HomeMy WebLinkAbout20140570 Ver 1_Application_20140605P;% ' Attachment L: Low Impact Bridge Replacement Pross Low Impact Bridge Project No.: BD5102Z County Pitt Z"Ivp�F4'9_� Bridge No.20 over Cla root Swamp WBS Element Number 45348.1. *7r �n This project is subject to the Low Impact Bridge Process as agreed to on October 6, 2009. This project meets the documentation requirements and approval proceduresti under NEPA, as defined by FHWA, for Low Impact Bridge Replacements. This project meets the standards of NCDOT's Minimum Criteria Rules. Date: May 21, 2014 Applicant Name: North Carolina Department of Transportation Applicant Address: P.O. Box 1587 Greenville NC 27835 Primary Contact for Project: Jay B. Johnson Phone No.: 252 - 439 -2800 Is this an after - the -fact application: Yes X No River Basin: Neuse Stream Classification: Clayroot Swamp C; Sw, NSW 2 rul 1 4 0 Regulatory Authorization Options for this Activity Federal: USACE Nationwide General Permit 3 — Maintenance State: General Water Quality Certification #3687 and /or Buffer Authorization Local: None Project Description — This section shall include a description of the existing and proposed bridges, any stormwater management BMPs utilized to meet diffuse flow or treatment prior to discharge, existing and proposed stream /wetland /open water impacts, buffer impacts by impact type (road fill, bridging, etc.), drawings of the proposed project and impacts. Additional pages may be attached. Signature: 1 Print Name: .] Title: �1Ji S. n, �eH ✓� ..�h�«ni _.✓' Low /Minimal Impact Bridge Project Data Sheet _ TIP NO BD5102Z WBS Element No. 45348.1.26 _ County Pitt Bridge Number 730020 Description SR 1941 Clay Root Rd Stream Basin Classification SIN Type Size Neuse C; Sw, NSVV 27 -97 -5 perennial/inland 20'x1.5' Existing Structure Type Size Suff. Rating 1 @ 17' -9 ": 1@34'-0": 1 @17' -8" 69 358 Proposed Structure Type Size Bridge 95'x30' Stream USACE (LF) NCDWQ Impacts (LF) 0 0 Wetlands USACE Impacts (AC) Non 404 Impacts (AC) CAMA Impacts SF 0 0 0 NC DWQ Buffers Impacts (SF) Zone 1 8195 Zone 2 3455 = 11650 Buffer Applicaton Required (Y /N) Y State Stormwater Permit Required YIN No T &E Habitat Species Present Bio Conclusion No Habitat N/A No Effect Moratorium Type Dates No NIA Trout Waters Native /Hatchery Trout Species Present Trout Conditions (Y /N) WRC Reviewer No No No N/A CAMA AECs No Essential Fish Habitat No Nay. Opening No USCG Permit No Historic Properties No Archaeological Resources No Tribal Lands No 4(f) Resources No 6(f) LWCF] Resources No Wild and Scenic River No Federal Lands No TVA Area No FEMA Buyout No FEMA Flood Study No USTs Haz Mats No Relocatees No Location LAT LONG 35.38506 - 77.247946 Project Comments Completed by: Lead ngineer Division En,*Qdmenthl Officer Pitt 20 PITT 20 u, N 599677.3435 cm E 2522180.2173 N 35 -23 -06 U) W 77 -14 -53 N 35.385060 W 77.247946 cp to I� SR1927 S\ Zs SRS% K 19, �D 000, 1,500 0 3,000 Feet PITT 20 SR 1941 (CLAYROOT ROAD) OVER CLAYROOT SWAMP WILMAR USGS QUAD MAP AND SHEET 80 OF THE SOIL SURVEY OF PITT COUNTY FIRM PANEL 5528 MAP NUMBER 3720552800K MIDDLE NEUSE 03020202 CLAYROOT SWAMP C; Sw, NSW NEUSE RIVER BASIN WBS ELEMENT NUMBER 45348.1.26 NOVEMBER 16, 2012 N I SR1476 S \932 North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission L---;l Gordon Myers, Executive Director MEMORANDUM TO: Maria Rogerson, P.E. Division Bridge Program Manager, NCDOT FROM: Travis Wilson, Highway Project Coordinator Habitat Conservation Program DATE: August 17, 2012 SUBJECT: Division 2 Bridge Replacements Biologists with the N. C. Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC) have reviewed the information provided and have the following preliminary comments on the subject project. Our comments are provided in accordance with provisions of the National Environmental Policy Act (42 U.S.C. 4332(2)(c)) and the Fish and Wildlife Coordination Act (48 Stat. 401, as amended; 16 U.S.C. 661- 667d). Our standard recommendations for bridge replacement projects of this scope are as follows: 1. We generally prefer spanning structures. Spanning structures usually do not require work within the stream and do not require stream channel realignment. The horizontal and vertical clearances provided by bridges allows for human and wildlife passage beneath the structure, does not block fish passage, and does not block navigation by canoeists and boaters. 2. Bridge deck drains should not discharge directly into the stream. 3. Live concrete should not be allowed to contact the water in or entering into the stream. 4. If possible, bridge supports (bents) should not be placed in the stream. 5. If temporary access roads or detours are constructed, they should be removed back to original ground elevations immediately upon the completion of the project. Disturbed areas should be seeded or mulched to stabilize the soil and native tree species should be planted with a spacing of not more than 10'x10'. If possible, when using temporary Mailing Address: Division of Inland Fisheries • 1721 Mail Service Center • Raleigh, NC 27699 -1721 Telephone: (919) 707 -0220 • Fax: (919) 707 -0028 Bridge Memo Page 2 August 17, 2012 structures the area should be cleared but not grubbed. Clearing the area with chain saws, mowers, bush -hogs, or other mechanized equipment and leaving the stumps and root mat intact, allows the area to revegetate naturally and minimizes disturbed soil. 6. A clear bank (riprap free) area of at least 10 feet should remain on each side of the steam underneath the bridge. 7. In trout waters, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reviews all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers nationwide and general `404' permits. We have the option of requesting additional measures to protect trout and trout habitat and we can recommend that the project require an individual `404' permit. 8. In streams that contain threatened or endangered species, NCDOT biologist Mr. Logan Williams should be notified. Special measures to protect these sensitive species may be required. NCDOT should also contact the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service for information on requirements of the Endangered Species Act as it relates to the project. 9. In streams that are used by anadromous fish, the NCDOT official policy entitled "Stream Crossing Guidelines for Anadromous Fish Passage (May 12, 1997)" should be followed. 10. Sedimentation and erosion control measures sufficient to protect aquatic resources must be implemented prior to any ground disturbing activities. Structures should be maintained regularly, especially following rainfall events. 11. Temporary or permanent herbaceous vegetation should be planted on all bare soil within 15 days of ground disturbing activities to provide long -term erosion control. 12. All work in or adjacent to stream waters should be conducted in a dry work area. Sandbags, rock berms, cofferdams, or other diversion structures should be used where possible to prevent excavation in flowing water. 13. Heavy equipment should be operated from the bank rather than in stream channels in order to minimize sedimentation and reduce the likelihood of introducing other pollutants into streams. 14. Only clean, sediment -free rock should be used as temporary fill (causeways), and should be removed without excessive disturbance of the natural stream bottom when construction is completed. 15. During subsurface investigations, equipment should be inspected daily and maintained to prevent contamination of surface waters from leaking fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. If corrugated metal pipe arches, reinforced concrete pipes, or concrete box culverts are used: 1. The culvert must be designed to allow for aquatic life and fish passage. Generally, the culvert or pipe invert should be buried at least 1 foot below the natural streambed (measured from the natural thalweg depth). If multiple barrels are required, barrels other than the base flow barrel(s) should be placed on or near stream bankfull or floodplain bench elevation (similar to Lyonsfield design). These should be Bridge Memo Page 3 August 17, 2012 reconnected to floodplain benches as appropriate. This may be accomplished by utilizing sills on the upstream and downstream ends to restrict or divert flow to the base flow barrel(s). Silled barrels should be filled with sediment so as not to cause noxious or mosquito breeding conditions. Sufficient water depth should be provided in the base flow barrel(s) during low flows to accommodate fish movement. If culverts are longer than 40 -50 linear feet, alternating or notched baffles should be installed in a manner that mimics existing stream pattern. This should enhance aquatic life passage: 1) by depositing sediments in the barrel, 2) by maintaining channel depth and flow regimes, and 3) by providing resting places for fish and other aquatic organisms. In essence, base flow barrel(s) should provide a continuum of water depth and channel width without substantial modifications of velocity. 2. If multiple pipes or cells are used, at least one pipe or box should be designed to remain dry during normal flows to allow for wildlife passage. 3. Culverts or pipes should be situated along the existing channel alignment whenever possible to avoid channel realignment. Widening the stream channel must be avoided. Stream channel widening at the inlet or outlet end of structures typically decreases water velocity causing sediment deposition that requires increased maintenance and disrupts aquatic life passage. 4. Riprap should not be placed in the active thalweg channel or placed in the streambed in a manner that precludes aquatic life passage. Bioengineering boulders or structures should be professionally designed, sized, and installed. In most cases, we prefer the replacement of the existing structure at the same location with road closure. If road closure is not feasible, a temporary detour should be designed and located to avoid wetland impacts, minimize the need for clearing and to avoid destabilizing stream banks. If the structure will be on a new alignment, the old structure should be removed and the approach fills removed from the 100 -year floodplain. Approach fills should be removed down to the natural ground elevation. The area should be stabilized with grass and planted with native tree species. If the area reclaimed was previously wetlands, NCDOT should restore the area to wetlands. If successful, the site may be utilized as mitigation for the subject project or other projects in the watershed. Project specific comments: • Beaufort County Bridge No. 297 over Broad Creek on SR 1520: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Beaufort County Bridge No. 316 over Unnamed Canal on SR 1627: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Greene County Bridge No. 8 over Sandy Run on SR 1301: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Greene County Bridge No. 9 over Sandy Run on SR 1324: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. Bridge Memo Page 4 August 17, 2012 • Greene County Bridge No. 93 over Beaman Run on SR 1240: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Pitt County Bridge No. 142 over Cross Swamp on SR 1777: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Pitt County Bridge No. 69 over Cross Swamp on SR 1139: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Pitt County Bridge No. 431 over Cross Swamp on SR 1591: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Pitt County Bridge No. 415 over Cross Swamp on SR 1108: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Pitt County Bridge No. 20 over Cross Swamp on SR 1941: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. • Lenoir County Bridge No. 142 over Bearwell Branch on SR 1922: We recommend replacing this bridge with a bridge. Standard recommendations apply. If you need further assistance or information on NCWRC concerns regarding bridge replacements, please contact me at (919) 528 -9886. Thank you for the opportunity to review and comment on this project. Project Tracking No. (Internal Use 12 -1i -0026 tr HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES * r NO SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to Historic Architecture and Landscapes for this project. It is not valid for Archaeological Resources. You must consult separately with the Archaeology Group. PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: BD -5102Z County: Pitt WBS No.: 45348.1.26 Document Type: Fed Aid No: Funding: X State ❑ Federal Federal Permit(s): X Yes ❑ No Permit Typ e(s ): NWP 3 Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 20 on SR 1941 (Clayroot Road) over Clayroot Swamp (off -site detour planned; no easements or ROW acquisition). clTMMARV nF HISTORIC ARCHITECTURE AND LANDSCAPES Rr:vi<r,w DES CRIPTIONOFREVIEWACTIVITIES RESULTS, AND coNCLUSjOrys: HPOWeb reviewed on 30 November 2012 and yielded no NR, SL, LD, DE, or SS properties in the Area of Potential Effects (APE). Pitt County current GIS mapping, aerial photography, and tax information indicated an APE of woodland and cultivated fields with one circa 1935 house in each of the NE and SE quadrants and pre -1960 agricultural buildings in the NW quadrants of the existing bridge (viewed 10 December 2012). While the parcels on which they are located are intersected by the APE, all resources stand well outside (800 to 1400 feet) of the APE and are also screened from the bridge by woodland. Constructed in 1966, Bridge No. 20 is neither included in the NCDOT Historic Bridge Survey, nor representative of any distinctive engineering or aesthetic type. Google Maps "Street View" confirmed absence of critical historic structures /landscapes in APE (viewed 10 December 2011). No architectural survey is required for the project as currently defined. WHY THEA VAILABLE INFORMATION PROWDESA RELIABLE BASIS FOR REASONABL Y PREDICTING THAT THERE ARE NO UNIDENTIFIED SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC ARCHITECTURAL OR LANDSCAPE RESOURCES IN THE PROJECTAREA: APE extends 600 feet from each end of the existing bridge (SW -NE) and 100 feet to either side of the existing SR 1941 (Clayroot Road) center line (NW -SE) to encompass proposed construction. The county architectural survey and related publication include no properties in the APE (Scott Power, The Historic Architecture of Pitt County, North Carolina, Greenville: Pitt County Historical Society, 1991). County GIS /tax materials and other visuals support the absence of significant architectural resources. No National Register- listed properties are located within the APE or along the proposed off -site detour route. Should any design elements of the project change, please notify NCDOT Historic Architecture as additional review may be necessary. SUPPORT DOCUMENTA1-ION X Map(s) ❑Previous Survey Info. ❑Photos ❑Correspondence ❑Design Plans FINDING BY NCDOT ARCHITECTURAL HISTORIAN His ric Architectur andsc es -- NO SURVEY REQUIRED p a'ZO i 21 NCDOT Architectural Historian Date Historic Architecture and Landscapes NO SURVEY RhOWRED form for Minor Transportation Projecis as Qualified in the 2007 Programmatic Agreement. 1-2-11— OV 1 b PITT 20 SR 1941 (CLAYROOT ROAD) OVER CLAYROOT SWAMP \� WILMAR USGS QUAD MAP AND SHEET 80 OF THE SOIL SURVEY OF PITT COUNTY FIRM PANEL 5528 MAP NUMBER 3720552800K MIDDLE NEUSE 03020202 Fitt 20 CLAYROOT SWAMP C; Sw, NSW NEUSE RIVER BASIN WSS ELEMENT NUMBER 45348.1.26 NOVEMBER 16, 2012 ?� SR1927 r PITT 20 N 599677.3435 v,• Of _'•,�_' ' - } �' i ., -- _ �-. ; I-,� i E 2522180.2173 yr �. �, ) •f — I '' "_ N 35 -23 -06 . r.4� f W 77 -14 -53 l7 • �'',. '� `, 4� - N 35.385060 W 77.247946 .`�- I low r _ to -- 1 ; .•e.. 1, . _ I � - n' - _ SR144_- lavla �V r � I (1� lit : •, �'.. , ; . iV 3,000 Feet 3,000 1,500 0 1-2-11— OV 1 b Pro)ecl Tracky'ng lvo.. 12 -11 -0026 NO ARCHAEOLOGICAL SURVEY REQUIRED FORM This form only pertains to ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES for this project. It is not E r fj._ o. �o o o 9 " a7. valid for Historic Architecture and Landscapes. You must consult separately with the i� Historic Architecture and Landscapes Groups, J , PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: BD -5102Z County: Pitt WRS No: 45348.1.26 Document: MCS F.A. No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal Federal Permit Required? ® Yes ❑ No Permit Type: Nationwide 3 Project Description: Replace Bridge No. 20 (an existing 69' long x 25.1' wide timber bridge) over Clayroot Swamp on SR1941 ( Clayroot Road) in Pitt County, North Carolina with a concrete cored slab bridge. The proposed construction effort will utilize an off -site detour (SR1941 to SR1800 to SRI 925 to SR1926 to SR1725 to SR1941) thereby minimizing the effects to the surrounding land surfaces. The archaeological Area of Potential Effects (APE) for the project measures 500ft in length (250ft from each bridge end - point) by 1006 in width (50ft laterally from each side of the SR1941 center - line). SUMMARY OF CULTURAL RESOURCES REVIEW Brief description of review activities, results of review, and conclusions: A map review and site file search conducted at the Office of State Archaeology (OSA) on Thursday, November 29, 2012 served to gauge the cultural resource potential of the project area based on factors associated with local archaeological and historical site profiles. This enterprise determined that no previously documented archaeological sites were situated within the project's APE or adjacent Historic structure locations reveal patterns of settlement and occupancy across a landscape. These important resources often contain archaeological deposits which aid in disclosing muted histories and forgotten details of past lives. For this reason, examination of National Register of Historic Places (NRHP), State Study Listed (SL), Locally Designated (LD), Determined Eligible (DE), and Surveyed Site (SS) properties employing resources available on the NCSHPO website is crucial in establishing the location of noteworthy historic occupations related to a perspective construction impact area. A cross -check of these mapped resources concluded that none of the above or any other historic properties were located within the bounds of or directly proximal to the APE. In general, this work demonstrated an enduring historic presence in this portion of Pitt County based on numerous surveyed historical structure locations. However, it also established an absence of NRHP listed properties or prevailing unassessed archaeological sites within the project APE. Further, topographic, historic, and NRCS soil survey maps (Bb, ExB), and historical /archaeological reference materials were inspected to appraise environmental, cultural, and other determinants that may have resulted in past occupation within the project limits. Aerial photographs were examined for assessment of hydrological, agricultural, modern, and other erosive disturbances and construction design data was reviewed for determination of potential impacts to the APE ground surfaces. Brief Explanation of why flee available information provides a reliable basis for reasonably predicting that Mere are no unidentified historic properties in the APE: The majority of the project APE is characterized by Bibb (Bb) complex soils, poorly drained and frequently flooded alluvium rarely associated with archaeological site locations_ According to the Wilmar USGS Quadrangle map maintained at the OSA, the western project quadrants were formerly subjected to archaeological survey during the Eastern North Carolina Natural Gas Phase ILIA Pipeline project (Seibel, Di "No ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REOU1REV - form for,Ninor'rransForra ++w. PMeus ac QuWifrcd in the 2007 P ogq mane Agreement I 0f2 Gregorio, & Smith 2002). No archaeological or historic resources were recorded within the APE during the 2002 survey. Overall, unfavorable environmental considerations, past road construction and agricultural impacts, and the absence of proximal historic /archaeological occupations point to a very low potential for documenting cultural resources within the rather diminutive APE corridor limits. Since the project is unlikely to affect any NRHP eligible archaeological deposits, no further input or consultation is required from the NCDOT Archaeology Unit. SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION See attached: ❑ Map(s) ❑ Previous Survey Jnfo ❑ Photos ❑Correspondence ❑ Photocopy of County Survey Notes Other: FENDING BY NCDOT ARCHAEOLOGIST NO ARCHAEOLOGY SURVEY REQ( IRED 11 VIVA, -.Vo IRCNA EOI. OGYS(! RVF_ YRFQ I;IRED "formforUmorTronspoawior, Fro/ ects. xQ: miticdmrbtZ007PMkmmmmtcAgrcc +nem. 2 of 2 PITT 20 SR 1941 ( CLAYROOT ROAD) OVER CLAYROOT SWAMP WILMAR USGS QUAD MAP AND SHEET 80 OF THE SOIL SURVEY OF PITT COUNTY FIRM PANEL 5528 MAP NUMBER 3720552800K MIDDLE NEUSE 03020202 Pitt 20 CLAYROOT SWAMP C; Sw, NSW , NEUSE RIVER BASIN \ Chillso WBS ELEMENT NUMBER 45348.1.26 NOVEMBER 16, 2012 •,:..7T c ; \. I `� SR793? �— SR7927 PITT 20 N 599677.3435 Of E 2522180.2173 N 35 -23 -06 Or W 77 -14 -53 N 35.385060 W 77.247946 n ,� 1 -mot 1' 'I ��-- I � rW_•w `�� �N � Fes__ f) J j SR14A, -- Chillso •,:..7T n �N r 3,000 1,500 0 3,000 Feet Pitt 20 PITT 20 Lo N 599677.3435 m E 2522180.2173 N 35 -23-06 `n W 77 -14-63 N 35.385060 l W 77.247946 N N I� SR1927 S��Zs sve! !A7 s�84 0 N 1 "'o / 3,000 1,500 0 3,000 Feet PITT 20 SR 9941 (CLAYROOT ROAD) OVER CLAYROOT SWAMP WILMAR USGS QUAD MAP AND SHEET 80 OF THE SOIL SURVEY OF PITT COUNTY FIRM PANEL 5528 MAP NUMBER 3720552800K MIDDLE NEUSE 03020202 CLAYROOT SWAMP C; Sw, NSW NEUSE RIVER BASIN WBS ELEMENT NUMBER 45348.1.26 NOVEMBER 16, 2092 �m a Oq 5q% S R1476 S \3? PITT 20 SR 1941 (CLAYROOT ROAD) OVER CLAYROOT SWAMP WILMAR USGS QUAD MAP ' AND SHEET 80 OF THE SOIL SURVEY OF PITT COUNTY FIRM PANEL 5528 MAP NUMBER 3720552800K MIDDLE NEUSE 03020202 Pitt 20 CLAYROOT SWAMP C; Sw, NSW NEUSE RIVER BASIN WBS ELEMENT NUMBER 45348.1.26 NOVEMBER 16, 2012 `. c`""f sRf93 _ I Ri 927 1 `.�• �- PITT 20 N 599677.3435 �'- E 2522180.2173 i it n '?�•'_ _ �- N 35 -23 -06 - W 77-14-53 N 35.385060 W 77.247946 -, . �� ..yam. -- _ • •� . i,�- 1_ . _ - - — i - �- fad jr C. l kri, cap. SRI � - -"`• :' � °. - -_,.-_ � _ ..- - f. • . _' _1$,� . Chu _ - -� ��'�`'P' =z • ' 1 ' ♦ S .! "! I r J.1 :nll 5 '1141 "- - 3,000 1,500 0 3,000 Feet 4 Pitt County, North Carolina Bb —Bibb complex Map Unit Setting • Elevation: 20 to 160 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 55 inches • Mean annual air temperature. S9 to 70 degrees F • Frost -free period: 200 to 280 days Map Unit Composition • Bibb, undrained, and similar soils: 65 percent • Johnston, undrained, and similar soils: 20 percent Description of Bibb, Undrained Setting • Landform: Flood plains • Landform position (two - dimensional): Toeslope • Down -slope shape: Concave • Across -slope shape: Linear • Parent material: Sandy and loamy alluvium Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 1 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Drainage class: Poorly drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in /hr) • Depth to water table: About 0 to 12 inches • Frequency of flooding: Frequent • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: Moderate (about 7.2 inches) Interpretive groups • Farmland classification: Not prime farmland • Land capability (nonirrigated): 5w • Hydrologic Soil Group: A/D Typical profile • 0 to 6 inches: Loamy sand • 6 to 60 inches: Sandy loam • 60 to 80 inches: Loamy sand Description of Johnston, Undrained Setting • Landform: Flood plains • Down -slope shape: Concave • Across -slope shape: Linear • Parent material: Sandy and loamy alluvium Properties and qualities • Slope: 0 to 2 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Drainage class: Very poorly drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): High (1.98 to 5.95 in /hr) • Depth to water table: About 0 inches • Frequency of flooding: Frequent • Frequency of ponding: Frequent • Available water capacity: High (about 9.4 inches) interpretive groups Farmland classification: Not prime farmland Land capability (nonirrigated): 7w Hydrologic Soil Group: A/U Typical profile • 0 to 30 inches: Mucky loam • 30 to 34 inches: Loamy fine sand • 34 to 80 inches: Fine sandy loam ExB —Exum fine sandy loam, 1 to 6 percent slopes Map Unit Setting • Elevation: 20 to 160 feet • Mean annual precipitation: 40 to 55 inches • Mean annual air temperature: 59 to 70 degrees F • Frost -free period: 200 to 280 days Map Unit Composition • Exum and similar soils: 85 percent Description of Exum Setting • Landform: Flats on marine terraces, broad interstream divides on marine terraces • Down -slope shape: Concave • Across -slope shape: Linear • Parent material: Loamy and silty marine deposits Properties and qualities • Slope: 2 to 6 percent • Depth to restrictive feature: More than 80 inches • Drainage class: Moderately well drained • Capacity of the most limiting layer to transmit water (Ksat): Moderately high (0.20 to 0.57 in /hr) • Depth to water table: About 24 to 36 inches • Frequency of flooding: None • Frequency of ponding: None • Available water capacity: High (about 10.8 inches) f�o ^} ,� • � / -ice, _ _ ��_ _' _ . • •/; :a � (mil � I - ` � - -. _, - - / _I � ><,zo� ■19 �\ i I� Sta ___ i JG - - -_•• 1 —_ Corn I ar Pk ayroot o� �� '�. - • ` - ' i0:1 i t - — - /�— �` -�,.` •_ • yr= "" -- -- •--- _ —.._— _. _.� —. -- I (•Iii .! ,-- 1 1 < '� ' 77 '15' '97 2 53C COO HET :.NYC- soAOOxr ti� 1$'30' '00 Produced by the United States Geological Survey Control by USGS and NOS NOAA 1000 5 -� Compiled by photogrammetric methods from aerial photographs 1 cav 1 taken 1977. Field checked 1979. Map edited 1983 I = Jr Projection and 10.000 -(oat gr"d ticks: North Carolina coordinate 14; MKS'; e_ � n 1000 1 system (lambert conformal conic) i3 MILS 1000 -meter Universal Transverse Mercator grid. zone 18 1927 .1lorth American Datum DAS To place on the predicted forth American Datum 1983 move the projection lines 12 meters south and 27 meters west as shown by dashed corner ticks GTM GRID AND 1983 MAGNETIC NORTH C DECLINATION AT CENTER OF SHEET Short dashed blue lines indicate elliptical bay outlines visible on aerial photographs I FOR SALE 1 Fine red dashed lines indicate selected fence and field lines where A FOLBER DESCRIH generally visible on aerial photographs. This information is unchecked There may be private inholdings within the boundaries of the Nationai or State reservations shown on this map L 24364 9 2 7432 by 304? ��- � to invert rear: fo 'e - Wnp4 Oy : ?806 o�� - — Cem ardibei r' I 7 AA.Ce n Cam Cetus Clayroot,, 417--N - :.-- ->��_ •-__` _ ... _35'22.30'. N 17'30' 393 M•f.fM— G4Ja04YK.\ tea. +es o. ._s.' 77 -15• '94.oe E ROAD CLASSIFICATION 9y Primary Idly. U9ht-dutY road, hard or 2000 hard surface ...:... improved surface 1 Secondary highway. t000 10 OCO hard surface ....... — Unimproved road . - . Interstate Routs • U. S. Routs State Route r —� c GARDNERVILLE, N. C. NEA AYDEN IS' QLL%DRMGLF. QUADRANGLE LOCATION 35077 -D3-TM -024 3953 ST .i = 14pC ti , x. AMA 5654 IV ME- SERIES V842 12-11-0026 - SR1941 - Bridge 20 -Pitt County o - PITT ^ IMM W— C: "lot .,p`W'2 'c: 7 .124r pma's j� w.8 CI CIS SK "Wq ._C CopwigM2011 Esn AF,ights reserved, V*O Nov 28 2012 10,46,51 AM CRAVEN U 0 PrYnOA Sere k2ayrorR \, 1 1906 —1924 North Carolina Geological and Economic Survey Map of Pitt County, North Carolina A 'f• ! \�I i NI - NO , r �,` •,.- � `� �� - ail. - � j C� sl Ns: • .04 Its Hsi t. ► i •! PIS! 1910 Soil Map, North Carolina, Pitt County Sheet 1910 —1919 Rural Delivery Routes, Pitt County, North Carolina � tj Q i �` ��� il•\ • Z. Iz— a [�. � SIVELA199- HS X-AM it r Os L ....� • #' T' Iru TOWN ALSCAAAMi r!! '*I CO / L/ OMMOMOS :CKII� r, "00� s, 1936 North Carolina County Road Survey of Pitt County/ North Carolina State Highway and Public Works Commission Fr !� calico 43 T- PINC GardnQrYiite C"ICOD p t • TO N C� c PITT co, N �- 1953 Chicod Township, Pitt County, North Carolina Map O1- V, � ot -1 t Project Tracking .vo. (Internal Use) REQUEST FOR CULTURAL l�- D O Z RESOURCES REVIEW FORM MEMORANDUM TO: Drew Joyner, Human Environment Unit 1598 Mail Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699 -1598 ATTENTION: Matt Wilkerson, Archaeology Supervisor �V� Mary Pope Fury, Historic Architecture Supervisor r,-7: FROM: First Last Bill Brame Jr Title Division Environmental Specialist SUBJECT: Request for Cultural Resources Review DATE: November 16, 2012 PROJECT INFORMATION Project No: BD -5102Z County: Pitt WBS No: 45348.1.26 Document: F.A. No: Funding: ® State ❑ Federal USGS Quad: Wilmar Project Description: Pitt 20, Replace existing 69' long by 25 -1 ' wide timber bridge with a proposed concrete cored slab bridge; SR 1941 Clayroot Road over Clayroot Swamp Purpose & Need: 7*e purpose of this project is to replace the existing bridge built in 1966 with a proposed concrete cored slab bridge SCHEDULING AND CONTACT INFORMATION Date Needed: December 2012 Engineer: Maria Rogerson Tel 252439 -2800 Email maroperson(a),ncdot.g_ov ]DESIGN INFORMATION Project Length: 500 feet from each end of the existing bridge Exist. RIW.- 60' Proposed RIW.- 60' Exist. Speed Limit: 55 Proposed Speed Limit: 55 Exist. X- Section: NIA Traveling NB on SR 1941 (Clayroot Rd.), take a left onto SR 1800 (Leary Detour Route. Mills Rd.), a left onto SR 1925 (Cal Jones Rd.), a left onto SR 1926, A left onto SR 1725 (County Home Rd.), and a left onto SR 1941 (Clayroot Rd.) Reinforced Concrete Floor on year Built: 1966 Structure Type: Timber Joists cn cr w O m W H H J H 3 U w O � O 0 0 � W Z 3 3 y a � J J E-- H cr O F H H W W LU LU W H = U (n cu') Q W D = J OOH ~w ZWmom N >- a-zmm O O W in cr room 2 Qco m W J V V) O O Z O F- �Q Z li.0 a a. oyX�N�` Lij O z UQ w w� Qo N tI1N F Ti- NO {I N¢;1 W W ¢ U) m �Z Id I 65-00 Op�`j1'd x~ iI jj I O,pNm H � Z J` >a F3 1� i` ! iI�t -°Yt� 6w0 m8 po =pUp� I map ¢z ¢$umZ �g tc3au ~J to U i O cc cc a_ 1 cN7 � I 09 z� III Z¢ OQ 9 Ir mQ <� �� 1 N Z � ¢ n W Z W w 1 14 " I I )� 1 W Li. `a 3 l 2 0 WJ O N z W �- I ►r' 3 , I I� i 1 t i I I 1 z T \ 04-7 W- Q N w J ° z w )(N o == uj cc cc 103 W I ' � �1 I •t 5 ... � w 2Z 2�-• \ Z Z 1 p -¢ Z F w j O 1 II i o¢ _a ro 3� �QZ 4 I W -� O p Urn oy0 lz z.tpp �U fL .! a a z ly I , 11 rp- � X..�d Iop ia�il (II.+::q 1:5w w5 N C7 W O VJ IrIr I I� I l t N¢ C7 _ IzS Pazl� J� w a = i YNhcB< I I I �x 'P, >V F W< W .y..r �11 I dz Z lug- - 11 A, I Ail 0 ¢OZ 1 1 O O' x2 uvi <¢p° 9 9 1 1p�q=Z u p a r Z_ - i 4 e eP I w 1. p w -"U a_ 1 cN7 � I 09 z� III Z¢ OQ 9 Ir mQ <� �� 1 N Z � ¢ n W Z W w 1 14 " I I )� 1 W Li. `a 3 l 2 0 WJ O N z W �- I ►r' 3 , I I� i 1 t i I I 1 z T \ 04-7 W- Q N w J ° z w )(N o == uj cc cc 103 W I ' � �1 I •t 5 ... � w 2Z 2�-• \ Z Z 1 p -¢ Z F w j O 1 II i o¢ _a ro 3� �QZ 4 I W -� O p Urn oy0 lz z.tpp �U fL .! a a z ly I , 11 rp- � X..�d Iop ia�il (II.+::q 1:5w w5 N C7 W O VJ IrIr I I� I l t N¢ C7 _ IzS Pazl� J� w a = i YNhcB< I I I �x 'P, >V F W< W .y..r �11 I dz Z lug- - 11 i 1 t i I I 1 z T \ 04-7 W- Q N w J ° z w )(N o == uj cc cc 103 W I ' � �1 I •t 5 ... � w 2Z 2�-• \ Z Z 1 p -¢ Z F w j O 1 II i o¢ _a ro 3� �QZ 4 I W -� O p Urn oy0 lz z.tpp �U fL .! a a z ly I , 11 rp- � X..�d Iop ia�il (II.+::q 1:5w w5 N C7 W O VJ IrIr I I� I l t N¢ C7 _ IzS Pazl� J� w a = i YNhcB< I I I �x 'P, >V F W< W .y..r �11 I dz Z lug- - 11 W I ' � �1 I •t 5 ... � w 2Z 2�-• \ Z Z 1 p -¢ Z F w j O 1 II i o¢ _a ro 3� �QZ 4 I W -� O p Urn oy0 lz z.tpp �U fL .! a a z ly I , 11 rp- � X..�d Iop ia�il (II.+::q 1:5w w5 N C7 W O VJ IrIr I I� I l t N¢ C7 _ IzS Pazl� J� w a = i YNhcB< I I I �x 'P, >V F W< W .y..r �11 I dz Z lug- - 11 'Im 1 yx Pi C � I a ti L6 O Z 1 I., I s 1 I � I 1 t 0 z O I I Z -J K I Ng > � m x 0 '•''. 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