HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140576 Ver 1_Approval Letter_20140616�7jF DENR North, Carolina Department, of Environment and Natural Resources, Pat,McC'rory _ Governor June 16, 2014 Raleigh Towers, LLC, Attn- Matthew. Danielson 7-16 Quartz Crystal Place Cary; N,C'27519 ,John'E'. Skvarla, III ;Secretary DW R # 14' -0576 Wake County Subject: APPROVAL OF, 401 WATER QUALITY CERTIFICATION WITH ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS' Kelly Park,Tower, Dear'Mr. Danielson: You have,our,approval forthe'impacts- listed below for the purpose described in your application dated June 2, 2014 and received byahe Division of''Water Resources (Division) on June 4, 2014. These impacts are covered'by the, attached Water Quality General Certification (WQC)'Number 3890 and the conditions, listed below. WQC Number 3890 is associated with tlie,use of Nationwide Permit Number 18 once it is iss_ued'to'you by,the-IJ:S, Army- Corps,o'f'Engineers:, °Please, note that you should get any other federal, state or local permits before proceeding,with your project;, including1tho"se required,by,(but not limited,to) Sediment and Erosion Control, Non: - Discharge, and' Water Supply Watershed regulations. This approval requi'res,you"to follow- the,conditionsdisted in the enclosed certification and the following additional conditions: 1. The following impacts�are hereby,approved'� provided that all of the other,specific and general conditions of the Certification, General Permit and /or Buffer Rules�are. met. No other impacts ,are approved, ,including incidental impacts. Type�of:lmpact Amount Approved Amount,Approyed (units) (units) Permanent Temporary Stream 80, (linear feet) �� 0 (linear feet) culvert an,d rip rap NorthCarol ,NahmQl North Carolina Div isiomof Water Resources 1628 Mail Service'Center Raleigh, NC 27,699 -1628 Phone (91,9) 7914200 Customef&rvic`e Internet= www ncwaterquality,org Location 38000arrett,Dnve Raleigh ;,NC 27609. Fax (919) 788 -7159' 1 -877 -623 =6748 ,An; Equal' OpportunitylAffirmative ,AcUon,Employer— 60,%-Recycled/10% Post Consumer ,,Paper, Kelly Park Tower DWR# 14 -0576 401APPROVAL Page 2 of 3' 2. , No Waste,, Spoil, Solids; or Fill_of,Any Kind No wa'ste,'spoil, solids; orfill'of an,ykind shall occur in Wetlands, Waters,, or riparian areas, bevond,the'footprint of -the impacts depicted in the Pre - Construction Notification. All' construction activities; including the design, installation,, operation, >and ,mai'ntenance, of sediment and erosion control Best Management Practices,shall be;performed so that no violations of state water quality standards, statutes, o.r rules occur. 3. Protective, ,Fenci The outside,buffer,,wetian,d or water bound "aeyand,along,the construction corridor within these boundaries approved under this,au"thorization shall;be clearly marked with orange warning °fencing (or sirriilar, high.visibility material) for the areas that have been approvedto infringe within the buffer, wetland oe water prior'to any land disturbing activities to ensure ,compliance With 15 NCAQ02H .0500. A. 'This approval is'foe -the purpose and, design described in your application. The',plans;and' specifi'cationsfor this project °are, incorporated �by reference, as part of the'Certification., If you change your project, you must notify the Division and you may be °fe`gdired to °subrrmita neW application package with the appropriate fee. If the property, is sold, the new `owner must be ;given a copy of this approval letter and General Certification and is responsible for complying with all conditions. 5. This approval and its conditions are final and' binding;unless contested. This Certification can becontested',as,provided , in,Articles 3 and 4 of'General.Statute 15013 by'filing, a written- petiti'onfoe an,administratiVe hearing to the Office of Administrative Hear'ings,(heeeby' known,as OAH). A,petition foram may be obtained from the OAH at--htip:/ /"www.ncoah.com/ or by call in,gthe OAH'Clerk's Office at: (919),431-3000 for information. Withiwthirty (30)'calendar, days of receipt of this notice,,a, petition must be,filed with,the OAH., A petition, is considered filed When,the,original and one (1) copy-,along with anyapplicable -OAH filing fee'is,received'in the OAH during normal office hours (Monday'through Friday_ between, 8:00aFn, and 5800prn,.excluding official state�holidays). The petition may b"e faxed to,,the,OAH at (919)431= 3100, providedftheoriginal, and one copy of'the petition alongwith any applicable OAH filing_ fee is received, by,the GAH within five, (5) business days following the faxed transmission. Mailing address for the OAK: - If sending ,b Y'Fitst 0dss,,Mdil If sending via deli, &y service via the US Postal' Service: (e.g. UPS, FedEx)1 Office of Administrative Hearings '67;14 Ma`il,Servic&Center Raleigh, ,NC,27699- 6714. r Office of Admini`stratjve Hearings, 1711 New Hope Churth-A ad ' k Raleigh, NC,,27609 -6285 .One (1) copy ofthe.petition must ,also'b_e,served'to.`D,E_NR: ,Lacy Presnell;,Gerieral Counsel Department of Environmentand Natural Resources 1601 Mail Service `Center Raleigh, NC 27699 =1601 Please' send one (1) copy,& the petition io'DWR: If sending by First Class. Mail via the US Postal Service- Karen Higgins NC DENR `,D,WR — Webscape Unit .1650'Mall'Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699 -1650 If sending „via delivery 'service (e.g. UPS, FedEx): Karen Higgins NC DE_NR.DWR — Webscape,'Unit 512 N. Salisbury Street - .Raleigh;, NC27604 Kelly Park Tower D W R #' 14 -0576 401APRROVAL Page 3 of 3 Thisletter,completes the review °o,f the !'Division und`er,section, 401 of the Clean Water.ACt. Please contact Cherri Smith at 919 - 791 - 4251- or ,cherri.smith @ncdenr:gov'if'you have any questions or ,concerns. - Zfine- ely, Danny Smith 'Supervisor, Water Quality Region al'.O'perati'ons Section Enclosure: GC-3890 - cc: 'U.S. Army Corps of ,Engineers;,Raleigh'Regulatory Field office Heritage Trade Drive, St. 105 -- Wake Forest, NC 27597 Phil May,;'Carolina Ecosystems Inc.;_3040 NC HWy'42 West, Clayton, N'C`27520 'DWR RRO 401 Files