF THE Secretary SECRETARYOF STATE PO Box 29622 Raleigh, NC 27626-0622 (919)807-2000 Date: 4/4/2013 Click here to: View Document Filings I File an Annual Report JPrint a pre -populated Annual Report Form I Amended A Previous Annual Report Corporation Names Name Name Type NC BRYANT RESTAURANTS, LEGAL INC. Business Corporation Information SOSID: 0018003 Status: Current -Active Effective Date: 1/6/1981 Citizenship: DOMESTIC State of Inc.: NC Duration: PERPETUAL Annual Report Status: CURRENT Registered Agent Agent Name: BLACKWOOD, L JAMES, II Office Address: 100 N. GREENE STREET SUITE 600 GREENSBORO NC 27401 Mailing Address: 100 N. GREENE STREET SUITE 600 GREENSBORO NC 27401 Principal Office Office Address: 3105 GLENWOOD AVE SUITE 103 RALEIGH NC 27612 Mailing Address: 3105 GLENWOOD AVE SUITE 103 RALEIGH NC 27612 Officers Title: CHAIRMAN/CEO Name: DOUGLAS A. BRYANT Business Address: 3105 GLENWOOD AVE SUITE 103 C 27612 Title: PRESIDENT Name: RICHARD A. BRYANT Business Address: 3105 GLENWOOD AVE SUITE 103 RALEIGH NC 27612 Title: htip://www.secretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?13itemld=4696861 4/4/2013 North Carolina Secretary of State J Page 2 of 2 Name: Business Address: Stock MARY E. BRYANT 3105 GLENWOOD AVE SUITE 103 RALEIGH NC 27612 Class Shares No Par Value Par Value COMMON 100000 1 This website is provided to the public as a part of the Secretary of State Knowledge Base (SOSKB) system. Version: 4398 http://www.sceretary.state.nc.us/corporations/Corp.aspx?Pitemld=4696861 4/4/2013 COMMERCIAL SITE DESIGN, 8312Creed moor Road Raleigh, NC27613 919.848.6121 Phone 919.848.3741 Fax w w w. c s i t e d e s i g n. c o m Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Calculations Wendy's Northgate Subdivision Lot 1 Spout Springs, North Carolina CSD Project No.: BRI-1301 SITE g "O", . o16 �o a P-0266 s O / 0 SEAL 26411.11ti. 'Y...J....B� April 2, 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION I - EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION.................................................................... 1.2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS........................................................... 1.3 ADJACENT AREAS............................................................................. 1.4 CRITICAL EROSION AREAS.............................................................. 1.5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES ........................ 1.6 VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION........................................................ 1.7 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION......................................................... 1.8 MAINTENANCE.................................................................................. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE............................................................ SECTION II - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 2.1 STORM WATER NARRATWE............................................................ SECTION III - APPENDICES APPENDIX A - NCDENR E&SC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST ................... APPENDIX B - SUMMARY.OF RESULTS ................................................... APPENDIX C - MISCELLANEOUS SITE DATA .......................................... APPENDIX D - PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS APPENDIX E - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS wl u SECTION I - EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION ' This report addresses expected erosion and sediment control and stormwatet management for the proposed development of a Wendy's Restaurant in Spout Springs, North Carolina. The property is located in the Northgate Subdivision on south side of NC Highway 24-87, just west of the intersection with Plantation Drive, and can be found at 35.256944°N and 79.039722°W. This property is a portion of the existing, Northgate Shopping Center development (Lot #1). The site total acreage is 1.25 acres. Currently the lot is an undeveloped, rough graded outparcel of an existing shopping center. The proposed development will consist of a single -story 3,753 square foot building with curb islands and associated parking. The proposed construction will result in an impervious area for the site of approximately 0.79 acres or 64% impervious. A regional facility provides the necessary stormwater management for the entirety of the shopping center development (Stormwater Permit #SW6 1111206). Previous stormwater management calculations for the overall shopping center prepared by Larry King and Associates and the deed restrictions for the property account for the proposed flows of the Wendy's outparcel (Lot #1) with a maximum impervious area of 1.25 acres (100%) allotted to this outparcel. The impervious area of the proposed Wendy's development (0.79 acres or 64%) is less than that which was accounted for in the original design. Therefore, no additional stormwatcr management is required. The property owner is Bryant restaurants, Inc. This site is located in the Cape Fear basin and drains to Muddy Creek, which has a stream index number of 18-23-26. The site itself is NOT within 'A mile of an SA classified water nor is the site within 575 feet of an SA classified water. 1.2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS The existing site consists of a rough graded open field. Drainage for the site flows to inlets located around the southern perimeter of the property. This storm drainage system ultimately discharges to the southeast into a regional stormwatcr facility for the overall shopping center. 1.3 ADJACENT AREAS The site is bounded by NC Highway 24-87 to the north and a shopping center access drive to the east. An undeveloped commercial outparcel neighbors the site to the south and an existing commercial lot neighbors the site to the west. 1.4 CRITICAL EROSION AREAS The most critical erosion area will be the surface of the working area during construction operations. If grass is not established on dormant denuded areas then there is a significant potential for the covered areas to be eroded and for sediment to be carried in the runoff. To minimize the potential for erosion, covered areas that are temporarily inactive will be seeded within 14 working days after placement of the soil cover. 2 Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC BRI-1301 4/4/2013 1.5 EROSION AND SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES All vegetative practices and erosion and sediment control features shall be designed, constructed and maintained in accordance with the North Carolina Erosion and Sediment Control Planning Standards and Specifications. The features are designed to control runoff resulting from the 10-year frequency storm. Plan -view drawings with details are provided. 1.5.1 STABILIZED CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE/EXIT (REFERENCE NCESCPDM STD & SPEC 6.06) Stabilized construction entrances should be used at all points where traffic will be leaving a construction site and moving directly onto a public road. Wash down facilities may be required as directed by your local approving agency. Construction entrances should be used in conjunction with the stabilization of construction roads to reduce the amount of mud picked up by vehicles. 1.5.2 SILT FENCE (REFERENCE NCESCPDM STD & SPEC 6.62) Sediment fences will be provided downgradient of the proposed site grading at the locations shown on the drawings. The sediment fences will direct flow to either a sediment deposition area behind the fence or to a sediment trap. Silt fences are not to be used across channels or in areas of concentrated flows. 1.5.3 BLOCK AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION (REFERENCE NCESCPDM STD & SPEC 6.52) Block and gravel inlet protection will be utilized on this site. The inlet protections are utilized to help prevent sediment from entering the storm drains before stabilizing the contributing watershed. This practice allows early use of the storm drain system. 1.6 VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Vegetative cover shall be re-established within 14 calendar days after completion of the activity. Refer to plans for temporary and permanent seeding schedule and specifications. 1.7 TEMPORARY STABILIZATION Disturbed areas will be vegetated in accordance with section 3.0 of the North Carolina Erosion and Sedimentation Control Design Manual and the. seeding specifications. Temporary control features will remain in place and will be maintained until the up -gradient disturbed area has been stabilized with vegetative cover. Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC BRI-1301 4/4/2013 1.8 MAINTENANCE All erosion and sediment control measures will be checked for stability and operation following every runoff -producing rainfall but in no case less than once every week. Any needed repairs will be made immediately to maintaui all measures as designed. Sediment fences shall be inspected at least once a week and after each rainfall event. Repairs shall be made immediately. Sediment deposits shall be removed as needed to provide adequate storage volume for the next rainfall event, and to reduce pressure on the fence. Fencing materials and sediment deposits shall be removed, and the area brought to grade following stabilization of upgradient disturbed areas. 1.9 CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE 1. Schedule a pre -construction conference with the environmental engineer. Obtain a.land-disturbing permit. 2. Install gravel construction entrance, silt fence, and other measures as shown on the approved plan. Clear only as necessary to install these devices. Seed temporary diversion ditches and berms immediately after construction. See seeding schedule on approved plans. 3. Call for onsite inspection by conservation inspector and obtain certificate of compliance. 4. Begin demolition/clearing/grubbing and general excavation onsite. It is the responsibility of the contractor to phase/stage erosion control as necessary to allow for proper construction activity. Note: Contractor shall inspect and repair all erosion devices at least once a week and after every rainfall of V2 inches or greater. Grading activity shall be prohibited in the areas of the ,sediment control devices until the areas upstream of these devices have been stabilized and approved. 5. Install approved inlet protection and stabilize site as areas are brought up to finish grade with vegetation, paving, ditch linings, etc. Seed and mulch denuded areas within 15 days of completion of any phase of construction; all areas shall be stabilized within 21 days. G. When construction is complete and all areas are stabilized completely, call for inspection by environmental inspector. 7. If site is approved, remove silt fencing, inlet protection, etc. Seed or pave any resulting bare areas. All remaining permanent erosion control devices, such as outlet protection, should now be installed or brought online. 8. When vegetation has become .established, call for a final site inspection by the environmental engineer. Obtain a certificate of completion. 4 Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC ,r BRI-1301 4/4/2013 Q% SECTION II - STORMWATER MANAGEMENT 2.1 STORMWATER NARRATIVE A regional facility provides the necessary stormwater management for the entirety of the Northgate Shopping Center development (stormwater Permit SW6 111206). Previous stormwater management calculations for the overall shopping center prepared by Larry King and Associates and the deed restrictions for the property account for the proposed0flows of the Wendy's outparcel (Lot #1) with a maximum impervious area of 1.25 acres (100%) allotted to this outparcel. The impervious area of the proposed Wendy's development (0.79 acres or 64%) is less than that which was accounted for in the original design. Therefore, no additional stormwater management is required. The following report provides detailed information regarding the hydrology and peak runoff rates for the post -development conditions of the proposed Wendy's site. Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC BRI-1301 4/4/2013 5 / r.. APPENDIX A - NCDENR E&SC PLAN REVIEW CHECKLIST Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC BRIA301 4/4/2013 EROSION and SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN PRELIMINARY REVIEW CHECKLIST The following items shall be incorporated with respect to specific site conditions, in an erosion & sedimentation control plan: N.PIDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCG010000 , Designation on the plans where the 7 or 14 day ground stabilization requirements apply per Section II.B.2 of the permit. MIA Design of basins with one acre or more of drainage area for surface withdrawal as per Section II.B.4 of the permit. LOCATION INFORMATION Pro location 8 labeled vicinity map (roads, streets, landmarks) Northh a arrow and scale Identify River Basin. Provide a copy of site located on applicable USGS quadrangle and NRCS Soils maps if it is in a River Basin with Riparian Buffer requirements. GENERAL SITE FEATURES (Plan elements) Property lines & ownership ID for adjoining properties Existing contours (topographic lines) Proposed contours Limits of disturbed area (provide acreage total, delineate limits, and label). Be sure to include all access to measures, lots that will be disturbed, and utilities that may extend offsite. Planned and existing building locations and elevations Planned & existing road locations & elevations, including temporary access roads Lot and/or building numbers Hydrogeologic features: rock outcrops, seeps, springs, wetland and their limits, streams, lakes, ponds, dams, etc. (include all required local or state buffer zones and any DWQ Riparian Buffer ...��L determinations) �L� Easements and drainageways, particularly required for offsite affected areas. Include copies of any recorded easements and/or agreements with adjoining property owners. M Profiles of streets, utilities, ditch lines, etc. WA Stockpiled topsoil or subsoil locations _fJ* If the same person conducts the land -disturbing activity & any related borrow or waste activity, the related borrow or waste activity shall constitute part of the land -disturbing activity unless the borrow or waste activity is regulated under the Mining Act of 1971, or is a landfill regulated by the Division of Waste Management. If the land -disturbing activity and any related borrow or waste activity are not conducted by the same person, they shall be considered separate land -disturbing activities and must be permitted either through the Sedimentation Pollution ',r Control Act as a one -use borrow site or through the Mining Act. rrn Location and details associated with any onsite stone crushing or other processing of material excavated. -If the affected area associated with excavation, processing, stockpiles and transport of such materials will comprise 1 or more acres, and materials will be leaving the development tract, a mining permit will be required. .v/A Required Army Corps 404 permit and Water Quality 401 certification (e.g. stream disturbances over 150 linear feet) EROSION & SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES (on plan) Legend (provide appropriate symbols for all measures and reference them to the construction details) Location of temporary measures Location of permanent measures Construction drawings and details for temporary and permanent measures. Show measures to scale on plan and include proposed contours where necessary. Ensure design storage requirements are maintained through all phases of construction. Maintenance requirements for measures Contact person responsible for maintenance SITE DRAINAGE FEATURES _TQ Existing and planned drainage patterns (include off -site areas that drain through project and address temporary and permanent conveyance of stormwater over graded slopes) Method used to determine acreage of land being disturbed and drainage areas to all proposed measures (e.g. delineation map) Size, pipe material and location of culverts and sewers Soil information: type, special characteristics Soil information below culvert storm outlets Name and classification of receiving water course or name of municipal operator (only where stormwater discharges are to occur) STORMWATER CALCULATIONS Pre -construction runoff calculations for each outlet from the site (at peak discharge points). Be sure to provide all supporting data for the computation methods used (rainfall data for required storm events, time of concentration/storm duration, and runoff coefficients). Q Design calculations for peak discharges of runoff (including the construction phase & the final runoff coefficients for the site) Design calcs for culverts and storm sewers (include HW, TN and outlet velocities) Discharge and velocity calculations for open channel and ditch flows (easement ,& rights -of -way) Design calcs for cross sections and method of stabilization for existing and planned channels (include temporary linings). Include appropriate permissible velocity and/or shear stress data. Design calcs and construction details for energy dissipaters below culvert and stone sewer outlets (include stone/material specs & apron dimensions). Avoid discharges on fill slopes.. Design calcs and dimension of sediment basins (note current surface area and dewatering standards as well as diversion of runoff to the basins). Be sure that all surface drains, including ditches and berms, will have positive drainage to the basins. VEGETATIVE STABILIZATION Area & acreage to be stabilized with vegetation Method of soil preparation Seed type & rates (temporary & permanent) 7 Fertilizer type and rates Mulch type and rates (include mulch anchoring methods to be used) NOTE: Plan should include provisions for groundcover in accordance with NPDES Construction Stormwater General Permit NCG010000 and permanent groundcover for all disturbed areas within 15 working days or 90 calendar days (whichever is shorter) following completion of construction or development. FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY/OWNERSHIP FORM Completed, signed & notarized FR/O Form j Accurate application fee payable to NCDENR ($65.00 per acre rounded up the next acre with no ceiling amount) Certificate of assumed name, if the owner is a partnership Name of Registered Agent (if applicable) Sj1}} Copy of the most current Deed for the site. Please make sure the deed(s) and ownership information are consistent between the plan sheets, local records and this form. Provide latitude & longitude (in decimal degrees) at the project entrance. NOTE: For the Express Permitting Option, inquire at the local Regional Office for availability. NARRATIVE AND CONSTRUCTION SEQUENCE Narrative describing the nature & purpose of the construction activity Construction sequence related to erosion and sediment control (including installation of critical measures prior to the initiation of the land -disturbing activity & removal of measures after areas they serve are permanently stabilized). Address all phases of construction and necessary practices associated with temporary stream bypasses and/or crossings. Bid specifications related - only to erosion control rev. 12182012 APPENDIX B - SUMMARY OF RESULTS Wendy's — Spout Springs, BRI-1301 4/4/2013 NC ~ WENDY'S - SPOUT SPRINGS, NC SUMMARY OF RESULTS J. BECKETT, PE BRI-1301 4/2/2013 RELEASE RATE MANAGEMENT RESULTS WENDY'S SITE RETURN PERIOD PRE DEVELOPMENT (CFS) POST DEVELOPMENT ICES) INCREASE (%) 1-YEAR 1.43 4.45 211% 10-YEAR 2.17 6.75 211% 25-YEAR 2.41 7.50 211% 50-YEAR 2.58 8.03 211% 100-YEAR 2.74 7.50 174% APPENDIX C - MISCELLANEOUS SITE DATA Wendy's — Spout Springs, BRI-1301 4'/4/2013 NC / WENDY'S - SPOUT SPRINGS, NC SITE SOILS INFORMATION BR1-1301 J. BECKETT, PE 4/2/2013 HYDROLOGIC SOILS GROUP INFORMATION Soil information for site aquired via Web Soil Survey Symbol Name HSG CaB Candorsand B Pd Pits -Dumps complex %HSG A= 0.0% %HSG B = 100.0% %HSG C= 0.0% %HSG D= 0.0% .COMPOSITE RUNOFF COEFFICIENT CALCULATION Watershed soils are from 'HSG B. The relative percentage of each HSG was calculated. These percentages were then used in the computation of the composite runoff coefficient. Cover Condition Runoff C - HSG A Impervious 0.95 Open 0.15 Wooded 0.15 Cover Condition Runoff - HSG B Impervious 0.95 Open 0.22 Wooded 0.15 Cover Condition Runoff C - HSG C Impervious 0.95, Open 0.48 Wooded 0.40 Cover Condition Runoff C - HSG D Impervious 0.95 Open 0.60 Wooded 0.54 Cover Condition Composite Runoff C Impervious 0.95 Open 0.22 Wooded 0.15 S/o L abed AomnS IIoS unlyeAedooZ) leuol)eN uotn s uoquv suoo � ELOl/i/6 AG"nS IIoS qoM saWm H IwFgBN V S .91 .91 Ac .%.91 .SE 009 004 ooz OOL 0 Laad 1V OSL OOL 09 sL 0 velery N 'Iaa4e(.LLK S9) anstluo pepwd A 000'E:L :alwS dory ;,L SL SL.sf SE S L .SE (ON 'sBuudS inodS - s,RpueM) eulloAeO 4VON 'Nunoo ueweH—deW IIoS Soil Map-Hamett County, North Carolina (Wendy's - Spout Springs, NC) MAP LEGEND MAP INFORMATION Area of Interest (Aop 0� Very Stony Spot Map Scale: 1:3,000 'd printed on A size (8.5" : 11 ") sheet. 0 Area of Interest (Aot) Wet Spot t P The soil surveys that comprise your AOI were mapped at 1:24,000. Soils a Other Soil Map Units Warning: Soil Map may not be valid at this scale. Special Line Features Special Point Features ^`.., Gull y Enlargement of maps beyond the scale of mapping can cause V Blowout misunderstanding of the detail of mapping and accuracy of soil line ,°' Short Steep Slope placement. The maps do not show the small areas of contrasting ® Borrow Pit soils that could have been shown at a more detailed scale. X Clay Spot ..Other - Political Features Please rely on the bar scale on each map sheet for accurate map Closed Depression 9 Cities measurements. X Gravel Pit Water Features Source of Map: Natural Resources Conservation Service ' .. Gravelly Spot I Streams and Canals Web Soil Survey URL: http:/IwebsoilsuNey.nres.usda.gov Coordinate System: UTM Zone 17N NAD83 ® Landfill Transportation Rails This product is generated from the USDA-NRCS certified data as of ALava Flow +a+ .... the version date(s) listed below. ' ,,l, Marsh or swamp •ti Interstate Highways Soil Survey Area: Harnett County, North Carolina . R Mine or Quarry US Routes Survey Area Data: Version 8, Jul 5, 2012 O Miscellaneous Water Major Roads Date(s) aerial images were photographed: 6/22/2006 p Perennial Water v Local Roads The orthophoto or other base map on which the soil lines were compiled and digitized probably differs from the background .. Rock Outcrop - imagery displayed on these maps. As a result, some minor shifting } Saline Spot of map unit boundaries may be evident. Sandy Spot = Severely Eroded Spot C Sinkhole Slide or Slip rs Sodic Spot Spoil Area Q Stony Spot - USDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/2/2013 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 2 of 3 Soil Map-Hamett County, North Carolina Wendy's - Spout Springs, NC Map Unit Legend 55 "'^� >F :' � ASH j Hamett,Coun North Carohna�NC085 r �S COSsex "ukdrMap�Unrt�,Symbolur` I'V '' a r ` gw'"�[>'S�Map�urnt�Name�i`�.�,,. Acres m AOI Percent ofrA01 n Wa„w'�7Ca'�..,.�, .r..r,_,..... e; ... CaB Candor sand, 0 to 8 percent slopes 0.7 53.3% Pd Pits -Dumps complex 0.6 46.7% Totals for Area of Interest 1.2 100.0% OSDA Natural Resources Web Soil Survey 4/2/2013 Conservation Service National Cooperative Soil Survey Page 3 of 3 Precipitation Frequency Data Server Page 1 of 4 NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 2, Version 3 Location name: Spring Lake, North Carolina, US',`'\ (D . Coordinates: 35.1739,-79.0089 7! Elevation: 191 W • source: Google Maps Q1 „ , POINT PRECIPITATION FREQUENCY ESTIMATES G.M. Bonnin, D. Martin, B. Lin, T. Parrybok, M.Yekta, and 0. Riley NOAA, National Weather Service. Silver Spring, Maryland PF tabular i PF graphical I Maps & aerials PF tabular PDS-based point precipitation frequency estimates with 90% confidence intervals (in inches/hour)' Duration Average recurrence interval(years) 0�0 10 25F 50 100 200 500 1000 5.21 6.14 7.15 L91 8.78 9.40 9.98 5-min 10.5 11.1 11.6 (4.69-5.84) (5.53-6.89) (6.44-8.03) (7.10-8.83) (7.85-9.80) (8.40-10.5) (8.86-11.1) (9.29-11.7) 1 (9.76-12.4) (10.1-12.9) 4.16 4.91 5.73 6.32 7.00 10-min 7.49 7.93 8.33 8.81 9.15 (3.74-4.67) (443-5.51) (516-6.43) (568-707) (625-7.81) (6.68-8.34) (7.04-8.82) (736-9.25) (7.72-978) (7.96-10.2 ) 3.47 4.12 4.83 5.33 5.91 6.32 15-min 6.68 7.00 7.39 7.66 (3.12-3.89) 1 (3.71-4 62) (4 35-5.42) (4.79-5 96) (5,28-6.60) 1 (5.64-7 04) 1 (5 93-7.43) 1 (6.19-7.78) (6.47-8.21) (6.66-8 50) 2.38 2.85 3.43 3.86 4.38 4.76 30-min 5.12 5.45 5.88 6.20 (2.14-2.67) (2.56-3.19) (3.09-3.85) (347-4.32) (3.91-4.89) (4.25-5.30) (4.54-569) (4.82-606) (5.15-6.53) (540-6.88 ) 1.48 1.78 220 2.57 2.92 60-min 3.22 3.53 3.82 4.22 4.52 (1.33-1.66) (1.61-2el)) 1 (1.98-2.47) 1 (2.26-281) 1 (2.61-3.26) (2.88-3.59) (3.13-3.92) (338-4.25) (3,70-4.68) (3.94-5.02) 0.868 1.05 1.31 7.52 1.78 1.99 2-hr 2.20 2.41 2.69 2.90 (0773-0.984) (0.938-1.19) 1 (117-149) 1 (135-1.71) 1 (1.58-202) 1 (175-2.25) 1 (1.93-2.48) j (2.10-2.72) 1 (2,32-303) 1 (2.48-327) F 0.614 0.743 0.934 1.09 1.29 1.46 1.63 F1.80 3-hr (0.548-0697) (0.664-0.843) (0834-1.06) (0.966-1.23) 1 (1,14-1.46) 1 (1.28-1.64) 1 (1.42-1.83) 1 (1.56-2.03) F 2.05 1 (1.75-230) F 2.24 1 (190-2.52) 0.367 0.444 0.559 0.650 0.777 0.879 6-hr 0.985 1.10 1.25 1.37 (0.332-0.409) (0.403-0.494) (0.505-0.621) (0.586-0.722) (0.695-0.860) (0.781--0972) (0.868-1.09) (0956-1.21) 1 (1.08-1.38) 1 (1.17-1.51) 0.215 F 0.261 0.330 0.386 0.464 0.528 - 12-hr 0.596 0.667 0.769 0.851 (0.195-0.239) (0.236-0.289) (0.298-0.366) (0.347-0427) (0.414-0.512) (0.468-0.581) (0.523-0654) (0.580-0731) (0.658-0.843) (0.719-0.931) 0.128 0.154 0.195 0.227 0.271 24-hr 7h2) 0.306 0.342 0.379 0.431 0.472 (0.119-0.13824 (0.144-0.167) (0.181-0.210) (0.210-0.244) (0.25D-0.292) ( 0.282-0329) ( 0, 314-0.368) ( 0.348-0.408) ( 0, 393-0.464) (0.428-0508) 0.074 0.089 0.112 0.130 0.154 0.174 2-day 0.194 0.215 0.243 0.266 ( 0069-0.080) ( 0083-0.096) ( 0105-0120) (0.121-0.139) (0,143-0.166) (0.161-0.187) (0.179-0208) (0.197-0231) (0,222-0262) (0.242-0.286) 0.052 0.063 0.079 0.091 0.108 3A y 0.121 0.135 0.149 0.169 0.184 (0.049-0.056) (0.059-0.068) (0.073-0.084) (0.085-0.097) (0.100-0.115) (0.112-0.130) (0.125-0.144) (0.137-0.160) (0.155-0.181) (0.168-0198) 0.042 0.050 0.062 0.071 0.085 4-day �. 0.095 0.106. 0.117 0.132 0.144 (0039-0.044) (0.047-0.053) (0.058-0.066) (0.067-0.076) (0.079-0.090) (0.088-0.101) (0.098-0.112) (0107-0.124) (0.121-0141) (0.131-0153) 0.028 0.033 0.040 0.046 0.054 0.061 7-day 0.067 0.074 0.083 0.090 (0.026-0.029) (0.031-0.035) (0.038-0.043) (0.043-0.049) (0.050-0.058) (0.056-0 065) (0.062-0.072) (0.068-0 079) (0.076-0 089) (0.083-0.097) 0.022 0.026 0.032 0.036 0.042 1Od Y�0-day _ 0.046 0.051 0.055 0.061 0.06 66 (0.021-0.023) (0.025-0.028) (0.030-0.034) (0.034-0.038) (0.039-0.044) (0.043-0049) (0.047-0.054) (0.051-0.059) (0.057-0.065) (0.061-a 071) 0.015 - 0.018 0.021 0.023 0.027 20-day 0.029 0.032 0.035 0.039 0.042 (0.019 0.016) (0.016-0.019) (0.019-0.022) (0.022-0.025) (0.025-0.029) (0.027-0031) (0.030-0.034) (0.032-0.037) (0.036-0.041) (0.038-0.045) 0.012 0.014 0.017 0.019 0.021 30-day 0.023 0.025 0.027 0.029 0.031 (0.012-0 013) (0.014-0.015) (0.016-0.018) (0.018-0.020) (0.020-0.023) (0.022-0 025) (0.023-0 027) (0.025-0.029) (0,027-0 031) (0,029-0 033) 0.010 FOO12 0.014 FOO15 0.017 0.018 45-day 0.020 0.021 FOG23 0.024 (0.010-0.011) (0.011-0.013) (0.013-0.015) (0.014-0.016) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.020) (0.019-0.021) (0.020-0.022) (0.021-0.024) (0.022-0.026) 0.009 0.011 0.012 0.014 0.015 0.016 - 60-day 0.017 0.018 0.020 0.021 ( 0009 0.010) (0.010-0.012 ) ( 0012-0.013) (0.013-0.014) (0.014-0016) (0.015-0.017) (0.016-0.018) (0.017-0.019) (0.018-0.021) (0.019-0022) ' Precipitation frequency (PF) estimates in this table are based on frequency analysis of partial duration series (PDS). Numbers in parenthesis are PF estimates at lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. The probability that precipitation frequency estimates (for a given duration and average recurrence interval) will be greater than the upper bound (or less than the lower bound) is 5%. Estimates at upper bounds are not checked against probable maximum precipitation (PMP) estimates and may be higher than currently valid PMP values. Please refer to NOAA Alas 14 document for more information. back to Top htto://hdsc.nws.noaa.nnv/hd.c/nfds/nfd.q nrintnaoe. htm191at=1S 1719Rrinn=-7Q 00R0 kf`latn= 4/?/?()11 APPENDIX D - PRE DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Wendy's — Spout Springs, NC BRI-1301 4/4/2013 WENDY'S - SPOUT SPRINGS, NC HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. BECKETT, PE BRi-1301 Pre Development 4l2/2013 RATIONAL COEFFICIENT Cover Condition Runoff C Impervious 0.95 Open 0.22 Wooded 0.15 WENDY'S SITE DRAINAGE AREA Cover Condition Runoff C Area (sq ft) Area (acres) Onsite Impervious 0.95 0 0.00 Onsite Open 0.22 54349 - 1.25 Onsite Wooded 0.15 0 0.00 Total Area = 1.25 acres Impervious = 0.00% Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.22 PEAK FLOW Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Return Period Intensity (in/hr) Peak flow (cfs) 1-Year 5.21 1.43 10-Year - 7.91 2.17 25-year 8.78 2.41 50-year 9.40 2.58 100-Year 9.98 2.74 APPENDIX E - POST DEVELOPMENT HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS Wendy's —Spout Springs, NC 10/ B 1 4//2013 4/2013 WENSY'S- SPOUT SPRINGS, NC HYDROLOGIC CALCULATIONS J. BECKETT, PE BRI-1301 Post Development 4/2/2013 RATIONAL COEFFICIENT Cover Condition Runoff C Impervious 0.95 Open 0.22 Wooded 0.15 WENDY'S SITE DRAINAGE AREA Cover Condition Runoff C Area (sq ft) Area (acres) Onsite Impervious 0.95 34568 0.79 Onsite Open 0.22 19781 0.45 Onsite Wooded 0.15 0 0.00 Total Area = 1.25 acres % Impervious = 63.60% Composite Runoff Coefficient = 0.68 PEAK FLOW Time of concentration is assumed to be 5 minutes. Return Period - Intensity(in/hr) Peak flow(cfs) 1-Year 5.21 4.45 .10-Year ' 7.91 6.75 25-year 8.78 - 7.50 50-year 9.40 8.03 100-Year 9.98 8.52 i REPORT OF SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION AND GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERING SERVICES WENDY'S HIGHWAY 87/24 SPOUT SPRINGS, NORTH CAROLINA PREPARED FOR: Michael Hicks Commercial Site Design 8312 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27613 ECS PROJECT NUMBER 33:2266 February 22, 2013 t. ECS CAROLINAS1 LLP! - Geotechnical° Construction Material, Michael Hicks Commercial Site Design 8312 Creedmoor Road Raleigh, NC 27613 tal -,Facilities the Standard for February 22, 2013 RE: Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnicai Engineering Services Wendy's Highway 87124 Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 Dear Mr. Hicks: As authorized, we have completed the subsurface exploration and geotechnical analysis for the above referenced project, This report presents the findings of our subsurface exploration and our evaluations, as well as recommendations, regarding geotachnical-related design and construction considerations for the site, Thank you for the opportunity to work with you on this project. We would also at this time like to express our interest in providing the field construction testing and observation services that will be required during the construction phase of this project. Should you have any questions or if we could be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. Respectfully Submitted, ECS CAROLINAS, LLP Firm License No. F-1078 Christina N. Warr, Project Manager NC PE License No 039235 spur"pnr. )ZPS-lo,IL9 SEAL r 039235 hWA N• C. (Nathanf Nallalnathan, P.E. Principal Engineer NC PE License No, 019937 7:4_PROJECTS)T-OTHER OFFICES133-Fayettevllle12013 Protects\Wendys\Report33-2266.doc 726 Ramsey Street, Suite 3.. Fayetteville, NC 28301 T: 910401-3288 • F: 910-323-0539 • www.ecslimited.com ECS Carolinas. LLP • ECS Florida, LLC • ECS Midwest. LLC -• ECS Mid -Atlantic, LLC • ECS Southeast, LLC • ECS Terns, LLP FMI F0070 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION PAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ........................ --------------------- -- t 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW.......................................................................................................................................I 1.1 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND SCOPE OF WORK.................................................................................................I 1.2 PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION...............................................................................................................................I 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION.......................................................................................................................................2 2.1 EXPLORATION PROCEDURES..............................................................................................................................2 3.0 EXPLORATION RESULTS................................................................................................................................3 3.1 SITE CONDITIONS................................................................................................................................................3 3.2 SITE GEOLOGY AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS...............................................................................................3 3.3 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS.................................................................................................................................3 3.4 GROUNDWATER..................................................................................................................................................3 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS.........................................................................................................4 4.1 FOUNDATIONS.....................................................................................................................................................4 4.2 FLOOR SLABS.....................................................................................................................................................4 4.3 SEISMIC CONDITIONS..........................................................................................................................................5 4.4 SITE DRAINAGE...................................................................................................................................................5 4.5 GROUNDWATER CONTROL.................................................................................................................................5 4.6 EXCAVATION CONSIDERATIONS.........................................................................................................................5 4.7 FILL SLOPES........................................................................................................................................................6 4.8 PAVEMENT...........................................................................................................................................................6 4.9 RETAINING WALLS AND FOUNDATION WALLS...................................................................................................7 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS............................................................................................................9 5.1 SITE PREPARATION AND CLEARING...................................................................................................................9 5.2 FILL PLACEMENT AND SOIL COMPACTION..........................................................................................................9 6.0 GENERAL COMMENTS...................................................................................................................................I I Appendix A Figures Appendix B USCS, Reference Notes for Boring Logs, Boring Logs Appendix C General Conditions Appendix D Procedures Regarding Field Logs and Samples Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ECS Carolinas, LLP (ECS) has completed a report of subsurface exploration and geotechnical engineering services for a proposed Wendy's located in Spout Springs, North Carolina. This summary should not be considered apart from the entire text of the report with all the qualifications and conditions mentioned herein. We understand that a new Wendy's restaurant will be constructed in the central portion of the parcel with associated driveways and parking areas surrounding the building. We anticipate that the proposed structure will be a slab -on -grade structure with maximum column loads of 50 kips and wall loads on the order of 3 kips per lineal foot. The proposed grading plan is not available at this time; however, we anticipate that only shallow (less than 2 feet) cuts/fills will be required to achieve the final site grades. The natural soils encountered generally consisted of sandy CLAY (CL), silty and/or clayey SAND (SM, SC), and poorly graded clean SAND (SP). The SPT N-values of the natural soils ranged from 6 to 30 blows per foot (bpf). Groundwater was not encountered during the subsurface exploration. Cave in depths, which may indicate the presence of groundwater, were encountered at depths ranging from 8 to 13.5 feet below existing grades. Provided the subgrade preparation and earthwork operations are completed in accordance with the recommendations of this report, the proposed structure can be supported on conventional shallow foundations bearing on firm natural soils or new engineered fill designed for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 psf. A NC State Building Code Seismic Site Class "D" is recommended for this site based upon the soil test boring results. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 1.0 PROJECT OVERVIEW 1.1 Project Description and Scope of Work The site was explored by drilling six soil test borings (Borings B-1 though B-6) and sampling the soils to depths of 10 to 15 feet below existing site grades. The boring locations were chosen and located in the field by ECS personnel using measurements from known site features. The locations shown should be considered approximate given the methods used. An Approximate Boring Location Plan is provided in Appendix A of this report. This report was prepared based upon the results of the boring data. The purpose of this exploration is to describe the soil and groundwater conditions that were encountered in the test borings, to analyze and evaluate the test data obtained, and to submit recommendations regarding foundations, slabs, pavements, earthwork, construction, and other geotechnical- related considerations of design and construction. 1.2 Proposed Construction We understand that a new Wendy's restaurant will be constructed in the central portion of the parcel with associated driveways and parking areas surrounding the building. We anticipate that the proposed structure will be a slab -on -grade structure with maximum column loads of 50 kips and wall loads on the order of 3 kips per lineal foot. The proposed grading plan is not available at this time; however, we anticipate that only shallow (less than 2 feet) cuts/fills will be required to achieve the final site grades. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 2.0 FIELD EXPLORATION 2.1 Exploration Procedures The soil borings were performed with a CME 45 auger drilling rig, which utilized hollow -stem augers to advance the boreholes. Drilling fluid was not used to advance the borings. Representative soil samples were obtained by means of the split -barrel sampling procedure in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1586. In this procedure, a 2-inch O. D. split - barrel sampler is driven into the soil a distance of 18 inches by a 140 pound hammer with a free fall of 30 inches. The number of blows required to drive the sampler through the final 12 inch interval is termed the Standard Penetration Test (SPT) N-value and is indicated for each sample on the boring logs. The SPT N-value can be used to provide a qualitative indication of the in -place relative density of cohesionless soils. In a less reliable way, SPT N-values provide an indication of consistency for cohesive soils. These indications of relative density and consistency are qualitative, since many factors can significantly affect the SPT N-value and prevent a direct correlation between drill crews, drill rigs, drilling procedures, and hammer -rod -sampler assemblies. Field logs of the soils encountered in the borings were maintained by the drill crew. The soil samples obtained from the drilling operations were sealed and were brought to our laboratory for further examination. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 3.0 EXPLORATION RESULTS 3.1 Site Conditions The property currently consists of a recently graded vacant lot. The site is relatively flat. The site is bound by a Bojangles Restaurant to the north, undeveloped woodlands to the west, commercial buildings to the south, and NC highway 87/24 to the east. 3.2 Site Geology and Subsurface Conditions The referenced site is located within the Coastal Plain Province of North Carolina. The Coastal Plain Province is a broad flat plain with widely spaced low rolling hills where the near surface soils have their origin from the deposition of sediments several million years ago during the period that the ocean receded from this area to its present location along the Atlantic Coast. It is noted that the Coastal Plain soils vary in thickness from only a few feet along the western border to over ten thousand feet in some areas along the coast. According to the Geologic Map of North Carolina (1985), the site is specifically located within an area mapped as Tertiary period deposits and is comprised of sedimentary deposits referred to as "Cape Fear Formation (Kc)." This formation is described as fossiliferous clay with varying amounts of fine-grained sand, bluish gray, with shell material commonly concentrated in lenses. It is also important to note that the natural geology within the site has been modified in the past by grading that included the placement of fill materials even though no fill was observed in the soil borings. The quality of man-made fills can vary significantly, and it is often difficult to assess the engineering properties of existing fills. Furthermore, there is no specific correlation between N-values from standard penetration tests performed in soil test borings and the degree of compaction of existing fill soils; however, a qualitative assessment of existing fills can sometimes be made based on the N-values obtained and observations of the materials sampled in the test borings. 3.3 Subsurface Conditions The specific soil conditions at each boring location are noted on the individual boring logs presented in Appendix B. A general description is also provided below. Subsurface conditions may vary between boring locations. The natural soils encountered generally SAND (SM, SC), and poorly graded clea ranged from 6 to 30 blows per foot (bpf). 3.4 Groundwater n consisted of sandy CLAY (CL), silty and/or clayey SAND (SP). The SPT N-values of the natural soils Groundwater was not encountered during the subsurface exploration. Cave in depths, which may indicate the presence of groundwater, were encountered at depths ranging from 8 to 13.5 feet below existing grades. Seasonal variations in groundwater levels should be anticipated due to precipitation changes, evaporation, surface water runoff, near -by drainage features, and other factors. Also, perched water conditions should be anticipated on top of cohesive soil layers. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 4.0 ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The following design and construction recommendations are based on our above -stated understanding of the proposed construction and on the data obtained from the field exploration and visual soil classification. If the structural loading, geometry, or location is changed, we request the opportunity to review our recommendations in light of the new information and revise them as necessary. The following recommendations are for design purposes and may require modification. Any environmental or contaminant assessment efforts are beyond the scope of this exploration. 4.1 Foundations Provided the subgrade preparation and earthwork operations are completed in strict accordance with the recommendations of this report, the proposed structure can be supported on conventional shallow foundations bearing on firm natural soils or new engineered fill designed for a maximum net allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,500 pounds per square foot (psf). Densification of near -surface loose sands should be anticipated. In order to provide adequate frost cover protection and embedment for bearing capacity, we recommend that footings be located at minimum depths of 18 inches below finished exterior grades. In order to prevent disproportionately small footing sizes, we recommend that strip footings have a minimum width of 18 inches and that isolated column footings have a minimum lateral dimension of 24 inches. The minimum dimension sizes, as recommended above, are utilized to reduce foundation difficulties as a result of local shear or "punching" action. ECS personnel should observe the foundation subgrade to verify that conditions exposed at the subgrade will be suitable for the design bearing pressures. If unsuitable materials are encountered at the base of a foundation excavation, it will be necessary to lower the base of the footing through the unsuitable materials or to undercut the unsuitable soils and to restore original bearing levels by placing engineered fill materials, NCDOT No. 57 or No. 67 stone or concrete. 4.2 Floor Slabs The floor slabs should be nominally reinforced with welded wire mesh for shrinkage crack control and to help maintain the integrity of the slabs should minor differential movement occur. In order to allow for some relative displacement, the floor slabs should be structurally separated from both columns and load bearing walls. In addition, slabs should be provided with sufficient joints to control cracking associated with concrete volume changes. To reduce curling of the floor slab and the resulting cracking, proper curing techniques should be used. A modulus of subgrade reaction of 125 pci is recommended for approved existing fill, firm residual soils, and compacted structural fill. We recommend that a capillary cutoff layer be provided under the floor slabs to prevent the rise of water through the slab. The capillary layer should consist, at a minimum, of a 4-inch thick clean, crushed stone or washed gravel layer, having a maximum size of 1.5 inches with a maximum of 2 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. A vapor barrier should be utilized on top of the stone to provide additional moisture protection. This vapor barrier should be placed immediately before the placement of the floor slab concrete to minimize damages. Prior to Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy s Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 placing the stone for the capillary cutoff layer, the floor slab subgrade soil should be properly compacted and should be free of standing water or mud. 4.3 Seismic Conditions The 2012 edition of the North Carolina State Building Code (NCSBC) requires that a Site Class be determined for new structures for seismic design considerations. The Site Class may be determined by calculating a weighted average of the N-values of subsurface materials to a depth of 100 feet. If a weighted average of the upper 100 feet of soil profile is not conducted, the code allows a default of Site Class "D," but only if the soils encountered do not require a lower Site Class. If the design and construction cost savings associated with an improved Site Class are favorable, it may be prudent to perform a 100-foot deep boring at the site to determine if a more favorable Site Class is available. We would be pleased to further discuss these options with the client and design team, if warranted. 4.4 Site Drainage We recommend the ground surface be sloped away from the foundations and building pad for a minimum distance of 10 feet, and that all downspouts be connected to tightline drains that discharge to a suitable location downslope of the foundations. Paved areas should also have positive drainage. 4.5 Groundwater Control Based on the results of the borings, we anticipate that dewatering will not be necessary during construction. If groundwater or perched water is encountered during construction, especially for any utility excavations, it probably can be controlled through the use of ditches, sumps, and pumps. If water is encountered that cannot be controlled by such procedures, ECS should be further consulted. Earthwork and trench excavation in saturated materials may require sheeting and shoring, slope flattening, or benching to control sloughing of soils. If water collects in foundation excavations, it will be necessary to remove the water from the excavation, remove the saturated soils, and re -test the adequacy of the bearing surface to support the design bearing pressure prior to concrete placement. Establishing a system of drainage ditches to carry surface and shallow groundwater away from building sites and roadways should reduce grading costs. 4.6 Excavation Considerations Areas of any mass excavation, trenches, and pits should meet the requirements of the most current Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 29 CFR Part 1926, "Occupational Safety and Health Standards -Excavations." Regardless, the site safety shall be the responsibility of the contractor and his subcontractors. Most of the site soils are OSHA Type C soils for the purpose of temporary excavation support. Excavations should be constructed in compliance with current OSHA standards for excavation and trenching safety. Excavations should be observed by a "competent person" as defined by OSHA, who should 5 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 evaluate the specific soil type and other conditions, which may control the excavation side slopes or the need for shoring or bracing. 4.7 Fill Slopes We recommend that any slopes be constructed at 2.5H:1V (horizontal to vertical) or flatter. A slope of 3H:1 V or flatter is recommended for safer operation of mowing equipment. Fill slopes should be compacted to 95 percent of the standard Proctor maximum dry density. Fill slopes should be overbuilt and cut back to expose well compacted fill on the face of the slope. For slope stabilization purposes, we recommend that the slopes be adequately vegetated to reduce the risk of erosion. Slopes should be graded such that surface water does not flow over the face of the slope. Drains should be extended to below the toe of the slope rather than discharged onto the face of the slope. 4.8 Pavement Pavement subgrades should be prepared as outlined in Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of this report. We were not provided with details regarding traffic conditions at the site. However, for purposes of this exploration, we have assumed that parking areas will receive primarily automobile traffic, but the entrances and service drives will be subjected to some trafficking by heavy trucks. We have assumed traffic loads of 10,000 and 100,000 18-kip equivalent axle loadings for light -duty and medium -duty pavements, respectively. In the parking and driveway areas, we recommend that the pavements be designed as flexible pavements using guidelines established by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO). An assumed California Bearing Ratio (CBR) of 4 was used for low plasticity soils compacted to 98 percent of the maximum dry density, determined in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698 (standard Proctor method), under saturated conditions. Front -loading trash dumpsters frequently impose concentrated front -wheel loads on pavements during loading. This type of loading typically results in rutting of bituminous pavements and ultimately in pavement failures and costly repairs. Therefore, we suggest that the pavements in trash pickup areas, including at least the area of the front wheels of the truck, utilize a heavy duty Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) pavement section. Appropriate steel reinforcing and jointing should also be incorporated into the design of all PCC pavement. The recommended pavement sections are presented below: Light Duty `Medium Duty Heavy`Duty . ,Material Designation; e. Asphalt `'.,',,Asphalt' Portland.Cement Pavement Concrete (PCC) > ,Pavement Pavement,° Asphalt Surface Course SF9.5A 2.5 inches 1.5 inches Asphalt Intermediate Course 119.0E 2.5 inches Portland Cement Concrete 6.0 inches A gre ate Base Course NCDOT 6.0 inches 8.0 inches 4.0 inches Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy s Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 The base course materials beneath pavements should be compacted to at least 100 percent of their modified Proctor maximum dry density (ASTM D 1557). The asphalt concrete and the crushed stone materials should conform to the current North Carolina Department of Transportation Standard Specifications. If concrete pavement sections are incorporated into the site design, PCC sections should consist of 4,000 psi compressive strength concrete or greater. Regardless of the section and type of construction utilized, saturation of the subgrade materials will result in a softening of the subgrade materials and shortened life span for the pavement. Risk of subgrade softening can be reduced by means of quickly removing surface and subsurface water, resulting in an increased likelihood of improved pavement performance. Therefore, we recommend that both the surface and subsurface materials for the pavement be properly graded to enhance surface and subgrade drainage. In addition, placement of 1/2-inch diameter holes drilled through catch basins at or slightly above the subgrade elevation will facilitate base course drainage into the catch basins. It should be noted that these pavement design recommendations may not satisfy the North Carolina Department of Transportation traffic guidelines. Any roadways constructed for public use and to be dedicated to the State for repair and maintenance must be designed in accordance with the State requirements. 4.9 Retaining Walls and Foundation Walls For the design of below -grade and retaining walls to restrain compacted backfill, any existing fill or in -situ natural soils, the equivalent fluid pressure distributions presented below can be used to determine lateral earth pressure loads. Please note that the values presented below are for on -site sands. SoiLParameter,:,;,;; � .qa�;� ,.„t,E"'u'ivalehtFluiB'P..[essu're for,Silt`:Sarida SM .'w` "At Rest" Earth Pressure(KO) 54 pcf "Active" Earth Pressure Ka 35 pcf "Passive" Earth Pressure K 374 pcf Angle of internal friction rp 320 Unit Weight 115 pcf The lateral earth pressure values presented above assume level backfill fill behind the wall, and do not account for hydrostatic pressures against the walls or surcharge loads. Moderately to highly plastic clays and silts (CH and MH) should not be utilized behind below -grade or retaining walls. For wall conditions where wall movement cannot be tolerated or where the wall is restrained at the top, such as basement or loading dock walls, the "At Rest' earth pressure should be used. For wall conditions where outward wall movement on the order of 0.5 percent of the wall height can be tolerated, the "Active" earth pressure should be used. Resistance to sliding can be provided by friction between the bottom of the wall foundation and the underlying soils and by passive resistance of soil adjacent to the wall foundation. The passive resistance should only be used in situations where the soil adjacent to the toe of the wall will not be eroded or otherwise removed in the future. A coefficient of friction of 0.35 for concrete bearing on approved soils is recommended. Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 Drainage behind freestanding retaining walls is considered essential towards relieving hydrostatic pressures. Drainage can be established by providing a perimeter drainage system located just above the below grade/retaining wall footings which discharges by gravity flow to a suitable outlet. This system should consist of "perforated pipe" or "porous wall", closed -joint drain lines. These drain lines should be surrounded by a minimum 6 inches of free -draining, granular filter material having a gradation compatible with the size of the openings utilized in the drain lines and the surrounding soils to be retained, or by gravel wrapped in filter fabric. The space between the interior face of the wall and the earth fill should be backfilled with a granular fill of porous quality or better extending from the perimeter drainage system to just below the top of the wall. To prevent frost heave effects from acting against these walls, the granular backfill should extend a minimum of 12 horizontal inches behind the wall. The granular backfill should be capped with pavement, concrete, or a 12-inch layer of low permeable silt or clay to minimize the seepage of water into that backfill from the surface. The ground surface adjacent to the below -grade walls should be kept properly graded to prevent ponding of water adjacent to the walls. As an alternative to the recommended granular porous fill backfill, a suitable fabricated board could be utilized. These materials should be covered with a filter fabric having an equivalent opening size (EOS) consistent with the size of the soil to be retained. The material should be placed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and connected to a perimeter drainage system, which in turn should be routed to properly drain. Irrespective of the retaining wall system chosen, we recommend that the design of the new retaining walls consider their global stability. We recommend that the global factor of safety should be at least 1.5. Other factors of safety shall be as follows: Factor of Safety against Sliding > 1.5 Factor of Safety against Overturning >_ 2.0 Factor of Safety against Bearing Capacity Failure >_ 2.0 t:1 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendys Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 5.0 CONSTRUCTION CONSIDERATIONS 5.1 Site Preparation and Clearing Areas that are being rough graded and used as staging areas or left for more than a few weeks should be crowned and left 12 inches above the final subgrade elevation to help protect the finished subgrade from disturbance. Leaving the subgrade high may reduce the disturbance and saturation of the subgrade that would normally require undercutting. The site should be cleared of any topsoil, vegetation, and other deleterious materials. We recommend that any soft or unsuitable material be removed from the proposed construction area. Any underground utilities and structures within the proposed construction areas that will not be removed shall be abandoned in -place properly and adequately, as approved by qualified geotechnical personnel. Areas where existing underground utilities will be removed and/or be re-routed, the excavations should be backfilled according to the criteria given in Section 5.2 Fill Placement and Soil Compaction. Once the site is stripped, cleared and prepared as outlined above, and prior to placing any new fill to raise the grade, the near -surface loose sands should be densified and the site should be proofrolled using a loaded dump truck, having an axle weight of at least 10 tons, and observed by an experienced geotechnical engineer, or his representative, at the time of construction to aid in identifying any areas with soft or unsuitable materials. Probing may be used at this time to aid in identifying areas of soft or unsuitable material. Any soft or unsuitable materials encountered during this proofrolling should be removed and replaced with an approved backfill compacted to the criteria given in Section 5.2 Fill Placement and Soil Compaction. Grading operations at this site will be more economical if performed during the drier periods of the year (typically April to November). However, during the wetter periods of the year, wet soils probably can be dried by using discing or other drying procedures, such as lime or cement stabilization, to achieve moisture contents necessary to achieve adequate degrees of compaction. The site should be graded to enhance surface water runoff to reduce the ponding of water. Ponding of water often results in softening of the near -surface soils. When rainfall is anticipated during grading operations, we recommend areas of disturbed soil be rolled with a smooth drum roller and that the grading activities cease until the site has had a chance to dry. 5.2 Fill Placement and Soil Compaction Soils used as fill should be approved materials, free of organics, debris, frozen and foreign material, and generally having a maximum Liquid Limit of 50 and a maximum Plasticity Index of 20. Most of the on -site low plasticity soils (SP, SC, SM) should be able to be used as backfill material for this project provided their moisture contents are within acceptable range outlined in this report. Any highly plastic (MH, CH) soils that do not meet these criteria may be used as fill in landscaped areas or may be adequately blended with other granular and non -/low -plasticity soils and reused in structural areas. The maximum particle size in the fill should be less than 1/2 the thickness of the compacted lift. Any fill or backfill placed in footing, slab, and pavement areas should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 Specification D-698, Standard Proctor Method. However, the upper 18 inches of fill below the pavement areas should be compacted to 98 percent of the maximum dry density. Any fill or backfill placed in utility trench and sidewalk areas should be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, Standard Proctor Method. Fill should be placed in lifts of approximately 8 inches in loose thickness with fill operations continuing until the subgrade elevations are achieved. To aid in achieving compaction, we recommend that the moisture content of the fill materials at the time of placement be within +/- 3 percentage points of the optimum moisture content established by the above referenced laboratory compaction tests. Any fill or backfill placed in landscaped areas should be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of the maximum dry density obtained in accordance with ASTM Specification D-698, Standard Proctor Method. We recommend that the placement of compacted structural fill and recompactionof the subgrade soils in the construction area be observed by ECS personnel to determine if proper compaction is being achieved. In -place density tests made in accordance with ASTM Designation D-1556, D-6938, or equivalent should be used to verify compaction. We recommend a minimum of one test per lift for every 2,500 square foot area, or fraction thereof, for the building pad area and every 5,000 square foot area, or fraction thereof, elsewhere. We also recommend at least one test per lift for every 100 linear feet of utility trench backfill, or fraction thereof. 10 Report of Subsurface Exploration and Geotechnical Engineering Services Wendy's Spout Springs, North Carolina ECS Project Number 33:2266 6.0 GENERAL COMMENTS This report has been prepared in order to aid in the evaluation of this property and to assist the architect and/or engineer in the design of this project. The scope is limited to the specific project and locations described herein and our description of the project represents our understanding of the significant aspects relative to soil and foundation characteristics. In the event that any changes in the nature or location of the proposed construction outlined in this report are planned, we should be informed so that the changes can be reviewed and the conclusions of this report modified or approved in writing by the geotechnical engineer. It is recommended that all construction operations dealing with earthwork and foundations are reviewed by an experienced geotechnical engineer to provide information as to whether the design requirements are fulfilled in the actual construction. We would welcome the opportunity to provide field construction services for you during construction. The analysis and recommendations submitted in this report are based upon the data obtained from the soil borings and tests performed at the locations as indicated on the Boring Location Diagram and other information referenced in this report. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between the borings and refraction arrays. In the performance of the subsurface exploration, specific information is obtained at specific locations at specific times. However, it is a well-known fact that variations in soil conditions exist on most sites between boring locations and also such situations as groundwater levels vary from time to time. The nature and extent of variations may not become evident until during the course of construction. If site conditions vary from those identified during the subsurface exploration, the recommendations contained in this report may require revision. 11 t 1�_._�. • ry " ^' �q9 k.'.Sry + P Cf x.. fir �A p *" �� ft�� iw-'� 'K •�� ii�j P �' ,�i ��., 1�Y�,. _�eF �q ;✓.:" E c ENGINEER SCALE 5GD NTS Site Vicinity Wendy's DRAFTSMAN ROJ CTNO. MAC 33:2266 Map REVISIONS SHEET Fi .1 Wendys �' Spout Springs, NC OAT 02/12/13 M Boring Location Diagram I I E �Fe Wendy's a SCALE 0 0 Wendy's Spout Springs, NC APPENDIX B UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM, REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS, AND BORING LOGS REFERENCE NOTES FOR BORING LOGS Drilling Sampling Symbols SS Split Spoon Sampler ST Shelby Tube Sampler RC Rock Core, NX, BX, AX PM Pressuremeter DC Dutch Cone Penetrometer RD Rock Bit Drilling BS Bulk Sample of Cuttings PA Power Auger (no sample) HSA Hollow Stem Auger WS Wash sample REC Rock Sample Recovery % ROD Rock Quality Designation % IL Correlation of Penetration Resistances to Soil Properties Standard Penetration (blows/ft) refers to the blows per foot of a 140 lb. hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch OD split -spoon sampler, as specified in ASTM D 1586. The blow count is commonly referred to as the N-value. A. Non -Cohesive Soils (Silt, Sand, Gravel and Combinations) Density Relative Properties Under 4 blows/ft Very Loose Adjective Form 12% to 49% 5 to 10 blows/ft Loose With 5% to 12% 11 to 30 blows/ft Medium Dense 31 to 50 blows/ft Dense Over 51 blows/ft Very Dense Boulders 8 inches or larger Cobbles 3 to 8 inches Gravel Coarse 1 to 3 inches Medium 1/2to 1 inch Fine Y4 to 1/2 inch Sand Coarse 2.00 mm to 1/4 inch (dia. of lead pencil) Medium 0.42 to 2.00 mm (dia. of broom straw) Fine 0.074 to 0.42 mm (dia. of human hair) B. Cohesive Soils (Clay, Silt, and Combinations) Blows//t Consistency Unconfined Comp. Strength Degree of Plasticity Q° (tsf) Plasticity Index Under 2 Very Soft Under 0.25 None to slight 0-4 3 to 4 Soft 0.25-0.49 Slight 5-7 5 to 8 Medium Stiff 0.50-0.99 Medium 8 — 22 9 to 15 Stiff 1.00-1.99 High to Very High Over 22 16 to 30 Very Stiff 2.00-3.00 31 to 50 Hard 4.00-8.00 Over 51 Very Hard Over 8.00 III. Water Level Measurement Symbols WL Water Level BCR Before Casing Removal DC] Dry Cave -In WS While Sampling ACR After Casing Removal WCI Wet Cave -In WD While Drilling V Est. Groundwater Level 9 Est. Seasonal High GWT The water levels are those levels actually measured in the borehole at the times indicated by the symbol. The measurements are relatively reliable when augering, without adding fluids, in a granular soil. In clay and plastic silts, the accurate determination of water levels may require several days for the water level to stabilize. In such cases, additional methods of measurement are generally applied. UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (ASTM D 2487) Major Divisions Group Symbols Typical Names Laboratory Classification Criteria Well -graded gravels, gravel- s o GW sand mixtures, little or no C� = DedD,o greater than 4 > = tines o C. = (D3o)31(D,oxD6o) between 1 and 3 N rn o m N « ~ a � Poorly graded gravels, GP gravel -sand mixtures, little or Z Not meeting all gradation requirements for GW — no tines � d N o 0 N m $ — o 6 o d to m z w E GM' Silty gravels, gravel -sand N Atterberg limits below "A" line t N mixtures > or P.I. less than 4 Above "A" line with P.I. S m 3., u E '- between 4 and 7 are N m �' O o o borderline cases requiring „ iu w r" E use of dual symbols GC Clayey gravels, gravel -sand- Atterberg limits below "A" line L v c7 ¢ o j dclay mixtures to t ca or P.I. less than 7 ,o, O SW Well -graded sands, gravelly N E C. = D6o/D,o greater than 6 o y = sands, little or no fines m -p = C. = (D3o)2/(D,oxD6o) between 1 and 3 U x a m d C o N uUj m to N N ? SP Poorly graded sands, gravelly 0 N Not meeting all gradation requirements for SW — sands, little or no fines U m a 'i C N = a (50 N N a 1] C7 o m = C o d m C7 as to m .. g L 5 me c 'o SM6 Silty sands, sand -silt mixtures ;' m .-. Atterberg limits above "A" line t n` b c N or P.1. less than 4 Limits plotting in CL-ML g w u e U m v a zone with P.I. between 4 ^' E and 7 are borderline E ._ cases requiring use of rn n SC Clayey sands, sand -clay � c m E. 5 a oo y m Atterberg limits above "A" line dual symbols mixtures 0 IN' J N with P.I, greater than 7 Inorganic silts and very fine MIL sands, rock flour, silty or Plasticity Chart A clayey fine sands, or clayey T m 5 silts with sli ht plasticity Inorganic clays of low to 60 CL medium plasticity, gravelly E clays, sandy clays, silty "A' line N a in-5 clays, lean clays 50 _ Organic silts and organic silty Z v c OL clays of low plasticity CI I 40 Inorganic silts, micaceous or a CL .N MH diatomaceous fine sand or y = 30 silty soils, elastic silts c CH Inorganic clays of high10 JE plasticity, fat clays li ;m I Oli !n E 10 _ — a - Q OH Organic clays of medium to ML a, OL high plasticity, organic silts 0 id 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 I°Division rn m S Pt Peat and other highly organic Liquid Limit soils of GM and SM groups into subdivisions of d and u are for roads and airfields only. Subdivision is based on Atterberg limits; suffix d used Borderline classifications, used for soils possessing characteristics of two groups, are designated by combinations of group symbols. For example: GW-GC,well-graded gravel -sand mixture with clay binder. (From Table 2.16 - Winterkorn and Fang, 1975) CLIENT JOB# BORING# SHEET Commercial Site Design 2266 B-1 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER 9i Pro osed Wend 's Restaurant 511E LOCATION {�- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONS/FT2 Highway 87/24 S out Sprincls. Harnett County 1 2 3 4 5, ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION 8 RECOVERY ROD% -- REC% — 20% 40% 60% 60% 100% z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS z F PLASTIC WATER LIQUID r o ¢ BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION rm w z LIMIT CONTENT % LIMIT % O SURFACE ELEVATION n f b <' w QV STANDARD PE NETRAT ION O BLOVJSIFT 20 30 40 50, - Moist, Loose, Tan, Brown, Fine to Medium SAND(SP) --- S-1 SS 18 18 3 4 9 5 3 Moist, Loose, Tan, Fine to Medium SAND (SP) - S-2 SS 18 18 3 6 6 3 3 Moist, Loose, Orange, Brown, Clayey Medium S3 SS 18 to to Coarse SAND (SC) 3 _—_--- 8 5 30 Moist, Very Stiff, White, Tan, Red, Sandy CLAY _ S-4 SS 18 18 (CL) 15 0 15 ---- 7 S-5 SS 18 Moist, Medium Dense, Dark Brown, Tan, Clayey _ --- 1e Medium to Coarse SAND (SC) 9 15{y 15 6 END OF BORING @ 15.00' - 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. =L wL DRY 4VSI.1 Wort BORING STARTED 02/12/13 WL(BCR) WL(ACR) BORINGCOMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVEINDEPTH@12.50' ='- WE RIG GME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger CLIENT JOB# BORING# SHEET Commercial Site Design 2266 B-2 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Pro osed Wend 's Restaurant srre LocnnoN O-CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONSIFT2 Highway 87/24 S out Springs, Harnett County 1 2 3 4 5. ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION B RECOVERY ROD% — — REC.% — 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS PLASTIC WATER LIQUID i w o BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION w LIMIT CONTENT% LIMIT% , SURFACE ELEVATION a 3 ` >W O w w STANDARD PENETRATION BLOWS/PT 20 30 40 50, - Moist, Medium Dense to Loose, Tan, Light 4 S-1 SS 18 18 Brown, Fine to Medium SAND (SP) 7 .16 9 _ S-2 SS 18 18 3 3 7 g 4 —_-- 5 Moist, Medium Dense, Tan, Light Brown, S-3 SS 18 18 Clayey Medium to Coarse SAND (SC) :1B y - ON ON 7 9 19 S-4 SS 1B 1B 10 ON 10 — — 6 its Wet, Medium Dense, Red, Brown, Clayey - S B -- SS 18 18 Coarse to Medium SAND (SC) 5 B - END OF BORING @ 15.00' - . 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. wL DRY wsn won BORINGSTARTED 02/12/13 P/_ WLRCR) V- WL(ACR) BORINGCOMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 13.00' �= WE RIG CME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger 1t CLIENT JOB# BORING# SHEET Commercial Site Design 2266 B-3 t OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Pro osed Wend 's Restaurant srre LOCAnoN �- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONSIFT2 Highway 87/24 S out Sprincis. Harnett County 1 2 3 4 5. ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION 8 RECOVERY ROD% -- REC% — 20% 40% 60% 60% 100% - DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS = i F PLASTIC WATER LIQUID w N - LIMIT CONTENT% LIMIT% z r p BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION Ms w p ti a a SURFACE ELEVATION r w STANDARD PENETRATION ._ a eLowsna 3 w m 10 20 30 40 50. Moist, Loose, Tan, Brown, Medium to Fine n S-1 SS ,a 1e SAND (SP) 9 5 2 Moist, Loose, Light Brown, Tan, Medium to Fine - S-z ss 18 to SAND (SP) 5 -- 4 - 2 Moist, Loose, Light Brown, Tan, Medium to S-3 SS 18 19 Coarse SAND (SP) 3 10 23 Moist, Medium Dense, Orange, Brown, Clayey _ S-4 SS 18 18 Fine to Medium SAND (SC) 11 0 12 --- _ S-5 SS 18 18 B 12 15 -- 4 — — END OF BORING @ 15.00' - 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES, IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. WL DRY wS 11 won BORING STARTED 02/12/13 ' '"- WL(BCR) WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 13.50' WL RIG CME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger CLIENT JOB# BORINGM SHEET Commercial Site Design 2266 B-4 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER 9mSPro osed Wend 's Restaurant SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PEN ETROMETER TONSIFT2 Highway 87/24 S OUt Sorincis. Harnett County 1 2 3 4 5• ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION 8 RECOVERY RQD% — — REC.% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% z' DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS PLASTIC WATER LIQUID Oz r 8 ¢ BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION ¢z w " w� _ LIMIT CONTENT % LIMIT % n J SURFACE ELEVATION w w C) STANDARD PENETRATION - o y a rc BLOWSIFT 10 20 30 40 50, Moist, Loose, Tan, Dark Brown, Medium to Fine. 2 S-t SS 1s to SAND (SP) 5 10{� ----- Moist, Loose, Light Brown, Tan, Medium to Fine - S-2 SS 18 18 SAND (SP) 3 7' 5 4 ---- — S-3 SS — 18 — 18 2 2 g 4 7 Moist, Medium Dense, Clayey Medium to _ S4 55 78 18 Coarse SAND (SC) B To---- t2 20 . 2 Moist, Medium Dense, Yellow, Tan, Clayey Fine - S-5 ---- SS i8 t8 to Medium SAND (SC) 2 14� 15 END OF BORING @ 15.00' - 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. wL DRY WSD WDIr7 BORING STARTED 02/12/13 TL WL(BCR) V. WL(ACR) BORINGCOMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 12.50' 1, WL RIG CME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger CLIENT JOB BORI NGtt SHEET Confinercial Site Design 2266 B-5 1 OF 1 bWI PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER Proposed Wend 's Restaurant SITE LOCATION CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONSIFT2 Highway 87124 S out S rin s Harnett County 1 2 3 4 s. ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION & RECOVERY RQO% — — REC.% — 20% 40% 60% 60% 100% E DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS w - i PLASTIC WATER LIQUID _ t. o BOTTOM OF CASING 10 LOSS OF CIRCULATION n% > LIMIT CONTENT% LIMIT% I SURFACE ELEVATION s it w F w E w E >> O w w Q STANDARD PENETRATION wo BLOWS/FT ti N N 10 20 30 40 60• - Moist, Loose, Light Brown, Tan, Fine to Medium 3 S-1 SS 18 18 SAND(SP) 3 a 5 5 Moist, Medium Dense, Brown, Clayey Medium _ S-2 SS 1E 18 to Coarse SAND (SC) ➢ 15. 5 B —_—_ — — 4 S-3 SS 18 18 6 12 \\ _— 11 \ -- Moist, Medium Dense, Brown, Tan, Clayey Fine ----- S-4 SS to 18 to Medium SAND (SC) to 15 26 END OF BORING @ 10.00' - is 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN SITU THE TRANSITION MAYBE GRADUAL. �7 WE DRY wsn won BORINGSTARTED 02/12/13 .T WL(BCR) WL(ACR) BORING COMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVE IN DEPTH @8,QQ' =' wL RIG CME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger CLIENT JOB BORING» SHEET Commercial Site Design 2266 B-6 1 OF 1 PROJECT NAME ARCHITECT -ENGINEER KS Pro osed Wend 's Restaurant SITE LOCH❑ON -Q- CALIBRATED PENETROMETER TONSIFT2 Highway 87/24 S out Springs, Harnett County 1 2 3 4 5. ROCK QUALITY DESIGNATION 8 RECOVERY RQD% — — REC.% — 20% 40% 60% 00% 100% z DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL ENGLISH UNITS PLASTIC WATER LIQUID LL Oz r w p w BOTTOM OF CASING LOSS OF CIRCULATION 7111 w 0 b LIMIT CONTENT % LIMIT % r d a a a SURFACE ELEVATION w G { STANDARD PENETRATION _ Q �- w b BLOWS/FT m m 10 20 30 40 50. - Moist, Loose, Tan, Fine to Medium SAND (SP) 3 S-1 SS 18 18 4 10� 6 Moist, Medium Dense, Orange, Brown, Silty, _ S-2 SS 18 18 Clayey, Medium to Fine SAND (SC) 6 17 5 --_ ON s - 3 Moist, Medium Dense, Orange, Brown, Silty S-3 SS 18 18 Clayey Medium to Coarse SAND (SC) 5 13 6 7 Moist, Medium Dense, Red, Brown, Clayey _ S-4 — SS — 1s — t8 Medium to Coarse SAND (SC) 12 t�: 10 16 28; — END OF BORING Q 10.00' - 15 20 25 30 THE STRATIFICATION LINES REPRESENT THE APPROXIMATE BOUNDARY LINES BETWEEN SOIL TYPES. IN -SITU THE TRANSITION MAY BE GRADUAL. 'Z- wL DRY wsn WD❑ BORINGSTARTED 02/12/13 n WLDCR) T WL(ACR) BORINGCOMPLETED 02/12/13 CAVE IN DEPTH @ 8.50- Sl WL RIG CME 45 FOREMAN S. Bowman DRILLING METHOD Power Auger APPENDIX C GENERAL CONDITIONS The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations submitted in this report are based on the exploration previously outlined and the data collected at the points shown on the attached location plan. This report does not reflect specific variations that may occur between test locations. The borings were located where site conditions permitted and where it is believed representative conditions occur, but the full nature and extent of variations between borings and of subsurface conditions not encountered by any boring may not become evident until the course of construction. If variations become evident at any time before or during the course of construction, it will be necessary to make a re-evaluation of the conclusions and recommendations of this report and further exploration, observation, and/or testing may be required. This report has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted soil and foundation engineering practices and makes no other warranties, either express or implied, as to the professional advice under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. The recommendations contained herein are made with the understanding that the contract documents between the owner and foundation or earthwork contractor or between the owner and the general contractor and the caisson, foundation, excavating and earthwork subcontractors, if any, shall require that the contractor certify that all work in connection with foundations, piles, caissons, compacted fills and other elements of the foundation or other support components are in place at the locations, with proper dimensions and plumb, as shown on the plans and specifications for the project. Further, it is understood the contract documents will specify that the contractor will, upon becoming aware of apparent or latent subsurface conditions differing from those disclosed by the original soil exploration work, promptly notify the owner, both verbally to permit immediate verification of the change, and in writing, as to the nature and extent of the differing conditions and that no claim by the contractor for any conditions differing from those anticipated in the plans and specifications and disclosed by the soil explorations will be allowed under the contract unless the contractor has so notified the owner both verbally and in writing, as required above, of such changed conditions. The owner will, in turn, promptly notify this firm of the existence of such unanticipated conditions and will authorize such further exploration as may be required to properly evaluate these conditions. Further, it is understood that any specific recommendations made in this report as to on -site construction review by this firm will be authorized and funds and facilities for such review will be provided at the times recommended if we are to be held responsible for the design recommendations. s+ -. F APPENDIX D PROCEDURES REGARDING FIELD LOGS AND SAMPLES In the process of obtaining and testing samples and preparing this report, procedures are followed that represent reasonable and accepted practice in the field of soil and foundation engineering. Specifically, field logs are prepared during performance of the drilling and sampling operations which are intended to portray essentially field occurrences, sampling locations, and other information. Samples obtained in the field are frequently subjected to reclassification in the laboratory by more experienced soil engineers, and differences between the field logs and the final logs exist. The engineer preparing the report reviews the field logs, classifications and test data, and his judgment in interpreting this data, may make further changes. Samples are taken in the field are retained in our laboratory for sixty days and are then discarded unless special disposition is requested by our client. Samples retained over a long period of time, even if sealed in jars, are subject to moisture loss which changes the apparent strength of cohesive soil generally increasing the strength from what was originally encountered in the field. Since they are then no longer representative of the moisture conditions initially encountered, an inspection of these samples should recognize this factor.