HomeMy WebLinkAboutP-2918F LRMF FONSI Signed w Appendices North Carolina Department of Transportation Rail Division Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Mecklenburg County, North Carolina State TIP Project No. P-2918F State WBS Project No. 49999.1.STR8 Administrative Action Finding of No Significant Impact Submitted Pursuant to the National Environmental Policy Act 42 USC 4332(2)(c) US Department of Transportation Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and North Carolina Department of Transportation Prepared in accordance with FRA’s Environmental Procedures (64 Fed. Reg. 28545 (May 26, 1999) April 2014 Finding of No Significant Impact Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project STIP Project No. P-2918F APPENDIX A Additions and Errata to Environmental Assessment Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility EA - Errata/Additions Page 1 ERRATA Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project Environmental Assessment NCDOT Project No. P-2918F This document includes corrections, revisions and or additions to the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility (LRMF) Project, subsequent to the signed approval by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) on September 30, 2013. Green Sheet Page 2 of 2 -Replace "Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission" with "Charlotte Historic Districts Commission." Executive Summary Page v - Under 3.3.5, Cultural Resources, Proposed Mitigation, replace "Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission" with "Charlotte Historic Districts Commission." Page vii - Under 3.5, Aesthetic and Design Quality Impacts, Proposed Mitigation, replace "Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission" with "Charlotte Historic Districts Commission." Chapter 3.0 Page 28, 3.3.3 Environmental Justice and Community Disruption - Under Community Disruption, the fourth sentence should be replaced and read: "However, the Build Alternative will result in only 12 total train trips (6 trainsets operating roundtrip as 12 total train trips). These 12 train trips will be in addition to the 2 Amtrak Crescent passenger trains that traverse the crossing today." Page 31 - Under 3.3.5, Cultural Resources, second paragraph, replace "Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission" with "Charlotte Historic Districts Commission." Page 33 - Under 3.5, Aesthetic and Design Quality Impacts, second paragraph, replace "Charlotte Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission" with "Charlotte Historic Districts Commission." Finding of No Significant Impact Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project STIP Project No. P-2918F APPENDIX B Project Maps & Figures Figure 1: CRISP Projects Figure 2: Project Location Figure 3: Project Study Area Figure 4: Aquatic Resources Figure 5: Future Land Use Figure 6: Zoning Figure 7: Property Acquisitions Figure 8: Environmental Justice Figure 9: Existing At-Grade Railroad Crossings Figure 10: Potential HAZMAT Properties Figure 11:-Conceptual Layout Phase 1A Figure 12:-Conceptual Layout Project Build-Out Mecklenburg County, North Carolina Januay 2014 CRISP Projects Figure 1 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Rtailcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F ^_ §¨¦77 §¨¦485 §¨¦85 §¨¦277 £¤74 £¤521 UV16 §¨¦77 §¨¦85 §¨¦485 §¨¦485 Derita Matthews Davidson Pineville Mint Hill Paw Creek Cornelius Huntersville Hickory GroveCharlotte Project StudyArea ±0 4 82 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility TIP No. P-2918F Figure 2 Project Location Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services !\ MecklenburgCounty Raleigh Charlotte North Carolina Mecklenburg County Proposed Locomotiveand RailcarMaintenance Facility ±0 0.5 10.25 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Project Study Area Figure 3 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services Do c u m e n t P a t h : C : \ P r o j e c t s \ 4 9 4 6 8 _ C R I S P \ 0 5 _ W o r k i n g \ M a i n t e n a n c e _ F a c i l i t y \ F i g u r e 3 - P r o j e c t S t u d y A r e a . m x d Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Aquatic Resources Figure 4 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams National Wetland Inventory Meckleburg Co. SWIM Buffer FEMA 100-yr Floodplain £¤74£¤74 £¤29 Stewart Creek §¨¦77 §¨¦77 Irwin Creek Ephemeral Railroad Drainage Ditch Irwin Creek Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Future Land Use Figure 5 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams Institutional Office Retail Park/Greenway/Open Space Single Family Residential Mixed Use Multi-Family Industrial Warehouse N/A Unknown £¤74£¤74 £¤29 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Zoning Figure 6 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams Business Business-Distribution Heavy Industrial Light Industrial Single Family Multi-Family Urban Residential Mixed Use Uptown Mixed Use Office Transit-Oriented N/A £¤74£¤74 £¤29 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 1 2 8 10 117 6 12 9 3 4 5 Norfo l k S o u t h e r n R a i l w a y Norfolk Southern Railway Irwin C r e e k St e w a r t C r e e k Irwin Creek S Clarks o n S t W J o h n B e l kF r e e w a y S M i n t S t SGraham St West Bv Po s t S t Larch StMerrimanAv SouthwoodAv ECarsonBv W K i n g s t o n A v STryonSt Elliot S t W Morehe a d S t Isom St Eldrid g e S t DunbarSt Pen m anStCo m m e r c e St Blou n t S t WBlandSt S C h u r c h S t Win o n a S t B ryant St W in o n a St McninchSt S p ruceSt SpruceSt Bryant ParkDr WParkAv W il m o r e D r SCedarSt W P a l m e r S t W C a t h e r i n e S t Wickford P l W M ore h e a d St S Col l e g e S t MorrisSt Pen n S t Skyview Rd LincolnSt QuinceySt Pos t S t Wilc o x S t CartierWy W P a l m e r S t D u n b a r S t W C a r s o n B v W H i l l S t W H i l l S t F r eedomDr SuttleAv Dunkirk D r BarringerDr S MintSt W Su m m i t A v e §¨¦277 §¨¦277 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Property Acquisitions Figure 7 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services £¤74 Do c u m e n t P a t h : C : \ P r o j e c t s \ 4 9 4 6 8 _ C R I S P \ 0 5 _ W o r k i n g \ M a i n t e n a n c e _ F a c i l i t y \ F i g u r e 7 - P o t e n t i a l P r o p e r t y A c q u i s i t i o n s . m x d Project Study Area 11910318, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 11910399, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 11910397, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 11910395, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 11910396, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 11910398, WHITE CONSOLIDATED INDUSTRIES INC 07326201, CHARLOTTE PIPE AND FOUNDRY CO 07326203, CHARLOTTE PIPE & FOUNDRY CO 07326207, CHARLOTTE PIPE & FOUNDRY COMPANY 07326215, CHARLOTTE PIPE & FOUNDRY CO 07326216, RJS/STS LLC 07326804, CHARLOTTE PIPE & FOUNDRY CO NCDOT Existing Property 1 2 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 Legend Proposed Property Acquisitions Railroad Thoroughfares Streets Streams Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 CensusTract 4 CensusTract 36 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Environmental Justice Figure 8 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams 2010 Census Tracts 37119000400 37119003600 £¤74£¤74 £¤29 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 ¹º»¼¹º»¼ Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Existing At-GradeRailroad Crossings Figure 9 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend ¹º»¼Existing At-Grade Crossing Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams £¤74£¤74 £¤29 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 Norfolk Southern Railway Piedmo n t a n d N o r t h e r n R a i l r o a d Mo r r i s S t Pen n S t FordhamRd QuinceySt Pos t S t LincolnSt WilcoxSt Cartier Wy W P a l m e r S t CamdenRd W T r a d e S t W B l a n d S t RoyalCt W 4 t h S t Winnif r e d S t E B l a n d S t South Bv SChurchSt Moreh e a d S q u a r e D r D u n b a r S t W 1 s t S t E M o r e h e a d S t S Tryon St Calv e r t S t M ill e r ton A v WalnutAv W H i l l S t WKingstonAv S CaldwellSt Fre e d o m D r W Par k A v WestBv E S t o n e w a l l S t Wilmore Dr B r yant St Bethel Rd M e r ri m a n A v GrandinRd S Clarkson St SuttleAv W S u m m i t A v SSummitAv E Jo h n B e l k F r D u n k i r k D r Evergre e n Dr S M int St Skyview Rd W M o r e h e a d S t EJohnBelkRa Fleetwood Dr W C a r s o n B v B a r r i n g e r Dr S p r u c e St WilkinsonBv W J o h n B elk Fr S M int St §¨¦277 ±0 0.25 0.50.125 Miles Mecklenburg County, North Carolina January 2014 Potential HAZMAT Properties Figure 10 Charlotte Railroad Improvement & Safety Program (CRISP) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project TIP No. P-2918F Data courtesy of Charlotte-Mecklenburg Geospatial Information Services CHARLOTTE Legend Project Study Area Railroad Interstates Streets Streams White Consolidated Industries, Inc. Charlotte Pipe & Foundry £¤74£¤74 £¤29 §¨¦77 §¨¦77 Figure11-ConceptualLayoutPhase1A Finding of No Significant Impact Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project STIP Project No. P-2918F APPENDIX C Design Public Hearing Summary P-2918F Design Public Hearing Summary December 13, 2013 1 Design Public Hearing Summary Locomotive & Railcar Maintenance Facility TIP Project P-2918F December 12, 2013 Calvary United Methodist Church, Charlotte, NC 1. Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Design Public Hearing was to inform the public of and to solicit public input on the Locomotive & Railcar Maintenance Facility Project. Specifically, the public hearing was to allow the public an opportunity to comment on the recently completed Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Project. The Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Project Number is P-2918F. The project is sponsored by the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Rail Division. The US Department of Transportation's Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) is the lead agency for the EA. The hearing also served to comply with requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental study process for this project. Through this effort, both written and verbal comments were solicited and received. Comments are detailed within this hearing summary. Open dialogue between the public and the project team was encouraged. The hearing at the Calvary United Methodist Church, Social Hall was attended by local business owners, property owners, and residents living along the Project study area. Questions from the public generally focused on project noise, project timing, operations at the maintenance facility, and possible impacts to the Wilmore neighborhood. 2. Hearing Date, Time, and Location The hearing was held on December 12, 2013 at the Calvary United Methodist Church Social Hall (512 West Boulevard, Charlotte) from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. 3. Public Notices 3.1. Mailings In advance of the hearing, approximately 336 notices were mailed around November 18, 2013 to addresses adjacent to and near the Project boundaries. A copy of the notice is attached. P-2918F Design Public Hearing Summary December 13, 2013 2 3.2 Newspaper Announcements Newspaper advertisements invited the public to participate in a discussion about the rail project. The advertisements were published in local newspapers and appeared on the following dates: • The Charlotte Observer on November 24, December 1, December 8, and December 11, 2013 • The Charlotte Post on November 27, December 4, and December 11, 2014 • La Noticia on November 27, December 4, and December 11, 2014 • Hola News on November 26, December 3, and December 10, 2014 3.3 Other Communications In addition to mailings and newspaper advertisements, the NCDOT employed the following hearing notification methods: • Press releases sent on November 25, 2013 • Notices sent to NCDOT Division 10 staff and City of Charlotte staff and elected officials on November 25, 2013 • NCDOT's website, including http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/publicmeetings/ and http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/charlotterailmaint/ 3.4 Handouts and Displays Information materials were provided to each hearing attendee. These materials included the following documents: • Write-ups describing the project and purpose of hearing • Project area map • Comment sheet • Title VI Public Involvement Form The following poster-size displays were set up at the hearing and were available for viewing: • Hearing map showing the footprint and layout of the proposed facility • Architect's rendering of facility building • Plans showing possible Project phasing Copies of these handout materials and the displays are attached to this summary. P-2918F Design Public Hearing Summary December 13, 2013 3 4. Hearing Procedure 4.1. Design Public Hearing A Design Public Hearing was held between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. The hearing was organized as an open house format where citizens or officials could review the handouts with descriptions of the Project and the environmental process and also could view aerial maps of the Project study limits with the proposed Project footprint. Staff from NCDOT, along with staff from Gannett Fleming, the NCDOT’s project consultant, were on hand to describe the project and answer questions as needed. Participants were asked to complete comment sheets regarding the projects and to note concerns they might have. The data compiled from the comment sheets are summarized in Section 5. 4.2 Attendance Twenty-nine (29) persons attended the hearing in addition to four persons from NCDOT and Gannett Fleming who were on hand to discuss the Project with attendees and to answer questions and comments. 5. Summary of Public Input 5.1 Verbal Questions and Comments Many hearing attendees wanted information on the project, including information on possible noise and air quality impacts, when the facility will operate, and when trains will enter the facility. Many attendees were residents of the Wilmore neighborhood. Others had questions about whether other locations were considered for the facility, and the site selection process. 5.2 Phone Calls and Emails Prior to and after the hearing, NCDOT received no phone calls asking for information on the Project. 5.3 Comment Sheets Comment sheets were distributed to each of the hearing attendees. The comment sheet stated that individuals were allowed to submit comments to NCDOT on the project through December 27, 2013. NCDOT received comments from four (4) individuals. The commenters had questions on the facility's operations, design, and possible noise and visual impacts, and suggestions on possible landscaping or other buffers for the Wilmore neighborhood. P-2918F Design Public Hearing Summary December 13, 2013 4 5.4 Other Media There were no television, web or print media stories on the Project or the hearing. No news media were present at the hearing. As noted above, NCDOT did send out press releases advertising the Design Public Hearing. 6. Additional Outreach During the Project design and development from 2010 through 2013, NCDOT held various formal and informal meetings with property owners most impacted by the Project, such as Charlotte Pipe and Foundry. NCDOT also held a Citizens Information Workshop for the Project on March 27, 2012 that was advertised in a similar manner to the Design Public Hearing. NCDOT also conducted a tour in April 2012 for residents of the Wilmore neighborhood and others of NCDOT's Capital Yard rail maintenance facility in Raleigh, to allow them to have a better understanding of the type of operations to be undertaken proposed facility and to ask additional questions. To address the concerns expressed by the public, in May 2012 NCDOT modified the Project design to relocate driveways, revise the building orientation, and add vegetation buffers. NCDOT then held another meeting with the Wilmore neighborhood association in June 2012 to review the revised Project plan. P-2918F Design Public Hearing Summary December 13, 2013 Attachments • Mailer/Newspaper Advertisement/Webpage Press Release (2 pages) • Hearing Handout (12 pages) • Hearing Displays: Hearing Map, Architect's Rendering, and Phase Plans (4 pages) NCDOT TO HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING DECEMBER 12th FOR THE PROPOSED LOCOMOTIVE AND RAILCAR MAINTENANCE FACILITY IN CHARLOTTE TIP Project No. P-2918F The N.C. Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing regarding the proposed construction of a new locomotive & railcar maintenance facility in Mecklenburg County. The new facility will replace the existing facility next to the Norfolk Southern Railway Charlotte yard. The hearing will be held Thursday, Dec. 12, from 5-7 p.m. at the Calvary United Methodist Church Social Hall, 512 West Blvd, in Charlotte. Interested citizens may attend at any time. NCDOT representatives will be available to answer questions and receive comments regarding the proposed project. The public is urged to share their ideas, thoughts and suggestions with department staff. The opportunity to submit written comments or questions will be provided and is encouraged. There will not be a formal presentation. The purpose of the proposed facility is to serve the increasing number of conventional passenger trains and support the Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor. The proposed facility will be in the vicinity of West Summit Avenue and West Carson Boulevard and will include: • Enclosure for major maintenance operations; • Fuel pad and onsite fuel tank; • Additional space for spare parts and equipment storage; • Enclosed train wash facility; and • Train crew base for as many as 20 crew members. The public can view maps displaying the location and design of the project, and a copy of the EA online at http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/publicmeetings, as well as at the following locations: • City of Charlotte – Office of the City Manager 600 East 4th St., Charlotte • Division 10 District Engineer’s Office 7605 District Dr., Charlotte For additional information, contact Diane Wilson, NCDOT-Human Environment Section at 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, N.C. 27699-1598, by phone at (919) 707-6073 or by email at pdwilson1@ncdot.gov . All comments must be received no later than Friday, December 27, 2013. NCDOT will provide auxiliary aids and services under the Americans with Disabilities Act for disabled persons who wish to participate in this hearing. Anyone requiring special services should contact Wilson as early as possible so that arrangements can be made. Persons who speak Spanish and do not speak English, or have a limited ability to read, speak or understand English, may receive interpretive services upon request prior to the meeting by calling 1-800-481-6494. NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project WBS Number 49999.1.STR8 TIP PROJECT P-2918F Mecklenburg County Design Public Hearing 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Calvary United Methodist Church Social Hall 512 West Boulevard, Charlotte December 12, 2013 PURPOSE OF PUBLIC HEARING Today’s hearing is another important step in the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) procedure for making you, the public, a part of the project development process. The purpose of the hearing is to obtain public input on the design of the project. Planning and environmental studies on the rail project are provided in the planning and environmental document – Environmental Assessment (EA). Copies of that report together with today’s hearing maps are available for public review at the following locations:  NCDOT District Engineer's Office at 7605 District Drive, Charlotte; and  City of Charlotte – Office of the City Manager, 600 East Fourth Street, Charlotte The map is also available online at: http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/publicmeetings/ http://www.ncdot.gov/projects/charlotterailmaint/ YOUR PARTICIPATION Now that the opportunity is here, you are encouraged to participate by making your comments and/or questions a part of the public record. This may be done by writing them on the attached comment sheet. Several representatives of the North Carolina Department of Transportation are present. They will be happy to talk with you, explain the design to you and answer your questions. You may write your comments or questions on the comment sheet and leave it with one of the representatives or mail or email them by December 27, 2013 to the following address: Ms. Diane Wilson NCDOT - Human Environment Section 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Email: pdwilson1@ncdot.gov Everyone present is urged to participate in the proceedings. It is important, however, that THE OPINIONS OF ALL INDIVIDUALS BE RESPECTED REGARDLESS OF HOW DIVERGENT THEY MAY BE FROM YOUR OWN. Accordingly, debates, as such, are out of place at workshops. Also, the workshop is not to be used as a POPULAR REFERENDUM to determine the location and/or design by a majority vote of those present. WHAT IS DONE WITH THE INPUT? A post-workshop meeting will be conducted after the comment period has ended. NCDOT staff representing Rail, Planning, Design, Traffic Operations, Highway Division 10, Right of Way, Public Involvement & Community Studies and others who play a role in the development of a project will attend this meeting. The project will also be reviewed with federal agencies such as the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) and the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), as well as state agencies such as the NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources and Historic Preservation Office. When appropriate, local government staff will attend. All spoken and written issues are discussed at the post-hearing meeting. Most issues are resolved at the post-hearing meeting. The NCDOT considers safety, costs, traffic service, social impacts and public comments in making decisions. Complex issues may require additional study and may be reviewed by higher management, Board of Transportation Members and/or the Secretary of Transportation. Minutes of the post-hearing meeting will be summarized and are available to the public. If you note your request on the attached comment sheet, the summary will be sent directly to you. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT Comments received from the hearing about the design of the proposed Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility project will be reviewed at the post- hearing meeting and incorporated, where feasible, into the design plans for the project. The design plans will also be refined including efforts to further reduce impacts to the human and natural environment. The project will then proceed to the right of way acquisition phase of the project upon approval of the final environmental document. STATE-FEDERAL RELATIONSHIP This proposed project may involve the use of Federal funds and thus will be considered a Federal-Aid Project. Financing of this project may come from Federal Funds and State Funds. The Board of Transportation is responsible for the selection and scheduling of projects, their location, design, and maintenance cost after construction. PURPOSE AND NEED OF PROJECT The purpose of the Project is to construct a new locomotive and passenger railcar maintenance facility southwest of Uptown Charlotte adjacent to a proposed multi-modal transportation center (Charlotte Gateway Station). The new Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility (LRMF) Project will replace the existing Charlotte maintenance facility located adjacent to the Norfolk Southern (NS) Charlotte Yard, and will serve the increasing number and length of intercity passenger trains serving the region. The Project will provide capacity to support the future development of passenger service on the federally designated Southeast High Speed Rail (SEHSR) corridor. The Project will address the following needs: 1. Improve the efficiency of the maintenance and service operations for existing and future intercity passenger trains in the Charlotte area; and 2. Assist in the implementation of the SEHSR by providing a facility that can service future high speed train sets. The proposed Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility is a component of the Piedmont Improvement Program (PIP), which is an initiative by the NCDOT, NS, and the North Carolina Railroad Company (NCRR) to improve passenger and freight railroad operations along the Piedmont Corridor from Raleigh to Charlotte. The PIP consists primarily of railroad capacity projects and crossing safety projects that will facilitate the introduction of up to 12 daily (six round trip) passenger trains along the Raleigh to Charlotte corridor. The PIP also includes station and facility projects that will improve service to passengers and improve the maintenance operations for the passenger trains serving the corridor. The NCDOT Piedmont Corridor is also part of the federally designated SEHSR corridor. This corridor connects the northeastern states and Washington, DC through Richmond, VA to Raleigh and Charlotte, NC to Atlanta, GA. From Atlanta, the SEHSR extends southeast to Savannah, GA and Jacksonville, FL; and the Gulf Coast High Speed Rail (GCHSR) corridor extends across the southwest through New Orleans, LA, Mobile, AL and Houston, TX. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Phasing: The Project shown at this hearing includes the Full Build of the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility; however, certain components of the Project are designed to complement the incremental growth of intercity passenger rail and development of SEHSR service in North Carolina. NCDOT will construct the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project in phases. An initial phase (called Phase 1A) will include acquisition of right-of-way for the Project, construction of the lead track, two open-air storage tracks, the proposed Amtrak and contractor staff building near West Palmer and Graham Streets, and an emergency access driveway from West Summit Avenue. Project Full Build: The Project includes two service and inspection tracks that will pass through a service building to allow for maintenance, cleaning, and servicing of passenger trains, as well as other open-air tracks for repair, storage and refueling of trains. The Facility will provide mid-day layover as well as overnight service of state- sponsored Carolinian and Piedmont trains. The LRMF will also be the primary maintenance and service location for the future SEHSR train sets. The Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project includes the construction of a total of eight tracks, including: four open-air tracks on the western half of the parcel (one lead track, two storage tracks and one car wash track), and four tracks on the eastern half of the parcel serving the enclosed maintenance facility. The lead track and car wash track as well as two of the maintenance building tracks will extend across West Summit Avenue at a consolidated four-track at-grade crossing. The lead track will connect to the eastern NS mainline track at the north and south end of the Project. From the north connection, and heading south under the I-277 overpass, the lead track will run west of the maintenance building, and will branch into two open- air storage tracks west of the lead track terminating north of the West Summit Avenue grade crossing. Prior to crossing West Summit Avenue, the lead track will have a second branch to the east also crossing West Summit Avenue that will serve the train wash shed. Both the lead and train wash tracks will cross West Summit Avenue. Also, at the north end near the junction with the two open-air storage tracks, the lead track will branch into four maintenance tracks to the east of the lead track. These four tracks will serve the enclosed maintenance building with two tracks terminating at the maintenance building and the other two tracks extending through the building to the south end of the yard across West Summit Avenue. Both of the maintenance tracks will cross West Summit Avenue. In total, four maintenance facility tracks will cross West Summit Avenue at a consolidated four track crossing that is separate from the existing NS mainline crossing (Crossing No. 716 172N, NS milepost 378.4). The Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project will be segregated into two primary functions north and south of West Summit Avenue, with the service building, and other structures, located on the north side of West Summit Avenue, and train wash facility located on the south side of West Summit Avenue. The Facility will include a service building with a crew base to accommodate train crews and train parts storage; refueling and train wash equipment; and parking for crew and employees. It should be noted that while the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility lead track will be connected to the existing NS mainline, the Facility trackage will be designed at an adequate off-set to accommodate the construction of a future third mainline track east of the existing NS mainline. This future third mainline will be part of other track improvements to be constructed by NCDOT or NS under a separate project, the NS Mainline Track Improvements project (unfunded at this time). The proposed Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility will replace the current Charlotte maintenance facility, and will also complement the existing Capital Yard maintenance facility in Raleigh. Ultimately, the proposed Facility will service half of NCDOT's state-sponsored trains. Trains that layover in Raleigh will continue to be serviced at Capital Yard. PROJECT INFORMATION Length: Street/Roadway - ~ 0.2 miles Rail - ~ 0.75 miles Right of Way: Railroad - Approximately 200 feet Access Control: Fencing and other security features will be added to prevent unauthorized access into the Facility Relocatees: Ten properties are anticipated to be acquired from three separate property owners, requiring some business relocations Project Cost: Phase 1A: $12,600,000 Full Build: $44,000,000 Current Schedule: The tentative schedule is shown below. A number of factors can affect a project schedule, so schedules are subject to change. (Schedule is for Phase 1A only) Right of Way Acquisition – Spring 2014 Construction –Summer 2015 Completion – Fall/Winter 2016 The attached map shows the location of the Project. At today's Design Public Hearing are boards with the Project Hearing Map (showing the project Full Build), the proposed Phase 1A components, and a rending of the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility building. RIGHT-OF-WAY PROCEDURES After decisions are made regarding the final design, the proposed right-of-way limits will be staked in the ground. If you are an affected property owner, a Right-of-Way Agent will contact you and arrange a meeting. The agent will explain the plans and advise you as to how the project will affect you. The agent will inform you of your rights as a property owner. If permanent right-of-way is required, professionals who are familiar with real estate values will evaluate or appraise your property. The evaluations or appraisals will be reviewed for completeness and accuracy, and then the Right-of-Way Agent will make a written offer to you. The current market value of the property at its highest and best use when appraised will be offered as compensation. The Department of Transportation must: 1. Treat all owners and tenants equally. 2. Fully explain the owner’s rights. 3. Pay just compensation in exchange for property rights. 4. Furnish relocation advisory assistance. RELOCATION ASSISTANCE If you are a relocatee, that is, if your residence or business is to be acquired as part of the project, additional assistance in the form of advice and compensation is available. You will also be provided with assistance on locations of comparable housing and/or commercial establishments, moving procedures, and moving aid. Moving expenses may be paid for you. Additional monetary compensation is available to help homeowners cope with mortgage increases, increased value of comparable homes, closing costs, etc. A similar program is available to assist business owners. The Right- of-Way Agent can explain this assistance in greater detail. NOTE: PAMPHLETS SUMMARIZING RIGHT OF WAY AND RELOCATION PROCEDURES ARE AVAILABLE AT THE SIGN-IN TABLE. W. MOREHEAD ST W. M O RE HE A D ST S. G R A H A M ST W. 4TH ST W. TRADE ST S. C H U R C H ST S. MINT ST W. SUMMIT AVE S. MINT ST WEST BLVD W. PARK AVE S. TRYON ST S . T R Y O N S T SOUTH BLVD LOCOMOTIVE & RAILCAR MAINTENANCEFACILITY SITE E. C A R S O N ST S. M I N T S T M E R R I M O N A V E WALNUT AVE ! I 05001,0001,5002,000250 Feet NCDOT PIEDMONT IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMProposed Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance FacilityTIP Project No. P-2918F, Mecklenburg County TITLE VI PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT FORM Completing this form is completely voluntary. You are not required to provide the information requested in order to participate in this meeting. Meeting Type: Design Public Hearing Location: Charlotte, Mecklenburg County Date: December 12, 2013 TIP No.: P-2918F Project Description: Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility In accordance with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related authorities, the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) assures that no person(s) shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination under any of the Department’s programs, policies, or activities, based on their race, color, national origin, disability, age, income, or gender. Completing this form helps meet our data collection and public involvement obligations under Title VI and NEPA, and will improve how we serve the public. Please place the completed form in the designated box on the sign-in table, hand it to an NCDOT official or mail it to the PDEA-Human Environment Section, 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1598. All forms will remain on file at the NCDOT as part of the public record. Zip Code: _____________________ Street Name: (i.e. Main Street) Gender: Male Female Age: Less than 18 45-64 18-29 65 and older 30-44 Total Household Income: Less than $12,000 $47,000 – $69,999 $12,000 – $19,999 $70,000 – $93,999 $20,000 – $30,999 $94,000 – $117,999 $31,000 – $46,999 $118,000 or greater Have a Disability: Yes No Race/Ethnicity: White Black/African American Asian American Indian/Alaskan Native Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Hispanic/Latino Other (please specify): _______________________ National Origin: (if born outside the U.S.) Mexican Central American: ____________________ South American: _____________________ Puerto Rican Chinese Vietnamese Korean Other (please specify): __________________ How did you hear about this meeting? (newspaper advertisement, flyer, and/or mailing) _______________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ For more information regarding Title VI or this request, please contact the NCDOT Title VI Section at (919) 508-1808 or toll free at 1-800-522-0453, or by email at slipscomb@ncdot.gov. Thank you for your participation! COMMENT SHEET Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project Design Public Hearing TIP Project No. P-2918F Mecklenburg County NAME: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: COMMENTS AND/OR QUESTIONS: Comments may be mailed by December 27, 2013 to: Ms. Diane Wilson, Sr. Public Involvement Officer NCDOT - Human Environment Section 1598 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-1598 Phone: 919.707.6073 FAX: 919.212.5785 Email: pdwilson1@ncdot.gov NC D O T L o c o m o t i v e & R a i l c a r M a i n t e n a n c e F a c i l i t y Ch a r l o t t e , N C N C S C O # 1 0 0 8 6 3 4 - 0 3 Ma y , 2 0 1 2 Finding of No Significant Impact Charlotte Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project STIP Project No. P-2918F APPENDIX D Agency & Public Comments and Responses Summary of Public and Agency Comments and Reponses Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (TIP Project No. P-2918F) Date of Summary: January 8, 2014 Date of Design Public Hearing: December 12, 2013 Introduction As required by the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) Rail Division completed a formal agency and public comment period after publishing the Environmental Assessment (EA) for the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility (NCDOT Project No. P-2918F). NCDOT and the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) approved the EA on September 30, 2013. Copies of the EA were distributed to various federal, state and local government agencies for their review and comment. NCDOT held a design public hearing on December 12, 2013 from 5 PM to 7 PM at the Calvary United Methodist Church Social Hall, 512 West Boulevard in Charlotte. The hearing was advertised using a public notice mailed to 336 addresses on November 18, 2013 using a list of addresses in the Project study area. 29 attendees signed in at the hearing, in addition to 4 NCDOT staff members. Design Public Hearing Comments The following are written comments received from the public during the public comment period, along with responses from NCDOT. 1. Lance Reagan (3303 Old Chapel Lane, Charlotte): Comment: "I support the facility where it is proposed. My only addition to the discussion is: while I desire to keep Summit Ave. open, if closing the grade crossing is necessary to stop the horn sounding of passing trains, then so be it." RESPONSE: In 2011, the NCDOT and City of Charlotte completed a study of the railroad/roadway at-grade crossings in west Charlotte, known as the West Charlotte Traffic Separation Study (TSS), TIP Project No. P-3309K. The TSS included an evaluation of the West Summit Avenue at-grade crossing, and recommended keeping the West Summit Avenue crossings open, with a further evaluation of the crossing once the full f acility is constructed. 2. Gw en Cook, Planner, Mecklenburg County Park and Recreation (5341 Brookshire Boulevard, Charlotte): Comment: "Consider the noise reduction that might be achieved by semi-enclosure of ends of wash station - like plastic strips - or berm/wall combination. We encourage White Consolidated Industries to dedicate the remaining woods to the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 2 of 11 County to preserve the buffer of woods adjacent to the train wash area. Can this be a condition of the railroad purchase of the ROW? Of course it can." RESPONSE: NCDOT anticipates that the noise generated by the wash facility will be at lower levels than the locomotives and other maintenance facility noise in the area. The noise analysis determined that the Project will only create a 1 dB increase over existing noise levels. A 1 dB change in sound level is not perceived by humans. Regarding the additional property owned by White Consolidated Industries, NCDOT has previously encouraged Mecklenburg County and While Consolidated Industries to discuss a possible agreement for the County to acquire the remaining property. Because this Project will use American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, NCDOT must follow Federal law for Project property acquisition (Uniform Act) and FRA guidelines for ARRA funds, which require NCDOT to only acquire the property necessary to construct the Project. 3. Jessica Barnwell (531 Spruce Street, Charlotte): Comment: "I visited the facility in Raleigh. I seem to recall being told about the waste from the toilets on the trains being stored underground. What is the case with this new facility in Charlotte?" RESPONSE: There is no storage of waste from the toilets on the trains at the facility in Raleigh. Rather, the waste from the toilets is drained into the city's sanitary sewer system while at the facility. The proposed facility in Charlotte will have a similar waste disposal system as used in Raleigh. 4. Darius Johnson (1536 Merriman Avenue, Charlotte): Comment: "My name is Darius Johnson. I live in the Wilmore community were the planned Railcar Facility is planned to be constructed. My property is right against the facility, literally in my backyard. With two small kids 2 and 5 I have a lot of concerns when it comes to safety, pollution and the quality of life that we are providing not just for my kids but the kids in our community. I have attached my comments as well as a proposed idea that the community is comfortable with. I have also typed my comments below for clarity. I hope that these concerns can be used to make this project a better one and maybe even save the quality of life I hope to raise my kids in. Thank you, Darius Johnson 1. Add 10 foot tall sound wall along the edge of the project 50 feet behind rear property line of houses that back up to the project. 2. Line the sound wall with very tall evergreen trees. 3. Work with city to include the sound wall and tree buffer to phase one of the railcar maintenance f acility project. 4. Work with city to include the Park on the corner of Summit Ave. and Merriman Ave. (Dog park, Basket ball and Tennis court). Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 3 of 11 5. Improve Design of facility to be more architecturally significant." [Additional Comment Sheet attached, with the follow comments:] "1. Add a 10 foot sound wall (brick masonry) fifty feet from houses near property line. 2. Line the sound wall with large trees (evergreen). Refer to attached doc. from the City [attached was PowerPoint slide showing additional trees/vegetation buffers between the proposed facility and adjacent properties]. 3. Work with City to include sound wall (brick 10') and 50' tree buffer to Phase one of project. 4. Work with City on include park (dog park, basketball court) - see attached doc from City (corner of Summit Ave. and Merriman). 5. Review design of facility to be more architecturally friendly to community. 6. Try to use maintenance facility as learning facility for local schools. 7. Review reducing the size and amount of retention pond/sand filter." RESPONSE: As noted in Section 3.5 of the EA, where feasible, NCDOT will follow City of Charlotte requirements for berms, landscaping, and setback requirements to minimize the visual impacts to the surrounding neighborhood, in both phases of the Project. Regarding the park concept at the corner of West Summit Avenue and Merriman Avenue, NCDOT will only acquire the right-of-way necessary to construct the Project. NCDOT has previously encouraged Mecklenburg County and While Consolidated Industries to discuss a possible agreement for the County to acquire the remaining property. Because this Project will use American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) funds, NCDOT must follow Federal law for project property acquisition (Uniform Act) and FRA guidelines, which would require NCDOT to only acquire the property necessary to construct the Project. Regarding the facility design, NCDOT has modified the building orientation and design based upon public f eedback received from previous public meetings. NCDOT will strive to make sure that the facility is compatible with the surrounding area. NCDOT will construct the minimum sized retention pond and filter area necessary to accommodate the needs of the facility and meet the local ordinance requirements. Finally, safety and security requirements will not allow for the facility to be used as a learning facility with local schools. However, NCDOT is open to having limited tours of the facility for school or other community groups. Agency Comments The following is a summary of written comments received from agencies, along with NCDOT's response. Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 4 of 11 NC Wildlife Resources Commission - Western NCDOT Permit Coordinator 1. Encourages that NCDOT and the City of Charlotte minimize impervious coverage for this project and maximize stormwater treatment. (November 20, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Project. Minimizing impervious coverage and maximizing stormwater treatment is one of NCDOT's design goals for the Project. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Mooresville Regional Office 1. The following permits will be required: sedimentation and erosion control; 401 Water Quality Certification; Abandonment of any wells; and Notification if Underground Storage Tanks are discovered during excavation. (November 22, 2013) 2. May need a non-discharge recycle permit, depending on the details of how the wash facility is constructed, it could be considered deemed permitted. (November 22, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will acquire the necessary permits for the Project. NC Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Waste Management 1. The Mooresville Regional Office (MRO) UST Section recommends removal of any abandoned or out-of-use petroleum USTs or petroleum above ground storage tanks (ASTs) within the project area. The UST Section should be contacted regarding use of any proposed or on-site USTs or ASTs. (November 8, 2013) 2. Any petroleum spills must be contained and the area of impact must be properly restored. Petroleum spills of significant quantity must be reported to the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources - Division of Waste Management Underground Storage Tank Section in the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699. (November 8, 2013) 3. Any soils excavated during demolition or construction that show evidence of petroleum contamination, such as stained soil, odors, or free product must be reported immediately to the local Fire Marshall to determine whether explosion or inhalation hazards exist. Also, notif y the UST Section of the Mooresville Regional Office at 704-663-1699. Petroleum contaminated soils must be handled in accordance with all applicable regulations. (November 8, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) for the Project. NCDOT also has had the NCDOT Right-of-Way Unit complete a screening of each property to be acquired to determine possible USTs and ASTs, or other environmental contaminants. Copies of these screening reports are attached to this comment and responses summary. NC Department of Cultural Resources - State Historic Preservation Office Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 5 of 11 1. The EA adequately addresses our concerns and we concur that the project, as proposed, will have no adverse effect on historic resources. (November 4, 2013) 2. The Wilmore Historic District was designated a local historic district by the Charlotte Historic Districts Commission, not the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Historic Landmarks Commission. The Green Sheet, and elsewhere throughout the EA as necessary, should be revised accordingly to show this. (November 4, 2013) RESPONSE: Noted. The Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) document will note changes to the EA text to clarify that the Wilmore Historic District was designated a local historic district by the Charlotte Historic Districts Commission. US Army Corps of Engineers - Asheville Regulatory Office 1. The Corps needs to verify the jurisdictional status of the feature labeled as a "ephemeral railroad drainage ditch" which is proposed to be impacted by the project. If the feature is determined to be jurisdictional, then a Section 404 permit will be required to impact this feature. (December 11, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will acquire the required Section 404 permit if the ephemeral railroad drainage ditch is determined to be jurisdictional. City of Charlotte - Charlotte Department of Transportation 1. The LRMF would be located in an industrial area of Charlotte that nonetheless is within a quarter-mile of the Wilmore neighborhood. The noise analysis states that the increase in noise volume due to the LRMF will only be 1-2 dBA, described as a "minor impact" in the EA. However, the noise analysis and the qualitative "minor impact" seemingly fail to account for the number and frequency of times that train will sound their horns. Trains entering or exiting the LRMF will have to blow their horns as they cross W. Summit Avenue on one of the four proposed tracks, something which they do not need to do in the current Charlotte Yard location. We believe that these increases in frequency will constitute noise impacts in and of themselves, above and beyond the simple volume of each. Therefore, we believe that the new crossing should be established as a Quiet Zone in order to minimize or mitigate these impacts. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: By regulations, NCDOT cannot apply nor approve the establishment of a quiet zone. Therefore, the City of Charlotte must request the establishment of a quiet zone from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA). More information on quiet zones can be found at http://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0104 The noise analysis did account for the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility (LRMF) operation as well as the Amtrak passenger train operations. The noise modeling analysis included the train locomotive, passenger rail cars, train horn and crossing signal bells. The noise analysis was based on the following assumptions: • Number of Train Locomotive: 1 • Number of Passenger Cars: 7 • Speed of Train and Cars: 5 mph • Number of Trains during Daytime: 9 trains (between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 6 of 11 • Number of Trains during Nighttime: 3 trains (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) • Due to LRMF operations and the proximity to Summit Avenue, it was assumed that each train will cross the Summit Avenue grade crossings 4 times and activate the train horn each time • Number of Train horn blows during Daytime: 36 times (between 7 a.m. and 10 p.m.) • Number of Train horn blows during Nighttime: 14 times (between 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.) The noise analysis was conducted based on the FTA Transit Noise and Vibration Impact Assessment guidance which is more restrictive than the FRA CREATE guidance and resulted in two receptors (M-23 and M-24) having a moderate impact (as shown in Table 5 in the noise report), with the combined sound level of 73 dBA only 1 dB increase over existing noise levels. A 1 dB change in sound level is not perceived by humans. If the noise analysis had been based on the FRA CREATE Freight Noise and Vibration Model user guide, according to the regulation, the focus will be on the “increase over existing” sound levels. For this Project, the “increase over existing” is 1 dB f or both sites M-23 and M-24. According to FRA CREATE noise guidelines (CREATE manual, Table 4-6), this level of “increase over existing” results in there being no noise impact for the Project. 2. The Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) requires that train horns have a volume of 96 to 110 dBA (source: http://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0104).This requirement is different than the Federal Transit Administration's (FTA) 80 dBA guidance shown in Figure 1 of the noise analysis. Since the FRA and not FTA has jurisdiction for the LRMF project, the FRA standards should be used (because of the types of trains involved). (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: Figure 1, in the noise report, provides an example of typical noise environment and is not meant to be an indication of train horn noise level. The noise level associated with the train horns are specific to this train consist and speed, the noise level is an energy average over 24-hour and does include the noise from the train horn, as well as, the noise from the locomotive and rail cars. Also, according to the FTA noise assessment guidance (Chapter 5, Table 5-1, page 5-5), the horn noise level is set to 110 dBA which is the same level as the FRA train horn reference noise level. Furthermore, according to FRA noise assessment guidelines: “FTA transit noise and vibration impact assessment procedures are relied on by FRA in evaluating improvements to conventional passenger rail lines and stationary rail facilities and for horn noise assessment.” (http://www.fra.dot.gov/Page/P0216). Therefore, there is no substantial difference in using either the FRA or FTA approach when evaluating the noise resulting from the Amtrak Passenger operations and LRMF. 3. For Table 6 of the noise analysis, our calculations indicate that the LRMF Predicted Noise level for receptor M-25 should be approximately 64 dBA if the maximum 110 dBA horn is sounded. Combined with the existing background noise of 72 dBA, the combined volume should be approximately 73 dBA, over the FTA Severe Impact threshold. The noise analysis concludes with the recommendation that the train horn not be sounded, Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 7 of 11 but the EA does not appear to contain such a commitment. Given that the proposed 4 track crossing of W . Summit Avenue will be less than 500 feet from residences, the FONSI needs to Include a commitment to install the necessary infrastructure to allow trains operating on the 4-track crossing to not sound their horns. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: Based on our interpretation of your comment, it appears that CDOT is incorrectly applying the FRA and FTA noise assessment guidance documents. Table 6, in the noise report, presents the future sound level for both the LRMF and the Amtrak passenger trains (train locomotives, rail cars, train horn activation during crossing back and forth to use the LRMF and the crossing bell signals). Based on the example provided by CDOT for M-25 calculation, the Project related future sound level is 64 dBA, the existing sound level is 72 dBA and the combined sound level is 73 dBA. FRA CREATE noise assessment guidelines states that the “project related future sound level = 64 dBA” should be compared to the impact threshold criteria as shown in Table 3-1 in the FTA noise manual. Using Table 3-1 and existing sound level of 72 dBA, the result is a finding of no noise impact if the Project noise level is below 66 dBA. Hence, there is no noise impact for M-25. In addition, FRA CREATE noise assessment guidelines states that the “total combined sound level=73 dBA” should be compared to the increase in cumulative noise levels as shown in Figure 3-2 and Table 3-3 in the FTA noise manual. Using Table 3-3 and Figure 3-2, the increase of existing sound level of 1 dBA (73 – 72=1) is below 2 dBA. Therefore, there is no impact for M-25. 4. It is unclear from the site plan provided in Appendix B what screening of the facility and tracks will be provided. Because of the facility's proximity to an historic neighborhood, we recommend that there be provisions for screening walls, landscaping, etc., well in excess of the minimums required by City ordinances. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will provide details on visual screening (such as walls, berms vegetation) during the next phase of design. NCDOT will work with the Charlotte Historic Districts Commission on developing requirements as part of the Certificate of Appropriateness (CoA) process, as well as with the City of Charlotte. 5. It is unclear how many total trains per day the LRMF will serve. Table 3 on page 14 lists a schedule of 8 trains per day, while page 28 says that there will be 12 trains per day. Also, do those figures include numbers of trains being sent to the LRMF for maintenance, such as major servicing? If not, please indicate an estimate of those also. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: The text on page 28 will be revised to state that there will be 6 NCDOT sponsored trainsets that will use the facility, which operate as 12 total round trip trains. These 6 trainsets are in addition to the 2 Amtrak Crescent passenger trains that traverse that crossing today; this is equal to the 8 round trip (16 total) NCDOT/Amtrak passenger trains that will be served at the facility as stated in Table 3 on page 14. The FONSI document will note changes to the EA text to clarify this. Any major maintenance or major servicing of trains will most likely occur after the train discharges passengers at the Charlotte station and stops at the facility for standard Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 8 of 11 ref ueling and servicing. NCDOT does not have other trainsets or "spares" that will travel to the LRMF at other times. In other words, all NCDOT sponsored passenger trainsets will be serviced daily at the LRMF in some capacity, so there will be few if any "deadhead" train trips to the facility. 6. Section 3.3.1 states that there will be "minor" delays to pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit due to there being two independent rail crossings of W . Summit Avenue. However, no information is provided in the EA to justify the "minor" determination. Please provide estimates at buildout of the LRMF of both the expected number of times the W. Summit Avenue/LRMF crossing will be closed per day, and what the expected duration of each closure would typically be. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: Each Carolinian train and Piedmont train will cross West Summit Avenue three times while being serviced at the LRMF maintenance building and the train wash. As noted in Table 3 of the EA (page 14), there are six NCDOT sponsored trainsets that will be serviced at the facility, therefore, the crossing will be closed 18 times per day for these trains. NCDOT estimates that each Piedmont trainset (400 feet long) will create 1.75 minutes of total closure per crossing. Carolinian trainsets (trains #79 and #80 in Table 3 on page 14 of the EA) are longer, and will create 2.75 minutes of closure per crossing. This calculation is based upon a yard speed of 5 MPH, with the gates down 30 seconds before and 15 seconds after the train crosses. As noted in Table 3 of the EA, all NCDOT sponsored trains will enter the facility between the hours of 8 a.m. and 11 p.m., and thus a majority of the crossing activity will be during this time period. It should be noted that the Crescent trains (#19 and #20) will only enter the facility for refueling, and will not cross West Summit Avenue multiple times. The Crescent will enter the facility sometime between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m., and will block the crossing approximately 3 minutes. 7. Please explain why the study area for the project is limited to only those parcels that NCDOT has acquired or will acquire. Given the previous comments about noise and aesthetics, we expect that impacts from the project will be felt well outside the study area. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: The Project study area delineates the limits of where improvements will be made, not the limits of potential impacts. The study area established for this Project is similar to other rail project NEPA studies completed by NCDOT. The EA did investigate noise, vibration, transportation, air quality, and community impacts that extend beyond the immediate Project area boundary. 8. Section 3.3 does not make it clear if some or all of the Demographic Analysis Area meets environmental justice (EJ) criteria. Socioeconomic data presented show that the area is predominantly minority and poorer than Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, or the state as a whole; while the language used in Section 3.3 seems to imply that EJ criteria are met. The EA needs to clearly state if EJ criteria have been met. If they have, it is even more important that the noise and aesthetic impacts listed above be mitigated so as not to degrade the quality of life for affected residents. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: As shown in the tables included in Section 3.3.3 of the Environmental Assessment document, the neighborhoods adjacent to the Project area do have a higher than average percentage of minority and low-income populations when compared to the Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 9 of 11 averages for the State of North Carolina, Mecklenburg County, and the City of Charlotte. However, all of the properties impacted by the Build Alternative are commercial. No residential homes, community housing projects, or community centers will be directly impacted by the Build Alternative. In addition, the Build Alternative will not result in the disruption or segmentation of existing communities. Therefore, the Build Alternative will not have a disproportionately high or adverse effect on minority and/or low-income populations. Thus, the mandates set forth in Executive Order 12898 (Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority and Low-Income Populations) have been satisfied. 9. Please explain what coordination, if any, was done with the Wilmore Historic District during the 2002 Feasibility Study. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT did not meet with the Wilmore Historic District in 2002, although the plan was placed on the NCDOT website (and linked on the CATS website) and was available f or public review. The 2002 Feasibility Study was not a NEPA study and did not investigate impacts under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act. Moreover, the proposed facility in the 2002 Feasibility Study was smaller in scale and did not border the Wilmore Local Historic District, and therefore no coordination would have been expected. Any Section 106 coordination would have been done with the Charlotte Historic Districts Commission, not with the historic neighborhood. Furthermore, the Wilmore Local Historic District was established in 2006, four years after the completion of the 2002 Feasibility Study. 10. The track circuits of both the Norfolk-Southern Mainline (NS) and the proposed LRMF crossings of W. Summit Avenue should be designed to prevent motor vehicles from being trapped between the two crossings with the gates down on both. Suggestions include an interlock such that a train on the mainline preempts the LRMF signaling (i.e., a train on the LRMF tracks sees a red signal) and vice-versa, and in-pavement vehicle detection to delay gates from coming down on the vehicle departure q uadrant. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will consider the City's recommended safety measures during future design phases. However, NS would not allow a stop signal on the NS mainline prior to the West Summit Avenue crossing. Signage will instruct drivers to not stop on the tracks. Vehicles stopped between both crossings when the gates are activated will need to wait until the crossing is clear to proceed, which on average should be approximately one or two minutes. 11. Section 3.3.1 states that, "Other streets in the area will provide alternative routes for traffic when the crossing gates are down." W. Summit Avenue is the only crossing of the NS Mainline in the area: with the nearest non-freeway crossings a half-mile away to the north (Morehead St.) and over a mile away to the west (Remount Rd.). Please identify what the reasonable detour route(s) would be when the LRMF crossing is closed and how drivers will know to take that alternative route prior to turning on to W. Summit Avenue. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT believes that the Morehead Street and Remount Road are viable alternatives for drivers. The West Summit Avenue crossing gates will be activated and stop traffic for approximately 1.75 to 2.75 minutes each time approximately 18 to 20 Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 10 of 11 times per day for passenger rail servicing. As with all other at-grade crossings in Charlotte, traffic can wait until the crossing is cleared, or find an alternate route. Future traffic can use the same alternate routes that are used currently when stopped or delayed at the current crossing at West Summit Avenue. 12. As part of the construction of the LRMF crossing of W. Summit Avenue, please provide sidewalks across the 4 tracks in order to maintain pedestrian connectivity. The crossing also needs to accommodate bicycles. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will include a wider asphalt shoulder with appropriate striping at the crossing, which is similar to the construction seen on other recent crossing improvements in Charlotte. This design is due to the lateral movement of the tracks which can cause damage to concrete sidewalk when installed too close to the track. NCDOT will work with the City on an appropriate pavement marking plan. 13. All streets affected by this project are City-maintained. The City's street standards call for a minimum 8-foot planting strip. This dimension needs to be provided wherever possible instead of the 4-foot planting strips shown on the site plans in Appendix B. Should constraints prevent there from being an 8-foot planting strip, NCDOT staff needs to work with City of Charlotte staff to determine an acceptable alternate. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT will work with the City on the crossing plan during the next phase of design, and will include an 8-foot planting strip where appropriate or will work with the City on an alternative design. The Project will not include a planting strip in the immediate area of the crossing due to maintenance issues with vegetation within the railroad right-of-way. 14. It is hard to differentiate the land uses used in Figures 5 and 6 of Appendix A. Many similar shades of red, green, and blue were used making it is hard to tell one land use or zoning category from another (such as the shades of red used to show Park/Open Space, Industrial, and Single-Family Residential in Figure 5). (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: Revised Project maps will be included in the FONSI document. 15. The Charlotte Fire Department, Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, and MEDIC should be contacted in order to determine the impacts to each department's response times in the area that a new crossing will create. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: NCDOT has requested from CDOT information regarding potential impacts to their response times. NCDOT's understanding is that the City of Charlotte distributed the EA document to the various City departments for review and comment. Moreover, the EA document is available for review online. 16. According to City of Charlotte Stormwater Services, construction of the LRMF may be subject to the City's Post-Construction Controls Ordinance. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: Noted. 17. W hat provisions will be made on the LRMF complex to contain fuel spills from the fuel pad or on-site fuel storage tank? (November 27, 2013) Locomotive and Railcar Maintenance Facility Project (P-2918F) Public & Agency Comments/Responses Page 11 of 11 RESPONSE: The design will be similar to that at NCDOT's Capital Yard facility in Raleigh and will follow National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes and standards. For example, the facility will include a double-walled fuel tank with sensors to indicate if there is a fuel breach in between the walls. The refueling facility will include an emergency shutoff system, and NCDOT-contract staff members are required to follow strict controls during refueling in an effort to prevent a fuel spill. 18. Please explain what specific measures required by DENR for locomotive maintenance facilities and wash areas will be used at the LRMF to protect water quality and/or treat runoff and effluent from the site. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: According to comments received on November 26, 2013 from DENR via the State Clearinghouse, the Project will require the following permits: • Wastewater/sewer construction • Sedimentation and erosion control • 401 Water Quality Certification • Abandonment of any wells • Notification if Underground Storage Tanks are discovered during excavation • Possible non-discharge recycle permit (depending on how wash facility is constructed) 19. Environmental protection during construction is not specifically detailed in the EA section 3.4 "Construction Impacts." The last sentence in section 3.4.4 is vague; and environmental concerns should be listed, such as noise abatement, dust control, runoff containment, and sediment control. (November 27, 2013) RESPONSE: The level of detail on construction impacts in this EA is appropriate and standard for the NEPA process. Possible construction activity impacts to public health were also included in Section 3.7 of the EA. More detailed information on the proposed construction practices will be developed during the permitting process. NCDOT will follow Best Management Practices (BMPs) for construction impacts, and will obtain the necessary permits as noted in the question and response above. The city can inform NCDOT of specific construction impacts that should be considered, and NCDOT will investigate and determine if other considerations should be noted in the construction bid documents. Attachment: NCDOT Right-of-W ay Branch property screening reports