HomeMy WebLinkAbout20191692 Ver 4_ Post Construction Documentation_20220620Mitigation Project Information Upload ID#* 20191692 Version* 4 Select Reviewer: * Katie Merritt Initial Review Completed Date 06/20/2022 Mitigation Project Submittal - 6/20/2022 .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Is this a Prospectus, Technical Proposal or a New Site? * 0 Yes O No Type of Mitigation Project:* Stream Wetlands Buffer Nutrient Offset (Select all that apply) Project Contact Information Contact Name: * Email Address: * Barrett Jenkins bjenkins@restorationsystems.com Project Information ID#:* 20191692 Existing ID# Project Type: Project Name: County: Version: * 4 Existing Version DMS • Mitigation Bank Raleigh Farm NOC and RBC Bank - Phase A Wake Document Information Mitigation Document Type: * Mitigation As -Built Plans File Upload: Signature Print Name: * Signature:* Raleigh Phase A Post Construction Documentation.pdf Please upload only one PDF of the complete file that needs to be submitted... Barrett Jenkins 5MB June 16, 2022 From: Barrett Jenkins, Project Manager, Restoration Systems To: Katie Merritt, NCDWR, Nutrient Offset Banking SUBJECT: Post Construction Documentation Memo for the Raleigh Farm Umbrella Mitigation Banking Instrument for Nutrient Offset and Riparian Buffer Mitigation Credits pursuant to the Neuse River Basin Nutrient Management Strategy, Phase A Bank Parcel, NCDWR#2019-1692v4 In accordance with section Vl. Post Construction Documentation for each Bank Parcel, As -Built Reports, B., of the above referenced mitigation bank's instrument, Restoration Systems is providing the following post construction documentation. The Bank Parcel is in Wake County South of Battle Bridge Road on property owned by the City of Raleigh at their Neuse River Resource Recovery Facility, which operates as the City's primary municipal wastewater treatment facility. The following more detailed summary of activities is provided and a figure including proposed easement boundary, location of installed monitoring plots, riparian restoration and preservation activities is provided as an attachment at the end of this memo. The conservation easement has not been recorded due to a long approval process with the City. The easement boundary as proposed and planted is marked in the field with t posts. This memo is presented to allow DWR to visit the site earlier in the growing season if needed. The following Table 1 is derived from the BPDP and summarizes proposed restoration activities with status updates in BOLD. Table 1: Update on restoration activities Restoration Plan Activity Phase Specific Actions From BPDP: The City, which actively self -manages the farm operations, will treat Bermuda and fescue grasses within the Parcel ahead of planting efforts. Treatment will consist of a broadcast Herbaceous application using Roundup Custom (Glyphosate) at a rate of 3% and a surfactant of AgriDex at a rate Treatment of 1%, per acre, mixed with water. Update: The City treated field grasses as proposed in 2021 prior to planting. Remove existing farm paths within the proposed easements by deep ripping to break soil compaction associated with equipment and vehicle use. NRRRF will establish new roads Removal of dependent on future use and need outside of the Site's proposed easements. Existing Update: The proposed conservation easement footprint in agriculture was ripped with a Infrastructure chisel plow in January of 2022 prior to planting. - Remove rock debris associated with a historic farm path across Feature 26, and stabilize the channel with matting, temporary/permanent seeding, and live -stake planting. Update: The Restoration Plan Activity Phase Specific Actions rock debris was removed to establish a channel, peripheral rock was left is place for stability and live stakes were planted in the last 30 days. - Remove large debris from the easement as is feasible and without damaging the existing riparian buffer (Main Tributary 2). Update; It was determined removal of this debris without damaging the existing riparian buffer would be infeasible. This does not contradict the objectives of the project. Within the Site's proposed conservation easements: Treat Bermuda and fescue grass species within active pasture areas (see Herbaceous Treatment note above). Update: Complete - Site -wide discing of agricultural and pasture areas ahead of planting — discing will occur parallel to the Site Features, promoting floodwater attenuation by increasing frictional resistance of Riparian floodwaters crossing Parcel floodplains. Restoration Update: Complete - Establishment of a native herbaceous community via site -specific seed mix (See Planting Plan — Section 3.3.1) Update: The site was seeded at a rate of 11b/acre with the seed mix detailed below in April. - Establishment of a native hardwood forest via the planting of bare -root saplings from the top of bank out a maximum of 200' along Parcel Features — Section 3.3 Planting Plan Update: The site was planted with bareroot trees in early February 2022 as detailed below. Planting Summary: Restoration portions of the larger approximately 77 acre proposed conservation easement area have been planted with bare root hardwood species. In total approximately 46 acres were planted at an average density of approximately 680 stems per acre. Percent of species planted varied slightly from what was proposed in the BPDP and is listed below. Tree planting was completed on February 12, 2022. Table 2 Planted Trees (changes from BPDP in RED) Common Name Scientific Name Tree/Shrub Phase A (46.51 Ac.) Species % of Total AsBuilt # Planted AsBuilt Species % of Total River birch Betula nigra Tree 4999 14% 4,450 14% Persimmon Diospyros virginiana Tree 41999 11% 3,450 11% Tulip poplar Liriodendron tulipifera Tree 4,2-99 11-A 3,650 12% Red mulberry Morus rubra Tree 2-499 9% 2,850 9% Black Gum Nyssa sylvatica Tree -2-,999 70A 2,450 8% Sycamore Platanus occidentalis Tree 4-,499 1,850 6% White Oak Quercus alba Tree -,4 9w 7°6 2,550 8% Water oak Quercus nigra Tree 4499 13-A 3,450 11% Cherrybark oak Quercus pagoda Tree a,2-99 11% - 11% Willow oak Quercus phellos Tree 4,2-99 11% 11% Total 10 Species 28,999 100% 31,600 100% In addition to planting bare root hardwoods the site was seeded with the following mix of native annual and perennial herbaceous cover, Table 3. Seeding was completed in early April 2022. Table 3: Seeding Species Common Name Scientific Name Annual/Perennial Plains Coreopsis Coreopsis tinctoria Annual Deertongue, Tioga Panicum clandestinum Perennial Blackeyed Susan Rudbeckia hirta Perennial Purpletop Tridens flavus Perennial Lanceleaf Coreopsis Coreopsis lanceloata Perennial Clasping Coneflower Rudbeckia amplexicaulis Annual Oxeye Sunflower Heliopsis helianthoides Perennial Common Yarrow Achillea millefolium Perennial Perennial Gaillardia (Blanketflower) Gaillardia aristata Perennial Purple Coneflower Echinacea purpurea Perennial Winter Bentgrass Argostis hyemalis Perennial Bluefalse indigo Baptisia australis Perennial Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus Annual Rocket Larkspur Consolida ajacis Annual Showy Tick trefoil Desmodium canadense Perennial Virginia Wildrye Elymus virginicus Perennial Narrowleaf Sunflower Helianthus angustifolius Perennial Wild Bergamot Monarda fistulosa Perennial ® w3i _ gxa g g Y a E 0w� p4a v _ �3po- ,�¢„ WNm zm� Ommza o � 1FM U� (joa OUu. o \\\ Oq �H a 000 �m oo U. zwrco ar�wsa -WOMMERROMM 't i� y 04 oa d Sao oa aQ J Uaa u o � a- m tea_ ¢oa a t `0J UJ �Ul 7 Off« O a. o�� -O oo -ooa_ w oNmo=oz m,.. ��� z<waaa om a, g�� owm O Fm O O<�x z�m Q woa UWm 0 3 o poz W4ry 0 �,= i ¢ ❑ � WNooa �aS ooz � O _ 3�rc.rco Om� vorc zawra Uoo R000a o ti - \\ O Ow« \\\ o Uo