HomeMy WebLinkAboutAllen Steam Facility (17)AN' ' F IL E NCDENR ,w Norah Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Division of Water Quality Beverly Eaves Perdue Coleen H Sullins Dee Freeman Governor Director Secretary September 30, 2010 Mr. Allen Stowe, Water Management Duke Energy Post Office Box 10WEC 13K Charlotte, North Carolina 28201-1006 Subject: Compliance Sampling Inspection Allen Steam Station NPDES Permit No. NC0004979 Gaston County, N.C. Dear Mr. `Stowe: Enclosed please find a copy of the Compliance Sampling Inspection Report as well as the results from the laboratory analyses on the samples collected at different'stage& of the FGD treatment system at the Allen Steam Station during the inspection of the subject facility. The samples analyzed were all grab,samples collected during the Compliance Sampling Inspection performed on June 6, 20,10 by Ms. Donna Hood and Mr. Wes Bell of the Mooresville Regional �Office.and Ms. Autumn Romanski of the Raleigh Regional Office Please inform the,facility'�s Operator -in -Responsible Charge of our findings by forwarding a copy of the enclosed report. The Outfall 002 sample results were compliant with the current NPDES permitted effluent limits. However, exceedances,of Water Quality Standards were reported. Please be advised that: 1. The following effluent results exceeded Water Quality Standards for Water Supplies: Antimony (5.6 ug/1),, Total, Dissolved Solids (560 mg/L), Molybdenum (160 ug/1), Manganese (200 ug/1), and Thallium (0.24 ug/1) 2. The Selenium results exceeded the weekly limit in the previous permit (21 ug/1) as well as the Water Quality Standard for Class,B waters (5 ug/1). 3. The following results exceeded the Water Quality Action Levels for Class B streams: Copper (7 ug/1), Silver (0.06 ug/1), Chloride (230 mg/1). 4. The following exceeded Water Quality Standards. Aluminum (87 ug/1) Sample results for Outfall 002A also had exceedances; however, Outfall 002A was not discharging on the day of the inspection. Samples were taken from the wetwell influent, directly across from the overflowpipe. Exceedances are as follows: Silver, Aluminum, Copper, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Antimony, Selenium, Thallium, and Temperature. Outfall 002A'is currently permitted for intermittent discharge and is only required to be sampled after discharging for 30 minutes, the quality of the potential discharge is of concern. No treatment is, available to the wastewater discharging from 002A and excessive temperatures (45.3°C/113.5°F) and other constituents could be detrimental to the receiving stream. While, no in -stream samples were collected, elevated effluent sample results'indicate the need for further investigation/sampling to ensure Water Quality standards are being met and the Catawba and South Fork Rivers are being protected. Should you have ,questions concerning this report, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Hood, at (704) 663-1699. Sincerely, Robert B. Krebs Regional Supervisor Surface Water Protection Enclosure: DH i T, Outfall' 002 01711 U 1 U I Antimony 200 5.6 Selenium 25 5 ('pervious permit: 21) Total'D►ssolved'Sol►ds 768 500 Molybdenum 200 160 Manganese 300 200` Thallium 200 0.24 Copper 20 7 Silver 50 0.06 Chloride 240 230 Aluminum 190 87 Outfall 002A Antimony 200 5.6 Silver 50 0.06 Aluminum 2600 87 Copper 35 7 Iron 5000 1000 Manganese 350 200 Molybdenum 200 160 Selenium 7.8 5 Thallium 200 0.24 Mooresvlllel Regional Office Location -610 East CenterAve , Suite 301 Mooresville,�NC 28115 one Phone (704) 663-16991 Fax (704) 663.60401 Customer Service 1-877.623-6748 NorthCarolina Intemet,www ncwaterquahty org - An Equal Opportunity IAffirmative Action Employer-50WRecycled110% Post Consumer paper �irtura!!� United States Environmental Protecbon Agency Forth Approved EPA Washington, D C 20460 OMB No 2040-0057 Water Corn p fiance Ins ectlon Re p off Approval, expires 8-31-98 Section'A National Data System Coding (I e, PCS) Transaction Code NPDES yr/mo%day Inspection Type Inspector Fac Type 1 1 N1 2 151 31 NC00049.9 111 121 10/06/08 117 18' SI 19I SI 20I L- Remarks 211 111II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IIIc I I I I IIl1`IIII I.II_I IU6 Inspection WorIc0ays Facility Seif-Monitoring Evaluation Rating B1 Q,4 -------------=—Reserved-=---- 67 I 5.0 169 701 41 7,11 iI 721 N( 73 74 751 I I I I I I 1 80 --� Section B Facility-Data Name and1ocation of Facility Inspected (Forindustnal Users,dischargmg to,POTW, also include Entry Time/Date Permit�EHective Date POTW,name and'INPDES,permit Number) 09.95 AM 10/06/08 09/08/01 Plant Allen Steam Station Exit Time/Date Permit Expiration Date NCSR 2525 Belmont NC 28012 03:30 PM 10/06/08` 10/05/31 'Name(s) of Onsite,Representative(s)fritles(s)/Phone and,Fax Number(s) Other Facility Data Donald Lynn Scruggs/ORC/704-829-2923/ Name, Address of Responsible OfficialMtle/Phone and,Fax Number Contacted Jimmie Allen,Stowe,526 S Chruch St Charlotte NC No 28201'1002//704-382-4309/7043829840 Section C Areas Evaluated During Inspection (Check only those areas evaluated) Permit ® Flow Measurement f Operations & Maintenance 0 Records/Reports Self-Monitonng"Program Sludge Handling Disposal 0 Facility Site Review M,Effluent/Receiving Waters Laboratory Section D Summa ,of Finding/Comments Attach additional sheets of narrative,and checklists as,necessa (See attachment summary) Name(s),and Signature(s) of Inspector(s) Agency/Office/Phone and Fax Numbers Date Wesley N Be MRO WQ//709-663-16991xt 2192/ n Donna Ho MRO WQ//704-663-1699 Ext 2193/ 41 Si nature of Management Q PjRe w Agency/Office/Phone and Fax,Numbers Date C, I' ..a. MRO WQ//709-663-1699 Ext 2204/ Marcia Allocco EPA Form 3560-31(Rev 9-94) Previous editions°are obsolete Page # 1 Permit: NC0004979 Owner -Facility Plant Allen Steam Station Inspection Date 06/08/2010 Inspection Type Compliance Sampling Permit Yes No NA NE (If the present permit expires in 6 months or less) Has the permittee submitted a new application? ■ n n n Is the,facility as described imthe permit? ® n n n # Are there any special conditions for the permit? n ■ fn n Js access to the plant site restricted,to the general public? ® n Q n Is the Inspector granted'access to all areas for inspections ®n Q n Comment The facility Is currently classified°as a PC -1 The facility operates a biological WWTP as well as extensive physical/chemical treatment This Information has been submitted to Technical Assistance and Certification Unit ,(TACO) who will re-evaluate the current classification Operations & Maintenance Yes No NA NE Is the,plant generally clean with acceptable housekeeping? ■ n n n Does the facility analyze process control parameters, for ex MLSS, ,MCRT, Settleable Solids, pH, DO, Sludge ■ n n C1 Judge,, and other that are applicable? Comment Although Duke supplies the ORC for the facllby, the FGD WWTP is currently operated by a contract operator, Siemens Water Technologies Record Keeping Yes No NA NE- Are,records kept and maintained as required by thespwmit? ® n n n Is all required information readily available, complete and current? ® n n n Are all records maintained for 3�years (lab reg required 5,years)? ■ n n n Are analytical results consistent with data,reported on DMRs? ■, n n n n n M n Is the chain -of -custody complete? Dates, times and location of sampling Name of Individual performing the, sampling Results,of analysisland calibration Dates of analysis Name of person performing analyses Transported COCs n Are DMRs complete do,they;include all permit parameters? n ■ n n Has the facility submitted,its annual compliance report to users and DWW n n ■ n (If the facility is = or,> 5 MGD permitted flow) Do they operate'24/7 with a certified operator on each shift? ■ n n n Is the ORC visitation log available and current, ■ n n n Is the ORC certified'at grade equal to or higher than the facility classification? ■ n n In Page # 3 Permit. NC0004979 Owner -Facility Plant Allen Steam Station Inspection Date: 06/08/2010 Inspection Type Compliance Sampling Lagoons Yes No NA NE Is the lagoon free of, -short circuiting? ■ O ,D 0 Comment Flow Measurement - Effluent Yes No NA NE # Is flowmeter used for reporting*? n 'n ■ n Is flow meter calibrated annually 0,000, Is the flow meter operational? ■ 0 n n (If units are,separated) Does,the chart recorder match the flow meter? _n n ■, 0' Comment Effluent flow Is measured by pump logs and staff gauge Effluent Sampling Yes No NA NE Is composite sampling flow proportional? ■ n n n Is sample collected below all treatment units? ■ n n n Is proper volume collected nnn ■� - Is the tubing,clean? ■ n Cl ❑ # Is proper temperature set°for sample storage (kept,at less than or equal,to 6 &degrees Celsius)? ■ ❑ n' n ,Is the facility sampling performed as required by,the permit (frequency,, sampling type representative)? ■, n n n Comment The facility was sampled on the day of the�lnspectlon Please see the attached sample result sheets for all sample results Effluent Pipe Yes .No NA NE Is°right of way,to the outfall properly maintained? ■ n n n Are the receiving water free of foam other than trace amounts and other debris? ■ n n ,Q If effluent (diffuser,pipes are required) are they�operatng, properly? 00 �■ n Comment Page 9 5 ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY Allen Steam:Statlon Sample Dates) 06/08/2010 WWTP Grab- X Composite NPDES Permit No NC0004979 Sample1ocation Outfall 002 BOD5, mg/1 <20 County Gaston Mo -Molybdenum, ug/1 200* COD Low, m I <20 Na -Sodium, mg%I 6"7 Chloride, mwJl 240 Ni -Nickel, ugti 12 Fluoride, mg/1 <4 0* Pb-Lead,`u I <10 Sulfate, m 85 Sb -Antimony, ug/1 200* TDS-Total Dissolved Solids, mg/1 768 Se-Selemum, u9/1 25`0 NH,=N, mo 034 Sn-Tin, ug/I 200* TKN, mg/1 050 Tl -Thallium, ug/1 200* NO2 + NOs„m 0'64 Ti-Titamum, ug/1 <10 P Total, mgtl 012 V -Vanadium, ug/I <25 Ag -Silver, ugn 5,V Zn -Zinc, ug/1 31 Al -Aluminum, u 1 190 TOC, mg/l <2 0 — As -Arsenic- u 25 TSS„mg/l <120 B -Boron, ug/I 5500 PH, su 64 Ba=Banum, ug/1 110 Temperature, °G 285 Be -Beryllium, u I <5 0 Ca -Calcium', rd ' b 130---------------- Cd-Cadmium, ug/I <2 0 Co -Cobalt, u <50 Cr -Chromium Total, ug/I <10 Cu -Copper, ug/I '20* Fe -Iron, upli 150 H =Mercu „u l <0 2 K -Potassium, m l 3 1 Li -Lithium, ug/1 <25 Mg -Magnesium, m I 29 Mn -Manganese, ug/I 3.00 * denotes,an elevated PQL due to,matrix spike interference and/or sample,dilution ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAIME OF FACILITY„' Allen Steam Station WWTP Sample Date(s) 06/08/2010 Grab X Composite NPDES-Permit No NC0004979 Sample Location Outfall' 002A County Gaston BOD5, mg/l Mo -Molybdenum, ug/I 200* COD Low, m /I <20 Na -Sodium, mg/l 64 Chlonde,,,m I 9�6 Ni -Nickel, ug/I 12 Fluoride, mg/l <0 4* Pb -Lead, u 1 <10 Sulfate, m I 37 Sb-Antimony,,ug/l 200* TDS-Total Dissolved�Solids, mg/1 82 Se -Selenium, ug/I 78 N143 -N, mg/l 045 Sn-Tin, ug/1' 200* TKN, mg/l 082 TI -Thallium, ug/l 200* NO, + NO3, mg/l 028 Ti -Titanium, ug/l 480 P Total, m 0'12 V -Vanadium, ug/I 42 Ag -Silver, ug/l 50* Zn -Zinc, ug/1 34 Al -Aluminum, ug/ -1 '2600 TOC, mg/I 23 As -Arsenic, ug/I 12 Conductivity, umhos/cm 211 B -Boron, u 160 PH,.su 4,8 Ba -Barium, ug/l 220 Temperature, °C 453 Be -Beryllium, ug/I <5 0 Dissolved Oxygen, mg/l 28 Ca -Calcium, ug/l 1 I Cd -Cadmium, ug/l <2 0 Co-Cobalt,.0 1 <50 Cr -Chromium Total, ug/l <10 Cu -Copper, ug/1- 35 Fe-Iron„u 1 5000 H -Mercu „u <0 2 K-Potassium„m l 31 Li -Lithium, ug/l <25. M -Ma esium, m I 3.5 Mn -Manganese, ug/l 350 Es an elevated PQL due to matrix spike interference and/or sample dilution ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY Allen Steam Station WWTP Sample'Date(s) 06/08/2010 Grab X Composite NPDES Permit,No NC0004979 Sample Location FGD Influent County- Gaston, BOD5, mg/1 29 Mo -Molybdenum, ug/l 1000* COD Low, mg/1 83 Na -Sodium. mg/1 34 Chloride, mgtl 5300 Ni-Nickel„u 1 250 Fluoride, mg/I <100* Pb -Lead, ug1I 150 Sulfate, m 1000 Sb -Antimony, ug/I 1000* TDS=Total Dissolved Solids, mg/1 23.500 Se -Selenium, ug/1 2300 NH3-N, mg/1 14 Sn-Tin, ug/l 1000* TKN, m 1$ TI -Thallium, ug/l 1000* NO, + NO3, m l 26 Ti -Titanium, ug/l 2500 P 'Total, m l 43 V -Vanadium, ug/I 200 Ag -Silver, ug/1 100* Zn -Zinc, ug/l 320 Al -Aluminum, u I 72;000 As -Arsenic, ug/1 21.0 B -Boron, ug/l 100,000 Ba=Barium, ug/l 1,400 _ Be -Beryllium, u 11 Ca -Calcium, u 3,600 Cd -Cadmium, u I 47 Co -Cobalt, u 100 Cc -Chromium Total, ug/1 180 Cu Copper, u 1 230 Fe -Iron, u 80;000 H =Meicu , , u 1 055 K-Potassium,,m l 36 Temperature, °C Li=Lithium, u&1l u ` 190 M -Ma nesiurn, mg/1 640 -- Mn-Manganese, ug/1 5600 *denotes�an elevated PQL due to matrix spike interference and/orsam le dilution ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY Allen Steam Station WWTP Sample Date(s) 06/08/2010 Grab X Composite NPDES Permit No NC0004079 Sample Location Clarifier Effluent/Bioreactor Influent County Gaston BODS, m 1 <,2, 0 Mo -Molybdenum, ug/1 200*' COD Low, m I 100 Na -Sodium, mg/1 33 Chloride, mg/1 5600 Ni -Nickel, ug/1 <10 Fluoride, mg/1 <100* Pb -Lead, ug/1 <10 Sulfate, mg/1 1,100 Sb -Antimony, ug/1 200* TDS-Total,Dissolved Solids„m l 23,400 Se -Selenium, ug/1 140 NH3-N, mg/I 17 Sn-Tin,,ug/1 200* TKN, m I8 Tl-Thallium,-ug/l 200* NO + NO3, m I 28 Ti -Titanium, ug/1 100* P Total, m l 003 V-anadium, ug/1 <25 A-Stiver, ug/1 50* Zn -Zinc, ug/I <10 AI-Alumirium, ug/1 <50 - As -Antimony, ug/1 28 B -Boron, u "1 110,000 Ba -Barium, u I 460 Be -Beryllium, u <5 0 _ Ca -Calcium, ug/1 3,200 Cd -Cadmium, ug/1 5 0* Co -Cobalt, ug/1 <50 Cr -Chromium Total, ug/1 20 Cu -Copper, u 20* Fe -Iron, ug/1 72 Hg -Mercury, u l <0 2 K -Potassium, m I 15 Li -Lithium, u I 84 Mg -Magnesium, m 620 Mn -Manganese, ug/1 800 * denotes,an elevated PQL due to,matrlkspike interference and/or sample dilution' ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY Allen Steam Station WW,TP Sample Date(s) 06/08/2610 Grab X NPDES'Permit No County Gaston Composite NC0004979 Sample Location FGD Effluent BOD5, m I < 2 0 Mo -Molybdenum, ug/I 200* COD Low, m I 23 Na -Sodium, mg/I 24 Chloride, m ,l 3500 Ni -Nickel, u l <10 Fluoride, m I <100* Pb -Lead, ug/1 <10 Sulfate, m /I 740 Sb -Antimony, ug/I 200* TDS-Total'Dissolved Solids, m 13,500 Se -Selenium, ug/I 50*' NH3-N, m I 16 Sn-Tm, ug/1 200* TKN, mg/1 16 Tl -thallium, ug/I 200* NO2 + NO3, Mg/1 0 10 Ti -Titanium, ug/l 100* P Total;�m 0'17, V -vanadium, ug/I <25 X -Silver, u 1 50* Zn -Zinc, ug/I <10 AI-Alummum, ugll 170 As -Arsenic, ugll 10* B -Boron, up,/1 76,000 Ba -Barium, ug/I 240 Be -Beryllium, ug/I <5 0 Ca -Calcium, ug/1 1,600 Cd -Cadmium, ug/I <2 0 Co -Cobalt, ug/I <50 _ Cr -Chromium Total, ug/1 <10 Cu -Copper, ug/I 20* Fe -Iron, ug/I 370 Hg -Mercury, ug/1 <0 2 `K -Potassium, m 16_ Li -Lithium, ug/I 58 Mg -Magnesium, m 1 330 . Mn -Manganese, ug/I 870 * denotes an elevated,PQL due to matrix spike interference and/or sampleA lution ANALYTICAL RESULTS SHEET NAME OF FACILITY. Allen Steam Station W WTP Sample Dates) 06/08/2010 Grab X Composite NPDES Permit No NC0004979 Sample Location Slope Drain Effluent County Gaston BODS, mg/1 <'2 0 Mo -Molybdenum, ug/t 200' CC,D>Low, mg11 • <20 Na -Sodium, mg/,I 14 Chloride, mg/1 34 Ni-NtckeLu I 12 Fluoride, mgA <0 4 Pb -Lead, u I <10 Sulfate,,m I 22 Sb-Antimony,•ug/l, 200* TDS-Total Dissolved Solids, mg/1 116 Se -Selenium, ug/l <5 0 NH; -N, mg/1 <0 02 Sn-Tm, ug/1 200* TKN, m I <0 2 TI-Thalhurn, ug/1 200* NOZ +NO,, mg/1 067 Ti -Titanium, ug/1 <10 P Total, m I <0 02 V -Vanadium, ug/I <25 Ag -Silver, ug/1 50* Zn -Zinc, ug/I 20 AI-Aluminum„u 110 TOC, mg/1 <2 0 As -Arsenic, u I <2 0 B -Boron, ug/1 190 Ba -Barium, u I 160 Be -Beryllium, u l <5 0 Ca -Calcium, ug/1 54 Cd -Cadmium, ug/1 <2 0 Co -Cobalt, u l <50 Cr -Chromium Total, ug/1 <10 ,Cu -Copper, Lign 20* Fe -Iron, ug/1 190 -Hg-Mercury, u 1 <0 2 K -Potassium, m 23 Li -Lithium, ugfl <25 M -Ma nesium„m 1 89 Mn -Manganese, ug/1 200 * denotes an elevated PQL due to matrtx,sptke,interference and/or sample dilution I Comments from MRO regarding new draft permits for Allen, Marshall, and Riverbend Comments from Wes and Donna following inspections at Allen and Marshall Steam stations on 617 and 6/8 (clarification given by Marcia): They need a stormwater permit. (None of the Duke facilities have individual stormwater permits. Since stormwater is mentioned in two of the permits already should the permit become a combined wastewater/stormwater permit for all discharges of stormwater?) o Marshall — no mention of stormwater discharges in NC0004987 o Allen — Stormwater is mentioned as a discharge through Outfall 002 in NC0004979) o Riverbend — Itormwater is mentioned as a discharge through Outfall 002 in NC0004961 Sampling should be more than quarterly, ideally weekly. o (This is sampling at Outfall 002 [final effluent] and applies to both facilities that were inspected) Sampling should be composite, if it can't be flow proportional, then at least time based. o (This is sampling at Outfall 002 [final effluent] and applies to both facilities that were inspected- this comment would also apply to Riverbend (M. Allocco comment). From inception of permit (1977 copy available at MRO) until 1989 samples except for Oil & grease were composite samples. No information in permit files (fact sheets, staff reports, etc.) detailing why the change was made. In the 2001 version of the permit all parameters except Oil & Grease and TSS, and sulfate are composite samples. 2002 permit notes that the monitoring has been changed from composite to grab due to the large size and consistent effluent out of the ash basin, grab sampling is considered to be equally representative of the discharge (how was this determination made?). Sumps outfalls (2a/b) should be sealed off, but if not they should be sampled regardless of the length of the discharge event (no hour limitation) and, yes, they can be easily sampled. (Sampling was conducted using the telescoping sampling pole owned by MRO) o Depending on the analysis results for samples collected by MRO staff there may be a need to add more analytes to the sampling requirements. MRO will forward to permitting the results of the analyses at Marshall and Allen. Facilities should have dual classification. o Marshall is currently classified as PC -1; should be PC -1 and WW -1 as per D. Hood communication to M. Allocco o Allen is currently classified as PC -1; should be PC -2 and WW -2 as per D. Hood communication to M. Allocco o Classification of Riverbend was not reviewed; currently PC -1 Use TPH, not oil and grease, if petroleum is a cause of concern. Comments from Marcia Riverbend • Section A. (5.) Biocide Condition — Line 3 "any" is misspelled as "nay". • Section A. (5.) Biocide Condition - This section states that a biocide worksheet is not needed when introducing a new biocide to an outfall being currently tested for toxicity. Is this an adequate test of toxicity? The quarterly toxicity testing is a grab sample once a quarter and would not correspond to the detailed review by DWQ personnel a biocide sheet submission would afford. • Section (6.) Special Conditions bullet #1 states, "There shall be no discharge of polychlorinated bi phenyl compounds." From a compliance standpoint how do we assure this? Is it through the one analysis completed for permit renewal? What is the inspector to review? • Section (6.) Special Conditions bullet #3 states, "If the permittee, after monitoring for at least six months, determines that he/she is consistently meeting the effluent limits contained herein, the permittee may request of the Director that the monitoring requirement be reduced to a lesser frequency." While this text has appeared in the permit since 1977 (oldest permit at MRO) I question whether 6 months of data is enough to determine if a constituent is absent from a discharge. Is this the timeframe given to all permittees or something special to power plants? If it is not consistent with DWQ procedures and other permits then it should be changed. Should there be a caveat that any changes to a treatment system or chemicals used in a treatment system the frequency will be increased. • Section (6.) Special Conditioft bullet #5 "waters" is misspelled as "wasters" • Section (6.) Special Conditions bullet #5 states, "Discharge of chlorine from the use of chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, or other similar chlorination compounds for disinfection in the plant potable and service water systems and in sewage treatment is authorized." At what level is the chlorine discharge authorized? We are making all other permittees meet a 50 µg/L TRC compliance level with permit limits of either 17 µg/L or 28 µg/L. This includes Water Treatment Plants that chlorinate the water they provide and then dechlorinate or otherwise strip chlorine before discharge. • Section (6.) Special Conditions bullet #5 states, "Use of restricted use pesticides for lake management purposes by applicators licensed by the NC Pesticide Board is allowed." The EPA has just promulgated regulations that require a permit when pesticides are applied to waters of the US. I assume this requirement may be permitted by DWQ but it might also be given to the NC Pesticide Board. Need to ensure we are not providing conflicting authorizations and we may not know for —2 years. • Section (7.) Permit Terms bullet #2 states, "Chemical metal cleaning will be conducted according to Duke Power approved equivalency demonstration." The Duke Power approved equivalency demonstration was submitted at some point in the past and is stored in the permit files. This does not give the inspector anything to verify when inspecting the plant. • Section (7.) Permit Terms bullet #3 states, "It has been determined from information submitted that the plans and procedures in place at Riverbend Steam Station are equivalent to that of a BMP." What does this statement refer to? Somewhere between 1980 and 1984 the following caveat was removed from the permit general text and may be what this statement refers to. If so, the language in this bullet needs to be tightened to require the plans and procedure be updated on a specific schedule and available for review by DWQ inspectors or is this something that is more appropriate in a stormwater permit? To me it implies that this is currently a wastewater/stormwater permit. "The Permittee shall develop and implement a Best management practices (BMP) Plan to identify and control the discharge of oils and the Hazardous and toxic substances listed in 40 CFR, part 117 and Tables II and II of Appendix D to 40 CFR, Part 122. The plan shall include a listing of all potential sources of spills or leaks of these materials, a method for containment, a description of training, inspection and security procedures, and emergency response measures to be taken in the event of a discharge to surface waters. Sources of such discharges may include but are not limited to, materials storage areas; in -plant transfer, process and material handling areas; loading and unloading operations; plant site runoff; and sludge and waste disposal areas. The BMP plan shall be developed in accordance with good engineering practices, shall be documented in narrative form; and shall include any necessary plot, plans, drawings, and maps. The BMP Plan shall be developed no later than six months after issuance of the final permit (or modification), and shall be implemented no later than one year after issuance of the final permit (or modifications). The BMP Plan shall be maintained at the plant site and shall be available for inspection by EPA and DEM personnel." Section (8.) Special Condition for Discharge of Wastewater discusses the need for Duke to ensure there is adequate room in the ash basin for the solids and associated water generated at the plant along with stormwater runoff. It requires annual reporting to DWQ unless Duke can certify before issuance of the permit they have adequate room for the life of the permit. However, the following statement in this section is unclear or confusing. "Present information indicates a needed volume of 86.2 acre-feet in addition to solids that will be deposited to the ash pond; any change to plant operations affecting such certification shall be reported to the Director within five days." Does this statement mean that Duke needs to clear out 86.2 acre-feet before the permit is issued; need to clarify language? They must notify us within 5 days of what; first knowledge of the change in the plant operations? Since the ash basins are now high -hazard dams inspected by DLR does DLR have a say in how much solids and water are maintained in the pond? Section (9.) Special Condition — Boiler Cleaning Wastes third paragraph "at" is misspelled as "oat" and in Item #4 "has" has been misspelled as "ahs". Section A. (2.) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 001 — Note #1 states, "Downstream sampling point: down stream at Mountain Island lake." This does not describe where in Mountain Island Lake the downstream sample should be collected. Should this be worded "downstream at Mountain Island Lake dam"? Section A. (2.) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 002 - Note #2 under the table states, "Total metals are defined by 40 CFR 136. Any method specified by 40 CFR is considered acceptable for analysis." This is too vague of a statement. 40 CFR 136 allows for atomic absorption analysis of metals that will only obtain a detection limit in the mg/L range. Although Duke is analyzing via ICP -MS this statement allows them to backtrack and use a method with a lower detection limit. Although I doubt this will happen we should tighten up our requirements; either require a specific method such as ICP -MS or require that they detect below the applicable water quality standard. Section A. (2.) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 002 - there is no monitoring for mercury at Outfall 002. Since all waters within North Carolina are impaired for mercury due to fish tissue concentrations (not noted in the fact sheet) Duke should have to monitor for mercury especially since coal-fired power plants are a major source of mercury in the environment. They should be required to use Method 1631 E with a detection limit of 12 ng/L. Due to the recent release of monitoring data for Mountain Island Lake from the Catawba Riverkeeper the permit should not be released until the data has been reviewed. It is unclear whether the Duke data collected during the 316(a) variance request can be compared to the Riverkeeper's data. Duke is only performing sediment analyses on sediment fines and it appears the Riverkeepr's results are for all sediment within a sediment core. We need to be able to compare. The 2004 study by Duke appears to show an increase in arsenic in sediment directly down stream of the cove where Outfall 002 discharges (their statement). No data in MRO files regarding 316(a) data since 2004. In addition, no data has ever been collected by Duke in the discharge cove. It may be appropriate to request additional sampling by Duke in this cove for water quality (including metals), sediment, and fish in light of the recent Mecklenburg County arsenic data. Original permit in 1977 required metals sampling in mountain Island Lake downstream of the discharge which had to meet water quality standards. New Comments added - Marcia Marshall Section A. (2.) Effluent Limitations and Monitoring Requirements for Outfall 002 — DWQ asks permittee to monitor and report multiple metals. We should provide the level to which we require Duke to analyze and with respect to mercury we should note we want it analyzed via Method 1631 E which obtains a detection limit of 12 ng/L.