HomeMy WebLinkAboutSW5140801_Property Deed_20220615to st+ka Ho. 151 thanoo H 7. 031 55a 3 5102 to IFS Stake N. 14; thanan 11 6' 56, 04n W 328, to Stake r• _ 1106 131-thcnoe H 19D 201.02" W 57V to stake No. 12; thence N 19'- 281 02■ W 251 to stake 11c. 1lj thence H 26' 081 31n W Wl to strsko No. 10; thence U 115' 281 f>0t1 W 8420 to Stake fro. 91 theme 11 1t4° 27t 29% W 2681 to Stake Ho. 81 thetro H 31' 28+ 28n if 405t to Stake No. 7; thence Joking said fight-Of-utty, H 88' 19c 5?" W 4091 to Honuennt No. 6.2 on the oaat side of a county roadl thenoe slang scat sins of county road, tr 1' i)hi IA& E 1>.1.41; thanes H 4' 06t F 146+j thenno 11 3' 23t E 10241; thence H 1' 201 1OW E 5W.7t; thence 11 4' 44, 50 F 25211 thenoa N 12. 281 20}o E 17331 thence 1; 5' 26r 40,1 E 198tj.thonce H 1, 05, W 196, j then o ;1 4' 57 t 1ps+ 8 174' ; thono e W 3' 11t 20R W, Lit; themo H 23. 35t 20" if 146t thence 1[ 56. 02� WH W� 1511 j thenca 0 32' 3 t 1C" W 1321; thmcs H 30. 03t gin W 3431; thema 11 26' 1111t W4 W 146t j thence H 33' 171 3M W 26311 thoace H 30* ,161 40" W 61911'thenoa N 28■ N' 20" W 258tj thence H 26. 13t 50" W 301ti tkEmo H 37. 52t 20N W 31411 thence H-59' obt 30" W 119! 1 thence N- 41' Or ?.0a W 367, 1 thence ls&" East eido of CounW Road, H•0' 57, 401, E 79711 thence N 2. 19' 30" E 6011 to a 531-6— in the cantnr of anothor Con ty' Roadh hpn4o slang the oetster lino ok avid Counts ;toad, H 43' 161 30■ E 4021 to the intcraeotien of the _9iknttai-line Of he1i? Ystoit-Romdjrthn�sce_�{ $9".E��� 3521, tnoe H`89. 30) E 868;jfthance 11 85. 45t 8 10101 j theme H 21 451 E 1511 thon66 S. 07• 151 E 1398t; thence H 2' 145t g 2831; thence S 87' 151 E 4921.1 to a point which is the center line of Woods Road and Oranville-Durham County Uney also the Southeast corner of Treat No. E-80-Dj thence along Counttiy Line and center lies of 110odn Road, south 231, to the NorThwart oorner Of Tracts No. F-1-0; thence along the northern hcwudwry of said taact= s 86. 30t E 2699, to a point on the awter line of Knap O; Heeds Creek; thence along tha omttar line of $Ad Creek, S 1' W 550, to the intersection of the center line of : Knap of Reeds Creek with the center line of Hetpton Road; thence in a Hortherlr direction along the Sceiheost Wmdary Of Trust No, F-3-G H 59' E 1941; thatnee H 22, E 3621; thence N 47' 10t E 1451; thano a if 46' H Wei j there e W 48' - 451 E 3721 to a point which is the East cornsr of Tract No, F-3-0; thence along the Southern boundary of Traot Ho. F-52--G a.jprovlmatoly 1973 feet to a point on the north line of Tract Ire. C-{:7-0p the Southeast wrncr of Tract 110. F-52-0 and the gouthwrsnt'oore75rsgC'?rAot'Ho. F-116-01 theme thsrcugh Tract 110..F-47-G South' appro ximatol y 4 ahaim (264 feet) to the center of a road] thence eeytrrly along the center of said road upproxLasatek7 9 chains (594. feet) to P- w CaRLW {1320 feet) alonK Sold :xtmedud ennterly line and the aaaterly line of Tract no. F-5-G to a point on the north line, 0f TTrac No. F �'-(l j thonr,e throe a Tract F.6 q S 20. b apprext— ]+ately 111 chaian (924 feet) to the moat waetesly Corner of Tract No. P-8-4; thence along the EAatdr re bowtdary oP Treat No. F-6-G and the Waetran botun�- dario5 Of Tracts no. F-$--ot F"IL-G and r-9-0� 8 12• g 634t; thonce 3 12• E 587T1 thence 3 12• E 6117t to a point uhich is the Southoast mrr" of Tract No. F-6-0; thence alcnK the Southern bavndary of Tract No. F-'b-G end the NorthoM boundary Or Tract No- F-ID-a 8 01,0 W 462a to a point whILh is the Westerrmoat cmnor of Treat lto. F--10.42; thence along the Heaton boundary of Treat 1104 F-10-Q and +he Euatorn boundary of Tract Yio. D`�Ge s 201' E 759, to a p01at which 119 lb Southernwat corner of tract NO. F..10..p; thmee along the 8antern bcantivy of Tract No. 10_M_G and the yjestr:rn beunnary of Tract No. D 66b G a M"ndrring Southeaatorn dir"1410n 36Wf tc a point which is the Eaoternmont corner or Tract 110. D-65-0) thence N 800 9 loot to a Crank eevorm ing Treat No* 11d43KG; thence in a masndaring Southwestern direction along said Creek, 990t to • Er mh on the NostperTmoilt boundary of TI-act No■ D-1 2-GJ tie rnoe alertg the Branch, which is the Hear thsarrtern boundary of Tract No. D-1}2r6 and the SOLMmostarn boundary of Tract +10. D--�3.0e in a meandering Southesatern direction 1650t to a paint ire a road ass the Wmatrrn boundary or Tract No. D-411-0; thence along the Road S 13• W 378e to a point which ie the Sauth"atorn ccrmr of Tract f10. D-42—G and the SMhlleateln corner of Tract No. 1}44•0j thence leaving said mad s 651- g 330, along the Southern boundary of Tract No. D-114.0 arA the Northern bou nd=7 or Tract No, i-3L-G to ■ point which Ia thu Hortheastrsn corner, of Tract No. D+364; thoroe along tha Easttrn Gong.-. dar7 of Tract No. 'R-3 -0 cad the Wostern boundary of Tract Ile. t}-?3-.a S 241* W 11197 to a point which is the Nerthweatrrn corner of Tract ro. -3C 6; thence along the West"n bcundarr of Traat No. D-318-fi and the Pastern boundaries of Tracts No. N34-0 and D-28+-G s 24j' W 86ot to a point which is the Horthwestarn aernar oX Tract Notj iy-25-Gj th*noe along tits Wa'tern boendary of Tract NO, D-25-0 sad the 'Eastern toundarieu of Tracts No. I1-2d-.O, D-35-0 and r.-27-.G 8 24j* W 460ti thenoo S 77• E IWO; thanee S 530 w I$o0e tv a point in Ste Road end being the moat F10sterly corner or Tract No. D-25.91 thence along Sham Road„Which_.ftL.tho-Morth6rn„bucudarg off — Tra.at No- f3-15-0 and the SoutJntn bounaariea of - -- Txacta No. D-27-0 and D-35-G, in a meandering 4 ,fi' 73 V os' �x rrAnt f1�35-Cr wig .. " "na 9 No. Llarthar cu ern Y Sraot Ha, f?-13'4i 11 80• w 1p3of to n bn,zn. r ctaq . V.., whi�1 iz the ttoc-thfregtern ocra ant Trani No, ytl3-Pj' thence lvavinc 3t[m ftvnel 3 2a3111• FI 99C' and the a Fastnrn bounaary of Traractct If }� +lvstarrf bo,,d,, 3-C tr to rs pn l"tr, ' r�Rcti tl 81' W 16,37, a1and the #Ck"g thorn baunaa NO. l}. 7 a1' Trnet .No. T}�1.' 35-n +u1d the Southern bolln. Umtheaaturn ¢crn� oY ' to a Point xfalch In the � H 22-26+ ttO. T�12-C; thine❑ N tra. V-3 +1anF � Southom bovadary, of Tract 12-11 5 [' and the Nartharn bound 11,7 ai' Tract tfo. "C► to a Faint xhich is the tdortheaatern �rnar o!' Tract C-c'5-0; thence S ap W 16 }+ along the Sou+}1e-n t+oundari, of Tract No. C-78.rjG and the Northern boundary oi• Tract C+af.n Lo n point uttheh is the Flartheastern a�np nx Tract go. C..67..p: thence along the mOpthern b01 C�67an tf e7. i1 5C+e1= thucaa N�5d,3%14't7'1'A�'tic• arthpa Barn to a point in a road uh#Ch p thanoc ,tam bcunc?arq ae Tract is as thu along 5ai4 road sower It". Cr67:p3 thennce rae�dcring Nart7xraotrr g Tract tlo. C-68.p in a at a read int eraec n 4Lrectien 16pr to a paint corner op t4on which is tho 3onthenet,rn Tract ro. C-tr9..g1 thence along sale road In a 9cner1UY Wastrrn direction which is the Southern boundary of Tract tie. Cw69-D and tde !Earth,,,, their d at a act tic■ C.m.n 158oi to a poi. In d oak uhieh .is thu So:thxuatom of Tract tfo. C»69.D; thcusca corner along sai�! Cravk in a o"eanl$�'� Horthwr y direstial which ie the p:in arlt f Tract No. C+6Of t No. Ct toD a,1d the 1jestnlYs be undt+ry tlortbvoeta 9 D 7Cpr to a point which 1, the xd earlof Tract tta. CM5],D; thonCcs leaning said Cree-t H 25• ''d 33or; thence N 88• F] 2l�6pr al"g tho Honk',,,, bourtdyy Of Tract t1n, to C 7a—D and W1v Hcutharn boundary or Tract flo■ C-7a�-D SgtRa d; 2i on the Mast ridit-*i:,uay of U1v 'rlvct RanKa °;g; 177ii.n is the point Of bog:bu,Ing, r+nd callt-r]AnA» i 9 acres, I,ra, or laze,, F pThevabc'rn deccri6od prrc+tZs bang the samO rro� National utilized by the St, Guard as te of HOrth Carolina a general zYring r ago. BRCEPPIHG, N,7,m9F8, from this oanreyarCe and rnserving to the party of the z'irst part, in accordance with precutLra Ordr.+r 9908, epgroyed on TDdcomber 5, 1947, S12 r. n. 3223), all uranium, thoriwn, and all Other matim-:LaLs datrcrr,L{Red pt'duant to section 5 (b) {1) o£ the Atoffou Fher97 Act of 1946 (60 Stet. 76t), to be PCOU112rly eustntial to the production of fisaionahle material, contained, in Nllatevox 5 ,P�!> newe Dy reserved for the us's'of the , United Statee- together with the right of the United States throudi its authorized agents or representatives at anytime to' enter upon the land and prospect fo one, and remove tha same, making just compensation r, for any �� or injury occasioned thare br, 'R'Over ruts other ° such iand map be used, and any wise squired by this be a �poeition mapr �ceroisad, as if no reservation of such materiale had been madel except that, when such use results in the extraction of any such material pi,os he land in quantities which may not be tran5femed or delivered without a License unticz the Atomic F]rergy Act of 19g6 8e it saw 40, be amen exists or may hereafter tled, such material shall be the property oP the United States Atomic gnar� Commission, and the Co�aoisdioti may require delivery of �O such material to it by any pcesessor thereof after such material has been separated a such from the ores in which it was contaiRed, lY the Colwldeeion re quires the delivery of sech material to it, it shall Pay the Prrson mining ar extracting the as the Cosame, or to such other Person Commission detwalnea to be entitled -thereto, such aums, inc profits, as the Commission deems fair e, Lyle discoluding and reasonable for Ong, devalopmnaL, I?overy, duotion,-traotioni and other services per formed vith respect to ;Auclh material Pa9ment shall not include ea prior to such delivery, but such y amount on account of the value of such naterial before removal from its place of deposit in nature, If tha Comniesioth dose not require u bdelivery of such material to it, the resehti vatioa hereby made e}1de of no further force or effect. ADd further excepting from this eo nve9ance and reserving to the Party of the Pi1•sL Cgngressi all-rmLnerpa`t' ae required under said Public Law 927 . 83rd r ai rights,—ina.tusir�g-�s...ad-oil,'in the ]Ann Fsrsia. above described. 1'C PAVE AND xo RCLD the said promisee vith appm'+nanoee there- 6 .unto conditions c to the the said pa eat forth in BY the rty of the-..aond pert forever, this iaetri�ra�nt` accept...° party of the secondcf this dead or rights hereunder, the Bald part agrees that the instrument is accepted, subject to Property transferred in aub-para the follow by this graphB (l) fl+�d (2j oP t rag restrictions Bet forth the land and which are his paragraph, which shall imposed•.s run with A:blic meat,drof Bald (1) That the 7 - 8gid Congress, approved i►pr 2 d virtue a 1954: faailitiea'in uhiah this • lend, buildingaa structure improvements and used for ry pur•poses�strument transfer' ark. interest shall milita for such ate' and In the event be p6poseB, title thereto B it shall not be used States, and, in addltto hall i�edlately revert to the United of the .... n, title to all impro"'-"te made � �� dur'ine its coon by the Party Without payment of a Pency shall vest in th omp°asatioa therefor. a United states, (2) That whenever the Congress �B9s of the 3 a state of war or other fates shall nstlo declares a state of emergency marg � usl emergency or the President � the S ° cy to axlst a y ecrstary of Defense that the upon the determination by or nece Property herein Bsary £or military, oonveyed is useful ' air or naval of national defense p�PoBas the United States or the Merest r charge, exoept as shall have . use t �isated below, to ra_° right' without f cede he same or aRY Part thereof, including enter upon the Property and f b9 the pa uding any end all ! Party' of the "'Ond improvements lunation of Pert for a period net 1 such state to exceed the ad u .f war or national e upon ..cacti. �rgBnay, plus s n of auah use, such months, arty of the second part Property shall rl3vartto Party together the with•a� and all -improvements i °pPur''tenaneea appertain J ice thereto thereon i aer'vations, restri'a ' subject t JJJ tions and a o �• axoeptions, r at the" United S otlt�ne of this aonvayanoe 1 States shall be responsible dun f PRCVIDM), RCG1EM :bIg the period of such use for 7 0 -- '—'Perrly BO Used, .mod --" r:",�`;`N'..',';' - Wr.X. rental fOl the us and �BhQll, which have been I e of any a _n Added thereto vith..", truc�tu"x or Other improvements IN WiTHESs t Federal aid. Vmmp, the United stiktaa Or America ha these Presents to be 8--c"Ied in its nfte by the 8,or.ta,, , the! I *'D'Partlunt. of the and the as&I of the dAJV of Ar'V to be ber,,nt, 1!�A. cad# thin SF" or 'm LXpL"mDC Tm 4mmOF . ............... . . . 04ft .S ........... . . STATE OF rtRCU.0 COtW= OF ARZnrM-0M for the state Of Virgir4 Notary ftil" in and that T. a d cot" Of Arlington, do hereby wtjr ooaye,ry Secretary of the JDapa of the a I Al"Y' Personally 4PP4w,d rItment, the due w6clutIon of the tb*70 andbefore me this day and a0kr1owl8deed ,1".Ip:L.g W'MM" 17 hand and official I foie I 2-2/67' Of � ?, "11"Z lop COMM1-13JDjj - 4 vi VICINTY MAP 1 xalc Ell WEARING 11119rA1II7g 5 52°36'11'w 359-75 _ N 69°14'S5'W 359.43 N 88'16'17'W 295.05 5 B9°45.44'W 5... N 61°00'14'W 479.76 0 N fi0°59'21'N 440.70 N 16°4B'93'X 177.66 N 096180270E 97.39 N 14.34'59'N 26B.7B N 156510650E 339.79 N SO°2B'33•W Ill92 S B5°35'98•N 500.13 N 11615139.11 260.52 N 00.24.58•E = f92.DB W OB•20'091E 190. 12 N 06°30'08'E 54.BB N 07-00'44 •E 462.18 N 07°06'23'W 301.02 N 19620639'X 81.03 N 25'02'59'W 414.59 N 45°23'49'W 65.313 N 44°24'10'W 29W.04 IN 9f°%'0B'N 405.01 N 6B°1B'16'M 401 N 01°09'32'E 40.186 N 03.58'19'E 145.68 N 21.22'23'E 600.80 N 04.450360E 252.00 N 12.31060.E 172.57 N OG'm'1W1•E 11W1. SW N 01•04.!0'W 1B$.15 N 04.57'49'E 11S.O3 N 03•S1'64'l 136.37 N 23.35'OB'W 145.93 N 56.03.13•x 1 16s.31 N &-%%'24'M 1 19l If 3C 03.48-M 342.90 N 28°46'44'N 147.22 N 33°i6'53'N 262.92 N 30°17'011•N 618.61 N 26'31.0B'N 257.71 N 25-14.13•W 901.13 N 376520f6'W 314.14 N 5B'54'2B•W S1B.40 N 81°47'54'W 365.79 N 02°20'11•E 601.26 N 43•17'32'E 226.44 S B7.22'fiB•E 362.47 S 84°33'30'E 310.83 6 21.WI1571E 213.59 5 07°01'23'E 23D.49 9 04.95'21'E 649-81 N 576060030E I 239.96 N 166480250E 362.20 N 41.40'21'f 143.55 W 49.530140E 442.2E N 43630'08'E 371_69 N 39522021.E 969.99 N 54°11'42'E 520.17 S B3°64.95-E 279.96 S 636690610E 207.87 S 74°57'12'E 392.04 5 51°29.34'E 226.20 S 226460196E 74,V S 67-17.21-W 461.94 5 57'39'26'N 395.61 S 21@48.1BRE 335.94 9 32°59'02'E 455.09 5 31°32'S1•E 357.61 6 300500148E 350.51 8 /i•Z2L49•r 127.13 S 0A 49'43'W 672.90 S 68•05'49eW .01.90 S 211°52.22•N 544.45 S S4°13'44'E 133.51 6 66°21'11'X 620.36 N 77656113'N 384.00 8 646030900E 543.00 N 676540350E Sol 8 676070540E i59.57 5 19646.008E 374.50 6 04°52050'E 299.96 6 40°31'14•E 292.14 0024•x S65 626• 9.fio 4.BB _ S 22626'fi7'N 187.08 f ON„p L 5n CONTROL 1Rou wF 9g N.R. CARRINSTOIL TINIOTQ ECN 2 O9. i64 PI1. f6f CM X/F N��c A6 09. 694 PG. f49 yF' N/F CHAMPION INTERNATIONAL MAN ����p� � N/F NANCY P. WAN9uM �' 1113?XAIFL J. ELLI6 N EL11 BOBBL. AND B. WRIM PB. 9B P6. S60 NO OEEO Rff R E tip! [n �'0•••' L LSBrnp�(SOtAYF n 0[ a°cc . ILi Ma" M ���� .ya i OPS B20p_B�! P/LL BBYBMEN 222' i16B9139.1q E41 CR x EY ] 00N f•208189G.69 9 ,MF °�W9 Jn1L'016 UPS 4 E [CN n ,AIW .UC093 A 9H q, r SP5 a i EUN Ui E '9 b [ .7p� �� a 9�fP5 A0NfR0t2I7 9 � WE ILEYR.7NE • y E � RAF HENRY1,1101131 3Bl P0T TRACT 1 ECN �9 wF R.T. GAWK D S NS NO [EEO NEPE m Elm V, G7P AREAS ErA E ECH 1 TRACT 1 = 4480.2437 ACRES 195159413 S _ F _ 1n e0" TRACT 1 A = 75.9453 ACRES Eck 3308175 S . F "b" ENCIMACNKHT IDOP EY NOTE: SS DAiv[ FINAL AREAS SUBJECT TO ROAD R/W'S IA1 IPS @k . y1 Z• N/F KEY=-988-02 E W LiaL T LGY * JNGS N. N9Nlm -� E Ff5 ' N/F NIF - RaFipRq C. CTf}ll TOWN OF BUTNE 09. 2f40 n. FS /F EG TO g ACA[5 OWill FROM NELN5 J4AH O. RO L.& TO BTATE OF XORTW CARN.INA O9. i149 Ps:. 1N f7e. 160 1b. 19 69 b. OA P4. 2� N/F 46bs 0 GUTNER >P< GRae. GAS -P . WE, /7 LAKE sP6 -.1a. FENCE ,p 1F6 1pV E I �J y x Ell TRACT 1 A N0L xEll pieP w. 66 n. 91 E l C.1 16A lop) = 9 CWdinEx IRON WF STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WAKE COUNTY yp' 9A z g I�6! r0Bu0. a.LBLeie A9$ WAv� OR1YIxLT I. SEORGE SCOTT WILSON, 00 HEREBY CERTIFY CC IPA 14waAVA.Ni THAT UNDER MY SUPERVISION NAP WAS DRAWN ON FROM AN ACTUAL SURVEY BPW COMEIREL IRON MAC UNDER MY SUPERVISION, FROM y/yXIF-y !6, Oi y0, pA JA199 9. MILLRT6. JR. DE O aESCBE RdD�,� RETORTED IH GOOK NI 13AI1IiE AVJw•r PAGE Ned LTHATATE THE FFrWOR •S �=' Ip. Q1fa 1r:. TL9 OF CLOSURE ANDAS CALCULATES BY LAKE MIEN ESTATES LATITUDES BOUNDARY DEPARTURES IS 711 °.Mo �� $.$ pS, fe PG. fii THAT THE BOUNDARY LINES NOT FROM NFO A �J CLEARLY INDICATED REFERENC AS CITED; FROM INFORMATION FOUND IN REFERENCE CITED; THAT THIS NAP ASSANPRE ARENDEOEO IN ACCORDANCE WITH G.S. 47-9D I ecn WIT74ESS MY ORIGINAL 9IOMAIVRE.` REOISYRAT]DN loll SEAL TWIG DAY OF 2000. SIGNED:!` 'l L-2601 IPS i 3 .�P 0 ROBERTS CHAPEL, ROAD - SR 1123 P 4tr�Ro� Fmr 5 auA4 60' R/W d3 KExxE1x R. TRACT 4 BERM% M1 ` SEAL N/F [ 1 1f�l AN r4a k.C.9.0.T, iN0.41CT a.7Te15t ELTI 426M STATE OF MONTH CAROLINA 0 EGI GAS CONrROL IRON 0 A fE49.94 ^ S° o@., L.Tn.1m p V •6A'M 61 IF7M.Wf N, O Mil N/F 4, LTAIE OF NONTN CAROLINA [ A'10 EAST COBtIT. 1104_ CtlWiER S. DOSS IP3 W. f96 M. 299 I, SCOTT WILSON. PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR NO. L-2601 B EC11 GtI1 CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAT IS OF A SU VlOF AN EXISTING PARCEL fi 1 rP3 E])1 OR PARCELS OF LAND; �i LEGEND I En EIP = EXISTING IRON PIPE IPS ^ ' y STAN OF WORTH CAROLINA CPS CONT� IROfI ECM =EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT COT ILSDN, P.L.S. L-2801 jG 1. �Q S qas r1�L 1R(M €LA IPS = IRON PIPE SET NCM = NEW CONCRETE MONUMENT erATE GF CAROLINA Ev • Bi i MH PP - POWERLPDLE X ;GG 9