HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6091005_APPROVED PLANS_20091202STORMWATER DIVISION CODING SHEET POST -CONSTRUCTION PERMITS PERMIT NO. SW �OD9/ODS� DOC TYPE ❑ CURRENT PERMIT APPROVED PLANS ❑ HISTORICAL FILE ❑ COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTION DOC DATE YYYYM M DD 3:1 CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS 1. Earthen spillways - install the spillway In undisturbed wall to the greatest extent poesible. The achievement of planned elevations, grade, design width, and entrance and exit channel slopes are critical to the successful operation of the spillway. The spillway should be lined with laminated plastic or Impermeable geotextils fabric. The fabric must be wide and long enough to cover the bottom and skies and extend onto the top of the dam for anchoring in a trench. The edges may be secured with B-Inch staples or pins. The fabric must be long enough to extend down the elope and exit onto stable ground. The width of the fabric must be one piece, not joined or plkxd. otherwise water can get under the fabric, If the length of the fabric is Insufficient for the entire length of the spillway, multiple sections. spanning the complete wkfth, may be used. The upper section(*) should overlap the lower section(,) so that water cannot flow under the fabric. Secure the upper edge and sides of the fabric In a trench with staples or pins. (Adopted from A Manual for Designing, Inwt�Hfia and Maintaining Sktnmer Sediment Basins. ' Fsbruay, t1199. J.W. Falydolh & Son.). Typ. TYPICAL 200 SQ.FT. PLANTING DIAGRAM - 10:1 Slope N.T.S. PLANTING SPECIFICATION SYMBOL LOCATION BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME $1 SHALLOW LAND Callicarpa americans (1 Gd.Shrub) Beauty berry p2 SHALLOW LAND Cyrillo racemifloro (1 Gal.Shrub) Till #3 SHALLOW LAND Clethra olnifolia (1 Gal.Shrub) Sweet pepper bush #4 SHALLOW LAND Myrica cerifera ( tbl.) Wax myrtle #5 SHALLOW LAND Voccinium corymbosum (1 Gal.Shrub) Highbush blueberry /6 SHALLOW WATER Leereia oryzoldes (Plug) Rice cutgrass #7 SHALLOW WATER Juncus effuses (Plug) Soft rush #8 SHALLOW WATER Canna floccida (Br.) Yellow conna #9 SHALLOW WATER Chosmanthium lotifulium (Plug) River oats j10 SHALLOW WATER Accrue calamus (Qt.) Sweet flag PLANTING SPECIFICATION and MAINTENANCE NOTES 1. Plants shall be as listed or approved equal depending on availability of locally grown plants and time of year planted. 2. Plants shall be free of noxious weeds. 3. Plants shall not be allowed to dry out before planting. Care shall be taken to keep the transplants watered and shaded during transport and storage before installation. 4. Permanent planting shall be done between April 15th and June 30th to allow at least four months growth prior to the average first frost. 5. Temporary planting to prevent erosion shall be in accordance with current NCDOT guidelines. 6. Prior to planting, the area shall be treated with a non -selective herbicide according to the manufacturers directions to provide a weed free planting area. 7. Soils shall be tested and, only if needed, fertilized prior to planting. 8. Upon completion of planting, the areas shall be watered as needed to provide adequate moisture. If water levels within the basins are at or near the permanent pool elevation, additional watering may not be required. 9. Weed control is essential to successful establishment of the plantings. During the first two growing seasons, undesirable plants shall be removed by hand, or by wicking the weeds with approved chemicals. The local extension agent can recommend the most effective methods. 10. Plantings shall be inspected at least once during the growing season. Any areas in which the plantings have not established full ground cover after the first growing season, or which become damaged in subsequent years, shall be replanted according to the planting plan and schedule. Wet Detention Basin Schedule Level i 3:1 Level Water Quality Elev. (See Schedule) PERM. POOL (See Schedule) BOTTOM (See Schedule; Junction Box Rip -Rap Dissipator w/Filter Fabric (63 Tons) Water Quality Elev. -'-" BOTTOM "182.00 PVC 6' P WEIR - FRONT VIEW N.T.S. 2:1 ace7 Stone of Weir-6' 2 �1 2', 5' 3:1 I Level 3:1 Water Quality EL. Top of Riser(See Schedule) Top of Vegetated Bench Perm. Pool (See Schedule) 1 SQUARE CONCRETE ANTI -SEEP 1 COLLAR. MINIMUM 2500 PSI CONCRETE DIMENSIONS 2De SQUARE X I8" THICK. B' THICK _T/2 Pipe O.D. SCHEDULE FOR INVERT) 2 ForeBoy Area 1 2 Sediment Storage (12" minimum) Weir (To be installed after site is stabilized and sediment is removed) ® _1/2 Pipe O.D. TYPICAL ANTI -SEEP COLLAR NTS Drawdown Pipe (See Schedule) 8"� Riser Wall Weld to Riser Wall f(continuous) Note: >rht Pool Elevation All pipe and fittings Flange to be aluminum. Blind Flange with Drilled Orifice DRAWDOWN ASSEMBLY (BASIN MOUNTED) N.T.S. Top of 10' Bottom of Wide 10' Wide Top of Bottom of Top of Riser Permanent Drawdown Emergency Vegetatived Vegetatived Sediment Basin Riser (Water Quality Barrel Barrel Imert Barrel Pool Drawdown Orifice Spillway Emergency Basin Top of Dike Shelf (Feet Shelf (Feet Storage (Feet (Feet Diameter Elevation) Diameter (@ Riser) Length Elevation Pipe Size Diameter Elevation Spillway Number (Feet MSL) MSL) MSL) MSL) MSL) (Inches) (Feet MSL) (Inches) (Feet MSL) (Feet) (Feet MSL) (Inches) (Inches) (Feet MSL) Width (Feet Basin 1 182.50 177.90 169.90 171.40 170.40 1 54 178.90 1 36 174.00 1 113 177.40 4 1 2.50 181.10 25 Basin 2 181.25 177.00 176.00 170.50 169.50 54 178.50 36 172.50 93 176.50 4 2.25 180.15 25 Basin 3 175.00 172.00 171.00 166.00 165.00 36 172.50 15 168.00 100 171.50 4 1.00 173.00 10 PERSPECTIVE VIEW NTS NOTE: SEE SEDIMENT BASIN SCHEDULE ON SHEET 4 OF 17 (EROSION CONTROL PLAN) FOR SKIMMER SIZE AND ORIFICE DIAMETER SELECT FILL PLACED IN LAYERS AND COMPACTED TRASH RACK 10:1 3:1 10' MIN. CORRIGATED ALUMINUM PIPE a 0.50S EMERGENCY SPILLWAY (IN STABLE SOIL) 1.5' FREEBOARD MIN. EMBANKMWT STABILIZED WITH VEGETATION ic � 2:1 MIN. `ANTI -SEEP \ ANTI -FLOATATION COLLAR CUT-OFF TRENCH CONCRETE 2' DEEP 2500 PSI MIN (See Schedule for Size) SEDIMENT/DETENTION BASIN DETAIL NTS 1 PERMANENT POOL AREA (SEE SCHEDULE FOR ELEVATIONS) Sediment Storage _ (12" minimum) C: +laTi9 TRASH RISE (S 1. PLACE ANTI -SEEP COLLAR AS SPECIFIED IN PROFILE OR NO MORE THAN 10' DOWN- STREAM OF THE CENTERLINE OF THE EMBANKMENT. Drawdown Assembly (See Skimmer Assembly (Temr PERM. POOL (SEE SCHEDULE FOR SIDE VIEW N.T. . DETENTION BASIN DETAIL N.T.S. / Attach Skimmer to Drain Valve Flange Gravel Support For Skimmer 5 Tons #57 Stone w lter Fabric C(be removed after site is stabilized and sediment is removed) STABILIZFD OUTLET (RIP -RAP) W/TRASH RACK3 / F LEVEL PORTION CREST AND CONTROL SECTION APPROACH CHANNEL ;:5: �y{t.:i! Y.;Sv 'a'i"N aY...S i1Y�J.:[ �GI..vRM1 �.• •,. BERM I EXIT SECTOR EMBANKMENT NOTE NEITHER THE LOCATION NOR ALIGNMENT OF THE CONTROL 4/ SECTION NCIDE PLAN WITH THEHAS CENTTERLIINNE OF THE DAM. X WATER I X-LENGTH OF SURFACE EXIT CHANNEL CONTROL SECTION STAGE (HP) EXIT SECTOR L/ CMP o 0.50% (See Schedule for Size) BARREL INV. OUTB,ARREL INV. OUT (See Schedule) Anti -Seep Collar ANTI -VORTEX PLATES Nn-VORTEX ATES TOP TRASH RACK ELEVATION -SET AT EMERGENCY SPILL- WAY ELEVATION. -TOP OF RISER ELEVATION SET AT WATER QUALITY ELEVATION NOTE: CONCRETE ANCHOR 1, BOTH RISER, BARRELL AND TRASH RACK (See Schedule) SHALL BE CORRIGATED ALUMINUM PIPE TYPICAL ALUMINUM SEDIMENT BASIN RISER NTS VIEW NTS SKIMMER DETAILS NOT TO SCALE ✓C PIPE PLATE P END VIEW NTS APPROACH/ LEVEL OR gam' CHANNEL GREATER 100• PROFILE ALONG CENTERLINE 11.0116 CROSS SECTION AT CONTROL SECTION TYPICAL EXCAVATED EARTH SPILLWAY NTS OF DIKE (SEE SCHEDULE FOR ELEVATION) 3 fs0 Rip -Rap Dissipator w/Filter Fabric (See Schedule) SEDIMENT BASINS: 1. SITE PREPARATIONS - CLEAR, GRUB, AND STRIP TOPSOIL FROM AREAS UNDER THE EMBANKMENT TO REMOVE TREES, VEGETATION, ROOTS, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIAL TO FACILITATE SEDIMENT CLEANOUT AND RESTORATION, CLEAR THE POOL AREA OF ALL BRUSH, TREES, AND OTHER OBJECTIONABLE MATERIALS. STOCKPILE ALL TOPSOIL OR SOIL CONTAINING ORGANIC MATTER FOR USE ON THE OUTER SHELL OF THE EMBANKMENT TO FACIUTATE VEGETATIVE ESTABLISHMENT. PUCE TEMPORARY SEDIMENT CONTROL MEASURES BELOW THE BASIN AS SHOWN. 2 CUT-OFF TRENCH - EXCAVATE A CUT-OFF TRENCH ALONG THE CENTERUNE OF THE EARTH FILL EMBANKMENT. CUT THE TRENCH TO STABLE SOIL MATERIAL, BUT IN NO CASE MAKE IT LESS THAN 2 FEET DEEP. THE CUT-OFF TRENCH MUST EXTEND INTO BOTH ABUTMENTS TO AT LEAST THE ELEVATION OF THE RISER CREST. MAKE THE MINIMUM BOTTOM WIDTH WIDE ENOUGH TO PERMIT OPERATION OF EXCAVATION AND COMPACTION EQUIPMENT BUT IN NO CASE LESS THAN 2 FEET. MAKE SIDE SLOPES OF THE TRENCH NO STEEPER THAN 1:1. COMPACTION REQUIREMENTS ARE THE SAME AS THOSE FOR THE EMBANKMENT. KEEP THE TRENCH DRY DURING BACKFIWNG AND COMPACTION OPERATIONS. 3. EMBANKMENT - TAKE FILL MATERIAL FROM THE APPROVED AREAS SHOWN ON THE PLANS. SCARIFY ARES ON WHICH FILL IS TO BE PLACED BEFORE PLACING FILL PLACE FILL MATERIAL IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SPECIFICATIONS. CONSTRUCT THE EMBANKMENT TO AN ELEVATION 10% HIGHER THAN THE DESIGN HEIGHT TO ALLOW FOR SETTLING. 4. CONDUIT SPILLWAYS - SECURELY ATTACH THE RISER TO THE BARREL OR BARREL STUB TO MAKE A WATERTIGHT STRUCTURAL CONNECTION. SECURE ALL CONNECTION BETWEEN BARREL SECTIONS BY WATERTIGHT ASSEMBLIES PUCE THE BARREL AND RISER ON A FIRM, SMOOTH FOUNDATION OF IMPERVIOUS SOIL DO NOT USE PERVIOUS MATERIAL SUCH AS SAND, GRAVEL, OR CRUSHED STONE AS BACKFILL AROUND THE PIPE OR ANTI -SEEP COLLARS. PLACE THE FILL MATERIAL AROUND THE PIPE TO AT LEAST THE SAME DENSITY AS THE ADJACENT EMBANKMENT. CARE MUST BE TAKEN NOT TO RAISE THE PIPE FROM FIRM CONTACT WITH ITS FOUNDATION WHEN COMPACTING UNDER THE PIPE HAUNCHES. PLACE A MINIMUM DEPTH OF 2 FEET OF HAND -COMPACTED BACKFILL OVER THE PIPES SPILLWAY BEFORE CROSSING IT WITH CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT. ANCHOR THE RISER IN PLACE BY CONCRETE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SCHEDULE TO PREVENT FLOTATION. IN NO CASE SHOULD THE PIPE CONDUIT BE INSTALLED BY CUTTING A TRENCH THROUGH THE DAM AFTER THE EMBANKMENT IS COMPLETE 5. EMERGENCY SPILLWAY - INSTALL THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY IN UNDISTURBED SOIL TO THE ELEVATIONS, GRADE, AND DESIGN WIDTH AS SPECIFIED. 6. INLETS - DISCHARGE WATER INTO THE BASIN IN A MANNER TO PREVENT EROSION. USE DIVERSIONS WITH OUTLET PROTECTION TO DIVERT SEDIMENT -LADEN WATER TO THE UPPER END OF THE POOL AREA TO IMPROVE BASIN TRAP EFFICIENCY. 7. EROSION CONTROL - CONSTRUCT THE STRUCTURE SO THAT THE DISTURBED AREA IS MINIMIZED. DIVERT SURFACE WATER AWAY FROM BARE AREAS. COMPLETE THE EMBANKMENT BEFORE THE AREA IS CLEARED. STABILIZE THE EMERGENCY SPILLWAY EMBANKMENT AND ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS ABOVE THE CREST OF THE PRINCIPAL SPILLWAY IMMEDIATELY AFTER CONSTRUCTION. MAINTENANCE: CHECK SEDIMENT BASINS AFTER PERIODS OF SIGNIFICANT RUNOFF. REMOVE SEDIMENT AND RESTORE THE BASIN TO ITS ORIGINAL DIMENSIONS WHEN SEDIMENT ACCUMULATES TO ONE-HALF THE DESIGN DEPTH. CHECK THE EMBANKMENT, SPILLWAYS, AND OUTLET FOR EROSION DAMAGE, AND INSPECT THE EMBANKMENT FOR PIPING AND SETTLEMENT. MAKE ALL NECESSARY REPAIRS IMMEDIATELY. REMOVE ALL TRASH AND OTHER DEBRIS FROM THE RISER AND POOL AREA. 194 of /7 //12&1"191 QMSTRLIC71ON SPECIFICA-noNS 1. Assemble the skimmer following the manufacturers instnrctlons, or as 2 Lay the assembled skimmer popne,the bottom of the bask n with the flexible AN pipe andtat the Inlet ofpositio n the skimmer over the excavated pit orAttach the �ppo t t to the Be sure W attach a rope to the skimmer and anchor It to the wide of the basin. This will be used to pull the skimmer to the wide for maintenance. MABIIDIANCF. END CAP Inspect skimmer sediment basins at least weekly and after each significant Inch or rainfall em t and sediment and restore the bur in to its original ldimembns when aill - t aocumWates to one-half the height of the first baffle. Puff the skimmer to one wide so that the sediment underneath it can be excavated. Excavate the swiment from the entire bash, not just around the skimmer or the /let cell. Make sure vegetation growing in the bottom of the basin does not hold down the sWmmr. If the skimmer is dogged with trash and there is water in the basin, usually jerking an the rope will mace the skknrner bob up and down and dMlodgs the debris and restore flow. If this does not work, pull the skkanr over to the side of the basin and remove the debris. Also check the orifice inside the skimmer to we if R Is dogged; If so remove the debris. If the skimmer arm or be, pipe is doggW, the oil flw am be removed and the obstruction cleared with a mbe's snake or by flushing with water. Be sure and replace the orifice before repositioning the skimmer. Freezing weather can result in ics forming In the basin. Sane special ppl �ti ns should be taken In the winter to prevent the skimmer from DRAWN BY: MKR CHECKED: JMK, JR. REVIEWED: JMK, JR. DATE: JULY 2009 U z O U C/2 Z !1 0 W 0. a W W 0 a C4S a U W A to �U+ d W a o a m > m 0 co F Z W z 2 0 0 w U O C >N o_ Z N ,QV �'j7FVT` f .1441 0 co W N QU Z O L11 OJ M LC) D � LC) WX 00 in } m L BOOK NO SHEET 14A W. VICINITY MAP N.T.S. CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS for SECTION FOUR, PART TWO PROPERTY OF KAS DEVELOPERS, L.L.C. PEARCES MILL TOWNSHIP INDEX OF SHEETS 1. COVER SHEET 2. UTILITY PLAN 3. GRADING & STORM DRAINAGE PLAN 3A-3C. ENLARGED GRADING PLANS CUMBERLAND CO., N.C. SEPTEMBER 2009 9A. PLAN & PROFILE EX. SCIPIO LANE (REVISED LOTS & UTILITY SERVICES) 10. PLAN & PROFILE HUNTING BOW COURT 11. PLAN & PROFILE SEWER OUTFALLS "A" & "B" 12. PLAN & PROFILE STORM OUTFALLS "A" & "D" 4. EROSION CONTROL PLAN 13. PLAN & PROFILE STORM OUTFALLS "B" & "C" 5. PLAN & PROFILE SPINNAKER DRIVE 0+00 TO 11+00 14. EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 6. PLAN & PROFILE SPINNAKER DRIVE 11+00 TO 15+16.22 14A. BASIN DETAILS 7. PLAN & PROFILE INDIAN WELLS COURT 0+00 TO 9+00 15. UTILITY & EROSION CONTROL DETAILS 8. PLAN & PROFILE CROSSWINDS DRIVE & BELLGROVE DRIVE 16. UTILITY DETAILS 9. PLAN & PROFILE SCIPIO LANE 17. DRAINAGE, PAVING, & N.C.D.O.T. DETAILS WER & REITZEL, INC. '' n S"� ^,-Ca ..eW4 'J � b:�ii.�i iz/�/zo�9 MOORMAN, KIZER & REITZEL, INC. 115 BROADFOOT AVE. FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. PHONE (910) 484-5191 FAX (910) 484-0388 fell SHEET 1 OF 17 [4] F r. u u'