HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140652 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140707��
North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources
Pat McCrory John E. Skva�la, III
,Governor Secretary
July 7, 20.14, k
DWR # 14 =0652
Wake County
Julia Bynum Parsons'New
702 Lake Boone Trail
Raleigh; NC.27607
Julia Bynum Parsons New,(702, Lake Boone Trail)'
Dear'M's, NEW:
You, have our approval for the, impacts.listed below for,the purpose described' in your application
dated June, 20,'2014,and received by the D,"ivisi'on of Water {Resources'(Division,) onJ,une 24, 20_14.
This letter shall act as your Minor Variance Approval as described within 15A NCAC,02B
.0233(9') #( )., Please note that you should,gpt any other federal, state or,local permits before
proceeding,vvith yout project, including those, required by (but not limited; to)sSediment,and
Erosion Control, Non- Discharge; an'd'Water'Supply Watershed regulations. This Minor Variance
Approval shall expire five (5)'years from the date of this letter.
This,approval requ'ires,you to complywith ,the foll'owing,conditions:'
1. The following impacts are hereby!approved'prouided °that all of the other specific and general
conditions of the Buffer Rules are met. ,Nd othe "r °impacts are approved, including incidental
Type of Impact
Amount Approved
Amount Approved
Buffers — "Zone 2'
11 (square feet)
0 (square feet)
No Carol
North Carolina Division of Water Resources 1628 Mad, Service Center Raleigh, NC-27699 -1628 Plione ,,(919),791 -4200 Customer'Service
Internet- www ncwaterqualrty, org Location 3800'Barrett Drive Raleigh,lNC 27609 Fax (919) 788 -7159 '1-877,623-6748
An Equal.Opportunity /Affirmative Action "Employer — 50% Recycled110% Post Consumer; Paper
702 Lake,BooneTrail
' DWR #14 =0652
Page 2 of 3
2. �No Zone_1 Impacts
No. impacts (except for "exempf" use's as identified withi' 5A NCAC 2B .0233),$Wl occurto
Zone 1 of the, proteegted riparian, buffers unlessotherwise approved .by, ;the'Division. No
,impervious surfaces shall be-added,,to Zone 1, urilessotherwise approved by, the Division.,
1: Buffer Mitigation
You are required:to mitigate for impacts to the, protected riparian buffers. Th-e required area
of mitigation „to compensate for impacts to'the,;proiected riparian buffers is' 16 square feet as
requiredl under th -is variance �approval`and -15A (NCAC 2B'.,0233. We understand that you are
intending•to; plant two to three shrubs,that`are native to the, piedmont of North Carolina in the
riparian buffer. This planting,will satisfy, ur corn pensatory mitigation requirements under -15A
NCAC 02B.0242(9)..
3. Protective Fencing
The outside buffer, wetland or,\46ter boundary and along the construction �corridor'within
these boundaries,approved °shall be, clearly marked with orange Warning1encing, (or si_m'ilar
high visibility material) for,the areas that, have, een approved to infringe within theibu"ffer,
wetland.or Water,prior to any I'and di'stur;bing;actiuities�tol-ensure compliance With 15A NCAC
026 :0233.
4. No Waste, Spoil, Solids, or Fill of Any Kind
No waste; spoil;solids, or fill of any kind'shal_I occur,in wetlands ,'waters, or riparian,areas.
beyond the footprint,of the ;impacts depicted in the "ap;plication., All construction activities,
includingfhe design; installation, operation, and maintenance ofsediment °and erosion control
Best Management Practices,,shall be performed so'that no violations of state water°q,ual'ity_
standards; statutes; or rules occuR.
- 5. This approval and its conditions are;fi'nal and binding unless contested.
This Minor Variance Approval can be contested as provided'in Articles 3 and 4,,of General, Statute,
15013 by filing a written petition for an adminisirativelhgar"ingto the Office of Administrative
,Hearings (hereby known as OAH). A petition form may be,obtained from the, OAH ,at
htti : / /Wwwjncoah.com/ or by calling the OAH Clerk's Office, at? (9,19), 431 -30Q0 for information:
Within thirtflM), cahendar,days of receipt of this notice, °a petition rnust:be filed With,th , OAH. A
petition is considered'filed'when the,original and one (1) copyal'ong with, any applicable, OAH filing'
fee, is received in ihe'OAH, during normal office 'hours (Monday,through Friday between,8--00am
and 5:00pm) excluding offi'ci 'al state holidays).
The petition may be faxed to,the OAH, at,.(9119),4131- 3100;, provided °,the original and ,one copy of the
p- etition along with any applicable OAH filing fee is received 'by_ ,the OAH within five(5) business
days ,following, "the faxed transmission.
Mailing_address for•the OAH:
7f sending by.Fir" t Class, Mail
via fhe US `Postal Service:
Offi ce, of'AAdministrative, Hearings,
5714,Mail Service Center
.Raleigh, NC 27699 -6714
702 Lake Boone Trail
DWR #14 =0652
Page 3 of ,3
If sending via delivery service
(e.g. UPS, FedEx):
Office �of Administrative, Hearings
,1711 New Hope Church Road -
Raleigh, N:C,2a7609 -6285
One (1) copy of thepetition' must also' be, served to'DENR:
L'-acy•Presnell, General'Counsel,
Department of Environment and ,Natural' Resources
1601 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699 -1601
Please send. one, (1- )'copy of'.the petiti_on°to DWR,:
If sending by First,Class Mail
via the US Postal'Service:
Karen Higgins
NC DENR -DWR — Webscape Unit
,1650 �1y,1'a.il' Service - Center
Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650
If sending "via delivery•service
,(e:g. UPS,' FedEX):
Karen Higgins
,NC DENR -10WR — Webscape'Unit
512 N. Salisbury Street
,Raleigh,, NC 27604
This letter,completes the review of'the Division underlbe Neuse Riparian Buffer. Rules,as
'described in 15A NCAC 026.:0233. Please contact,Cherri Smithat�919- 191- 425,1,or
cherri.smith @ncdenr.Aov if` u have,any�questions"or'concerns:
'S ncere
Danny Smith
�Supervisor,'Water, Quality °Regional Operations Section
cc: , DWR RRO 401,files
Wayne Fteerrian; "Bitting Electric;,50 &Old Apex Road -Cary, NC 27511