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NC0048861_Renewal (Application)_20220627
TOWN OF CRESWELL PO BOX 68•104 SOUTH SIXTH STREET•CRESWELL,NC 27928 PHONE 252-797-4852•FAX 252-797-7281 E-MAIL:creswellnc©centurylink.net WEBSITE:www.townofcreswell.com MAYOR: COMMISSIONERS: E.RAY BLOUNT SYBLE SPRUILL RON AMBROSE TOWN CLERK/FINANCE OFFICER: BRENA LOGAN PENNY CHAPMAN JOEL HARRIS June 22,2022 RECEIVED NCDEQ/DWR JUN $7 2022 Attn;NPDES Unit 1617 Mail Service Center NNDEQIDWR1NPDES Raleigh,NC 27699-1617 Subject: Request for NPDES Renewal NPDES Permit#NC0048861 Town of Creswell Creswell WWTP Washington County Dear NPDES Unit: The Town of Creswell is submitting the renewal application package for NPDES#NC0048861. The permit expiration date is December 31,2022. The renewal application package consists of: • Cover letter • Renewal application form—Application Form-2A(Revised 3-19)with tables A,B,and D • Topographic map • Schematic of WWTP(with water balance) • Plant Narrative The Town would like to make the following comment regarding the permit renewal: • The current permit has a quarterly monitoring requirement for Mercury. We request that monitoring for mercury be reduced to once per permit cycle per the Division's Mercury Post- TMDL Permitting Strategy (September 12, 2012) for minor municipal systems. Test results for mercury during this permit cycle have all been below the detection limit. • The following corrections are needed for the Supplement Page for authorized components: o Two lagoons in series—Can be removed from the permit as they have been abandoned o Two mechanical fine bar screens—there are three(3)bar screens o Two 42,300 anoxic basins each with a 2.3 hp submersible mixer— Should be removed, there is not a second set of anoxic basins We thank you for your consideration in these matters. If you have any additional questions or comments, please call contact Ryan Swain,WWTP Superintendent at 252-796-7957 or rswaincreswell@gmail.com. Sic ely,1,44%. Abaci Edwin Blount,Mayor Town of Creswell EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 Form U.S.Environmental Protection Agency 2A &EPA Application for NPDES Permit to Discharge Wastewater NPDES NEW AND EXISTING PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS SECTION 1. BASIC APPLICATION INFORMATION FOR ALL APPLICANTS(40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and(9)) 1.1 Facility name Creswell WWTP Mailing address(street or P.O. box) PO Box 68 City or town State ZIP code o Creswell NC 27928-0068 Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address Ryan Swain W/WW Superintendent (252)796-7957 rswaincreswell@gmail.com Location address(street,route number,or other specific identifier) D Same as mailing address cts 4th Street at NCSR 1155 w City or town State ZIP code Creswell NC 27928-0068 1.2 Is this application for a facility that has yet to commence discharge? El Yes 4 See instructions on data submission El No requirements for new dischargers. 1.3 Is applicant different from entity listed under Item 1.1 above? D Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.4. Applicant name Town of Creswell Applicant address(street or P.O. box) PO Box 68 City or town State ZIP code 0 Creswell NC 27928-0068 Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address a Edwin Blount Mayor (252)797-4852 mayorblount@gmail.com 1.4 Is the applicant the facility's owner,operator,or both?(Check only one response.) ❑ Owner ❑ Operator ✓❑ Both 1.5 To which entity should the NPDES permitting authority send correspondence?(Check only one response.) El Facility ❑ Applicant ❑ Facility and applicant (they are one and the same) 1.6 Indicate below any existing environmental permits.(Check all that apply and print or type the corresponding permit number for each.) Cr) Existing Environmental Permits a ✓❑ NPDES(discharges to surface ❑ RCRA(hazardous waste) ❑ UIC(underground injection :9 water) control) NC0048861 ❑ PSD(air emissions) ❑ Nonattainment program(CM) ❑ NESHAPs(CM) rn ❑ Ocean dumping(MPRSA) ❑ Dredge or fill(CWA Section ❑� Other(specify) 404) Collection WQCSD0075 EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 1 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 1.7 Provide the collection system information requested below for the treatment works. Municipality Population Collection System Type Ownership Status Served Served (indicate percentage) Town of Creswell 222 No %separate sanitary sewer E Own 0 Maintain Z %combined storm and sanitary sewer 0 Own 0 Maintain d 0 Unknown ❑ Own ❑ Maintain co 100 %separate sanitary sewer CI Own 0 Maintain o Tyrell Co. 300 .� Districts 1&2 %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain El Unknown ❑ Own ❑ Maintain a. %separate sanitary sewer 0 Own ❑ Maintain a %combined storm and sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain f° ❑ Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain E %separate sanitary sewer ❑ Own 0 Maintain rn %combined storm and sanitary sewer CI CIMaintain c ❑ Unknown 0 Own 0 Maintain c. Total 522 w Population o Served Separate Sanitary Sewer System Combined Storm and Sanitary Sewer Total percentage of each type of a o sewer line(in miles) ioo /o NA /o 1.8 Is the treatment works located in Indian Country? c o El Yes El No C) 1.9 Does the facility discharge to a receiving water that flows through Indian Country? c El Yes 0 No 1.10 Provide design and actual flow rates in the designated spaces. Design Flow Rate 0.20 mgd To N Annual Average Flow Rates(Actual) ex2 Two Years Ago Last Year This Year 03 c _0 0.03 mgd 0.03 mgd 0.03 mgd d LL Maximum Daily Flow Rates(Actual) o Two Years Ago Last Year This Year 0.13 mgd 0.13 mgd 0.32 mgd y 1.11 Provide the total number of effluent discharge points to waters of the United States by type. o Total Number of Effluent Discharge Points by Type a, Combined Sewer Constructed si- Treated Effluent Untreated Effluent Overflows Bypasses Emergency 0 Overflows H ___..________. 3 1 EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 2 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 Outfalls Other Than to Waters of the United States 1.12 Does the POTW discharge wastewater to basins,ponds,or other surface impoundments that do not have outlets for discharge to waters of the United States? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.14. 1.13 Provide the location of each surface impoundment and associated discharge information in the table below. Surface Impoundment Location and Discharge Data Average Daily Volume Continuous or Intermittent Location Discharged to Surface (check one) Impoundment ❑ Continuous 9Pd 0 Intermittent ❑ Continuous gpd ❑ Intermittent ❑ Continuous N gpd 0 Intermittent 2 1.14 Is wastewater applied to land? 0 Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.16. 0 1.15 Provide the land application site and discharge data requested below. 0. Land Application Site and Discharge Data Continuous or Location Size Average Daily Volume Intermittent Applied (check one) acres d 0 Continuous o gp ❑ Intermittent acres d 0 Continuous o gp ❑ Intermittent acres d 0 Continuous gp ❑ Intermittent Co 1.16 Is effluent transported to another facility for treatment prior to discharge? o 0 Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.21. 1.17 Describe the means by which the effluent is transported(e.g.,tank truck,pipe). 1.18 Is the effluent transported by a party other than the applicant? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 1.20. 1.19 Provide information on the transporter below. Transporter Data Entity name Mailing address(street or P.O.box) City or town State ZIP code Contact name(first and last) Title Phone number Email address EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 3 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 1.20 In the table below, indicate the name,address,contact information, NPDES number,and average daily flow rate of the receiving facility. Receiving Facility Data a Facility name Mailing address(street or P.O. box) .c City or town State ZIP code 0 Contact name(first and last) Title 0 d Phone number Email address o NPDES number of receiving facility(if any) 0 None Average dailyflow rate mgd 0. 9 9 0 1.21 Is the wastewater disposed of in a manner other than those already mentioned in Items 1.14 through 1.21 that do not have outlets to waters of the United States(e.g.,underground percolation, underground injection)? ❑ Yes ❑r No 4 SKIP to Item 1.23. 1.22 Provide information in the table below on these other disposal methods. Information on Other Disposal Methods Disposal Annual Average Method Location of Size of DailyDischarge Continuous or Intermittent -a o Description Disposal Site Disposal Site Volume (check one) • acres gpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent ❑ Continuous acres gpd ❑ Intermittent acresgpd ❑ Continuous ❑ Intermittent 1.23 Do you intend to request or renew one or more of the variances authorized at 40 CFR 122.21(n)?(Check all that apply. y Consult with your NPDES permitting authority to determine what information needs to be submitted and when.) c ❑ Discharges into marine waters(CWA ❑ Water quality related effluent limitation(CWA Section cr CO cp Section 301(h)) 302(b)(2)) ❑✓ Not applicable 1.24 Are any operational or maintenance aspects(related to wastewater treatment and effluent quality)of the treatment works the responsibility of a contractor? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No+SKIP to Section 2. 1.25 Provide location and contact information for each contractor in addition to a description of the contractor's operational and maintenance responsibilities. Contractor Information Contractor 1 Contractor 2 Contractor 3 0 Contractor name (company name) Mailing address (street or P.O.box) o City,state,and ZIP code Contact name(first and 0 last) Phone number Email address Operational and maintenance responsibilities of contractor EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 4 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 2.ADDITIONAL INFORMATION (40 CFR 122.21(j)(1)and(2)) c Outfalls to Waters of the United States c 2.1 Does the treatment works have a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd? ElYes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Section 3. a 2.2 Provide the treatment works'current average daily volume of inflow Average Daily Volume of Inflow and Infiltration and infiltration. 2100 gpd w r Indicate the steps the facility is taking to minimize inflow and infiltration. Visual observations of system to include STEP systems and other indicators of I/I tv 0 s 2.3 Have you attached a topographic map to this application that contains all the required information?(See instructions for tspecific requirements.) cti 0 ❑✓ Yes ❑ No E 2.4 Have you attached a process flow diagram or schematic to this application that contains all the required information? 3 T. (See instructions for specific requirements.) o LL N ElYes ❑ No 2.5 Are improvements to the facility scheduled? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Section 3. Briefly list and describe the scheduled improvements. 0 m 1. c a, E a> 2. E 0 3. d 4. Fa 2.6 Provide scheduled or actual dates of completion for improvements. Scheduled or Actual Dates of Completion for Improvements Affected Attainment of Scheduled Begin End Begin > Outfalls Operational Improvement Construction Construction Discharge (from above) (list outtall (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) (MM/DD/YYYY) Level number) (MM/DD/YYYY) 1. U 2. co 3. 4. 2.7 Have appropriate permits/clearances concerning other federal/state requirements been obtained?Briefly explain your response. ❑ Yes El No El None required or applicable Explanation: EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 5 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 SECTION 3. INFORMATION ON EFFLUENT DISCHARGES (40 CFR 122.21(j)(3)to(5)) 3.1 Provide the following information for each outfall.(Attach additional sheets if you have more than three outfalls.) Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number State North Carolina O1 County ounty Washington 0 City or town Creswell 0 o Distance from shore NA ft. ft. ft. 0. y Depth below surface NA ft. ft. ft. d 0 Average daily flow rate 0.03 mgd mgd mgd Latitude 35° 51' 29" NE ° " Longitude 25 23' 39" VD ° m 3.2 Do any of the outfalls described under Item 3.1 have seasonal or periodic discharges? o ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.4. d 3.3 If so,provide the following information for each applicable outfall. L y Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number 0 Number of times per year g discharge occurs Ii a_ Average duration of each `o discharge(specify units) c Average flow of each 0 discharge mgd mgd mgd R in Months in which discharge occurs 3.4 Are any of the outfalls listed under Item 3.1 equipped with a diffuser? ❑ Yes El No 4 SKIP to Item 3.6. 03.5 Briefly describe the diffuser type at each applicable outfall. o_ Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number d - to o o vi 3.6 Does the treatment works discharge or plan to discharge wastewater to waters of the United States from one or more d = discharge points? ❑r Yes ❑ No 4SKIP to Section 6. EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 6 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name I Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP I OMB No.2040-0004 3.7 Provide the receiving water and related information(if known)for each outfall. Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number Receiving water name Scuppernong River Name of watershed,river, 0 or stream system Pasquotank River Basin a U.S.Soil Conservation y Service 14-digit watershed o code Zi Name of state management/river basin a) — U.S.Geological Survey 4) 8-digit hydrologic cc cataloging unit code Critical low flow(acute) cfs cfs cfs Critical low flow(chronic) cfs cfs cfs Total hardness at critical mg/L of mg/L of mg/L of low flow CaCO3 CaCO3 CaCO3 3.8 Provide the following information describing the treatment provided for discharges from each outfall. Outfall Number oo, Outfall Number Outfall Number — Highest Level of ❑ Primary ❑ Primary ❑ Primary Treatment(check all that ❑ Equivalent to ❑ Equivalent to ❑ Equivalent to apply per outfall) secondary secondary secondary ❑ Secondary 0 Secondary ❑ Secondary O Advanced ❑ Advanced 0 Advanced ❑ Other(specify) ❑ Other(specify) ❑ Other(specify) c MBR 0 a Design Removal Rates by 0 Outfall N d BODs or CBOD5 97 % % % c d E co CI) TSS 97 L 0 Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable Phosphorus % % % 0 Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable Nitrogen ° ° ° /o /o /o Other(specify) 0 Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable % % EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 7 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 3.9 Describe the type of disinfection used for the effluent from each outfall in the table below. If disinfection varies by season,describe below. a) a• 0 U = Outfall Number 001 Outfall Number Outfall Number 0 .0- Disinfection type UV Disinfection N d Seasons used All d Dechlorination used? 0 Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Not applicable ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ No ❑ No 3.10 Have you completed monitoring for all Table A parameters and attached the results to the application package? El Yes ❑ No 3.11 Have you conducted any WET tests during the 4.5 years prior to the date of the application on any of the facility's discharges or on any receiving water near the discharge points? ❑ Yes El No 4 SKIP to Item 3.13. 3.12 Indicate the number of acute and chronic WET tests conducted since the last permit reissuance of the facility's discharges by outfall number or of the receiving water near the discharge points. Outfall Number Outfall Number Outfall Number Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Acute Chronic Number of tests of discharge water Number of tests of receiving water 3.13 Does the treatment works have a design flow greater than or equal to 0.1 mgd? ❑✓ Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 3.16. 0 3.14 Does the POTW use chlorine for disinfection, use chlorine elsewhere in the treatment process,or otherwise have reasonable potential to discharge chlorine in its effluent? ❑ Yes 4 Complete Table B, including chlorine. ❑ No 4 Complete Table B,omitting chlorine. c 3.15 Have you completed monitoring for all applicable Table B pollutants and attached the results to this application package? 0 Yes ❑ No 3.16 Does one or more of the following conditions apply? • The facility has a design flow greater than or equal to 1 mgd. • The POTW has an approved pretreatment program or is required to develop such a program. • The NPDES permitting authority has informed the POTW that it must sample for the parameters in Table C, must sample other additional parameters(Table D),or submit the results of WET tests for acute or chronic toxicity for each of its discharge outfalls(Table E). Yes 4 Complete Tables C, D,and E as O applicable. ElNo 4 SKIP to Section 4. 3.17 Have you completed monitoring for all applicable Table C pollutants and attached the results to this application package? ❑ Yes El No 3.18 Have you completed monitoring for all applicable Table D pollutants required by your NPDES permitting authority and attached the results to this application package? O Yes ❑ No additional sampling required by NPDES permitting authority. EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 8 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 3.19 Has the POTW conducted either(1)minimum of four quarterly WET tests for one year preceding this permit application or(2)at least four annual WET tests in the past 4.5 years? ❑ Yes ❑ No 4 Complete tests and Table E and SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.20 Have you previously submitted the results of the above tests to your NPDES permitting authority? No 4 Provide results in Table E and SKIP to ❑ Yes ❑ Item 3.26. 3.21 Indicate the dates the data were submitted to your NPDES permitting authority and provide a summary of the results. Date(s)Submitted Summary of Results (MM/DD/YYYY) WET testing not required -o a) c c 0 ca 3.22 Regardless of how you provided your WET testing data to the NPDES permitting authority,did any of the tests result in toxicity? 0 Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.23 Describe the cause(s)of the toxicity: a> w 3.24 Has the treatment works conducted a toxicity reduction evaluation? ❑ Yes 0 No 4 SKIP to Item 3.26. 3.25 Provide details of any toxicity reduction evaluations conducted. 3.26 Have you completed Table E for all applicable outfalls and attached the results to the application package? ❑ Yes ❑ Not applicable because previously submitted information to the NPDES •ermittin• authorit . SECTION 4. INDUSTRIAL DISCHARGES AND HAZARDOUS WASTES(40 CFR 122.21(j)(6)and (7)) 4.1 Does the POTW receive discharges from SIUs or NSCIUs? ❑ Yes ❑✓ No 4 SKIP to Item 4.7. u 4.2 Indicate the number of SIUs and NSCIUs that discharge to the POTW. Number of SIUs Number of NSCIUs to 0 12 4.3 Does the POTW have an approved pretreatment program? a ❑ = Yes ❑ No g 4.4 Have you submitted either of the following to the NPDES permitting authority that contains information substantially identical to that required in Table F:(1)a pretreatment program annual report submitted within one year of the application or(2)a pretreatment program? 0 Yes ❑ No 4 SKIP to Item 4.6. 0 4.5 Identify the title and date of the annual report or pretreatment program referenced in Item 4.4.SKIP to Item 4.7. y 4.6 Have you completed and attached Table F to this application package? ❑ Yes 0 No EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 9 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 4.7 Does the POTW receive,or has it been notified that it will receive, by truck, rail,or dedicated pipe,any wastes that are regulated as RCRA hazardous wastes pursuant to 40 CFR 261? ❑ Yes ❑ No-4 SKIP to Item 4.9. 4.8 If yes,provide the following information: Annual Hazardous Waste Waste Transport Method Amount of Number (check all that apply) Waste Units Received ❑ Truck ❑ Rail ❑ Dedicated pipe ❑ Other(specify) 0 U CD ❑ Truck ElRail ❑ Dedicated pipe ❑ Other(specify) 0 N ❑ Truck ❑ Rail _ ❑ Dedicated pipe ❑ Other(specify) -0 4.9 Does the POTW receive,or has it been notified that it will receive,wastewaters that originate from remedial activities, including those undertaken pursuant to CERCLA and Sections 3004(7)or 3008(h)of RCRA? ❑ Yes D No 4 SKIP to Section 5. To 4.10 Does the POTW receive(or expect to receive)less than 15 kilograms per month of non-acute hazardous wastes as specified in 40 CFR 261.30(d)and 261.33(e)? ❑ Yes 4 SKIP to Section 5. ❑ No 4.11 Have you reported the following information in an attachment to this application:identification and description of the site(s)or facility(ies)at which the wastewater originates;the identities of the wastewater's hazardous constituents;and the extent of treatment, if any,the wastewater receives or will receive before entering the POTW? ❑ Yes ❑ No SECTION 5. COMBINED SEWER OVERFLOWS(40 CFR 122.21(j)(8)) 5.1 Does the treatment works have a combined sewer system? ❑ Yes ❑ No-*SKIP to Section 6. 5.2 Have you attached a CSO system map to this application?(See instructions for map requirements.) `� ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 5.3 Have you attached a CSO system diagram to this application?(See instructions for diagram requirements.) 0 ❑ Yes ❑ No EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 10 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 5.4 For each CSO outfall,provide the following information.(Attach additional sheets as necessary.) CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number City or town 0 •� State and ZIP code U N o County Latitude " o „ 0 0 0 u) Longitude ' 11 U Distance from shore ft. ft. ft. Depth below surface ft. ft. ft. 5.5 Did the POTW monitor any of the following items in the past year for its CSO outfalls? CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number Rainfall ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No rn c `0 CSO flow volume ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 0 No oo CSO pollutant 2 El Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No o concentrations co 0 Receiving water quality 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes ❑ No CSO frequency 0 Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No ❑ Yes 0 No Number of storm events 0 Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No 0 Yes ❑ No 5.6 Provide the following information for each of your CSO outfalls. CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number >-w Number of CSO events in events events events y the past year its c Average duration per hours hours hours event ❑ Actual or❑ Estimated ❑Actual or❑ Estimated ❑Actual or❑ Estimated 0 > u' million gallons million gallons million gallons o Average volume per event o 0 Actual or 0 Estimated 0 Actual or 0 Estimated ❑Actual or❑ Estimated Minimum rainfall causing inches of rainfall inches of rainfall inches of rainfall a CSO event in last year ❑Actual or❑ Estimated 0 Actual or 0 Estimated 0 Actual or 0 Estimated EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 11 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP OMB No.2040-0004 5.7 Provide the information in the table below for each of your CSO outfalls. CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number CSO Outfall Number Receiving water name Name of watershed/ stream system U.S.Soil Conservation ❑Unknown ❑ Unknown 0 Unknown Service 14-digit c watershed code (if known) Name of state CD cc management/river basin U.S. Geological Survey 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 0 Unknown 8-Digit Hydrologic Unit Code(if known) Description of known water quality impacts on receiving stream by CSO (see instructions for exam•les SECTION 6.CHECKLIST AND CERTIFICATION STATEMENT(40 CFR 122.22(a)and (d)) 6.1 In Column 1 below, mark the sections of Form 2A that you have completed and are submitting with your application. For each section,specify in Column 2 any attachments that you are enclosing to alert the permitting authority. Note that not all applicants are required to provide attachments. Column 1 Column 2 O Section 1: Basic Application ❑ wl variance request(s) ❑ w/additional attachments Information for All Applicants ❑ Section 2:Additional E wl topographic map wl process flow diagram Information ❑ wl additional attachments w/Table A w/Table D ❑ Section 3: Information on ❑ w/Table B ❑ w/Table E Effluent Discharges ❑ wl Table C ❑ w/additional attachments Section 4: Industrial ❑ w/SIU and NSCIU attachments ❑ w/Table F tai ❑ Discharges and Hazardous c Wastes ❑ w/additional attachments Section 5:Combined Sewer ❑ w!CSO map ❑ w/additional attachments ❑ Overflows ❑ w/CSO system diagram -a Section 6:Checklist and co ❑ Certification Statement ❑ wl attachments y -m 6.2 Certification Statement 0 I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true,accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations. Name(print or type first and last name) Official title Edwin Blount Mayor Signature Date signed fee‘trie:_ ie. 4444" 6407/142 EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 12 • EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE A. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR ALL POTWS Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Analytical ML or MDL Pollutant Number of Methods (include Value Units Value Units Sam les units) Biochemical oxygen demand El ML ID BODE or❑CBODE 6.0 mg/L 0.33 mg/L 52 5210B-16 2.0 O MDL resort one ML Fecal coliform 51 Colonies/100 ml 1.5 colonies/100 ml 52 9222D-15 per 100 ml 0 MDL Design flow rate 0.32 MG 0.03 MG 365 pH(minimum) 6.7 S.U. pH(maximum) 7.5 S.U. Temperature(winter) 20.3 Celcius 19.7 Celcius 36 Temperature(summer) 27.1 Celcius 23.0 Celcius 36 Total suspended solids(TSS) 12.0 mg/L 1.3 mg/L 52 2540D-15 2.5 0 ML O MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e.,methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0.See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). II EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 13 This page intentionally left blank. EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE B. EFFLUENT PARAMETERS FOR ALL POTWS WITH A FLOW EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 0.1 MGD Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge Analytical ML or MDL Pollutant Number of Methods (include Value Units Value Units Samples units) o ML Ammonia(as N) 1.06 mg/L 0.09 mg/L 52 350.1 R2-93 0.04 O MDL Chlorine ❑ML (total residual,TRC)2 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ❑MDL ML Dissolved oxygen 8.3 mg/L 8.1 mg/L 52 Hach 10360-2011 0.1 0 MDL ML Nitrate/nitrite 63.4 mg/L 42.2 mg/L 20 353.2 R2-93 0.1 0 MDL 0 ML Kjeldahl nitrogen 1.91 mg/L 0.58 mg/L 20 351.2-R2-93 0.1 O MDL 0 ML Oil and grease NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 MDL 0 ML Phosphorus 7.9 mg/L 5.5 mg/L 20 365.4-74 0.1 O MDL ML Total dissolved solids NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 0 MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). 2 Facilities that do not use chlorine for disinfection,do not use chlorine elsewhere in the treatment process,and have no reasonable potential to discharge chlorine in their effluent are not required to report data for chlorine. EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 15 EPA Identification Number NPDES Permit Number Facility Name Outfall Number Form Approved 03/05/19 110009844115 NC0048861 Creswell WWTP 001 OMB No.2040-0004 TABLE D.ADDITIONAL POLLUTANTS AS REQUIRED BY NPDES PERMITTING AUTHORITY Maximum Daily Discharge Average Daily Discharge y Pollutant Analytical ML or MDL (list) Value Units Value Units Number of Method1 (include units) Samples ❑ No additional sampling is required by NPDES permitting authority. Mercury 0 ng/L 0 ng/L 20 EPA 1631E 1 n/L ❑ML MDL CI ML Total Nitrogen 64.3 mg/L 42.7 mg/L 20 Calculated NA ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL 0 ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL ❑ML ❑MDL 1 Sampling shall be conducted according to sufficiently sensitive test procedures(i.e., methods)approved under 40 CFR 136 for the analysis of pollutants or pollutant parameters or required under 40 CFR chapter I,subchapter N or 0. See instructions and 40 CFR 122.21(e)(3). EPA Form 3510-2A(Revised 3-19) Page 23 r - , - „ ., •.: ./ . . mos ..// le ' SCUPPER NONG iiii . .9 A''''' •.., .';','a, 411,1 -1 1 a • • ------------1 • %.......N. • - . ..i • • cv BM • . • .4'..•%% i! 10011111.,,•'•-". 043) A. ....., • • '''''...%'••=!...,... ,.. • 44 iiiihime:_ubstat • ....d„. - P- ___ • . .... • •• • ., - •• ••• . . i I • . , ......... Ala . CD 0-• , . / . 1/ • ,1),/ • / . . • -- /. . •• • Creswell • , . , •• • . 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Stream Segment: 30-14-441) HUC: 03010205 Location Latitude: 35°51' 29" Longitude:76°23'39" Drainage Basin: Pasquotank Sub-Basin: 03-01-53 Stream Class: C;Sw NorthWashington County Receiving Stream: Scuppernong River FORGE MAIN FROM FLOW BLOWERS .i"'_._._._._._._._.T.— 1 1 T.RRE L mum, sRITrcR ITo■ Flow as Needed , , Creswell VWVTP EwaZATON / i 1 1 i all NC0048861 '"--- \ BASIN I II i, „I I 1IBA I I ORCE MAIN FROM I I ; 41100E OWN OF OIESNELL 1 LWONO L L /a_ I STATION AEROBIC SLUDGE 1 I STABILIZATION TANKS I 1 L 111.— Influent 0.03 mgd, j 4 1 i f I REOROILATICM;PERMEATE I i IKLUENi PIMP i PUMP I. 1 __ SAMPLER I I FUTURE $ INE i I RAS i 0.03 Effluent EFFLUENT 1 GRIT REMOVALI Si EN --..- 1 Influent PUMP I I Effluent SAMPLER I—I __�_� I No I 0.015 ANOXIC AER09c Ma I i 0.015 mgd EFFLUENT METER mg, "�BASIN BASIN TANK I i MAP STATION r 111E No 1 No 1 No 1 I. ` © • SOIEEN Fo 2INE • I . Imo/ PMP i i dSKEC4T AI— RERAnOM Influent ANOAMR Influent —9 ASN "ANC TA rx I n010d3 —OM— FINE _� m, 5 No 2 No 2 No 2 RAs i Effluent CI SCREEN IKLUENT g No 9 i i PUW i 0.015 mgd PUMPS i REORLLIATIONiPERMEATE i Effluent i PIMP i PIMP I i 0.03rgd 1 I BLOOM NO1ES 1.0E901 RON•200.000 CPR PEAK FLON.500.000 0'0 GENERATOR Creswell WWTP NPDES NC0048861 Plant Narrative The Creswell WWTP is an advanced WWTP utilizing the Membrane Bioreactor(MBR) process. The influent flow to the WWTP is from the Town of Creswell and Tyrell County Water and Sewer Districts 1 & 2. Both sewer collection systems are Septic Tank Effluent (STEP) systems that greatly reduces the amount of solids from the influent flow stream. The current average daily flow is 0.03 MGD and the facility is permitted for 0.20 MGD. Flow from both systems enter the Influent Flow Splitter Box via forcemains. The fixed weirs direct flow to either the WWTP or to the equalization pond. The flow continues to the influent force main where the flow is metered and pumped to two mechanical screens. After screening, the flow proceeds to the influent splitter box where the flow can be directed to the two treatment trains. Each train consists of: • Anoxic Basin with mixers • Aerobic Basin(BODS and Ammonia Nitrogen removal) • MBR Tanks (separation of solids from treated wastewater) Support equipment for the treatment process include: Permeate Pumps, Internal Recirculation Pumps, Return Activated Sludge Pumps, Waste Activated Sludge Pumps, Blowers for the Aerobic Basin and MBR system. The filtrate from the MBR flows to the UV disinfection system flows to the Cascade Type Post Aeration System and to the Effluent Pump Station for final discharge to the receiving stream. Waste Activated Sludge is pumped to the two Aerobic Digesters/Stabilization Tanks and are land applied as needed.