HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0064246_NOV-2022-LM-0040 GC_20220628ROY COOPER Governor ELIZABETH S. BISER Secretary RICHARD E. ROGERS, }R. Director Certified Mail # 7020 3160 0000 4109 6029 Return Receipt Requested Kellen P Buss, Director Infrastructure Site Jones Estates Pace LLC 2310 S Miami Blvd Ste. 238 Durham, NC 27703 NORTH CAROLINA Environmental Qualft ff• ru 0 -o D- O r- I June 20, 2022 0 SUBJECT: NOTICE OF VIOLATION & INTENT TO ASSESS CI Tracking Number: NOV-2022-LM-0040 Permit No. NC0064246 Pace Mobile Home Park Johnston County Dear Mr. Buss: rR m 0 ru 0 U.S. Postal Service-" CERTIFIED MAILS RECEIPT Domestic aloft omrly For delivery information, visit our website at www.usps.come. i-FlCI L USE Certified Mail Fee $ Extra Services &Fees (cheek bow add roe as epyrowr+a ❑ Ream Receipt Qwmwdcopy) S ❑ Rehm Receipt (electronic) $ ❑ Ca06sd Mall Restricted Delivery ❑ Adult Siena ure Required $ ❑Adult Signature Restricted Delivery S Postage a Tote 3 San. Sven GfI), Postmark Here Keten P Buss, D rector Infrastructure Site .ones Estates Pace LLC 2310 5 Miami Blvd Ste. 238 Durham, NC 27703 DWR: NOV-2022-LM•0040/Permit 4NC0064246/ Far. Pace MHP/Johnston/07020 3160 0000 4109 6029 M: 6/22/2022 P5 Form 3800, Aril 2015 PSN7s3o-02-4eo-soap See Reverse for Instruction. A review of the April 2022 Discharge Monitoring Report (DMR) for the subject facility revealed the violation(s) indicated below: Limit Exceedance Violation(sl: Sample Location Parameter oqe CCrI• vsrr P.-Mlw�i.... T..i•�r.l f1....:J....I SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION 0( ■ Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. 0{ as Attach this card to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to: o{ Kellen P l3lts.i: i•..:tor lnfr_:trttcture Site Jones +p;.,-,.l :' 7310 S Miatni.iilvd Ste. 238 DurhamMC 27703 o{ OWR: NOV-2022.LM-0040/Permit 8N00064246/ Fac. Pace 114HP/Johnston/e7020 3160 0000 4109 6029 M: 6/22/2022 °` I IIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIU IIII IIIIII IIIIIIIIII!III 9590 9402 3415 7227 6606 32 Date Limit Value Reported Value Type of Violation Ali Inns 17 CAO C. Date of Delivery i address different from Item 1? CI es ` delivery address below. WIG-- aximum Exceeded aximum Exceeded inimum Not Reached inimum Not Reached 2. Article Number (Transfer from service label) 7020 3160 0000 4109 6029 PS Form 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-02-000-9053 3. Service 75rpe ❑ Priority Mall 6prease ❑ Adult Signatae 0 Registered Malin' }❑ Adult Signature Restricted Delivery 0 Repbterid Mall Restricted rO c Restricted Delivery 0 ReReturn Receipt for 0 Collect on Delivery ❑ Collect Delivery Restricted Delivery 0 Signature Confirmation !teed )Mall Restricted Delivery Restricted Delivery t, Rreer,r<es 27409 aximum Exceeded Domestic Return Receipt