HomeMy WebLinkAbout20180264 Ver 1_Mitigation Site Visit_20220617From: Davis. Erin B To: Baker. Caroline D Subject: FW: Deep Meadow Mitigation Site_DMS#97131_SAW-2012-01107_DWR# 2018-0264v1: IRT Credit Release Site Visit Meeting Minutes (5-11-2022) Date: Friday, June 17, 2022 1:41:12 PM Attachments: Deers Meadow 97131 IRT Credit Release Site Visit 2022.odf Laserfiche Upload: Email & Attachment DWR#: 20180264 v.1 Doc Type: Mitigation Site Visit From: Wiesner, Paul <paul.wiesner@ncdenr.gov> Sent: Monday, June 13, 2022 11:15 AM To: Haywood, Casey M CIV USARMY CESAW (USA) <Casey.M.Haywood@usace.army.mil>; Davis, Erin B <erin.davis@ncdenr.gov>; Kim Browning <Kimberly.D.Browning@usace.army.mil>; Munzer, Olivia <olivia.munzer@ncwildlife.org> Cc: Tsomides, Harry <harry.tsomides@ncdenr.gov>; Allen, Melonie <melonie.aIlen@ncdenr.gov>; skirk@wildlandseng.com; Kristi Suggs <ksuggs@wildlandseng.com>; Aaron Earley <aearley@wildlandseng.com>; John Hutton <jhutton@wildlandseng.com>; Shawn Wilkerson <swilkerson@wildlandseng.com> Subject: Deep Meadow Mitigation Site _DMS#97131_SAW-2012-01107_DWR# 2018-0264v1: IRT Credit Release Site Visit Meeting Minutes (5-11-2022) Casey, Erin, Kim, and Olivia; The IRT credit release meeting minutes for the Deep Meadow site visit are attached for your review. Please let us know if you have any questions, comments or concerns. Wildlands will include the final meeting minutes as an Appendix in the project's MY3 (2022) report. Thanks Paul Wiesner Western Regional Supervisor North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Mitigation Services 828-273-1673 Mobile paul.wiesner(c-)ncdenr.gov Western DMS Field Office 5 Ravenscroft Drive Suite 102 Asheville, N.C. 28801 E Q �` �114r� Email correspondence to and from this address is subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. % &V WILDLANDS ENGINEERING MEETING NOTES MEETING: MY2 (2021) IRT Credit Release Site Evaluation DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site Yadkin 03040105; Union County, NC USACE Action ID No. SAW-2012-01107 DEQ Contract No. 6887 DMS Project No. 97131 DWR Certification No. 18-0264 Wildlands Project No. 005-02169 DATE: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 LOCATION: McIntyre Road Wingate, NC Attendees Kim (Browning) Isenhour, USACE Casey Haywood, USACE Erin Davis, NCDWR Olivia Munzer, NCWRC Harry Tsomides, DMS Paul Wiesner, DMS Sam Kirk, Wildlands Kristi Suggs, Wildlands Aaron Earley, Wildlands John Hutton, Wildlands Meeting Notes The meeting began at 10:30 pm. Attendees discussed the site conditions and issues noted in the MY1 and MY2 reports as summarized in the Opening Remarks section below. From there, the group walked to the upstream extent of Meadow Branch, on to GWG4, and then over to wetland W-E2 and stream EF1. The meeting concluded at 1:30 PM. 1) Opening Remarks a) Attendees had an in-depth discussion about the failing groundwater gage data in MY2. i) Kim asked how Wildlands established the growing season. Kristi said that WETS data was used. Erin asked which WETS data set was used and recommended that the newest 30-year data set be employed. Kristi responded that the data set used for Deep Meadow was from 1971— 2020 and will consider 30-year data for future projects, but that range was incorrect. It was 1971— 2000. Kristi further investigated the growing season by using the most recent 30 years of data (1992 — 2022). DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site — IRT Meeting Notes Using this range of thirty years results in a growing season from 3/17—11/12, but additional data points were used to establish a revised growing season as explained in vii). ii) John proposed that soil temperature be used to establish a revised growing season that starts March 1. Kim replied that to use soil temperature along with the other 12 indicators (i.e., spring/fall veg indicators) from the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Eastern Mountains and Piedmont Region, Version 2.0 to support a revised growing season. Kim said that the revised growing season must be extended on the back end accordingly. The revised growing season must be used for all monitoring years. Wildlands agreed and developed a revised growing season after the site walk. See bullet viii) for the revised growing season dates. iii) Casey asked how many additional gages were installed since baseline. Kristi replied two additional gages had been installed (3a and 11a). iv) Kristi asked how the extended growing season would affect the monitoring report submittal schedule. Erin replied that data collected at the end of the growing season could be included on subsequent monitoring report. Paul clarified that DIMS would work with Wildlands on the deliverable schedule in order to include all monitoring data in the applicable monitoring report. v) Kim suggested to not stop collecting gage data even if it meets criteria early in the growing season. Wildlands agreed. vi) Kim suggested that additional gages be installed along restoration reaches in areas not currently proposed for wetland credit in case additional wetlands are needed to offset failing gages. Wildlands agreed and plans to further investigate the installation of additional gages during the winter between MY3 and MY4 within the study areas outlined on the attached map. Wildlands will verify presence of hydric soils within the study areas to outline reestablishment versus creation sub -areas. vii) Kim noted that an addendum is not required to establish a new growing season. She suggested that the new growing season, along with justifications, be included in the meeting minutes. Minutes should be included in MY3 report. MY3 should include original growing season data versus revised growing season data. Erin suggested adding a footnote to clarify why growing season was revised. Wildlands agreed with the suggestions and would like to propose March 15Y— November 28t" as the growing season for the project. Soil temperature data supports this growing season with a range of 52.0 °F to 80.0 °F from Mar 15t — Nov 28t" in MY1, a range of 40.1 °F to 78.1 °F from Mar 15t — Nov 28t" in MY2, and a range from 50.4 °F to 89.1 °F from Mar 15t — May 315Y in MY3. Additional documentation for the growing season revision will be collected in the field during the appropriate time of year. Documentation for the onset of the growing season may include the following: bud burst for woody plants, emergence of herbaceous vegetation, and/or the emergence or opening of flowers, while documentation of end of the growing season may include the loss of leaves for woody deciduous species and/or the last herbaceous plants cease flowering and their leaves become dry or brown, generally in the fall due to cold temperatures or reduced moisture availability. Wildlands will include this data in the subsequent monitoring reports. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 2 DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site MY2 Credit Release IRT Site Walk DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site — IRT Meeting Notes DEEP MEADOW Soil Temperature Probe #1 100 Monitoring Years 1-3 LL i 70 7 �+ fC i d E 60 a� at 40 30 + + + + + + c -0 L >- c ao a +� > u � (10 Q v�i O o � g Q z MY1 Soil Temp MY2 Soil Temp MY3 Soil Temp — — Criteria Level Beginning Date Ending Date Success Criteria Max Consecutive Days & Percentage of Growing Season Current Growing Season 3/23/2022 11/6/2022 23 days, 10% Revised Growing Season* 3/1/2022 11/28/2022 27 days, 10% *Current growing season was revised because the ground water wells were failing to meet the success criteria outlined in the WETS Table for the Monroe 2 SE, NC Station, and the soil temperature data and seasonal indicators support an extended growing season. b) Kristi asked Paul how the missing monument should be re -installed. Paul responded that monuments must be surveyed and set by a PLS. c) Casey asked if the eroded gully near the ford crossing on Meadow Branch had been addressed. Aaron replied that the gully had been stabilized by laying back the bank and installing riprap in the channel. No additional concerns were noted. d) Sam gave a summary on maintenance issues: i) Additional PVC markers have been installed to help curb scalping by the farmer. ii) Previous Johnson grass treatments, coupled with shade from taller trees, have almost eradicated the invasive. iii) Wildlands has and will continue to treat parrot feather in the wetlands. 2) Items of Discussion During Walk a) Attendees looked at the missing log structure on Meadow Branch near station 102+50. The bank appears to be stable, and no concerns were raised. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 3 DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site MY2 Credit Release IRT Site Walk DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site — IRT Meeting Notes b) Casey asked if the in -stream vegetation treated was parrot feather. Sam replied that it was creeping water primrose that was successfully eradicated. c) Kim noted that FAC species could be added to the failing veg plots in wetlands. Wildlands agreed to evaluate adding FAC species. d) Kim asked about removal of beaver dams. Sam replied that they have been removed in the past and that it will be an ongoing effort. e) Kim remarked about the large amount of box elder species and clarified that over 50% of a single species is considered monoculture. She suggested adding transects to help support vegetation success. Kim asked without volunteer box elder species, do veg plots meet criteria? Kristi looked at the data after the site meeting and confirmed that in MY2 no box elder (Acer negundo) volunteers were used to meet success criteria for any of the permanent or mobile vegetation plots. However, volunteers of box elder for VP3, VP5, V139, and VP10 were recorded as greater than 50% of the overall stem density. The total MY2 density of box elder recorded was 77.8%. Wildlands will reassess the vegetative conditions during MY3 to see if natural selection and competition begin to suppress the proliferation of box elder within the site. If the trend of box elder establishment continues, Wildlands will work to thin out the species monoculture. f) Kim asked how wetland areas were determined. Wildlands confirmed wetland areas were based on soil report data gathered during proposal stage. g) At GWG4, Kim noted the significant reduction in consecutive growing days between MY1 and MY2. John agreed that the decrease was surprising. Kim and Casey suggested that soil profiles be included with groundwater gage data in MY4 and MY6 reports. Wildlands agreed. h) At wetland W-E2, Kim suggested that Wildlands look at consecutive versus cumulative gage data. She noted that the Corps is considering including cumulative criteria in future guidance. Using the revised growing season dates, Wildlands compared the number of consecutive versus cumulative days for MY2 in the table below. We will include a discussion of cumulative data in subsequent monitoring reports. GROWING SEASON: 3/1-11/28 • MY2 Results: o Consecutive = 5 out of 11 wells o Cumulative = 7 out of 11 wells GAGE MEASUREMENTS MY2 Reference Well Groundwater Gage #1 Groundwater Gage #2 Groundwater Gage #3 Groundwater Gage #4 Groundwater Gage #5 Groundwater Gage #6 Groundwater Gage #7 Most Consecutive Days Meeting Criteria Percent Consecutive Days in Growing Season Total Days Meeting Criteria Percent Cumulative Days in Growing Season Number of Instances Meeting Criteria 48 17.5% 49.0 17.8% 96 53 19.3% 54.0 19.6% 106 20 7.3% 31.0 11.3% 62 17 6.2% 26.0 9.5% 51 34 12.4% 34.0 12.4% 66 64 23.3% 106.0 38.5% 211 34 12.4% 34.0 12.4% 67 21 7.6% 35.0 12.7% 69 Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 4 DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site MY2 Credit Release IRT Site Walk DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site — IRT Meeting Notes Groundwater Gage #8 Groundwater Gage #9 Groundwater Gage #10 Groundwater Gage #11 Most Consecutive Days Meeting Criteria Percent Consecutive Days in Growing Season Total Days Meeting Criteria Percent Cumulative Days in Growing Season Number of Instances Meeting Criteria 34 12.4% 34.0 12.4% 66 5 1.8% 9.0 3.3% 18 8 2.9% 21.0 7.6% 42 17 6.2% 26.0 9.5% 52 i) At stream EF-1, attendees gathered at monitoring cross section XS4. i) Kim asked if the restored channel was intermittent or perennial and if the number of dry days changed post -project. Kristi responded that it still scores perennial and the dry periods had not changed compared to pre -project conditions. The continuous flow gage data, which is located on XS3, shows continuous flow in MY1 within the recorded dates of 1/1/20 — 1/12/20. In MY2, the gage shows continuous flow within the recorded dates of 1/1/21— 11/8/21. In MY3, the gage shows continuous flow within the recorded dates of 1/1/22- 5/2/22. ii) Kim asked it Wildlands has pre -project photos that showed if the channel was flowing or dry. Aaron checked after the site meeting and found pre -construction photos of EF-1 from 2016 as shown in attached photo log. iii) Casey asked about the risk of wood structures (log sill and brush toe) rotting due to dry channel. Aaron responded that there is a risk but implementing habitat into the restored channel was a goal of the mitigation plan. iv) Kim asked why veg plot 7 on EF-1 did not meet criteria since it is not in a wetland like the other failing veg plots. Likely due to a couple of reasons, the location of the plot is drier than conditions required for some of the planted species (FACW & OBL) and competition with herbaceous vegetation. 3) Closing Remarks a) Kim reiterated that a revised growing season must be backed up with data such as on -site soil temp, bud burst, emergence of herbaceous plants, and other indicators listed in the guidance. See our response in Section 1) a) vii). b) Kim said that the IRT agrees with releasing MY2 (2021) stream and wetland credits. She said that if the groundwater gage data is bad again next year, a conversation about credits will be needed. These meeting minutes were prepared by Aaron Earley and reviewed by John Hutton and Kristi Suggs on June 7, 2022 and represent the authors' interpretation of events. Please report and discrepancies or corrections within 5 business days of receipt of these minutes. Wildlands Engineering, Inc. page 5 DEEP MEADOW Mitigation Site MY2 Credit Release IRT Site Walk Proposed Wetland Mitigation Study Area I, Deep Meadow Mitigation Site WILDLANDS 0 250 500Feet DMS Project No. 97131 ENGINEERING I i I i I Monitoring Year 2 Meeting Minutes - 05.11.2022 Union County, NC EF1 Historic Photo Log October 2016 October 2016 2016.06.17 (1).JPG