HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW6220601_Property Deed_20220629 (2)B3997 - P 839 HARNETT 039597 039597 COUNTY TAX ID # 0091 0091 06-11-2021 15 BY: KK Prepared by Eddie S.. Winstead, III —mail to Grantee STAMPS: S ix) STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA ) For Registration Matthew S. Willis Register of Deeds Harnett County, NC Electronically Recorded 2021 Jun 11 12;16 PM NC Rev stamp: $ 500.00 Book: 3997 Page:839 - 845 Fee: $ 26.00 Instrument Number: 2021013460 COUNTY OF HARNETT ) PIN - 9596-57-0735.000 and 9596-494393.000 THIS DEED, made this day of June, 202 L by and between ROGER PHILLIPS and spouse, LYNDA PHILLIPS and, LARRY ROBERTS and spouse, WANDA ROBERTS and, DAVID LANE PHILLIPS and spouse, TERRIE PAILLIPS and, SANDRA PHILLIPS II{NER, unmarried, and RONDELL PHILLTPS and spouse BARBARA P LLIPS, 216 Melwood Lane,, Sanford, NC 27332, hereinafter called "GRANTOR" to ELMS FAIRCLOTH and STANLEY FAIRCLOTH, as Tenants in Common, Post Office Box 1310, Broadway, NC 27505, hereinafter called "GRANTEE"; W I T N E S S E T 11, that the Grantor, in consideration of TEN DOLLARS and other valuable considerations to them paid by the Grantee,, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, has bargained and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Harnett County, North Carolina, more particularly described as follows: SEE "EXHIBIT A"' ATTACHED HERETO AND INCORPORATED HEREIN. (1381 Micro Tower, Liffington, NC 27546) The above property was conveyed to the Grantor by deed recorded in Book 374, page 358, Harnett County Registry., All or a portion of the property herein conveyed does not include the primary residence of a Grantor. Submitted l r n i call by "Harrington Gilleland Winstead F 1 nd l & Lucas, L L F" in compliance with NortK Carolina statutes governing recordable documents and the terms of the submitter agreement with the Harnett county Register of Deeds. B3997 - P 840 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid tract or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the grantee in fee simple. And the Grantor covenants with the Grantee, that Grantor is seized of said premises iri fee, simple, has the right to convey the same in fee simple; that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantor will warrant and defend the title to the same', against the lawful claims of a11 persons whomsoever,, except for any exceptions as may be hereinafter stated: All such public utility easements or rights -of -way, if and, as may serve, cross, encroach upon, or otherwise affect the properly herein conveyed; all such zoning ordinances and other governmental regulations, if any, as may apply to the property herein conveyed; all matters which would be revealed by a current and accurate survey of the property herein conveyed; restrictive covenants of record, if any. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,, the Grantor has hereunto set his/her hand and seal, the day and year first above written. (SEAL) Roger ffillips 10, oedo"' Kda' Phillies STATE OF �v COUNTY 0;,Z,� Roger due executio i My ion * .0 ,rt Commim.6? 2w Zoo,.+*, * ,?,/ 2 (SEAL) Notay Publi do hemby ceflify let HJLV day wd acknowkdgcd the N 4g. WI�� 4oSARr Oou B3997 - P 841 Z 3 � T-A -1 P&I cc z r;tl -1 : k1l 0 91r- T JL--A gam I I I � "A a 0 p - dh 0 1, IWO .11�4 -F0 1 1 dp Ail V Ot'! t: � 1 STATE OF COUNTYO t r, Larry ftberts �e44'zvw' (SEAL) Wanda Roberts y+ T ++ 44 e a Notary Public, do M commimon expuwe//* B3997 - P 842 SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE IN 1'ESTIlVIONX WHEREOF, the Grantor has hereunto set her hand and seal, the day and year firstabove Wl'ltteil. David Lane Phillips Teorie Phflbps STATEOF 1? XraS COUNW of R abvr+san 10 EAL) a Notary Public, do hereby certify David Lane Phillips and Terris Phfflips personally appeared before me this day and acknowledged the due exaution of the foregoing i & Witness my hand and notarial seal, this the day of or M 20214 B3997 - P 843 SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE I STATE OF COUNWO sue) ���e,L. �� Lt/ii40cws C! a Notary Public, do slit:MOP 1 low, -TV, 7is MMI so w/tv*""F-r*6*4 ;0\, TA NoWy Public My commission expires.• B3997 - P 844 SEPARATE SIGNATURE PAGE 1;.i Opi 1 1 117; ITS I r 0"; 1 ilia �*KNi �LQ � COUNTY ( Witness my Se WIN&T 0IARy.�p W U q* 41 '�..¢ cov .r• 4.+ 714e� . a 4+: Rondeff Phillips Notary Public �0 11 11 ;*` 1 - 1 1;4ZE SEAL) a Notary Public, do 1. /I- z / 2O 2 Zmw. B3997 - P 845 Exhibit "A" TRACT 1 ALL OF LOT 2, containing .57 acres, as shown on the map entitled "D. L. Phillips Heirs" by Melvin A. Graham, PLSl dated 02/23/2021, and recorded as Map Number 2021-136, Harnett County Registry. TRACT a Beginning at an iron stake on the C C Road runuin.g from McArthur Road at Owen Odum farm to Old Holmes or Highland Farm, new Blanchard farm, a corner of Lots Nos 1 andZ, and runs as the road N.' 83 deg. 25 min easy 700 feet to a new comer; thence as a new line S. 1 deg. 42 min. E. 3 821.7 feet to a new carnex in the line of Lot Na. 6; thence as the line of Lot No. 6 N. 86 deg 10 miu W. 1009.E feet to a sake, a corner of Lets Nos. I and 2, sand 6; thence as the line of L61 No. 2 N. 2 deg. 50 min E3790 feet to the begm' niug canta�ning 74.15 acres more or legs, an� being a porfion of dot No,. I of the J. A. Newkirk Sprunt land, as shown by man made by Wiffiam Ragsdale Jr., Registered Surveyor, and Robert Reed, Reg. Surveyor, recorded in Map Book # ? at page 134, Repstry of Haraett County.. LESS AND EXCEPT the following described parcels: A.0 of the 17.4 tract described in Deed from D. L. Phillips and wife, Bessie Irene Phillips to Harold W. Cotton and wife, Vickie D. Cotton, dated June 17, 1087, and recorded in Book 834, page 224, Harnett County Registry. PARCEL A, containing 3.86 acres, more or less, as shown on the surrey entitled "Recombznafian Survey for Rome E., Beacham,, Jr., by Melvin A. Graham, PLS, dated 10/27/2020s and recorded as Map 2020-402, Harnat County Registry. LOT I , containing 5.00 acres, as shown on the map entitled "Minor Subdivision Survey for D. L. Phillips Heirs" by Melvin A. Graham, PLS, dated 02/23/2021., and recorded as Map 2021-136, Harnett County Registry. AND SUBJECT TO the 50" access and utilities easement shorn on the map recorded as Map 2021-136, Harnett County Registy,, E 0