HomeMy WebLinkAboutWI0100485_Well Construction Record (GW1)_20170921WELL CONSTRUCTION RECORD nessrmuabeueed kre gl rmulripla well¢ 1. Well Contractor information: Robert Larry Welly., Wrll Conuaca Nama �1 OCT�- 2603-A NC Well Greatest Cerdgeadee Number AWD Services Inc. ' Company Neme ). - 2.Wall ConstruetionPmmitg: W10100485 urt on appntama aanaanet,artwnTarmu. (.e, Cowry, JMm, Pvnvna ern) 3. Well Use (checkwell use): CAgriwLLural CMunkipal/Publie CGeothermal(HeaHns/Cooling Supply) ORendential Water Supply (single) EledusMal/Commercial 011midental Water Supply (shared) OAQater Recharge OGemadWater Reraliatlnn CAquifbr Storage and Recovery p3alirdry Bander OAWifer Test CStanmwaterDrainage DEspeo named Technology OSubsidence Control E4othermal(Closed Loop) Residential CTmes 4. Date Wells) Completed: 9118117 xd Well Rlq St. Well Iarmthi: Scott Austin Olivette LLC Feeiliry/owner Name Fatiliv Mff bfapplieable) 26 River Run Asheville, NC 28804 Physical Addess. City, and Ye'p Buncombe 972173137200000 Cowry Parul fda nificewa Na. (PIN) Sb. Latitude and Lousitude in degreadininutesheeond ' Id Fw lnpmal Uee GNLY: 446337 la. Wawa ll s mom . -To DreeawTmry n. a a rc IR OUTER.CA3ING FRom for mblWeaaedkeW OR LIRSH'iff hie To DIAMCTBR 'Iss—Leb asaaeu W n. ft In. td:11VfY6R'C( ' FROM GOR11i ""'btie—dm.a.m. T1 DIAMLl1P }nICILN¢66 MATENAL 0 TM 280 TM 1.25 Im SDR11 HDPE n rc ir. 19 aCsersal . . FROM 10 mandeap( aLOrole. ThreaNaed MATmaul. fL IL in. f. fL Is. is GROUT _ PROM '1O MAIERW.a E LRMFNr MLRIIo o Pumped -280 TM' 0 TM Thermal R. ft. R rc 19, 6 NUIG141, PROM PA TO R ' areas MATaarAL 6NPWCLNEMMETOOD n. ft ne ft. 20 DRIh .in GLW a m On addax "Pat&b I[b pounagapON rlor OaNn eorNatX qr. n. n. n. R fe n. n. n. _ R. sk u n. R he n. 21.MMABRS' eo came agrees. (ifwell field, one Iallong i¢ mtgeim0 22. OMERea".I 35 39' 21" N 82 36' 43" Wa w !' 9/21/17 aweof anified asseememsee, Dee 6.1s (are) thewell(s): 1114maeant or CTemporary By,./gnmg doft'm l knea costly last the well() war Wn) re mtmtred In aacmama 1. is this a repair to an edhdeg well: CYes or S was 15A NCAC 02C.0100 or 15A NCAC 02C.0200 Well Can9rawlan baandrrdr aadtaat a mpyofih&wordhmasenpmv/dadmmeweliawan jtMetirorepolmJdlOur btwvn well a'Wunumlwrfvrmouvn snd pomeM nature oj0m memo- umk•na/mmvar rm0on or on roe MsR o)majvnn. 23.S1h diagram or additional well details: 2 You may use the back of this page to provide additional well site details or Well B. canaltamion details. You may also match additional {ages ifnecesss, For ahcerofwells rcatruehd: For mulgple InJmliw rr ntn-wnler n Why wet/e GNLY wifi toe vame aor,vlrvetlon, yru con 'mama —A. SUBMITTALINSTUCTIONS 9. depW below e: 2 @ 280 (B.) 24a. For All Wells: Submit this farm within 30 days of completion a wall Far mce"], at"a, V gare.1 For mnlltple wellalBloll PeptM1s lfd((Rmn(rexample- 3@200' aad2duria) eonstmetlon to the follawdng 10. Static water level below top of castes: N/A (0) Division ofWakr Quality, Mrmmalon Processing Unit, rywabrlevcusaasw evens, as -,- 1617 Mail Service Cook', Raleigh, NC 27699-1617 11. Borthole dkanakr: 625 (m.) 24h For Injection Wells: In addition 0 sending the form to the address in 24a rotaryabove, ago submit s copy of this form within 30 days a ompletian of well 12. Well eoay, aly,&.0 otl: o0nstmction to the following: (i.e. auger, rotary, cable, diredpuah, exJ BlWsim of Water Quality, Underground Injection Control Program, FOR WATER SUPPLY WELLS ONLY: 196 Marl Service Center, Raleigh, NC 27699-1636 Ise, Yield (grand N/A Method of test. � N/A 24e, Eor Water Sumely A, balance W addition to¢codingthe faunw N/A the addne rb s) be., else submit one copy of this form within 30 days of 13b. Dhiefeedan type: Areavaft N/A mus platdon of well can aced. t0 the aunty health department of the county where constructed. Form GW-I North Galin¢ Department ofEnvimanbnt and Nomnal Reaomcu- Division of Water Quality Revisedho.300