HomeMy WebLinkAboutAgenda Item IV-1_PowerPointDepartment of Environmental Quality RGGI Rulemaking Petition Update North Carolina Division of Air Quality July 14, 2022 Petition for Rulemaking •January 11, 2021 -DAQ received a petition to develop rules necessary to join RGGI. •June 15, 2021 Special Meeting –AQC voted to recommend that the EMC grant the petition. •July 13, 2021 Special Meeting -EMC voted to grant the petition. 2 Department of Environmental Quality RGGI Overview Program Elements Cap-and-trade System •Each participating state develops rules that establish declining annual CO2emission budgets, in the form of “allowances”, from affected facilities. •States allocate allowances to one combined Regional Market for auction. •Affected Electric Generating Units (EGUs) bid on allowances in the Regional Market. •Applies to fossil fuel-fired EGUs ≥ 25 MW. •Goal of 3% reduction in CO2 budgets per year from 2020 through 2030. •Currently, budgets are constant after 2030; however; RGGI states initiated a comprehensive program review in 2021 to consider, among other items, additional reductions to the cap post-2030. 3 Department of Environmental Quality RGGI Overview Program Elements Compliance •At the end of each control period, affected EGUs must hold enough allowances to cover their CO2 emissions during the control period. •1 CO2 allowance = 1 short ton of CO2. •Allowances can be banked for future use. •Allowances can also be purchased and sold on the secondary market. •The secondary market involves the trading of allowances and financial derivatives. •Note: an entity does not need to be subject to RGGI in order to participate in auctions or the secondary market. 4 Department of Environmental Quality RGGI Overview Revenue and Investments •Minus a small administrative fee, auction revenues are returned to the States for their allocation of allowances.* •Each RGGI State uses revenues differently, many are investing energy efficiency, direct bill assistance, or other environmental programs.* * As set forth in the petition rule, the North Carolina program deviates from this format. 5 Department of Environmental Quality RGGI Overview Revenue and Investments 6 Department of Environmental Quality Allowances Regional Auction Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility RGGI, Inc. $ $ $ $ $ Revenue CT DE ME MD MA NH NJ NY PA RI VT VA CT DE ME MD MA NH NJ NY PA RI VT VA North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule The NC petition rule deviates from the existing RGGI format: •Expanded applicability; •Consignment auction approach; •All emissions treated equally (fossil-fuel vs. biomass); •NC will not accept offset project applications. •Steeper decline in the CO2 budget (~4.7% per year starting in 2022) to meet EO80 goal of 70% reduction (below 2005 levels) by 2030. 7 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Applicability •Applicability is expanded to also include: •Biomass/biofuel units •Industrial units, regardless of grid connectivity •Biomass emissions cannot be subtracted from compliance obligation 8 Department of Environmental Quality * Exhibit C of the petition lists the affected facilities. However, the rule applies at the unit level. Several of the facilities listed on Exhibit C do not have any individual units that serve a generator with a nameplate capacity ≥ 25 MW and therefore, will not be subject to RGGI. North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Affected Sources 9 Department of Environmental Quality Emissions in million short tons CO2 2014 2016 2018 2019 2020 EGUs IOUs DEP/DEC 57.08 51.99 48.32 44.91 36.12 Dominion (1)0.043 0.040 0.023 0.003 0.003 Total IOUs 57.1 52.0 48.3 44.9 36.1 Non-IOUs IPPs (5)2.20 3.07 3.66 4.62 3.96 Muni (1)0.014 0.008 0.051 0.011 0.000 Coops (2)0.11 0.19 0.35 0.12 0.09 Total Non-IOUs 2.32 3.26 4.06 4.75 4.06 Total EGUs 59.45 55.29 52.40 49.67 40.17 non-EGUs Industrial Pulp/Paper (4)5.70 5.55 5.61 5.65 4.23 Institutional UNC (1)0.09 0.17 0.26 0.23 0.24 Total non-EGUs 5.79 5.71 5.87 5.88 4.48 Total RGGI Sources under Petition Rule 65.24 61.00 58.27 55.54 44.65 North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Consignment Auction Approach •Instead of allocating the statewide CO2 budget to the Regional Market directly, North Carolina’s budget will be allocated to the affected sources as “conditional” CO2 allowances. •Conditional allowances cannot be used directly for compliance; they must be consigned to the Regional Market first. •Once a “conditional” allowance passes through the Regional Market, it is no longer “conditional” (i.e., it can be used for compliance). 10 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Consignment Auction Approach •Affected sources must still purchase allowances to use for compliance, either through the Regional Market auctions or on the secondary market. •Auction revenues are returned to the affected sources that consign allowances to the auction, rather than the State. •North Carolina would be the first RGGI state to implement this consignment approach. 11 Department of Environmental Quality RGGI Petition Rule Consignment Auction Approach 12 Department of Environmental Quality Allowances Regional Auction Facility Facility Facility Facility Facility RGGI, Inc. $ $ $ $ $ Revenue NC NC Facility NC Facility NC Facility Conditional Allowances NC Facility NC Facility NC Facility DE ME MD MA NH CT NY PA RI VT VA NJ DE ME MD MA NH CT NY PA RI VT VA NJ RGGI Overview Program ElementsRecent Auction Results RGGI Auction Results 13 Department of Environmental Quality Auction Date Allowances sold ECR or CCR triggered?Clearing Price 6/1/2022 All No $13.90 3/9/2022 All No $13.50 12/1/2021 All Yes –CCR $13.00* 9/8/2021 All No $9.30 6/2/2021 All No $7.97 3/3/2021 All No $7.60 12/2/2020 All No $7.41 9/2/2020 All No $6.82 *CCR Trigger Price for 2021 North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Next steps •The rule-making process has commenced •Development of a fiscal note/analysis •Environmental Justice report •Request to proceed to public hearing •Public comment process (including a public hearing) •Final action by EMC •Final approval by RRC •Rule is final if <10 letters of objection are received (deadline is 1 day after RRC approval) 14 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina HB 951/Carbon Plan Overview •4 portfolios: only one achieves 70% reduction by 2030 •The Carbon Plan evaluates the portfolios against 4 objectives: 1) CO2 Reduction, 2) Affordability, 3) Reliability, and 4) Executability. •Common elements across all 4 portfolios •Near-term resource investments •Emission trends are similar until ~2028, when Portfolio 1 diverges with faster reductions. •Other 3 objectives vary across the portfolios. •Intervenor responsive filings due July 15th (may include alternative modeling) 15 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina Carbon Plan Overview 16 Department of Environmental Quality Portfolio 1 Portfolio 2 Portfolio 3 Portfolio 4 Reference: Excerpts from Figures 3-6, 3-7, 3-8, and 3-9, Chapter 3, Duke Carbon Plan, May 16, 2022, Docket No. E-100, Sub 179. Reference: Figure 3-17,Chapter 3, Duke Carbon Plan, May 16, 2022, Docket No. E-100, Sub 179. 70% Portfolio Snapshot at the Time of Achievement of Interim 70% Target (date of achievement varies across portfolios) 17 Reference: Duke Energy Carbon Plan, Executive Summary, Figure 6, May 16, 2022, Docket No. E-100, Sub 179. Supply-Side Resources Requiring Actions in Near-Term (2022-2024) 18 Department of Environmental Quality Reference: Duke Energy Carbon Plan, Executive Summary, Table 3, May 16, 2022, Docket No. E-100, Sub 179. Coal Capacity Retirements 19 Plant Name Winter Capacity (MW)Fuel(s)2020 IRP Case A/B w/updates Carbon Plan Portfolio 1 2 3 4 DEC Allen 1 167 Coal 2024 2024 Allen 5 259 Coal 2024 2024 Belews Creek 1 1110 Coal/NG 2039 2036 Belews Creek 2 1110 Coal/NG 2039 2036 Cliffside 5 546 Coal/NG 2026 2026 Cliffside 6 849 Coal/NG 2049 2036* Marshall 1 380 Coal/NG 2035 2029 Marshall 2 380 Coal/NG 2035 2029 Marshall 3 658 Coal/NG 2035 2033 Marshall 4 660 Coal/NG 2035 2033 DEP Mayo 1 713 Coal 2029 2029 Roxboro 1 380 Coal 2029 2029 Roxboro 2 673 Coal 2029 2029 Roxboro 3 698 Coal 2028 2028 2032 2034 2034 Roxboro 4 711 Coal 2028 2028 2032 2034 2034 Total Coal 9294 Retired Coal Capacity by 2030 4147 4907 3498 3498 3498 45%53%38%38%38%*Not retiring but coal usage ends by this date. Date advanced from IRP Date delayed from IRP 20 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035million short tons CO2Carbon Plan vs. Petition CP Portfolio 1 Emissions CP Portfolio 2 Emissions CP Portfolio 3 Emissions CP Portfolio 4 Emissions 2021 Duke Emissions Carbon Plan 2030 Target (70%)Petition RGGI Budget 2005 Duke Emissions = 75.87 million short tons 70% Reduction 2030 Interim Target 21 RGGI Petition Rule Allocations for DEC/DEP and Non-IOUs(Draft –for illustration purposes) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031Annual CO2Allocations (Million Short Tons)Petition RGGI Allocations for DEC/DEP and Non-IOUs Petition RGGI Budget Estimated DEC/DEP Petition RGGI Budget Estimated Non-IOU Petition Budget 22 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030Annual CO2emissions (million short tons)Petition RGGI Allocations vs. Duke Energy Carbon Plan Petition RGGI Budget Estimated DEC/DEP Petition RGGI Budget Duke Carbon Plan Portfolio 1 Duke Carbon Plan Portfolio 2 Duke Carbon Plan Portfolio 3 Duke Carbon Plan Portfolio 4 RGGI Petition Rule Allocations vs. Carbon Plan Portfolios(Draft –for illustration purposes) Budget Adjustments Petition Rule: 23 Year Base Budget Basis 2022 38,654,000 Projected emissions 2030 24,230,000 CEP A-1 goal of 70% reduction from 2005 levels •The budget declines linearly between starting and final budget. •The rule allows for recalculation of the starting and ending budgets if NC does not join RGGI by 2022. North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Methodology Assumptions •Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) –DEP/DEC •Estimate impacts incremental to State Law (HB 951) –Carbon Plan •Carbon Plan will specify schedule for deployment of generation resources and retirements to meet 2030 and 2050 CO2 reduction targets considering affordability, reliability, and executability of resources •RGGI petition rule cannot impose deployment of a generation mix or retirements in conflict with the Carbon Plan •Therefore, incremental impacts will reflect costs/benefits associated with participation in the RGGI market (i.e., allowances reflecting difference between the IOU portion of the RGGI cap and Carbon Plan for each year) 24 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Methodology Assumptions •Non-IOU Facilities •Not covered by State Law (HB 951) •Apply RGGI declining cap schedule to determine non-IOU portion of RGGI cap •Total non-IOU emissions are a small portion of total RGGI budget •Estimate costs/benefits associated with participation in the RGGI market •Do not have information to determine if facilities would implement measures to control CO2 emissions 25 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Methodology Assumptions •Industrial / Institutional Facilities (non-EGUs) •Not covered by State Law (HB 951) •Emissions not included in RGGI Petition Rule budget •Based on current data, and the methodology in the RGGI Petition Rules, these facilities are unlikely to receive allowance allocations from the state. •Estimate costs associated with purchase of allowances from RGGI market to cover CO2 emissions •Do not have information to determine of facilities would implement measures to control CO2 emissions; therefore, RGGI declining cap schedule would not be applied to determine annual allowance purchases. •Most participating states exempt these facilities. 26 Department of Environmental Quality North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Types of Costs to Affected Facilities 27 Department of Environmental Quality Entity Type Cost Basis IOUs Variable Incremental allowances beyond allocations = [(Carbon Plan emissions) –(IOU portion of NC RGGI budget)] * auction clearing price Variable RGGI auction admin fee = percentage of auction revenues Fixed Consultant/AAR = 1 staff position for each entity Fixed Permit application fee = one-time application fee for each IOU facility Non-IOUs Variable Incremental allowances beyond allocations = (non-IOU projected emissions) –(non-IOU portion of NC RGGI budget) * auction clearing price Variable RGGI auction admin fee = percentage of auction revenues Fixed Consultant/AAR = 1 staff position for each entity Fixed Permit application fee = one-time application fee for each non-IOU facility AAR = Authorized Account Representative, required of each entity to manage COATS account North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Types of Costs to Affected Facilities 28 Entity Type Cost Basis Non-EGUs Variable Allowances for all emissions = (projected non-EGU emissions) * auction clearing price Variable RGGI auction admin fee = percentage of auction revenues Fixed Consultant/AAR = 1 staff position for each entity Fixed CEMS (Pulp/Paper facilities)= capital cost + labor + maintenance Fixed Permit application fee = one-time application fee for each facility AAR = Authorized Account Representative, required of each entity to manage COATS account North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Types of Costs to DEQ 29 Entity Type Cost/Benefit Basis DEQ Fixed Cost Staff time for permit reviews One-time application review for each source Fixed Cost Staff for RGGI implementation Staff salary to oversee RGGI program, including: -Conditional allowance allocations -Compliance with program -RGGI program reviews/meetings Fixed Benefit Permit application fees One-time application fee for each permit North Carolina RGGI Petition Rule Program Revenues Investor-Owned Utilities (IOUs) –DEP/DEC •Addressed only with language in 02D .2821(g): “Each electric public utility with CO2 budget units shall file with the North Carolina Utilities Commission a plan for how it will spend auction revenues for public benefit, strategic energy, or other purposes approved by the Commission.” Non-IOU Facilities •Not addressed in RGGI Petition Rules Industrial / Institutional Facilities (non-EGUs) •Not addressed in RGGI Petition Rules 30 Department of Environmental Quality Department of Environmental Quality 31 Tentative Rulemaking Timeline(Subject to Change) Nov 2022 Request to Proceed to Comment and Hearing to Environmental Management Commission (EMC) •Dec 2022-Feb 2023 Public Comment Period and Hearing •May 2023 Adoption by EMC •June 2023 Rules Review Commission Approval •July 2023 Tentatively Effective •1/1/2024 RGGI participation begins Contact information Mike Abraczinskas, EIT, CPM Director NC Division of Air Quality Michael.Abraczinskas@ncdenr.gov 919-707-8447 32 Randy Strait Planning Section Chief NC Division of Air Quality Randy.Strait@ncdenr.gov 919-707-8721 Katherine Quinlan Rules Development Branch NC Division of Air Quality Katherine.Quinlan@ncdenr.gov 919-707-8702 Brad Nelson Rules Development Branch NC Division of Air Quality Bradley.Nelson@ncdenr.gov 919-707-8705