HomeMy WebLinkAboutMaterial Data Safety Sheets_20140617Burdette, Jennifer a From: Burdette, Jennifer a Sent: Tuesday, June 17, 2014 9:50 AM To: 'Cahoon, Steve' Cc: Higgins, Karen; Basinger, Corey Subject: RE: Duke Energy's Dan River Steam Station Attachments: Approved FlocculantsList _01_2014.pdf; 1 3 Use of Polyacrylamide(PAM) (7- 19- 2004).pdf Steve, Thanks for sending the MSDS for the flocculant. I understand from our telephone conversation that Duke Energy received a permit from the USAGE to dredge around the Dan River Plant's intake structure. DWR's General Certification (GC) #3888 did not require written approval for the project. The work was planned to occur in three phases, and the first phase is complete. However, Duke Energy can no longer pump the dredge slurry to the coal ash pond for disposal and is looking at two options for treatment of the return water prior to discharging it to the river or other jurisdictional surface water. One option is to utilize a Geotube that would require the use of a flocculant. The second option is to utilize large plastic containers that are capable of holding 500,000 gallons of slurry for settling. You contacted me to determine if either of these two options would require written approval of GC #3888. Without reviewing a specific plan, we are uncertain as to whether the Geotube or large plastic container option would meet Conditions 16 and 17 of the General Certification (GC) for the concentration of settleable solids in the effluent and turbidity water quality standard. FLOPAM C -6207 Polymer is not listed as an approved PAM. Please see the attached list of approved PAMs and memo regarding the use of PAM products. The memo states that only anionic PAMs should be used. FLOPAM C -6207 Polymer is a cationic PAM, which may violate Condition 9 of the GC for toxic pollutants. Although not specifically required by the GC if you are able to use an approved PAM with Geotubes or the large plastic containers without PAM, we recommend submitting a PCN for written approval since you are proposing an alternative design that is not addressed in the General Certification. Additionally, the discharge water may require an NPDES permit. Please contact Corey Basinger at (336) 771 -4963 in the Winston -Salem Regional Office for more information regarding the permitting requirements for discharging to surface waters. Thanks, Jennifer Jennifer A. Burdette 401 /Buffer Coordinator 401 & Buffer Permitting Unit Wetlands Branch NCDENR - Division of Water Resources - Water Quality Programs 1650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 (919) 807 -6364 phone (919) 807 -6494 fax *Email correspondence to and from this address may be subject to the North Corolino Public Records Low and may be disclosed to third parties unless the content is exempt by statute or other regulotion.* From: Cahoon, Steve [ mai Ito: Steve. Cahoon (a)duke- energy.com] Sent: Monday, June 16, 2014 12:33 PM To: Burdette, Jennifer a Subject: Duke Energy's Dan River Steam Station Jennifer, Attached is the MSDS sheet for the flocculant we propose to use at Dan River. The flocculant will be used to help settle out solids in a geotube and prevent clogging of the geotube pores. If this flocculant is not acceptable, we would be open to looking at using another flocculant that has been approved by DENR, provided that the approved flocculant(s) can meet the project's needs. Thanks for your help. Steve Steve Cahoon Duke Energy - Environmental Services Office - (919) 546 -7457 Cell - (919) 632 -0129 Fax - (919) 546 -4409 steve.cahoon@dul<e-energy.com ..:.�A Material Safety Data Sheet 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE /PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY Product name : FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER Company: SNF Inc. 124 -04 -9 1 Chemical Plant Road Riceboro, GA 31323 United States Telephone : 912 -884 -3366 Telefax : 912- 884 -8770 E-mail: iiifo(a "snflic.com Emergency telephone number: 800 - 424 -9300 CHE:NITREC (C(--N 20412), Outside U.S. 703 --)27 -3887 Product Use : 2. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Processing aid for industrial applications. Spills produce extremely slippery surfaces. Appearance and Odor Form: Viscous liquid Color: Milky Odor: Aliphatic 3. COMPOSITION /INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Identification : Cationic water- soluble polymer in emulsion. Regulated Components: Chemical name CAS -No.: Weight Adipic acid 124 -04 -9 <2 4. FIRST AID MEASURES Inhalation : No hazards which require special first aid measures. Skin contact : In case of persistent skin irritation, consult a physician. Wash off immediately with soap and plenty of water. Page Revisioii Date: Piiiit Date: 1 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013 Material Safety Data Sheet FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER Eye contact : Rinse thoroughly with plenty of water, also under the eyelids. In case of persistent eye irritation, consult a physician. Ingestion : The product is not considered toxic based on studies on laboratory animals. 5. FIRE - FIGHTING MEASURES Suitable extinguishing media: Water. Foam. Water spray. Carbon dioxide (CO2). Dry powder. Precautions : Spills produce extremely slippery surfaces. Special protective equipment for firefighters : No special protective equipment required. Flash point ( °C): Does not flash. Autoignition temperature ( °C): Does not ignite. 6. ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES Personal precautions : No special precautions required. Environmental precautions : As with all chemical products, do not flush into surface water. Methods for cleaning up : Soak up with inert absorbent material. Do not flush with water. After cleaning, flush away traces with water. Keep in suitable and closed containers for disposal. If liquid has been spilt in large quantities clean up promptly by scoop or vacuum. Dam up. 7. HANDLING AND STORAGE Handling: Avoid contact with skin and eyes. When using do not smoke. When preparing the working solution ensure there is adequate ventilation. Storage: Keep in a dry cool place (0 - 30 °C). Keep away from heat and sources of ignition. Freezing will affect the physical condition and may damage the material. 8. EXPOSURE CONTROLS / PERSONAL PROTECTION Chemical name ACGIH Adi is acid TWA: 5 mg/m' Engineering measures: Use local exhaust if misting occurs. Natural ventilation is adequate in absence of mists. Personal protective equipment: Respiratory protection : In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment. Hand protection : PVC or other plastic material gloves. Eye protection : Safety glasses with side - shields. Do not wear contact lenses where this product is used. Skin and body protection : Chemical resistant apron or protective suit if splashing or repeated contact with solution is likely. Page Revisioii Date: Piiiit Date: 2 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013 Material Safety Data Sheet FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER Hygiene measures: Wash hands before breaks and at the end of workday. Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. 9. PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES Form: Viscous liquid Color: Milky Odor: Aliphatic pH: 5.00 ±2.00 @5g /1 Specific Gravity: 1.04 Melting point /range : Not applicable Flash point ( °C): Does not flash Autoignition temperature ( °C): Does not ignite Bulk viscosity (cps) : 1200 Water solubility: See Technical Bulletin Kinematic viscosity @ 40 °C (mm2 /s): >> 20.5 10. STABILITY AND REACTIVITY Stability: Stable. Hazardous polymerisation does not occur. Materials to avoid : Oxidizing agents may cause exothermic reactions. Hazardous decomposition products : Thermal decomposition may produce: hydrogen chloride gas, nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon oxides (COx). 11. TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION Acute toxicity: Oral: LD50 /oral /rat > 5000 mg /kg. (estimated). Skin: LD50 /dermal /rabbit > 5000 mg /kg. (estimated). Inhalation : The product is not expected to be toxic by inhalation. :e ulated Components: Chemical name Oral Adi is acid LD50 /rat > 5000 mg/kg Irritation: Skin : Not irritating. Page Revisioii Date: Piiiit Date: 3 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013 Material Safety Data Sheet FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER Eyes : Not irritating. Sensitization: Not sensitizing. Chronic toxicity: No chronic effects. Regulated Components: Chemical name Skin : I Eyes : Adi is acid Not irritating Irritating to eyes 12. ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION Aquatic toxicity: Toxicity to fish: LC50 /Fish /96 hours = 10 - 100 mg /L (OECD 203). Toxicity to daphnia : IC50 /Daphnia magna (Water flea) /48 hours > 50 mg /L (OECD 202). Toxicity to algae : Algal inhibition tests are not appropriate. The flocculation characteristics of the product interfere directly in the test medium preventing homogenous distribution which invalidates the test Regulated Components: ica l name Toxicit to fish : Toxicit to da hnia : Toxicit to al ae : pic acid ttAd LC50 /Fish /96 hours > 100 mg/L. EC50 /Daphnia /48 hours = 85.6 mg/L. /Algae /72 h. = 31.3 mg /1 tEO Environmental fate: Persistence and degradability: >60% in 28 days. Hydrolysis : At natural pHs ( >6) the polymer degrades due to hydrolysis to more than 70% in 28 days. The hydrolysis products are not harmful to aquatic organisms. Other ecological information: The effects of this product on aquatic organisms are rapidly and significantly mitigated by the presence of dissolved organic carbon in the aquatic environment. Regulated Components: Chemical name Persistence and degradability: Adi is acid Not readily biodegradable 13. DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS Disposal : In accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Container: Rinse empty containers with water and use the rinse water to prepare the working solution. Can be landfilled or incinerated, when in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. 14. TRANSPORT INFORMATION DOT: Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of DOT regulations IMDG /IMO: Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of IMO /IMDG regulations Page Revisioii Date: Piiiit Date: 4 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013 Material Safety Data Sheet FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER ICAO /IATA: Not classified as dangerous in the meaning of ICAO /IATA regulations 15. REGULATORY INFORMATION US SARA Reporting Requirements: SARA Title III Sections Chemical name 302 (TPQ) 304 Adi is acid 5000 lbs. Not listed. Chemical name CWA- Section 311 Hazardous Substances 40 CFR 117.3 - Reportable Quantity Adi is acid 5000 lbs California Proposition 65 Information : This product contains a chemical (s) known to the State of California to cause cancer: residual Acrylamide. International Inventories: USA (TSCA): All components of this product are either listed on the inventory or are exempt from listing Canada (DSL) : All components of this product are either listed on the inventory or are exempt from listing 16. OTHER INFORMATION NFPA and HMIS Ratings: NFPA : Health : 1 Flammability: 1 Instability: 0 HMIS : Health : 1 Flammability: 1 Physical Hazard: 0 This MSDS was prepared in accordance with the following: ISO 11014 -1: Material Safety Data Sheet for Chemical Products ANSI 2400.1 -2004; Material Safety Data Sheets - Preparation Page Revisioii Date: Piiiit Date: 6 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013 Material Safety Data Sheet FLOPAM C -6207 POLYMER The data in this Material Data Sheet relates only to the specific material designated herein and does not relate to use in combination with any other material or in any process. This information is based upon technical information believed to be reliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience is gained. This information is based upon technical information believed to be reliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience is gained. Page : Revision Date: Print Date: 6 of 6 01/07/2013 02/28/2013