HomeMy WebLinkAboutNC0021482_SOC (Application)_20220630 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND NATURAL RESOURCES DIVISION OF WATER RESOURCES APPLICATION FOR A SPECIAL ORDER BY CONSENT (SOC) I. PERMIT RELATED INFORMATION: 1. Applicant(corporation, individual, or other): Town of Maysville_ 2. Print or Type Owner's or Signing Official's Name and Title: Schumatta Brown, Town Manager 3. Facility Name (as shown on Permit): _Maysville WWTP 5; CO'a- 4. Owner Phone: 910 330 0448 5. Owner Email: townmanager@townofmaysville.org 4. Application Date: May 24, 2022 5. NPDES Permit No. (if applicable)_NC0021482 6. Name of the specific wastewater treatment facility (if different from 1.3. above): II. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: Prior to submitting this completed application form, applicants must meet with the appropriate regional office staff to discuss whether or not an SOC is appropriate for this situation. Please note the date this meeting occurred and who represented the permittee: Representative: Robert Tankard Date: _May 10, 2022 RECEIVED JUN 27 2022 NC DEQ/DWR Central Office Town of Maysville SOC Request III. Additional Flow Request A total of 5,000 GPD is requested to be added to the system's allotted capacity. This flow would be allocated to the taps installed on Hadnot Street when that line was replaced in the spring of 2022. Additionally, a flow of 10,000gpd is requested to allow for the connection of approximately 100 campers to be added as the development progresses. Similarly,the flow will be justified as reductions in I&I are made. These taps were specifically installed for a planned development of 8-10 houses. The additional capacity will be offset by completing repairs to the collection system. The inflow and infiltration (I&I) project, which is funded by the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA), has been approved by NCDEQ and is nearing design completion. The I&I repairs are scheduled to begin as early as spring 2023. Calculations will be provided to NC DEQ describing the repairs and flow reduction that will be realized by the WWTP. IV. Necessity Narrative—Evaluation Report The Town of Maysville, NC, owns and operates a wastewater treatment system which is permitted under NPDES Permit Number NC0021482.The Town is permitted to discharge treated wastewater to White Oak River, Class C waters of NC in the White Oak River Basin. The Town's wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) currently operates utilizing a manual bar screen, an extended aeration unit, a multi-media filter unit, a UV disinfection unit, and an outfall. Currently,the filter and corresponding pump are malfunctioning and unable to sufficiently affect the treatment process.The filter is currently being bypassed by the Town.The Town is attempting to maintain dissolved oxygen by blowing air in both the extended aeration unit and following the UV disinfection. For these reasons, the Town has struggled to meet its BOD5, ammonia (NH3), and fecal coliform discharge limits. As the WWTP currently exists, there are no operational procedures which could change that would allow the Town to meet its discharge limits without significant upgrades to the treatment process. For this reason, it is proposed that the Town be allowed to forgo monitoring of fecal coliform, ammonia, and BOD5 until the necessary upgrades to meet the discharge limits for those parameters are constructed. The proposed upgrades for the Town's WWTP are as follows: • Replace the existing manual bar screen with an automatic mechanical bar screen; • Replace the existing multi-media filter with two new clarifiers to recover sludge and partition the solids from the decantable liquid; • Replace the existing UV disinfection system with a chlorine disinfection system, which will provide chlorine as well as thiosulfate at the end of the chlorine contact tank; • Replace the existing blowers, diffusers, and air system manifold, which have reached the end of their useful lives and are now insufficient for the necessary treatment process. The Town intends to have these upgrades put in place as part of the several upgrade projects for its wastewater system associated with the earmarked ARPA funds received by the Town.The Town will also be performing repairs to its wastewater collection system to reduce the inflow and infiltration (I/I) experienced at the WWTP during precipitation events. There are no non-compliant significant industrial users currently being served by the Town. There has not been an Industrial Waste Survey performed for the Town's wastewater system in the recent past. The Town of Maysville does not currently receive wastewater from other municipalities. V. Certification • An evaluation of existing treatment units, operational procedures and recommendations as to how the efficiencies of these facilities can be maximized. The person in charge of such evaluation must sign this document. The existing bar screen, equalization basin and extended aeration chambers are intact and functional. These units are, however, being impacted by washout conditions frequently due to the very large amount of I&I the plant receives when precipitation of any significant degree occurs. As mentioned in the narrative,the I&I is being addressed in a funded and ongoing project. Once the I&I is significantly reduced these units should perform as designed. • A certification that these facilities could not be operated in a manner that would achieve compliance with final permit limits. The person making such determination must sign this certification. The existing aeration system,filter system, and disinfection unit are aged and broken. These units are in such condition that modifications are a waste of funding. A project currently under design will have the aeration system fully replaced from the electrical control panel to the diffusers. Similarly,the filters are an advanced treatment unit that is misplaced at its current location. When significant precipitation occurs, the operator must cease using the blowers to allow for the water to flow untreated through the plant to prevent the washout of the zoological mixture of bacteria that digest the waste. As such the plant cannot be operated in a manner consistent with its NPDES permit under the current conditions. ,4j � RECEIVED Steven R. Gandy, Ph. ., P.E. JUN tit 2022 CI( NC DE— C Central Office hief Engineer Instead of a filtration unit the WWTP would be much better served by the installation of dual clarifiers, which are also currently under design. The disinfection unit has lost its structural integrity and is failing. The work currently in design will replace this disinfection system by installing a baffled disinfection tank which will utilize chlorine for disinfection and thiosulfate for removal of the free chlorine. • The effluent limits that the facility could be expected to meet if operated at their maximum efficiency during the term of the requested SOC (be sure to consider interim construction phases). After the work is complete the WWTP should have no issue in obtaining compliance with the current NPDES permit. During the interim,the WWTP can expect to meet the following limits: Total Flow: 243,000 GPD* N-NH3 35.2 mg/I Daily Maximum** Chlorine 121_mg/I Daily Maximum** Dissolved Oxygen 0.44 mg/I Daily Minimum** *This was the highest observed month on record (February 2021) with the addition of the 15,000 GPD described in Section Ill. **These are the highest observed values as represented by the attached NOV's received recently for the Maysville WWTP VI. PREDICTED COMPLIANCE SCHEDULE: The applicant must submit a detailed listing of activities along with time frames that are necessary to bring the facility into compliance. This schedule should include milestone dates for beginning construction, ending construction, and achieving final compliance at a minimum. Design Initiated April 20, 2022 Final Design/submission to DWR June 4, 2023 Permits Obtained September 4, 2023 Project Awarded December 31, 2023 Construction Initiated March 1, 2024 Disinfection chamber may be out of service for a period of 1 week during construction. Mitigation of flow will be obtained by diverting flow back to the equalization basin during periods when the new units are being connected and the older units are being removed. Construction finalized September 1, 2026 Work certified by Engineer and WWTP obtains current NPDES Limits December 31, 2026 *It should be noted that I&I work will follow the same approximate schedule and flow reductions should start to be realized by the WWTP beginning in or about September 2023 and be fully complete by December 31, 2026. VII. FUNDING SOURCES IDENTIFICATION: The work at the WWTP and the work on the collection system are funded through NC DEQ DWI. A copy of the offer and acceptance letter is attached. APPLICANT'S CERTIFICATION: (NO MODIFICATION TO THIS CERTIFICATION IS ACCEPTABLE) I, Schumata Brown ,attest this application for a Special Order by Consent(SOC) has been reviewed by me and is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand if all required parts of this application are not completed and if all required supporting information and attachments are not included,this application package may be returned as incomplete. (Please be advised that the return of this application does not prevent DWR from collecting all outstanding penalties upon request). Furthermore, I attest by my signature that I fully understand that an upfront penalty,which may satisfy as a full settlement of outstanding violations, may be imposed. {Note: Reference to upfront penalties in Special Orders by Consent may be found in the North Carolina Administrative Code [T15A NCAC 2H .1206(c)(3)].} Date June 7, 2022 Signature of Signing Official Schumata Brown/Town Manager Printed Name of Signing Official ATTACHMENT 1 NOV HISTORY Sample Reported Location Parameter Date Limit Value value Type of violation 001 Oxygen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 6/1/2020 5 2.86 Daily Minimum Not Reached 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 7/7/2020 9.2 9.6 Daily Minimum Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 7/14/2020 9.2 11.05 Daily Maximun Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 001 Nitrogen,Ammonia Total (as 7/31/2020 2.3 7.44 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 10/5/2021 9.2 19.6 Daily Maximun Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 001 Oxygen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 10/18/2021 5 4.5 Daily maximun Not Reached 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 10/31/2021 2.3 8.32 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 2.3 3.98 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 8/31/2021 001 Oxygen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 9/20/2021 5 3.76 Daily Minimun Not Reached 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 9.2 35.2 Daily Maximun Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (C0610) 9/21/2021 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 9.2 20.1 Daily Maximun Exceeded Effluent N)- Concentration (C0610) 9/27/2021 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 9/30/2021 2.3 16.42 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)- Concentration (C0610) 001 Oxigen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 7/6/2021 5 0.44 Daily Minimum Not Reached 001 Oxigen, Dissolved (DO) 7/12/2021 5 1.26 Daily Minimun Not Reached Effluent (00300) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 7/20/2021 9.2 14.8 Daily Maximun Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (CO610) 001 Oxigen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 7/26/2021 5 1.44 Daily Minimun Not Reached 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 7/31/2021 2.3 4.23 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)- Concentration (CO610) 001 Chlorine,Total Residual Effluent (50060) 11/2/2020 28 67 Daily Maximum Exceeded 001 Chlorine,Total Residual 11/23/2020 28 52 Daily Maximum Exceeded Effluent (50060) 001 Chlorine,Total Residual Effluent (50060) 6/1/2021 28 121 Daily Maximum Exceeded 001 Chlorine,Total Residual Effluent (50060) 6/22/2021 28 78 Daily Maximum Exceeded 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 6/30/2021 2.3 3.14 Monthly Average Exceeded Effluent N)-Concentration (CO610) 001 Chlorine,Total Residual Effluent (50060) 1/18/2021 28 81 Daily Maximum Exceeded 001 Oxigen, Dissolved (DO) Effluent (00300) 4/26/2021 5 3.63 Daily Minimum Not Reached 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as Effluent N) Concentration (CO610) 4/30/2022 2.3 4.48 Monthly Average Exceeded 001 Chlorine,Total Residual Effluent (50060) 5/4/2021 28 82 Daily Maximum Exceeded Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as 001 Effluent N) 5/4/2021 9.2 9.8 Daily Maximum Exceeded Concentration (CO610) 001 Nitrogen, Ammonia Total (as Effluent N) Concentration (CO610) 5/31/2021 2.3 5.95 Monthly Average Exceeded Attachment 2 Offer and Acceptance for ARPA Funding Project No. VUR-W-ARP-0007